How to make a muzzle for catching fish with your own hands from a bottle. Fishing muzzle

Fishing muzzle

Design and application When fish hooks had not yet been invented, and threads for fishing lines and nets had not yet been learned, fish were still caught with all kinds of traps. One of the most ancient traps is “Muzzle”, also known as venter, wick, winged, etc. The muzzle can be made of various materials: woven from flexible branches and reeds, knitted from mesh fabric or sewn from sackcloth (burlap, tulle, gauze.). Muzzles can be of different sizes, from tiny to house-sized, depending on the size of the fish they want to catch and the size of the expected fish catch. The muzzle looks like a pipe, with one or two catching cones at the ends. Sometimes guide wings are attached (sewn) to the muzzle. This is to make it easier for the fish to get into the trap. It is clear how the winged bird differs from just a muzzle. Sometimes the names may somehow indicate certain types of muzzles, but in essence they are all the same thing, only in different modifications. Muzzles made of mesh or fabric materials can be folded and take up less space when stored. Muzzles woven from wood twigs are good only for fishing, while catching fish. However, they are very inconvenient to carry. Let's look specifically at a muzzle for catching fish, tightly woven from wood twigs. Muzzles and traps are universal. They are placed on quiet lakes and on the flow of mountain rivers. With and without bait. The net, for example, catches fish only on the first day, then the fish bypasses the net. The muzzle, on the contrary, catches where nets are useless: in snags, thick grass and algae. The muzzle itself attracts fish, just like a snag that provides shade and shelter. In a fast current, the muzzle creates a special turbulence in the water and the fish, struggling with the current, trying to get into the calm behind the muzzle, finds the quietest place already in the muzzle itself. Therefore, in the old days, muzzles were hung on a common cable, sort of like hooks on a fence, and with such a bunch they blocked off a section of a fast river. In the spring, when fish from large rivers enter small rivers, their muzzles are placed in small (river) branches and behind stones with a strong stream of water. The fish, jumping up the stream because of the stones, hits it straight in the face. Personally, I myself saw how taimen, jumping over stones along the stream, only after the fourth or fifth attempt managed to squeeze into the neck of the muzzle. The muzzle was not tall enough for the taimen, the tail remained sticking out of the neck. After that, I had to break the muzzle to get the poor thing out. In the fall, muzzles are placed with an entrance against the current, with wings or with special fences, so that the descending fish fall into the trap. But for catching red fish, whitefish, muksun, burbot, etc., moving and ascending the river to spawn. The muzzle can also stand with the neck down. Special windows are made in the muzzles with doors on the side walls for pulling out the catch. The fish is also taken out of the muzzle through the hole of the fishing cone, if the size of the muzzle allows. Or the muzzle is made with one trapping cone, and the second end of the trap, during weaving, is brought together, also with a cone, almost leaving a small cylindrical hole, which is plugged with a plug (a bunch of grass). These are usually muzzles for catching fry or small baitfish. So, when a very large FISH plugs its muzzle, then the doors and other openings for pulling out such a fish are no longer suitable. (If you get a bad fish, you have to weave its muzzle again.) Sometimes large fish fly into small muzzles while chasing small fish. As they say: “Catch and you will be rewarded according to your labors and merits.” It's time to talk about a specific weaving of muzzles from willow branches. By the way, you shouldn’t be bringing your first fishing trap “snout” to the exhibition? This means the muzzle can be woven from any other suitable material. The base, naturally, should be stronger, and you can braid the base with anything. Willow branches can replace lashes of wild hops, roots of coniferous trees, grape vines, stems of old nettles, fireweed and raspberries. As well as wire, old rope, plastic strips cut from beer bottles and other drinks). The main thing is not to get hung up. Should I do it? So we'll do it! And from what? Let's find something! I cannot describe all possible options for weaving a fishing muzzle in this article, so let’s return to the option of weaving from willow branches. See my series of articles on weaving a fishing muzzle and, focusing on these principles, weave a product called a muzzle. If you don’t want everything to fall apart in five minutes, remember the general rule of weaving: “Any part must be attached in at least two places.” Otherwise everything will fall apart. Next, material will be given for those who have successfully studied up to 5-6 grades, remember what pi is and the multiplication table to ten. So, in order to prevent the fish from escaping from your snout trap, you can seal it by weaving along the frames or stringers. To put it simply, weaving along the crossbars or along the longitudinal base. Let's assume that you are going to seal the muzzle with cross weaving. Then the distance between the stringers (base sticks) is from 2 to 5-7 (cm). Let's also assume that you are making a muzzle with a diameter of N(cm). N(cm) multiplied by pi and divided by the distance between the base sticks (stringers), we get the required number of stringers. We make hoops for the muzzle. Hoops are needed to create the initial shape or bones of the muzzle. Here you need to immediately decide what length and diameter the muzzle will be and how many hoops you need, focusing on the average length of the stringer branches. In essence, only one hoop is needed to hold the neck of the inlet cone and the body itself, the rest of the hoops are temporary. In the future, the braid of twigs will itself hold the shape of the trap. It’s another matter if the braid is made of grass or other not very durable material, then additional hoops are really necessary. Let's assume that your trap is a muzzle with one trapping cone, a cylinder body with three rings of the same diameter on the body, and with the body gradually turning into a cone. The cylindrical body has a window (with a door) for removing fish. Rings for the muzzle (and all sorts of baskets) are made like this. Take a long branch and bend it into a ring. The branch is tied in the right place, or if the branch is long enough, it is simply twisted and intertwined, then dries until it remains a ring forever. We collect a double number of stringer branches, with the butts in one direction. Half of the stringers will go to the trap cone, and the second part of the stringers (every other time) will go to the body of the trap. We trim all the stringers from the tops and tie all the butts of the branches into a bundle. It doesn’t matter that the butts are different lengths, we will trim them if necessary. We tie the butt at the level of the shortest stringer branch. One end of the stringer branches is tied, the other end has nowhere to go. We separate one top from a bunch of stringers and tie it (with a beak, a leaf, a tongue) to the hoop, no matter what method, but we tie all the tops in a circle. Did you remember to put a stick under the first string of the top? If you haven't forgotten, it will be easier to secure the last tip. All stringer branches are fixed in two places. The butts are on the original string, the tops are tied to the hoop. Has the weave fallen apart? Great. Now you need to separate (every other time) the stringers of the catching cone from the stringers of the body and tie their butts on different sides of the hoop. Next, we will braid the stringer branches of the future trapping cone with crossbars. The method is your choice. Either with a rope, or with a double or single rod, it doesn’t matter. In fact, it is necessary to supplement the ending top, transverse weaving, with a butt, and the butt, accordingly, with a top. But in your case, there are no restrictions. Do as you wish. What is the diameter of the narrow hole in the trap cone? If you have already braided it to the required diameter, then step back a couple of centimeters from the transverse braid and cut off the extra branches - the stringers of the base. The catching cone has turned out. Next, we fix the butts of the body stinger rods on the second ring, above the catching cone, and braid them with a transverse braid. We increase (if necessary) the stringer branches with new branches and braid them again up to the third hoop, and then lower the braid to nothing. The door for removing fish on the cylindrical part of the muzzle is made like this. During weaving, a window is cut out in the stringers between two hoops. Naturally, they weave the braid only up to the window and return with a braid rod back around the body to the window on the other side. I think there will be no problems weaving a door (on a rectangular frame). You can figure out how the door is attached and secured to the trap-face. That's it, the snout trap is ready. You will weave the second trap and the following ones from memory and in accordance (with external conditions). A little explanation! A fishing snout trap is considered poaching gear and its use in many bodies of water is prohibited!

How to properly position a muzzle for fishing, methods for making fishing traps

A week later I repeated the experiment - again the substandard small things were actively pecked.
I tried to solve the second riddle thrown up by the small pond more diligently than the first - it was a shame to lose a good place half an hour’s walk from home. But no matter how hard I racked my brain, I couldn’t find an answer. I came across the solution in the fall, in October, quite by accident. I was walking by, and on the pond they were fishing with a drag line - a long one that allows you to carry the tackle without going into the water. He came up and started talking. It turned out that this pond was dug by residents of several surrounding houses (they hired an excavator together), they released silver crucian carp, and the golden crucian moved in on its own, and the eggs were carried by ducks.

Since the pond was not located on private land, they did not prevent strangers from catching it, but only with a fishing rod, and they themselves fished for crucian carp, and once every four years they fished the reservoir with a large-mesh nonsense: he scooped out almost all the large crucian carp, and only small things remained in the pond, not yet capable of spawning.

As a result, young yearling crucian carp, having lost their older competitors in the matter of obtaining food, grew very quickly, after a couple of years they spawned, and when their offspring grew up and began to interfere with fishing, delirium came into play again. The large specimens that were sometimes encountered were clearly fish that managed to escape from the previous catch, and the few small things pecking in the middle of the cycle were their descendants.

Twenty years have passed, and now my son is fishing for crucian carp on this pond - and his record crucian carp was only slightly short of a kilogram. But this reservoir is still an exception to the rule, a rare example of very reasonable semi-cultured fish farming. And it’s very easy to upset the delicate balance: it’s enough if a dozen anglerfish come to the shore of the pond every morning.

Therefore, for fishing for pond crucian carp, it is worth choosing reservoirs of significant size: large dug ponds or quarries flooded with water. It has been noted that crucian carp reach their largest sizes in pond-type reservoirs that have great depths and steep, inconvenient banks for spawning - obviously, a small part of large individuals spawn there, and countless schools of small crucian carp do not steal food from their parents.

If you still have to fish in shallow ponds and flooded quarries, you should take into account that large crucian carp choose deeper places in them, but located not far from feeding areas, i.e. from coastal thickets. An ideal area can be considered where immediately behind the grass there is a sharp drop in depth of one and a half to two meters.

In swampy lakes - small, but with a thick layer of silt or peat slurry at the bottom - crucian carp sometimes reach large sizes, but remain very secretive: it seems that there is not a single fish in a reservoir 70-80 cm deep that is visible through and through. All crucian carp stay under the floating shores during the day, coming out to feed at night and at dawn, and very often you have to fish for them by casting the fishing rod almost close to the edge of the floating shore.

Lake and river crucian carp, contrary to their name, do not necessarily live in a river or lake. Strictly speaking, the difference between a large pond and a small lake is not in size, but in the species composition of fish: in lakes there are perches, roaches, pike, etc., in ponds - crucian carp, carp, rotan, and various small things like verkhovka or sticklebacks.

Lake and river crucian carp grow quickly, much faster than their pond counterparts - pike and perch quickly reject outsiders who are lagging behind in gaining size and weight.

(There is one question that does not have a clear answer: can rotan be considered a predator that has a beneficial effect on crucian carp populations? Fishermen express very different opinions on this matter, sometimes diametrically opposed, but here we are talking about the influence of predators, so to speak, traditional ones, on the growth of crucian carp , - mainly pike and perch.)

However, despite the tempting size of the prey, fishing for crucian carp in reservoirs where predatory fish are found is much more difficult than fishing in stagnant ponds - the behavior of crucian carp is less predictable, often the places of their concentration and the baits that bring success change too quickly and chaotically. The best results can be achieved in the spring, when you come across a school of lake crucian carp, hungry after winter and actively looking for food;

Now, having decided where to look for large crucian carp, let's talk about specific fishing methods.

Fishing for crucian carp in the open water season (tackle, bait, bait)

- float rods;

— donks and feeders;

- fishing rods with a nod and a jig.

Float rods

Float fishing rods with blind rigging are widely used, but mainly in small reservoirs and for coastal fishing for small crucian carp, usually combined with rotan fishing.

Grandpa sits down with antediluvian gear, remembering the times of Tsar Gorokh), casts it close to the shore... The sight of a would-be fisherman causes everyone to laugh, but the fun ends immediately - after a young or elderly fisherman fishes out such a crucian carp , weighing a kilogram, or one and a half, or two, or... in general, as far as the imagination of the storytellers allows.

Such legends are usually based on real facts; I myself have seen this a couple of times (in the second case, the fishing rod had a reel, which did not change the main thing: the tackle was very rough). Such incidents happen at the very end of spring and at the beginning of summer, and are explained by this: the spawning of large crucian carp, which usually stays in the depths, is portioned - several times a season it approaches the shores, spawns part of the eggs, then retreats again to the depths.

If large individuals live in a reservoir in small numbers, these spawning trips are almost invisible from the outside (unlike the noisy mass spawning of small and medium-sized crucian carp). Spawning large crucian carp loses a significant part of its caution, but is almost not distracted by feeding, however, if the bait is right under its nose, it will bite, without being embarrassed by the thickness of its grandfather’s fishing line... And “advanced” fishermen at this time fish far from the shore for medium crucian carp that have successfully spawned and those who have begun their post-spawning feast.

For fishing with blind equipment, relatively short rods are used: solid wood and bamboo 4-5 meters long, telescopic rods up to 6 meters long. Large crucian carp are shy and cautious, so the upper part of wooden and bamboo fishing rods is painted green, which is less noticeable against the background of coastal vegetation.

They usually fish while sitting, placing the fishing rods on flyer stands; experienced fishermen of the old school do not recommend placing the stands in the water, sticking them into the bottom, since during fishing the crucian carp often gets caught in the fishing line behind them. It is also not recommended to place the fishing rod on the water - this scares away large crucian carp and damages wooden and bamboo fishing rods.

As for the number of fishing rods, everyone decides this issue in their own way. Some fishermen throw a whole fan of fishing rods into the pond, hoping to increase the likelihood of a bite from a large crucian carp. But usually, with an average bite, two fishing rods are enough: they are easier to watch and easier to handle; in the spring, if a flock of actively pecking crucian carp approaches the shore, it is possible to cope with only one tackle.

Video surfing - Choose the best video! Fishing tackle top, muzzle in action Catching crucian carp with a muzzle on a tricky lake.

Fishing with a muzzle in Nizhnevartovsk. This fish trap is used mainly for catching live bait: It is a net stretched between the ends of four or two crossed wire arches. At the top, the wire arcs are interconnected and attached to a long pole-handle. The mesh bends down by centimeters, forming a kind of sides to hold the fish.

Catching fish with your muzzle

Moreover, today there are plenty of materials for making tops: To prevent the muzzle from floating up under the influence of the current, weights are attached to the top of the muzzle and the base. For example, many people use a brick or a plastic bottle filled with small pebbles as a load. Using dry grass, plug the hole in the upper cone. The muzzle slowly sinks into the pond with the sinker down, and its base is directed in the direction of the movement of the prey.

To improve the stability of the muzzle, it is recommended to secure it with a rope, for example, to a nearby bush or to a stake, sticking it into the bottom of the reservoir. In reservoirs with stagnant water, you can fish with your muzzle, either with or without wings.

It is advisable to use a muzzle with wings during the period of a reservoir overflow in the spring, during any decrease or increase in the water level. Traps are installed with the neck against the water flow, catching prey moving with the flow. Muzzles are attractive to fish. During spawning, the female can lure males into a trap with her.

Crayfish and larger predatory fish may follow them into the trap. Taking this feature into account, you can make a trap of any shape with ends extending to the sides. They will create a life-saving shadow and after a while you can get the catch out of the trap. A fish, once it swims in, will not be able to swim back out.

The top has been used since ancient times. Previously, it was made from willow twigs, and later modified to metal. At the moment, the use of the muzzle is prohibited and is considered a poaching tackle, due to its prey. It was necessary to look for food, and man invented various devices for hunting.

They hunted not only birds and animals, but also caught fish using various traps, until such gear as a fishing rod appeared. At the same time, different peoples called this tackle in their own way. You can find names such as wick, venter, nersha, norot, muzzle, etc. The principle of their operation is almost the same, but they may differ in size, shape and design of the neck. This design feature allows you to direct the fish specifically to the trap. For greater efficiency, peculiar wings are attached to the trap.

What is a fishing top?

The muzzle, venter, or top is a trap with a funnel-shaped entrance. A fish interested in the bait swims through a gradually narrowing tunnel and gets inside the body, where the bait lies. When trying to leave the container, the fish is no longer able to find the hole through which it entered.

When removing the tackle from the water, the fisherman can get the catch through another hole, which remains closed while the tackle is working. If the homemade top is made from a ready-made container (can, plastic bottle), then it is advisable to provide a funnel attachment that will make it easy to remove it when taking out the catch.

Fishing with tops - Let's go fishing

Without any doubt, the name “tench” was given to this fish due to the characteristic feature that it changes its color when taken out of the water - a freshly caught tench immediately becomes covered with large black spots.

This happens because it is completely covered with a thick layer of extremely thick and transparent mucus, which hardens in the air, darkens, and then falls off in pieces, leaving large yellow spots in these places.

The missionary also loved pineapples and asked the natives to plant him a vegetable garden. Everything about it is important: The thing is, you can buy it from the locals. What kind of bait should you put in the tops to imitate a food object? Not what kind of bait to put in the top when hitting the water, but to form an attractive feeding environment for Carp on the bottom until it sinks to the ground, which is so loved by various predatory primates, right in front of me..., which were pre-heated and rubbed with garlic.

It is for this reason that I chose the Kosadaka Mustang Bass Special spinning rod. The fish turned out to be active and lively in summer.

How to do it yourself?

Traditionally, willow or other thin and flexible branches were used to make the top. To weave a funnel, a ring with a diameter of 5-7 cm was made, on which a vine for the base was secured. The base was braided with thinner strands, and it was given the shape of a funnel, expanding from the ring. Having made an entrance about 20-25 cm long, they began to weave the expanded upper part of the muzzle, spreading the warp rods to the sides and gradually bending them down.

The entrance funnel then ends up inside the wicker vessel, which again begins to narrow towards the top. In a simple method, the ends of the unbraided rods can be tied with a strip of strong bark or rope, closing the hole. In a more complex version, a ring of larger diameter was placed on this hole, and a lid made from a circle of thick bark or woven from a vine was attached to it. Similar designs are still woven in villages using wire.

From a plastic bottle

At a picnic by a pond, the muzzle can be easily made from scrap material using a water or beer container. The amount of fish that can be caught in 1 cast and the size of the crucian carp depend on its volume.

Cut off the neck of the bottle and part of the body at about 1/3 of its height. If necessary, you can also remove the screw part under the cover to slightly enlarge the hole. In 5-liter cylinders this can no longer be done.

Turn the cut part of the container over and place the neck inside the container. Connect the edges of the parts with wire. The fastening must be detachable so that the neck can be removed and the fish can be taken out of the trap.

From the air filter

You will need a large filter from a truck (most often they take an air filter from KAMAZ). Remove all filling from the mesh body. A cylindrical metal grid is well suited for quickly making a top with your own hands:

  • cut out and fasten at one end a dense, blind cover made of tin or plastic, plywood, etc.;
  • make a funnel for entering the trap from flexible sheet material;
  • strengthen the funnel with the narrow end inside the mesh body;
  • tie a rope.

With metal frame

Frame products will require the use of thick steel wire and material to cover the frame. Most often, nylon or plastic mesh with a fine mesh is used as covering. You can make a top on a frame with 1 or 2 funnel-shaped entrances:

  1. Roll several rings of equal size from steel wire. Their diameter is chosen arbitrarily, but to catch large fish it is better to make the muzzle at least 30 cm wide. The length of the product depends on the number of rings; you can make 3-5 frame rings.
  2. Make 1-2 small rings for the entrances from the same wire. Their diameter can vary between 5-10 cm, depending on the size of the desired prey.
  3. Wrap the net around a large ring, leaving a free edge of about 20 cm in length. Tie the net to the ring with a slight overlap at the junction of the side edges. After 20-30 cm, also tie another 1-3 rings, and secure the last one at a distance of 20 cm from the edge of the mesh. You should get a soft cylinder with a loose mesh on the end sides.
  4. Shape the edges of the net into a cone shape, laying several folds, and attach small rings to the edges.
  5. Bend the tapered ends inside the body. To prevent the fish from swimming through the trap in a straight line, the entrances are shifted to the opposite sides of the venter, secured with leashes made of wire or fishing line.

Small bottle fish trap for fry

Another trap. We take two bottles (I took them with a volume of 0.6 liters). And we repeat with them everything the same as in the first case with a large bottle. With the exception of the side hole for the cap, we will cut off the bottom, not the top, of the first bottle.

I check in my garden, where there are a lot of very small fish. I stroke the bait and lower it into the water. After 5 minutes, about 6-7 fish were caught.

This simple device for catching fish can be made from a simple plastic bottle.

You can make such a trap right by the river, having a knife and bottle at hand. Of course, it will not be effective, but it can be done in literally 5 minutes.


Top fishing methods

Fishing for top fish can be done with or without bait. Fish can be attracted by the smell of food or the structure itself (during the spawning period). But for successful fishing you need to know how and when it is better to catch crayfish or crucian carp.

With bait

The feeding instinct forces the fish to dig into the most inconvenient places if it expects to get to the food. Lures that many breeds find attractive are placed in the muzzle: bread or dough flavored with vegetable oil, and sometimes with odorous substances (anise drops, perfume, valerian tincture, etc.). Potato peels, egg shells, and dough are suitable for catching crucian carp. In addition to crucian carp, minnows and minnows are used for such bait.

They are caught with bait in the summer, throwing their muzzles into the shady corners of the reservoir. It is advisable to drown the top where the strip of coastal underwater vegetation begins. If it is possible to observe the reservoir during the morning and evening feeding of the fish, then the fisherman will be able to determine a more accurate location for casting the tackle: the tip is placed where the fish were playing.

Without using bait

Sometimes catching tops is possible even without using bait. The method without bait is used in the spring, when the fish goes to spawn and may find that such a convenient place is suitable for spawning. Different breeds of fish that prefer to spawn in thickets of plants can get into the snout at this time. The trap is placed where a concentration of crucian carp, bream, and ide is found. The spawning site is easy to determine by splashes of water.

On rapids, in small streams, venters are placed in a narrowing channel. Passing along the river, the fish is forced inside and cannot get out of the trap. With a little practice, you can determine the best way to place the top on the river: on the current or closer to the spawning grounds.

Is it possible to fish with a merezh, snout, venterem, top, spider or lift?

Prohibited fishing methods: What not to fish with

What you can’t fish with, where you can’t fish and when you can’t fish is written in the Fishing Rules of the Volga-Caspian Fishery Basin. In connection with the opening of the fishing season, we remind anglers that there is a list of prohibited fishing gear and prohibited fishing methods.

For amateur and sport fishing in Russia, not all fishing equipment can be used for fishing. In order not to break the law, read the excerpt from the Fishery Rules of the Volga-Caspian Fishery Basin.

Hunting, Fishing, what you can’t fish for, how you can’t fish, fishing, Fishing rules for the Volga-Caspian fishery basin, where you can’t fish and when you can’t fish, prohibited fishing methods, prohibited fishing gear

Article 29. Types of prohibited tools and methods of extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources in all water bodies of fishery significance in the Volga-Caspian fishery basin.

Fishing muzzle: how to make a trap

There is an opinion that fish traps appeared much earlier than gear. Most likely, they were used already in the Stone Age. With the use of these devices, the meaning of fishing as one of the sports and recreation is somewhat lost, but be that as it may, fish traps are in demand.

In an effort to save time and effort, but at the same time ensure a decent catch, many people use various fishing tricks and homemade products on reservoirs. "Muzzle" is one such trap. Of course, this product cannot be called a new product, since it is widely used by professional fishermen and amateurs. Beginners who decide to learn how to make this fish trap with their own hands can glean a lot of useful information from this article.


The fishing muzzle can be classic or specialized. The first is used for any fish, the second - for a specific species. “Muzzles” differ in size, neck design and body shape. A variety of materials can be used for their manufacture. Externally, the muzzle resembles a cylindrical pipe equipped with a neck through which the fish penetrates the body. The entrance part is provided with a round shape, the end of the neck is conical.

To make the trap more convenient to use, fishermen equip it with guide wings. The body of the muzzle can be square, triangular or semicircular. The sizes are also different. Dimensions depend on parameters such as the volume of catch and the depth of the reservoir. How to make a fish trap with your own hands is written in detail below.

How to catch small fish correctly?

Many fishermen prefer to catch small fish close to the shore. In doing so, they focus on the middle of the gap in the reeds or the distance between the reeds and other aquatic vegetation. The depth of the reservoir at the fishing site should be more than one meter, but not create inconvenience for the fisherman when fishing.

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How to make a face? Progress

Making a device at home is not difficult if you follow the following sequence of actions:

  • The first step is to make a hoop. It’s good if you managed to find a ready-made wood product. Otherwise, the home craftsman will have to make it himself. For this purpose, hard wire, previously sanded with sandpaper, is suitable. To prevent the product from rusting, a special antiseptic is applied to its surface. After the substance has dried, the hoop is given the required shape and size. Tree roots and branches are also suitable as material. The consumable material will be more elastic if it is first dipped in boiling water. Otherwise, working with wood will be difficult. Next, both ends of the hoop are pulled together and secured with a strong thread.

  • Make the body of the muzzle. The rods are collected into a bundle and aligned in length. One tip is separated from the bunch, it needs to be tied to a hoop, and a stick placed under the string. Do the same with the rest of the rods. In order not to confuse the rods intended for making the body with the material for the cone, every second rod should be separated. The hoop is tied around the circle with it. The rods that will be used in the body are attached and fixed with a transverse braid to another hoop.

  • To increase the length of the body, new branches are added to its rods and braided to a new hoop.
  • After weaving, they begin to make holes in the trap cone. For this purpose, the craftsmen, stepping back a little from the braid, cut off all excess from the rods.
  • So that the caught fish can be removed from the trap, a special hole is made in the structure. It is done in those rods that are located between different hoops. The dimensions of the windows may vary. It all depends on the size of the fish caught. They are closed using special doors that are woven separately. They are attached to the structure itself using a rope.

How fishermen of the Far North salt fish

The northern regions are a traditional fishing region. Northern peoples know how to cook fish dishes superbly. They know thousands of recipes and hundreds of nuances.

Fish dishes prepared by northern fishermen are always incredibly tasty, moderately salted and with a well-chosen set of seasonings and spices.

A Yakut fisherman shared a recipe for salting fish, which I would like to talk about in this publication.

Northern fish is incredibly tasty. Grayling

After the recipe was tested by one of our authors, we decided to publish it on the resource pages.

Let's say right away that the fish turned out very tasty. And the recipe itself is simple to the point of banality.

About the specifics of devices

According to experts, good traps are made from nets and burlap. Since various materials have both advantages and disadvantages, the home craftsman will have to take this into account. For example, fabric and network muzzles are more convenient to use. If necessary, they are easy to fold and transport. Also, these traps take up virtually no space. At the same time, these “muzzles” have a low service life. The rod construction is reliable and durable. Once caught in such a trap, the fish will not escape.

What is a top in fishing

The top (in everyday life you can find such names as muzzle or venter) is a trap equipped with a funnel-shaped entrance. Attracted by the bait, the crucian carp swims through the tunnel with a gradual narrowing and eventually ends up in the body with the bait. Attempts to get out of the container do not yield results - the fish is simply not able to determine through which hole it got inside.

Also, in the described gear, a second hole may be provided, which remains closed during fishing - it is through it that it is most convenient to get the catch. Despite the simplicity of the design, crucian carp very often fall into such a trap, but there is one significant drawback - the weight of the caught individuals is often in the range of 30–50 g.

To attract larger specimens, it is recommended to follow some rules:

  1. Select a body of water - the optimal place for top fishing with bait are fairly large rivers inhabited by golden crucian carp. Semi-flowing ponds with a large number of predators such as pike will be unsuitable (in such conditions, other gear should be used). Also, reservoirs with a large population of silver crucian carp are not suitable - in this case, small fish will be the catch.
  2. To filter the catch from small fish, the tackle must be covered with a large mesh (with cells from 40 to 50 mm). This method will save a lot of time. However, he will require placing the bait in the top in a separate bag (tulle or fine mesh can be used as the material), which will protect the bread or cake from getting wet and floating to the surface through a large mesh.
  3. You can choose the optimal place - you can identify the feeding area of ​​​​the largest individuals using a fishing rod, at dawn, or at nightfall, by ear (usually in silence the splashing and fussing of fish during feeding can be clearly heard).

Types of homemade traps

A childhood hobby usually turns into a passion for an avid fisherman, and this gentle method of fishing develops into a method of catching small fish for bait for a large predator. But large prey can also fall into the sieve if the trap is of the appropriate size. Fishing tools are made in this way from scrap materials, but there are designs that are manufactured in factories or adapted to the task at hand. The names of the traps, depending on the region, are as follows:

  • Muzzle,
  • Muzzle,
  • Vershi.

The material for the manufacture of lattice structures is selected depending on the size of future trophies - these can be plastic bottles, wire of various diameters, mesh nets, willow or vine twigs, and other objects and things. Based on their functionality, the following devices are distinguished:

  1. Stationary are unique hydraulic structures tied to a permanent location of a reservoir for a long period of use. On the river there is a dam made of stones located there. In still water there is a palisade made of poles driven into the bottom in a spiral shape and covered with a net. Once in a kind of labyrinth, the fish loses its orientation and falls into a trap.
  2. Mobile tunnel type - muzzles, which are made of rods, metal mesh, film. The rear end of the device narrows until it closes, and on the other side there are one or 2 entrances: the fish swim into them based on the smell, but cannot get out. The tunnel consists of several compartments.
  3. Portable screen-type traps are a mesh stretched in a four-sided frame. The structure is attached to a long pole and resembles a spider, which is why it received its second name. A feeder is placed in the center - a bait with a load, and the net is lowered to the bottom. Food is scattered on top and after 10-15 minutes the fish accumulate above the screen. All that remains is to quickly raise the spider with its prey.

There are designs that do not fit into the proposed classification; they are usually called unusual. One of them is an ordinary saucepan, equipped for fishing needs.

Tops from twigs and vines are rarely made today due to the complexity of their weaving. Modern materials have greatly simplified the technology of creating fishing gear.

What can you make a trap for crucian carp from?

There are many ways to independently construct crucian carp traps. Traditionally, willow twigs or any thin flexible branches are used for these purposes, which are now often replaced with wire.

The technology is similar to the process of weaving a basket:

  1. A funnel is made from a ring, the diameter of which is no more than 6–7 cm, and rods for the base are attached to it.
  2. Further weaving is carried out using thinner branches, and the shape of the structure is characterized by expansion from the base.
  3. After making the entrance (length is approximately 20–25 cm), they begin to weave the expanded part, gradually bending the vine downwards.
  4. The entrance (funnel) is placed inside the vessel, which tapers at the top.
  5. The remaining ends of the rods are tied with rope, which, if not available, can be replaced with bark.

However, the manufacture of the top can be carried out using other materials.

From a plastic bottle

In the absence of gear, catching crucian carp can be organized using a top made from any plastic container for a drink or beer. Moreover, its volume will directly affect the amount of future catch and the size of the caught individuals per cast.

Installation of such equipment is not particularly difficult:

  1. The bottle is cut into several parts: the neck is cut off along with 1/3 of the part, according to the height of the container itself. Additionally, to enlarge the hole, the part under the screw cap is also removed (in 5-liter containers such manipulations are not required).
  2. The separated part is placed in a container so that the neck is inside the bottle.
  3. The edges of all parts are attached to each other using wire. At the same time, the fastener itself must be detachable - this will make it easy to remove the neck and get the catch.
  4. A strong rope is tied to the container, with the help of which the top will be easily removed from the water.

Video: how to make a trap from plastic bottles

From the air filter

The main material can also be an air filter from a large (for example, truck) car. In this case, you will need the metal grill itself, for which all the filling is first removed from the purifier body.

Next, the manufacturing technology includes several steps:

  1. A tight lid is cut out and secured at one of the ends. The optimal materials are tin, plastic, plywood and others.
  2. A funnel is made from any flexible sheet material, which will be the entrance to the trap. After this, it is secured with the narrow end inside the mesh body.
  3. A tight rope is tied to the structure.

Made from metal mesh

A good option is to use galvanized mesh to construct the top yourself.

For this:

  1. A rectangular piece with the required dimensions is cut out of the mesh - its width will be the length of the trap, and the length of the workpiece must be selected so that it can be rolled into a cylinder with a diameter of at least 30 cm.
  2. The mesh is rolled up, and the sides are fastened along the side seam with wire.
  3. A blank for the funnel is cut out of the same material, after which it is rolled up and secured to the end of the trap.
  4. The other end of the body is equipped with a lid, which is subsequently used to extract crucian carp.
  5. A rope is attached to the structure.

From the grid

You can also assemble a fishing trap from other materials. They are often made from old cages or from mesh on a wire frame. To make such a homemade product you must have:

  • Rigid steel wire.
  • A piece of durable mesh with a fine mesh.
  • Thin nylon cord or fishing line.

To make a fishing trap out of this, you need:

  1. Form 3 rings with a diameter of approximately 40 centimeters and one with a diameter of 15 centimeters from the wire - this will serve as an entrance for the fish.
  2. Cut 6-8 pieces of wire about 45 centimeters long.
  3. With their help, successively connect large rings together so that they form a cylinder. It is necessary to place wire spacers around the perimeter of the rings at an equal distance so that the structure is even. If the top is not tough enough, you can add 1-2 more ribs between the rings.
  4. Wrap the resulting cylinder with mesh so that approximately 30 centimeters of free fabric remain at the ends.
  5. Using a nylon cord, tie a mesh at the back end of the trap, forming its bottom. In this case, it is recommended to pass the cord through the cells as often as possible and subsequently tighten the fabric tightly like the neck of a bag. It is better if the bottom is pulled tight.
  6. Attach a small ring to the edge of the fabric at the front end: first wrap the mesh around the wire twice, then, passing the cord through the cells, carefully tie the fabric around the perimeter, distributing it evenly. Thus, it forms a funnel through which the fish will pass.
  7. Along the perimeter of the small ring, tie 3 or 4 pieces of cord 40–60 centimeters long at an equal distance from each other.
  8. Tie the second edges of these sections from the inside to the middle or far ring, fixing the small ring inside the trap parallel to the large ones so that the mesh funnel is directed inward and pulled tight.
  9. Tie several meters of rope to the front edge to pull the trap out of the water.

If you have sufficiently elastic wire, the frame of such a top can be made in the form of a spring, which will allow you to reduce the transport length many times and lay it out directly on the reservoir, however, not every material is suitable for this

To start fishing with such gear, you just need to put the bait inside and lower it into the reservoir parallel to the bottom. Thanks to the funnel directed inward, the fish will easily swim into the trap, but will not be able to get back out.

These muzzle sizes are designed for relatively small prey, but if you want to catch a larger trophy, all elements simply need to be increased proportionally.

For fishing for crucian carp and other medium-sized fish, it is enough that the largest desired specimen can easily swim into the entrance hole without getting stuck in it. If you plan to catch a predator, for example, pike or pike perch, it is necessary to select the correct length of the trap so that the fish does not rest against its end without going completely inside.

Expert opinion Dmitry Timofeevich Tarasov Master of Sports in mountaineering. Author of scientific articles on the topic of survival in the wild

An excellent material for making fishing muzzles are mesh housings from air filters of buses and heavy-duty vehicles. One trap will require two filters - one is used to make the outer frame, and the other is used to form the bottom and funnel

In general, making your own fish traps is not too difficult, especially if you have all the necessary materials and tools at hand. You can catch both live bait for donks and girders, and quite decent-sized fish.

However, it is important to consider that in many regions of the country the use of muzzles, tops and other traps is considered poaching

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