Learn how to make a smoke bomb yourself


Along with such pyrotechnic products as fireworks, firecrackers, firecrackers, sparklers, which have become firmly established in our lives and known to us since childhood, there are products for specialized purposes. This category includes a smoke bomb or, as it is called differently, a smoke bomb.

This remedy was used by the Russian army in the First World War.

As practice has shown, the use of smoke bombs during air bombing, artillery, and machine-gun fire from the enemy significantly reduces the effectiveness of enemy actions and helps to conceal the movement of troops or maneuver. In addition, it can be used as a camouflage or signaling agent. Currently, law enforcement agencies and special forces of different countries effectively use smoke to counteract reconnaissance weapons, as well as to interfere with the targeting of enemy high-precision weapons.

Submachine gunners in gas masks

In addition, smoke fumes are productively used not only in the military sphere, but also in agriculture to repel pests and combat frosts.

In security activities, smoke bombs help to disorient the criminal and quickly remove the protected person from his line of sight.

Today, colored smoke fumes are popular among photo shoot organizers. Colored smoke bombs add color and unusualness to photographs, because the smoke of bright, saturated colors hides the dull background, adding an atmosphere of mysticism to the photo exposure.

In everyday life, smoke blowers are widely used in sports games, strike and paintball.

There are smoke bombs and smoke grenades. The main difference is that the latter create a less intense and voluminous cloud of smoke, which spreads locally over a small area. While checkers are designed to create large smoke zones.

A hand-held smoke grenade (or in other words, an RDG smoke grenade) has an outer shell made of thick cardboard in a cylindrical shape, inside which there is a pyrotechnic smoke composition, and on the outside there is an ignition device. This grenade is very convenient to carry on your own, it is compact in size, quite light, and can be used without any problems while moving.

The most widespread use of smoke grenades during single combat operations of soldiers and small military units to simulate a fire of military equipment, the presence of troops in false deployment areas, blinding enemy firing points in close combat, etc. is due to their ease of individual use, small overall dimensions, throw range of 30 meters or more.

Most military smoke bombs weigh about 2.5 kilograms, which defines them as a static smoke release device. Due to their large mass, use while running becomes more difficult. Unlike a grenade, a checker is almost impossible to use while in cover, since due to its static nature, the area of ​​​​use is located in a clearly defined place in a pre-planned area.

Method one

To make a smoke bomb out of paper, which we will use as a newspaper, we will also have to prepare ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate) and a device for watering.
This method of obtaining Take ammonium nitrate and mix it with water, in the proportion of 30% powder to 70% water

It is important that the liquid does not have any sediment after mixing.

After stirring, a film layer will appear on top of the liquid, which must be removed.

Pour the resulting solution into a pre-prepared container, preferably a bottle, place a device for watering there and screw it on.

Carrying out the following operations at home can be dangerous, so you should carry out all manipulations outside, in an open, well-ventilated area. Since the solution may react with the surface of the carpet, furniture, and so on.

Take one piece of newspaper, unfold it and start spraying the mixture. Then place another spread on the already wet one and apply the liquid again.

Next, to continue production, hang each soaked sheet to dry on a clothesline at medium temperature. Make sure that the sun's rays do not come into contact with the surface of the paper. It will take us three to five hours to dry.

Prepare in advance the tape and container where the checker will be placed.

Next, remove one newspaper spread, make sure it is dry, fold it in half and roll it into a tube. Then remove the second one, also fold and twist. Make sure that the paper fits together as tightly as possible.

If there is a lot of oxygen supplied, the newspapers will simply burn and nothing will happen.

How to make a smoke bomb from soap at home?

How to make a crossbow with your own hands at home?
Making such a smoke bomb at home is not at all difficult.

For this you will need:

  • Laundry soap 72%.
  • Sheets of paper or old newspapers.
  • Scotch tape or plastic film.
  • Container with water.

Laundry soap should be cut or grated on a coarse grater. Pour into a container of water and heat until the soap is completely dissolved. Or add hot water and stir until dissolved.

The solution should be concentrated, use a little water, but enough to saturate all sheets of paper. For 1 piece of soap you will need 5 liters of water. Completely immerse the paper in the soap solution for impregnation.

The paper should not get wet. The sheets are kept whole because there is more air in a torn sheet, therefore there will be more fire, but less smoke

The paper is carefully removed and dried. Use a fan to speed up the drying process

Dry sheets are rolled into a tight roll, or crumpled and formed into a ball. Wrap tightly with tape or polyethylene. String on a wooden rod. “Smoke” is ready.

Tip: to get a thick paper roll, you need to twist the first sheet in half and put the next one in it. Continue rolling and insert another sheet. So insert all the sheets.

Set the checker on fire and wait until the flame engulfs most of the paper. Active combustion indicates that there is little soap in the solution or poor impregnation. The fire is quickly extinguished. The device begins to smoke heavily.

Newspaper smoke is made from paper soaked in soapy water. After impregnation, the newspaper is dried. Then it is crumpled and wrapped with tape to form a roller. They set fire and wait until the third part burns out. The fire is extinguished and left to smolder.

The smoke from the soap bar is not toxic.

The downside is that it produces only a small amount of smoke.

Smoke bomb using soap

The principle of making a smoke bomb using soap is similar to making a smoke bomb using saltpeter and this will require the following components: laundry soap and paper (newspaper).

We fill a basin with water and rub the laundry soap on a coarse grater. Dissolve the soap in water and carefully soak the sheets in the resulting mass. We dry the soaked sheets of paper; they must be intact; otherwise, due to the large volume of oxygen inside the smoke oven, there will be less smoke.

We roll them into a tight bag and wrap them in plastic. Insert a wooden rod into the center. The smoke tube is ready for use.

Rules for using smoke bombs

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Thick smoke appears when the drug is heated too much

Thus, the first thing you need to pay attention to before use is fire safety. Today there are checkers, both with and without open fire.

Choose the most suitable option for your specific location. In any case, the smoking bomb will be quite hot, so it must be placed on bricks or a metal sheet.

Immediately after arson, smoke begins to be released, inhaling which a person can lose consciousness. Therefore, after setting fire, it is necessary to leave the room as quickly as possible. In this case, you should use a gas mask and other protective equipment. It is also not recommended to set fire to a smoke bomb yourself. Indeed, in the event of the loss of the creature, the person will remain lying in a room that will be filled with toxic smoke. This could end badly. It's better to play it safe and make sure someone is nearby.

As for the use of checkers in residential premises, you need to understand that this is only permissible in private homes. After all, if something happens, you will only harm yourself. The situation with apartment buildings is different. There are ventilation ducts and cracks between apartments, which can cause free penetration of acrid smoke to neighbors. And if they are at home at this time, then this can generally lead to tragedy.

Instructions for using smoke bombs:

  • prepare the room, take out all the necessary things;
  • place the checker on a hard and stable surface;
  • close windows and all ventilation ducts;
  • open all drawers and cabinets where insects may be hiding;
  • put on a protective suit, rubber gloves, gas mask;
  • light the fuse of the installed checker;
  • leave the premises immediately;
  • close the door behind you.

Depending on the type of drug chosen, smoke may be released for three hours. Naturally, entering the premises during this process is strictly prohibited. After the emission of smoke has stopped, the room should be closed for some time. This is necessary so that the insecticide penetrates into the most secluded places. As a rule, the time for which the room should be left closed is indicated on the packaging. After it expires, the room is ventilated.

Safety precautions when using a smoke bomb

    A smoke bomb should be used in deserted places. There should be no people within a radius of 200-250 meters, as well as nothing flammable or explosive;
    to ignite a smoke stove, it is better to use a remote igniter (for example, a stick with fire at the end);
    After igniting a smoke bomb, reactive combustion is possible and it can begin to rush and fly in different directions. You need to be prepared for this and plan your actions;
    Fire extinguishing means must be kept at the ready in case the situation gets out of control and be able to use them.

REMEMBER!!! Making and using a smoke bomb imposes obligations on you to preserve property, as well as preserve the life and health of people. Your careless actions can lead to irreversible consequences and even death. So, if you are not confident in your abilities and cannot implement the technique and safety measures 100%, then you should not take on making, much less using, a smoke bomb!!!

An example of using colored smoke for useful purposes:


  • militaryarms.ru
  • akaksdelat.com

Types of smoke products

  1. Hand smoke grenade (HSG). This type is mistakenly called “RDG smoke bomb”, meaning a grenade by a checker;Smoke bombs: small, large, unified, block;Smoke cartridge;Smoke bombs for use in aviation;Smoke machines;Smoke mines and artillery shells;Portable aerosol generator.

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Small smoke bombs are a cylinder-shaped tin case with a smoke composition, which can be of two types: anthracene or metal chloride.

Large smoke bombs are made of sheet steel, also in the shape of a cylinder, but with a side hole designed to allow smoke to escape.

The design of such a checker allows it to be used on water, since the hole of the checker in any position is above the water. Large smoke bombs are used to hide large objects from enemy vision for a long time using a dense camouflage smoke cloud.

A unified smoke bomb, also known as a smoke bomb UDSH, is designed for setting up smoke screens in two ways: manually and remotely.

The checker itself is made in the shape of a TM-62 anti-tank mine and weighs 13.5 kilograms. Places an invisible smoke screen from 100 to 150 meters long. Ignition time: 30 seconds – by impact, 10 seconds – using an electric igniter; intensive burning time – 10-12 minutes; Equally effective from minus 40 to plus 50 degrees Celsius.

Types of smoke bombs

Smoke bombs can be divided by duration of action: long-term and instantaneous. A long-acting smoke pipe is a metal barrel with a hole(s) for supplying smoke.

An instant smoke squib is a squib with a fast-burning composition that releases smoke. The duration of smoke emission, both for instant and long-term smoke bombs, depends on the composition and volume of the smoke bomb filler. Next we will talk about instant home-made smoke bombs and how they can be made at home with minimal cost and time.

How to make a smoke bomb from flour?

A smoke bomb made from flour has a long smoldering period and the availability of the necessary components.

You need to take:

  • flour or sawdust - 4 parts;
  • sulfur – 1 part;
  • ammonium nitrate – 5 parts.

Grind sulfur and saltpeter in a mortar until a light yellow powder forms. Ammonium nitrate should be dried in the oven on the lowest heat for 20-30 minutes. It is impossible to leave saltpeter unattended, so as not to start melting. Grind dry saltpeter.

Add flour to the mixture of two components and mix thoroughly.

The housing for the smoke bomb is made of thick cardboard. To do this, roll up a cylinder ø3-4 cm from several layers of cardboard, and cover the end with plaster. You can use ready-made cylinders from firecrackers or fireworks.

The powder mixture is poured into the body in small portions. Compact very tightly using a hammer and a rod. Tight pressing ensures long-term smoldering with smoke release. Several circles are cut out of the same cardboard as the body and the tube is tightly closed.

A hole is made in the middle for the wick by piercing or drilling 3 cm through the cardboard and the mixture. A wooden tube or rod is used as a wick. The wick is fixed with several layers of electrical tape.

The smoke bomb is ready for use. Ammonium nitrate is highly hygroscopic and quickly becomes damp. Therefore, the mixture or the finished checker cannot be stored for a long time.

Stories from our readers!

“We have always used fertilizers and fertilizers in our garden. The neighbor said he was soaking the seeds using new fertilizer. The seedlings grow strong and strong.

We ordered and followed the instructions. Wonderful results! We didn't expect this! We harvested a wonderful harvest this year, and now we will always use only this product. I recommend trying it."

DIY smoke bomb. Easy to do, dangerous to use

First you need to decide what smoke actually is. Scientifically speaking, it is an aerosol. It can be made of solid particles or liquid. Aerosols have their own properties. For example, if the smoke particles are too large, then its constituent particles stick together (this process is called flocculation) and it quickly settles. And they can increase in size depending on the presence of the same electric charge on them or the absence of a film of adsorbed gases. Based on their composition, the prepared mixtures are divided into two large groups. One of them contains a smoke-forming reagent in finished form, and in the second, this smoke-forming substance is obtained during the combustion process. But since our task is to find out how to make a smoke bomb with our own hands, then, therefore, we need to use those reagents that are available, or are not difficult to get at all.

First of all, let's look at simple options that allow you to get white and black smoke. A very simple way to produce white smoke is to use a prepared ammonium nitrate smoke bomb. You need to soak two or three newspapers in a strong solution of ammonium nitrate, dry them and roll them into a tight tube.

The resulting cylinder needs to be wrapped in several layers of foil and a wick, which can be made from the same paper, inserted. Once ignited, the product will burn quickly, releasing a sufficient amount of white smoke. In order for a smoke bomb, prepared with your own hands, to produce more smoke and burn more slowly, you need to pour ammonium chloride (ammonia) and baking soda in an even layer between layers of dried newspaper. The amount of additives is determined empirically. And the role of these additives is as follows. When heated, soda will release carbon dioxide and slow down combustion, while ammonia sublimes very easily, and after it enters the air atmosphere it condenses and turns into white smoke.

You can also make a smoke bomb with your own hands to produce black smoke. In this case, a smoke-forming substance will be formed as a result of combustion. Aromatic hydrocarbons are best suited for producing black smoke. To obtain an acceptable composition, you will need potassium nitrate, naphthalene and charcoal in a ratio of 2:2:1. All this is thoroughly mixed, the resulting powder is poured into a tin can and a wick is inserted. During combustion, incomplete oxidation of naphthalene will occur. The resulting soot will escape from the hole as black smoke. If combustion occurs too quickly, more naphthalene should be added to the composition, and if gray smoke rather than black is formed, then the amount of charcoal will need to be increased.

However, to obtain colored smokes, the already described smoke bomb can be used. It is unlikely that you will be able to synthesize a dye suitable for coloring smoke with your own hands. But there is a very simple way out. You can use the dyes you have on hand. For example, indigo or, at worst, blue is suitable for producing blue smoke. The composition is as follows: potassium nitrate, milk sugar and indigo in a ratio of 1.5:1:2. It is produced in the same way as the previous composition.

In general, this method is very interesting because there is a huge field for experimentation in order to produce smoke of different colors. Colored toners for laser printers work well for coloring smoke, and food coloring is even better. In practice, the following smoke bomb has proven itself well.

At home, you can sprinkle litered sheets of newspaper with turmeric powder or sprinkle a few Yupi bags. The packaging of the product has already been described.

In conclusion: you can use the following recipe for a joke. Take one tablet each of analgin and hydroperite. Crush them and mix the powders. The speed at which smoke begins to form depends on the degree of grinding of the tablets.

How to make a smoke bomb out of paper?

Method 1

You can make a “smoke pipe” yourself in the following simple way.

For this you will need:

  • Ammonium nitrate from the fertilizer store.
  • Thick newspapers.

Dissolve saltpeter in warm water. Take the ingredients based on 1 liter of water - 300 g of saltpeter. Cut newspapers into pieces similar in size to A4 format and immerse in the solution for several minutes. Remove and dry well.

The peculiarity of the chemical is that it absorbs moisture from the air and therefore the leaves do not dry well. To achieve complete drying, use auxiliary means, such as a radiator, iron or hair dryer.

You can also wet newspapers using a spray bottle. Dry leaves should be rolled into a tight tube and secured with tape or thick thread. The tube should not have a hole in the center.

It is not advisable to make the checker long or thick, because the saltpeter will burn unevenly. If a whole sheet of newspaper is used, it is folded along its length twice and then rolled.

A large checker, rolled from several newspapers. placed in an aluminum beer can, cut off at both ends. This is done to avoid the checker catching fire. The length of the body is cut with an allowance of 1-2 cm on each side, relative to the roll. The edge needs to be folded.

For the body, empty cans of paint or deodorant are used. The thickness of the winding is adjusted according to the opening of the can so that it fits tightly. The finished saber is set on fire at one end, waiting until it flares up and puffs of smoke emerge. Throw to the side as far as possible. Thick, white smoke is produced.

Store ready-made saltpeter-impregnated sheets in glass jars, closed with lids or sealed plastic bags with a zipper.

Method 2

It's very easy to make a smoke bomb out of paper and salt.


  • Newsprint.
  • Fine salt.
  • Scotch.

Form a tight ball from the paper. Tear the paper in one place and add salt. Wrap everything tightly with adhesive tape. Ready to use. It is not advisable to use coarse salt, because it shoots out when heated.

Smoke bomb using salt

This smoke bomb is the simplest.

To make a smoke bomb, you will need the following components: paper (newspaper), salt (preferably fine, since coarse salt can shoot in different directions when heated) and tape.

We crumple the paper into a lump, then open this lump and pour salt into the center. After this, we wrap it tightly with tape and the smoke pipe is ready to be set on fire.

Instructions and rules of use

Using checkers it is allowed to carry out disinfestation of the following objects:

  • apartments;
  • private houses and dachas;
  • hangars and warehouses;
  • industrial areas;
  • garages;
  • gardens and campsites;
  • greenhouses and greenhouses.

Sometimes a one-time treatment is enough to completely rid your home of blood-sucking parasites. However, to achieve a guaranteed result, it is recommended to repeat the procedure after 2 weeks, since the smoke only affects adult bedbugs and larvae, but not eggs.

Security measures

Disinfestation using smoke bombs should be carried out only with personal protective equipment. They are put on before the actual use of checkers, and are removed only after the treatment of the room is completed and it has been ventilated.

Ideally, if there is an opportunity to wear a full chemical protective suit. Otherwise, you will need a respirator, rubber gloves and safety glasses. Gloves should be discarded after processing is completed.

You should wear personal protective equipment when lighting a smoke bomb.

In extreme cases, instead of a full protective kit, it is permissible to use a gauze bandage soaked in a soda solution: dilute a teaspoon of soda in one glass of water and soak the gauze with this liquid.

Preparation for processing

All windows in the room are tightly closed and ventilation holes are sealed with tape. Food, hygiene items, electronics and clothing are carefully packaged in impenetrable casings to prevent them from becoming saturated with smoke. All cabinets and drawers are opened so that smoke can easily penetrate them. Furniture is disassembled and laid out in parts on the floor. Bedding is removed from the mattresses and placed vertically, leaning against the wall. Fire safety sensors are turned off. There should be no objects left in the room that will first come into contact with smoke and then come into direct contact with human skin.

Processing process

If the checker is inside a jar and is activated by contact with liquid, this jar is filled with water to the indicated mark.

If the checker has a fuse, it is set on fire. To do this, the product is placed on a sheet of metal, inside a metal bucket, in a ceramic container, or on a brick. The burning of the checker lasts 10–20 minutes

It is important that there are no flammable objects within its reach

After this, the room is left for several hours - the exact time is indicated in the instructions for use of the checker. A maximum of 2 minutes is allotted to leave the room - this is how long it takes for the wick to burn, after which toxic smoke will begin to enter the air.

What to do after treatment?

Upon completion of the treatment, a person in a protective suit enters the room, opens the windows and leaves the house to be ventilated for at least 20 minutes. After this, a thorough wet cleaning is carried out in the house, adding soda ash to the water at the rate of 250 g per 1 bucket. If the person who entered the room to open the windows did not have a full chemical protective suit, clothing should be removed and washed thoroughly.

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Method two

Unlike firecrackers, fireworks, and even sparklers, smoke bombs are relatively safe when used with caution. One of the easiest ways to make a smoke bomb without saltpeter is to use analgin and hydroperite.

The first drug, we are sure many of you have come across, is a popular remedy for headaches. The second is used when treating wounds, although in theory it can even be used to dye hair.

But we have not gathered here to discuss the beneficial properties of these drugs; we are interested in something else, namely their chemical reaction with each other.

These tablets are not expensive and are available in every pharmacy; the components included in the composition are not toxic, but their combined use will greatly surprise you.

Method five

In this method, we will learn how to make a smoke bomb from matches. The resulting bomb will burn purple and sparkle when interacting with fire. You will need a package of activated carbon, a couple of boxes of matches, and 30 grams of potassium permanganate powder.

Unpack the activated charcoal and turn the tablets into flour using a spoon, then pour into a bowl.

Pour thirty grams of potassium permanganate into a container with activated carbon.

Cut off the match heads and then pour them into a common bowl.

To conduct the experiment, you need to make sure that there are no people, animals, or social objects at a safe distance. Light a match and throw it into the bowl, then run away to a distance of fifteen meters. This safety measure is due to the fact that the smoke is extremely caustic, and the reaction allows splashes of up to two meters or more.

Smoke bomb without using paper

Below are several ways to make a smoke stove without using paper.

To make a smoke bomb, you will need the following main components: hydroperite and analgin in tablets. These tablets can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Hydroperit costs around 30 rubles for 8 tablets, analgin costs around 25 rubles for 10 tablets.

Mash the tablets with a large spoon and turn them into powder. Pour the resulting powder one by one into a container, for example, into an iron can. The reaction of smoke release occurs when the container is heated.

You can make a smoke bomb from plastic items such as a table tennis ball, a tumbler and an officer's ruler (Soviet style). We break it into several pieces and set it on fire, let it flare up a little, then extinguish it and watch the white smoke.

It is also possible to use the above-described plastic products with paper. Break it into small pieces. We wrap the pieces tightly in paper, set them on fire, let them flare up and simmer.

Watch the making of a smoke blower in the video:

Let's start the experiment

Extract the hydroperite and grind it into powder to a dust state, it is important that the better it is ground, the better the reaction will be. Pour the resulting flour into the first metal container, rinse the bowl in which the grinding took place, change your gloves and take out the analgin.

Remove it from the packaging and similarly turn it into flour using a pestle. Unlike hydroperite, it is harder; if possible, you can use a coffee grinder, but this is at your discretion. Pour the resulting powder into another metal container, and rinse the one in which the grinding took place. Remove and throw away the gloves you were wearing.

Powders must be stored separately; before testing, they should be cooled in a dark place. Any instruction on how to make a smoke bomb involves conducting an experiment in an open space in a deserted place. Arriving at the training ground, mix both powders and place the bowl on the ground, then step aside.

The reaction will begin by itself in a few minutes, it all depends on the ambient temperature. The higher it is, the faster the reaction will occur. There may be splashes and the smoke is extremely corrosive, so please exercise safety precautions and keep your distance.

If you use foil and heat it with a flame, the reaction will occur faster and without splashing.

The advantage of this method is that you do not need to use open fire to achieve the desired result.

Learn how to make a smoke bomb yourself

Everyone knows why a smoke bomb is needed and where it is used. Why you need it specifically is your own business, but I would like to warn you that making such pyrotechnics is not a safe activity. Before you take it on, you should clearly understand all the possible consequences (from a bad smell in the house to a fire) and take all possible safety measures.

In this article I will talk about how to make a smoke bomb, and I will try to describe the simplest methods I know.

Method one - “smoke” from the line

This method, due to its simplicity and availability of components, was very popular among schoolchildren in the 80s of the last century. At that time, celluloid was often used to make toys, school supplies and simple measuring instruments (pencil cases, rulers, tumbler dolls). Having a celluloid item in stock, any schoolchild knew how to make a smoke bomb at home. To do this, you just needed to wrap the pieces of this material in paper and the “smoke smoke” was ready - set it on fire, immediately blow off the flame and enjoy the clouds of dense white smoke.

The second method is newspaper soaked in saltpeter.

To make such a checker, you need the following components: saltpeter, sugar, water and a pack of old newspapers. Nitrate as a fertilizer is sold in any gardening store, and it is not difficult to purchase. It comes in two types: ammonia and potassium. Ammonia is more suitable for “smoke fume”, and it is also more common.

We choose a container in which it will be convenient to soak newspapers and fill it with water. Completely dissolve saltpeter in water at the rate of three parts of saltpeter to seven parts of water. Then we take sugar in the amount of half of the saltpeter used and also add it to the solution. (Note: it is not necessary to use sugar, but according to my observations, with it the checker burns faster and produces much more smoke).

Soak newspapers in the resulting solution and lay them out to dry (do not dry them in direct sunlight). When the newspapers are dry, you need to roll them into a tight roll and pack an aluminum beer can, the top and bottom of which have been previously cut off. Having compacted the roll, you need to bend the edges of the can so that there are holes with a diameter of 3-5 cm on both sides. That’s it. We insert a wick rolled up from the same newspaper, set it on fire, and throw it away. Under no circumstances should this bomb be used indoors - it can easily cause a fire.

Method three - for the hardworking

The ingredients for this smoke bomb are the same as those described in the previous method, except that instead of water you will need soda. The essence of the option for making a smoke bomb is that saltpeter needs to be melted with sugar. This is done in a metal bowl over low heat with continuous stirring to prevent sticking to the walls of the dish. After the composition turns into a homogeneous brown glassy mass, you need to add soda to it (do not forget to continuously stir the composition). The resulting mass is cooled to a temperature of 35-40 degrees and pressed into a matchbox or other shell. A hole for the wick is squeezed out in the center with a pencil, and the finished “smoke” is left to cool completely (in the freezer). All. We put it on the ground, set it on fire and run away!

How to make a smoke bomb without saltpeter - method four

We buy analgin and hydroperitol at the pharmacy and grind them into powder. We put it in a box or just in foil, heat it with a match and run away from the clouds of smoke! When making “smoke” in this way, you should remember that the reaction will take place even at a temperature of 36 degrees, that is, you should not heat this mixture in your hands. If you feel that the box or jar with the composition begins to heat up, throw it away immediately.

Method eight

A colored smoke bomb is quite difficult to make, but the resulting result is sometimes fascinating in its unusualness. For the experiment, you will need half a teaspoon of soda, half a hundred sugar, 60 grams of saltpeter, any food coloring, a saucepan for mixing reagents, cardboard tubes (you can take from paper towels), and a clothesline.

Pour sugar and saltpeter into a saucepan, place over low heat and stir so that the mixture does not burn.

When the sugar has melted and the mixture turns golden, add food coloring and baking soda. As soon as foam appears, stop stirring and turn off the heat, allowing the mixture to cool to room temperature.

Seal the cardboard tubes tightly on one side, then pour in the mixture and insert a stick, such as a toothpick, in the center

It is important that the mixture is evenly distributed and does not allow air to enter.

Place the cardboard tube in a dark place for a day.

When using, pull out the stick and insert a thread into it, which will serve as a wick.

Colored smoke bomb

I would like to give you a recipe for making the most colorful dumovukha – colored one. Especially if you use several smoke bombs of different colors at the same time. For manufacturing you will need the following main components:

    potassium nitrate, 60g; sugar, 40g; soda, 0.5 teaspoon; dye, 3 teaspoons (the more varied the colors, the better).

Take a bucket and put the prepared saltpeter and sugar into it. The proportion is 3 parts saltpeter and 2 parts sugar (i.e.

60 grams and 40 grams, respectively). Mix the mass, put it on low heat, and stir constantly, otherwise it may burn and fail. The mass should become homogeneous and acquire a slightly golden color. Add soda with dye. When adding soda, the mixture should foam. Don't stop stirring. Add 3 tsp.

l. dye. Let the resulting mixture cool to room temperature. Put on rubber gloves and start filling the container. For the container we will need empty paper towel rolls or something similar, one part needs to be sealed.

We fill the container with the mass as tightly as possible; there should be no emptiness. Insert some kind of stick into the center of the checker and leave the workpiece to dry. After a day, replace the stick with a wick, for example, made of twine. Smoke flare can be used.

Watch the colored smoke in the video:

Soap smoke

For the most well-mannered children, who have never joked so cruelly, it is worth explaining what a smoke blower is. This is a smoke bomb that can be made from available materials, one of which was my mother’s soap. This is the simplest smoke recipe.

We will need laundry soap, several sheets of newspaper, a container for water, tape and a grater.

  1. Rub the soap into a water container.
  2. Pour hot water and dissolve the soap completely. Not an easy task, but ten liters would dissolve any bar.
  3. Soak newspapers in a container, let them soak in moisture, but be careful not to destroy them.
  4. Dry the paper.

Well, how to do it? Crumple the paper soaked in soapy water into a ball and wrap it with tape. Then set it on fire. If it flares up, it means it was poorly soaked. When almost all the paper is covered, extinguish the flame and that’s it, the smoke is ready. Its smoke is harmless, its only disadvantage may be low performance and a small amount of smoke, but in childhood this was enough for us. Let's now look at smoke recipes for older hooligans.

Preliminary preparation

The components and tools for making the device can be found in the kitchen; the only thing you have to purchase is potassium nitrate. Fertilizer is offered in stores for gardeners and gardeners; there will be no problems with the purchase.

To make a smoke fume you will need:

50 gr. potassium nitrate; 10 gr. sodium bicarbonate; 50 gr. sugar (allowed to replace with powdered sugar); 55-65 gr

dye (available from hardware stores); a small diameter cardboard tube (suitable for toilet paper), a matchbox; pencil; stewpan (saucepan); a little tape; cotton swabs; fuse (carefully remove from the fireworks, soak a regular cord with saltpeter, use hunting matches).

To mix the composition, use a wooden stick or spoon.

Non-childish smoke blower

For the hellish, extremely dangerous non-children's smoke blower, we will need potassium nitrate, which we will make ourselves, potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate, soda and sugar, a wick, a pencil and food coloring for the smoke.

Let's start with making potassium nitrate. To do this, in a ratio of 11:9 we take ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride.

We dissolve the saltpeter in water, we try not to dilute it too much. After placing the saltpeter solution in a water bath, add potassium chloride

Stir the resulting mixture, cool in the refrigerator for two and a half hours, pour out, keeping the crystals formed at the bottom and carefully dry them in a frying pan. Collecting the resulting powder

Having collected 250 grams, we move on to creating a smoke oven.

  1. Mix the resulting powder with sugar. You need one hundred and fifty grams of sugar.
  2. Put on fire, stir all the time.
  3. Once the sugar has caramelized, increase the heat.
  4. Boil for about twenty seconds, then remove from heat and add soda. Despite the foam, stir quickly.
  5. Add dye.
  6. If the mixture sticks to the walls, stir over low heat.
  7. Cool the mixture for 5 minutes. Fill an empty tin container with it, insert a wick into the middle of the liquid and transfer it to the refrigerator
  8. Seal the top, leaving a 6mm hole for the wick. That's it, the smoke fume is ready.

Remember that you can use it away from houses. It is very effective, so it is better not to use it in enclosed spaces. Also remember about fire safety.

Smoke bombs

- this is what is really interesting to any guy at a young age. Gray checkers or checkers from newspapers have become no longer interesting; now young people are demanding something new, in bright colors. Today, you have the opportunity to create a colored smoke pipe with your own hands, so let’s not waste time and get started with our developments!

Do-it-yourself smoke blower at home


Nihau, running in the shadows! Hello, random subscriber. You never know what might come in handy when. Especially in this country. Today we will learn how to make smoke makers with our own hands.


Attention!!! All Information on the channel is strictly for informational purposes only and does not constitute a call for anything; the author of the channel does not bear any responsibility.

A smoke bomb or smoke bomb is a pyrotechnic device that produces smoke, used mainly for camouflage (manoeuvres), indicating signals, as well as for combating agricultural pests and frost. But in our beloved country it is not used for its intended purpose.

Types of smoke bombs

Smoke bombs can be divided by duration of action: long-term and instantaneous . A long-acting smoke pipe is a metal barrel with a hole(s) for supplying smoke. An instant smoke squib is a squib with a fast-burning composition that releases smoke. The duration of smoke emission, both for instant and long-term smoke bombs, depends on the composition and volume of the smoke bomb filler. Next we will talk about instant home-made smoke bombs and how they can be made at home with minimal cost and time.

How to make a smoke bomb

The simplest cooking recipes, requiring minimal funds and labor, are smoke ovens:

  • from paper using ammonium nitrate;
  • from paper using salt;
  • from paper using soap.

Recipes for a smoke bomb without saltpeter, and especially a smoke bomb with colored smoke, are more complex, but also implementable at home, but with a little more time and money.

Smoke bomb using nitrate (ammonium nitrate)

To prepare a smoke fume, you will need the following ingredients: ammonium nitrate and paper (newspaper).

Ammonium nitrate must be mixed with water until completely dissolved (in the proportion of 3 parts water and 1 part nitrate). Pour the resulting solution into a suitable container for soaking newspapers (for example, a basin). Place newspapers in the solution for 15-30 seconds. Afterwards, dry the soaked newspapers. After drying, 3-5 sheets of newspaper (whole, not torn) need to be tightly wrapped in a tube (so that there is no hole in the center; the duration and intensity of the smoke emitted will depend on the length and diameter of the tube) and tied tightly with thread. Set the resulting tube on fire and place it on the ground. The larger the pipe, the more smoke it emits.

Smoke bomb using salt

This smoke bomb is the simplest. To make a smoke bomb, you will need the following components: paper (newspaper), salt (preferably fine, since coarse salt can shoot in different directions when heated) and tape.

We crumple the paper into a lump, then open this lump and pour salt into the center. After this, we wrap it tightly with tape and the smoke pipe is ready to be set on fire.

Smoke bomb using soap

The principle of making a smoke bomb using soap is similar to making a smoke bomb using saltpeter and this will require the following components: laundry soap and paper (newspaper).

We take water into a basin and rub laundry soap on a coarse grater. Dissolve the soap in water and carefully soak the sheets in the resulting mass. We dry the soaked sheets of paper; they must be intact; otherwise, due to the large volume of oxygen inside the smoke oven, there will be less smoke. We roll them into a tight bag and wrap them in plastic. Insert a wooden rod into the center. The smoke tube is ready for use.

Smoke bomb without using paper

Below are several ways to make a smoke stove without using paper. To make a smoke bomb, you will need the following main components: hydroperite and analgin in tablets. These tablets can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Hydroperit costs around 30 rubles for 8 tablets, analgin costs around 25 rubles for 10 tablets.

Mash the tablets with a large spoon and turn them into powder. Pour the resulting powder one by one into a container, for example, into an iron can. The reaction of smoke release occurs when the container is heated.

You can make a smoke bomb from plastic items such as a table tennis ball, a tumbler and an officer's ruler (Soviet style). We break it into several pieces and set it on fire, let it flare up a little, then extinguish it and watch the white smoke.

It is also possible to use the above-described plastic products with paper. Break it into small pieces. We wrap the pieces tightly in paper, set them on fire, let them flare up and simmer.

Colored smoke bomb

I would like to give you a recipe for making the most colorful smoke stove - colored one. Especially if you use several smoke bombs of different colors at the same time. For manufacturing you will need the following main components:

  • potassium nitrate, 60 g;
  • sugar, 40 g;
  • soda, 0.5 teaspoon;
  • dye, 3 teaspoons (the more varied the colors, the better).
  1. Take a bucket and put the prepared saltpeter and sugar into it. The proportion is 3 parts of saltpeter and 2 parts of sugar (i.e. 60 grams and 40 grams, respectively).
  2. Mix the mass, put it on low heat, and stir constantly, otherwise it may burn and fail.
  3. The mass should become homogeneous and acquire a slightly golden color.
  4. Add baking soda and dye. When adding soda, the mixture should foam. Don't stop stirring.
  5. Add 3 tsp. dye.
  6. Let the resulting mixture cool to room temperature.
  7. We put on rubber gloves and start filling the container. For the container we will need empty paper towel rolls or something similar, one part needs to be sealed. We fill the container with the mass as tightly as possible; there should be no emptiness. Insert a stick into the center of the checker and leave the piece to dry.
  8. After a day, we change the stick to a wick, for example from twine. Smoke flare can be used.

That's all, cyberstalkers. Stay with us, visit our channel more actively, and share various useful things with your friends. And remember, safety, bitch, is king.

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