Home workshop on the balcony - 6 stages of work on arranging the workspace

To carry out carpentry work, a workbench is required, since not every table surface can withstand the load placed on it.

Recently, a folding universal workbench is often used, in the manufacture of which special materials are used.

That is why it is designed to withstand high loads, impacts and high pressure. If necessary, you can make a folding workbench with your own hands using ordinary tools.

Basic requirements and legality of redevelopment

Before using the loggia room for the needs of a workshop, you should make sure that future repair work is legal and safe. Failure to comply with the redevelopment rules is a fine, and you will also have to return the loggia to its original appearance.

Therefore, before starting work, you should contact the competent authorities for information if the workshop involves the presence of heavy, dangerous equipment.

The general rules of this stage include the load on the balcony slab, no more than 200 kg per 1 m2 for a new slab. This figure for a worn-out structure will be even lower. To assess the condition of the balcony slab and the entire structure, it is also worth contacting specialists.

It must be remembered that the balcony space of an apartment building is not only future usable space, it is also subject to fire safety rules. If something is supposed to be done using open fire or other dangerous, flammable substances, then the balcony must be equipped in accordance with all safety rules, with the notification and permission of the fire service.

But this applies only to light work; installing a blast furnace or lighting a large fire is prohibited on any type of loggia in an apartment building. This applies to industrial activities and cannot be carried out in residential premises.

Another important point is compliance with the noise regime. The balcony is part of the apartment, therefore it is subject to the same standards as the living space. During the daytime, noise levels up to 40-55 dB are allowed, at night it is 30-40 dB.

These are measures prescribed by law; neighbors remain another important factor; it is worth making sure that the workshop brings only benefits, without inconvenience to third parties.

Drawing and design development

After choosing a design option, we make a drawing and determine the future design. First you need to find out the dimensions of the furniture. To do this, it is necessary, armed with a tape measure, to measure the height and width of the balcony, and determine the depth of the future cabinet. In fact, there are no restrictions here, the only thing is that the design should not interfere with the lighting.

It is clear that not everyone knows how to draw drawings, but engineering precision is not required here. Everything can be done in the form of diagrams. One picture should show the dimensions of the frame, the second – the elements of the internal filling, and indicate the approximate distances between the shelves and partitions. Having these numbers, using the formula for calculating the area, you can calculate how much material will be needed. The quantity of necessary accessories is also determined.

It is at the design stage that a number of mistakes are made. Making a cabinet has many nuances that are impossible for a non-professional to know about:

  • a light façade visually appears larger than a dark one;
  • if the cabinet rests on the window sill, then you need to make an indent so that the doors can open freely;
  • for a wardrobe you need to plan an indent equal to the width of the guides;
  • in order for the design to be universal, it is better to divide it into two parts: make one of large volume, the second with small compartments;
  • colored materials on the balcony quickly fade due to the abundance of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Roller shutters made of plastic are better, they open easier, are more reliable and are not afraid of temperature changes. When choosing them, you should give preference to the spring-inertial mechanism;
  • as insulation, if the balcony is cold, penofol would be an ideal option;
  • When making a cabinet from lining on a balcony, the structure is varnished for durability. If there is no glazing, additional treatment with special protective impregnations is necessary. It’s also worth thinking about completely covering the balcony with clapboard, then everything will be designed in the same style.

How to equip a balcony as a workshop for a man: stages of construction work

There are several general steps in arranging a work space on a balcony:

  • Strengthening the concrete slab and frame . This stage is necessary for hanging balconies, damaged or structures that are more than 15 years old. To do this, they use reinforced structures, screeds, additional strengthening techniques, and fixing the balcony slab. Read more in the article “Repairing a balcony slab.”
  • Glazing . The workshop assumes the presence of tools and materials on the loggia that are used for needlework or other activities, therefore it is better to hide the loggia and all its contents from precipitation, wind, and low temperatures. You can glaze a balcony either cold or warm. With cold glazing of the balcony, the air temperature will differ from the street temperature by 5-6 degrees. With warm glazing, the temperature of the mini workshop will be as close as possible to room temperature. To do this, you can use double-glazed windows with two or more chambers. When installing windows, you need to remember the location of the desktop. This is necessary for comfortable work, which is only possible with sufficient lighting. Therefore, it is worth mentally arranging the work area before installing double-glazed windows. Read more in the article “Glazing a balcony with your own hands.”
  • Insulation of the loggia . If you plan to work in the workshop all year round, then for this it is worth insulating the floor, walls and ceiling on the loggia. This can be done using polystyrene foam, hydro- and vapor barrier.
  • Soundproofing the loggia . This is necessary if the tools in the workshop will make loud sounds. It is worth gluing sound insulation around the perimeter of the balcony if a noisy machine, a professional sewing machine will be constantly working in the mini-workshop, or long-term work will be carried out on a workbench.
  • Interior decoration of the loggia . This stage completely depends on the type of activity and comfort. At this point you can implement various design ideas. Combine the workshop with a relaxation area or storage space.

Stage 5: installation of light sources

Even a balcony with panoramic glazing and located on the sunny side requires the installation of additional lighting. This will allow you to carry out any work without hindrance and use the workshop in the evening and at night. Similar parameters can be easily achieved by installing at least two artificial light sources.

  1. The main overhead lighting is calculated according to the area of ​​the room. Standard quadrature allows you to get by with a luminaire with a fluorescent lamp with a power of 63 W. When using LED lamps, preference should be given to lamps of 6 - 10 W.

  2. To carry out small work at the table, the workshop should also have a mobile directional light lamp. Standard office equipment with toggle joints or clamps can be used. These luminaires are easy to install in any convenient location.

Important: on sunny days, natural light can create difficulties in working. To prevent such situations, it is better to take care of possible shading of the balcony room in advance. Adjustment of the light flux is ensured using conventional horizontal blinds, which also need to be equipped on the balcony.

Workshop on the balcony of a city apartment

The artist's work area will differ significantly from the work area of ​​a seamstress or woodworker. Therefore, it is worth analyzing the nuances of the design of some desktop options, the placement of tools, and materials separately.

Carpentry on the balcony

The main workplace in this room is the workbench. This table can be purchased at a hardware store, or you can build it with your own hands to suit the size of the balcony and your own needs.

Carpentry, like many other jobs, requires many different tools. You can place them in different ways. The simplest solution is to cover one of the walls with wooden panels, drive nails into them and hang tools.

If the master prefers greater organization of his workplace, then it is worth choosing drawers and shelves for storing tools and materials. You can also use one of the walls for this. Do not glaze it, but make it solid, with a niche for a rack or shelves (read more in the article “DIY rack for a balcony”). If various heavy machines are needed for work, then it is better to store them on iron, well-reinforced shelves.

The workbench must also be securely fastened to the floor. Therefore, it is worth choosing a place for this desktop in advance. Sunlight should fall on it for as long as possible, and you also need to install an additional artificial light source - these are safety issues, you must not forget about this.

For a carpentry work area on the balcony, you will need good sound insulation of the walls and floor. It is better to choose a floor covering that is soft and durable so that it is not damaged by sawdust and falling iron tools. The walls must also be able to withstand pieces of work materials that bounce off and tools that jump out of your hands.

Loggia for the artist

For an artist, not only the comfort of the walls is important, but also the atmosphere in the room. On the loggia you can place either an ordinary desk, large enough for large format paper or whatman paper, or an easel.

It must be remembered that some paints, even canvases, have their own storage methods. This must be taken into account when planning repairs to the loggia. Be sure to use waterproofing for the loggia to prevent it from getting too wet.

Lighting also plays a big role, because paints can change tones in natural and artificial light. Also, direct sunlight can damage the work of the master. To prevent such situations, you need to install blinds or one of the types of curtains on the windows.

The nuance of the art zone is paints; they spill on the floor and can stain walls and textiles. Therefore, building materials for the final finishing should be chosen that are easy to clean and have cleanable surfaces. These are plastic, laminate, treated wooden surfaces. It is easy to remove paint from such materials with a damp sponge or rag.

Handicraft corner on the balcony

This is the most fertile field for the embodiment of bold ideas, both in the design of the desktop, places for storing materials, and in the interior. All these points depend on the type of needlework.

For knitting, it is enough to equip shelves for yarn, select a box with compartments for knitting needles and hooks, place a comfortable chair under good lighting, add individual comfort with the help of your favorite wall colors and a soft carpet on the floor.

For needlewomen doing work that requires a large amount of materials and tools, the room should be thought out more carefully. On a long balcony you can even place two versions of a table for needlework.

One part should be equipped with a table, accompanying shelves and cabinets for quilling and making postcards, and the opposite part of the balcony should be set aside as a table for beads and jewelry work. For both ideas, a table with a glass top, under which you can place sectional shelves, would be useful.

Sewing corner on the balcony

A workspace for a seamstress differs from a craft table in that you need to place not only threads, needles, scissors, fabric, but also allocate space under the table for a sewing machine, cutting table, and overlocker.

A sewing machine can be either part of a common structure with a table, or a separate machine that can be hidden when not needed. This is the main place of work, therefore it should be comfortable, all related materials should be at arm's length so as not to interrupt the sewing process. To do this, you can arrange the walls of the loggia around the desktop. Place fasteners for threads that are used frequently; the rest can be put away in a shelf with sections. Scissors, spare spools, and needles can be placed on the wall in front of the sewing machine.

How to install a vice on a bench

A vice is a necessary attribute of a metalworking bench.

Tip: Due to their heavy weight, they should not be attached directly to the tabletop. Between the metal on the table and the vice you need to put a metal spacer one millimeter thick.

Holes for anchor bolts are drilled in the gasket. The same holes are drilled in the tabletop. The structure is fixed with anchor bolts.

What are the safety requirements for the workbench:

  • The structure must be stable, not sway, and not move when little force is applied to it.
  • The organization of the workplace should be such that nothing interferes with work.
  • All corners and protruding elements must be rounded without cutting edges.
  • After finishing work at the workbench, the workplace is cleared of chips, oil and other materials.
  • A properly made workbench can withstand a load of up to 200 kilograms.

Using a high-quality workbench in your garage is the key to convenient work for its owner.

DIY workshop on the balcony

You can create a workplace on the balcony for professional activities or for your favorite hobby on your own. To do this, you need to know exactly in what conditions it will be comfortable to work, calculate the materials, forces, time and get to work.

Strengthening the frame and repairing the balcony slab can be too difficult; it is better to use people with certain skills and knowledge for these construction works. Insulating the balcony, laying all types of insulation, sheathing the walls, ceiling, laying the floor - this can be done yourself. Read more in the article “Do-it-yourself balcony repair.”

It is important to remember that insulation is especially important if needlework does not involve active movements.

The placement of a work desk, cabinets for tools and work materials is all a matter of ideas of the owner of the room, based on personal comfort. You can even build a workbench yourself if you have a high level of carpentry knowledge.

Design solutions are not a problem at all if the balcony is designed by a needlewoman or an artist - this is a wide field for the implementation of ideas and options for demonstrating one’s own capabilities.

It is worth remembering that in the pursuit of ideas you should not neglect simplicity and comfort. So, it is better to put linoleum on the floor in a construction workshop (read more in the article “linoleum on the balcony”) than a high carpet; this will make cleaning easier.

The workshop on the loggia is not just a work area. This is the embodiment of fantasy, talent and bold ideas through creative work. And the workshop, which is equipped on a well-insulated balcony, will become a place for good year-round earnings.

What tools will you need?

If you decide to assemble and install furniture on the balcony with your own hands, you cannot do without special tools. You will need:

  • drill/driver or powerful cordless screwdriver;
  • drills for wood and iron;
  • tape measure – necessary for measuring diagonals;
  • pencil - to indicate markings;
  • hexagons - necessary for manually tightening confirms;
  • square - needed to create straight lines with right angles;
  • mallet - a rubber hammer, useful when installing shelves and wooden dowels;
  • jigsaw – necessary when adjusting parts to size;
  • building level and plumb line.

Making a workshop on the balcony of a city apartment

Creating a functional room on a balcony or loggia is a fashion trend in recent years, which is popular not only in European countries, but also here. As a rule, balconies and loggias of a city apartment are converted into extensions of the kitchen, playrooms, bedrooms, home offices, etc.

At the same time, a workshop on the balcony, which does not have the same high requirements as, for example, a playroom or bedroom, seems to be an excellent solution.

All work on converting the balcony of a city apartment into a workshop can be done independently, without the involvement of specialists.

But you need to take into account that you should not neglect some stages of the work, so as not to encounter serious problems during the operation of the premises in the future. For example, very often people underestimate the importance of high-quality insulation of a balcony that is being converted into a functional room.

DIY - English to Italian WordReference

WordReference English-Italian Dictionary © 2022:

Basic translations / Translation principles
DIY adj. adjective
: describes a noun or pronoun—for example, “a
tall girl
,” “an interesting
,” “a big
([sth] made by amateur)fai da te loc agg locuzione aggettivale
: Espression di più parole che descrive o specifica un sostantivo: "C'è del tonno
in scatola
" - "Ho seguito il metodo
fai da te
: Hyphens are used when the term is or precedes a noun.
Have you seen this patio? - that must have been the case - Independent work!
Hai visto quel patio? Dev'essere stato un lavoro fai da te.
DIY n noun
: Refers to a person, place, thing, quality, etc.
(home improvement)
fai da te nm sostantivo maschile
: Identifica un essere, un oggetto o unconcetto, which presupposes genere maschile:
medico, gatto, Strumento, Assegno, dolore

English-Italian Dictionary WordReference © 2022:

Basic translations / Traduzioni Principali
home improvement n. noun
: refers to a person, place, thing, quality, etc.
bricolage, fai da te nm sostantivo maschile
: Identifica un essere, un oggetto o un Concetto, which presupposes genere maschile:
medico, gatto, Strumento, Assegno, dolore
: Often used as an adjective.
I go to the home improvement store to get a screwdriver, concrete blocks, and a can of spray paint.
Vado al negozio di fai da te a comprare un cacciavite, qualche mattone di cement and un barattolo di vernice.

How to prepare a balcony for renovation?

First of all, attention should be paid to the glazing of the balcony. Most likely, it already exists, so in this case it is necessary to carefully evaluate its status, and also analyze whether this solution is suitable for future tasks.

If the workshop is not planned to be used during the cold season, then there is no particular need to install expensive multi-layer glazing, because traditional inexpensive plastic or wooden windows that protect the equipment and the owner from bad weather are quite sufficient.

If the workshop on the balcony will have a workbench or work table and year-round operation is planned, then you definitely need to think about high-quality glazing. A good solution would be to install two-chamber or three-chamber double-glazed windows, which provide excellent thermal insulation and sound insulation characteristics.

After installing double-glazed windows, you need to make sure that between the individual elements of the new windows there are no cracks, holes or other defects through which cold air or moisture can leak.

Is it necessary to insulate the balcony?

Here again everything will depend on the operating mode of the workshop. If the workshop on the balcony will be used only on warm days, when the window can be opened, then it is not worth insulating the floor and walls, since this will simply be a waste of money. But the installation of a high-quality and effective thermal insulation layer will be necessary if you plan to spend a lot of time in the workshop, including in winter.

There is no point in heating a balcony if its floor and walls are not properly insulated - all the warm air will easily seep through any cracks.

To insulate the walls of a balcony, traditional thermal insulation materials can be used: mineral wool, polystyrene foam, slab insulation. The principle of carrying out work on insulating a balcony will largely depend on the selected thermal insulation material.

Particular attention should be paid to the insulation of the floor, on which you need to apply a layer of cement screed, lay roll insulation on it, then install wooden logs and place the main thermal insulation material (again, mineral wool or something similar) in the free space between them.

For insulation, it is quite possible to use modern thermal insulation materials, such as polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene foam, etc. But in practice, they are rarely used for insulation of balconies, because inviting qualified specialists with professional equipment to process several square meters of surface becomes too costly. In addition, not everywhere in our country such services are offered and not everywhere there are specialists with the appropriate qualifications.

Transformable models

A folding workbench has recently become very popular because, if necessary, you can quickly change its purpose. The design can be used to work with various materials, while saving free work space. The features of a carpentry folding workbench include:

  1. If necessary, you can save free space in the workshop when you do not need to perform any work. At home or in the garage, almost every free meter is worth its weight in gold, so the workbench is convenient because it can be quickly folded.
  2. A distinctive feature of the universal design is the high strength of the frame. The working surface is made of various materials.

Many people decide to assemble a folding universal workbench with their own hands, since the finished mobile model is highly expensive. In addition, it may not be stable enough.

Heating issues

When using a workshop regularly, it is very important to choose an efficient method of heating the room. In the case of a workshop, the most optimal solution will be those heating devices that will not take up much space and work with maximum efficiency. Therefore, you will have to choose from a “warm floor” system, ceiling and wall heating units.

Floor heating option.

A combination of several heat sources, for example, underfloor heating and an infrared heater, is also quite possible.

Ceiling infrared panel.

It is not recommended to install a separate radiator on the balcony connected by pipes to the central heating system, since in this case, before starting work, you will need to coordinate everything with utility services, which very rarely give permission to install radiators in non-residential premises of city apartments.

For independent expansion of the heating network in an apartment, current legislation provides for a fine, as well as work to dismantle an illegally installed radiator.

In addition, when placing the radiator and pipes, it will be difficult to install a workbench and other equipment for the workshop, since the heating system will hide the free space.

Creating comfortable conditions

Any building structure, especially in a new building, has a number of flaws that have to be eliminated. We must try to seal the cracks in the seams of the loggia with foam, inspect the glazing and frames, and foam the cracks here too. If there is open space under the loggia or balcony, the floor will freeze in winter. The floor needs to be insulated. The simplest and most effective option is polyurethane foam yoga mats. If this is a carpentry workshop on the balcony, then linoleum should be laid on top of the rugs for ease of cleaning.

In areas with long and cold winters, such as Siberia and the Far East, there is a need for an electric heater. Nowadays many economical and compact models are produced. The choice of model is up to the owner, but it is better to place the heater on the wall of the loggia, so you need to choose a model with the possibility of such mounting. The location of the loggia on the street wall is more rational, heating occurs more quickly and the influence of street temperatures is immediately cut off, and the apartment wall is warm by default.

Arrangement of the premises

The workshop on the balcony needs special finishing. Increased attention should be paid to the floor covering - it must be resistant to serious mechanical loads, pressure, and falling metal objects. The use of parquet, laminate and linoleum is somewhat questionable, because... they can hardly even withstand a workbench.

A workbench, especially a metalworking one, can be quite heavy, but you can make it yourself or buy a folding one, as in the video below.

If you also put a tool cabinet on the balcony, then you need to provide a reliable base that will bear the resulting loads.

Cabinet for tools and workpieces.

Instead of a heavy cabinet, you can consider a stationary or retractable stand for hand tools. Video below.

In the workshop, you can consider installing a floor made of monolithic concrete, special ceramic tiles, engineered wood, porcelain stoneware; all these coatings can easily withstand a workbench. At the same time, you need to take into account that the load-bearing slab of the balcony will receive a significant load (finishing materials, tools, a workbench and much more - everything will create serious loads).

Tiles on the balcony floor.

That is why, before carrying out finishing work, you need to check the condition of the load-bearing slab, assess how much weight it can withstand and how safe it is to operate under high loads. Utility service specialists can provide similar information. In some cases, without additional strengthening or major repairs of the load-bearing slab, specialists may impose a ban on placing heavy materials and equipment on the balcony.

Is it legal to set up a workshop on the balcony?

Of course, no one can prohibit using the balcony the way its owners want.

Relations with neighbors are a completely individual and separate story.

Do not forget, it is strictly prohibited from the point of view of law to exceed the permissible load on the load-bearing slab. Therefore, if you are planning to install a workbench and other heavy equipment, then you need to consult with specialists before doing so.

Otherwise, the supporting slab may become deformed, and the balcony will become unsuitable for further use. Are you planning to place a heavy workbench in your workshop on the balcony? Be sure to reinforce the base plate.

Assembling the frame

Assembly of the frame is quite simple: two long boards are connected by 5 short ones in the shape of a rectangle. The second frame of the same type, to which the pneumatic wheels will be attached, is assembled in the same way.


  • 4 boards of 2.40 m each - on the long side of the workbench;
  • 10 boards of 1.0 m each - on the short side.

To assemble the frame, I use metal corners that allow the elements to be attached to each other at an angle of 90 degrees.

DIY balcony workbench part 1

While it's cold outside. The Christmas trees have been taken down everywhere and the festive mood no longer smells. I decided to assemble a simple workbench table on my balcony.

For the league of laziness, the photo below is a ready-made option.

And from now on, I will ask all people with an allergy to punctuation at the level of a 4th grade student to leave.

Because itching in the ass is guaranteed.

Due to the curvature of the arms and a broken sight according to the markings, I assembled the simplest version of cross-cutting equipment for sawing.

I chose the board that was as smooth as possible in the store, but at home after just a night, it started to sink (Nowadays it’s crap, not wood.

I will drill the holes with a hand drill. hehe)))) why manual? my 9 year old brother can lift this machine with his left hand)

In order not to use long self-tapping screws, I decided to recess them by drilling out the holes with an 8 mm drill. (This is approximately the diameter of the head for the figured bit of the self-tapping screw.

Next, I sawed the legs of the table to the required dimensions and the lintels that strengthened the structure.

For those who are especially curious, there is a furniture board behind the “sticks”. it will serve as a countertop.

Next, I drilled all the necessary holes for self-tapping screws, and holes for embedding them.

Next I assembled the entire structure. (without shield)

Next, I screwed the tabletop (by screwing in the screws from below), and the table was ready!

Next is the most trashy, strange, but probably interesting!

The tools of the heavy arsenal of the carpentry workshop were used.

Next, I screw on the guide for the router sole in the most barbaric way to make an even groove for the pin. (At the same time, I apply a square so that there is at least some imitation of the seriousness of what is happening)

I choose a cutter, but a fatter one. I can’t wait to break the router) (last one at the top)

In 2 passes I mill a depth of 2.3 cm (according to the height of the nut for the stud)

Having made sure that the nuts are the same height, I mill a little more so that the nut sits in its place.

At this moment, the picaboo does not allow me to upload more images (for this reason I will call the post “part 1”, and I will publish the 2nd part in 10 minutes)

The neighbors are lucky, such a handy guy lives nearby!

A fat plus for straight arms. But. wooden structures, especially those assembled with self-tapping screws, tend to become loose. Wouldn't it be easier to make a metal frame?

If I had added glue to the screws, then nothing would have gotten loose, but it’s most likely already loose.

You get five for this.

Did I understand correctly that there are no diagonals in the legs? he'll be staggering like who knows?

“I chose the board that was as even as possible in the store, but at home after just a night, it was ruined (Nowadays it’s crap, not wood.” Are you really a carpenter? =) It’s not the wood that’s crap, but the humidity/temperature at home is different from the store. Or you bought raw sawn wood. At home in the cold (the balcony is not insulated, as I understand it) it dried out a little and it curled up.

No. I'm not a carpenter. My workshop, my hobby. I am not well versed in wood cutting technology.

What is the price of a furniture panel in what rubles?

My balcony is already twice as big

The neighbors will probably be happy! )))

No matter how it turns out.

Hello shavings on the carpets)

Hm. I also have a welder on this balcony. I wonder if I’ll have time to cook it before they take it away?))

Passion for a carpenter's workbench, or - a shoemaker without boots

Time flies - it's scary! For a long time I have been gnashing my teeth about the new, spacious workshop, which will definitely have two departments: wood and iron. I’m really very sick of this matter, but, as usual, life itself dots the i’s and says, to hell with you, Dima, the workshop is so quick: first, pay off the debt for the Dagestan stone, then build a summer kitchen, tomorrow, build something else... something, well, we’ll see, maybe you’ll have a workshop. So, in between times, on the quiet, sometimes I’ll grab an old machine, so that I can acquire a tool, and, between household chores, get carried away with the hobby of restoration. In short!

A couple of years ago I saw a video of an interesting friend, here it is:

And do you know what happens at such moments? I just fell in love with this workbench! Yes yes - at first sight! Perhaps it is not the most advanced, I admit that it is not the most convenient, but damn - it has beauty, grace and brevity, which for me is just like sour cream for a cat: what is needed.

I think: we need drawings so that it will be available when it comes. I opened the author’s website - and he asks for money for the drawings: the amount seems small, and supporting a good maker is never a sin, but - there is always a “but!” Firstly, it was winter, and there was almost nothing to do during the long evenings. And, secondly - purely sporting interest - can I do it? Am I crazy? Mongolia? Oh, I remembered - magnolia! In the sense of whether I can give birth to this wonderful flower, especially considering the fact that my acquaintance with Solid Works at that time could be called superficial. And even now, strictly speaking, I’m on good terms. In short, the challenge was accepted.

I don’t see much point in describing the entire development process here; I’ll give a link to the topic in the comments if anyone is interested. Link to models/drawings - here you go, no complaints, as is: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bzb96ijbjcmkQzQ4Zi16VEtzQU.

What's all this for? Two years have passed since the opening of that topic, I am still moving towards a new workshop (the foundation has already been poured, two-thirds of the blocks have been purchased), and today I found out that one good person began to make this workbench using my models. This is what he came up with:

So, I thought, it’s not in vain. Perhaps it will be useful for someone on a pickup truck. And I will be very happy if by the time I get around to making a workbench, I will already be the tenth of those who will bring the drawings to life.

In fact, the idea, of course, is not mine, I provided a link to the author’s video. All I did was, based on the video, I tried to recreate the general appearance. At the same time, the dimensions, the appearance of individual parts, the relative position of some parts are definitely different, because all I could start from were estimates regarding a spherical horse in a vacuum, i.e. everything according to the original video, on the wormy eye squinting to the left.

Installation of a workbench on a balcony and loggia

A workbench on a balcony or loggia is an excellent solution for those who live in apartment buildings and want to have their own workshop. This way you can save precious living space.

With such a device on the balcony, you will no longer have to spend a long time searching for the necessary tools, since they will be stored neatly folded in one place. This solution is especially useful if the balcony is constantly empty.

Desk dimensions

To understand what size the workbench should be, take measurements of the balcony. Based on the data obtained, we begin to design technical furniture.

The main size is the width of the table. Usually the workbench is placed on one of the sides of the balcony or loggia. The distance between the front wall of the house and the front fencing of the balcony or loggia will be the width of the table. The height of the table depends on the individual physical characteristics of the owner. The standard height of this type of furniture is 750 mm. The depth of the tabletop can be any convenient for the user.

An opening for the worker’s feet at the table is required. In the absence of one, the workbench will be very inconvenient, especially if a person stays at it for a long time.

Why do you need a workbench?

Its design consists of a work table and compartments for various tools and workpieces. The table for it can be made of either wood or metal (depending on the tasks performed on it). Its remaining elements (such as drawers, bedside tables, pendants, etc.) are made from any materials and are arranged at the user’s discretion. The workbench design can even be made collapsible and portable.

According to their purpose they are:

For auto mechanics and mechanics, a metal workbench is perfect. His tasks include working with metal and other durable materials. It should have a metal work surface, a vice for securely holding workpieces, a couple of lighting fixtures and a place to store tools. It is advisable to make a table for a metal workbench with the ability to adjust the height, since it is more comfortable to work on it while standing.

A carpentry workbench will be useful for carpenters and wood carvers. With its help you will be great at making different tables and stools, repairing broken furniture or making a variety of decorative crafts. Its design consists of a wooden work surface (large enough to comfortably saw anything), a small vice and drawers for tools. If you like to saw with a jigsaw, then for greater convenience you can make a semicircular cutout in the center of the table. The area underneath should be covered with cardboard to easily and quickly collect scattered shavings.

The carpenter's workbench is not suitable for a balcony because it is too bulky - 1 m wide and 6 m long. It is mainly used for making furniture and processing large parts.

Also, a good workbench should have the following characteristics:

  • the working surface is large enough and free;
  • the workbench design is stable and motionless;
  • enough space to store all the necessary tools;
  • There is a place to securely secure the workpiece.

Desk dimensions

To understand what size the workbench should be, take measurements of the balcony. Based on the data obtained, we begin to design technical furniture.

The main size is the width of the table. Usually the workbench is placed on one of the sides of the balcony or loggia. The distance between the front wall of the house and the front fencing of the balcony or loggia will be the width of the table. The height of the table depends on the individual physical characteristics of the owner. The standard height of this type of furniture is 750 mm. The depth of the tabletop can be any convenient for the user.

An opening for the worker’s feet at the table is required. In the absence of one, the workbench will be very inconvenient, especially if a person stays at it for a long time.

Site preparation and installation

Before you start making and installing a workbench on the balcony, you need to prepare a place for it. First you need to install electricity. You can simply make a hole in the wall between the balcony and the room. And as a battery, you can use a carrier of the length you need, connecting it to the nearest outlet in the next room. Then you need to insulate the balcony (so as not to shiver from the cold in winter) or simply equip it with sheets of plywood in the place where the workbench will be located.

Now let's proceed directly to manufacturing. For a standard single workbench, the dimensions used are 80x80x150 cm (regardless of its type and purpose). If your balcony is wider, then you can expand the central area of ​​the workbench. Be sure to eliminate all possible cracks and extra holes.

At the base of the workbench there is a tabletop, which is attached to the bench. Its width should be such that all tools that are suspended at the opposite end are at arm's length. The wooden tabletop must be made of hardwood (oak or beech) and its thickness must be at least 60 mm. For a metal tabletop, dense aluminum with a thickness of about 6-10 mm is quite suitable, and the underbench can be placed on steel or cast iron legs. It is advisable to securely fix a wooden tabletop, and weld a metal one to ensure maximum strength!

The surface of the workbench should be protected with an additional wall on three sides. This is necessary so that waste cannot fly out of the workplace during work. One of the walls will serve as a good place for attaching tools. On the other wall you can nail hooks or shelves for quick access to necessary things. In addition to this, you can build small drawers and niches under the tabletop or even put a bedside table if free space allows. In terms of organizing useful space above the workbench, it is advisable to limit yourself to shelves and lighting so as not to overly clutter the workplace. Finally, a wooden workbench must be treated with an antiseptic, and a metal workbench must be coated with a primer.

Equipping the workbench, preparing for work

In order not to repeat ourselves, we suggest paying attention to the previous sections, since a new workbench table can be equipped and equipped in exactly the same way as one created on the basis of old furniture.

The only question that remains is installation and preparation for work. You will need to install the finished product on a flat surface, indoors. It is advisable to protect all materials with special impregnations; put pads on the support block or workbench legs. Now only the equipment that we have already talked about earlier, and interesting projects from you.

Equipping the workbench with the necessary equipment

After all the preparatory and installation work is completed, it’s time to equip the workbench on the balcony with everything necessary for work. The first and most important tool is a vice. They replace an extra pair of hands. In a vice, you can securely secure the part and carry out any manipulations with it.

There are two types of vices:

  1. Chair blades are useful for heavy, rough work with a hammer or hacksaw. They are instrumental, have free movement of one jaw, rotary and non-rotary. These vices must be screwed to the surface of the workbench due to their bulky design and heavy weight.
  2. Universal - light and small in size. They can be placed in any desired place, which allows you to secure the part in the most convenient position. But these vices are inferior to chair vices in terms of reliability of fixation. They are attached to the surface of the workbench with bolts.

The set of the most necessary tools for a workbench includes:

  • a hammer (preferably several copies and different sizes) and a nail puller;
  • a set of screwdrivers, wrenches and adjustable wrenches;
  • pliers, wire cutters;
  • hacksaw, saw, jigsaw;
  • measuring stationery (ruler, tape measure, level);
  • plane, chisel.

Also, do not forget about power tools, such as a drill, hammer drill, jigsaw, circular saw, grinder, etc. They are more convenient and practical to use compared to their manual counterparts.

It is advisable to store all tools in such a way that dust does not fall on them. This is especially true for electrical appliances. If the design has many drawers, then this will not be a big problem. For those instruments that are attached to the wall, you can make curtains made of wood that fold in the shape of an accordion.

How to make a metal workbench

Before you build a workbench in the garage, you need to purchase the following tool:

  • A grinder with a wheel and a grinding disc.
  • Apparatus for welding with electrodes.
  • Working clothes and devices for protection against welding.
  • Building level.
  • Roulette.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Electric jigsaw for cutting plywood.
  • Electric drill.

Materials for work:

  • Equilateral profile corners 50x4, 6.4 meters long and 40x4, 6.75 meters long.
  • Rectangular pipe 40x60, with a wall thickness of 2 millimeters, 24 meters long.
  • Steel strip 40x4, 8 meters long.
  • Steel sheet, two millimeters thick, dimensions 2.2x0.75 meters for the manufacture of table tops.
  • Tabletop boards, 50 millimeters thick.
  • Plywood sheets for drawers and table walls, 15 millimeters thick.
  • Guides for table drawers.
  • Screws.
  • Self-tapping screws for metal.
  • Anchor.
  • Paint for metal and wood.

Tip: A workbench from such materials will be made in the following dimensions: table - length 220 centimeters, width -75 centimeters. It can accommodate two vices at the ends of the table, sandpaper and other tools.

The procedure for making a workbench with your own hands:

  • The existing material is cut out.

To make the frame, a profile pipe is taken, for the stiffeners - a corner, from which the frame of the workbench is formed and the edging of the table top is made.

The guides for the side panels will be made from the steel strip. Brackets for fixing boxes and plywood are also made from it. Plywood is used for the boxes.

  • Assembling and welding the frame for the workbench:
  1. the tabletop frame is welded from two pipes 2.2 meters long and two pipes 0.75 meters long;
  2. four side legs 0.9 meters long are welded along the edges of the workbench;
  3. jumpers are installed between them for structural rigidity;
  4. the structure for the drawers is assembled from pipes and welded to the tabletop;
  5. their frames are reinforced with stiffening ribs.
  • Assembling the frame for the table top. To do this, take two corners of 2.2 meters and two of 0.75 meters and weld them with the shelves up. After 40 centimeters, stiffening ribs for the structure are welded;
  • The frame for the device is laid on the pipes of the workbench frame and welded.
  • The panel sheathing for the tool is assembled from one corner 2.2 meters long and four 0.95 meters long. Two of them are fixed on the sides and two in the middle of the structure. The tool mounting panel is welded to the table top.
  • In order for the do-it-yourself workbench to have good stability, strips of metal are welded into the garage, which will serve as stiffeners. The video shows how to install them well.
  • Boxes are made for homemade workbenches for the garage. To do this, blanks are cut from plywood and screwed together.

Tip: The number of boxes is selected according to the wishes of the owner of the product. They can be placed on both sides or with drawers on one side and open shelves on the other.

  • The drawer guides are installed as shown in the photo.
  • The boards are laid on the tabletop frame.

Tip: Boards should be 2.19 meters long and 245 millimeters wide. But if they are not there, the blanks are laid crosswise, 740 millimeters long. Before laying the boards, they should be treated with an antiseptic, which will protect the material from rotting.

  • Homemade metal workbenches for the garage are painted. This will prevent corrosion from forming. Particular attention should be paid to welds. They need to be thoroughly cleaned with a sander.
  • The top sheet of the tabletop is attached to the wooden boards with self-tapping screws.
  • Boxes are installed.
  • Plywood is attached to the side walls, a shield under the table, and shelves.

Some recommendations and tips

If you are ready to equip the entire balcony as a workshop, then you should install a carpentry workbench on one side, and a metalworking one on the other. Or, on the opposite side of the balcony you can put a large cabinet for power tools.

Nowadays the so-called “transformer” workbench is gaining popularity. It has a folding design that can be hidden in a special cabinet. Thanks to this solution, you can use the balcony not only as a workshop, but also for some other tasks. Its design consists of a retractable tabletop (or folding inwards), legs hidden under it and a small door to hide the entire structure. This mechanism works using clamps and brackets.

Under each shelf and drawer you can make an inscription corresponding to what is stored there. It is advisable to place sharp instruments separately and in plain sight to avoid injury when removing them from the drawer. For waste that will be useful in another matter, you can select a separate box. Another excellent solution would be to glue lids from jars or containers under the shelf installed above the workbench, and put small objects in them (nails, screws, nuts, etc.) and label everything with the appropriate inscriptions.

Building your own workbench on your balcony is not particularly difficult. But the benefits of such a home workshop are simply colossal. This will allow you to independently repair furniture and solve various household technical problems, as well as make something to your taste. The main thing is to properly prepare the place, correctly install and securely secure the workbench on the balcony.

How a vice works for carpentry work

The design of a vice for carpentry work consists of the following elements:

  • a support, which is also a stationary clamping jaw;
  • movable clamping jaw;
  • two metal guides along which the movable jaw moves;
  • a lead screw that ensures movement of the movable jaw;
  • a crank through which rotation is imparted to the lead screw.

Main parts of a vice for a carpenter's workbench

The fixed support of the carpenter's vice is securely fixed to the surface of the workbench, for which long screws or bolted fasteners are used. Many serial models provide the possibility of using replaceable pads on movable and fixed jaws. Such overlays, which increase the versatility of carpentry vices, can be made of metal and polymer materials.

Since bench vies are often used for processing large wooden products, the design of many models includes a spring mechanism that facilitates the manipulations. Such a mechanism, which can also be installed on a homemade carpentry vice, provides preliminary clamping of the part (it is finally fixed using a lead screw). If this mechanism is absent in the design of a bench vise, then the carpenter will have to hold the wooden workpiece suspended for a long time before the movable clamping jaw is brought to it.

Homemade jaw clamp

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