12 easy ways to make your own snow globe

Unlike fresh flowers, which delight the owner of the bouquet for only a few days, flowers in glycerin retain their beauty for a long time. Stabilized plants do not require constant care, are not susceptible to disease and do not cause allergies.

Making flowers in glycerin is a suitable business for creative people seeking to realize themselves. This activity does not require large investments or special knowledge - even a pensioner or even a teenager can cope with it. At the same time, working with flowers can bring both joy and income. Let's look at all aspects of this business idea.

Business Features

The business of producing flowers in glycerin has its own characteristics:

  • minimum initial investment;
  • low level of competition;
  • the opportunity to do business at home;
  • low production costs;
  • simplicity of technology, to get started you just need to take online courses;
  • availability of consumables;
  • payback of initial costs in 1-2 months of work;
  • growing demand for goods;
  • the ability to combine classes with your main job or devote all your free time to business;
  • environmental safety of the enterprise; no toxic substances are used during conservation.

Decorating the lid

The lid is also worth thinking about. Before you make a “snow globe” with your own hands, prepare everything you need for decoration.

Decorating the lid is not a necessary step, but it will make the ball look complete. The decoration will help hide the joint between the lid and the jar.

Cut a couple of strips from cardboard and glue them into a circle. Cover the stand with gold self-adhesive paper and place the jar in it. This stand can be decorated as you wish.

You can cover the lid with nail polish, wrap it in a bright decorative ribbon, decorate it with felt, or glue small decorative elements: bells, curls. The ball is ready! Shake it and watch the fabulous snowfall.

How to make fresh flowers in glycerin

To make fresh flowers in glycerin, there are two ways: vertical and full immersion. Both of them are not difficult. The composition can be prepared at home.

For preservation, it is better to use mature flowers that have not yet begun to fade. Freshly picked plants cannot be preserved in glycerin.

Step-by-step plan for total immersion technology:

  • wash and sterilize containers;
  • remove dust and unnecessary elements from flowers;
  • carefully cut the stem diagonally using a knife;
  • dilute glycerin with hot water in a ratio of 2:1;
  • cool the prepared solution;
  • place flowers in a container;
  • fill the composition with solution;
  • place the container in a cool, dark place;
  • periodically add the composition to the container until the colors are completely saturated;
  • drain the old glycerin and rinse the flowers;
  • arrange flowers in containers;
  • add decorative elements in the form of beads, sequins and pebbles;
  • fill the plant with a transparent or tinted solution;
  • correct the arrangement of flowers using tweezers or a wooden stick;
  • close the lid tightly;
  • decorate the lid with ribbons, ropes or corrugated paper.

With the vertical method, glycerin is mixed with water heated to 70 - 80°C in a 1:1 ratio. The stem of the flower is cut off and split for better absorption. The stem of the plant is immersed in the cooled solution by 2 - 5 cm. Every day the stem of the flower is cut by 0.5 - 1 cm and split again. The solution is poured into the container as it is absorbed.

After the procedure is completed, the solution is wiped off the plant stem, and flower arrangements are made from the stabilized flowers. The flower is placed in a vase, fixed on a stand or placed in another container. To add decorativeness and protection from external influences, the composition is covered with a glass cap.

Preserving flowers takes from two weeks to 2-3 months. The more water a plant contains, the longer the manufacturing procedure takes.

Let's prepare a New Year's craft together

Since the holidays are approaching, my baby and I decided to make a snow globe for the New Year. At first we wanted to buy figurines of holiday heroes. But we went through everything we have and found everything we needed. Therefore, they did not postpone the creative process while there was time and the right mood.

A set of materials and tools for making crafts:

  • Jar with screw cap;
  • Figurine of a frog-Santa Claus with a red hat and on skis;
  • Sprigs of Christmas tree and juniper;
  • Rain;
  • Glue "Moment";
  • Silicone tape;
  • Scissors;
  • Water;
  • Glycerol;
  • Ribbon;
  • Cork;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Foil balls.

First of all, we make neat holes in the cork of a 5-liter water bottle, and insert plant decor into the holes.

Afterwards, when we fill the entire lid with glue, the structure will become completely stable. But even now it’s worth trying to keep the holes small and the plants to fit deeply into them.

Fill the lid with glue and install the “Santa Claus” figurine, lay out “drifts” of foil balls. And in the spaces between them we glue pieces of foam plastic.

The structure is ready. We fix it on the lid of the jar. Apply glue along the bottom of the lid. And when we put it in place, we additionally fix it with drops of glue on all sides.

Cover the side of the lid with tape.

We are preparing the water. First fill it halfway, then add glycerin. If necessary, add more water, but remember that our structure will take up some space.

It is not always possible to completely remove air from the jar. And there is no particular need to do so.

We cut the rain into “snow” and lightly crumble the foam. This last one - my little one really liked it. I liked it so much that without him noticing, I had to catch part of his “work” and remove it from the jar, otherwise everything would have been covered in snow up to the very beginning.

Before connecting the lid and the jar, we will take care of complete sealing. Cover the thread with silicone tape.

All! The last step is to screw the lid on and turn the jar upside down! And we really like him!

The snow is spinning

And it settles.

Our glass New Year's snow globe is ready! The baby and I are happy! Still would! Your own snow! We want to make a snowstorm, we want to just admire how bright and beautiful everything is!

Rose in glycerin

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Rose is one of the most beautiful and popular flowers, a symbol of passionate and ardent love. After the procedure of preservation in glycerin, the rose retains its pristine beauty for several years. This is a wonderful gift for any occasion.

To preserve roses, it is important to choose a container so that the petals do not get wrinkled: a bottle, glass or small aquarium. But the “rose under a hood” is especially popular. After treatment in glycerin, the flower is fixed on a stand and covered with a glass dome. Additionally, the rose is decorated with decorations, and the fallen petals are embalmed and laid out as decoration.


This process is optional. But if you want to get flat leaves, then you need to put them under a press.

Take a heavy thick book. Cover both sides of the sheet with wax paper and place it between the pages in the middle. For this, you can only use unnecessary books, since moisture spoils the paper.

If you put several small sheets on one page, then they should be placed at a short distance from each other. Otherwise the leaves will stick together.

Place a few more books or a heavy object on top. Leaves should be left under this pressure for 2-3 days.

How to preserve flowers in glycerin

There are certain rules by following which you can preserve flowers in glycerin for several years:

  • keep flowers away from direct sunlight;
  • avoid contact with water;
  • do not keep the composition in a room that is subject to excessive dryness and humidity;
  • Remove dust using a hair dryer or brush.

Making a “snow globe” from a store-bought kit

If you don’t really want to look for the necessary items to create a snowy New Year’s gift, you can create a ball from a ready-made kit. They can be found in many stores. The kits can be different: some already have grooves for photographs, others contain clay for creating ceramic figurines. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions! There are kits in which children must draw and color some of the details themselves. Most often, the decoration is installed on the lid and glued to a dome made of plastic or glass. Then, through a special hole, solution and artificial snow are poured into the ball. The plug from the kit will allow it to be tightly closed.

Advertising and sales market

To sell flowers in glycerin, you can use various sales channels:

  • Internet. Creating your own website on the Internet, as well as accounts on social networks. Publish photos, price lists, information about promotions, and customer reviews on your website. Hold promotions and giveaways with a flower in glycerin as a gift. This will help attract new customers with minimal investment. If you have an advertising budget, use contextual advertising for your website and targeted advertising for social networks.
  • Word of mouth is the best way to attract customers.
  • Intermediaries. Selling products through florists, gift shops, and home-made distribution organizations means that you will make less profit compared to selling it yourself. However, the intermediary ensures the sale of products. To conclude a contract, you will need to go directly to more than one store.
  • Your own store. Opening your own store, stall or small outlet in a supermarket will require additional investment and effort on your part.


To prepare for creating a painting you will need the following materials:

  • freshly picked leaves;
  • glycerol;
  • tray or basin;
  • plastic plates;
  • paper towels.

If you need to compress the leaves, have wax paper and heavy books ready. Directly to create the picture you will need brass frames and double-sided tape.

Photo of flowers in glycerin

After receiving flowers as a gift, most women have a desire to take a photo as a keepsake. Despite the beauty of the photographs, the owner cannot preserve the main thing - the flowers. In a few days the bouquet will wither and end up in the trash. Preserved flowers in glycerin will retain their appearance for a long time.

There are photographs of flowers in glycerin on the Internet. Such work is suitable as an example on the initial path. Over time, as you gain experience, you will easily create compositions at your own discretion.

Let's get started

When all the necessary preparations are completed, you can proceed directly to creating the ball. To begin, thoroughly wash the jar and figurines to create the display. You can even pour boiling water over them. This is done to better preserve the snow globe from the jar. If any bacteria remain on the figures, the craft will quickly become cloudy.

Now start creating a decorative composition on the lid. Rub the underside of the lid with sandpaper so the glue will adhere better. Then treat the surface with glue and install the figure of your choice. Work quickly before the compound dries.

Place the shapes in the center of the lid and do not make them too wide, otherwise they simply will not fit into your “snow globe” with glycerin. When the plot is ready, set the lid aside. The glue must dry completely!

You can also place your figurine on a snowdrift. Cut it out of foam, glue it to the lid and paint it with white paint.

How much money do you need to invest in your business?

Starting your own glycerin flower making business requires minimal capital investment as it is a home-based business.

To avoid problems with the tax office, it is worth registering as an individual entrepreneur or as a self-employed citizen - if this tax regime is valid in your region. The tax when working with individuals will be only 4%. You can apply for free online on the tax service website or through applications of banks that support this program (Sberbank, Alfa Bank, Tinkoff, etc.).

Your own kitchen is suitable as a room for preserving flowers, which will save on rent. The most expensive item of the enterprise is the purchase of floral products. If you have a summer cottage, in the summer you can use flowers grown in the beds. This will significantly reduce costs.

Here are the main expense items.

Expense itemCost, rub.)
Kettle for boiling water2.000
Decor elements1.500
Transparent dishes4.000
Knife, scissors1.000
Cutting boards400
Garbage bags200

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What is needed for the job?

In 1889, the New Year's “snow globe” was made for the first time. It was presented in Paris and was small in size (could fit in the palm of your hand). A copy of the famous Eiffel Tower was installed in it, and the role of snow was played by fine sifted porcelain and sand. Today, anyone can create a “snow globe” with their own hands. How to make such a miracle? Let's start by preparing the necessary things. So, you will need:

  • Glass jar with a locking lid. It is better that the container is airtight, otherwise you will have to strengthen the screwing point to prevent the craft from leaking;
  • Figures to create the main composition - these can be houses, animals, Christmas trees, and so on.

Glycerin cost

Glycerin is the main component of the preservation solution. In essence, it is one of the forms of polyhydric alcohol, in the form of a transparent viscous liquid.

The cost of glycerin depends on the volume. The larger the volume, the lower the price per 1 liter. However, you should not purchase glycerin in large quantities at the beginning of your activity. A 1 liter bottle will be enough. The approximate cost of glycerin is shown in the table.

VolumeCost, rub.)
25 gr.23
40 gr.38
1 l.210
10 l.1.400
20 l.2.200
28 l.2.600

The concentration of glycerin, which is sold in pharmacies, is 90%. The glycerin content in large containers is 99%. Therefore, more water is required when diluting. When preparing the solution, it is important to follow safety rules and work only with rubber gloves.

Removing stains

The product saves clothes from various contaminants. It works alone or in combination with other ingredients. Moreover, it often does a better job of removing stains than detergents.

To remove greasy stains from fish, milk, and canned food, heated glycerin is used. It is applied to the stain, where it remains for half an hour. The item will not deteriorate if you rub it with a hard sponge or toothbrush. Then the product is washed with powder.


Cleaning algorithm:

  • mix liquid soap, glycerin, water, taken 10 ml each;
  • apply the composition with a sponge to rust stains;
  • wait a day;
  • wash clothes in the usual way.

To treat white items, chalk is used instead of soap.

Dyes (paints, inks)


  • ammonia and glycerin are mixed in equal volumes;
  • applied to the product;
  • wait 1 hour;
  • washable with any powder.

The stains will go away if you act quickly and not put it off indefinitely.

Spirits, juices, berries, tea, coffee

Wine stains are removed with a preparation heated to 50°. After applying the composition to the stains, rub them lightly. Then the items are washed in warm water by hand.

Avoid berry stains with glycerin mixed with egg yolk. The mass is applied to the problem area. After 3 hours, the composition is removed with a damp sponge. Product consumption: 1 egg yolk per 30 ml of product.

In a similar way, they deal with coffee, tea, and chocolate stains on colored fabrics. But wool and silk items are cleaned in the following way:

  1. Mix glycerin and ammonia in equal volumes. Add 3 times more water.
  2. Apply a cotton pad (swab) to the stain.
  3. Wait 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the composition with a damp sponge.

Traces of chocolate are removed using the same technology, combining glycerin, water, and table salt in equal volumes.

To remove stains from coffee or tea from light-colored items, you can perform the following manipulations:

  1. Heat the glycerin in a water bath.
  2. Rub it into dirty areas.
  3. Wait a third of an hour.
  4. Remove the composition with a damp cloth.
  5. Dry the product.

Glycerin will not only rid things of random stains, but will also save money on expensive stain removers.

How much can you earn from flowers in glycerin?

The retail price for flowers in glycerin directly depends on how much money was spent on the flower, container, decorations and glycerin.

Profit calculation (with full employment and established sales channels):

The cost of a flower in glycerin = 160 rubles.

Price of a flower in glycerin = 400 rubles.

Number of flowers produced per month = 150 units.

Income = 400 x 150 = 60,000 rubles.

Consumption = 160 x 150 = 24,000 rub.

Profit from the sale of flowers in glycerin = 60,000 – 24,000 = 36,000 rubles.

Cost of the composition = 350 rubles.

Composition price = 1000 rub.

Number of compositions produced per month = 50 units.

Income = 1000 x 50 = 50,000 rubles.

Consumption = 350 x 50 = 17,500 rub.

Profit from the sale of compositions in glycerin = 50,000 – 17,500 = 32,500 rubles.

Total profit = 36,000 + 32,500 = 68,500 rubles.

Additional profit can be obtained by organizing online courses on making flowers in glycerin.

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