How to make Halloween decorations - scary beautiful!

A holiday for which both children and adults prepare with great pleasure is Halloween. This is actually a great way to have fun (and now I’m not talking about the holiday itself, but about the preparatory work). If you think through everything in advance: decorating the premises, dressing and refreshments for the guests, the holiday will be unforgettable. Finding the perfect Halloween decor and then making it yourself can be really fun with this collection of cutting templates. Everything is here! We have collected the coolest, funniest and even craziest pictures on any holiday theme. See for yourself!

About masks

Masks are three-dimensional products that have holes for the eyes, lips, and nostrils, worn on the face to protect the skin or hide the identity. In ancient times, they were used in various rituals, ceremonies, as totems, to scare away evil spirits. They were made from leather, removing the corresponding part from the animal’s head, and cut from bark and fabric. Decorative options are used as interior decorations, are made of wood, stone, ivory, plaster, ceramics, and can have significant sizes.

In many countries, theatrical ones were widely used, the most famous ones being crying and laughing. In ancient Greek amphitheaters, bronze items were used to help the singer’s voice carry far enough. Masks were no less popular in the circus, ballet, Venice carnival, as well as various modern role-playing games.

Functional masks are divided into medical ones - saving from infection in the air, protective masks - protecting the face, eyes, respiratory organs from external influences. The latter include gas masks, respirators, ski, hockey, scuba diving, masks, anesthetic structures, etc.

In ancient times, “shameful” masks were also used for those who committed minor offenses, preventing identification - for example, an executioner mask, torture masks - iron or bronze, as well as posthumous masks - cast immediately after the death of a person, funeral masks - worn by the deceased already in the coffin.

How to make your own avatar costume

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Toph and Katara dressed as Ba Sing Se aristocrats. ("City of Walls and Secrets")

People in the world of Avatar, in general, did not like to stand out, and preferred to follow fashion

. One could judge a person's nationality, status, and profession by clothing.

Fashion in the world of Avatar is based on Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Tibetan clothing.

Making a mask from cardboard, paper

In modern times, masks are made for the New Year, various children's holidays, Halloween is no exception.

To make a simple Halloween mask you will need:

  • scissors;
  • orange and green paper;
  • cardboard;
  • ribbon or lace;
  • PVA glue.

How to do this step by step:

  • the outline of a pumpkin with a “tail” is drawn on the cardboard, slits for the eyes are marked, all this should be cut out;
  • a pumpkin is cut out of orange paper, a tail-stalk is cut out of green paper, the details are cut out and glued to cardboard;
  • a cord or tape is glued to both sides of the mask;
  • on the front side you can outline the “eyes” with a black marker or gouache

Alternatively, ready-made ideas can be downloaded from the Internet and printed at the nearest copy center.

The mask of any movie character - Freddy Krueger, Frankenstein, etc. - is made using the same principle.

Baba Yaga costume

A typical Halloween look will be different every time because all sorts of unnecessary things come in here. It would be better if they looked completely unkempt. Everyone in the house has old grandmother's things lying around somewhere in the closet, and where, if not in creating a Baba Yaga costume, will they come in handy? To make the image more believable, use torn, perhaps never washed, things: the worse they look, the better. Let's not forget about the bright attributes of this character: a bright grandmother's scarf, red beads and something that would imitate a mess on the head - a wig, for example.

By the way, this arsenal of things can be used to create other images - a garden scarecrow or the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz. As for the second hero, it’s easy to make the same pants from a skirt for him. You just need to make a cut and sew it into tubes. Then gather at the bottom and place on the cuffs.

Felt masks

Felt is a very convenient material for making a mask. It is easy to cut and comes in a variety of colors.

What masks are made from felt:

  • bat – use felt in black or any other color. The contour is drawn from the wrong side of the material, the workpiece is cut out. Eye holes are cut, all edges are sewn on a sewing machine with a contrasting thread, and ties are sewn on the sides;
  • dragon - consists of two symmetrical parts of light green color and one darker one on the top. All parts are glued or stitched together to create the desired structure. Then the dragon’s nostrils and eyebrows are cut out from black felt and glued on;
  • smiley - using a compass, draw a circle on paper a little larger than the face, outline it on yellow felt. Afterwards, the contours of the eyes and a smile expressing a certain emotion are glued onto it.

The mask size for an adult man will be larger than for a small boy or girl.

The witch image and the history of the appearance of pointed hats

The evolution of the image of the sorceress is closely connected with the history of religious fundamentalism. If initially witches were not treated so categorically, then in the era of “witch hunts”, any woman could become a potential “friend of the evil one.” It only took a couple of slander from “well-wishers” and several hours of torture for the unfortunate woman to confess to all her sins. It was believed that witches met with the devil himself, killed children, played dirty tricks on people in every possible way, and periodically flocked to sabbaths to brag about their atrocities and celebrate their impunity. Pointed hats are a mandatory attribute of witches only in Western culture. The domestic Baba Yaga preferred scarves or headbands. Bulgakov's Margarita even flaunted her nudity. Pointed hats have been popular across cultures. Moreover, they did not carry any negative connotations. Elongated headdresses first appeared in Ancient Egypt. They were called atevs and, along with klafts (striped scarves), were considered part of the ritual appearance of the pharaoh. In Europe, pointed hats were universally worn by men. Women preferred ennen - heavy “caps” with a frame made of whalebone, wrapped in silk and decorated with a veil. There were no brims in such “hats”. The hats were already heavy and caused the wearer a lot of trouble while walking.

In the Middle Ages, witches appeared to people naked and with their hair down. Moreover, witches usually had lush red hair. A little later, the witches became more modest and began to disguise themselves more carefully. Their clothes did not differ from the appearance of an ordinary city woman: a dress and a cap. Only in the 17th century, in English books and engravings, witches acquired pointed hats. Many researchers believe that it was with the help of the absurdly sharp tip that it was easy to hint at the connection of the owner of the headdress with evil forces. The image, as they say, “hit the spot.” It began to be used everywhere (in fairy tales and songs) and now, after a couple of centuries, not a single self-respecting witch showed up to the Sabbath without this element of clothing. The image of a sorceress in a pointed hat was finally established after the publication of Frank Baum’s book “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.” The Wicked Witch of the West had an unhealthy greenish complexion, was dressed in black robes and a hat of the same color, the tip of which rivaled the spire of the tallest tower in terms of sharpness. This look has become classic. It is complemented by a stylish broom, perhaps a skull in hand and a faithful companion - a wolf, raven, bat or black dog. It would seem that the sorceress should look caricatured and ridiculous in this outfit, but the gloomy image of a woman who is on first name terms with otherworldly powers adds color to her appearance. Pointed hats are heavily used during Halloween. They can be called a classic attribute of a witch costume. Hats are often equipped with heavy buckles, like those on belts. This is a Dutch tradition that gradually merged into the English image of the witch and into the symbolism of the Quakers. The combination really turned out to be amazing, because some are representatives of a religious organization, while others are the evil spirits with which they are fighting.

Pointed, brimless hats were part of the image of astrologers (astronomers). It was believed that the space under the hood symbolizes the “temple.” The astrologer could be anywhere, but at the same time he was constantly “in the cathedral,” that is, he maintained contact with the heavens.

Volumetric masks

Volumetric structures for the holiday take a little longer to make than flat ones, but the result looks more interesting. For girls, masks of witches, black cats, bats, mummies are suitable, for guys - vampire masks, depicting horned demons, sorcerers, skulls, etc.

Making a gypsum base

To make such a mask, you will need a volunteer, who should be laid horizontally, fatty cream to lubricate the face, paper towels, and glue.

How it's done:

  • the cream is thickly applied to the face, special attention is paid to the eyelashes and hairline;
  • paper towels are torn into pieces, soaked in glue, placed on the face, avoiding the openings of the nostrils;
  • After applying several layers, the product is dried with a hairdryer and carefully removed from the face.

Next, a plaster cast is made, for which you will need:

  • alabaster;
  • water;
  • sand;
  • containers;
  • fat cream;
  • mixer;
  • scotch.

Gypsum is mixed in a container to a homogeneous consistency, applied to a paper base with a layer of about two centimeters from the inside. Later, the required mask will be sculpted on such a plaster base.

Alabaster can also be applied directly to the face, protecting the eyes with film overlays and inserting tubes into the nostrils. Then places where it should not go are protected with tape or cardboard limiters. If the negative base is not too smooth, it is lightly sanded, after which the positive base is poured in, and the previous structure is divided into two halves.

From papier-mâché

To make a papier-mâché mask, a plasticine base is required, or less often, the material is applied directly to the face, lubricated with fat.

From plasticine, which will take about a kilogram, a fantasy shape is molded, depicting, for example, a demon with horns. You will also need water, newspaper and toilet paper, PVA glue, and gouache paints of several colors. Afterwards, the structure is pasted over with one or two layers of torn paper moistened with water, with glue soaked on top of it. A total of six to eight layers are made, depending on the thickness of the paper. From larger pieces of thin paper, something that is difficult to sculpt is formed - facial wrinkles, folds on the face, horns and pointed ears are created. The last layer, for greater rigidity, is made of thicker paper. It is important not to forget to leave slits for the eyes, nostrils, and mouth. The structure is dried well, removed from the base, painted in red and black tones, and covered with sparkles.

From polymer clay

It is easy to make a skull mask covering the upper part of the face from white and gray polymer clay. First you need to create a drawing of the desired product. The clay is carefully applied to the face, lubricated with fat or cream, leaving slits for the eyes and a recess for the nose. The layer is made about five millimeters, and the edges of the product are made uneven, as if imitating real bones. All contours are carefully drawn with paints, the necessary irregularities, and the junctions of the “bones” of the skull are drawn with toothpicks or special stacks. The structure is fired in a kiln and varnished. A stick holder is attached to the side of the product, which can be stylized as a skeleton hand, also sculpted from plastic.

From plaster bandages

To work you will need:

  • volunteer model;
  • Vaseline or cream;
  • scissors;
  • plaster bandages;
  • paper napkins;
  • PVA glue;
  • various accessories;
  • gouache or acrylic paints.

It will take up to 48 hours to make the structure - it must dry well. The bandage is cut into small rectangular pieces. The face is smeared with cream, pieces of napkins are overlapped over it, and then pieces of bandages moistened with water are placed in two layers. After 15 minutes, the mask is removed, the eyes, mouth, and nostrils are carefully cut out, making sure that these parts are symmetrical. The contours are trimmed with scissors. The entire structure is covered with paper napkins, since plaster can cause allergies; horns, ears, voluminous teeth, patterns of threads or lace are glued to it. Afterwards it is painted and decorated with sparkles, rhinestones and beads. Tip: when working with plaster, you should protect your hair and clothes from it with a towel, cap, or cape.


Everyone expects a gift from Ava.
The Avatar will wish to become a reliable, loyal friend. The Avatar carnival costume consists of the following elements:

1. Jumpsuit 2. Socks 3. Loincloth 4. Armband 5. Wig 6. Accessories 7. Face painting

For the costume you will need: turquoise knitwear with blue streaks (or use a plain one, painting the streaks with blue acrylic paint); black artificial suede, Velcro contact tape (Velcro), a piece of black fur with long pile, Velcro contact tape (Velcro), wooden beads, rubber band.

Overalls. Sew a tight-fitting jumpsuit from knitwear using any suitable pattern from a fashion magazine. You can make the pattern yourself by combining a turtleneck folded in half lengthwise and leggings along the waistline. Draw a pattern along the contour. The modeling of the overalls pattern can be viewed in more detail HERE To ensure that the product does not lose elasticity, all seams are made using an overlocker or a regular machine using the narrowest possible zigzag seam. Concealed fastening with buttons or Velcro in the back seam. Make the sleeves long and cut a hole for the thumb, thereby covering the hands as much as possible. For the tail, sew a narrow tube, fill it with padding polyester, and sew a piece of long-pile fur to the tip. Sew the tail into the back seam.

Socks. Sew socks from knitwear that will be worn over shoes. Make the sole non-slip by sewing on pieces of suede. You can simply sheathe the Czechs.

Loincloth. Cut out a rectangle from faux suede and sew it to a belt made from the main fabric.

Oversleeve. The pattern of the sleeve is an inverted trapezoid. Velcro fastening.

Wig. Buy a ready-made wig and braid it. Gather into a ponytail with a jersey tie.

Accessories. Collect beads and a bracelet from wooden beads of different sizes. Use an elastic band for the bracelet.

Face painting. Apply children's face painting to the face.

The sketch of this costume was made on the basis of a photograph and description sent to the “Carnival Costume 2011” competition. Author of the original idea: Yulia Dubinskaya.

Description, drawing: Lyudmila Orlova, coordination and layout: Tatyana Evtyukova

The material was prepared specifically for the children's portal “Sun”, published on December 3, 2015.

For personal use only! Republication in other publications is prohibited!


Mask made from masking tape

Painting tape is used to cover a structure made of papier-mâché, cardboard, or other material. Scotch acts here as an original decor, both in its entirety and cut into fragments of any shape. The pre-painted gypsum product is decorated with painting tape - then a second, contrasting layer is used to cover everything that is not covered with tape. The tools you will need are sharp scissors or a stationery knife; the dye is applied with a brush or from a spray can.

Halloween - cupcake templates (free to print)

Now it's time to talk about treats! It’s hard to imagine this holiday without placating guests with sweets. But making a suitable decor for cupcakes is the easiest way. But this is provided that you have thematic templates. Using them you can do:

  • Toppers. To do this, select a picture and print it. Attach to a wooden skewer and you are ready to decorate the cupcakes.
  • Original sprinkles. Cut out a picture from the printed template. Spread a layer of frosting onto the cupcake. Place the template on the cream and sprinkle cocoa or grated chocolate on top. Remove the template and... done!
  • Fashionable design. If you have a food printer, such a template can be printed on wafer or sugar paper. It will turn out mega-cool!

If you know other ways to decorate cakes using these templates, share them in the comments!

And if you know how to cook gingerbread cookies, then I will show you how to decorate them.

We create a mask using makeup and cosmetics

Beautiful “war paint” for Halloween is done using theatrical makeup or bright cosmetics. You can “draw” on the face using:

  • long lasting lipstick;
  • primer;
  • bright eyeliners;
  • black liner;
  • bright shadows, preferably liquid;
  • loose glitters;
  • sponges, brushes.

For teenagers and adults, Halloween makeup is replete with dark tones, imitations of cracks, scars, bruises, and “devilish” arrows. For a more dramatic look, apply gel eyeliner or black nail polish to the front teeth. Children are given less scary coloring, and cosmetics are hypoallergenic. Pink and blue shades, a semblance of blue under the eyes, vampire teeth, small scars and hearts are acceptable.

Cocktail witch hat

A cocktail hat is a small, elegant headdress. It is usually secured with pins on the side. Such a hat is part of the image of an elegant witch who only hints at her affiliation with the dark forces. The outfit bears little resemblance to caricature masquerade clothing. A sophisticated dress, a corset embroidered with black lace and a tiny hat with a flirty veil - this is the image of a modern witch. You can make such a headdress from fabric with a cardboard frame. The black silk crown is covered with lace and decorated with large beads. At the junction of the brim and the cap, a satin ribbon is attached, which is crowned, like a cherry on the cake, with an elegant brooch instead of rough decorative buckles.

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