How to make decent lighting in a garage without electricity, all the ways

01/25/201701/25/2017 master

The garage is not only a protected parking place for your “iron horse”, but also a place where you can do its repairs. Therefore, it is very important that the garage is well lit. But here certain difficulties may arise due to the frequent lack of wiring and banal electricity in such buildings. Such difficulties often arise when the garage building was built with your own hands and far from the power line.

Garage lighting

In such a situation, it will be relevant to make autonomous garage lighting. Our article today will tell you what you need to know to make such lighting yourself.

How is lighting done?

When constructing any premises, lighting systems should always be included at the planning stage. This is especially important for buildings such as a garage, which you can build with your own hands without any problems. Before installing autonomous lighting in this room, you need to consider the following points:

  • what level of lighting needs to be organized;
  • what lighting fixtures will be used;
  • what type of light source will be screwed into the lamps.

Garage lighting option

It must be remembered that the lighting of a garage, even a stand-alone one, must necessarily comply with the following rules:

  • be safe. Autonomous lighting in this case will be the most relevant, since in this case there is no wiring, and therefore there is a risk of electrical injury;

Note! Using a 12-volt LED lamp for illumination, you can not only provide high-quality lighting to the room, but also completely eliminate the risk of electrical injury.

  • The lighting level should be comfortable for the eyes. In order to correctly calculate the level of illumination for a given room, it is necessary to rely on the standards given in SNiP for garages;
  • the light that the lamps will create should illuminate the entire space, including the corners. At the same time, it should be uniform. To achieve this level of illumination, you can use general and local types of illumination;
  • The placement of lighting fixtures should be carried out according to a scheme convenient for you. This will make working in the garage more convenient and comfortable.

Another important factor that must be taken into account when creating autonomous lighting in garage-type buildings is economical energy consumption. In this situation, an LED lamp of any model (especially low-power 12 volt ones) has proven itself to be most effective.

12 volt LED lamp

The fact is that such devices, with a power of only 12 volts, are capable of producing a bright luminous flux and at the same time consuming a minimal amount of energy.

Note! If you wish, you can make a homemade LED lamp and thereby save on buying a factory lamp.

To create autonomous lighting with your own hands, such a lamp is perfect.


New ways to obtain cheap energy raise concerns among many scientists due to interference in the processes of the atmosphere and ionosphere. Their influence on the emergence and course of life on Earth has been poorly studied, so the impact can have a detrimental effect on the state of the planet.

But personally, I believe that the technology of atmospheric electricity is being slowed down deliberately. Moreover, there is a fact of large-scale use of electricity from the air before 1917. In the video below you can see for yourself that electricity existed even in the 17th century.

Options for autonomous garage lighting

As already mentioned, the best choice for any garage structures will be LEDs. They have a lot of advantages, among which the following points should be highlighted:

  • creating uniform and bright lighting;
  • in terms of glow intensity, such a lamp creates a luminous flux that is equal to daylight;
  • economical consumption of electricity;
  • such lighting devices can be powered from various devices (for example, from a battery) in a situation where there is no source of electricity.

LED Garage Lighting

Most often, 12-volt LED strips are used to illuminate garage spaces. With its help, you can create general lighting by running a ribbon around the perimeter of the structure. In such a situation, the light emanating from the tape will fall evenly. Using an LED strip, you can also create local illumination of shelves and racks, as well as an inspection pit.

Note! To illuminate the inspection pit, a lamp or LED strip must be purchased with a high moisture resistance class. This is due to the fact that there is always high humidity here due to poor ventilation and lack of heating.

The same conditions and requirements are typical for the basement. In this regard, the lighting installation that will be used here should not have a power higher than 12 volts. You need to remember that in certain places in the garage you need to install a waterproof lamp, both when creating autonomous lighting and when electricity is available.

Where atmospheric electricity is already used

Nevertheless, there are examples of the use of devices that work according to the described principle - the Chizhevsky chandelier ionizer has been sold for decades and works successfully.

Another working scheme for generating electricity from air is the TPU generator by Stephen Mark. The device allows you to obtain electricity without external recharge. This scheme has been tested by many scientists, but has not yet found wide application due to its peculiarities. The principle of operation of this circuit is to create a resonance of currents and magnetic vortices, which contribute to the occurrence of current shocks.

Kapanadze's generator is currently being tested in Georgia. This energy source also works without external power and extracts electricity from the air without additional resources.

The photo shows the Kapanadze generator ready for operation.

Autonomous garage lighting and methods for its implementation

In a garage, autonomous lighting is necessary in a situation where there is no electricity in the area or there are frequent interruptions. Therefore, to ensure that there is always light in the garage, many car owners install autonomous lighting.

Note! In the garage, you can organize two types of lighting: from a 220-volt power supply and autonomous lighting. In this case, autonomous lighting in this situation will already be called emergency lighting. But this approach is relevant only when the main lighting has already been done earlier, and problems with it appeared relatively recently.

Garage lighting

Today there are many ways to make autonomous garage lighting with your own hands. The most popular among car owners are the following ways to organize light in a garage without electricity:

  • placement of solar panels;
  • installation of a wind generator;
  • purchase of a gasoline generator;
  • battery usage;
  • garden lamp;
  • Philippine lantern.

For a better understanding, let's look at each lighting method in more detail.

Current and classic developments

Modern discoveries and technological developments provide a wide field of activity in obtaining “cold electricity”. In addition to devices based on Tesla’s ideas, today such developments for obtaining “energy from emptiness” as:

  • radiant electricity;
  • use of powerful neodymium magnets;
  • obtaining heat from mechanical heaters;
  • transformation of earth energy and space radiation;
  • vortex engines;
  • thermal earth pumps;
  • solar convectors;
  • torsion generators.

All these methods have their adherents, but most of them are quite resource-intensive and costly. It is also important that they require deep specialized knowledge and ingenuity. All this makes such construction at home difficult. Energy from the ether can be obtained with your own hands using simple and affordable schemes. Their implementation will not require deep knowledge or high costs, but some adjustment, configuration and calculations will still be needed.

Not all such developments can be called extracting “etheric energy” . From the point of view of the absence of resource consumption for electricity generation, they can rightly be called extracting “energy from nothing.” The energy carriers of these systems are not destroyed during the transfer of energy—having given it away, they immediately accumulate it again. The system itself can generate electricity, if not forever, then at least for a very, very long time.

Lighting with solar panels

Today, many people install solar panels in their private homes and even apartments. With their help, you can not only save on electricity, but also illuminate a garage that does not have electricity.

Garage lighting with solar panels

Despite the popularity of this lighting method, it is unlikely to be suitable for a garage for the following reasons:

  • the cost of one solar battery and its connection will cost a significant amount;
  • It is unlikely that you will be able to install such a system yourself without the help of specialists;
  • complexity of the system for connecting lighting devices and batteries to storage equipment (batteries).

But by spending once on the purchase and installation of solar panels, you will not only receive high-quality autonomous lighting for any room, including the garage, but you will also be able to sell the excess electricity that has accumulated to the state. A 12-volt lamp can be powered from such a system. Moreover, their number can reach several pieces, which is just suitable for a given room. If there is a need for a voltage of 220 volts, then this system needs a 12 volt converter or inverter.

Reality or myth

When it comes to getting energy out of thin air, most people think that this is downright nonsense.
However, it is quite possible to extract energy resources from literally nothing. Moreover, recently, educational articles, drawings and installation diagrams have appeared on thematic forums that make it possible to realize such a plan. The principle of operation of the system is explained by the fact that the air contains some tiny percentage of static electricity, you just need to learn how to accumulate it. The first experiments to create such an installation were carried out in the distant past. As a striking example, we can take the famous scientist Nikola Tesla, who repeatedly thought about affordable electricity from nothing.

The talented inventor devoted a lot of time to this topic, but due to the lack of opportunity to save all the experiments and research on video, most of the valuable discoveries remained a secret. Nevertheless, leading experts are trying to recreate his developments, following the found old records and testimonies of contemporaries. As a result of numerous experiments, scientists have built a machine that opens up the possibility of extracting electricity from the atmosphere, that is, from practically nothing.

Tesla proved that between the base and the raised plate of metal there is a certain electrical potential, which is static electricity. He also managed to determine that this resource can be accumulated.

The scientist then constructed a complex device capable of storing a small amount of electrical energy using only the potential that is in the air. By the way, the researcher determined that a small amount of electricity contained in the air appears when the atmosphere interacts with the sun's rays.

When considering modern inventions, you should pay attention to Stephen Mark's device. This talented inventor has released a toroidal generator that holds much more electricity and is superior to the simplest designs of the past.

The resulting electricity is quite enough to operate weak lighting fixtures, as well as some household devices. The generator operates without additional recharge for a long period of time.

Lighting using a wind generator

For autonomous lighting of the garage, you can use a homemade wind generator. Such a windmill will also generate free electricity, which can be used to power a 12-volt lamp.

Note! You can either make a windmill yourself or buy a ready-made device. However, a purchased wind generator will cost a pretty penny.

Homemade wind generator

When creating this type of lighting, wind speed must be taken into account. In a situation where strong winds are rare in the area of ​​residence, then this method of lighting will be ineffective. Here, all the costs that went into installing a wind generator will not pay off.

Lightning batteries

A device that accumulates potential using atmospheric discharges is called a lightning battery.
The device circuit includes only a metal antenna and grounding, without complex converting and accumulating components.

Potential appears between the parts of the device, which then accumulates. The impact of natural disasters is not subject to precise preliminary calculation and this value is also unpredictable.

It is important to know: this property is quite dangerous when implementing the circuit with your own hands, since the created circuit attracts lightning with voltages of up to 2000 Volts

Lighting using a gasoline generator

Instead of a wind generator, you can use a gasoline or diesel generator to create autonomous garage lighting.

Gasoline generator

It is rational to use a gasoline generator only when problems with electricity are rare and the lights are turned off for a short period of time. It is also rational to purchase it if you often use power tools in the garage.

How to build a free energy generator with your own hands?

Generators are created on the basis of the following components and accessories:

  • Battery and resistor with a nominal value of 2.2 KOM. It is necessary to include it in the drawing.
  • Ferrite ring of any magnetic conductivity.
  • A capacitor with a capacity of 0.22 microfarads, designed for voltages up to 250 Volts.
  • A thick copper busbar, whose diameter is about 2 millimeters. In addition, thin copper wires in enamel insulation with a diameter of 0.01 mm are used. Then radiant installations give results.
  • A plastic or cardboard tube whose diameter is 1.5-2.5 centimeters.
  • Any transistor with suitable parameters. It would be good if the basic package, in addition to the generator, included additional instructions. Otherwise, it is impossible to implement practical schemes for self-powered free energy generators.

Interesting. In the case of additional decoupling between the supply and high-voltage circuits, a special input filter is used. You don’t have to install such a device, but apply voltage directly.

For assembly, you can use a fiberglass board or another base with similar characteristics. The main thing is that the surface accommodates the radiator with all the necessary accessories. Both coils are wound on a plastic tube so that one is placed inside the other. A high-voltage winding, also located inside, is wound turn to turn. Sometimes this is also required by homemade pulsed fuel-free energy generators.

The shape of the generated pulses must be checked for functionality when the assembly is completed. To do this, take an oscilloscope, digital or electronic. When setting up, you should pay attention to only one important parameter - the presence of steep edges that characterize the generated sequence of rectangular contacts.

You may be interested in this Definition of resonance

Fuelless generators

Rechargeable batteries and their applications

Another way to create autonomous lighting in a garage building is to connect the lamps to a battery. The battery can power a 12 volt lamp.

Car battery

When the lights are turned off, such a lighting device (rated at 12 volts) can work for 10 hours. Of course, if the battery was fully charged before. You can use a spare car battery to illuminate your garage. With its help, it is best to power an LED strip that can be run around the entire perimeter of the premises.

Generator circuit

The minimum power from any device can be obtained in several ways:

  1. Atmospheric condensate as a source. It can be used to create a transgenerator.
  2. Ferrimagnetic alloys.
  3. Warm water.
  4. Through magnets. They require minimal conditions.

But you need to learn how to control this phenomenon in order for the effect to be maximum.

Free energy diagram

Illumination with garden lamps

Many people today use solar garden lamps for night illumination of the garden. During the day they accumulate enough energy to effectively illuminate the garden paths of the flower beds. But, as practice shows, they can also be used to illuminate the garage when there are problems with electricity.

Solar garden lights

They must be charged outside, and as soon as such lighting devices are needed, they are brought inside the garage. They usually provide light for 5-6 hours. But such a period of operation is typical for high-quality lamps. The disadvantage of using garden lights with solar panels is that over time the brightness of the lighting they provide will decrease. But this parameter is typical for any type of autonomous type backlight that is powered by storage devices.

What is atmospheric electricity

The first to seriously tackle the problem was the brilliant Nikola Tesla.
Tesla considered the energy of the Sun to be the source of free electrical energy. The device he created received electricity from the air and earth. Tesla planned to develop a way to transmit the received energy over long distances. The invention patent described the proposed device as using radiation energy. Tesla's device was revolutionary for its time, but the amount of electricity it generated was small, and it was wrong to consider atmospheric electricity as an alternative source of energy. More recently, inventor Stephen Mark patented a device that produces electricity in large quantities. Its toroidal generator can supply electricity to incandescent light bulbs and more complex household appliances. It works for a long time without requiring external recharge. The operation of this device is based on resonant frequencies, magnetic vortices and current shocks in the metal.

The photo shows a working example of Steven Mark's toroidal generator

Illumination with a Philippine lantern

In addition to the above methods of autonomous lighting of garage buildings, some car enthusiasts use the so-called “Filipino lantern”.

Philippine lantern

This method makes it possible to organize free lighting in the garage. Moreover, it is quite possible to do it yourself. The Philippine lantern operates on the principle of light refraction. You can make such a lantern from an ordinary plastic bottle. At the same time, it can be used either entirely or cut out of a part. The algorithm for making a Filipino lantern with your own hands is as follows:

  • take a transparent plastic bottle;
  • The container is easy to wash and remove the colored label;
  • We put a rectangular or round screen made of stainless steel or galvanized on it;
  • Clean water is poured into the bottle. It needs to be diluted with bleach. This will prevent the liquid from blooming and, as a result, a drop in lighting intensity;
  • the liquid is poured so that its level is three centimeters higher than the installed screen;
  • Then such a bottle is mounted in the roof of the garage structure. The bottle itself must be mounted on a rigid base.

Installation of a Philippine lantern

If the roof was made of corrugated sheets, then simply cut a hole of the required diameter in a sheet of material. To minimize the risk of the roof leaking through the holes, all joints between the bottle and the roof must be well treated with silicone or sealant. You can use a Philippine lantern as additional autonomous lighting for the garage in those regions where the sun shines most of the year. To increase the level of illumination, you can install several of these homemade flashlights. In cloudy weather, such a design will produce such dim light that working with it will be life-threatening. In addition, it is worth noting that if the sequence of manufacturing the Philippine lantern is violated, the lighting inside the garage will also be poor.

general information

For many years, scientists have been searching for an alternative source of electrical energy that will make it possible to generate electricity from available and renewable resources. Tesla was interested in the possibility of extracting valuable resources from thin air in the 19th century. But if enthusiasts of past centuries did not have as many technologies and inventions at their disposal as modern researchers, today the possibilities for implementing the most complex and crazy ideas look quite real.

There are two methods to obtain alternative electricity from the atmosphere:

  • thanks to wind generators;
  • with the help of fields that permeate the atmosphere.

Science has proven that electrical potential can accumulate in air over a certain period of time.
Today, the atmosphere is so permeated with various waves, electrical appliances, as well as the natural field of the Earth that energy resources can be obtained from it without much effort or complex inventions. The classic way to extract energy from the air is a wind generator. Its task is to convert wind power into electricity, which is supplied for domestic needs.

Powerful wind turbines are actively used in leading countries of the world, including:

  • Netherlands;
  • Russian Federation;
  • USA.

However, one wind turbine can only serve a few electrical appliances, so to power populated areas, factories or factories, it is necessary to install huge fields of such systems. In addition to significant advantages, this method also has disadvantages. One of them is the variability of the wind, which makes it impossible to predict the level of voltage and the accumulation of electrical potential.

Among the advantages of wind generators are::

  • almost silent operation;
  • no harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Magnetic generator

The application of a magnetic field to an electric coil is the main effect that can be achieved by using such a device. The list of main components is as follows:

  • Support coil to regulate electricity.
  • Feed coil.
  • Locking coil.
  • Starting coil, also necessary for fuel-free appliances.

The circuit includes a control transistor along with a capacitor, diodes, a limiting resistor and a load.

Creating an alternating magnetic flux is the issue in which device owners have the most questions. It is recommended to mount two circuits that have permanent magnets. Then the lines of force are organized in the opposite direction.

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