DIY felt finger theater. Patterns, templates, master classes

Do-it-yourself finger puppets are a huge world, which, once you open it for your child, you will not be able to close for anything and under any circumstances. It is amazing, rich, magical and just amazing! Would any of the children agree to part with him voluntarily? However, this is not necessary: ​​believe me, when you see how much joy it brings to your baby, you yourself will not want to give up what you started - and you will create more and more finger puppets with your own hands . There will be only one problem - which doll to sew next? To ensure that your inspiration never leaves you, we have selected a few simple and interesting ideas that will inspire you to new and cool achievements. You can stage entire productions and fairy tales, or you can limit yourself to small interactive dialogues with the child and monologues. In general, there is no limit to creativity, if only you have the desire to create!

How to sew finger puppets with your own hands - 5 master classes:

Preparation of materials

Before starting work, you need to assemble a “utility box”, it will include all the necessary tools and materials that you cannot do without, namely:

  • multi-colored soft felt 1 - 2 mm thick (country of production does not matter);
  • a simple pencil and pen (professionals prefer self-disappearing fabric markers, in this case colored and white);
  • 2-3 crayons with thin edges (since the details will be small);
  • 2 types of sharp scissors (with blunt and sharp ends for ease of cutting patterns);
  • pins or needles (the thinner the better);
  • glue (as an option, “Moment Crystal”; ordinary second glue is not suitable, since it impregnates the felt and leaves marks), or a glue gun (if available);
  • hole punch (for cutting out small circles);
  • ready-made eyes for fairy tale characters (they are sold in handicraft stores) or beads;

  • multi-colored cotton threads for hand and machine sewing;
  • multi-colored satin ribbons 5 mm thick;
  • thick cardboard measuring 20 cm by 30 cm (more is possible), you will need 2 sheets;
  • padding polyester for stuffing the house (sold in Fabric stores).

Felt and working with it implies knowledge of the characteristics of this type of fabric , which will greatly simplify the process of sewing finger theater with your own hands and creating a pattern, namely:

  • there are many types of felt (to create small parts it is more convenient to work with soft synthetic felt 1 mm thick);
  • You can buy felt fabric in handicraft stores or on the Internet (both in sheets and by the meter). For fairy tale characters you will need many different colors, so it is better to purchase plain felt in sheets;
  • felt does not fray or crumble when trimmed, which allows you to avoid processing the edges of the products;
  • it is wear-resistant (however, with intensive use, pills form on some types of fabric);
  • felt toys are very light due to the porous structure of the material;
  • the fabric is very plastic and does not break when bent (hard felt can form creases when bent, so it is used for working with large parts).

How to make patterns

Before you start making patterns, it is useful to get acquainted with the types of finger theaters, which will help determine the direction of work.

Classification of finger theaters:

  • A collection of toys that fit onto children's fingers, hiding them inside the doll.
  • A set of characters with 2 round holes in the lower part of the body, into which the child’s index and middle fingers are inserted, creating movable legs for a fairy tale or cartoon character.

The first option is more practical and durable; these are the pattern patterns that will be offered in this article. However, if desired, any template can be slightly adjusted by adding holes and sewing the toys using the second method. You can make a finger theater from felt yourself, or find ready-made templates in books on handicrafts or on the Internet.

To make your own pattern, you need:

  • determine which characters are to be “brought to life” and find what they look like;
  • draw on paper the characters of the required size and all the details separately (arms, legs, cheeks, ears) or print a ready-made template from the computer screen. As a rule, toy patterns consist of the main part and the front parts;
  • cut out parts;

A felt finger theater is made in several stages

  • attach with pins to felt fabric and cut out according to the design without deviations;
  • if the characters are planned to be double-sided, then the number of pattern pieces will double (the main thing here is consistency and not to get confused, first cut out one character and put the pieces together, then proceed to the next one). For beginning craftsmen, it is easier to start with single-sided dolls.

How to sew Grandfather and Grandmother from the fairy tale “Kolobok”?

Master classes and step-by-step photos will show you how easy it is to make these characters from the fairy tale “Kolobok”. A pattern will help you create these characters.

Based on this pattern, sew the first and then the second character. For the head you need to cut out two round parts along with the neck. It will be possible to make a cap for grandfather. It consists of a top, a visor and a sidewall. Above is a hand pattern. Each consists of two parts. Next to this pattern there is a nose blank. For your grandmother you need to sew a dress using the left piece as a basis. In this case, it is folded in half. For my grandfather, this part will consist of two. Horizontal lines are visible in the drawing. You will sew the upper part from one fabric, and the lower part will become pants; cover this element from another fabric.

In the next photo you can see how the parts need to be cut.

There is another one here, on the wrong side. But first you'll start with the main details. Take two halves of the dress for grandma, place the sewn palms here. Also at this stage, create a head and fill it with padding polyester. The blank for grandfather differs only in that it is necessary to sew the upper part from checkered fabric, which will become a shirt, and the lower part from plain dark fabric, which will turn into pants.

Stuff your palms with padding polyester and stitch your fingers to make them more realistic. Turn the pieces right side out.

Very soon these characters from the fairy tale “Kolobok” will be made. Using a zigzag, you need to sew two pieces of lining fabric. Don't turn this part out onto your face just yet. After all, you need to attach its lower part to the bottom of the part of your grandfather’s costume.

Stitch and turn through the neck hole. In the same way, create a blank for your grandmother. Tuck the lining into the body, stitch the bottom of the blanks.

To make the eyes, cut out blanks for them from white fabric and sew them on. The pupils can also be sewn from blue fabric or drawn on. Embroider or draw the rest of the facial features. Create a nose for your grandfather from circles of fabric, after filling it with filler.

Take the yarn of the desired color, cut several pieces from it and use them, turning them into hair for your grandmother, grandfather, and also make a beard for him.

Sew the head to the top of the neck lining and then to the neckline of the dress.

Glue the braid on your grandfather's shirt and on your grandmother's dress.

Very soon these crafts on the theme of the fairy tale “Kolobok” will be ready. But first you will need to sew a cap for your grandfather. To do this, cut out the corresponding parts from the fabric, gather them on a thread along the edge of the circle and tighten them. Don't forget to try this part on your grandfather's head to determine the size.

For the visor and rim you need to make lining fabric. Sew them to these parts. You can attach a piece of red fabric to the side of your cap, which will turn into a flower. In this case, hooks were sewn to the inside of the cap so that the headdress would not fly off the head.

Now you can attach the cap.

Tie a scarf for your grandmother, after which you can admire the work done, you have such wonderful characters from the fairy tale “Kolobok”.

Such heroes can also become characters in a puppet theater. It will be very interesting for your child to follow the plot of the fairy tale if you move these characters and try to speak in their voices. Over time, he himself will begin to repeat these words and will know the fairy tale “Kolobok” by heart.


For easy storage of dolls, the stage can be made flat in the form of a book spread or voluminous from hard felt. This creates a finished decoration and an envelope for storing the toys.

Stages of creating a flat scene in the form of a book spread:

  • Take 4 pieces of felt measuring 20 cm by 30 cm (or larger), 2 of which are green (this will be the inside of the scene) and 2 more pieces of any other color for the cover.
  • Make flat one-sided patterns of trees, a house, the sun, clouds (they will serve as permanent decorations for the intended fairy tale (for example, in a “kolobok” it makes sense to sew a house, a path, several trees, grass and the sun).

Here is an example of the scenery for the fairy tale “At the Order of the Pike”:

  • Sew the decorations onto the green pieces of felt.
  • Sew 2 sheets together along the inner edge (like the binding of a book).
  • Sew the cover to the finished inside of the stage and trim the edges (decorate with braid).

This is roughly what it should look like:

The advantage of a flat stage spread is its versatility for several fairy tales at the same time with similar scenery (only the characters change).

And if the decorations are not sewn on, but placed on Velcro tape, then there are even more options. An example of such fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “At the Command of the Pike”, “Turnip”, “The Thirtieth Kingdom”, “Geese-Swans”. An example of such a theater from one scene and the characters of 3 fairy tales is given below.

Stages of creating a three-dimensional scene from hard felt:

  1. Gather materials: 3 large sheets of hard felt, 30*30 cm (or 30*20 cm) in size and 3 mm thick (it is possible to use thinner felt, but for strength and stability it will need to be sewn to cardboard).
  2. Draw a pattern on paper of the desired shape of the scene (front part and two side parts), transfer it to the fabric, trace it with a marker and cut it out with a stationery knife or scissors.
  3. Decorate the main facade of the stage with lace curtains or fabric.
  4. Connect the three parts of the stage together with seams.

This is what the approximate result should be.

House for finger theater

If you plan to sew a finger theater for a fairy tale, the action of which mainly takes place in a house (for example, “Teremok”, “Three Bears”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Hen Ryaba”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”), then it makes sense to make the scene in the form of a house book.

Like in this photo:

And if you want to complicate your task, then you should try making a three-dimensional house from felt. Like in this picture:

How to sew a three-dimensional house - step-by-step description (guideline photo above):

  1. Prepare materials (felt in 4 colors (light brown for the house, gray for the roof, orange for balconies and green for the large base), 2 types of braid for curtains).
  2. Make a paper pattern of all parts of the house (according to the table):
House detailPatternHow many felt pieces will you need?
House walls1 square with all sides 20 cm long6
Window1 square window with sides 5 cm long2
Balconies and door1 rectangle 3*10 cm3
Front and rear parts of the roof1 equilateral triangle with edges 25 cm long2
Roof base1 rectangle 20*25 cm1
Roof roof1 rectangle 50 cm by 20 cm1
  1. Cut out all the details of the house according to the pattern.
  2. First you need to sew windows, a door and a balcony onto the square walls of the house.
  3. Sew curtains on the windows from braid, decorate the balcony with lace.

When sewing on the balcony, form a pocket so that later you can put a finger toy there.

  1. Sew the walls of the house from 6 parts and fill it with synthetic padding.
  2. Sew a balcony onto the front part of the roof and decorate it.
  3. Similarly, sew a roof from 2 triangles, a base and a roof. Also fill with padding polyester.
  4. Sew the roof to the base of the house.
  5. For greater stability, it is recommended to sew the house to the base (which is made from 2 large identical sheets of green felt, between which cardboard is inserted and everything is sewn together at the edges).

Masha and the Bear

This DIY felt finger theater (patterns are included) includes several funny characters (the girl Masha, a bear, a pig, a rabbit, a bear and 2 wolves).

Since the cartoon takes place in a bear's hut and in a vegetable garden, it would be interesting to create a scene in the form of a double-page book (as described at the beginning of the article), making a hut on one page, and on the second - scenery in the form of a vegetable garden with trees and vegetables, as well as Wolves Ambulance.

Examples of decorations (they can be movable or Velcro):

  • Ambulance of two wolves from the cartoon (pattern);

  • Trees, vegetables in beds, fence.

It will be very interesting for children to play if, instead of a stage, you sew a voluminous vegetable garden and a house (which move and create more opportunities for imagination), as in this photo.

Step-by-step description of sewing heroes

You can start with sewing the characters of a fairy tale, as well as with the scenery or stage.


To sew the heroine of a fairy tale - Masha, you will need:

  • felt in pink, flesh, light yellow colors;
  • eyes and beads, pink ribbons;
  • prepare a pattern from a template on paper;
  • transfer to felt, trace and cut out all the details.

Assembly of Masha:

  1. Sew a hairstyle onto the front part, glue on eyes, embroider a smile.
  2. Sew the 2nd piece of hair to the second part of the head and sew the head, stuffing it with padding polyester.
  3. They put 2 dresses on the body so that the body remained inside. Secure with pins and sew, leaving a hole in the hem of the dress for your finger.
  4. Sew the head and dress.
  5. Tie ribbons to the waistband of the dress and to the hairstyle.


How to sew a bear is described in detail in the fairy tale “Teremok”.


The bear's girlfriend is sewn similarly to the bear, only with the addition of a 2-piece dress (yellow with decoration at the discretion of the master), which is sewn on top of the finished base.

The pattern is attached.


To sew a funny cartoon pig you will need:

  • Pink felt in 2 shades (the patch should be darker);
  • Transfer the paper pattern to the fabric, cut out 2 parts of a pig and 1 part of a snout.

Pig parts connection:

  1. Sew on the patch, embroider the nostrils and glue on the eyes.
  2. Fold the two parts of the body and sew, leaving a hole between the legs.

Rabbit and wolves

How to sew a hare and a wolf is told in the fairy tale “Teremok”. The second wolf can be made a little darker or lighter in color.

Bear House

To make a bear’s dwelling, you can take as a basis the hut described in the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”, or the recommendations for sewing a stage or house at the beginning of the article.


A book with opening elements for little explorers. The poems are riddles, specially composed by the wonderful Natalya Baraban and me for curious kids.

Often parents of children complain that the child cannot look at the pages of books for a long time, they do not even have time to read the text. And this is quite natural. A child from one to three years is at the stage of object-manipulative activity. He still does not know how to observe, examine. He learns most of the world through interaction with it. What actions are available to him with a regular book? That's right, flipping! So it turns out that what attracts him most in a book is the ability to turn the pages. Listen, analyze, consider - children need to be taught all this.

If the child is not a passive listener and spectator, but an active participant in the lesson, then it is easier to maintain attention and the result is better. Books with interactive elements (windows, taffy, sensory areas, etc.) help the baby learn to look, maintain attention, develop perception, thinking and fine motor skills. It is for such children that this educational felt book with secrets was created. Another big plus is that such a book is more difficult to tear and can be washed.

The book includes poems specially created by me and Natalya Baraban for children from 1 to 3. They are great for kids who are just learning to speak, listen to books and look at pictures. Each poem is both a riddle and an exercise in onomatopoeia. The simplest words: meow, ko-ko, zhzh, can be repeated over and over again while reading a book. The pages are waiting to be discovered. What's under the tree? Mushroom! And the hedgehog hurries to find him. Who's hiding in the leaves? Page by page, the child learns to look at images, gets acquainted with the world around him, and remembers new words and prepositions! We develop thinking and speech, perception and memory, as well as tactile sensations and fine motor skills!


New Year's holidays are getting closer! And it’s time to start keeping an “Advent calendar” or a calendar of the upcoming holiday, a New Year’s calendar. There are tons of great examples of calendars on the Internet! I wanted to make my own.

My felt calendar is only 7 days long. Traditional calendars are designed to last a month, but I can't imagine a baby surviving that long. A weekly calendar is perfect for young children. You can wait for New Year or Christmas.

So, in front of you is a house with 7 pockets: The door has a button, there is a pocket in the porch; A window with a button with a pocket in the wall below; Velcro attic window; Pipe; Large box with a gift; Small box with a gift; Christmas tree with a pocket on the side.

Very small candies or chocolates can be placed in these pockets, and you can also put notes with surprise words, stickers, or pictures.

Felt toys for the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” will help you organize a home theater and develop your child’s speech in a playful way. The simple text and plot of the fairy tale allow you to play with even the smallest children. All the characters are well known to kids: grandmother, grandfather, chicken and mouse. If the baby does not speak yet, he will be able to imitate the characters with simple sounds: pipi, coco, bang! You can play with both finger toys and independent flat toys. You can hide an egg in a chicken. The hut book will help to play out the plot. Children will love opening the door, looking through the window, and ringing the bell. The book will serve as an excellent setting for fairy tales and games on everyday themes from the life of the Russian village. The finger theater “Ryaba Hen” and the hut book serve not only the development of the child’s speech, but also fine motor skills: we unbutton and fasten the button on the door, tie and untie a bow, put toys on the fingers, show movements according to the text of the fairy tale.

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, and they had a chicken, Ryaba.

The chicken laid an egg, but not an ordinary one, but a golden one.

Grandfather beat and beat and didn’t break it, the woman beat and beat and didn’t break it. The mouse ran and waved its tail: the egg fell and broke.

The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, the chicken is clucking: “Don’t cry, grandfather, don’t cry, woman. I will lay another egg for you, not a golden one, but a simple one.”

Dominoes are one of the simplest and most accessible educational games for preschoolers. There are a large number of variants of this game: classic with dots, with paired thematic pictures, verbal, etc. Sensory dominoes are an excellent game for developing tactile perception, ideas about color, attention and thinking.

The child is faced with the difficult task of distinguishing circles that are similar in color but different in texture. During the game, visual and tactile analyzers are used. With this domino you can learn not only basic colors, but also get acquainted with shades. The colors are chosen very closely, but they are different, and you can discuss with your child which color is lighter and which is darker.

The rules of the game “Sensory Dominoes” are that you need to find circles of the same color and texture and build a chain of dominoes. The cards are distributed among all participants in the game, and a row is laid out in turn. The one who has no cards left wins.

For children under 3 years old, it is good to use a simpler type of domino game. Look at the cards, study different textures, build a snake in different directions. This domino has 16 playing cards, which include a set of four primary colors: red, yellow, blue, green; and four types of fabric: felt, fleece, faux leather, cotton. The base of the domino is felt.

You can make this “Sensory Domino” with your own hands from scrap materials. The most important condition is that the material is different in texture and similar in color. It can be felt, fleece, velvet, oilcloth, leather, fur, corduroy, silk, cotton, etc. The basis of the cards is felt. But you can also use cardboard as a base, then you don’t have to sew the cards and can simply glue them together.

To make the game "Dominoes" we will need: different materials for cards and felt or paper for the base.

Cut out 2 rectangles 6cm by 11cm. One rectangle with two holes with a diameter of 4 cm.

We prepare rectangles 5cm by 5cm from different fabrics.

There can be any number of elements. The main condition is that there must be 2 elements of each type of fabric. Pay careful attention to the distribution of sensory elements so that you can lay out the cards sequentially.

We lay out two types of fabric on a rectangle and cover it with a piece with round holes on top.

We sew the card around the perimeter and along the contour of the circles.

We make the desired number of cards and play.

What's New Year without a Christmas tree? And what is a Christmas tree without toys? For many parents, it’s a big problem to decorate the Christmas tree, but follow safety rules. Felt toys are perfect for such children's Christmas trees and holidays. Traditional bells, balls, gifts and funny animals will decorate the New Year's guest and bring a holiday to the house. Making Christmas tree decorations with your own hands is pleasant and interesting! Use the toy pattern for 30 rubles.

It is widely known that the development of fine motor skills contributes to the development of speech. There are a huge number of games and toys for developing fine motor skills, but in essence, any finger action is already useful. The development of small movements of the fingers contributes to the maturation of speech zones in the cerebral cortex. When the baby performs conscious movements subordinated to a specific goal, masters new techniques, the speech function also develops.

The development of speech through fine motor skills is an indirect result. And self-service skills directly depend on the level of development of fine motor skills. It turns out that when we teach a child to eat, wash his hands, dress, fasten buttons, tie shoelaces, we not only adapt him to life, but also contribute to the development of speech. Clothespins are a household item that perfectly develops coordination, finger strength, and prepares a child for writing. You can help your mother by hanging laundry, you can decorate the room with pictures, attaching them with clothespins to a string, or you can play with clothespins.

Games with clothespins are very useful. They develop fine motor skills, prepare the child’s hand for writing, and promote speech development. Simple clothespins are great for play, leaving room for the imagination! I collected the most popular bases for games with clothespins: cloud, sun, Christmas tree, hedgehog, spider, men and made them from felt. You can come up with interesting stories with these toys. Clothespin by clothespin, word by word, and you get a game.

Rainy morning.

The children sat at home and waited for the sun.

The rain has stopped, you can go for a walk.

How many interesting things can be found in the forest!

Spider, hedgehog...

Who else lives in the forest?

The bases can also be made from cardboard; pieces of linoleum or other dense material work well. Templates can be downloaded here. I made them for small decorative wooden clothespins (3.5cm), to play with regular clothespins, just enlarge the pictures 2 times.

Educational felt toy for children. Will teach you how to unfasten and fasten buttons and Velcro. A train and carriages with buttons on which you need to fasten the wheels. Each window has Velcro to which the driver and passengers – the animals – are attached.

Build a steam locomotive with your child so that the fun train will take the animals for a walk. Who will be driving today? You can swap toys and change passengers.

We develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, speech, and learn to follow simple instructions. This train is an indispensable toy for teaching literacy. Dividing words into syllables, sound-letter analysis are complex exercises that require repeated repetition and consolidation. Doing this in game is much more interesting. Each carriage can have a corresponding sound, letter or syllable. A similar task can be found in almost every primer, but playing with a toy is much more attractive than looking at a picture.

How many syllables are in the word FISH? Our train with two carriages sets off. Let's add the syllable KI! And there are already three carriages on the train, and FISH-BA-KI are traveling. How many carriages does it take to transport a cat? You can play with the train on a table or attach it to a carpet printer.

Make a train for your child or students.


Everyone's favorite children's fairy tale "Turnip" is represented by the following characters: grandmother, grandfather, granddaughter, cat, dog, mouse. The action takes place in the garden near the hut. Accordingly, the ideal stage would be a flat composition in the form of a fold-out book with a hut, trees and a large turnip (you can see how to make such a scene at the beginning of the article).

Example scene above.

Step-by-step description of sewing characters from the fairy tale “Turnip”

An important aspect before starting work will be the step-by-step production of characters in order to maintain their sizes (animals should be correspondingly slightly smaller in size than people).

Grandparents, Granddaughter

The sewing algorithm for Grandmother and Grandfather is described in detail in the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”. To sew a granddaughter, you should use the description of the creation of Masha from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”.


To sew a cat for the fairy tale “Turnip”, you will need:

  • 2 pieces of gray felt;
  • eyes or 2 black and 1 pink beads;
  • prepare a paper pattern using the template and transfer it to felt;
  • cut out 2 parts.

Cat assembly:

  1. Glue eyes to the face, sew on a nose, embroider a mustache and a smile.
  2. Connect and sew the 2 main parts, leaving a bottom hole for the finger.
  3. You can decorate it with a bow around your neck.


To create a dog you need:

  • Have brown felt in 2 shades and a white piece for the eyes.
  • Black buttons or beads.
  • Create a paper pattern and transfer it to felt.
  • Cut out pieces from fabric.

Dog Bonding:

  1. Sew on eyes and ears.
  2. Sew the tail.
  3. Embroider a smile and mustache, sew on a nose from a button.
  4. Connect the 2 parts of the body and sew, not forgetting the tail and the hole at the bottom.


The method of sewing a mouse is described in the fairy tale “Teremok”.


The turnip is sewn very simply from 2 yellow pattern pieces and green felt tops.

In this case, you must fill it with padding polyester. Do not leave holes.


One of the oldest and most popular fairy tales is represented by the following characters: grandparents, fox, wolf, hare, bear and bun. A fold-out book is perfect as a stage.

Step-by-step description of sewing characters from the fairy tale “Kolobok”

First, it’s better to sew the characters together, and then proceed to the stage and decorations:

  • Kolobok

It is sewn from 2 circles of yellow felt, on one of which facial features (eyes, smile and rosy cheeks) are embroidered.

  • Grandmother and grandfather. The algorithm for sewing toys is described in detail in the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”.
  • Fox, Wolf and Bear. These characters can be sewn based on algorithms.

Fairy tale "Teremok"

In order to act out the fairy tale “The Teremok” on the stage of an improvised finger theater, you need to make a mouse, a bunny, a frog, a fox, a wolf, a bear and the tower itself. You will need several sheets of thin felt of different colors, glue, scissors, a needle and thread. You also need a pencil and several sheets of paper to draw patterns for future finger theater toys.

To make the Teremok finger theater, you will need felt in nine colors: two shades of green, white, black, gray, pink, orange, brown and beige.

Three piglets

This DIY felt finger theater (patterns will help you make original characters) is represented by two animals: a pig and a wolf.

To increase interest in the game, it is better to use three different piglet patterns and sew a voluminous hut house and a flat scene in the form of a forest with a path and trees.

Piglet 1

To sew your first pig you will need:

  • 2 shades of pink felt;
  • ready-made eyes, ribbon or lace for the tail;
  • Using the template, make a paper pattern of all components;
  • transfer it to the fabric, outline and cut out all the parts.

Connecting the parts of 1 pig:

  1. Sew a snout and ears onto the front part, embroider nostrils, and glue on eyes.
  2. Sew hooves onto the upper and lower limbs.
  3. Fold the 2 parts of the body and sew them together, inserting the hooves. Don't forget to leave a hole at the bottom between your legs for your finger.
  4. Sew the head from two parts and stuff it with synthetic padding, then attach it to the body.
  5. Form a tail from ribbon or lace and sew on the back.

Piglet 2

To sew the second pig you need:

  • the other 2 shades of pink felt;
  • eyes and pink lace;
  • Similarly, we prepare the pattern and felt parts.

Assembling the parts of the second pig:

  1. Sew a patch to the head, form nostrils, embroider a smile and make eyes.
  2. Sew 2 parts of the head and stuff with filler.
  3. Sew all the hooves onto one part of the body.
  4. Sew the body parts together, leaving an opening at the bottom.

Piglet 3

To make the third little pig, instructions from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear” are suitable.


The wolf is sewn according to algorithm.

House and stage

These parts of the decoration can be sewn using the examples and descriptions at the beginning of the article.

Fairy tale characters

Let's start making toys for the theater with a frog. You need to draw on paper and then cut out only seven parts from felt: two green bases, one frog tummy (you need a different shade of green, lighter or darker, depending on which was the main one) and four parts for the eyes (two circles from white felt and two, but smaller ones, made of black). First, use large stitches to baste the tummy to the front of the frog and glue the eyes. The smile can be sewn with a back stitch or simply drawn with a black marker. Then all that remains is to sew the front and back sides together, but so that there is room at the bottom for a finger.

To make a mouse, you need to cut out two bases from gray felt, a gray tail and a white tummy. Details for the muzzle (nose and eyes) can be cut out of black felt, or you can simply draw it. This will be easier than trying to carefully glue small parts. You can add pink semicircles to the inside of the mouse's ears. Next, all that remains is to sew on all the parts, and then sew the two halves of the toy together, leaving a hole for the finger.

Making a bunny with your own hands is a little more difficult due to the large number of small parts. In addition to the white felt base, you need to cut out pink cheeks, the same tummy, a white tail and elongated pink ovals for the inside of the ears. First, glue or sew all the parts to the parts of the toy, draw the eyes and nose, and only then sew the bases together.

To make a sister fox, you need to cut out two parts for the body from orange felt, a tail and a muzzle, a white tip of the tail, a breast, almond-shaped eyes and a black nose. First sew on the chest and muzzle, tail, then glue on the remaining parts. As in previous cases, next fold the two fox parts and sew them together using a buttonhole stitch.

Now all that remains is to make the gray wolf and the bear. For the wolf, cut out two parts for the body, a tail, a muzzle, white eyes, a breast and the tip of the tail, a black nose. The technology is the same - sew on the larger parts, and glue the smaller ones to the base. Then sew the front and back of the body together.

For the bear, you need to cut out two body parts from brown felt, a tummy and a muzzle from felt in a lighter shade, two white eyes (draw the pupils with a marker). Embroider floss on the muzzle with black thread or draw a nose and mouth with a marker. Sew the muzzle and tummy to the base, sew the two halves of the base.

From the remaining felt you can make a house with pockets for all the characters - a little house.

Seven kids

To bring this wonderful fairy tale to life, you will need patterns of 3 animals (a wolf, a goat and a kid), as well as scenes with a house.

This is what the finished composition might look like.


You will need seven baby goat patterns, but to make them different from each other, the finished toys need to be tied with multi-colored bows or numbered.

To make kids you need:

  • white and gray felt;
  • black beads or eyes (7 pairs);
  • multi-colored ribbons;
  • prepare a paper pattern and transfer it to fabric;
  • trace and cut out 7 sets.

Assembling the kid:

  1. Glue eyes to the face, embroider a nose and a smile.
  2. Sew the head from 2 parts, stuff it with synthetic padding, and sew on the horns.
  3. Sew 2 parts of the body, leaving a hole at the bottom.
  4. Connect the head to the body, attach a bow to the neck.
  5. Repeat for 6 more kids.


The mother goat is sewn from 2 main parts of white fabric according to the pattern.

The eyes are glued on and the nose and smile are embroidered.


The wolf is created using an algorithm.

House and stage

These parts of the decoration can be sewn using the examples and descriptions at the beginning of the article.

Three Bears

The tale “The Three Bears” is created very quickly, since one pattern of a bear is used (the clothes of the heroes and the size of the figures change), a pattern of a girl and scenery with a scene.

This is what the scene looks like.

The Bears

To make bear parents, you can take patterns from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”.

Make the teddy bear similar, but smaller in size.


To create a girl, use Masha’s pattern from the same cartoon.

House and stage

The scenery is created by analogy with “The Pockmarked Hen”.


A DIY felt finger theater (patterns with step-by-step descriptions are included) for “Smeshariki” will attract the attention of fans of the animated series. The game set consists of heroes and a scene.

You will need 9 characters (teenage children (Krosh, Hedgehog, Nyusha, Barashik), adults (Losyash, Pin), and elderly (Kar Karych, Sovunya, Kopatych)). All patterns are quickly made, since they are based on a circle (recommended diameter is 5 cm).

Patterns with templates:

Making Smeshariki:

  • create a paper pattern using the template;
  • attach it to felt fabric, trace and cut out all the details of the toy;
  • connect the parts and sew one by one, starting from the front part;
  • Don't forget to leave holes for your fingers.

The stage for playing an animated series can be the technology described at the beginning of the article - a spread in the form of a book with scenery (forest type).

Making paper dolls

It's easy to make a paper puppet theater with your own hands . The hero dolls are made using the origami technique from bright thick sheets that match the color. You can also make figures using the applique technique. DIY puppet theater templates are very easy to find. To work, you will need additional materials and accessories that are likely to be found in every home:

  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • colored paper;
  • cardboard;
  • buttons and beads for decoration;
  • thread, needle.

Zayushkin's hut

To create a finger game of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut” you need to make a house, a hare, a fox, a bear, a wolf, a rooster and a dog. The most suitable house would be a three-dimensional toy with windows and balconies where you can place dolls while playing a fairy tale.

To make a hare, fox, bear, wolf, you can find a description with patterns in the fairy tale “Teremok”. Take the dog template from the fairy tale “Turnip”.


To make a rooster you will need:

  • multi-colored pieces of felt fabric;
  • eyes or beads;
  • make a paper pattern in parts and use it to cut out the constituent parts of the rooster from felt.

Rooster assembly:

  1. Head (glue on the eyes, sew 2 parts of the head along the side parts, not forgetting about the comb, beak and earring).
  2. Fill with padding polyester.
  3. Sew or glue the wings to the body on both sides.
  4. Sew 2 parts of the body, inserting the tail feathers. Do not sew up the hole at the bottom.
  5. Connect the head and torso.

To make a three-dimensional house, find the description at the beginning of the article. The tale is ready.

The game will comprehensively develop in children:

  • creative and acting abilities;
  • emotional experiences;
  • positive motivation for communication and learning;
  • lexicon;
  • intonation, imagination;
  • kindness and responsiveness.

It is not so important which of the presented fairy tales will be chosen to create a felt finger theater with your own hands. And the proposed patterns and templates will significantly reduce the time of sewing the game, which, if desired, can be turned into a universal encyclopedia of Russian folk tales.

Author: Polovnikova Lyubov

Article design: Natalie Podolskaya

Master class on making a finger theater from felt based on the fairy tale “Turnip”

Chuvaeva Daria Nikolaevna
Master class on making a finger theater from felt based on the fairy tale “Turnip”

Master class
Finger theater made of felt Fairy taleTurnip
Finger theater is a unique opportunity to place a fairy tale on the palm of a child, in which he can take the role of any hero. A child can put any character on his finger and play. It is very important, when playing, to address the child, including him in the game. Dolls develop mobility of the fingers of both hands , help master the speech of characters, help develop vocabulary and activate speech functions.

Goal: to develop fine motor skills of the hands in combination with speech; development of communicative abilities of preschool children in the process of finger theater .

To sew a felt puppet theater we will need :

multi-colored felt ; size 20X30 cm.

fabric marker;

This toy will appeal not only to children, but also to any adult.

The variety of felt allows you to create unique masterpieces in a small amount of time. theater will be in your hands .

Felt holds its shape well, does not wrinkle, the edges do not need processing. In addition, it is bright and pleasant to the touch. The most important thing for kids! felt toy easily and affordably using the example of sewing the fairy taleTurnip ”.

First, I printed out a picture that I really liked and cut out stencils from it. You can find a ready-made stencil on the Internet.

Then we transfer it to the fabric and cut it out.

I glued the parts together along the edges with a glue gun, but did not touch the bottom. You can stitch it on a machine or sew it by hand. The glue holds the parts well and takes less time than when sewing.

We design faces for people and muzzles for animals. I drew it with a pen. You can use beads if you wish.

out of blue felt , grass out of green, and a vegetable garden out of brown, the theater can be used not only by putting it on your fingers , but also by placing it on the table, children themselves can lay out the characters.

It turned out to be such a fairy tale !

I really like working with felt and I won’t stop with this tale ! After all, when you see joy and gratitude in the eyes of children, you receive such a charge of positive emotions that you simply cannot stop the flight of creativity and you continue to delight your children with more and more surprises!

Master class on making a photo frame from felt Master class on making a photo frame from felt T. Lavrova Bright, fluffy, Yellow lumps - Little children of our motley quonka. As if.

Presentation “Master class on making felt puppets for the finger theater” Theatrical action is intended not so much to entertain the viewer as to educate, learn lessons from what is seen, and project a fictional one.

Master class on making a lapbook based on the fairy tale “Turnip” Didactic manual “Lapbook based on the fairy tale Turnip” for younger children. I began to make this teaching aid after determining the topic of the project. Master class on making a tabletop theater based on the fairy tale “Turnip” I bring to your attention a master class on making a tabletop theater Turnip. Goal: development of coherent speech in preschoolers through theatrical speech.

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