How to make headphones: tips on how to make and repair headphones with your own hands (video + 125 photos)

How to make headphones with your own hands

Let's start with step-by-step actions:

First you need to purchase an output that will be suitable for a computer or mobile source. The most common today is miniJack. Its diameter comes in 6.3 mm and 3.5 mm. The second one is more in demand and everyone has used it at least once in their life.

Now you need to remove the cover from the plug that you purchased. A strong and reliable cable must be passed through this hole so that it can have four cores.

The wire is secured with a stand on the top of the plug. It is equipped with a hole. For this hole it is necessary to solder several conductors. There are two conductors left. They need to be soldered to small contacts.

Secure the entire structure with electrical tape. Check the device with an ohmmeter for short circuit problems.

We are looking for several speakers that have the same diameter. Eight ohms should be the resistance of each of them. They need to be inserted into special bets. Typically, this procedure requires plastic jars.

You need to attach a metal ruler to the headband. Then we connect two wires to each of the emitters and connect one of them to the plug stand, the other to some small contact.

Main stages of headset assembly

The headphone assembly process consists of four stages:

  • checking the integrity of the cable and the functionality of the speakers with a multimeter;
  • soldering the wire to the plug;
  • soldering bifurcated wires to the speakers;
  • installation of parts inside the housing.

If you decide to assemble a headset for a mobile phone, one more item is added to the assembly process - soldering the microphone. All parts are taken from old broken headphones or bought in a store. The second option is not profitable, since the costs will exceed the cost of a new headset, and there is no point in assembling it yourself.

Recommendations: How to properly warm up your headphones and whether you need to do it

, Headphone wiring , Do-it-yourself headphone repair

What about wireless headphones

Wireless headphones can be assembled. How to make wireless headphones? For this we need a couple of tools.

What is necessary

  • The wire
  • bluetooth adapter
  • Charging device.

We carry out the assembly

  • First you need to insert the Bluetooth adapter into the charger.
  • We connect it to the stereo system.
  • We open Bluetooth in the device through which music will be played.
  • Let's connect and listen to music.

Now we have learned how to make Bluetooth headphones inexpensively and practically.

Microphone from headphones

If you are wondering how to make a microphone from headphones, then the answer is quite simple.

Many headphones (the speakers that produce sound) already have factory microphones installed. They allow you to communicate even on a computer without using a real microphone.

To do this, just insert the headphones into the computer, and then switch to the microphone.

Problem Definition

A break can occur in the plug, at the speaker, or somewhere in the cable. The latter case is extremely rare and, as a rule, is caused by mechanical stress on the wire due to careless handling. In such a situation, it is recommended to completely change it, since the adhesions will create a problem area.

Places where wire breaks most often occur

Most often, the problem lies in the plug itself, since this is the most critical place. In most cases, by pressing on the base of the connector, or bending the cable near it, you can find a position in which both headphones will start working. As a result of this, we can state that the problem lies precisely in the plug.

It's better to buy headphones or make it yourself

It depends on how well you handle technology. If it’s easier for you to make your own headphones, then it’s better to buy the necessary components.

But you can buy inexpensive headphones that are of good quality, so you don’t need to waste effort. However, if you decide to make them yourself, then patience is required.

Non-standard connectors

We have already mentioned that many manufacturers produce devices where the input on the headset differs from the standard one. For example, some models of Nokia, Samsung, Ericsson, etc. It is also common to find headsets where a USB connector is used instead of a standard plug, for example, WH-205.

As for the technology for repairing such headphones, it is practically no different from the usual one. The only exception may be searching for an original plug for a particular phone model. But, given the increased number of “left” manufacturers of original spare parts, it is not difficult to buy such a connector.

In addition, do not forget that to connect a standard headset to a non-standard connector, you can use an appropriate adapter, for example, such as shown in the photo.

Adapter for Samsung phone, for standard headset

If desired, such an adapter can be soldered independently, but given the low cost of Chinese products, this is not particularly necessary.

As you can see, soldering headphones correctly is not difficult; all that is needed for this is accuracy and skills in working with a soldering iron. Even if you didn’t manage to make the repair the first time, don’t be upset, check everything again.

Headphones with microphone

So, to find out how to make headphones with a microphone, just re-read the article again. Headphones with microphone required. You can make headphones using the method that we described step by step above.

However, if you need headphones with a microphone, then you need to find headphones that have a microphone. Then it will be possible to carry out the task you want to complete.

Remember that in this business you need to be good at soldering and working with micro parts.

On the stage

In general, the process of modifying any headphones can be divided into two directions - improving the driver and fine-tuning the acoustics of the housing.

Driver HiFiMAN HE-400i

Drivers for production models, especially in the lower price segment, often have a simplified design. Sometimes it even comes to the point of reducing the strength of the structure, which, for example, some younger HiFiMAN models suffer from, when the frame on which the magnets are attached becomes deformed and the driver loses sensitivity due to the loss of the correct shape of the magnetic field. In addition, the youngest headphones of the same brand use ferrite magnets instead of neodymium ones, which, in my opinion, is completely bad manners.

In addition to the material, the shape of the magnets is of particular importance. In a magnetoplanar driver, the most important characteristic is the uniformity of forces applied to the membrane. Any irregularities lead to a huge amount of distortion. There are two ways to get rid of them: by selecting the track topology so that it matches the nonlinear field density or by designing a completely linear magnetic system. The vast majority of serial magnetoplanars use a topology with constant pitch tracks, so the whole problem is creating a uniform magnetic field.

The magnets themselves are overwhelmingly neodymium. But not everything is smooth with the material and quality of the magnets. The material itself is divided into grades. The main grade used is N (Normal) - suitable for normal conditions up to 80 degrees. Above that, they begin to lose their properties. The number in the stamp, for example N35 or N52, means magnetic energy in megaGauss-Oersteds. The more, the more powerful, but also more expensive. You should not order magnets from Ali; they clearly do not reach the declared characteristics in terms of magnetic energy compared to those produced, for example, in Russia. That rare case when it is better to order from local manufacturers.

Driver Fostex T50RP

In addition to the magnetic field of the system, but inseparably from it, there is the acoustics side of the magnetic system. The fact is that magnets and the magnetic system can form a noticeable obstacle to the sound. And any obstacle invariably degrades the sound quality; at best, the sound will simply lose some of its power. An illustrative example is Fostex T50RP with a magnetic core system. Such a system leads to the fact that the sound subjectively becomes somewhat “sawing”, and the reliability of high-frequency reproduction is lost. If possible, craftsmen try to get rid of this system either completely or partially, opening the membrane as much as possible.

An option for modifying the magnetic driver system from T50RP, the photo shows the location of the magnets, the magnets are also located on the reverse side

In addition, the magnets in such a system stand parallel to the membrane, covering part of the usable area. You can, for example, create a more powerful magnetic field simply by placing magnets across and doubling their number while maintaining the open area of ​​the membrane. This is the deepest degree of modification. In fact, in such headphones there is nothing left except the original membrane.

Photo tips on how to make headphones

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