How to make a circular saw from a drill with your own hands - step-by-step instructions

Necessary materials

To make a circular saw for your home from a drill, you do not need to use a special tool or involve an expert. If you have the desire and enough free time, you can do all the work yourself. To do this, you will need to prepare the following materials in advance:

  • Wooden blocks with a section of 30x30 mm;
  • ball bearings;
  • plywood or OSB sheet;
  • fastening hardware;
  • door hinges.

In addition, you need to prepare a saw blade, a set of cutting bits for wood and a drill, which will subsequently be used as a circular motor.

For greater reliability, instead of wooden blocks and OSB sheets, it is better to use metal sheets and profiles. Due to the cost of rolled metal, the price of such a stand will be approximately 2,000 rubles higher.

The cost of consumables for the manufacture of a wooden machine is approximately 1,500 - 2,000 rubles, a drill with a power of 800 W is about 2,000. The price for a factory-assembled machine with similar productivity starts from 8,000 rubles, and the average is 13,000.


Do not think that mini saws are represented by only one standard model. In fact, you can find many different types of this instrument on sale today. It will be possible to choose the ideal option for any work.

It is worth considering in detail what types of small circulars exist and how they differ from each other.


This instrument has a rather complex design and structure. As a rule, these types of tools are designed to work with fairly thin and pliable materials.

Using them, it is permissible to perform the following tasks:

  • saw wood moving along the grain;
  • sawing wood across the grain;
  • cut various subtypes of wood (these include materials such as MDF, laminate and chipboard);
  • cut metal with a thin and soft structure.

Such instruments have the following characteristic features:

  • they have very modest sizes, making them easy to use and move from place to place;
  • are distinguished by their low weight (this figure rarely exceeds 2 cm);
  • as a rule, these models have low power;
  • The saw blade size in hand saws is small;
  • The cutting depth of this tool is also not very deep.


The mini circular saw also has a rather complex design. The main part of this tool is a disk designed for cutting various materials. This element has special teeth and is driven by starting an electric motor. Such tools are good because they are usually equipped with a number of additional functions that are very useful during certain work.

Such additions include the following:

  • the ability to adjust the cutting depth - for this it is possible to shift the cutting half of the disk in relation to the thrust base of the device;
  • removal of dust and chips - a number of tool models have a special connection required for connecting an industrial-type vacuum cleaner (this modification is especially relevant when it comes to large-scale repair work in order to prevent dust from settling on other pieces of furniture);
  • protection against accidental shutdown - often to initiate a circular saw on wood you need to press two buttons in succession;
  • continuous operation (without breaks) - this useful addition comes in handy if you plan to make fairly long cuts that take a lot of time.


Otherwise, such a circular saw is called stationary. It is multifunctional and very convenient to use. Moreover, such a machine can be made with your own hands, which is what many home craftsmen do. Of course, this unit will take up more free space, but it will also be more productive in its functions.


Since modern high-capacity batteries have impressive dimensions, they hardly fit into the small body of a mini-circular. A capacious battery does not fit in this design. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the good thing about using these tools is that you don’t have to stay close to places where there are sources of electricity.

Rechargeable models are also good because their owner can stock up on an additional battery. The latter will make it possible to extend the operating time of the unit.

Tool selection

Using a drill as the power unit of a machine is a very profitable and convenient solution. The tool can be dismantled at any time and used for its intended purpose; in addition, it will be useful when constructing the machine.

Household drills are equipped with a low-power electric motor. Therefore, a machine with a power plant made from such a tool is suitable for cutting small-section bars, cutting sheets of plywood and OSB.

A screwdriver can be used as a drive. However, the power of its motor will only be enough to cut sheets of plywood or thin boards. Therefore, its use is advisable only in exceptional cases.

When using semi-professional and professional tools, you can increase the diameter of the saw blade and, as a result, productivity.

Making a stationary machine from plywood

There are many ways to make a stationary stand for cutting wood, we will look at one of the popular ones. The most inexpensive and easiest to manufacture is a machine with a wooden table. We will give a general manufacturing algorithm, but it is worth considering that each master makes it for his own needs, taking into account his needs. To make such a stand, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Apply markings to round the corners on one end of the wooden beam. It is also necessary to mark holes for the axles at the ends and in the center of the bar.

  2. Using the previously made markings in the center of the block, on opposite sides, use a wood saw to make recesses for installing bearings. Connect the resulting grooves with a through jumper.

  3. Drill holes in the end and on the edge of the beam according to the markings made.

  4. Press the rolling bearings into the prepared grooves. To do this, you need to install the bearing in the seat and mount them in place through a wooden plank.

  5. Determine the center of the mounting pin, which will act as an axis.

  6. Mount the pin into the mounting hole, accurately aligning it in the central position. Secure its position using nuts and locknuts. Install two profile washers on the installation side of the saw blade and secure their position with a nut.

  7. Prepare a small wooden beam. Drill a blind hole in one of its ends.

  8. From a sheet of OSB / plywood (depending on what you chose), cut two rectangular blanks. Place a block on the corner of one of them, with a drilled hole inward. Secure its position with screws.

  9. Using hardware, connect the prepared OSB/plywood sheets together.

  10. Connect the movable beam with the beam on the end wall of the future stand.

  11. In the OSB/plywood sheet that will serve as the other end wall, mark the position of the longitudinal groove. Its center should coincide with the center of the hole in the end of the movable beam.

  12. Use a jigsaw or other tool to cut a groove.

  13. Connect the base of the machine and the prepared OSB / plywood sheet with a groove.

  14. After this, screw a pin into the hole in the end of the movable beam. Screw a nut onto the protruding end. For convenience, it is better to use a wing nut.

  15. At the bottom of the movable bar, symmetrically to the center, install and fix a rectangular panel cut from an OSB sheet / plywood.

  16. Mount a metal half-clamp to the edge of the installed panel. It is necessary for fixing the drill, which will be used as a circular drive.

  17. Cut out the working surface of the machine from a sheet of OSB / plywood. To facilitate access to the saw blade, door hinges must be installed on one of the inner sides.

  18. Install the saw blade onto the drive shaft.

  19. Turn on the drill. Slowly lower the work surface to a horizontal position. In this case, the rotating saw blade will cut a hole in the slab necessary for work.

After the final stage, you can begin to work. Using the protruding pin, you can adjust the cutting depth of the workpiece.

You can view detailed instructions by following the link.

Circular saw table

The table for the circular table must be stable. Rocking while working is very disturbing and can be dangerous. An old kitchen table or a prefabricated structure made of wooden blocks or metal profiles is suitable as a frame. An important part of the bed is a flat, wide surface with a slot for the saw blade. It is made from an iron sheet of at least 4 mm, fiberglass plate, plexiglass, plywood, chipboard or a combination thereof. In any case, the thickness of the table cover must correspond to the load that it will undergo during operation. It should be taken into account that the drive in some homemade circular saws is attached specifically to the cover, so it is better to make it lifting, as shown in the photo. This will avoid complicating the design of the frame and will facilitate access to the power tool.

The guide bar is usually made from a corner, which is attached to the slab with clamps each time a new size is set. You can make a sliding bar, as seen in the picture. In this case, the table cover must have strictly parallel sides for sliding, and the guide bar is perpendicular to the plane of rotation of the circular saw. This is very convenient, but requires a little work. Sliding slides are made of steel or aluminum angle, which should slide freely along the edges without losing the right angle. An option with a wooden slide is possible, but this makes the machine bed more bulky and less durable.

Another step-by-step manufacturing algorithm

If it is necessary to cut plywood, laminate or thin boards, you can make a household circular saw driven by a hand drill. To do this you will need the following materials:

  • OSB or chipboard sheet;
  • wooden blocks;
  • working shaft from an angle grinder;
  • metal sheet 1 mm thick;
  • clamp;
  • fastening hardware.

In order to make a mini sawing machine, you must perform the following steps:

  1. From a sheet of metal, a clamp and a drive shaft from an angle grinder, assemble an adapter for a drill. In addition, such a nozzle can be ordered on the Aliexpress website by clicking on the link.

  2. Mark the location for attaching the drill holder on the back of the working surface of the future work table.

  3. Secure the adapter using wooden blocks and countersunk screws.

  4. Make a groove for installing the saw blade.

  5. Install two rectangular strips on the longitudinal edges of the table and screw them to the work table of the machine; they will act as the legs of the machine.

  6. For safer use, a sheet of thick plywood or OSB must be screwed to the bottom of the table.

By watching the video below, you can familiarize yourself in detail with the manufacturing process of such a machine.

Characteristics and power

The functionality of using the equipment will depend on the correct choice of parameters, including speed indicators and drive power. The power rating is affected by the maximum permissible diameter of the toothed saw. It is believed that to process lumber with a thickness of about 10 millimeters, an electric motor with a power of 1 kW will be required. Based on the thickness of the processed and sawn timber, you should select the power of the electric motor.

Transmission from the drive in a self-made circular machine is best done using a V-belt. This allows you to ensure the necessary safety of using the equipment. When foreign objects get under the saw, the V-belt drive will slip on the pulleys, which eliminates injuries and jamming of the working disk.

Factory-made screwdriver attachments

Today, there are factory adapters on the domestic market that can be used to turn a drill into a hand-held circular saw.

Their advantages include:

  • Workmanship;
  • Compatible with any type of drills and screwdrivers;
  • Adjustment of cutting angle vertically and horizontally;
  • Ease of use.

Despite the advantages, such adapters have a number of disadvantages. Among them are:

  • Limitation on cutting thickness. This is due to the fact that such machines are adapted to a specific disc diameter. Increasing the thickness of the cut is possible only by purchasing a more efficient adapter;
  • High cost, which exceeds the price of a home-made device several times;
  • Expensive spare parts and their lack of free access.

A selection of products from AliExpress

On the Aliexpress website, the buyer is offered various adapter options to choose from, with which you can turn a regular drill or screwdriver into a hand-held circular saw. The most optimal of them is a set consisting of a set of saw blades of various diameters and drive axle shafts.

In addition to them, the delivery set may include cutters of various diameters for cutting small grooves.

We present to your attention a selection of the 3 best offers that can be found on AliExpress.

  1. The best set in terms of price and quality ratio. The kit includes a disc with a diameter of 110 mm. Adapter, washer, nut and key for securing the disk. The best choice. View on AliExpress.
  2. The best set of different discs. The set includes 2 adapters and 5 discs (from 22 to 44 mm) for sawing various materials. Made of stainless steel. View on AliExpress.
  3. Another interesting set of 5 discs at a reasonable price. The set includes 5 discs with a diameter from 22 to 44 mm, differs from the previous one in price - slightly lower, because... Not many have been sold yet. So hurry up and buy. The quality is no different from the previous one. View on AliExpress.

Pay attention to the number of reviews, rating and price - hurry up to buy the nozzle while the discount is valid.

How to make mini-drills with your own hands

The main element of a mini-drill is a small but powerful electric motor. The part can be removed from old or broken fixtures:

  • children's toys;
  • fan;
  • hairdryer;
  • blender;
  • mixer;
  • tape recorder.

The second important element is the connecting sleeve between the drill and the motor axis. You can make it yourself or purchase a drill chuck. The second option is more preferable, since the nozzle provides uniform clamping and the holes are even. Such chucks allow you to work with drills with a diameter of 0.7-2.3 mm.

A typical drawing will help you understand the principle of making a mini-drill with your own hands:

Any plastic containers corresponding to the engine dimensions are suitable for the housing:

  • water pipe;
  • deodorant containers;
  • old flashlight.

The electric motor should sit tightly inside so as not to move the drill to the side.

Safety precautions at work

The presence of electrical components and a rapidly rotating saw blade makes a circular saw a highly dangerous tool. Therefore, when working on it, you must follow the following safety rules:

  • Use protective clothing and glasses to protect your eyes;
  • Start cutting workpieces only after the saw blade has reached its maximum rotation speed;
  • It is necessary to work on the machine cyclically. After 15 minutes of continuous operation, allow the tool to cool for the same period of time;
  • Install the saw blade only in the direction of rotation of the drill spindle. To do this, there is an arrow on the side of the disk indicating the direction of rotation.
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