How to make a hookah from a bottle with your own hands - Instructions in 5 minutes

Hi, friend! Today I’ll tell you how to make a homemade hookah from a bottle with your own hands. In general, this is an excellent vape if you have broken your pot or are just tired of smoking the standard. As always, without further ado, let's move on to what's to come:
  • I'll tell you what you need to make a homemade hookah from a bottle.
  • I'll show you how much it will cost you to make pot from a bottle.
  • I’ll explain step by step how to make a hookah from a plastic bottle with your own hands
  • You will see how to make a hookah from a glass bottle at home
  • Let's see how you can make kale from a five-liter bottle
  • Let's figure out how to properly hammer a homemade hookah
  • I'll tell you what else you can use to make a homemade hookah at home

Therefore, if you decide to smoke with friends, but there is no hookah, this article will be extremely useful for you. After all, a smoky homemade hookah is exactly what can save the evening. Verified. Well, let's take a closer look at the instructions on how to make a hookah from a bottle with your own hands at home!

Today we’ll figure out how to make potassium from different bottles

What you need to make your own potassium from a bottle

I’ll say right away that there will be two main directions in this instruction:

  1. How to make a hookah from a plastic bottle
  2. How to make a hookah from a glass bottle

Look what you need for the first option:

  • The plastic bottle itself - 60 rubles
  • Some cocktail straws - 100 rubles per pack
  • Any fruit and a pair of toothpicks (I recommend apple or orange) - 60 rub.
  • Metal sleeve and small metal tube for the base of the bowl - Free
  • Plastic cap (They must fit with the neck of the bottle) - Free
  • Regular universal baking foil - 100 RUR roll

Everything you need to make a homemade hookah

Now let's see what things we need for the second option:

  • Glass bottle - 200 rub.
  • Diamond drills - 70 RUR
  • A pair of good seals (Silicone) - 50 RUR
  • A little foil for baking - 100 rub.
  • Base for stainless steel tube - Free
  • The basis for the hookah itself - The price varies , it depends on how hard you try
  • Flexible smoking hose (Flexible plastic or silicone) - 200 RUR


Undoubtedly, the hookah shaft is the most important and most complex part of it. A good shaft will both cool the smoke and filter it through condensation. And most importantly, a good mine will never give an unpleasant aftertaste. What can you make or improvise a hookah shaft from at home? Most likely, you will have to be content with a metal tube. But is every tube suitable for us?

A metal tube can always surprise you with an unpleasant metallic taste, and therefore, if possible, you should choose a tube made of food grade stainless steel or aluminum . And here the most ordinary food foil will help us a lot. Yes, yes, the same foil that every housewife and every hookah smoker has. It may seem soft, but wrap it around a pencil several times and you will be surprised at how dense and durable the tube becomes. Only the core for winding should be not a pencil, but something of a more suitable “caliber”.

Making a hookah from a plastic bottle with your own hands

So, this option is the most inexpensive, but it can also be used a couple of times. From experience I can say that such structures often bend or even break. Well, for a couple of evenings this will be one of the most successful cook-offs. Moreover, in fact, in order to make such kahl, you only need 300 rubles.

I’ll say right away that there are a lot of guides. But I decided to show you the easiest one for you. So, let's move on now to the step-by-step instructions:

1.Take an apple or orange and cut it into a bowl

Let's make a bowl like this

2. Use toothpicks to line the base of the bowl in the fruit so that the tobacco does not fall down

Create a base from toothpicks

3. Now take that same metal sleeve and insert it into the resulting homemade bowl

We connect it with the bushing

4. Take a bottle cap and make a large hole in it for the tube (It will serve as a tie between the sleeve and the tube)

Now we’re making our own mine for the pot

5. Connect the cap, tube and metal sleeve together

6. Make a small hole in a plastic bottle and insert any tube into it (This is exactly what we needed cocktail tubes for)

It turns out this is the design

7. Now insert the improvised shaft into the bottle and push the tube into the hole in the bottle - secure everything with hot glue or electrical tape

This is what your plastic pot will look like

This is what your hookah from a plastic bottle will look like if you do everything exactly according to the instructions. This kind of pot will be enough for 2-3 good quality smokes. Let's now see how you can make an improved version from a glass bottle.

Disassembling the device

Before you make a homemade hookah, you need to carefully study its structure. This diagram clearly shows all the details of the smoking device:

Now we need to understand their purpose. The hookah bowl is most often made of clay or ceramics, and tobacco is placed in it. A special mesh or regular foil is put on the bowl, in which the coals are placed. Thus, the coals in the hookah do not have direct contact with the tobacco, and it does not burn, but only heats up. At the same time, hookah smoke is released - a mixture of essential oil vapors.

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The next important part of the hookah is the shaft. It is in it that the smoke is cooled, so the shafts are most often made from a material with high thermal conductivity, for example, stainless steel. Its height is also of considerable importance: the larger it is, the better the smoke is cooled. Due to the flask, or more precisely, the liquid poured into it, the hookah smoke is cooled and moistened, as well as filtered. The most convenient flasks are made of transparent glass ; the level of the poured liquid is clearly visible in them. The hookah hose must be sealed, long and flexible.

Making a hookah from a glass bottle

I didn't think I'd ever say this, but now we're going to look at how to make a more *solid* hookah out of foil (haha). I will also say that the bottle here is essentially a flask. Therefore, it will differ little from a standard hookah. In short, take all those things that I listed earlier. And we went according to the instructions:

1.First, we carefully drilled two holes in the bottle. The first hole is for a hose or tube. The second is for purging (optional). The important point here is that the hole is exactly the size of the hose (approximately 15-17th diameter) - no more, no less!

Wrap paper tape around the bottle

PS To carefully drill holes, you need to wrap paper tape around the bottle, drill at low speeds and never press hard.

Now carefully drill the bottle

2. Insert a silicone seal into one hole of the bottle to allow the hose to exit.

It turns out this is a bottle of Jack

3. Find some oblong tube that you will later use as a shaft. It is important that the diameter of the tube fits perfectly into the neck. In extreme cases, you can use a sealant or also wrap the tube with paper tape.

Insert a copper or other metal tube

4. Now connect everything with sealants, electrical tape or tape and enjoy!

This is what it will look like

5. A hookah made from a glass bottle is more stable than one made from a plastic bottle, so don’t use a fruit bowl here, but a regular one - it will definitely hold up!

This is what your glass bottle looks like

So we figured out how to make a hookah from a glass bottle with our own hands, step by step. Here you only have to worry about not breaking the bottle. Otherwise, the design should hold everything well and smoke very smokily!

By the way, I will definitely say that there are special shafts that are specially made for smoking on glass bottles. They look something like the photo below, and are several times cheaper than regular kahl (about 1000 rubles).

Special nozzles for glass bottles

What is the liquid in the flask for?

Let's first look at why you need to pour water or other liquid into the hookah flask. The process of smoke formation occurs in several stages:

  • When a smoker takes a puff through a hose, the first thing the air does is pass through the charcoal, become hot, and follow through the tobacco in the bowl. There it turns into smoke;
  • Moving through the mine, the smoke enters the water, where it is filtered and cooled;
  • Smoke passes from the flask into the hose.

From this we can conclude that the liquid in the flask is, firstly, a smoke filter, and secondly, a cooling medium.

What can you use to smoke a hookah? Of course, the most common option is water. Moreover, experts say that water is the best filter for smoke. But you also need to approach the choice of water responsibly. Do not use tap water; it is better to take good quality water from the store. If you use sparkling water, let it sit to release some of the gas.

To add variety, you can add herbs and pieces of fruit to your water hookah. For example, mint leaves will add freshness to the smoke. Fruits in a flask will also become part of a beautiful composition if it is transparent. Another helpful tip is to add ice to the liquid. Since one of the main functions of water is to cool, you can do this much more effectively with ice. There are also special cooling balls that will help avoid unnecessary fuss.

In addition to water, you can pour other liquids into a hookah. An honorable second place in popularity is milk. Many people love smoke with milk for its mild taste. It is also believed that hookah made with milk is less harmful. But here everything is not so simple either: the milk must be diluted with water, approximately twice. Otherwise it will foam a lot and get into the hose. Also, according to the advice of experienced people, smoke with milk with a high percentage of fat content has the best taste.

Hookah with juice can give the smoke an interesting, exotic taste. The juice should be selected depending on the taste of the tobacco. It is then that the taste of the smoke will be brighter and richer.

Also, smokers often try to add alcohol to the flask to make the evening even more fun. But it’s very easy to overdo it, and instead of pleasure, you get unpleasant side effects in the form of nausea and dizziness, as well as a real hangover. Alcohol should always be well diluted; the stronger the drink, the more water. Beginners are not at all recommended to experiment with alcohol until you know how to do it correctly.

How to make a hookah from a five-liter bottle with your own hands

If you understood the principle of creating a hookah in the previous two examples, then this method will definitely not be difficult for you. The creation process is very similar. So what to do:

  1. Take a five-liter bottle and drill two holes in it. Do this carefully so as not to break the material.
  2. Insert a seal into the first hole, insert a tube into the second so that you can then blow through it.
  3. Now take a long tube (about 1.15 meters) so that it reaches the water in the five-liter container.
  4. Pull this tube through the lid with a hole in a five-liter bottle and seal this structure with glue or electrical tape.
  5. Place a homemade or metal sleeve over the shaft so you can put the bowl on it later.
  6. Now insert a hose into one of the holes, insert a seal into the second, put a ball of foil and make a cap out of it.
  7. Use a bowl (you can use a regular bowl or a fruit bowl).
  8. All is ready. Smoke and get high!

My favorite design is a five-liter calik

A little history

Hookah is a smoking device known to many. The smoke that is inhaled is cooled and filtered in the shaft (tube) of the device. The liquid inside the vessel retains approximately 40% of the various substances in the smoke. History says that the first hookah was made in India and was used for pain relief during illnesses. Instead of tobacco, it was filled with hashish mixed with spices and medicinal herbs.

How to plug a homemade hookah

So you made your first pot on a bottle. Great, now we need to hammer it in properly. In general, the instructions will look like this:

  1. Pour water into the bottle so that the tube touches the water 2-3 cm.
  2. Regardless of which bowl you choose (regular or fruit), I advise you to make an air pocket so that the tobacco does not burn too much. It is very difficult to correct the burning of tobacco in such pots.
  3. If you use foil, then roll the torn piece into three layers and make holes in it in a circle, as in the standard pattern. Place it on the bowl. If you use kalaud, just put it on the bowl.
  4. Heat 2-3 coals and feel free to place them on foil or kalaud.
  5. Wait literally 4-5 minutes for the bowl to warm up.
  6. Voila! You have a ready-made and packed homemade hookah from a bottle!

Do you agree that a hookah from a bottle can be made quite easily? There is another easy option to make a hookah with your own hands - on a glass, for example. You can read the article here!

Here are detailed instructions on how to hammer homemade calik

Tips and tricks

In order for the tobacco to be of high quality and the hookah smoking process to be enjoyable, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • after preparing the mixture, you need to give it time to infuse;
  • try experimenting with different flavors, for example, use bananas, for example, or pineapples;
  • When adding different spices, be careful not to overdo it.

Testing a homemade hookah
Be sure to wash all elements of the hookah after using it. This should be done with warm water without using any chemicals.

For hookah lovers

What else can you make a hookah from?

But it's not limited to bottles. There are still a lot of options that can be used for such things. You can make a hookah with your own hands from the following things:

  • Bottle
  • Jar
  • Cup
  • Samovar
  • Wood and clay
  • Fruit or vegetable

But again, I always recommend looking beyond the rules and trying new things. Therefore, use your imagination, come up with a new type of homemade pot, send it to me and I will definitely publish a special article!

We smoke homemade califans

Hookah Amy 4-Star 640 Black

Rinse all hookah elements with running water before first use and repeat the procedure after each use. After a month of use, wash the hookah and all accessories using a brush and hookah cleaner. The brush is easy to use, without hard pressure. After cleaning, disassemble the hookah and dry it. Do not leave the hookah in the water.

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The approximate delivery time to the point of delivery is 2-3 days. The approximate cost of delivery to the point of delivery is from 250 rubles. The exact delivery cost will be announced by the store manager. Free delivery of this product is possible for orders over 5,000 rubles. * In cases where the order is more than 5,000 rubles, but the cost of delivery to your region exceeds 250 rubles, then you pay the difference in delivery. For example, delivery to the city of Krasnodar costs 380 rubles, the client needs to pay an additional 130 rubles for delivery.

If suddenly your hookah stops performing its direct duties due to manufacturing defects, then we will exchange the failed part for you, or, if the situation requires it, we will replace the hookah itself. We will carry out full diagnostics and repair of the product at our own expense.

More details about the affiliate program are described in the article at the link

Russia, Krasnodar region, Yeysk, st. Pushkina, 71/1, 17 +78612056275 Mon-Fri 09:00-19:00, Sat-Sun 10:00-18:00

Russia, Krasnodar region, Yeisk, st. Oktyabrskaya, 191/3 +79884880455 Mon-Fri 08:00-20:00, Sat-Sun 10:00-16:00

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