How to make a smoke bomb, how to make a colored smoke bomb

There are different types and designs of smoke generators. But they all have a common area of ​​application - similar devices are used in cold smoking technology.

Buying a factory-made smokehouse will cost you a pretty penny. Therefore, it is more rational to assemble it yourself.

Types of colored smoke bombs. All about them

Any photography specialist thinks about creating an impeccable background for photographs. At the same time, often when taking photographs on the street, you need to hide debris or an object that does not fit into the design of the photo. And in most cases the smoke effect is used. And to implement it, you can go in 2 ways - use the Photoshop program, where you can create such an effect, or use a machine that generates smoke. At the same time, the last option is much more realistic and allows you to bring different silhouettes into reality. Much depends on the behavior of the smoke.

How to make a colored smoke bomb or colored smoke with your own hands

If you are into photography, then you have often had to deal with the task of diversifying the background in your photographs. There are a huge number of photo editors that can draw various elements of a smoke screen. However, such smoke is easy to distinguish from real smoke. The natural smoke screen in the photo can have different shapes and outlines; it adds mystery and fabulousness to the image and this is a definite plus. That is why the easiest way to create a curtain is with the help of modern pyrotechnics - smoke bombs or colored smoke. However, despite this, many resort to creating smoke bombs with their own hands. We will publish one of these methods on our website.

We do not recommend creating smoke bombs with your own hands!

Before using the information in this article, read the safety rules for using pyrotechnics!

Making smoke bombs with your own hands is a budget-friendly method, but not always completely safe. All ingredients are easy to get in the store, but we strongly do not recommend repeating the described methods yourself. This article is primarily for informational purposes.

To make your own colored smoke, you don't need many things.

First of all, ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate). It is available for purchase at any garden store. Ammonium nitrate is a white powder and is a fertilizer. In some countries it is prohibited for sale due to its use in the creation of explosives. However, in Russia it can be easily purchased. An analogue is potassium nitrate.

You will also need plain paper. You can take a newspaper or other paper publication.

Next, you need to pour saltpeter into a plastic bottle and dilute it in water.

One liter of water requires three hundred grams of saltpeter. It is better to use an empty 1 liter bottle.

During the process of dissolving nitrate, the temperature of the solution decreases noticeably. You will notice this. The bottle will become ice cold. The resulting foam must be removed. This amount is enough for forty sheets of paper (newspaper) or four checkers.

In order to wet the newspapers you need to take a spray bottle. He puts it on the bottle.

Next, you need to spread all the newspaper sheets and spray with the solution. Remember that saltpeter emits toxic fumes. Therefore, this cannot be done indoors. It is better to process the sheets outside or in the garage.

Each new sheet is placed on the previous one and moistened. Makes 10 layers of paper.

After you saturate 10 sheets with the solution. They need to be turned over and wait for the solution to be evenly distributed in the layers of newspaper. Wait until our design dries a little. Then we begin to assemble a new smoke bomb.

We take a sheet of paper treated with the solution in our hands and begin to bend it in half, curling it into a tube. Take the next sheet and repeat the procedure. It turns out to be a thick roll of paper, which we wrap with tape.

In order for your saber to burn slowly, it is better to take a metal cone. Take a Pepsi or beer can and cut off the top. It is important that the checker is tightly located inside the jar. After placing the checker in it, there should be 1.5 cm left from the edge of the jar. The edge needs to be bent inward.

If you want colored smoke to be released when burning, then add henna. You can also use food coloring. After setting your checker on fire, throw it away from you. Most often, a lot of smoke is produced, so it is better to use this bomb in a deserted place or in nature.

What is liquid smoke made of?

A viscous dark substance or powder, packaged in containers labeled “Liquid or cold smoke,” is a common flavoring. It is prepared in two ways:

  • dissolve decay products of natural wood in water;
  • they recreate a similar mixture artificially, using the achievements of the chemical and food industries.

Composition of liquid smoke

The exact composition of liquid smoke varies depending on the manufacturer, but most often the majority of the mixture is water. On the packaging of one of the most recognizable brands of the product “Kostrovok” the list of ingredients is limited to one item – “an aqueous solution of natural wood smoke.”

Also, wood decay products are often diluted in oil, creating thick marinades, vinegar, juice from sour fruits, and wine. To enhance the taste of the dish, the additive contains various spices and synthetic enhancers.

This is interesting: Device for testing fire department pumps

Proper use of a smoke bomb made from sodium bicarbonate

Using a smoke bomb is not difficult if the manufacturing process is completed correctly. Before lighting the wick, make sure that the length of the cord is at least 5 cm. A prerequisite is to use the smoke blower only outdoors!

Lighting a smoke bomb indoors can cause respiratory problems, even smoke poisoning. After lighting, discard the smoke bomb. The minimum distance at which it is recommended to stay is 5 m.

After the smoke disappears, it is not recommended to immediately approach the used smoke bomb. You must wait at least a quarter of an hour, then pick up the device. Disposal over an open fire is prohibited - it is better to throw the smoke fume into a trash container.

Damage to smoky liquid

The question of the dangers of a product often becomes a topic of debate, but nutritionists do not have a clear answer to it. A direct connection between the consumption of liquid smoke and the occurrence of health problems has not yet been identified. All opinions are for guidance only.

It is advised to avoid the additive due to the fact that it allegedly has a destructive effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa and can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers. The forecast of scientists from the American research University Hopkins is even less comforting. They suggest that the fluid can lead to the formation of cancerous tumors. Smoke is also considered quite allergenic. People with food allergies should avoid the flavoring.

In order not to harm your body, it is logical to choose trusted manufacturers and read the composition or prepare liquid smoke with your own hands. Liquids of questionable quality may contain dangerous dyes and preservatives.

Smoke bomb as a method of fighting bedbugs

Drugs in this group are far from the most popular and widespread. And this is due mainly to the undeservedly low awareness of them and the effectiveness of their work. Externally, a smoke bomb looks like a tin can containing granular or powdered insecticide. Sometimes the product comes in a hard compressed form with a wick for lighting and is sold in cardboard or plastic packaging.

Sulfur smoke bomb "Climate" destroys bedbugs, but is more suitable for the cellar

How it works

The principle of operation of smoke bombs:

  1. After activation, the drug begins to emit caustic insecticidal smoke, which, being a gaseous substance, spreads evenly in all directions, occupying the entire volume of the room. When using an insecticidal smoke bomb, the smoke disperses throughout the room, penetrating into all cracks and nooks.
  2. Reaching the parasites, the smoke settles on their bodies and enters the respiratory system. Through the chitinous cover or respiratory system, the insecticide penetrates into the insect's body and causes a nerve-paralytic effect. After this, the insect dies.
  3. In addition, the insecticidal agent also settles on the surfaces of the room and retains its properties for some time, which is protection against the appearance of new insects. Even if they are able to enter the house again and crawl through the remains of the insecticide, their future fate will be sealed. The toxic substance, if it gets on the paws and abdomen, will cause the same paralysis of the nervous system.

The name of many insecticidal preparations contains a clarification of the direction of action, for example, against mosquitoes, flies or wasps. But don’t let this note confuse you. The fact is that flies and mosquitoes annoy almost everyone, unlike bedbugs. And the inscription “Mosquito smoke bomb” is a kind of marketing ploy, focusing on the destruction of a specific and very common insect. At the same time, the drug itself copes well with other types of insects, including bedbugs.

The Help smoke bomb will help get rid of not only mosquitoes, but also other insects, including bedbugs

Scope of application: can it be used in an apartment?

Manufacturers of smoke bombs, as a rule, note that the drug can be used outdoors and indoors. Sometimes in the instructions you can find a mention of the possibility of use in residential buildings. But specifically about apartments, they are usually silent, despite the fact that smoke bombs cannot be used in apartment buildings. Without going into the reasons that prompted manufacturers not to talk about such an important detail, let’s dwell on the essence of the question: why can’t you use a smoke bomb in an apartment? The answer consists of a combination of two reasons:

  1. Any apartment is not a completely enclosed space. There will always be some cracks through which the gaseous substance will seep out, namely into the neighbors’ apartments.
  2. The smoke emitted by a smoke bomb is a poison that can harm the health of people in other apartments, as well as their pets (cats, dogs, etc.).

Instructions and rules of use

Using checkers it is allowed to carry out disinfestation of the following objects:

  • apartments;
  • private houses and dachas;
  • hangars and warehouses;
  • industrial areas;
  • garages;
  • gardens and campsites;
  • greenhouses and greenhouses.

Sometimes a one-time treatment is enough to completely rid your home of blood-sucking parasites. However, to achieve a guaranteed result, it is recommended to repeat the procedure after 2 weeks, since the smoke only affects adult bedbugs and larvae, but not eggs.

Security measures

Disinfestation using smoke bombs should be carried out only with personal protective equipment. They are put on before the actual use of checkers, and are removed only after the treatment of the room is completed and it has been ventilated.

Ideally, if there is an opportunity to wear a full chemical protective suit. Otherwise, you will need a respirator, rubber gloves and safety glasses. Gloves should be discarded after processing is completed.

You should wear personal protective equipment when lighting a smoke bomb.

In extreme cases, instead of a full protective kit, it is permissible to use a gauze bandage soaked in a soda solution: dilute a teaspoon of soda in one glass of water and soak the gauze with this liquid.

Preparation for processing

All windows in the room are tightly closed and ventilation holes are sealed with tape. Food, hygiene items, electronics and clothing are carefully packaged in impenetrable casings to prevent them from becoming saturated with smoke. All cabinets and drawers are opened so that smoke can easily penetrate them. Furniture is disassembled and laid out in parts on the floor. Bedding is removed from the mattresses and placed vertically, leaning against the wall. Fire safety sensors are turned off. There should be no objects left in the room that will first come into contact with smoke and then come into direct contact with human skin.

Processing process

If the checker is inside a jar and is activated by contact with liquid, this jar is filled with water to the indicated mark.

If the checker has a fuse, it is set on fire. To do this, the product is placed on a sheet of metal, inside a metal bucket, in a ceramic container, or on a brick. The burning of the checker lasts 10–20 minutes

It is important that there are no flammable objects within its reach

After this, the room is left for several hours - the exact time is indicated in the instructions for use of the checker. A maximum of 2 minutes is allotted to leave the room - this is how long it takes for the wick to burn, after which toxic smoke will begin to enter the air.

What to do after treatment?

Upon completion of the treatment, a person in a protective suit enters the room, opens the windows and leaves the house to be ventilated for at least 20 minutes. After this, a thorough wet cleaning is carried out in the house, adding soda ash to the water at the rate of 250 g per 1 bucket. If the person who entered the room to open the windows did not have a full chemical protective suit, clothing should be removed and washed thoroughly.

Effectiveness of a smoke bomb: pros and cons of use

First, about the advantages:

  • The drug is guaranteed to destroy larvae and adult bedbugs.
  • Easy to use. It should be noted here that bedbugs do not build nests, but spread throughout the apartment. In addition, they are nocturnal and very cautious. Therefore, searching for their habitats, for example, for aerosol treatment, is very tedious. The smoke from the bomb spreads independently without your participation and penetrates into the most remote and inaccessible nooks, reaching the parasites there.
  • Cost is also important. The effect of smoke from a bomb is similar to a fine aerosol treatment with a cold fog generator, which is often used by representatives of pest control services. But unlike this service, a checker will cost an order of magnitude cheaper.
  • A smoke bomb is a remedy for more than just bedbugs. You will also get rid of other crawling and flying insects, and possibly mice, rats or other rodents if such a problem exists.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • Drugs in this group are highly toxic and, if safety rules are not followed, can cause intoxication of the body.
  • Does not affect bedbug eggs. In order to completely get rid of parasites, it is necessary to re-treat after 2 weeks. During this time, larvae will emerge from the eggs, which will die during the next treatment. However, during this period they will not have time to become sexually mature individuals and lay new eggs.
  • The disadvantages include the abundance of counterfeit drugs on the market, which, at best, are simply useless, but can also cause harm to health or property. To avoid becoming a victim of scammers, purchase only certified products from reliable sellers.

The principle of operation of smoke bombs is effective in the fight against any insects, and especially against bedbugs, which are not at all easy to get rid of. But it is still more expedient to talk about the effectiveness of specific brands of products, since they differ in the composition of the active substance, and therefore give different results.

Why is a smoke bomb for home use to kill insects popular? After all, you can avoid all these organizational hassles by using an aerosol, gel, or even a classic dust. The drugs are just as effective and less toxic. So why bother figuring out how to use a sulfur bomb if you can solve the problem easier?

In fact, treating a room with aerosol and smoke are far from the same things. In the first case, there is always a possibility that hard-to-reach places will not be disinfected. The fumes released by a smoke bomb from a bark beetle in the house penetrate everywhere - into the smallest cracks, areas behind furniture, behind baseboards - and no additional effort is required from you. That is why they readily resort to such a remedy in the fight against bedbugs and cockroaches. The sulfur bomb Fas from mice is also very popular. The composition of this drug allows you to quickly get rid of rodents in your apartment. When choosing a product in a store, pay attention to its “target audience”. Mold control and pest control don't always go together.

Reading reviews about a smoke bomb for fleas in the house, you can often see enthusiasm about the highest effectiveness of this product. Some even claim that he was able to remove the parasites in one go. In fact, treating the basement with a sulfur bomb cannot affect pest eggs. The process needs to be repeated at least after a couple of weeks. If a “miraculous” instant relief happened, it means that the local insects had already been poisoned with insecticides or they simply did not have time to settle in the new place. This fact does not make smoke bombs for fleas in the basement any less effective. There is simply no need to endow them with properties that they do not possess.

Now, a little about what sulfur bombs for greenhouses are. Harm and benefit are factors that should always be taken into account. First, about the cons. Such an anti-mold checker sometimes fails to cope with deep-rooted microorganisms. Many old spores can remain in the soil and plants, continuing their harmful work. In addition, prolonged exposure to smoke can cause metal structures to oxidize. Otherwise, a sulfur bomb for a greenhouse gives only advantages. The main thing is that there is practically no alternative to this product when caring for open areas and large utility rooms

Smoke generators for industrial production

If it is not possible to make a generator for a smokehouse yourself, you can consider purchasing a smokehouse. Numerous stores will help you make a choice, because their range is quite wide. Below are prices for several cold smoking models from popular manufacturers:

  1. HANHI, Zmei. Price 9800−10800 rub. Fuel container with a volume of 10 liters. One load is enough for 10 hours of work. The power of the built-in electric heater is 1 kW. The presence of a filter, thermometer, air coil for cooling the smoke.
  2. Smoke. Price 4700−5200 rub. Fuel container with a volume of 0.5 kg. Case material: AISI 304 stainless steel. Operating time up to 6.5 hours. Compressor and connecting hoses included.
  3. UZBI, Dym Dymych 01M. Price 2800−3900 rub. One load is enough for 15 hours of work. Compressor included.
  4. Smoke 2.0, Smoke House. Price 1440−1800 rub. Fuel container with a volume of 2.5 liters. Case material: stainless steel, thickness 2 mm. Working time 3-6 hours.
  5. Merkel, Premium. Price 9900−10800 rub. One load is enough for 12 hours of work. Case material: stainless steel, thickness 2 mm. A filter and a special lighter are included.

For a more detailed study of the issue of making smoke generators with your own hands, it is recommended that you first study similar diagrams and drawings on the Internet. Based on them, it is advisable to prepare your documentation, which takes into account all the features of your design. Then the smoking device you make yourself will be of high quality, highly productive and safe.

Storage and use of smoke bombs

It is recommended to store the checker in plastic bags (to protect it from moisture) for no more than 1 month. Wash your hands thoroughly and remove saltpeter from all objects and surfaces.

When using a checker, take precautions. Remember that smoke is dangerous if inhaled for long periods of time and can cause a fire. Therefore, under no circumstances set fire to a checker in a closed space or room.

This method of making a smoke bomb has been known for a very long time and is intended for use only for entertainment purposes.

Remember that you are responsible for any illegal actions associated with the use of this pyrotechnic product, including for causing harm to health through the manufactured product.

Smoke generators: from application to operating principle

The name of this device - a smoke generator - speaks for itself. With its help, smoke is produced and supplied to the smoking cabinet.

Description of the operating principle

Sawdust is placed in the lower part of the chamber, usually made of heat-resistant material. Then, through a special hole (blower), they are set on fire. The draft is also regulated by the blower.

As a result of sawdust smoldering in a closed chamber, the required amount of smoke rises upward. At the same time, air is blown into the chamber by a small compressor connected by a hose to a pipe.

The air allows smoke to enter through the tube - the chimney - into the chamber with the products placed. Such a device is called an ejector. The smoke temperature at the outlet is low, since the fire burns slowly and the product is cooked under almost ideal conditions.

Preliminary preparation

The components and tools for making the device can be found in the kitchen; the only thing you have to purchase is potassium nitrate. Fertilizer is offered in stores for gardeners and gardeners; there will be no problems with the purchase.

To make a smoke fume you will need:

  • 50 gr. potassium nitrate;
  • 10 gr. sodium bicarbonate;
  • 50 gr. sugar (allowed to replace with powdered sugar);
  • 55-65 gr. dye (available from hardware stores);
  • a small diameter cardboard tube (suitable for toilet paper), a matchbox;
  • pencil;
  • stewpan (saucepan);
  • a little tape;
  • cotton swabs;
  • fuse (carefully remove from the fireworks, soak a regular cord with saltpeter, use hunting matches).

To mix the composition, use a wooden stick or spoon.

Photo of the smoke generator

Read here - Devices for cutting bottles: how to quickly and easily cut plastic tapes from bottles (100 photos and videos)

How to make a smoke bomb from flour?

A smoke bomb made from flour has a long smoldering period and the availability of the necessary components.

You need to take:

  • flour or sawdust - 4 parts;
  • sulfur – 1 part;
  • ammonium nitrate – 5 parts.

Grind sulfur and saltpeter in a mortar until a light yellow powder forms. Ammonium nitrate should be dried in the oven on the lowest heat for 20-30 minutes. It is impossible to leave saltpeter unattended, so as not to start melting. Grind dry saltpeter.

Add flour to the mixture of two components and mix thoroughly.

The housing for the smoke bomb is made of thick cardboard. To do this, roll up a cylinder ø3-4 cm from several layers of cardboard, and cover the end with plaster. You can use ready-made cylinders from firecrackers or fireworks.

The powder mixture is poured into the body in small portions. Compact very tightly using a hammer and a rod. Tight pressing ensures long-term smoldering with smoke release. Several circles are cut out of the same cardboard as the body and the tube is tightly closed.

A hole is made in the middle for the wick by piercing or drilling 3 cm through the cardboard and the mixture. A wooden tube or rod is used as a wick. The wick is fixed with several layers of electrical tape.

The smoke bomb is ready for use. Ammonium nitrate is highly hygroscopic and quickly becomes damp. Therefore, the mixture or the finished checker cannot be stored for a long time.

Benefits of smoky liquid

Natural flavoring has 3 undeniable advantages over conventional smoking.

  1. Dishes with liquid smoke cook faster. Hot smoking of meat and fish takes an average of 2 hours, cold smoking – more than a day. The same piece of pork, marinated in a sauce with added flavoring, will acquire a familiar taste in 1-1.5 hours.
  2. The product saves money, time and effort. Preparing food for smoking, purchasing and arranging a smokehouse, lighting it, and the cooking process itself will take several times more resources than baking meat in the oven.
  3. Oddly enough, natural flavoring makes food healthier. When we cook meat and fish on coals, in addition to the aromas of wood, the food absorbs dangerous carcinogens. Most of these impurities are filtered out of the additive during production.

How to make a smoke bomb from soap at home?

Making such a smoke bomb at home is not at all difficult.

For this you will need:

  • Laundry soap 72%.
  • Sheets of paper or old newspapers.
  • Scotch tape or plastic film.
  • Container with water.

Laundry soap should be cut or grated on a coarse grater. Pour into a container of water and heat until the soap is completely dissolved. Or add hot water and stir until dissolved.

The solution should be concentrated, use a little water, but enough to saturate all sheets of paper. For 1 piece of soap you will need 5 liters of water. Completely immerse the paper in the soap solution for impregnation.

The paper should not get wet. The sheets are kept whole because there is more air in a torn sheet, therefore there will be more fire, but less smoke

The paper is carefully removed and dried. Use a fan to speed up the drying process

Dry sheets are rolled into a tight roll, or crumpled and formed into a ball. Wrap tightly with tape or polyethylene. String on a wooden rod. “Smoke” is ready.

Tip: to get a thick paper roll, you need to twist the first sheet in half and put the next one in it. Continue rolling and insert another sheet. So insert all the sheets.

Set the checker on fire and wait until the flame engulfs most of the paper. Active combustion indicates that there is little soap in the solution or poor impregnation. The fire is quickly extinguished. The device begins to smoke heavily.

Newspaper smoke is made from paper soaked in soapy water. After impregnation, the newspaper is dried. Then it is crumpled and wrapped with tape to form a roller. They set fire and wait until the third part burns out. The fire is extinguished and left to smolder.

The smoke from the soap bar is not toxic.

The downside is that it produces only a small amount of smoke.

A smoke generator that is used in gardens to protect plants from frost.

The channel “Zubreev Alexander” told how to make a smoke machine. It is easy to assemble, powered by 12 volts, preferably from a more powerful power supply - for example, from a computer, in order to heat up the coil. I also installed a fan - any fan, as long as it blew on the coil. That's all.

Let's start creating a smoke machine. You will need: heating wire, in this case kental 26 gh, and kental 28 gh. For this homemade product I chose 26, it is thicker, and I made it around 20 by twisting 3 wires together. By the way, photos of this coil, which is located inside. The photographs show it quite well - take a look. Also, if you don’t have special wire, you can use springs - they work well. You need to thread cotton wool into the spring - fuel passes through it. Glycerin rises and evaporates. The author has been trying to make this homemade product for a long time, but it just doesn’t work. I already wrapped the soldering iron with copper wire - or rather a tube. Liquid passed through it and should evaporate. It worked, but the soldering iron quickly cooled down. It's not safe, it eats a lot, etc. - many disadvantages. This method is the simplest and can even be powered by a battery. This is how a smoke machine works – current is supplied to the coil, it evaporates and you’re done. There is also such a battery - you can power it from them, but you need to calculate the resistance of the wire. We will wrap the coil around a screwdriver - it is quite thick. Coyle will be big, that’s why I chose this one. For the hook, a smaller screwdriver is used - very small ones there. Micro-coils are wound onto a rope this way. There is a wire, it is all crooked - it needs to be straightened. If you just pull, it won’t straighten, and if you bend it with your fingers, it won’t either, so we’ll use a screwdriver. We'll show you how to use it. Take a screwdriver, remove the attachment from it, and clamp the wire - and that’s it. We hold it at one end with pliers and pull it, and at the other end we turn on the screwdriver. We can see how straight it is - perfectly level, it’s much easier to work this way. You can already wind it. But for this homemade product I decided to make it more powerful. It didn't turn out bad. Three wires together. After you have tripled this wire, you need to twist it again with a screwdriver. Next from 4 minutes on the video about a smoke machine that you made yourself

Products for inventors Link to the store.

Smoke bomb made from laundry soap, sodium bicarbonate

An easier way to make a smoke bomb is to use sodium bicarbonate and laundry soap. The disadvantage of a smoke blower is that you cannot use dyes; the device will only produce gray puffs of smoke.

Step-by-step process for making a smoke bomb:

  1. Grate a bar of laundry soap, use a fine grater or chop it into a paste with a sharp knife.
  2. Add warm water in small portions and stir the soap grains until completely dissolved.
  3. Combine thick soap mass, sodium bicarbonate (20 g), mix.
  4. Wait half an hour and soak newspaper sheets with the mixture.
  5. Dry the paper in the sun, in a dry, hot room; the sheets must remain intact, otherwise the penetration of oxygen into the smoke oven will affect the amount of smoke.
  6. Roll the newspaper sheets into a tight roll, the diameter of the device is 5-10 cm.
  7. Secure the rolls with thin plastic wrap (it is recommended to use cling film).
  8. Leave room for a wooden rod to hold the smoke bomb.

Using a smoke blower is simple - use a lighter to set fire to newspaper sheets soaked in soapy water through a hole left near the rod.

Be sure to be careful and keep the smoke bomb at arm's length. After the first puffs of smoke appear, stick the rod into the ground and move away

Self-made smoke generators

Craftsmen have long come up with various options for smoke generators for home use. Smoking food without spending a lot on equipment is the dream of many. Even non-professionals can make such a device from available materials. They all operate on a similar principle, the only difference is in the parts from which the smokehouses are assembled.

Electric stove smoke generator

To periodically smoke small amounts of fish or meat, you can make a simple smoke generator using an electric stove.

The following components will be needed:

  • electric stove;
  • old saucepan;
  • pipe or used barrel,
  • wire mesh;
  • two reinforcement rods;
  • sheet of iron, plywood;
  • sawdust, wood chips.

The smokehouse should be located in the fresh air, as far as possible from living quarters. You need electricity to operate and may need to use an extension cord. Otherwise, things in the house will smell of smoke.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Prepare the barrel. Thoroughly clean it of any remaining contents. Then, measuring approximately one-third of the height from the top of the barrel, pass several reinforcing rods through its walls. Attach the mesh to the fittings and hang the necessary products from it. The barrel is ready for use.
  2. Place the tile firmly on a non-combustible surface and connect it to an outlet.
  3. Place wood fuel in a saucepan.
  4. Place the pan on a plug-in stove.
  5. Use the temperature control knob to adjust its heating power.
  6. Place the barrel on the tile.
  7. Cover the top of the structure with iron or plywood.

One load will allow this smoke generator for cold smoking to operate for 4 - 6 hours. The process is complicated by the need to constantly monitor the amount of fuel and correct the smoldering temperature. To do this, the barrel will have to be raised periodically.

Although there are shortcomings in this design, many users are attracted by the ease of assembly and low manufacturing costs.

Smoke generator from a spent fire extinguisher

With a little ingenuity, you can turn an old fire extinguisher into a smoke generator, as in the photo.

Work must begin by cleaning the fire extinguisher from old contents and making sure there is no rust on its walls.

Smoke generator assembly:

  1. Cut the fire extinguisher, retreating about 5 cm from the top. As a result, we get a lid.
  2. Make a hole in the lid, screw in a tee with pipes.
  3. Connect a compressor to one of the tubes, and the other will serve to deliver smoke to the smoking chamber.
  4. Make several holes in the fire extinguisher at a distance of 4-6 cm from the bottom of the fire extinguisher. Through these holes the wood chips will be ignited and the draft will be adjusted.

The finished device can function for 7-10 hours. The operating time depends on the diameter of the fire extinguisher.

Smoke generator made from tin cans

Tin cans are perfect for making a simple smoke generator yourself. This cheap way to get a good smoker will appeal to many.

For this you will need:

  • three cylindrical tin cans: two identical, one slightly smaller;
  • connecting clamps or metal tape;
  • fum tape;
  • tee and nut to secure it;
  • a piece of copper tube with a small diameter;
  • a piece of tube of larger diameter and length for connecting the smoke generator to the smoking cabinet.

Device assembly procedure:

  1. Clean and dry canning jars.
  2. Connect two cans of the same diameter using an iron clamp or metal tape. First cut off the bottom of one jar.
  3. At the bottom of the first can, make holes for igniting fuel and adjusting draft.
  4. A tee is installed in the bottom of the third, smaller can. It is secured from the inside with a nut. The connection must be very tight and not allow air to pass through.
  5. A squeegee with a tube is attached to one side of the tee, and the connection is sealed with fum tape.
  6. Insert the copper tube at one end into the pipe so that it protrudes a few centimeters from the other side of the tee. Seal the entry point. The ejector is ready.
  7. Attach a larger diameter tube to the second hole of the tee. A smoking chamber will be attached to it.
  8. Pour sawdust or wood chips into the bottom jars to a height of about two-thirds and set fire through the holes.
  9. Close the structure from above with an ejector.
  10. Attach the compressor hose to the other end of the copper tube.

A simple smoke generator is ready.

It should be taken into account that this device must be installed on a flat surface made of non-flammable material, because during operation ash may spill out of the ignition holes.

Smoke from the line

It is noteworthy that a smoke maker from a ruler can be made not only from school supplies. Smoky plastic is used to make picks or ping pong balls. So, we need, suppose, one pick, a matchbox and one match.

  1. Cut the pick into small, small pieces.
  2. Place them in a matchbox, laying them in one direction.
  3. After filling the box, leave it slightly open.
  4. Make a wick from a long piece of plastic by inserting it into the hole so that it comes into contact with the flammable material.
  5. Light a match, light the fuse and run. The smoke will be very acrid and dangerous, at best you will end up with coughing and tears. The smoke will be dense and dense, and if not for its toxicity, then this method would have all the advantages.

How are the products smoked?

Cold and hot methods of cooking smoked meats are a process in which the products are exposed to smoke from slowly smoldering wood. It is the smoke that kills bacteria and gives the final product a unique smell. Without a special smoking installation, made independently, this effect cannot be achieved.

To make it yourself, you will need the following components: a box for placing products, a smoke generator, a compressor (supercharger).

How to make a smoke bomb out of paper

Method 1

You can make a “smoke pipe” yourself in the following simple way.

For this you will need:

  • Ammonium nitrate from the fertilizer store.
  • Thick newspapers.

Dissolve saltpeter in warm water. Take the ingredients based on 1 liter of water - 300 g of saltpeter. Cut newspapers into pieces similar in size to A4 format and immerse in the solution for several minutes. Remove and dry well.

The peculiarity of the chemical is that it absorbs moisture from the air and therefore the leaves do not dry well. To achieve complete drying, use auxiliary means, such as a radiator, iron or hair dryer.

You can also wet newspapers using a spray bottle. Dry leaves should be rolled into a tight tube and secured with tape or thick thread. The tube should not have a hole in the center.

It is not advisable to make the checker long or thick, because the saltpeter will burn unevenly. If a whole sheet of newspaper is used, it is folded along its length twice and then rolled.

A large checker, rolled from several newspapers. placed in an aluminum beer can, cut off at both ends. This is done to avoid the checker catching fire. The length of the body is cut with an allowance of 1-2 cm on each side, relative to the roll. The edge needs to be folded.

For the body, empty cans of paint or deodorant are used. The thickness of the winding is adjusted according to the opening of the can so that it fits tightly. The finished saber is set on fire at one end, waiting until it flares up and puffs of smoke emerge. Throw to the side as far as possible. Thick, white smoke is produced.

Store ready-made saltpeter-impregnated sheets in glass jars, closed with lids or sealed plastic bags with a zipper.

Method 2

It's very easy to make a smoke bomb out of paper and salt.


  • Newsprint.
  • Fine salt.
  • Scotch.

Form a tight ball from the paper. Tear the paper in one place and add salt. Wrap everything tightly with adhesive tape. Ready to use. It is not advisable to use coarse salt, because it shoots out when heated.


As noted above, cold smoke is distinguished according to two criteria.

  • Release form: powder and liquid. Liquid supplements are more common in stores. It is easier to use because it does not require additional preparation. The substance should simply be poured into a marinade or semi-finished dish and the food should be cooked. The powder is a concentrated solution. Before preparing dinner, you will first have to dilute it with water.
  • Method of preparation: natural and synthetic.

Liquid smoke of natural origin

Hardwoods are used to create natural flavoring. Most often, aspen, bird cherry, alder, and apple sawdust are used as raw materials. Conifers are avoided in the production of additives - when they burn, a large amount of resin is formed.

The concentrated flavor comes from real smoke. While the sawdust is smoldering, it is condensed, cleaned of harmful impurities, the remaining liquid is infused in barrels and bottled. The resulting product conveys the smell of smoking quite reliably and, in the absence of cost-cutting additives, has a relatively good composition.

Liquid smoke of synthetic origin

The most common liquid smoke found on store shelves is artificially recreated. The fact is that this cooking method is cheaper, less labor-intensive and resource-intensive. Depending on the recipe and the responsibility of a particular manufacturer, dyes, synthetic additives and spices end up in the treasured bottle. Together, they vaguely resemble the natural aroma of smoked meats, but the usefulness of such a marinade is questionable.

Smoke bomb safety

Working with chemicals requires mandatory safety precautions. Otherwise, with ordinary insect baiting, people get poisoned if they do not use a respirator.

When producing a smoke screen yourself, one must not forget about precautions when making and using a smoke bomb.

Safety when making a smoke bomb

  1. Unnecessary clothing should be worn. After the work has been done, the clothes are not suitable for use.
  2. The smoke bomb components should not be held close to the face.
  3. Buy safety glasses.
  4. Rubber gloves are a must. Even when producing smoke smoke from salt.
  5. Respirator.
  6. The production procedure is carried out outdoors, in an empty room.
  7. Making an ammonia smoke blower is life-threatening; the bomb is used immediately after creation.

Safety when using a smoke bomb

  • The smoke bomb should be used outdoors, in a sparsely populated place.
  • To safely light a checker, it is advisable to use an electric or gas lighter with a handle.
  • During operation, the checker can catch fire and rush in different directions. Maintaining distance is necessary.
  • If a fire does occur, use a fire extinguisher and an unnecessary old cloth.

The enthusiasm for producing a smoke screen at home is no small. In the case of ammonia smoke, it is better not to get carried away, but to carefully calculate the proportions.


It is worth using a checker with the best intentions. Damage caused by a smoke curtain is possible on a large scale. You should be careful about exterminating insects on the site and do not forget about safety measures.

Types of smoke generators by ejector location

Smoke generators come with an upper or lower ejector.

The main advantages of the top-mounted option are as follows:

  • Increased combustion area volume. The result is more stable smoldering.
  • Economical. The wood chips smolder slowly, which reduces firewood consumption.
  • Longer pipe life. Being located at a sufficient distance from the place of heating, the parts of the device are less exposed to the negative effects of temperature.

The disadvantages of this type of smoke generators include the need for additional smoke filtering due to the high draft in the chamber.

If the ejector is located at the bottom, large particles of fuel may enter the chimney. Its length must be increased. This is not always feasible in a small summer cottage or the territory of a private house. In addition, exposure to high temperatures reduces the service life of the ejector.

Smoke generators of both types have found their use among smoking enthusiasts. However, in home smoking it is better to use the top type of device.

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