DIY paper ball. Step-by-step instructions + 300 photos

how to make a paper ball
Do you want to know how to make a paper ball with your own hands? He asks why? Because it's beautiful, fun, simple and practically free! It is impossible to think of anything more beautiful for home decor, holiday decoration and mood lifting. Here you will learn how to make it yourself:

  1. New Year's paper ball
  2. Paper honeycomb ball
  3. Origami paper ball
  4. Paper pom poms
  5. Origami kusudama ball
  6. Wicker paper ball
  7. Paper strip ball

How to inflate a balloon if it doesn’t inflate: tips

Sometimes, especially when you have a large package of balloons in your hands and there is no time or money to run to the store for new balloons, they stubbornly do not inflate. There are several tips that will help you inflate any balloon.

A container of warm water - add the balls and let them sit for a few minutes. (warm, but not hot!)

Now gently stretch them in different directions with your hands and place them on a towel so that all the moisture from their surface is absorbed.

We inflate, fighting against resistance (the first 1-3 exhalations), then the ball will begin to inflate much easier.

If a child wants to inflate, but he can’t do it, inflate and deflate the balloon and only after that give it to the child. Thus, the child will easily overcome the resistance in the pre-stretched ball.

Rules for inflating balloons with a pump

It seems easy to inflate balloons with your mouth, but when there are a lot of them, it’s a whole test for a person. So take a regular bicycle pump and put on a ball adapter, or a special ball pump.

Rules for inflating balloons with a pump

Now we put the ball on the tip of the pump and hold it so that the ball does not fly off, we will re-inflate it. After the balloon is inflated to the required size, carefully remove it and tie it in a knot. Ready!

Important element: burner

Before making a balloon, you need to carefully consider the design of the burner. Its fuel currently is liquefied propane. The average power of the device is 4.5-6.0 thousand megawatts. You should purchase special burners for balloons, which are made of durable stainless steel using a special technology that allows the device to withstand large temperature changes.

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