DIY cold accumulator from mayonnaise packaging

DIY cold accumulator

A portable cooler is necessary in many life situations. The device will come in handy on a long trip, at the dacha, or at home during blackouts. Devices can be purchased at retail stores.

If for some reason the purchase is impossible, it is quite possible to make a cold accumulator from available materials with your own hands according to the principle of a “homemade” cooler. To make it you will need table salt, water, any hermetically sealed food container or plastic bottle.

Modified refrigerator (auto-refrigerator) for do-it-yourself fishing

We are not talking about a box, which a fisherman also uses as a seat in the winter, but about a refrigerator, which today can be purchased for reasonable money in almost any home, tourism and recreation store.

For me, a portable car refrigerator modified with my own hands at home (see photos 1 and 2) became a simple technical device that would brighten up the “loneliness of a fisherman” in nature and add comfort in my favorite pastime of fishing. I managed to purchase such a refrigerator for only a couple of thousand rubles, and in July I already did a crash test (wear test) of the modified refrigerator with my own hands in the field while fishing.

How can it help in nature or fishing? Obviously, by cooling everything you want that fits into the volume of the refrigerator compartment - 30 liters; Moreover, this cooling can be carried out far from civilization and energy sources - using a portable battery.

But first, let's look at the operating principle of a car refrigerator so that it becomes clear how to modify it. The operating principle of the cooling system is based on the use of Peltier technology, which is completely safe from a chemical and electrical point of view and does not use CFCs or coolants.

What do we know about the Peltier system? The operation of the Peltier element is based on an effect discovered by the French watchmaker Jean Peltier. In 1834, during an experiment, he discovered that when a direct electric current flows in a circuit consisting of dissimilar conductors, heat is absorbed or released at the contact points (junctions) of the conductors, depending on the direction of the current. The amount of heat is proportional to the current passing through the contact of the conductors.

Almost the same cooling principle operates in car refrigerators and water dispensers (coolers): a supply voltage of 12–14 V is supplied to a flat Peltier element in accordance with the polarity. The cooler, just like a car refrigerator, has a flat-shaped solid-state heating element mounted on cooling radiator with an area of ​​20 cm?. A fan is attached to the radiator for additional cooling (see photo 3). As can be seen from photo 3, the design has a fan model RDH9025S-APF; blade diameter 12.5 cm, current consumption 0.35 A, rated voltage 12 V (operable in the range 9–24 V)

The fan and Peltier element (see photo 4) are connected by appropriate connectors to the electronic control board. The cross-section of the connecting wires to the heating element is at least 2 mm in order to minimize losses (voltage drop) in the wires from the power source. On the one hand, the Peltier element heats up (due to the applied voltage), and on the other hand, it releases cold to its surface.

In practice, the heating element and fan can operate for several hours at a time (especially in summer, when the ambient temperature is +25 °C or more). It is necessary to take into account both the inertia of temperature cooling and its natural approach to room temperature (despite the fact that the heat chamber is sealed, but still does not have two walls, like a good thermos), and the fact that when opening the lid, uncooled air will enter the tank, corresponding to the surrounding conditions; therefore, the overall temperature in the heat chamber will immediately increase in summer.

Inertial dependence in this case is inherent in all devices of a similar model range. In table 1 shows the “cooling” characteristics of the car refrigerator I tested. Some models of car refrigerators are equipped with a built-in electronic display (inducing the temperature inside the thermal chamber) and an automatic electronic device for preserving (protecting) the battery. However, these multifunctional auto-refrigerators will cost much more than the real price I quoted (above) for the simplest of their brothers.

Homemade coolant from diapers

The refrigerant from baby diapers is strange at first glance, but in fact it is an effective cold accumulator. It will perfectly replace an industrial device and will maintain the desired temperature throughout the day. There is no need to put the diaper directly into the thermal bag to keep it cold; just remove the inner gel-like mixture from it.

To make an unusual coolant for a cooler bag with your own hands, you need to take:

To increase the efficiency of the cold accumulator, it is additionally frozen for several hours.

When making a refrigerant, you can add any food coloring to the water, resulting in not only a useful, but also an aesthetically attractive cold accumulator.

Cooling element and bag

Often, a portable refrigerator not only has to be carried in a car, but also carried on the shoulder or in the hands; if you need to travel with such a load in public transport crowded with passengers, then a soft cooler bag would be a more preferable option. To do this, select a spacious bag made of polyester or durable canvas fabric.

For soft refrigerators, it is easier to replace foam walls with EPS sheets, and line the inner surface with isolon. In this case, the box of the refrigerator is glued together using durable construction tape to eliminate cold leaks through the foam joints; for a soft refrigerator, an outer cover with a foam cover with Velcro fastening is sewn from isolon. Even if you drop such a refrigerator, it will still remain intact and will serve for many years.

How to make a cold accumulator

To prepare the refrigerant, you need to dissolve 400 grams of salt in one liter of water. Then add about three liters of liquid and wallpaper glue. The last component is a thickener. The result of combining should be a jelly-like composition. The liquid is poured into a plastic container and frozen.

A simple way to make a cold cell from scrap materials. You can make a water-salt solution or a gel-like mass based on water and wallpaper glue.

Important: when freezing, the liquid expands. Therefore, it is necessary to fill the container not completely.

Choosing the right battery

When choosing a cold storage battery, it is important to consider that the characteristic blue color does not have any functional properties: this effect is provided by the dye. The lifespan of industrially manufactured batteries is unlimited. Manufacturers guarantee environmental friendliness and safety of materials that do not change their characteristics depending on time and sudden temperature fluctuations. Typically, the capacity of a standard battery is 250-800 ml.

When choosing a battery for your needs, take into account its parameters: volume, design, filler composition.

Selection and examples of models

Today you can buy a variety of cold storage batteries in online stores. The main parameters to consider when choosing are listed below.

  • design;
  • filler composition;
  • volume.

Almost all cold storage battery fillers are blue in color. But this does not matter and the color does not carry any functional load. It depends on the dye added. Therefore, if you find cold storage batteries with red or other colored filler on sale, you can buy them without any problems. The volume of most models offered on the market today ranges from 250 to 800 milliliters.

Almost all industrial-made cold storage batteries have an unlimited shelf life. Of course, subject to the rules for storing them when not in use. Many manufacturers of such models guarantee the safety of the materials from which they are made, as well as environmental friendliness.

Let's take a quick look at some common models on the market.

  • This is a Russian-made cold storage battery with a gel filler. Capable of maintaining the temperature in a thermal container at about 0 degrees for several days. Among the advantages is the body of this device. It is made of high-density polyvinyl chloride, which makes it resistant to shock and drops.
  • Ezetil Ice Akku. This cold storage battery is imported. Among the features, it is worth highlighting the small thickness, which saves space in the thermal bag. In addition, this model is distinguished by a wide range of supported temperatures. With its help, you can maintain a temperature from minus 25 to plus 55 Celsius during the day ;
  • Ezetil Soft Ice. Cold accumulator with gel filler from the same manufacturer. Can be used to create both cold and heat in a thermal bag. In the first case, it is kept in the refrigerator for several hours, and in the second case, in boiling water for several minutes. These models maintain the temperature in the thermal container well during the first 10-15 hours;
  • Arctic. These are products of a Russian manufacturer. These cold storage batteries are based on a saline solution, which is placed in a plastic case. Among the advantages, it is worth noting the quick preparation of the device for operation. That is, quick freezing.
  • Green Glade. This is a Chinese gel-based cold storage battery. Attracted, first of all, by the cost, which lies in the range of 200-300 rubles. However, the plastic bag containing the gel is easily damaged;
  • Cold accumulators produced under this brand provide the desired temperature of products well for a long period of time.

How to use a cold accumulator for a thermal bag

Using ice makers is not difficult. Before use, the devices are placed in the freezer compartment. After the liquid freezes, the coolers are placed in an isothermal bag in one pattern or in combination. The devices are installed on the bottom and on top of the provisions. Layer-by-layer placement or only on top of products is allowed.

After use, the containers are washed with running water and placed in a stationary freezer. To increase service life, store the device in the refrigerator.

What is a cold accumulator

A portable device for cooling food is a portable thermal bag with a cold-producing container inside. Substances that can accumulate cold are used as refrigerants in containers.

Food stays fresh for a certain period of time. This period depends on the composition and volume of the coolant. The size of the container is adjusted to the amount of food.

The container with the refrigerant is “charged” in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator for several hours. Then the cold element is placed in a special bag, which well maintains the required temperature regime. The creation of such conditions is ensured by the structure of the material. The walls are made of porous materials covered with aluminum foil.

Depending on the type of refrigerant, batteries last about 5-24 hours. Some refrigerant options are capable of functioning and storing food for up to a week.

What is needed for making

You need to start making a refrigerator bag by drawing up a drawing and preparing materials. The drawing is made from several angles indicating the dimensions of the parts. This will make it easier to calculate the necessary funds. Next, a brief description of the design is compiled with a breakdown of the interlayers that provide the thermal effect.

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What can you use as the basis for a bag?

You don’t need to sew the base of the design; just use a shopping bag or travel bag.

It must meet the following criteria:

  • stable base;
  • suitable size (volume);
  • presence of a zipper lock;
  • waterproof material without mechanical damage.

Reference! The length of the handles and the shape of the base are selected taking into account your own preferences and convenience in the further use of the thermal box.

Sewing the base yourself is also easy. Both polyester and leather substitutes are suitable for fabrics. In any case, preference is given to synthetic materials, since they are easier to care for.

To make a car bag, the following can be taken as a basis:

  • wooden box with lid;
  • thick cardboard box;
  • Plastic container.

Thermal insulating layer

The main function in the design is assigned to the thermal layer, which follows the shape of the base. It is placed inside the bag. For manufacturing, you can use materials with low thermal conductivity. Foamed foil polyethylene (isolon) is most often used. Its properties are ideal for a portable refrigerator. Preference is given to polymer with a double-sided foil coating 0.5 cm thick.

Reference! The function of a heat reflector can be handled by: dense black polyethylene or polystyrene foam. The first option is inferior to foil insulation in heat resistance, the second - in size.

What tools are needed

It is worth taking care of the tools in advance so as not to be distracted while assembling the structure by searching for the necessary device.

The following will be useful at work:

  • scissors;
  • awl;
  • measuring instruments (ruler, tape measure, etc.), marker;
  • a set of needles (if you need to sew the base parts);
  • strong threads;
  • tape (regular, double-sided and foil);
  • zipper;
  • foamed foil polyethylene.

Build process

The assembly algorithm for a mobile refrigerator consists of the following steps.

  1. From the bag chosen as the base, cut off the pockets, remove partitions and other decorative elements.
  2. Take measurements from the internal surfaces and use them to make a pattern for thermal insulation.
  3. Cut out the cutting details from isolon.
  4. Connect the elements at the joints using tape. The first penetration is made with ordinary adhesive tape. A layer of foil tape is placed on top of it.
  5. Place the resulting box inside the bag. The surfaces must fit snugly against each other. In some places, you can secure the parts of the base and thermal protection with double-sided tape. The voids are filled with foam rubber.
  6. If the bag has a flap in the form of a lid, it is also insulated with polyethylene foam.

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Using cold storage tanks

The principle of operation of drives is the same for all types. Before using a portable compact cold generator, a person needs to charge it. To do this, you need to put the device in the freezer for 8 hours - until the refrigerant inside the sealed container freezes. In the case of refrigerators with a no-frost system, the placement of the battery does not matter. When ice freezes in the freezer, it is advisable to place the storage unit closer to it.

It is recommended to store it in the freezer during periods when the storage device is not needed. The absence of temperature surges allows you to increase the operating period of the device.

Keeping the battery in the freezer for a long time does not affect the performance of the device in any way - sub-zero temperatures do not render the refrigerant or the sealed case unusable. After the element has used up its charge, the drive is thoroughly washed, the case is allowed to dry on its own, and then put back into the freezer.

It is necessary to clean the drive after each use, since condensation that occurs during use of the battery leads to contamination on the surface of the sealed container. The material is able to absorb various odors of food and medicine. If the housing has already absorbed odors, it is virtually impossible to remove them - there is a risk of damaging the seal.

Most often, one cold accumulator is enough for a refrigerator bag, which is placed on top of food or medicine. But, sometimes it is advisable to stack several drives. When using several elements, they are placed not only on the products, but also between and under them. This need arises in the following situations:

Principle of operation

Cold accumulators are a plastic, necessarily sealed, rectangular flat container containing a special liquid inside – usually a solution of carboxymethylcellulose. The weight of one container is approximately 0.5 kg, it is designed for 6-10 liters of thermal bag volume, allowing you to maintain a constant temperature for up to 10 hours. In fact, the device resembles ice, but has special properties - it freezes quickly and melts slowly.

Devices that accumulate cold are multifunctional: they will be useful for tourists, summer residents, and motorists on the road . In addition, they extend the life of a stationary refrigerator, reducing the load on the compressor, and become a real salvation during a power outage when the contents of the freezer begin to melt. Refrigerants are also used in medicine - for the transportation of a number of drugs, vaccines, biological tissues and other things.

The operating principle of such a device is simple: the container is placed in the freezer, where it completely freezes in 6-8 hours. After this, the battery is ready for use - cover the sides and bottom of the thermal bag with the required number of bags, and then tightly load the products into it. The lifespan of the refrigerant is unlimited; after use, it can be rinsed with water, wiped dry and re-frozen.

Batteries should not be placed in regular travel bags - their contents may damage the lining and fabric from the inside.

Properties of cold sources

For the production of the storage devices in question, only safe polymer materials that do not threaten human health are used. The capacity of magazine devices is generally from 0.25 to 0.8 liters.

The use of a film surface allows you to give sources that have not yet frozen the desired shape. In addition, temperature changes do not have a negative effect on them.

The outer part of the gel devices is made of film, and the substance of the same name, which has high thermal conductivity, is used as a filler.

The use of gel cold sources allows you to create an area of ​​​​low temperatures (inside the container, bag), as well as maintain a certain temperature of the products, so that they can remain warm longer.

Carboxymethylcellulose, which is a gel-forming substance, in case of damage to the film and accidental contact with food or medicine, does not spoil them and does not have a negative effect on the human body.

How does a cold accumulator work?

Operating portable devices is easy. Place the container with the coolant in the freezer of stationary equipment and keep it until frozen. Place the finished battery in a thermos bag. In an insulated container or bag, the generator takes on the heat, cooling food or medications.

If one generator is used, it is better to place it on top. Using more makes the task easier. Cold packs can be stacked in layers with grocery bags and containers. After use, generators are washed with water and stored in the freezer of stationary equipment.

Cold generators are used to maintain sub-zero temperatures in freezers during blackouts. Refrigeration elements compensate for electricity costs, helping to turn on the refrigeration unit engine more rarely. They also enhance the freezing effect. Refrigeration generators work as storage devices for sanitary defrosting of equipment.


Anton, Nizhny Novgorod Some time ago I bought myself several Technokhim AX-15 cold storage batteries. We often go with our family on various picnics in the summer and take food with us. We've had a thermal bag for a long time, but we used to use dry ice in it. We carry a small amount of groceries for a family of 3 people. Our car is small and, accordingly, we bought the thermal case with limited dimensions so that it fits in the trunk without any problems.

We bought three Technokhim AX-15 cold storage batteries. I usually put one at the bottom of the bag, one on top, and one in the middle. Cools normally, food is stored without problems. Of course, they are unlikely to be able to keep ice cream at the required sub-zero temperature. But products that are usually kept in the general compartment of the refrigerator are preserved well. I was pleased with the purchase.

Every year in the summer we go to the sea by car. To carry food with me, I bought several Freezpack cold storage batteries. I had a thermal bag for a long time, but I had nothing to do with cold storage batteries. I only carried something hot in it so that it would cool down more slowly. The cold accumulator is a plastic container with a screw cap and a carrying handle. Very comfortably. I put it in the freezer in advance, and then in a thermal case I line the bottom and walls with these batteries. It turns out that the food is inside, like in a refrigerator. Inside the plastic containers there is a liquid that looks somewhat denser than ordinary water. When it's not in season, I store these containers in the freezer. The road to the sea takes us about 20 hours. All foodstuffs were preserved normally during the journey, and those that remained with us at the end of the trip were still cool. Although the liquid in the batteries was melting. In general, the purchase for motorists is quite useful and inexpensive. One such cold storage battery cost me about 120 rubles. I have 5 of them in total. Valentin, Tambov

I have several Eva cold storage batteries with gel filler. In general, I rarely use it. Mostly they are in my refrigerator. I use it in my thermal bag when we go somewhere by car. But several times they helped me out a lot during an unscheduled power outage. The batteries lay inside and gradually released the accumulated cold. Thanks to this, the products did not spoil.

Containers made from scrap materials

If necessary, you can make a thermos for a baby bottle yourself at home with your own hands. To do this, you should prepare two bottles of different sizes, scissors, foil, tape and paper. How to make a thermos is described below:

  1. Take a larger bottle and cut off the top so that the edges are even. The body for the future thermos is ready. The neck of the smaller container should fit into the resulting hole.
  2. If the opening is not of sufficient size, you can make small cuts, but no more than 5 mm.
  3. Now you need to cut a large bottle so that one part is slightly larger than the other.
  4. Then the smaller container is inserted into the larger one. Insulation is necessary to retain heat. We place paper in the gap between the bottles, trying to lay it as tightly as possible, otherwise the baby’s food will cool down. In addition to paper, you can use sawdust, which serves as an excellent source of heat and has good insulating properties.
  5. Connect the parts of a large bottle with tape.

To add thermal insulation properties to a homemade thermos, it makes sense to wrap a large bottle in foil several times, securing it with tape.

The finished thermos must be tested before use. Do not forget that food and drink with a temperature above 80°C should not be placed in it.

What are cold storage batteries used for?

To maintain low temperatures in stationary refrigeration equipment, refrigeration generators are used. Used as additional devices in the following cases:

The use of batteries helps maintain the lowest possible temperature in the refrigerator and freezer compartment for a long time. When defrosting, sanitizing, and turning off the lights, food is preserved for up to 12-18 hours. The period of sustained low temperature depends on the type and number of generators.

Master classes on manufacturing

From the many methods describing how to sew a refrigerator bag at home, we select several based on the criterion of mobility. Having understood the principle, everyone will be able to build their own version, basing it on, for example, indicators of useful volume, ease of transportation, and aesthetic appearance.

For carrying by hand

You can simplify and speed up production as much as possible by using a ready-made beach or sports accessory as a basis. If there is no desire or opportunity, you will need a bag pattern and material for it. In addition, the following will be useful for work:

  • foil tape;
  • folgoizolone;
  • synthetic winterizer or foam rubber;
  • wallpaper knife or scissors;
  • stapler or pins;
  • thread, needle.

The thickness of the material determines how long the portable refrigerator will hold the cold.

We make the bag in the following sequence:

  1. Measure the bag. Based on the measurement results, draw a pattern for the internal cavity.
  2. Transfer the pattern to foil-isolon. Reduce dimensions by 1-2 cm. The pad should fit freely into the bag. Cut out the lid with an overlap of 3-4 cm. When closing it, the overlap should be tucked inside. The material for laying is taken with a thickness of at least 0.5 cm.
  3. Using a wallpaper knife, cut out the details of the internal cavity.
  4. Sew the edges together using a needle and thread. Tape the seams and joints from the inside with foil tape.
  5. Insert the lining into the bag. Fill the voids between the gasket and the bag with padding polyester or foam rubber. These materials are good heat insulators. In addition, they will give the product its shape.

The work will be done neatly if the edges are first secured with staples or pins.

Now we know how to make a portable refrigerator. The principle and sequence of actions are the same for making a mobile refrigerator of any size.

Cold storage

Civilization develops best in the cold. It is unknown why, but this is how it happened historically. The southern hemisphere cannot boast of highly developed and technological countries, for the most part.

The northern regions, in this regard, are ahead of their neighbors, because in colder conditions:

Some relaxation associated with abundant harvests in the southern regions leads to a slowdown in the process of state building. People simply don’t need to unite into communities; they will survive anyway. But regardless of living conditions, they haven’t come up with anything better than cold to preserve their food:

Construction of houses

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During construction or simply for temporary residence in a country house, a simple-to-construct and unpretentious building is often required. As they say, cheap and cheerful. Often such temporary buildings are built from wood and have minimal functionality. But today a new type of temporary structure has become widespread - a block container. It can serve as both temporary housing for builders and completely permanent housing for summer residents. It is quite easy to build a block container with your own hands, and its functionality will allow you to fully enjoy the fruits of civilization outside the city.

  1. Types of block containers
      Self-assembled container block
  2. Block container converted from a shipping container
  3. Collapsible block container
  4. Installation of a block container
      Assembling a block container from scratch
  5. Conversion of a ready-made sea container
  6. Installation of a collapsible block container

Types of block containers

When planning to build a block container on a site, you need to decide in advance what it will be like. This determines how much money and effort will be spent on its installation. The fact is that block containers, according to the method of assembly, can be divided into three types: self-assembled block container, converted from a transport container, and collapsible block container. Each of these types of block containers has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which one will be preferred depends only on the wishes and financial capabilities of the owners.

Self-assembled container block

Most of these structures are built with your own hands from scratch and according to your own drawings. Metal corners are used for their frame, corrugated sheets are used for the external walls, interior finishing is done by covering with clapboard or plywood, and stone or mineral wool is used as insulation. A distinctive feature of such block containers is their non-standard sizes. In fact, such a block container can be made with your own hands of any size and shape. To erect the entire structure, you will need a welding machine and skill in working with it, which can be a decisive factor in favor of a self-assembled container.

Block container converted from a shipping container

Today, block containers converted from transport containers are especially popular. They have many advantages, but also a lot of disadvantages. The main advantage of such a container is the ready-made design, which only needs to be slightly modified. But such a disadvantage as standard sizes may not work in favor of a shipping container when choosing. Of course, it is quite suitable as temporary housing for workers, but as a seasonal country house it can turn out to be very inconvenient.

Collapsible block container

With the development of the market and technology in construction, block containers began to appear, which are easy to install and also easy to disassemble. Collapsible containers are very popular among construction companies. They can be disassembled and stored in a warehouse, fortunately, they take up little space, and if necessary, sheds can be quickly erected for workers at the construction site. The production of such block containers is carried out by specialized companies. The design itself is for the most part similar to a homemade block container, but the use of sandwich boards as walls, floors and ceilings clearly distinguishes a prefabricated block container. If you don’t want to bother with welding, then if you have a certain amount of money, you can purchase a ready-made block container and simply assemble it like a construction set. For a prefabricated block container the price ranges from 2,000 USD. up to 5,000 USD and depends on the internal area.

Installation of a block container

Having decided on the type of block container, you can begin installing it. As already noted, each type of block containers requires certain labor costs. The most labor-intensive is homemade. To create it, you will first have to complete a drawing, purchase materials, then assemble the frame and sheathe it. The simplest and least labor-intensive collapsible container. But the total cost may be higher. Let's look at how to assemble each of these types of block containers with your own hands.

Assembling a block container from scratch

When starting work on creating a homemade block container, the first thing you have to do is its drawing. To do this, you can use a computer program such as ArchiCad, or you can simply draw a simple drawing on a sheet of paper. The drawing must indicate all the dimensions of the future block container showing the installation location of the door and windows. For a self-made block container, you can choose almost any size convenient for you. But there is one important point. If in the future it is necessary to transport such a container, then its width should not exceed 2.5 m. To create a block container, the drawing must contain a description of all materials and dimensions. Particular attention should be paid to the frame, namely the installation location of the door and windows. The doorway and windows will require additional studs. Finally, we indicate the material for wall cladding and insulation. The materials will be required:

  • for the frame, bent channel 100 mm;
  • metal sheets 2 mm thick for the subfloor;
  • galvanized corrugated sheeting for external cladding;
  • wooden block 40x100 mm for joists and internal frame;
  • 25x200 mm boards for the floor, as well as flooring, such as linoleum;
  • superdiffusion membrane for vapor and moisture protection;
  • insulation (mineral or stone wool) for walls, floors and ceilings;
  • plywood or plastic lining for interior cladding;
  • windows and door.

The tools you will need are a grinder, a welding machine, a tape measure, a drill, a hand-held circular saw, a hammer, and a screwdriver. As for wood fasteners, you can opt for screws or nails.

Having acquired everything necessary, we proceed to the construction of the block container. We start by preparing the site for the installation of a block container . To do this, we level the ground and compact it thoroughly. To prevent the container from standing on bare ground, it is necessary to create a simple foundation for it. To do this, you can build brick columns, lay concrete slabs or create a pile foundation.

Next, we move on to cutting pieces of channel for the frame using a grinder. Having received the required number of pieces of the required size, we proceed to welding them. First we create the bottom harness . To do this, we take channels corresponding to the length and width of the block container, lay them out on a previously prepared surface and weld them together into one continuous frame. During the welding process, corners can become loose, so to prevent this from happening, you need to grab the corner at several points, then check and, if everything is fine, then weld the entire seam to the end.

Important! To make a simple pitched roof, just cut several posts of greater length. Usually the racks on the door side are made longer. But this approach is justified if it is not planned to create a different type of roof.

Having welded the lower trim, we move on to the racks . They will be located in the corners of the trim, one or two on the back wall, as well as in the area of ​​the doorway and windows. We start from the corners. After the stand is installed, it is necessary for a partner to hold it in a strictly vertical position while the welder grabs the stand in several places. And if we managed to do it without tilting, then we finally weld the stand. For additional stability, triangular spacers can be welded at the bottom of the post. We weld all the other racks in the same way.

Important! The distance between the doorway posts should be equal to the width of the door. Also, for reliability, a jumper is welded between them at the top. The height from the lintel to the corner should be equal to the height of the door. The same applies to window openings. But in addition to the upper one, they must also have a lower jumper.

The next step will be welding the top trim . Everything is quite simple here. Corners for the top trim are placed on top of the already welded perimeter racks and welded.

After the frame has been created, we proceed to arranging the floor for the block container. To do this, first create a subfloor from metal sheets. This is done in order to protect the finished wooden floor from exposure to moisture and the penetration of rodents into the block container. The sheets are laid out inside the frame. Their edges should be placed inside the bent channel and also rest on the foundation. When the sheets are laid out and their edges are fitted close to each other, we spot weld the sheets together. Then we place several narrow pieces of metal on top of the seam, so that they are placed perpendicular to the main seam, and weld them. Finally, we weld the sheets along the seam.

Next, we move on to covering the block container with galvanized corrugated sheeting . Everything is quite simple here. Sheets of corrugated sheets are installed from the inside of the frame. If the height of the sheets is slightly larger, then they can be trimmed with a grinder without much difficulty. The corrugated sheet is fixed to the frame in several ways. You can use short metal screws with a wide head, or you can fasten them with tear-off rivets.

Important! When installing sheets in window openings, you should allow the sheet to overlap the window opening by 3–4 cm. This is necessary in order to hide the cracks and places filled with foam after installing the windows.

Having finished with the walls, we move on to the roof of the block container . For the roof itself we use the same corrugated sheeting. The only thing that will need to be done is to weld a few more jumpers between the walls to securely fasten the corrugated sheeting. Next, we lay the corrugated sheet itself and fix it to the metal frame.

The next step is to create a wooden frame, insulate it and cover it . The frame itself is needed for laying insulation so that the latter does not fall out or crumble. For this we use a wooden beam. First we install the racks, then we make jumpers between them. The internal dimensions between the posts and lintels must correspond to the size of the insulation, minus 5 - 10 mm for reliable fastening inside. Now we lay a superdiffusion membrane over the frame and fasten it to the wooden frame with a stapler. Finally, insulation is placed inside the frame and a superdiffusion membrane is laid on top of it again. All that remains is to cover the walls with plywood or clapboard. We cover the ceiling in a similar way.

As for the floor, it will be on wooden joists laid on metal sheets. Its creation is similar to wall cladding. First we lay the joists. We choose the step between them so that the insulation fits there. Then we lay the insulation and lay the membrane on top. All that remains is to lay and secure the boards for the floor itself. The boards themselves need to be sharpened, fitted closely and secured to the joists with nails or self-tapping screws, and the finishing floor covering laid on top of them.

Now let's move on to the windows and doors . Since such a block container is intended for temporary residence, it would not be superfluous to take care of a strong and reliable door. It would be best to make it yourself from steel sheets. But creating such a door requires a lot of experience, so it’s easier to buy or make it to order. The door itself is installed on metal hinges, which are welded to bent channel posts. When installing hinges, you must strictly ensure that they are on the same line. For a metal door, three hinges are installed. Two on top, at a distance of 20 and 50 cm from the edge of the door, and one below, at a distance of 30 cm from the threshold. After which the doors are hung in place.

As for windows, there is one important point. Windows are vulnerable to break-ins, so they will need to be protected with bars. The grill itself is welded to a steel channel, which acts as a window opening. The windows themselves can be either wooden or metal-plastic. When installing, you need to check the verticality of the window so that it does not fall over. The gaps between the window frame and the channel post can be foamed. This completes the creation of a homemade block container. If desired, additional finishing work can be carried out inside.

Conversion of a ready-made sea container

The fashion for everything Western has also affected block containers. Today it has become popular to use block containers converted from sea shipping containers as cabins or even permanent housing. The cost of a block container converted from a transport container may be slightly higher compared to a home-made one, but the work required to equip it is an order of magnitude less.

To make a metal block container converted from a transport container, the first thing you have to do is select and purchase a used container itself. Ads for the sale of shipping containers can be found without problems. Such containers are produced in several sizes: standard and HC (High Cube). Respectively, 20 and 40 feet in length (6 and 12 meters), a width of 2.35 m and a height of 2.4 m and 2.7 m. A standard container can be found for an average of 1200 USD, and a HC container for 2100 USD. e. Such standard sizes impose certain restrictions, this is especially unpleasant with regard to the width of the container. But the solution to this situation can be the docking of two or more containers. To create a livable block container from a transport container , you need to do the following:

  • purchase one or more containers and deliver them to the site;
  • while the containers are on the way, prepare and level the area for its installation;
  • as in the case of a homemade one, a simple lightweight foundation is created under the shipping container;
  • After delivery, the container is installed in place. To do this, you need to order a crane in advance;
  • if the containers will be joined, then after installing them we cut off the touching walls using a grinder;
  • at the junction, where the lower and upper trims pass, as well as the vertical posts, we weld them together;
  • if there is only one container, then we proceed to cutting out openings for windows and doors. We do this using an autogen or grinder;
  • to secure the door in the doorway, you can install two vertical posts made from a metal corner;
  • further work will consist of finishing the block container. They are identical to the work described for a homemade block container. The only important difference will be the need for external finishing, namely painting or cladding of metal walls.

Installation of a collapsible block container

Of all the block containers, the most expensive and at the same time the easiest to assemble is the collapsible block container. Such containers are made to order at a specialized enterprise. A prefabricated block container has a standard width of 2.5 m, and its length can vary from 2.5 m to 6 m. It is also possible to create a block container of a longer length. The assembly of such a container is carried out by two assemblers and resembles a regular construction set, the assembly time is from 4 to 6 hours. Such high assembly rates are due to the use of sandwich panels and pre-fitted parts. When doing the assembly yourself for the first time, the company can provide its own specialist and a full set of assembly documentation.

Prefabricated containers are assembled in several stages. At the first stage, the frame is assembled and connected using bolts. On the second floor, the floor is laid and the roof is mounted. At the third stage, the walls are installed. Finally, the windows and doors are installed. In the photo demonstrating a collapsible block container, you can see how easy and simple such containers are to install.

There are no special secrets or difficulties in creating block containers. The main thing that is needed is the ability to handle the tool. Since it depends on this whether you can assemble the entire structure with your own hands. For those who are not used to or do not know how to work with their own hands, we can recommend hiring specialists and purchasing a ready-made block container.

How to make a cold accumulator for a thermal bag

To make a refrigeration generator you will need a minimum of substances and items. One of the components can be used as a refrigerant:

Preparation of the water-salt solution will take a minimum of time. Sodium chloride dissolves in a small amount of water. Add as many crystals as can dissolve.

The mixture is then diluted with water and frozen in plastic containers or bottles. Why a large amount of salt is needed is the answer to the question in the following description.

Coolers for insulated bags

The refrigerant of thermal bags (cold accumulator) will help preserve the desired freshness of food in an insulated bag on hot summer days. The storage unit itself will be required if you need to maintain a certain temperature for a long time, which exceeds the capabilities of the bag.

The thermal container itself can withstand temperatures for 2-3 hours. But if travel time is longer than this, food and drinks may spoil. During the trip, a coolant should be placed in the thermal bag, which will maintain the temperature even longer.

How to make a refrigerator out of polystyrene foam with your own hands

With the arrival of the summer heat, the problem of preserving food on the road becomes more acute than ever. To preserve the most perishable items, plastic bags, aluminum foil, scraps and pieces of isolon are used. On the tenth attempt at paving improvised thermal insulation, patience runs out, and the idea appears to make a refrigerator out of foam plastic, lightweight, compact and reliable.

Cold battery test

Tests carried out with freezing of plain water and saline solutions of different concentrations showed obvious results. The more sodium chloride is added, the longer the freezing process (up to 24 hours) and the slower the defrosting of the accumulating liquid occurs.

Testing the quality and freezing properties of domestically produced gel coolers showed positive results. After “charging” in the freezer at a temperature of -23 degrees, the substance crystallizes. This affects the duration of freezing.

Video: Cold accumulator

Video: Cutting the cold accumulator. What is inside?

We cut the cold accumulator. What is inside?

How to choose a device

Cold storage tanks differ in design features, type of refrigerant and its volume in a sealed container. These parameters must be taken into account when choosing a refrigeration device. The color of the refrigerant does not in any way affect the characteristics of the battery and does not carry a functional load, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Some factory cold storage batteries can not only be frozen, but also heated. The substance inside the container is capable of keeping food warm. When it is necessary to use a cold accumulator as a heater, it is charged in the microwave. The heating time should not exceed that specified by the manufacturer.

Heating in a microwave oven is only possible in the case of purchased drives, the manufacturer of which allows their use with heating.

How does a cooler bag work?

The operating principle of the thermal bag is quite simple. The main role is played by cold accumulators, which are containers with saline solution. They set the initial temperature inside the storage facility. Thermal insulating material and foil coating help maintain temperature in the interior of the bag.

A portable refrigerator bag with your own hands resembles a thermos. The difference lies in the purpose. If a thermos is designed to keep you warm, then a refrigerator is designed to keep you cold. This is achieved by providing high thermal insulation. This goal is achieved with the help of modern materials, which, despite their thickness, have high insulating properties. As a result, optimal conditions are created in the thermal insulation box for transporting and storing food and medicine, albeit for a short time.

The feature of foil-coated polyethylene has many advantages. The material has a small thickness and weight. This allows you to create a lightweight thermal bag. Despite all the advantages of polyethylene, it can only temporarily protect the internal space. This means that after a few hours, the temperature will begin to slowly rise. This will violate storage conditions. Therefore, it is recommended to use portable refrigerators only for short-term storage.

Important! As the brine solution begins to melt, the temperature in the refrigerator will gradually increase. It is important to constantly monitor this process, especially during hot periods.

Thermal bag with foil

Most often, this option is used to preserve chilled food in particularly hot weather. The reflective ability of the foil protects against sunlight and reduces its effect on the temperature inside the device.

If the inner surface of the container is made of such material, this increases the thermal insulation qualities of the bag. Such devices usually cost more, but they are more effective than regular bags. Choosing the option with foil is useful if you often go on long trips.


Procurement of materials

To reduce the cost of container blocks, instead of cold/hot rolled metal, a bent profile of standard and complex sections is often used. Therefore, the manufacturer purchases only sheet steel and equips its workshops with guillotines and bending machines.


In contrast to long drawn and rolled metal products, the length of the bent profile is limited by the size of the shears and bending machines. But modern guillotines are CNC-controlled, which significantly reduces the complexity of operations and increases accuracy. Therefore, the prefabricated container block has perfectly adjusted seating surfaces.


Modern equipment is also used to give blanks from sheet metal strips a complex spatial shape. Specifically for the manufacture of block containers, a bent profile is much more profitable than factory rolled metal for a number of reasons:

  • for some assortment items there are simply no analogues;
  • even with a minimum wall thickness of the channel and angle, the safety margin exceeds 300 - 500%;
  • the bent profile reduces the material consumption of production and the cost of the final product.

Designers set the actual required values ​​for shelf widths and bending radii, based on specific structural and operational loads


Short pieces of bent profile have to be joined by welding. To ensure high quality of the spatial geometry of the assortment, special conductors and permanent connection technologies are used, for example, semi-automatic welding in a shielding gas environment.

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