How to make a stove for burning garbage at your dacha with your own hands

As you know, the main problem of any summer cottage is garbage. Removing it is quite expensive, so summer residents often resort to a more economical option - burning. But lighting fires is not a safe activity; it is much better to carry out this “operation” in special containers. They are sold in specialized stores, but if you wish, you can make a garbage stove for your dacha with your own hands.
  • 1 Method one. Modernized barrel 1.1 Preparatory activities
  • 2 Method two. We use a metal barrel
      2.1 Video – Country garbage disposal
  • 2.2 Video - Garden oven for waste disposal
  • 3 Method three. We use an old heater to dispose of waste
  • 4 Method four. Brick stove for waste disposal
  • 5 Safety rules
  • Note! To make such a design yourself, you don’t need to be a stove master, so anyone can do it.

    There are several options, let’s take a closer look at each of them.

    Method one. Upgraded barrel

    Agree, the options described above using a metal barrel are hardly able to decorate your site. Therefore, you can do it differently.

    First, you will need a diagram of the future structure, so we’ll draw it up. It will look something like this.

    Preparatory activities

    As for the materials, more of them will be required than in any of the methods already known to us. So, in addition to the barrel, you need to prepare:

    • 5-meter metal profile (we will cut it into five equal sections);
    • 5-meter steel rod;
    • a pair of loops;
    • 1 m2 of welded mesh;
    • spark arrester (the diameter of its fasteners should be 11.5 centimeters);
    • 200 grams of wire;
    • 1.5-meter tin pipe with a diameter of 11.5 centimeters;
    • degreaser;
    • a handle with a wooden attachment attached to it;
    • bolts - 6 pieces, the same number of nuts;
    • electric jigsaw, metal files for it;
    • 20 self-tapping screws with wide caps;
    • metal drill with a diameter of 1.2 centimeters;
    • grinder, circles for it - emery and for metal;
    • Bulgarian herself;
    • fireproof paint;
    • brushes (as an option, we can use a sprayer);
    • electric drill;
    • jigsaw

    Having prepared everything you need, we begin to build a garbage stove for our dacha with our own hands.

    The working process

    1. Cut out the door. To do this, draw a straight line on the bottom to which this door will be attached. We cut along the line with a grinder, while making every effort not to touch the side walls.
    2. We make a hole in one of the corners of the formed cut. It is important that it is close to the side wall of the structure and directly on the cut line. From this point we will move forward with a jigsaw.
    3. We insert the jigsaw into the hole and carefully cut out the bottom of the barrel. We do not touch its upper part. We move extremely close to the edges of the barrel. A grinder, of course, is not suitable for this - only a jigsaw.
    4. We make several holes in the door through which air will flow. We do them at the bottom, you can do them in any order.
    5. If necessary, clean the barrel from paint or rust using a grinder with an emery disc.
    6. We build trestles. For this we use five pieces of metal profile. The goats will consist of a pair of crosses connected by a rod. We connect the profile strictly at an angle of 90 degrees, for which we make a pair of holes in each of them and tighten them with bolts.
    7. We degrease and paint the barrel, and do not forget about the elements of the goats. It is advisable to carry out these procedures in a disassembled state. We paint all the elements in several layers, after each layer we wait for the paint to dry completely.
    8. We collect goats. We start this a day after painting. Be sure to place washers under the nuts and securely tighten all structural elements. The resulting strength is quite enough for the barrel and the additional weight of the garbage.
    9. We install hinges and handles. To do this, we use a screwdriver and screws with wide caps.
    10. Note! It is advisable to install the hinges with an assistant, as the door will constantly fall through.

    11. We form a hole for the chimney. At the top of the barrel we draw a circle with a diameter of 11.5 centimeters.
    12. Next, we cut this circle into a kind of “petals” with a grinder. We should have about ten segments. We bend the “petals” up so that they are positioned vertically.

    13. We equip our dacha garbage stove with a chimney with our own hands. We install it on the “petals” so that they are inside. After this, we screw the pipe to the “petals” in several places with self-tapping screws so that it does not come off.
    14. We install the grate. We do everything as shown in the image below.
    15. Install the cover. We secure it with clamps, although we can resort to a homemade design made from bolts.

    As a result, we got this design. That's it, the garbage stove is ready, you can start using it!

    How to make a Russian stove with your own hands

    Previously, we talked about how to make a real Russian stove yourself, in addition to this article, we advise you to read this information, see all the details here

    Pros and cons of burning waste in a barrel stove

    Each design has both its pros and cons. Of the general advantages and disadvantages, the following positive and negative points can be highlighted.


    • barrel-stoves are mobile and easy to move around the garden;
    • allow you to avoid open fire;
    • the strength of the fire can be controlled.


    • constant exposure of the barrel to elevated temperatures leads to wear and tear of the structure;
    • the use of barrel stoves even in your own garden plot is prohibited by law; constant use of them will most likely lead to the payment of fines;
    • This method of disposal of garbage is not environmentally friendly, and also does not provide absolute fire safety.

    Method two. We use a metal barrel

    An old, unnecessary barrel can be an ideal option for burning garbage. After some simple manipulations with it, you will get a container in which you can safely dispose of all the accumulated garbage. Of course, folk craftsmen have come up with a lot of options for converting a barrel into a stove, but we will look at just a few - the most effective and easiest to implement.

    Bottomless barrel for waste disposal

    A fairly simple option that does not require much effort or a large number of tools. In this case, the only equipment you will need is a hammer, a chisel, an electric drill and a bayonet shovel. The algorithm of actions should be as follows.

    Step one. First, we take an old iron barrel and, using a chisel (if possible, this can be done with a “grinder”), remove its bottom.

    Step two. Next, take a drill and make a couple of holes in the bottom of the barrel. They are necessary to ensure good traction during burning of garbage.

    Step three. After this, we arm ourselves with a shovel and dig a small oblong hole (its length should be about 100 centimeters, width – 20 centimeters, and the depth should correspond to the height of the bayonet of the shovel).

    Step four. Before we start burning garbage, we light a small fire in the pit (we use dry branches and paper for this), and place a barrel on top without a bottom, but in such a way that air from the pit freely penetrates into the previously made holes.

    Step five. Now you can put garbage inside the barrel. We do this gradually, if we come across long branches, then it is not at all necessary to saw them - with proper traction they will soon turn into ash.

    Video - Country garbage disposal

    There are other ways, let's look at them too.

    How to make a stove for a cauldron with your own hands

    Previously, we talked about how to make a stove for a cauldron yourself and what available materials are best used for this; in addition to this article, we advise you to read this information; see all the details here

    Barrel on bricks

    This oven for garbage in the countryside is made with your own hands as follows.

    Step one. We take a thick-walled barrel and make a large number of holes in its bottom. After this, we drill the same holes in the lower part of the container, approximately 1/2 of its height.

    Step two. Then we prepare a brick base (such as in the image), not forgetting the spaces between the bricks necessary for normal air flow.

    Step three. We place the holey barrel on the prepared base, put garbage in it and light a fire.

    Note! It is quite obvious that this design is unlikely to be durable. And to extend its service life, you can place a smaller barrel in a homemade stove or, alternatively, strengthen its walls with sheet steel. In this case, after the internal parts burn out, they can be replaced with new ones.

    Video - Garden oven for waste disposal

    What does the law say about the use of waste incineration barrels?

    Russian legislation is gradually approaching the laws of developed countries of the world. The use of a barrel as a waste disposal agent is prohibited by Article 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law “On the Protection of Atmospheric Air”.

    By burning waste, especially of plant origin, you harm the environment. If your neighbors report you, you will have to pay a fine of 2,000.00 - 3,000.00 rubles. In the event of a fire, the amount of the fine will increase depending on the damage caused.

    It is more expedient to make compost from accumulated plant debris. And entrust the disposal of other types of waste to special services.

    Method three. We use an old heater to dispose of waste

    If you have an old sauna stove lying around, do not rush to send it to the landfill. Even if it is very rotten or rusty. We can turn a heater that has long been unusable into a fairly good garbage disposal by installing it at our summer cottage. We do it as follows. First, using available tools, we remove all internal elements from the heater - leaving only the grate and, of course, the body itself.

    After this, we take sheet steel and weld it to the base from the inside, thus strengthening the entire structure.

    In this case, we will be able to load garbage directly from above, although before loading large items, it is recommended to light a flame in advance using dry branches and paper. Directly during the combustion process, it is advisable to cover the stove with an iron sheet, placing pieces of brick under it - this will ensure the unhindered escape of smoky gases.

    How to save money

    By using useless old products, you can build an excellent waste disposal oven on your personal property. It will not only be of high quality, but also completely safe. It is not necessary to use bricks. For this purpose, an unnecessary metal product is suitable, for example a barrel for collecting water, which has already begun to rust.

    Before you start making a waste incineration container from it, you should remove all parts from the inside that could explode or catch fire.

    Method four. Brick stove for waste disposal

    Let’s immediately say that a permanent brick structure will last an order of magnitude longer than the metal waste disposal devices described above. And its aesthetic indicators are at a fairly high level, because such a stove will be a wonderful decoration for any suburban area. With average volumes of waste, a smaller structure will be required (only 115 units of brick will be needed), although if necessary we can increase its dimensions. The procedure in this case is given below.

    Step one. First, we clear an area measuring 1x0.7 meters, after which we fill it with sand (the layer thickness should be at least 5 centimeters).

    Step two. We lay the first layer of bricks along the perimeter of the future structure. We don’t use the solution for this, but put it “dry”. It is important that there is a slight gap between the bricks (at least 1.5 centimeters) to ensure good traction. In total, the first layer will require eight bricks: one each on the right and left, three each in the upper and lower parts.

    Step three. After this, we lay down a metal grid (you can use reinforcing rods instead), which we welded in advance from thick wire. If we talk about our specific design with its dimensions, then it requires a lattice of 3 transverse rods and 14 longitudinal ones. At the same stage, you need to take care of the ash pan. There are several options here:

    • lay out a brick ash pit;
    • pour it out of concrete;
    • made of sheet steel.

    Which option will be chosen does not play a special role, so we will not dwell on this issue.

    Step four. We continue to build a garbage stove for our dacha with our own hands. For the next row we will also need eight bricks, but here we are already observing the dressing, so we are already laying two units on each side. We lay all subsequent rows in the same way, and, as in the beginning, we do not use the solution. The last, twelfth row is made continuous. We install an iron cover on top of it.

    Note! Instead of a square “garbage” oven, it is quite possible to build a cylindrical structure. If we do this, we will definitely leave air gaps between the bricks necessary to ensure traction, and install a grate. To make such a grating, we can use both strong iron mesh and steel reinforcing rods.

    Video - We burn garbage correctly

    Types of furnaces

    For a dacha area, the best option is a self-made waste incinerator. Broken refrigerators, stoves and other household items can serve as a basis for it.

    Such units are divided into several types:

    • Stationary devices. Their features are spaciousness and comfort of use. Their dimensions are quite impressive. Such ovens have a significant mass and are located in one place. They help get rid of large amounts of garbage.
    • Portable structures. They are also called mobile, mobile. They are optimal for small volumes of waste. As a rule, their operation is irregular. The advantages of models of this type include light weight, compactness, transportability, and space saving. This stove can easily fit into the trunk of a car. The only negative is the inconvenience of use.

    Expert opinion Alexander Yu.

    When thinking about environmental issues, it is important not only to sort, but also to reduce consumption.

    Large wastes should be shredded. It is better to dispose of bulky waste in several stages.

    New fire safety measures from January 1, 2022: fire only according to the rules

    The law provides for restrictions on waste management. This includes the destruction of waste by incineration. Fire safety rules have been formulated for this purpose. Changes are regularly made to improve legislation. Detailed information on the use of a waste incinerator is provided in the documents:

    • No. 89-FZ;
    • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1479;
    • Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations dated January 26. 2016

    Use the incinerator according to the rules

    Fine for “illegal” fire

    In accordance with Art. 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses for violation of fire safety rules (including the incorrect use of a barrel for burning waste in a country house or local area within the city) an administrative penalty is imposed. The amount of the fine depends on the status of the violator and the form of business:

    • FL - 2000-3000 rubles;
    • officials - 6,000-15,000 rubles;
    • Individual entrepreneur - 20,000-30,000 rubles;
    • Legal entity - 150,000-200,000 rub.

    Violation of the law, which causes deterioration in the health or death of people, threatens legal entities with a fine (600,000-1,000,000 rubles) or suspension of the organization’s activities for up to 90 days.

    There is a fine for improper handling of fire.

    Legal ways to light a fire in your dacha

    Despite the tightening of fire safety rules at facilities for various purposes, there are still permitted methods of lighting a fire:

    • food on the grill: in this case, the fire source is controlled, no harmful substances enter the air, and the burning duration is short;
    • garbage in a barrel: emissions contain a certain amount of volatile substances, which is determined by the composition of waste materials, but this method of garbage disposal is not considered dangerous if the concentration of harmful compounds is below the regional norm;
    • recycling in a furnace: special structures operate on the same principle as home-made ones, but have a more advanced design, and filtration systems are provided only in more expensive models;
    • fire pit: the method has the advantage of limited air access, especially if the pit is covered, it should be dug at a distance of 50 m from the trees, depth - 30 cm, length/diameter - 1 m, there should be no dry residues around within a radius of 10 m .

    Using a barbecue for cooking outdoors is legal


    When creating and using any version of a garden stove, remember the safety rules:

    • do not dispose of waste in dry, hot or windy weather;
    • place the stove away from other buildings;
    • do not leave the combustion process unattended;
    • keep small children away from the disposal;
    • place fire extinguishing agents near the stove;
    • Use the device only in suburban areas.

    Remember that fire is dangerous. Negligence can lead to unpleasant consequences.

    Ecologist's opinion

    Burtsev O. P.

    Ecological specialist

    Ask a Question

    You need to understand how to burn garbage in a barrel correctly: in a cleared area, away from trees and the house. But such structures are relatively safe, sparks do not fly away, and smoke escapes in one direction. The higher the chimney, the better (it doesn’t bother the neighbors as much). After burning plant residues, ash is obtained - it is used on the site (improves the properties of the soil).

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