DIY bottle rocket: how to make a water vessel that flies under pressure

Want to build your own two-meter rocket? In this article I will describe everything you need to know about this topic! I will not only show you how to make a bottle rocket with your own hands, but also explain the design of the parachute mechanism and launch pad.

The article is divided into 5 steps:

  • Step 1) Assembling Pressure Vessel Segments
  • Step 2) Assembling the launcher and nozzle
  • Step 3) Pressure test and pressure vessel assembly
  • Step 4) Assembling the parachute mechanism
  • Step 5) Preparations, safety precautions and start-up
  • Step 6) (optional) List of required materials

Rocket pump

Just recently I realized that blowing up balloons is not my thing.
I climbed onto the Internet and saw that everything had been invented a long time ago! Namely, a “pump” was invented (in our case, a launch pad for spacecraft that helps send and even slightly coordinate the flight). As they grow older, all children understand that saving money is great. Therefore, I want to offer you an idea on how to make a piggy bank from a plastic bottle. This is a very fun and exciting activity. Let's make a rocket piggy bank!

We will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • stationery knife;
  • blue cardboard;
  • permanent marker;
  • glue.

Cut out four circles from cardboard: three identical small ones, and the fourth one is twice as large. Three - glue the bottles onto the body - these will be portholes. Cut the fourth in half, then in half again. Make wings from the quarters.

Circle the portholes with a marker. Draw some details on the rocket body. Using a scalpel or a utility knife, cut a hole - a coin acceptor.

That's all! The piggy bank rocket is ready!


After the above steps, the water rocket is essentially ready. You just need to fill the container about a third with water. Next, you should install the rocket on the launch pad and pump air into it using a pump, pressing the nozzle against the plug with your hands.

A bottle with a capacity of 1.5 liters should be injected with a pressure of about 3-6 atmospheres. It is more convenient to achieve this indicator using a car pump with a compressor. Finally, it is enough to release the valve plug, and the rocket will fly into the air under the influence of the stream of water gushing from it.

A real rocket made from a plastic bottle at the cosmodrome

Is it difficult to make a rocket? Not if there are plastic bottles and silver paint. But let's talk about everything in more detail.

We will need:

  • 2 identical plastic bottles;
  • Silver paint;
  • Styrofoam;
  • A bag (cone) made of thick paper;
  • Adhesive tape;
  • Marker.

How to assemble a spaceship:

Cut off the neck of the first bottle. We attach this neck to the bottom of the second bottle. And we insert this structure into the remaining lower part of the bottle that we cut.

Can be fixed with glue. We paint the structure.

We cut out 3 identical “fins” from foam plastic, cardboard or a backing for equipment. They are needed for flight stability and for the rocket to “land” on them. It is convenient to cut with a simple plastic card.

We paint the fins. We also apply paint to the cone.

We fix the cone on top of the bottle with tape.

We attach the fins to the sides with tape.

Using a marker we apply a “pattern”: portholes, rivets, the name of the space module.

Now it's time to hit the road, real adventures await us!

A feasible craft for very young children

Indeed, even a very small toddler can work on this model (naturally, we will help him))) Making the ship will be even more interesting if we imagine that we are designers developing a new rocket model. We will send it for testing; and our cosmodrome is a kindergarten .

So, what's our plan:

  1. We attach small fins to the bottom of the bottle using tape.
  2. We make a cone out of cardboard. We attach it to the top of the structure.
  3. Wrap the ship in foil; it's metal!
  4. We glue rivets, portholes and stars.

That's all! It's time to test the rocket's capabilities!

Flying rocket using soda and vinegar

This model is fun to play with, but can be taken to a school

. But first, let's do it.

We will need:

  • Liter bottle;
  • Vinegar;
  • Soda;
  • Wine cork with self-tapping screw;
  • Insulating tape;
  • Threads;
  • Paper towel;
  • Sticks.

How to design:

  1. Make a container with baking soda from a paper towel. Wrap the soda in paper and tie the container with thread. We check whether it goes into the neck.
  2. We wrap the bottle with tape, substituting sticks. We should get a structure that stands confidently (neck down) on four “legs”.
  3. We tie a paper container to the screw in the cork.
  4. Pour vinegar into the bottle. It should be level below the container.

When you turn the bottle upside down and the vinegar sinks and dissolves the soda, an explosion will occur inside the “rocket!” Your spaceship will take off!!!

By the way, a simple bottle was used here. But you can do all this with a craft and a finished space module!

It turns out that such a rocket exists and is purchased, you need to add vinegar before launching. Of course, this toy is not for children; play with it only under adult supervision.


So that the water rocket can be used several times, in order to ensure its successful landing, it is worthwhile to provide a self-expanding parachute in the design. You can sew its dome from a small piece of dense fabric. The slings will be strong thread.

The folded parachute is carefully rolled up and placed in a tin can. When the rocket flies into the air, the lid of the container remains closed. After launching a homemade rocket, a mechanical device is triggered, which opens the door of the can, and the parachute opens under the influence of the air flow.

To implement the above plan, it is enough to use a small gearbox, which can be removed from an old or wall clock. In fact, any battery-powered electric motor will do here. After the rocket takes off, the shafts of the mechanism begin to rotate, winding a thread connected to the lid of the parachute container. As soon as the latter is released, the dome will fly out, open and the rocket will smoothly descend.

Step-by-step master class on rockets using origami technique?

Origami allows you to create independent paper objects without the use of scissors and glue. Often one sheet of A4 format is enough for them. And there are a lot of rocket options, there are those that stand on their tails, and there are those that are used for volumetric applications.

The simplest version of the rocket is made in three minutes.

After you find the middle of the sheet along the length, you need to fold both upper corners towards it.

Then we form the body.

And side elements. Turning the edge out.

We repeat the same for the second side.

I will also provide a step-by-step diagram, which is supported by the upper master class.

The origami base can be supplemented with paper tubes.

There is a technique of modular origami, when a picture or figure is assembled from many small parts of the same size. Here is an example of this technique.

Of course, you won’t be able to do it quickly, but your hand skills will develop.

And, of course, you need to see how a complex craft is made.

Be patient and repeat all the steps shown with your child. Perhaps he is your future engineer or designer!

Origami paper rocket for children: step-by-step instructions

You can create an origami rocket model from just one sheet of paper. There are several schemes for children, from simple to more complex, which will require some skills.

To make an origami rocket you will need:

  • Paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors

How to make an origami rocket out of paper: diagram for children

Some versions of rockets consist of several modules and glue is not necessarily useful. The models will just need to be inserted into each other.

Choose the appropriate origami rocket option for yourself.

Another version of a simple origami rocket made from a sheet of paper

A rocket made from a double-sided sheet of paper will look best.

Origami rocket diagram

Fold a square sheet of paper in half vertically and horizontally. Let's expand the sheet.

The upper part must be folded towards the middle horizontal line.

Let's turn the product over. Bend the upper corners to the middle vertical line.

Fold the side parts towards the vertical midline.

We make the wings of the rocket by bending the edges to the sides.

Turn the blank over and you will see a rocket.

Origami paper rocket step by step: folding diagram

Interest in space has never ceased. Children are still interested in stars, rockets, visiting planetariums and making crafts for Cosmonautics Day. The easiest option is to make an origami rocket.

Prepare a sheet of paper 21*21 cm.

Fold the sheet in half diagonally.

Fold the sheet in half in one fold, and then in the opposite direction.

Thanks to these additions, we can make a double triangle from a sheet.

Fold the top layer of the triangle from the right and left sides towards the middle.

Turn the workpiece over and repeat the processes.

Fold the sides of the resulting workpiece again towards the center line.

Do this on both sides, and then turn the product over and repeat the procedure on the other side.

To make a rocket base, bend the folded layer to the side, making sure that the bottom edge is horizontal.

Make the same fold on the left side

Flatten the center of the workpiece to create a rocket.

How to make a model rocket from matches and foil - an entertaining video master class

Many adults and teenagers are interested in how to make a rocket from matches and foil. The work takes minimal time but brings maximum fun. True, it must be carried out either with adults or under their supervision.

Do you want to make a real three-dimensional rocket with your child or for him? Then a plastic bottle will come in handy; with it you can make an original craft with your own hands, which will be very relevant for Cosmonautics Day. In addition, children really love to play with toys that they made with their own hands, and since in any case your role is that of an assistant, all the honors from the craft will go to the children.

How to make a model of a space rocket with your own hands - an interesting master class with photos

Many fans of space research would like to have a real model of the original rocket at home. Using a few materials and following assembly rules, you can make a copy of the Proton-M. How to make a model of a rocket and how to paint it correctly is described in the next master class.

Materials for making a model of a space rocket with your own hands

  • round timber blanks;
  • plastic tubes;
  • acrylic paint;
  • glue.


In order for a water rocket to soar into the air smoothly, it is necessary to fix it on the launch pad. The simplest solution is to make stabilizers from another plastic bottle. The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. To start, take a plastic bottle with a volume of at least 2 liters. The cylindrical part of the container must be smooth and free of corrugations and textured inscriptions, since their presence may negatively affect the aerodynamics of the product during launch.
  2. The bottom and neck of the bottle are cut off. The resulting cylinder is divided into three strips of identical size. Each of them is folded in half in the shape of a triangle. Actually, folded strips cut from the cylindrical part of the bottle will play the role of stabilizers.
  3. At the final stage, strips are cut off from the folded edges of the stabilizers at a distance of about 1-2 cm. The protruding petals formed in the central part of the stabilizer are turned in opposite directions.
  4. At the base of the future rocket, corresponding slots are made into which the stabilizer petals will be inserted.

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An alternative to plastic stabilizers can be pieces of plywood in the shape of a triangle. In addition, the rocket can do without them. However, in this case, it will be necessary to provide solutions that will allow the product to be fixed on the launch pad in a vertical position.

Plasticine rocket for children: modeling in kindergarten

Plasticine modeling is always popular in kindergartens and for crafts with parents. On the eve of the cosmonautics holiday, it’s time to start sculpting a rocket out of plasticine. For children in the older group, this activity will not be difficult. By this age, they usually already know how to make various parts themselves.

Consider how to make a plasticine rocket step by step. This will not only help the child develop fingers and fine motor skills, but will also keep him occupied for a while.


  • Plasticine of different colors
  • Stack
  • Modeling board

We select plasticine for the rocket body and make a ball out of it. We stretch the ball out a little in our palms, making it oblong.

We roll out thin strips from other plasticine and attach them to the rocket body at the top and bottom.

Roll small balls from blue plasticine and, flattening them, attach them to the body as portholes.

Roll three identical balls and make three triangles out of them, which you then attach to the bottom of the rocket body.

Mix yellow and red plasticine and make a fire.

If you use high-quality material, then a plasticine rocket craft can keep its shape for a long time, and for strengthening and durability, you can attach the main parts to a toothpick.


  • Plasticine: yellow, red, orange, black, blue.
  • Toothpick
  • Stack

We first make a ball from brown plasticine, and then stretch it into an oblong shape. We make the base of the rocket from black plasticine. Connect the parts using a toothpick.

Make two small balls from yellow plasticine and flatten them. They will play the role of portholes.

Make the wings of the rocket out of yellow plasticine in the shape of triangles. Attach them to the sides of the body.

We make a flame from red plasticine and attach it to the bottom of the body. Roll out a thin blue strip.

Decorate the top of the rocket with a stripe

Making crafts on a space theme will be interesting for kids of any age; this process does not require any special skills. Depending on the availability of plasticine colors and imagination, you may end up with an original copy of a plasticine rocket.

Ideas for the competition for April 12

Of course, every educational institution organizes all kinds of competitions and children are required to participate in them. But not all works are then taken to the exhibition. Let's look at options that deserve close attention.

For younger grades, choose a cardboard rocket.

For older adults, suggest making a whole composition with elements of Space.

It is made from a cardboard box, which is painted blue or black on the inside. And all the prepared elements are attracted to the top of the line.

I specially selected a lot of photographs made in one idea to make it clearer for you.

You can hang any content in the style of Space: planets, stars, comets, rockets, astronauts, etc.

I also really liked the voluminous idea of ​​a planetary parade.

It is glued together in layers, in which a smaller circle is cut out.

This is what the workpiece looks like.

The sheet with the cut out circle of the largest diameter is placed first, the rest go in order of decreasing diameter.

I would also take a plasticine idea to the exhibition, which is very carefully executed and quite labor-intensive.

An option on how to make craters on the surface of the moon.

Well, remember about the growth rocket, which can also be submitted for the competition. After all, big crafts are very popular at such events.

Take a regular plastic bottle of lemonade or other liquid. It must be undamaged. Sometimes the bottle has a special coating on which you can paint with regular paint. It is necessary that the body looks like a rocket. Ask your child to come up with the name of the spaceship and write it down.

The top of the rocket should rest on the bottom of the bottle. Take a piece of colored paper and roll it into a cone. Wrap the cone in tape to keep it from falling apart. You can use special adhesive tape or colored tape. Attach the cone to the bottom of the bottle. If the cone sticks weakly to the glue, use additional tape.

In order for the rocket to stand, it is necessary to make a base. To do this, cut out 4 triangles from thick colored paper. It is desirable that the color of the paper be the same as that of the cone. Attach the triangles to the bottom of the rocket so that it rests on them and stands firmly. For security, use tape. To make the structure even, place the rocket on the neck and only then attach the triangles.

We create a rocket from improvised means

Many mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers wonder: what can you do with your child on long and boring autumn evenings, when the weather does not allow you to go out and take a walk outside? We invite parents to attract their child’s attention with the idea of ​​creating a real space rocket from scrap materials (glue, paper, scissors). Making crafts will expand a child’s creative horizons; handicrafts also develop fine motor skills of the fingers very well. So, let's move on directly to the process of making a rocket (all steps will be accompanied by pictures so that you can see what should happen as a result of the work and how it turned out).

Read also: How to make a jack from an air spring with your own hands.

1. Take:

2. From a sheet of colored paper, cut out a quarter of a circle (for convenience, first cut out a whole circle and cut it into quarters).

3. Make a cylinder from the resulting quarter, as shown in the figure, and cut it along the edges (please note that the diameters of the tube from under the cling film and the base of the cone must match).

4. Glue the cone to the top of the tube.

5. Take a ruler, measure the height of the tube, cut out a rectangle of a suitable size from paper of a different color and stick it on the tube (in principle, even if you cut a rectangle slightly larger than necessary, there will be nothing wrong).

6. Cut out six identical trapezoids and glue them together (you should have three wings), leaving space for the joining of the tube (ship body) and the trapezoid wings.

7. Apply PVA glue to the places left for docking and glue the wings to the body of the spaceship - our craft is ready!

This is such an interesting rocket made from cardboard. Now let’s complicate the task a little and make a rocket in the style of origami technique.

Cardboard rocket using origami technique

If you are a fan of the origami technique, we invite you and your child to make a beautiful and at the same time easy-to-make paper rocket.

1. Cut a square out of paper, fold it in half, unfold it, bend it diagonally and unfold it again.

2. Pull the upper corners towards the center, but not all the way, but approximately in the middle (as shown in the figure).

3. Step back 2-3 centimeters from the center of the square, first bend one side of the rocket to the middle of the future craft, turn it out and repeat the same operation with the other side of the rocket, congratulations, the paper airplane is ready! If you wish, you can decorate the rocket with portholes (cut out small circles from paper and glue them to the craft) and flames (paint white paper the color of fire, cut out a piece in the shape of a characteristic flame and attach it to the back of the rocket).

An interesting version of a rocket, isn't it? Now let's try to make a rocket out of corrugated cardboard.

Read also: How to make a vice with your own hands at home from a channel video.

Corrugated cardboard rocket

Corrugated cardboard is one of the best materials for a variety of crafts: thanks to the special surface structure of corrugated cardboard, products look voluminous, which gives the toy a certain unusualness.

1. Take strips of corrugated cardboard of any color and cut into strips 1.5-2 cm wide (also make two strips 4 cm wide).

2. Roll ten strips into rolls, attaching each subsequent one to all previous ones using PVA glue.

3. To make the rolls cone-shaped, press them inward.

4. From two strips of corrugated cardboard 4 cm wide, twist into circles whose diameters will be equal to the diameters of the bases of the cones.

5. From the smallest strips, twist 6 rolls, 3 rolls of one color and 3 rolls of a different color: this will create blanks for the rocket turbines.

6. Make cones from the white rolls.

7. Glue the parts together as shown in the picture (white patches cover the junction of our parts).

8. Connect the white and yellowish turbines, then glue them to the dark blue stripe on the rocket body and portholes and connect the turbines and the rocket body, our craft is ready!

So, you can make a whole space exposition with a variety of rockets, and arrange an exhibition at school. Interesting and unique rockets will help develop the imagination and perseverance of primary school children.

Giant rocket

Do you know how to make a HUGE rocket from 6 bottles and one small one, as well as from cups?

It’s good if real professionals who understand everything about the art of making interplanetary spacecraft get down to business. Of course, these pros are our children! Let's entrust them with such a responsible task!

Step-by-step instruction

for the space module:

  1. We paint all our “details”. The bottles should turn white. The cups are gray on the outside, red or orange on the inside.
  2. Glue 5 bottles together (four around one). On top – glue the sixth one. And glue a small bottle onto it. Place half a Kinder egg on the neck of the top; fix this detail.
  3. Between all the main parts we place and glue the ear sticks.
  4. We glue glasses to the four bottles at the base.

More details in the video:

This design can be supplemented with decoration, fins and, of course, game. It is in the game that our crafts come to life!

Another option.

Making a rocket from plastic bottles and waste material

They are gaining more and more popularity. Summer residents use them to decorate their plots and use them to make homework for school.

For example, using different volumes you can make such an instance.

Or you still have disposable tableware at home, then you can use it almost for its intended purpose. Replace the plastic plate with a flying one for the alien.

Or transform a bottle of mouthwash into a flying machine, and even with a photograph of an astronaut.

You can also make a cool plate out of ice cream sticks, a plastic container and a box of processed cheese.

And make radars out of wire.

Another idea from disposable tableware.

And when you have a whole bottle of Fanta and some cardboard, assemble a very realistic model.

Aliens can be made from wire and kinder eggs.

Old disks will also come in handy.

This option generally deserves all praise. So people tried and captured the name of the Mir rocket and elevated our country.

I think you've been inspired by these simple crafts, so let's look at how to make them step by step.

You need to cut off the bottom of the bottle and cut out the porthole.

A cone can be made using this method, when one cut is made in the circle to the middle and the edge is placed on the adjacent side.

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We paint all the cardboard parts and the bottle body itself.

For gluing, it is better to use hot glue, so all the parts will be better fixed.

Craft rocket - small copy

The rocket replica craft is very realistic and the most difficult to make. This is a job for older children who are interested in model building.

It requires perseverance, patience, accuracy and a certain level of skill.

  1. They begin work on the craft by searching and studying diagrams with printed dimensions of the parts and assembly instructions.
  2. Schemes can be found in magazines or on thematic websites.
  3. The next step is to search and collect materials of the required size; the rocket model is of considerable length.
  4. When making a copy, it is important to adhere to the dimensions and proportions specified in the recommendations.

At this age, the young designer is already independent. Adults provide conditions for creativity, support and help in overcoming difficulties.

How to make a rocket from a plastic bottle?

First, let's take a bottle. Then, unscrew the lid. Instead of the lid, you need to insert a rubber stopper, which should have a fitting (nipple) for the pump.

This fitting can be glued into the cork. At the same time, the rubber stopper itself should not be secured too tightly in the neck of the bottle.

Then, you should fill your shell one third with water and insert the plug with the fitting. Next, you should put the pump on the fitting and turn the structure over.

Anything can be used as a launch platform. The simplest option is an old plastic bucket with a hole in the middle.

Place the rocket on the platform (with the plug facing down). Start pumping air into the bottle. When the pressure is high, the rubber stopper will be squeezed out of the bottle and a stream of water will lift the rocket into the air.

This is the simplest rocket projectile. It is on this principle that real rockets take off.

Dynamics of a pneumohydraulic rocket

Diagram of a pneumatic-hydraulic rocket Compressed air, when flowing from a rocket nozzle, is capable of creating thrust without an intermediary fluid. However, the air mass in the rocket body is limited. It seems more advantageous to use liquid as a working fluid. Due to the fact that liquid flows through the nozzle of a pneumatic-hydraulic rocket, it is not made in the form of a Laval nozzle, but has a smoothly contoured tapering shape.

The maximum speed of liquid outflow from the nozzle of a pneumatic-hydraulic rocket can be determined based on Bernoulli’s law:

ρ v 2 2 = Δ p {\displaystyle {\frac {\rho v^{2}}{2}}=\Delta p} ,


ρ {\displaystyle \rho }—fluid density; v {\displaystyle v}—fluid outflow velocity; Δ p {\displaystyle \Delta p} is the excess gas pressure in the rocket.

The nozzle of a pneumatic-hydraulic rocket is most often a tapering profiled nozzle with a small jet separation. The actual volumetric flow rate of liquid through the nozzle will be:

Q = μ S 0 2 Δ p ρ {\displaystyle Q=\mu S_{0}{\sqrt {\frac {2\Delta p}{\rho }}}} μ = 0 , 6..0 , 8 { \displaystyle \mu =0.6..0.8} - flow coefficient S 0 {\displaystyle S_{0}} - area of ​​the narrow part of the nozzle

The mass flow rate of liquid will be:

G = Q ρ = μ S 0 2 ρ Δ p {\displaystyle G=Q\rho =\mu S_{0}{\sqrt {2\rho \Delta p))}

The traction force will be:

F = Q v = 2 μ S 0 Δ p {\displaystyle F=Qv=2\mu S_{0}\Delta p}

The operating time of the pneumohydraulic engine, provided that the liquid is consumed before the compressed gas reaches:

T = m G {\displaystyle T={\frac {m}{G}}} m {\displaystyle m} - mass of liquid at rocket launch

Cutting out the stabilizers

In order for the rocket to fly smoothly, it must be installed correctly. The easiest way is to make a stabilizer (legs) from another plastic bottle. To do this, the bottle is cut in half and straightened. Then, on this flat surface, draw the contour of the stabilizer, provide a backlog for attaching to the rocket body. Now cut out the stabilizer along the contour and glue it to the rocket with tape.

The picture also shows a weighted rocket body; this author used a cut-off part of another bottle with a weight-bolt in the cap. In fact, there is complete scope for imagination and experimentation; you can accurately determine the optimal load in the head of your rocket only after several launches. The shape of the legs can also be different, for example, you can use the top of a plastic bottle, attach plastic legs to it, and place the rocket itself inside:

As for the launch pad, you can get creative here too. Some prepare complex structures with a guide axis, others cut special devices out of wood, and others simply fix the rocket on a flat surface using improvised means. In principle, the simplest water rocket after the described steps is already ready. You just need to take with you more water, a pump and an assistant: he will hold the rocket with the plug down and press the valve with his hands while you pump the air with the pump. It is recommended to pump 3-6 atmospheres into a 1.5 liter bottle (in this sense, a car pump is more convenient), then disconnect the hose and release the cap on the count of “three or four”. The rocket has been launched! It flies quite high and impressively, and most importantly, the whole process is not life-threatening. True, the assistant usually has to take a forced shower of “fuel”

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