Orthodox cross for a grave in a cemetery: what it looks like, what proportions, dimensions, how to make it correctly with your own hands from a profile pipe. Drawing download for free

The Christian cross is a controversial symbol. On the one hand, this is the instrument of execution of Jesus Christ, on which he was crucified like the robbers hanging on both sides of him. On the other hand, it is the cross that is considered the guarantee of the future Resurrection, when the Day of Judgment comes and the dead rise from their graves. It doesn’t matter what denomination the deceased belonged to, if he adhered to the precepts of the Bible, a cross must be installed on his grave. Moreover, a ritual item made of wood is chosen as a temporary tombstone.

For whom a cemetery cross is installed. What an Orthodox cross looks like in a cemetery. Photo

It is not always possible to see crucifixes on the territory of the churchyard. This is due to the fact that such a religious attribute is established only after the funeral of believers. Atheists, suicides, agnostics, the unbaptized, and atheists do not belong to this category. There are no exceptions to this rule, unless relatives keep silent about the religion of the deceased. But in this case, the cross on the grave will not help you get closer to the Kingdom of God when the time comes. On the contrary, installing it fraudulently can have consequences: those of the deceased’s relatives who decided to do this will share the sin of the deceased without faith.

There are many types of crucifixes. After the death of Orthodox Christians in Russia, the eight-pointed version is most often installed. For comparison, the six-pointed variety is generally accepted among Belarusians. But both options are interchangeable, because they are Orthodox. The eight-pointed type has another crossbar at the top. This is a symbol of a tablet on which in ancient times it was customary to write the status and guilt of a crucified person.

A four-pointed cross can also be found on a grave - this is the earliest version. Initially used in the Armenian church, where for the first time in world history Christianity was recognized as the state religion (4th century AD).

There is also an option with a roof. It covers the upper part of the structure, usually has a small width, i.e. it is not intended to protect people from precipitation, but only fulfills its function - it symbolizes the house of the deceased.

The cross is a traditional symbol of Christianity

How to consecrate a pectoral cross?

Traditionally, in the Orthodox Church, the consecration of the pectoral cross is performed by a clergyman in the church. The rite of blessing the cross to be worn on the forehead, i.e. on the chest, contained in the liturgical book - Trebnik.

The cross is consecrated only once. It needs to be reconsecrated only in exceptional conditions (if it was severely damaged and restored again, or fell into your hands, but you do not know whether it was consecrated before).

There is a superstition that when consecrated, the cross acquires magical protective properties. The Church teaches that the sanctification of matter allows us not only spiritually, but also physically - through this sanctified matter - to join the Divine grace that we need for spiritual growth and salvation. But the grace of God does not act unconditionally. A person is required to have a correct spiritual life according to God’s commandments, and it is this spiritual life that makes it possible for God’s grace to have a salutary effect on us, healing us from passions and sins.

Sometimes you hear the opinion that the consecration of crosses is a late tradition and that this has never happened before. To this we can answer that the Gospel, as a book, also once did not exist and there was no Liturgy in its current form. But this does not mean at all that the Church cannot develop forms of worship and church piety. Is it contrary to Christian doctrine to invoke God’s grace on the creation of human hands?

The tradition of installing a crucifix. Its meaning on the grave

When a raised platform is formed on the grave, this not only helps prevent subsidence of the ground after the funeral, but also symbolizes Golgotha, where Jesus was crucified. However, the tradition of installing the cross did not appear immediately after the great event - the resurrection of the Son of God. The approximate time of its origin is after the Baptism of Rus'. The first crucifixions were different from the current ones. In the V-VI centuries. Jesus was depicted after the resurrection - he was in a dress. Later, closer to the 10th century, the external signs of the Savior changed: wounds, blood, and a crown of thorns appeared.

The general meaning of the cross on the grave is joining the Orthodox faith, striving for God. But the symbolism can be different, depending on where this ritual attribute is installed:

  • at the head of the head - a sign of victory over the Devil; when the time comes, the crucifix will become a banner;
  • in the legs: means support, eternal life, when the Last Judgment comes, the dead will rise from their graves, it is believed that it will be more convenient for them to rise (holding on to a reliable structure).

Orthodox cross at the head of the grave

Wood for a grave cross

The crucifixion cross on Mount Golgotha ​​was made of wood. Traditionally, on the day of the funeral, a temporary wooden monument is also erected on the fresh grave. Moreover, almost any type of tree is suitable for this purpose, with the exception of aspen. This prejudiced attitude towards it is based on the legend that it was on an aspen tree that Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus to the Roman legionnaires, hanged himself. This is why the leaves tremble in the sun at the slightest breeze, and the wood itself turns red when cut down.

The most common materials for making a cross for a grave continue to be oak and pine. In more northern regions, ash, larch, and cedar are also used for these purposes; in more southern regions, maple, chestnut, and spruce are used. In order for a wooden tombstone to stand for as long as possible without being exposed to the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation and precipitation, it is opened with varnish and impregnated with protective compounds. And yet, crosses made of pine, spruce, and maple can last only 3-4 years, while those made of bog oak, acacia or ash can last for decades.

Cemeteries of St. Petersburg detailed information

Organization of funerals in St. Petersburg and the region


Arrangement of the grave according to Orthodox canons

The cemetery cross must always be present at the grave of the deceased. But it is permissible to choose any of the options:

  • standing separately;
  • combined with a tombstone;
  • in the form of an engraving on the monument.

Engraving on a monument is too weak a symbol of belief; this method is usually used by the relatives of a deceased suicide in order to bring the deceased at least a little closer to the shrine. To arrange the grave of a believer, it is better to choose a free-standing cross or combined with a tombstone.

Religious attributes are placed on the grave immediately after burial. For this, a wooden product is used, since it is distinguished by its low weight - the object will not press through loose soil. But it is customary to change it to a more reliable option, only later. They put up a large, heavy tombstone. Due to this, the product looks monumental.

It is recommended to replace it no earlier than after 1 year. This is the most correct option, because by that time the soil will be completely compacted, and the condition of the cemetery plot can be assessed. If you dismantle the wooden cross earlier and then start installing a heavy tombstone, the soil will quickly subside and the monument will sag. At the same time, they are considering the option of installing a flower bed, a table, or a table. It is important to fence the area with a low fence.

Plaster wall cross

A long time ago, a home artist inherited (according to him) a Catholic wall cross, which he carved with a knife (or chisels) from ordinary plaster.

Over a long period of use, the cross was fairly worn out, chipped and damaged. At the same time, it was decided to restore the wall cross, adding plaster, puttingty and trimming its damaged and renewed parts.

After restoration, the Catholic cross looked much more beautiful and I wanted to make several copies of it for gifts.

Since the wall cross was made from plaster, since it was not intended to be used outdoors, future castings can also be made from plaster.

But in order to increase the strength of future products, it was decided to use G16 architectural gypsum. It is used when casting a netsuke figurine. Also, instead of polyurethane, ordinary construction silicone is chosen for the mold (as when making an angel mold).

In order to “kill two birds with one stone”: both to prepare a sample for pouring silicone, and for further updated independent use, the white wall cross is first painted and then coated with polyurethane varnish.

The dye used was a regular water-based mahogany wood stain. A prepared sample of a plaster cross is shown in the photograph.

Parameters of the Orthodox cross on the grave

Religious trappings may appear to be made on a whim. But in fact, these are designs that are thought out to the smallest detail. You can consider, for example, a cross on a grave. It will become obvious that all proportions are met. The product will look perfect - there will be no discomfort when looking at it. You can get this result if you strictly follow the production rules.

Divine section

At all times, the cross on the grave looked beautiful and harmonious. The secret to obtaining such a result is following the rule of the divine cut. In this case, the proportions of the Orthodox cross are taken into account. The Divine Section is determined using the values:

F-2 = 0.382;

F-3 = 0.236;

F-4 = 0.146.

Here F is a designation given in honor of Phidias, the sculptor who first used this method of production.

If we take the height of the cross as a basis, equal to 1.618 m, then many parameters will correspond to the value of 0.382: the length of the upper crossbar, the distance from the lower crosshair to the upper and lower points of the oblique bar, as well as the distance from the upper point of the cross to the center line of the middle crossbar.

Standard cross sizes

There are no strict restrictions when making a ritual attribute. The crucifix most often has a height from 400 to 1200 mm. But it is also permissible to use an option that corresponds to human height. You can also choose standard varieties:

  • 700x400x50 mm;
  • 1200x600x80 mm.

You can do either of them, in both cases it will be correct. When making it yourself, the divine section is not always taken as a basis. As a result, when consecrating a crucifix, the clergyman may note imperfect proportions.

The meaning of the oblique crossbar

Particular attention is paid to the lower part - the crossbar, located at an angle. This is a footstool for Christ. Today it can be seen on crucifixes, beveled, which means “the measure of righteousness.” Symbolizes the mental state of a person who can rush from righteous to sinful behavior.

How to make a pectoral cross. Photo report

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II often recalled words from the book of Ecclesiastes, saying that today is a favorable time to collect stones that were once thoughtlessly scattered. Indeed, we have the important task of restoring forgotten and lost traditions that were familiar to our great-grandfathers, but were eradicated by decades of the atheistic regime.

With the blessing of His Holiness, in 2003, a jewelry workshop was organized at the Moscow Church of Sophia the Wisdom of God in Sredniye Sadovniki, whose workers set as their goal the restoration of the ancient culture of wearing a cross.

Table: materials for making a cross, pros and cons

Design and shape are not the only parameters that are paid attention to. It is necessary to take into account the properties of the product, which means determining the appropriate type of material. To do this, it is recommended to carry out a simple data analysis:

Type of materialAdvantagesFlaws
Treelight weight; attractive structure of the material - natural pattern formed by fibers; ease of manufacture and installation.exposure to water; short service life; low resistance to insects and microorganisms.
Metalhigh strength; resistance to external factors; average service life.the need for processing to avoid rusting; expensive equipment is required; experience is needed to perform welding work.
Stonehigh strength; attractive appearance; reliability, long service life; the ability to create complex compositions, statues, monuments.difficulty in processing in the absence of experience; some types of stone (marble) are susceptible to moisture; heavy weight, it is impossible to carry the product yourself.

Various materials have a number of operating features and properties that affect the quality of processing and application.

Before making a choice, you need to compare different types of wood, metal and stone.

Wooden cross

A crucifix is ​​made in the simplest form. This is due to the fact that even those who have not had such experience can work with the material. But it is possible to make more complex ritual attributes - carved ones. They can have different shapes, which are given using tools for carving and firing.

Wooden crosses

Types of wood

Considering that natural material is susceptible to moisture, it is necessary to increase its service life by all means. For this purpose, wood with special properties is selected. Some breeds are more resistant to water:

  • oak;
  • beech;
  • larch;
  • pine;
  • teak;
  • Iroko.

The most affordable option is coniferous wood. Teak and iroko are elite varieties of wood. Oak is a middle option between the above and is highly durable. Larch can remain in water for a long time without changing shape or losing properties.

How to protect the cross

You can further improve the characteristics of a wooden cross. For this, various compositions are used:

  • antiseptic;
  • hydrophobic;
  • primers;
  • paint and varnish.

It is necessary to protect the tree from the effects of fungi, mold, and microorganisms. Antiseptic liquids are used for this. Hydrophobic materials increase the wood's resistance to water. The primer improves the quality of the finishing coat due to improved adhesion.

Paint and varnish materials make the structure attractive and also further increase resistance to moisture, but they require constant updating.

Metal cross

In terms of external qualities it is inferior to most types: wooden, stone. But some types of metal structures still have decent characteristics. But, regardless of the type, the material requires strong fastening - the welding method is used.

Metal cross on the grave


Individual elements are made: from profile pipes, corners, sheet metal. First, a cross is created, then decorative elements are added. This option has disadvantages:

  • high risk of metal rusting in areas where welds are located;
  • low level of attractiveness, even after cleaning the seams, unevenness remains, traces of joining parts are visible.


Made from metal, the result is a cross with excellent external properties. This is due to the use of forged structural elements. This crucifix has a high level of strength. But forging is often combined with welding.

Stone cross

If you need to preserve the appearance of the deceased over the centuries, you should definitely choose a stone for making a tombstone. But the properties of different types of materials differ, some last longer than others, and are more attractive.

Stone structures are difficult to make with your own hands if you don’t have experience. In this case, you need to be able to work with a special tool, an array of materials.

Orthodox stone cross on the grave


Natural stone, like its synthetic counterpart (porcelain stoneware), is characterized by a high level of strength. Due to this, it is possible to preserve the product for centuries. There are different types of it: with green, brown, red, gray and black undertones. Images and inscriptions, like polishing, will be preserved for a long time. In addition, the material is completely moisture resistant.


Almost as durable as granite, but still slightly more susceptible to mechanical stress. Marble is also inferior in some other parameters: moisture resistance, acid resistance. But products made from such material are attractive, and there are options in different shades.

Classification of religious crosses

When you plan to install a cross on a grave, choose an option according to the religion of the deceased. Ritual attributes may have external similarities, but different purposes.


For modern people, the eight-pointed version is the most familiar. But this does not mean that the four- and six-pointed view is unacceptable. On the contrary, there are options of various forms and purposes:

  • eight-pointed papal - used in the Middle Ages, distinguished by the presence of two horizontal crossbars instead of one;
  • six-pointed patriarchal - an improved version of the four-pointed one.

Orthodox and Catholic crosses


Believers representing this denomination often erect a four-pointed cross on the graves of the dead. Moreover, the most common are the simplest tombstones. They look like a straight cross without decorative elements. Less commonly used are six-pointed structures, which have a crossbar on one side.


Initially, the standard four-pointed version was used. But later its appearance improved somewhat. Now in Armenian cemeteries you often see crosses with decorative elements at the ends of the ritual attribute; one of the design options is forked edges. This is a symbol of flowering, sprouted branches.

Armenian cross made of stone


The cross was named after the place of its appearance and use - in the Byzantine Empire. Moreover, this definition is also used for the Russian crucifixion. Thus, the traditional Orthodox eight-pointed cross is called Russian-Byzantine. These options differ in appearance. The original Byzantine version is a more decorative product. There are a large number of forms. But almost all of them are four-pointed.

Byzantine cross

How to choose a pectoral cross?

A pectoral cross is not a piece of jewelry. No matter how beautiful it may be, no matter what precious metal it is made of, it is first and foremost a visible symbol of the Christian faith.

Orthodox pectoral crosses have a very ancient tradition and therefore are very diverse in appearance, depending on the time and place of manufacture. The traditional Orthodox pectoral cross has an eight-pointed shape.

The veneration of the cross and love for it is manifested in the richness and variety of its decorations. Pectoral crosses have always been distinguished by their diversity both in the choice of material from which they were made - gold, silver, copper, bronze, wood, bone, amber - and in their shape. And therefore, when choosing a cross, you need to pay attention not to the metal from which the cross is made, but to whether the shape of the cross corresponds to Orthodox traditions, which will be discussed below.

How to make, paint and install a wooden cross with your own hands. Drawings download for free

To make a wooden cross, you need to create a drawing. It is better not to make ritual attributes at your own discretion; you can download a ready-made diagram, since it is important to maintain the ratio of the side lengths. First, it is proposed to make a simple cross; for this, bars are cut and processed. Before installation, the product is coated with protective compounds. Place the cross in the hole. Clay is used to backfill it, because it does not wash out, does not sag over time, and is highly dense. But the hole in the ground is first filled with stones to increase the reliability of fixation of the installed structure.

Drawing for making an Orthodox wooden cross

Painting the surface of the wall cross

After about a day, when the workpiece has completely dried, you can begin painting the surface of the wall cross.

Having received a white blank, there was a desire to make a wall cross similar to a metal one, but not steel, but bronze. For this you need varnish and bronze powder.

By mixing them, we get bronze paint (you can also use ready-made paint). We cover the entire surface of the figure of Jesus with this paint and let it dry.

Next, we perform the same steps as when painting a netsuke figurine: apply a layer of dark brown water-based paint on the varnished surface and on the surface of the cross.

The shade of this paint is chosen at your discretion. While the paint is not dry, wipe it off the surface of the figure of Jesus with any soft, moisture-absorbing, dry cloth.

The result of the work done is shown in the following photo. The impression remains that the bronze figure of Jesus is attached to a wooden cross.

Several gifts were made in this way. Everyone had different colors. A pure white wall cross also looks good, but this is a matter of taste.

PS There is some effect of changing the silicone mold: over several years (it was not used) its size has decreased. This can be seen in the photograph where the silicone mold lies in the “space suit”.

Maybe it should have been stored in plastic. Such changes have not yet been observed with polyurethane.

Good luck to everyone in your work and see you again on the pages of kamsaddeco.com.

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Cross made of corrugated pipe: how to make it, how to protect it, installation features

To make the crucifix more durable, most often they consider the option of a square or rectangular profile. But sometimes round pipes are also used. It is enough to prepare the material: 25x25 cm, 25x40 cm, 40 cm. The size of the cross on the grave can be standard, corresponding to the golden ratio. First you need to download the finished scheme. But all structural elements will have to be welded. The seams are cleaned and the product is coated with a primer. The lower part is treated with liquid bitumen, the rest of the surface is painted. There are several options to consider for installation:

  • backfilling with soil;
  • compaction with stones, filling the cross from a corrugated pipe with cement mortar;
  • pouring concrete over the reinforcement frame installed in the pit.

Drawing of an Orthodox cross from a profile pipe


If the cross is made independently, then it is necessary to pay attention to the correct selection of the type of wood, as well as its careful preparation and processing.

Since wood is not a durable material and is highly dependent on humidity, it is better to choose coniferous wood or give preference to oak. In the first case, nature impregnated the wood with pine resins, protecting it from all weather conditions. As for oak, this strong tree is quite resistant to moisture and will last in the ground for a long time.

Now you can start installation. To securely fix the cross in the ground, you can use two methods. The first involves filling the hole with cement mortar. In the second method, support beams are attached to the base of the cross, with the help of which it will be held in the ground.

To do this, you need to make two pairs of legs, and attach them at the very bottom of the base and a little higher - shallow from the surface of the earth. The legs need to be fastened both horizontally and vertically.

Then it, together with the supporting legs, is placed in a hole, the width and depth of which must correspond to the dimensions of the cross itself, otherwise it will lead and it may tilt or fall. When installing, you need to try to secure the base in the ground as firmly and reliably as possible.

Since the soil tends to sag, it is better to use clay when filling the hole. It will set, will not allow moisture to pass through, will not sag, and will not be washed out by rain. Then, after some time, when the rains come and the soil settles, it will be necessary to fill the hole. If there is no rain, you will need to wait.

“Question-answer” section

Why is the cross askew, can it be corrected?

Expert opinion

Klochkov Andrey

Employee of the improvement department of the municipal unitary enterprise "Clean City"

There are various superstitions among people, but when changing the position of the cross on a grave, only one factor needs to be taken into account - a change in the properties of the soil. When the crucifix was installed improperly, sealing materials were not used, or the ritual attribute turned out to be too large or heavy, the soil will sag more intensely. As a result, the crucifix is ​​askew, but it is not prohibited to correct it, since a deviation from the vertical of several centimeters is very noticeable.

Is it possible to leave a cross on a grave with a monument?

Expert opinion

Klochkov Andrey

Employee of the improvement department of the municipal unitary enterprise "Clean City"

According to modern tradition, the cross installed after the funeral is dismantled. But Orthodox canons even earlier required the placement of a new tombstone without removing the crucifix. Moreover, it is permissible to choose any of the options: the monument was placed at the feet or at the head of the deceased. Then in the first case it was located next to the cross, and in the second - opposite.

On the grave there is a cross with a monument

Why are roofs built on crosses?

Expert opinion

Klochkov Andrey

Employee of the improvement department of the municipal unitary enterprise "Clean City"

The structures were called “cabbage rolls” and had a mystical meaning - associated with the habitat of spirits. In addition, such a structure was popularly considered a house for the deceased, and it also protected icons, which were previously attached to wooden crosses, from precipitation. But recently, such structures have ceased to be used - they were banned by the church as a manifestation of paganism.

Is it possible to attach a photograph of the deceased to a cross?

Expert opinion

Klochkov Andrey

Employee of the improvement department of the municipal unitary enterprise "Clean City"

It is permissible to place a tablet on a crucifix with the information of the deceased. But it’s better to put the photo at the base. This is due to the fact that during prayer a substitution of values ​​occurs - the deceased is raised to the level of Christ, since his face is located in the same place as the crucifix. Such an appeal to God can have a negative meaning - a person concentrates on worldly things, elevates earthly things above the Lord, and this is a sin.

Cross on a monument: which side is it placed on?

Expert opinion

Klochkov Andrey

Employee of the improvement department of the municipal unitary enterprise "Clean City"

An engraving or protruding decorative element can be placed where the composition requires it. This is what many people think today. However, the priests say that the ritual attribute should be on the right, because on this side is God, and on the left is the Devil. However, when looking at the monument, in this case the image will still appear on the opposite side, since the viewer is opposite. Others advise paying attention to the height of the engraving - the crucifix is ​​applied to the surface of the structure higher than other elements.

Four-pointed Catholic cross on the grave

What are the dimensions of a metal grave cross?

Expert opinion

Klochkov Andrey

Employee of the improvement department of the municipal unitary enterprise "Clean City"

The dimensions of ritual attributes are standard: the same as for wooden and stone products. But there are some recommendations that will help you navigate when determining the lengths of the sides: side planks - 1/3 of the height, lower part - 2/3 of the entire structure, lower inclined plank - at an angle of 45°.

What to do with the cross after installing the monument?

Expert opinion

Klochkov Andrey

Employee of the improvement department of the municipal unitary enterprise "Clean City"

You cannot throw it into a landfill, as this will be considered trampling on the shrine. It is better to burn the wooden crucifix. An alternative is the dismantling option - the crucifix is ​​dismantled into pieces and then buried at the base of the grave. The photo of the deceased left after the funeral is burned.

How do amulets work?

First of all, the impact of amulets is directly related to the color of a person’s aura. Thus, by putting on a talisman of the correct color, we gain the opportunity to painlessly and quickly remove energy breakdowns in the aura, which may well be dangerous to life or health.

It remains to understand which amulets can really be useful. Naturally, the most powerful are your personal amulets, passed down by inheritance: rings, rings, beads, earrings or any other thing that brings happiness. Typically, such items are more often passed down through the female line and much less often through the male line - in the form of a belt buckle or knife. If your family did not have such a practice, and therefore similar amulets for the home are not observed, then you will have to make them yourself.

In this case, let's consider the most effective and simplest remedy - protective embroidery. It is best to embroider figures that have a traditional protective meaning: the silhouette of a rooster, a dog, a fairy-tale bird with a woman’s face, a horse and flowers. These symbols have been around since the times of pagan gods who were friendly and protective of people. This option is especially suitable for protective appliqués and embroideries on children's clothing, since it is more convenient for the child than heavy bracelets, rings or beads.

In general, there is such a rule: a really strong amulet cannot be bought. It must be found among those things that were passed down in your family by inheritance.

However, this happens quite rarely. But any tradition needs a founder, doesn’t it? So why don’t you create a talisman yourself, so that it can then be passed on to your descendants, be they children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren?

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