DIY money tree made of beads, coins, banknotes

Money tree: what does the flower symbolize

The money tree is a houseplant, Crassula, which belongs to the Crassulaceae family. South Africa is considered the homeland of the Crassula or Crassula. There, wild species thrive during periods of drought or prolonged rain.

Crassula plants require moist, nutritious soil to grow. They cannot grow in the presence of strong winds due to the fact that their developed root system does not go deep enough into the soil. Therefore, the proximity to vines and tall palm trees completely suits them. They are maximally protected from external influences by branches, crowns or shoots of neighboring trees.

The plant has several additional names by which collectors find it. Crassula is called the currency plant, the flower of happiness and money, and the dollar bush. The plant owes its name to its appearance:

  • leaves: small, shaped like coins, in some species they can be elongated, which makes them look like rolled banknotes;
  • trunk: thick, short, dense;
  • roots: branched, strong, gathered into a tight knot at the base;
  • flowers: small, formed in the axils of the leaves.

There are several theories that explain the basic symbolism of the flower:

  1. Similarity of leaves. The shape of the round or elongated leaves resembles banknotes, so many supporters of this version are of the opinion that this is a symbol of the accumulation of coins.
  2. Barrel thickness. This version is based on the density and diameter of the stems. If the crop is grown in bonsai style, leaving one stem, then it noticeably thickens, expanding slightly towards the base. Such a trunk is compared to a thick wallet full of money.
  3. Belonging to succulents. Succulents are thrifty crops. They accumulate moisture in the leaves and roots due to their structural features. This property has been compared to accumulating money and saving it for emergencies.

It is not known exactly which version formed the basis of the Chinese theory of space delimitation. For some time now, the fat woman has become one of the symbols of the philosophy of Feng Shui - this is an ancient teaching that combines elements of religion and philosophy. It is based on the symbolic exploration of space and the correct organization of the state of things, according to certain rules. Many supporters of the theory believe that things made with their own hands according to the basic rules of special techniques can attract positive energy and influence the course of events.

Crassula, according to the theory, attracts wealth and brings good luck and success to the home. This is a kind of money talisman, which, unlike a houseplant, is made with your own hands once, and then does not require special additional care. The only condition is its correct placement, selection of a suitable neighborhood and control over the purity of the elements. To attract financial well-being, the product is traditionally placed on a red stand. A red cloth napkin can serve as a stand.

Attention! According to Feng Shui, the southeast side is responsible for the wealth sector; this should be taken into account when placing.

There should be no old or damaged items near the product. It is recommended to supplement the zone with artificial waterfalls, fountains or images of water. This will symbolize watering and care. A figurine of a toad or frog will become an additional element to attract money. It is customary to talk to the tree, explaining or planning upcoming expenses.

How to make a money tree with your own hands

Creating a money tree with your own hands can have several main goals:

  • attracting wealth and good luck;
  • making a symbolic gift for a wedding, housewarming or anniversary;
  • creating handmade products for sale.

To start creating a money tree, they determine what material, what size and for what purpose the craft needs to be made. There are many options for creativity, as well as techniques for implementing ideas. In addition to classical methods, there are unusual approaches: money trees are made from beads, stones, twigs, corks, and paper. An unconventional approach is considered valuable; the most unexpected materials are used: egg shells, nuts, dried pumpkin seeds.

From paper money

The simplest option is to use a houseplant as a basis for placing the selected materials. Usually, for this purpose, rolled banknotes are prepared and secured on the leaves of a living plant using golden threads. This idea looks very attractive in photos or videos, but has a lot of disadvantages. Do not place anything other than paper money on living leaves, otherwise the plant may be damaged. Paper limits watering and does not allow spraying.

This option is used as a gift, so that in the future the hero of the occasion can collect money and grow the plant in the usual way. A living houseplant with money is not suitable as a symbol of attracting wealth or as a meaningful souvenir; it is used as an effective method of presenting monetary rewards.

From beads (required materials)

A do-it-yourself beaded money talisman is a source of special pride. It’s not easy to make, and it’s even harder to make it attractive. Typically, a beaded product is not at all large; its height can reach 30-35 cm. The higher the product, the more beads it will need. For a souvenir you need:

  • beads (several shades of green and yellow);
  • wire (size 0.3-0.4 mm);
  • thick wire (for making a barrel);
  • decorative pot;
  • gypsum;
  • acrylic paint or gouache, brushes;
  • varnish;
  • red and brown ribbons.

To weave you need to master simple skills. The leaves are woven using a loop technique: the more leaves are woven, the richer the tree’s crown will be. To avoid getting confused when weaving, use patterns. This is the basic beading technique and can be mastered in a few days. For leaves and branches, use pieces of thin wire, the diameter of which matches the diameter of the bead holes. At the base, the wire is twisted 2-3 times, this creates the feeling of an increase in the thickness of the branches closer to the trunk.

The trunk is assembled from thick wire. It is twisted several times until the planned volume is obtained. One of the options for making a barrel is to braid a suitable frame from other materials with dense wire. The installation of the base is carried out using a mixture of gypsum and PVC glue. The mixture is poured into a pot, and the frame is installed there. The trunk is systematically treated with this solution. After complete drying, it is painted with brown gouache or acrylic paint.

Then, using a thin wire, they begin to collect the prepared branches with leaves onto the frame. To do this, many recommend using the thinnest wire (less than 0.3 mm) so that it is not noticeable in the future. After complete assembly, the product is sprayed with varnish to fix the parts and give them a glossy shine. Many manufacturers place Chinese coins on the bead tree. To do this, they are hooked onto the fold of leaves or branches at the very first stage of production.

Branches from stones are constructed in the same way. The complexity of the technique lies in the fact that a thin hole is made at the base of small pebbles or super glue is used to attach the stones to the wire. This method is not always suitable for home production, as it requires more careful preparation and the availability of auxiliary tools. Trees made of beads look impressive. To make one medium-sized product, about 400 pieces are required. The beads are strung on wire, which can be bent at different angles to create the appearance of branches.

How to make a craft from coins: step-by-step instructions

In order to start making crafts from coins, you need to choose a base. You can attach coins to a wire and get a branched product with sheets of small money that will jingle when shaken. The second option is to make it on a round base, to which the coins are attached using glue.

Information! The craft can be a symbol of good luck, wealth and success in office spaces. It is often a decorative element on desktops or bookshelves.

Coins are attached to the wire using glue or special holes are made. Chinese coins are sold with holes ready-made, so to make them with Chinese money symbols of good luck, you just need to collect them in the right quantity. The coin product is made from thicker wire, which can withstand the weight of small money. They are strung on wire according to the principle of alternation. After each coin, twist the wire 5 times. Up to 6 pieces are placed on each branch. Tree collection is carried out according to one of the selected scenarios:

  • the simplest method: collecting in the form of a bunch;
  • complex method: gradual placement of branches on a trunk made of thicker wire.

The assembled tree is decorated with additional materials after installation on the stand and the plaster has hardened at the base. A product created according to this principle is activated by regular shaking. The coins begin to tremble a little, which, according to adherents of the Feng Shui technique, attracts positive flows of energy. Products are often complemented with stones, beads, and ribbons. Branches from these materials are alternated or distributed in the planned ratio.

A step-by-step master class on making the second option begins with preparing the base: a foam ball is selected depending on the size of the pot or stand on which the product is placed. The crown should be larger in volume than the base. Technology:

  1. Coins of the same size are attached to the ball using a glue gun. Money is usually placed so that there are no empty spaces between them. The best option is overlapping placement.
  2. Depending on the size of the ball, a holder is selected. It is stuck into a foam ball and the joint is covered with glue.
  3. The trunk is fixed in a decorative pot using glue and plaster, and covered with a golden-colored aerosol.
  4. The junction of the trunk and the ball is decorated and draped with a ribbon. It is tied with a bow.
  5. The finished and dried product is sprayed with varnish to add shine.

Advice! To create, you can use souvenir plastic money. To string them, they are pierced with a hot needle at the base.

Making topiary from banknotes: master class, video, photo

Topiary is the name of a product that is made by hand and is a tree made from various materials. It symbolizes happiness, prosperity and prosperity. These are similarities between the philosophy of Feng Shui and the classification of handicrafts by basic type. Any materials are suitable for making such topiaries. They can be made from sweets, decorative flowers, coffee beans, tea leaves, dry leaves, and living plants. Money topiary from souvenir bills or paper money is made in several ways:

On a plastic, glass ball. For this option, souvenir bills are rolled up. Fastening begins from the top center point. Using a hot-melt gun, drops of glue are applied, and the slightly bent base of a banknote bag is placed on them. The first bill should be directly in the center. Adjacent bills are attached to it, in this way the entire surface of the ball is filled. Unlike a foam ball, which is used to attach coins, the diameter of a ball for bills should be small, since the paper crown will significantly increase the volume of the product. Then the trunk is installed, the base is secured and the craft is decorated.

On a figure of any shape made of foam. A cone is cut out of polystyrene foam. Banknotes are attached to it using small needles, folded in half to form a void along the fold. Fastening is carried out in symmetrical rows in one direction. The top is decorated additionally.

No additional base. In this case, the main basis is the trunk. They begin to attach banknotes to it, rolled up randomly in different directions. In this case, they can be connected to each other using paper clips or wooden toothpicks. Then they decorate the base and complement the product with ribbons and beads.

Advice! You can make a topiary ball yourself from papier-mâché.

Topiaries made from hard materials require additional care. They are regularly wiped to remove dust, and the safety of parts is monitored. Based on the results of master classes on making topiary, one can draw basic conclusions on the methods of rolling banknotes and the use of additional materials.

How to prepare souvenir billsWhat auxiliary components can be used
Folding in halfBeads
Trimmed to square or oval shapeBeads
Shaping a tube or corrugated trackRhinestones
In the form of a bagCoins
In the form of leaves with a downward direction towards the base Nut shells, coffee beans

There are other options for making symbols. This applies to panels or paintings, as well as crafts not included in the usual classification.

From dollars

This option for making topiary is often made. Dollar branches are usually made from souvenir bills with the addition of green decorative leaves. To do this, rolls of banknotes are covered with green leaves on 4 sides, and then connected to each other and attached to a cone or ball. The dollar mascot is called green because of the color of real paper money.

Interesting tips

  1. Artificially aged coins that are made using various acids look very interesting.
  2. To make coins shine, they must be varnished.
  3. To make a coin table, it is best to use epoxy resin.

The strength and correct shape of the coins, combined with the author’s imagination, will help you create a real work of art. From coins you can create both designer and household items that will serve for a long time.

DIY panel or painting

An interesting solution would be to make a money panel. This is a creative piece that can be hung framed on the wall or placed on a stand. Coins are used for the money panel. Step-by-step instructions for making a panel of coins will look like this:

  1. A suitable piece of burlap is placed on a cardboard insert from a regular frame.
  2. The drapery is glued to the cardboard using PVC glue.
  3. The contours of the trunk are outlined on the burlap using a pencil or chalk.
  4. Parts of twine soaked in glue are glued along the contours (the more threads, the thicker the trunk).
  5. A crown is collected over the barrel (each coin must be cleaned of dust and dirt).
  6. The trunk and crown are varnished and decorated as desired.
  7. The panel is inserted into the frame and secured on the back side.

The material for the money panel can be very different. Numerous photos of handmade items show money trees made of stones, beads, rhinestones, real twigs, seeds, and bottle caps. The painting can be decorated in a different way. To do this, at the last stage of manufacturing, the crown and trunk are not varnished, but painted with brown acrylic paint. After complete painting, the craft should dry. Then, using a dishwashing sponge, they begin to carefully remove the top layer of paint from the surface of the coins. This usually takes more than an hour. The trunk is left brown. The paint removed in this way is brushed off with a clean, dry brush.

Then the coins are coated with a gold or silver color. This decorative option makes the panel more attractive and effective. The method of changing the structure of the material gives the painting the appearance of something that was made a long time ago. The effect of antiquity is always highly valued in works that include the “handmade” direction.

Advice! Not only burlap, but also any other dense material is suitable for the background of the panel.

A painting or panel made of coins is often given as a housewarming gift. The occasion for a gift can also be a wedding. It is generally accepted that such things attract good luck and become a wish for prosperity for a young family. The panels are decorated with additional details. They can be thematic and related to the theme of the holiday or express the main thoughts of the one who worked on the creation. Adding a drawing always makes a craft special - the hand of the master immediately becomes visible. Watch the video on how to make a panel yourself.

Video material

Now you won’t have a question about how to make a tree picture from coins and more. Everything is done quite simply and quickly, and most importantly - economically. As you can see, there can be an endless number of design options. It all depends only on your imagination. But rest assured, your creative work will not go unnoticed; it will delight you and the guests of your home for a long time. This is exactly how, penny by penny, real masterpieces are created from coins!

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