Top 16 ways to make flowers from corrugated paper with your own hands

  • May 19, 2019
  • Production
  • Svetlana Funtova

Each handmade item is unique. Of the many types of handicrafts, the production of artificial flowers deserves special attention. You will learn from this article what such masterpieces are made of. Artificial flowers are used to decorate a home, any celebration, or simply as a gift to friends and family. Depending on your skill level, you can choose the simplest or more complex technique.

How to make simple flowers?

Small flowers made of corrugated paper are quite easy to assemble. There are many methods, each of which should be considered separately in the production of a specific flower.

Here you can use twisting pre-prepared strips of paper, cut out individual blank parts for subsequent assembly into a composition, and much more. An important condition in manufacturing is the manifestation of imagination and a little accuracy in matters of assembly.

In order not to be unfounded, we should give as an example several instructions for making bouquets. With their help, the question of how to make flowers from corrugated paper will no longer arise. .

The simplest case is when we need to make the bud itself, for example, to decorate a small gift with a flower. Well, or you can use it as a way to stretch your arms.

For production we will need:

  • a sheet of corrugated paper of your favorite color;
  • cardboard or gift wrapping (where you will glue the flower);
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • toothpick.

Let's start making:

  1. First you need to cut out 12 circles from a sheet of corrugated paper - they can be of any size, depending on the size of the flower you want to make. Life hack: you can fold a sheet of paper in half or four and cut out several at a time.

  2. Now you need to give your circles a shape. To do this, sharpen one of the edges, and you can use glue to help.

  3. Start gluing each petal in a circle to an already prepared small piece of cardboard. You need to glue 5 petals around the outer edge of the cardboard, 4 petals inside, and then 3 petals in the middle.

  4. Making the middle of the flower. Cut a strip of crepe paper and fold it in half. Cut the strip evenly and create a fringe. Screw the fringe onto a toothpick and secure it with glue.

  5. Now you can glue the core into the middle of the flower and you're done!

Of course, there are other options, this is just a warm-up. Who knows, you might find any master class in this article easy. Below, as an alternative, are two videos with relatively simple methods:

And here we need scissors, wire, adhesive tape and corrugated paper cut into strips. Everything else is sleight of hand:

kusudama flower

Kusudama is a technique for making three-dimensional spherical figures, performed according to the origami principle. The easiest kusudama flowers can be made in a matter of minutes. There are a great many manufacturing schemes; it’s better to start with the simplest ones. By gradually modernizing them, it is quite possible to create something unique. How to make artificial flowers with your own hands using this technique? Read on.

Six squares of the same size are cut out of colored or origami paper. Then proceed to step-by-step flower folding for beginners:

  1. The square is folded in half twice, then unfolded and folded diagonally again. The result should be clearly defined folds; in the future, the following stages of making a kusudama flower will be carried out along these lines.
  2. The square is turned over so that the corner faces upward, forming a pyramid. The corners of the square are compressed to form a four-pointed three-dimensional star. The corners of the star are twisted alternately onto a toothpick to give the figure an unusual shape. The finished product can be glued together, so it will not lose its shape.

Flowers are attached to a stick wrapped in green paper and collected into a bouquet or glued together many parts, creating a three-dimensional ball using the traditional kusadama technique.

Also, a kusudama flower can be assembled from separately made modules. Follow the diagram shown below in the picture.

2-3. Big flowers

Most craftswomen prefer to make large flowers from corrugated paper. After all, if these are artificial flowers, then you don’t have to limit yourself to natural sizes, right? In this section we will show several ways to make such flowers of unearthly beauty. And yes, when we say big, we mean this size:

Please note that there are dark pink petals in the center, and they are smaller than the light pink ones at the edges

Often, needlewomen want to make such flowers if there is a need to decorate a room, equip a wedding ceremony with interesting attributes, or simply use it for a photo shoot.

One fact worth noting is that despite the difference in size, large buds are no different in manufacturing techniques from miniature compositions.

Therefore, if you are planning to prepare an attribute for a ceremony or any celebration and have chosen flowers made of corrugated paper, then stock up on diligence and huge rulers, templates and other materials in large quantities and in impressive sizes.

Large flowers made of corrugated paper

You should also purchase several times more corrugated paper , since here you may need to make a flower of such a size that one petal can be the size of a large plate.

Among other things, I would like to say that knowing how to make flowers from corrugated paper, problems with sizes cannot arise. Moreover, most craftswomen believe that making compositions of remarkable size is even more interesting and exciting, and most importantly, much easier. All you need here is accuracy, and there will be no need to engage in fine jewelry craftsmanship.

So it is impossible to accurately answer the question of what composition sizes you should start getting acquainted with corrugated paper.

Everyone should think about the prospects for the end of the process and the characteristics of their character. But the result will undoubtedly surprise you.

Volumetric asters (video master class)

Corrugated paper makes very voluminous, lush and bright asters. These flowers are considered large in themselves, but artificial ones can be made simply fabulously large. That's what we'll do!

Final result

What's interesting about this master class is that the base is made from a simple bottle. We liked this particular option, since the result is very impressive, with its ease of manufacture and interesting choice of material. For example, a simple bottle is used as a base. See video instructions below:

Huge peony rose (video master class)

The video below shows a very beautiful giant flower. When you look at this magnificence, it seems that you cannot do this yourself. Yes, the work is painstaking, the formation of a flower from the middle to the outer petals is very interesting. But it's worth it, it turns out magical. The main thing to remember is that the quality of the paper can greatly affect the final result. It's better not to save on this. Watch the video with instructions below:


Organza is a very light and delicate material, which is also easy to work with. Very often, organza flowers are used to decorate a bride’s outfit or accessories. In order to make flowers yourself, you will need: organza, needle, thread, wire, candle, scissors, pattern paper.

How to make artificial flowers from fabric:

  1. Draw 3-4 even circles of different diameters on paper. The details are cut out, pinned to organza and several petals of each diameter are cut out.
  2. Over a burning candle, waste trimmings are first burned along the edge to determine how best to hold the petals during firing. Then each petal is burned in a circle; the smaller ones are best held with tweezers.
  3. All the petals are strung on a thread one by one, starting with the largest. After this, they begin to twist the flower, starting with the smallest details. Then it is hemmed at the base so that it does not fall apart. A wire is threaded into the center and decorated with beads or seed beads.

If you are doing a craft with a child and do not want to use fire, we recommend making a flower as shown in the picture below.

Rose in 10 minutes

The second method of making a rose is simpler, it doesn’t take even 10 minutes. Prepare a long strip of red corrugated paper with a width of approximately 7-10 cm. One long edge must be processed, giving the shape of the processed edge of the pie.

Rolling a paper rose

Twisting a red rose

Pinch the edge of the strip with your thumb, proceed along the entire edge, taking into account the “overlapping” of the pinched area on top of each other.

Continue twisting

Next, the finished strip should be rolled into a bud. Carefully glue the edge to the finished bud with PVA glue or wrap the entire flower with regular thread in the color of the corrugated paper used. The resulting bud can be wrapped in green thread, creating a sepal.

Forming a rose bud

The corrugated paper rose is ready

If desired, such a bud can also be pre-planted on a special wire blank and make a whole bouquet of roses in 1.5-2 hours.

Use the presented methods to create entire rose compositions in the future. You can make a composition only from buds, gluing them onto cardboard blanks in the process of creating a number for a birthday or an ordinary picture.

Foamiran decor

Large flowers made from foamiran are a good way to decorate a residential or office space, a banquet hall or photo space. This is a new direction in decoration and business. They can be easily made with your own hands, the main thing is to follow the sequence of actions and do everything carefully and slowly.

Additionally, another device is used - an iron. Decorative material takes a certain shape when heated.

Features of choice for various rooms

The purpose of the room plays an important role when choosing the interior and furnishings. Therefore, when buying artificial flowers, you need to immediately decide for which rooms such products are intended. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the features of the interior (in particular, the color scheme) and select the appropriate “plants”.


Decorative fruits, vegetables or berries are suitable for the kitchen interior. Bundles that imitate spices are usually placed above the stove (or nearby): garlic, onions, peppers. Artificial compositions in the kitchen interior are placed in compact vases on tables or window sills. The best choice is considered to be decorative orchids or roses.


It is this part of the house that is best suited for decorating with artificial “flora”. There is not enough light in the hallway to grow natural plants.

Curly “flowers” ​​are suitable for the hallway, which can be hung on the wall or placed between the furniture. The latter option looks good in compact spaces.

Living room

The living room, like the kitchen, is a place where residents and guests often gather. Therefore, choosing colors for a given room can be difficult. In this case, it is recommended to take into account personal preferences and the size of the room. You should also take into account the features of the interior and select flowers so that they do not stand out from the background, but complement the overall design.

In large living rooms, large plants look good, including palm trees or flowers in tall vases. In such rooms you can also place several compositions of decorative “plantings”. In small living rooms, it is recommended to place flowers in compact vases or pots.


Decorative plants are usually not purchased for the bedroom. This is explained by the fact that such products attract dust, which causes people’s breathing to worsen over time. Therefore, it is recommended to place natural plants in the bedroom.


The bathroom constantly maintains a high level of humidity. Taking into account this circumstance, decor made of clay or plastic is usually placed in this room. Depending on the area, you can install compact flowers, climbing plants or a large vase with artificial “flora” in the bathroom.

Children's room

Natural plants are also predominantly placed in the children's room. Among artificial ones, it is recommended to give preference to those made of hypoallergenic material.

Polymer clay

Flowers made from homemade polymer clay will undoubtedly become a source of pride for the needlewoman and will decorate any interior. In addition, when starting to work with polymer clay, it is quite possible to gain experience by making simple flower arrangements. For this you will need: clay of any two colors for the buds and green for the stem, a knife, a toothpick, a board, wire and beads for decoration.

How to make artificial flowers:

  1. From two colors of clay, “sausages” are rolled out on a board. Then one strip is placed on top of the other and pressed tightly so that they stick together. You can roll them out slightly for better adhesion.
  2. Then the strip is cut into thin layers. Each part is slightly expanded on one side and lengthened on the other, forming a petal.
  3. Pinch off a piece from each color of clay and roll it into a ball. The next stage is creating a flower.
  4. Ready-made petals are attached to the ball in a circle. To make the bouquet more realistic, flowers and buds need to be made of different sizes.
  5. Use a toothpick to make a hole in the bottom of the ball and insert a wire wrapped in green clay into it. The core of the flower is decorated with beads.

Giant peony made of corrugated or crepe paper on the wall

Peonies, like roses, are popular. I think this is the king of all flowers because it looks elegant and smells amazing. Craftswomen have different approaches to creating it, but the effect is always beyond praise. I think that not everyone will be able to create such a flower right away, so I put together a short video that tells in great detail how to roll the simplest peony.

It really is done very quickly, and looks no worse than those created using other techniques. I invite you to watch.

I also liked the idea of ​​the foundation used in this video. after all, such a flat circle will attach perfectly to the wall even with double-sided tape.

In conclusion

Decorating with artificial flowers can be done independently, the main thing is not to rush, but to think through every action, be guided by your own taste, but listen carefully to the advice of professionals.

In general, a unique decor thought out in every detail will create a special atmosphere. Phytocompositions in the interior will give a finished look to the original artistic idea. With the help of bouquets you can create a unique design, or simply add a “zest” to the overall look. The decor can be remade many times without any problems, creating new combinations of shapes, thus updating the usual home decoration.

Flowers chosen wisely and tastefully will attract glances, and their realistic options will never let your guests doubt their naturalness.

Getting to know the material and tools

First you need to understand what isolon is, what it comes in and its properties.

Before making large flowers, you need to go to a hardware store for a universal insulating material - polyethylene foam. According to the production method it is:

  • uncrosslinked is polyethylene foam without additional processing, so the price of such material is affordable;
  • physically cross-linked (PPE 500) is a modified PPE that has improved properties, its service life is longer, but the price is higher.

Isolon is produced in rolls and sheets with a thickness of 0.2 mm to 1 cm - material 2–3 mm is suitable for creating flowers. There are options for foil and colored isolon, so your flowers can be not only white.

In order to come up with a flower shape, you need to understand what can be done with the source material. So, the properties of isolon and possible manipulations with it:

  1. Thin sheets are easy to cut with scissors or a mounting knife - thanks to the softness of the material, full-length flowers made from isolon look natural.
  2. It doesn't burn, it melts. This property is used to give shape to the petals - when heated, they bend, and by increasing the temperature, the sheets can be “glued” together point by point.
  3. Relative tensile strength. The porous structure allows it to withstand small tensile loads without breaking, and waves are formed that can become the decor of the petal.
  4. Connects only with hot glue, stapler or thread.

However, craftsmen have found a couple more ways: the cut parts can be glued together with hot air from a hair dryer and a soldering iron

  1. Regular paints don't stick to it. You can take colored sheets or use special ones.
  2. Scars form on the folds, so when making and storing flowers you need to be careful not to spoil the work.
  3. It is not afraid of moisture, but turns yellow in the sun. Large flowers are great for decorating outdoor areas, but white ones are best used in the shade.

Based on this, we understand that we will need additional tools and devices:

  • tailor's scissors or mounting knife;
  • hair dryer - construction or household, but always with two heating modes;
  • glue gun with temperature switch;
  • stapler, threads;
  • acrylic, rubber paints or from a spray can;

You will also need wire, masking tape, flower pots, metal-plastic tubes and even cement. But first things first…

Artificial flowers for the interior of different rooms: what looks best and where

Let's try to choose the most advantageous places for placing floral decorations. We remember that there cannot be many such plants, otherwise it will look more like a market than a living room. Also, you should not take large ones into a small room. Flowers should only make an accent, becoming an organic part of the room, and not play the main role here.


Large artificial flowers are good for a spacious hallway.

Large flowers are placed either in a small group or individually. It’s best to put them in a free corner PHOTO:

An important condition: greenery should not interfere with walking, especially if the hallway is already a bit crowded

Vases with flower arrangements can be placed on the floor, where they do not interfere, as well as on consoles, chests of drawers near the mirror PHOTO:

Artificial Plants for Home Living Room Interior: Color Transformation

To make your living room more lively and fill it with beauty, you don’t have to get live greenery. Even artificial plants can significantly change the appearance of a room due to their harmonious composition, vase or pot.

Large vases with voluminous bouquets can hardly fit into a small living room, but placing such decorations against a free wall of a spacious room is very possiblePHOTO:

A bright composition on a neutral colored background will become a rich accent and a balancing element. PHOTO:

In living rooms that do not have an abundance of accessories, you can place several flower vases PHOTO:

Ever-blooming plants in floor vases always make the room bright and fresh PHOTO:

Children's room

Breakable vases or pots are not recommended for children's rooms, so floral decorations are placed on window sills or walls.

Original, bright and very beautiful PHOTO:

Artificial greenery for bedroom decor: floral comfort

In the bedroom, it is simply blasphemous to disturb harmony, but it is imperative to promote comfort. Everyone there knows the value of a place to sleep and a sense of self. Lovers of greenery sometimes do not have enough time to care for them, or simply want to constantly see a certain flower as decoration. In this case, they are looking for unnatural greenery that meets the needs of the owner, in accordance with the style of the room.

Vases are most often located on bedside tables near the bed. Water is poured into a glass vase to fully perceive the plant as living PHOTO:

At the foot of the bed you can place not only banquettesPHOTO:


There is not much space in the bathroom to place flower crops. But, nevertheless, there is a place for both large and tiny compositions.

This shelf will wonderfully decorate the bathroom walls PHOTO:

Why not make a true magical oasis there PHOTO:

An original look at using greenery PHOTO:

Artificial Flowers for Home Kitchen Interior

The kitchen often contains a dining room. But even without a dining area, the kitchen is beautifully decorated. Why not put a couple of pots with flower arrangements there?

You don’t have to take bright buds, but stick to spreading greenery PHOTO:

It is worth placing non-living plants near the working area: splashes from household chemicals will not harm them, and to restore their former appearance, the bush can be immediately rinsed under the tap PHOTO:

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