Paper accordion crafts: 135 photos and video master class on how to make an accordion-shaped paper craft

A paper accordion is one of the simplest elements. Anyone can create it, after which a huge number of spectacular decorative things can be made from it: for example, various snowflakes and little books. Accordions can be simple or more complex, small or huge, for interiors and postcards.

How to make an accordion out of paper?

Remember how, as children, we folded a piece of paper into an accordion shape and entertained our classmates? If your love for paper crafts has not passed, and the origami technique has gradually grown into a hobby, you can remember those very days and make an origami accordion out of paper. Moreover, simply folding the edge of a sheet of paper is not enough; here we will use something like a real technique of folding paper along the lines. True, in its simplest and most understandable version. What if such a hand-made paper accordion actually produces a couple of notes? There are even entire communities where craftsmen post complete tutorials on gluing such models and provide complete diagrams for cutting out parts.

How to make an accordion out of paper - a simplified version

The easiest way to make a paper accordion is to simply cut out its two bases in detail and fold its bellows using the simplest method. Here is the actual method:

  1. So, before making an accordion out of paper, we print its details on a printer. The blank has several empty windows where you can place a calendar for any year.
  2. The essence of the work is that we need to fold the base of the accordion along the dotted lines and glue it together. And then assemble the structure from individual parts.

This is such a wonderful paper accordion, glued together with your own hands, that you can make.

Origami paper accordion

If you already have some experience working with paper, you can complicate the process. This time the accordion bellows will be made much more difficult. Let's look at how to make an accordion out of paper, which will also produce a couple of notes:

First of all, print out the base. On it you will find fold lines indicated by dotted and dotted lines. We bend everything that is indicated by the dotted line upward. We bend all the lines marked with dots downwards. The gray areas on the parts are for applying glue. So, we begin to gradually bend step by step. Next, glue the workpiece into a tube. We begin to gradually bend the accordion fur lines. Along the edges the lines are drawn in a different way

We will also bend them using the reverse method: the dotted line down and the dotted line up. Next, we begin to assemble the details of the side parts of the accordion. Fold the parts according to the fold lines, apply glue to the gray area. Next, we place everything in the casing and fix it in place with glue. It is important that all parts are located exactly in their places. When closing the box and gluing it together, the edges will be completely covered by the sides. This is the very hole that will be the source of sound. Well, now we insert our blank and the paper accordion is ready.

Craft templates

Volumetric accordion paper toys are an excellent gift, exhibition craft, or interior decoration. They need templates. Crafts made from accordion paper templates are great even for novice “creators”.

We trace the prepared peacock template on green cardboard with a pencil and cut it out. Using a black felt-tip pen, draw the eyes, separate and paint over the beak and crest on the head. It will be even more interesting if you buy ready-made moving eyes. The figurine will be alive.

The peacock's tail is made from several flowers. To do this, glue together 3-4 sheets of paper of different bright colors. After drying, we make an accordion out of them, which we bend exactly in the middle. This is a single tail element. We do the second one in exactly the same way.

We make two slits in the peacock's body in order to pass the tail parts through them. We glue the middles of the folds of the tails and get a peacock with a fluffy bright tail.

So the beautiful three-dimensional peacock is ready, which you won’t be ashamed to give to friends or relatives to decorate the room.

A fun activity

Children love figurines of animals and beasts. Therefore, folding paper into an accordion craft will become a favorite pastime for them.

If the child does not go to school yet, then on weekends he can be carried away by working on the hedgehog. This is the favorite cartoon character for all children.

By making a fan out of brown paper, gluing a pre-prepared and painted hedgehog's face into the middle of the fan, we get a funny toy.

You can make a bunny in the same way.

If you glue eyes and a mouth to the narrow side of the fan, and a small fan-tail to the wide, corrugated part, you will get funny fish.

You can create entire collections of similar works.

The most accessible material for creativity

Paper of all types, quality and textures, the most affordable and favorite material for creativity. It is worth remembering how children love to decorate their rooms and classrooms before the New Year.

And multi-colored paper garlands look great, in the form of chains, on Christmas trees or hanging from the ceiling. Children are always happy when their crafts are highly appreciated by their parents or teachers and decorate their home with them.

How cool it is when sheets of paper folded like accordions turn into lanterns or fans. Which child has not committed this sin by tearing out pages from a notebook?

Simple manufacturing method

Take a rectangle of the desired size, the length of which is several times greater than the width. To get a long accordion when there is no paper of a similar size, glue several sheets together and do not bend them until they are completely dry. The glue line should be as wide as the planned fold, so it won’t be noticeable.

If you doubt your eye, mark the workpiece with vertical lines, placing them at equal distances. Do not press too hard on the pencil when marking so that snowflakes or other products look beautiful. Mark the places where you need to make an internal fold with solid lines, and for external folds - with barely visible dots.

Once you have marked the rectangle, you can bend it, carefully smoothing each fold with your hands. It's your cardboard blank, you'll have to put in more effort to make it look neat.

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Paper accordion: examples, diagrams and description for beginners

Origami is one of the most beautiful forms of art. Origami masters make uniquely beautiful and very amazing things. There is a huge variety of paper crafts. They all differ in complexity, beauty, size and materials used for them. It is worth mentioning that origami has a very positive effect on the state of the human nervous system. Origami helps you calm down, learn to concentrate and focus on your goal. It also trains perseverance and perseverance very well, since many actions in origami have to be started all over again. This effect on the human condition has been scientifically proven! In this article we will tell you how to make a simple, but very beautiful and entertaining paper craft. Today our heroine is a paper accordion.

This accordion is quite easy to make for a beginner. It will not cause much difficulty during its manufacturing process. And also, you will not need to search for any special materials. Just a sheet of A4 paper and a sheet of colored paper will be enough. Crafts made using the origami technique are very beautiful.

Fantasies on the theme of paper accordions

Sometimes parents don’t know what to do with their children on weekends. And on a train trip, children languish from the inability to run and jump. Now is the time to keep them busy making crafts from accordion papers.

It is best to purchase templates of birds, animals, and favorite cartoon characters from stationery stores. On the road, the child will enthusiastically trace the desired shapes according to the template, make slits in the body and insert “accordions” into them.

In this way, you can make an elephant, where the body is, cut out according to a template, and the ears will be made of accordion paper.

You can make a panel. Glue a three-dimensional image of a cat's head onto colored cardboard with double-sided tape. It will be a round fan made of black accordion paper.

In the middle, stick bright blue moving eyes, a nose, a mustache, and a smiling mouth. Glue the ears to the head. And that’s it, an excellent panel will decorate a child’s room.

Automation for gates

Although folding gates are easy to use, you still need to take care of their operation. Automation can handle this function best. The system can be operated using top or bottom drive. The top drive mechanism is in great demand on the market, since it does not require creating special conditions - laying a foundation. However, it has limitations in use; the maximum door height should not exceed 5 meters. Otherwise, the top drive system will not be able to control the structure.

If an automatic system is used, the following elements are installed:

  1. Remote control panel. It can be built-in or portable.
  2. Electric drive that regulates the movement of the sash.
  3. Signal light indicating readiness for operation.
  4. An electrical cable that supplies power to the system.
  5. Photocells that stop movement if a foreign object appears in the way.

Prices for automation for overhead gates vary, but the system itself equally guarantees the safety of using the entrance structure.

Many garage owners equip their sliding doors with a manual drive. Such structures are simple and affordable, as they do not require power. The drive for the gate is selected separately, since it is necessary to take into account the weight of the panels, the traction force of the mechanism and the intensity of its use. Therefore, before buying this or that device, it is recommended to seek advice from specialists.

Installing accordion-style entrance doors is the best solution for decorating the opening of a living room, because this type of design is practical and compact. And the purchase of automation allows you to open the gate by simply pressing a small button.

A complicated way to fold an accordion

This was a simple way to create an accordion. Once you have mastered it, you can move on to a more complex option of creating an almost real accordion or even a paper button accordion with your own hands. A square sheet of paper will be useful for this. Bend it horizontally almost in half, moving the fold line just a little beyond the center of the workpiece. This is necessary so that the edge slightly opens the bottom. A narrow strip will be visible from under it - bend it upward, covering the edge of the half of the sheet that is on top. Then the operation needs to be repeated: bend the future accordion along the same line as before, and bend the narrow part of the paper that is on top upward. The result should be a narrow paper rectangle. Bend it in half horizontally and then unfold it.

Bend the resulting folds so that there is a seam on top. In the center of the resulting element after all the manipulations you will see narrow stripes. Once this has happened, bend the workpiece exactly in half: the fold line should be under the narrow strip. And now with the resulting rectangle you need to do the same procedure that you already knew when creating a simple accordion - that is, alternate folds inward and outward. Leave a place on both edges where there will be no folds - these will be the accordion handles. Carefully smooth out the lines to roll the workpiece into a rectangle. You should end up with something that looks like a box with fold lines. By holding the handles, you can fold and spread the accordion, just like a real musical instrument does. All that remains is to make the keys on the handles.

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Now you know how to make an accordion with your own hands from any material and for any purpose, be it elegant snowflakes, bright books or stylized musical instruments. Don’t stop at the ideas we’ve proposed: you can always come up with your own version of the creative use of an accordion in decoration or the educational process. For example, you can make voluminous applications from accordions, folding them into umbrellas, hedgehogs, suns, flowers, trees, Christmas trees and many other elements. And appliqués don’t have to be only on postcards – they will look great on the walls when decorating a room for the holiday.

Options for using a simple accordion

The top of the blanks can be decorated with curly cutouts - manually or using a hole punch. The same snowflakes from such an accordion will look especially elegant. To make them, you need to fasten the accordion in the center with a stapler, make holes in the edges to your liking - here you can show your imagination in full force! Holes can be cut not only along the edges, but also across the entire surface of the workpiece, using a hole punch or nail scissors. After this, straighten the accordion and fasten its edges to form a circle. Instead of regular paper, you can use colored or beautiful napkins with patterns to create snowflakes. You can decorate a Christmas tree, a window with these snowflakes, hang them so that they hang from the ceiling or form a beautiful holiday decor on the walls.

If it is assumed that you will make a free musical instrument from the blank, you can draw keys on it with paints or felt-tip pens, or stick them on by cutting them out of paper. For the button accordion, you need to leave sections without folds on each side of the accordion in order to decorate them as is the case with a real instrument.


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If you make wide folds, you will get a book, on each side of which you can make illustrations on the topic. For example, this could very well turn out to be a bright alphabet for kids or a book with numbers for them to learn. If you make a book out of a paper accordion with your child, this will contribute to his development and will allow you to become closer to him.

Agree that now you will no longer have the question of how to make a book or snowflakes out of paper.

How to make an accordion out of paper step by step

Let's look at the sequence of making a paper musical instrument from an album sheet. The scheme of work is as follows:

  1. Place the sheet horizontally in front of you.
  2. Measure a strip of approximately 1 cm along the long edge. This will be the seam (gluing area).
  3. Fold the sheet in half along the long side. Perform gluing.
  4. Fold the resulting rectangle in half.
  5. Stepping back about 5 cm from the left edge, begin making accordion folds. Do them until there is also 5 cm left to the right edge.
  6. Carefully open the structure from one edge and blow inward. Straighten the resulting workpiece exactly so as not to damage the folds.
  7. Fold the side elements and draw keys on them.

So, you have learned how to make a paper accordion with your own hands. In addition to the usual white sheet, you can take colored paper with embossing, and stick the keys from another.

Of course, the instructions given do not show the implementation in the most complicated way, but the accordion will look quite realistic. And the child will quickly master the technology. It turns out to be a good option for children's creativity.

Crocodile Genes Tool

This is a very special type of accordion without a ready-made marking diagram. How to do it?

Cut A4 sheet in half along a horizontal line. Then divide the sheet with 31 folds into 32 equal parts.

The photo shows how to bend it in half:

Steps 2, 3, 4, 5 fold in half. The top layer should be divided into ½, ¼, 1/8, 1/16 and 1/32. Expand. Divide each zone in half to divide the entire sheet into 32 equal parts. Even lines remain convex, and odd lines remain concave.

Then make a fold of arbitrary height (from 0.8 to 1 cm), parallel to the horizontal side. Bend the finished piece in half.

Next, unfold all the bends. Bend the line along the center line. The fold should be made only between lines o (point A1) and 2 (point B1).

Bend the workpiece along line 2.

Then repeat the fold of the outer line to the central one - between points A2 and B2 to the 32nd line.

Repeat all previous steps from the bottom line, which is located 8-10mm from the edge. On the reverse side, repeat all folds.

Through all points B and make a fold.

It's time to assemble the accordion parts. To do this, use all the previously obtained folds.

Unfold all folds. Fold the workpiece along the folds parallel to the horizontal side. Each fold should be 90 degrees.

Start folding the accordion, edge first and then along the folds.

The master class is over, all the crafts are ready!


The “accordion” is also used as a popular anti-stress toy today. By stretching and squeezing the folds of the “craft”, a person enters a trance-like state and relaxes. This is the principle of operation of all toys aimed at relieving stress. Most of them were invented in Japan: a collapsible handle that can be twirled in your hands and bent without fear of breaking, pillows that emit a slight wheeze when pressed, like a sleeping person, and, finally, the famous “squishies.”

“Accordion” has a calming effect not only in its finished form, but also at the assembly stage. Rhythmic weaving of strips and complete immersion in work will allow you to escape from accumulated problems, free your mind, and therefore find the right solution that relieves constant anxiety. The color scheme of the product also has a positive effect on the psyche - it is recommended to choose shades of the rainbow for it, alternating them in a natural order.

Crafts for children

Children quickly get bored with toys, even those that they themselves begged from their parents. They want novelty and impressions. That's why schoolchildren make paper airplanes and boats, girls make fans and butterflies. And kids love crafts made from accordion-folded paper.

Caterpillars made of thin accordion paper with a mischievous little face glued to one end can keep a child occupied for hours.

If you also imagine that they snuck into the garden, where they were going to damage the apple trees, then the children will be happy to join in this game of “garden detective”.

Foxes, wolves, dogs are beautifully and easily made from accordion paper.

Entertaining crafts

During creativity lessons at school, even in kindergartens, children create amazing crafts from colored sheets of paper folded like an accordion.

Modern mobile phones allow teachers and educators to take photos of accordion paper crafts and post them on parent forums.

Even the most basic crafts look attractive due to the new corrugated texture of an ordinary sheet of paper.

Depending on where you press the accordion sheet (at the top, in the middle, at the very edge), you get different figures. Just pinch the accordion sheet in the middle and you’ll get an interesting butterfly. If you squeeze it, moving 5-7 cm from the top, you will get a fan with which you can fan yourself during the heat.

Kids can make such crafts, and there will be a whole lot of joy from creativity.

Ruffled parrot

Japan has its favorites among tropical exotic birds. And although the climate of the land of the rising sun can be very harsh, birds accustomed to the southern sun and warmth have learned to survive here in the wild. These are necklaces or Indian ringed parrots, massively imported by the Japanese in the 1960s, in the wake of the pet boom. Just a few years later, the first flocks of wild tropical birds appeared in the major cities of Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka. The necklace parrots turned out to be too noisy and fussy for the Japanese, who were accustomed to the silence and contemplation of their compact home.

As a result, the freedom-loving pets began to fly away from their owners, and they were not too eager to look for them. According to ornithologist Takashi Fujii from the Japanese Society for the Conservation of Birds, some even deliberately released “inconvenient” exotics, caring little about their continued existence. But the parrots survived and by the 1980s had increased the population in each city to colony size. It’s not surprising when you consider that in their homeland, South Asia, they also live in the Himalayas at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level.

Necklace parrots are distinguished by their grace and beauty. Their grassy-green plumage contrasts effectively with the bright red beak, which in males is also complemented by a ring around the neck (hence the name of the species).

The assembly diagram for an origami necklace parrot is laconic in Japanese. You will need a square of green paper measuring 15x15 cm and a red marker to draw the beak.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Fold the square in half vertically. Let's reveal.
  2. We bend the upper corners towards the center.
  3. We fold the right and left edges towards the vertical axis.
  4. We bend the product into a mountain.
  5. We turn the bottom part, focusing on the near corner of the triangle.
  6. Open the fold.
  7. Repeat step 5 in the opposite direction.
  1. Bend the left square flap diagonally, as shown in the diagram.
  2. Open the last fold of the previous step.
  3. Using a reverse fold, we bring the left flap inward, forming a tail.
  4. We tilt the upper corner slightly to the left to create a beak.
  5. Unfold the fold from step 11.
  6. And just like the tail, bring it inside the figure.
  7. We turn the bird 45° counterclockwise to give it a sitting posture.

All that remains is to come up with an interesting design for the necklace parrot in the Japanese spirit:

Accordion book: we make it together with children

All children love to create something with their own hands: glue, fold, cut, draw, sculpt... Very often in the children's room there is not enough space for all kinds of crafts. Well, an accordion book won’t take up much space, but it’s very interesting to make and you can come up with something new every time.

A few ideas on how to make an accordion book with your own hands with children:

  1. Create and illustrate your own fairy tale. If the child already knows how to write, let him sign the pictures himself, and if this is still difficult for him, you can ask an adult.
  2. Fill each page with a multi-colored pattern: circles, squares, spirals, etc., etc.
  3. Draw all family members, including uncles, aunts, cousins, brothers and all other relatives known to the baby.
  4. Glue dried leaves collected during a walk into a booklet and sign the name of each one.
  5. Trace a hand on each page and color them all differently.
  6. Paste photos of your pet and come up with a short story about it.
  7. Draw what the child ate for dinner or lunch

And on the last page or on the back it would be great to sign the year when this book was made, or the age at which the child made it. Then, many years later, when reviewing a child’s creation, it will be interesting to remember how it was created.

By making such an unusual book, you can learn how to carefully hatch, make straight and wavy lines, and also try out new felt-tip pens or pencils.

What is a flip book

The folding book itself is a book that contains three-dimensional pictures. Books of this format can be on any topic. These could be educational materials or children's fairy tales.

The simplest option is a do-it-yourself folding book that folds like an accordion.

The voluminous figures that the child finds among the pages attract attention. Reading becomes more exciting and interesting.

How to make an accordion out of paper

Not only expensive things, but also simple paper toys can bring joy to a child. In order to make them beautiful, you don’t have to master the art of origami, it’s enough to be able to cut and glue according to the pattern. With a little imagination you can turn a simple toy into a unique thing. Knowing how to make an accordion out of paper, you can decorate it with buttons or make a fur calendar.

What types of accordions are there?

This toy is not as simple as it seems at first glance. There are various options for its execution:

  1. Accordion folded sheet. This is how children usually fold it.
  2. Glued in the form of a parallelepiped with two handles.
  3. Assembled according to an origami pattern.
  4. An exact copy of a real button accordion or accordion.

Masterfully crafted models can produce notes. And you can decorate them as your imagination and imagination allows. Such a toy, made by the hands of parents, will be very dear to the child.

How to make an accordion out of paper

First of all, you should decide on the model of the product and prepare everything you need for work. In the simplest case, it will be paper and glue. In more complex options, additional materials may be needed:

  1. Product diagram.
  2. Rhinestones or beads in black and white.
  3. Black tape 5-7 mm wide.
  4. Glitter.
  5. Foil or acrylic outline to imitate metal.
  6. Double-sided tape for attaching the tape.

You can use a standard diagram, but if you want to make a copy of the tool, you should find photographs of it and crop them so that the individual elements overlap the diagram, and perform this operation in Excel. Next you need to print and cut out the diagram. Another nuance on how to make a paper accordion more realistic: use photo paper and color printing, then the toy will look like an exact copy of the real instrument. You can even save the name of the manufacturer's brand on it.

Work process

When the diagram and necessary materials have been prepared, you should staple the straps to the tool. Only after this can it be glued. The straps are attached like on a real button accordion.

Let's look at how to make a paper accordion step by step:

  1. Furs should be drawn on the sheet. They consist of three stripes: two wide and one slightly narrower (for the top). Their total width and height should be slightly less than the height and depth of the instrument. After cutting out the strips, you need to stick pieces of tape on them. They are attached to pencil strips one at a time. After the tape is fixed, you can glue the furs.
  2. First, the side parts are connected to each other, after which the top is glued. After fixing it, it must be straightened. The lower part of the bellows can be fastened with a stapler or another accordion can be made.
  3. The accordion is glued into the button accordion.

Instrument design

Design is of great importance, since you need to make an accordion out of paper with your own hands so beautifully that its appearance compensates for the lack of sound. Buttons for button accordions are made of beads or rhinestones. Since they differ in size on opposite sides of the instrument, the decorative elements on one side should be larger than on the other. The white paper corners of the furs should be covered with a silver acrylic outline. In the place where the decoration is intended, you need to drop a little glue and sprinkle with glitter. The excess can be blown off after drying. If the diagram was not printed in color, it is advisable to paint the toy yourself and then varnish it.

There are many ways to make a paper accordion beautiful and look like a real instrument. The time and effort spent will be rewarded by the excitement of the creative process and the joy of the child who received a beautiful toy that the parent made.

Album design styles

Photo albums are usually made in a certain style. Each master chooses his own style, close to his character and mood.

Chic albums in vintage style

  • an album designed by a master in vintage style, containing old photographs and clippings from magazines or newspapers; lace, beads, and frayed fabric are used here;
  • for a romantic shabby chic style they use a delicate background with polka dots or stripes, ruffles and lace;
  • American style is the creation of pages in the form of a collage of photographs, pictures and inscriptions;
  • on the pages designed in the European style there is little decor, but there are sketches that are made by talented master artists with pens or pencils;
  • The brutal, masculine album is steampunk, there are unusual decorative elements - gears, drawings, miniature mechanisms, maps.

Shabby chic and vintage styles

Styles American, European and Asian

Mixmedia styles, Grunge, Steampunk

"Accordion" decor

It is not at all necessary to resort to ready-made templates to make an origami accordion, but this time it is not a model of the instrument, but a decorative element. The task is not easy, requiring accuracy, attention and precision. But the result will be worth all the effort:

For the model you will need:

  • 2 sheets of thick paper, the size of which is calculated individually;
  • paper creasing stick (applies grooves to make clear fold lines);
  • ruler, pencil;
  • cutting board or self-healing mat;
  • glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • It is necessary to decide on the initial parameters of the workpiece. To do this, multiply the length of the product that you want to get in the end by 4.2, and the width by 1.5. For example, if we are making a decorative flower pot measuring 9x7 cm, the original rectangle should be 13.5x29.4 cm. To play it safe, it’s better to add another 1 cm on both sides. In our case it will be 14x30 cm.
  • Place the rectangle with the long side facing you. Fold in half from left to right. We open and bend the short sides towards the center, as in the basic “Door” shape.
  • Next, fold each half of the figure in half again. We open all the folds.
  • Using the division method we get 8 equal parts. To divide them in half, you need to fold the workpiece to the penultimate division on the right and left sides, then to the second from the end, and so on until we reach the desired amount. It is better to immediately mark the first 8 divisions with a felt-tip pen, otherwise there is a risk of getting confused.

  • Turn the workpiece over to the back side. Apply a diagonal mesh. We draw the first line from the upper left corner to the fourth fold. It’s better to mark it with a felt-tip pen too.
  • We place the future “accordion” on a cutting board, or even better, on a breadboard (self-healing) mat and draw all the fold lines with creasing. If you don’t have one, you can use a utility knife, pressing the lines very lightly, or a non-writing ballpoint pen.
  • Let's start making folds.

Assembling an accordion using the origami technique

You can assemble the tool using the origami technique. The principle of making an origami accordion:

1. Fold the A4 sheet into a uniform accordion shape with clearly visible edges.

2. Fold the workpiece in half. Then bend the free edges of the halves into a thin strip. Fold the rest of the rectangle in half again. Disassemble.

3. Coat the formed thin deflection of the free edges with glue, and bend them again and glue them to the base.

4. Assemble the bends of the accordion.

5. Unfold the workpiece again. Straighten it so that you get a voluminous rectangle.

6. Work out the folds of the accordion so that they resemble bellows as much as possible.

7. The result is a blank like this.

The side parts are folded like an envelope and glued together for better fixation.

Butterfly pleated

As soon as they don’t fold banknotes using the origami technique. There is a way to make butterflies with accordion wings, which are very elegant despite their simplicity. Dollars are ideal for pleated manigami, as they are durable and can quickly regain their shape. For each butterfly you will need 2 bills.

Place the banknote with the green side up. Let's start the assembly with it.

Fold the short sides along the white lines. Fold it in half lengthwise. We open and bend all the corners towards the outlined central axis.

Now we bend the long sides along the white border. And then we continue pleating the same size.

We collect the second bill along the long side.

You get two parts of the butterfly - upper and lower.

We connect them with bead wire.

You can additionally decorate with beads.

How to make an accordion out of paper with your own hands?

Want to learn how to make an accordion out of paper? Read how. Even a child can handle the simplest method, but even an adult can make complex versions using the origami technique only using a template. As for the size and appearance of the product, the accordion can be either a very small decorative, souvenir, or a life-size model. In a word, here you will find information both about options for children’s creative activities or hobbies for adults, and the possibility of creating attributes for a holiday at school or preschool.

Materials and tools

If you decide to learn how to make an accordion out of paper, then most likely you already have the items necessary for the work. Depending on the complexity of the manufacturing method, different requirements may be required. A sample list is:

  • paper (A4 sheet, roll, printed template) or cardboard;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • paints, felt-tip pens for coloring the product or other decor.

The most important tool here is skillful hands and fingers.

Paper book with cover

These little origami books are hardcover and the text block is made from a single sheet of paper folded compactly inside. How to fold a book out of paper is shown in detail in step-by-step photos. All you need is one sheet of paper for the pages, a binder for the binding, and decorative paper for the cover. For the final part, place several pieces of wax paper inside the book, one inside the front cover and one inside the back cover. This will prevent moisture from getting in while the glue dries. After this, close the book and place something heavy on top until the glue dries.

Photo source:

How to make an accordion out of paper?

Remember how, as children, we folded a piece of paper into an accordion shape and entertained our classmates? If your love for paper crafts has not passed, and the origami technique has gradually grown into a hobby, you can remember those very days and make an origami accordion out of paper. Moreover, simply folding the edge of a sheet of paper is not enough; here we will use something like a real technique of folding paper along the lines. True, in its simplest and most understandable version. What if such a hand-made paper accordion actually produces a couple of notes? There are even entire communities where craftsmen post complete tutorials on gluing such models and provide complete diagrams for cutting out parts.

How to make an accordion out of paper - a simplified version

The easiest way to make a paper accordion is to simply cut out its two bases in detail and fold its bellows using the simplest method. Here is the actual method:

  1. So, before making an accordion out of paper, we print its details on a printer. The blank has several empty windows where you can place a calendar for any year.
  2. The essence of the work is that we need to fold the base of the accordion along the dotted lines and glue it together. And then assemble the structure from individual parts.

This is such a wonderful paper accordion, glued together with your own hands, that you can make.

Origami paper accordion

If you already have some experience working with paper, you can complicate the process. This time the accordion bellows will be made much more difficult. Let's look at how to make an accordion out of paper, which will also produce a couple of notes:

DIY crafts

The site about applied creativity “Country of Masters” will teach you how to make crafts from accordion paper with your own hands.

A sheet of paper, a very plastic material from which literally everything is made. The simplest thing is to make the accordion itself. All you have to do is fold a sheet of paper in the shape of an accordion, and the musical instrument itself, the accordion, is ready.

Butterflies are also easily made from such paper. Place the paper gathered into an accordion, pull it in the middle and secure it, glue the image of a small butterfly head with antennae at the top, and the craft will delight younger children.

Making a large accordion

What you will need to complete:

  • paper, wallpaper and cardboard;
  • tape, PVA glue and “Moment”;
  • colored pencils, ruler, clips and decor.

To begin, cut out 4 rectangles from the wallpaper, from which you will make furs. Their size depends on what you want the result to be. Apply masking tape to the wrong side. Draw lines at equal distances from each other and make folds. Make notches on the inner folds so that they do not tear further, stick with tape. For vertical parts, make bends. Cut rectangles of cardboard to the size of your musical instrument. The quantity will correspond to the folds on the blanks.

Apply glue to the cardboard and place the first accordion fold into it. Use a clamp to secure the gluing areas. Apply the same steps for the remaining rectangles. You will get the upper part of the furs, and for the lower part, repeat the process. Let the product dry.

For the side parts, take 2 cardboard boxes. On any of them, place an element where the keys will be. Cut them out of cardboard and round the edges. You can also use a hole punch.

How to make an accordion out of paper, for example, a long one? The diagram will not change, but you will need a larger sheet. If you don’t have this at your disposal, then glue several sheets of paper yourself. To do this, take tape and connect two sheets of paper. Using gentle movements, combine the two parts into one using a thin piece of tape along the entire length. If your child comes to you with a question about how to make an accordion or a Christmas tree out of paper, you should show him a simple version of the craft.

If you are into origami yourself, then try more complex patterns.

Some of them look real. All that remains is to be patient and imaginative.

Large, decorative accordion

To make such a musical instrument, you will need decorative paper, or wallpaper, cardboard, for example, corrugated cardboard, as well as masking tape and PVA. You can’t do without “Moment” glue or other quick-fixing glue. You will need a pencil with a ruler, clips or clothespins, and various other decorative items. Although the manufacturing technology is very labor-intensive and requires a sufficient amount of time, the materials needed are almost the same as for a small decorative product.

How to make an accordion out of paper

You need to cut out 4 rectangles from the wallpaper. The sizes are selected as convenient. For example, 12x40 or 7x40. Make 2 figures of each size. They will then need to be made into furs. After this, masking tape is glued to the wrong side of the parts. Next, markings are made on the blanks. These are small, barely noticeable stripes at an equal distance from each other. Folds are subsequently made along them. Then, on the inner folds, you need to make cuts 1.5 centimeters deep. To prevent very thin wallpaper from tearing beyond the cuts, masking tape was glued. For parts that will be placed vertically on an accordion in the future, you will need to make corner bends based on the resulting cuts.

The process of making an accordion

You need to cut out rectangles from cardboard that correspond to the height, as well as the “depth” of the accordion. For example, here it is 12x7 centimeters. Their number should be equal to the number of folds on the blanks. These are kind of stiffening ribs for accordion bellows. Moment glue is applied to the smaller end of the cardboard blank, after which it is inserted into the first fold of the accordion strip, where there are cuts. Then you need to additionally secure it with clamps. You will need to do the same with all cardboard rectangles. This creates the top of the accordion bellows. Next you need to make the bottom part. When the structure is completely dried and glued, it is necessary to cover the resulting “skeleton” with the facade, as well as the back.

Fold the paper into an accordion

Side parts

The sides of the accordion are made in the form of 2 cardboard boxes of appropriate sizes. You can also make an applique in the form of buttons and keys - this decor will give the paper accordion more credibility.


Making an accordion out of paper is not a difficult but interesting process. Even a child can master it. There are many options for creating such a craft. The level of difficulty must be correlated with your capabilities.

How to make an accordion out of paper Do-it-yourself accordion out of paper Making an accordion out of paper

Here are some interesting accordion paper crafts with links to a detailed master class and photos. Of course, the list of works using this technique is not final; more and more new, interesting crafts from a simple accordion and a slightly complex version of it will appear.

Some craft ideas

Thanks to imagination and innate creative talents, masterpieces of crafts made from accordion-folded paper are born.

Exhibitions of children's creativity show such original figures of cartoon characters, animals, insects, birds, flowers that it is not immediately possible to understand what they are made of.

Crafts made from paper folded like an accordion, in the form of angels, made from silver or gold paper, and decorated with beads, are an incomparable gift for Christmas.

For the New Year's celebration, they make Father Frost and the Snow Maiden to decorate Christmas trees or windows.

For Maslenitsa it is appropriate to make figures of girls in headscarves; you can create a whole round dance of them.

All it takes is a little effort and you will end up with an unusual gift or interior decoration.

Books are useful not only to read, but also to do

If a child is not inclined to active games and prefers quiet fiddling with toys, then the opportunity to do something interesting together with adults will be good entertainment for him. Such tasks are good for developing not obvious, but important qualities in children:

Volume book with fairy tales

fine motor skills and manual dexterity; rapid formation of the speech apparatus - in the brain, the centers of motor skills and speech are located nearby and stimulate each other; acquisition of communication and collaboration skills; the ability to focus one's attention on an interesting task.

Fun folding book

Paper accordion using origami technique, craft diagrams, photo and video master classes

During the New Year holidays, you want to amuse the children and do something with your own hands. But I want the children to take part in the process of exciting joint creativity, to do something interesting, and at the end to be able to admire the creation of their own hands. I had to tinker, look for something to make, until I found an accordion made of paper, which can be made using the origami method or simply constructed and glued together.

The making itself seemed simple, but it took a lot of work before the accordion acquired its characteristic appearance. The production required a minimum of ingredients and a maximum of patience and diligence. So, if you want, you can try making a paper accordion; this will keep the children busy and will also provide them with another toy.

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