Crafts from rowan: photos of beautiful crafts from bunches and leaves of rowan with your own hands, step-by-step instructions, video

Rowan for decorating autumn compositions

Rowan berries will perfectly complement the autumn composition for kindergarten.

Rowan in an autumn composition of vegetables

Rowan can be used to complement various people and animals made from natural materials.

People and animals made from natural materials

Rowan berries can be used to decorate an autumn leaf topiary.

Rowan in autumn topiary

What natural materials might be useful?

Crafts on the theme of autumn can be made without natural materials, but with them the work will be much more reminiscent of this time of year. And the collection of such raw materials itself is a separate fascinating ritual. And the smell of natural materials, which immerses you in a special state and brings you closer to nature?

What will be useful? Fallen leaves of yellow, green and red color spectrums, acorns, chestnut fruits, dried (or hard) berries and fruits, birch bark, dried or withered grass and flowers, seeds, tree bark, straw, pine cones, moss, nuts.

The material must be carefully prepared: cleaned of dirt and soil, dried (or brought to a state where the appearance will no longer deteriorate).

Preparations of autumn materials for creativity

Autumn time is rich in natural materials, from which you can make a lot of things with your children or decorate your home. In this small selection I will tell you what can be done with leaves, flowers, cones, etc., so that they retain their original appearance longer.

Collected autumn leaves can be preserved in 3 ways. In any case, they need to be washed well and laid out to dry easily.

The fastest way is to dip the leaves in melted wax. To do this, melt a candle in the oven or on the stove and dip a leaf into liquid wax, let it drip and put it on paper to harden. It is important here not to overheat the wax so that it does not burn (do not allow white bubbles to appear in the liquid wax), and you also need to remove the leaves from the wax quickly, otherwise the layer of wax will be very thick. The leaves turn out to be moderately soft, over time they harden a little, but still remain suitable for various crafts

Or decoration for a room. Glue a piece of paper to one end of the thread or fishing line with a glue gun, and to the other end a paper clip straightened into a hook shape. Use a paper clip to hang leaves from a chandelier or curtains.

How to dry rowan:

A lot has been said about the beneficial properties of red rowan more than once. But the fruiting period of this berry is not the longest, so you need to know how to preserve all the beneficial properties for the maximum period. It is most optimal to dry rowan, and then prepare healthy drinks from it all winter.

You can dry rowan in different ways. It dries well in the open air; you can also use an electric dryer, oven, or even a microwave for this. Rowan berries should be dried in the open air either in clusters upside down in a well-ventilated place, or scattered in one layer on a tray or fine wire rack.

To dry rowan, we need the berries themselves and paper napkins.

Spread a paper napkin.

Place clean rowan berries in one layer.

Cover with a napkin and microwave at 400 W for 10-12 minutes.

Dried rowan is ready.

To dry rowan berries in the oven, you need to scatter the berries in one layer on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Place in the oven at 40-50°C for 50 minutes, then increase the temperature to 70°C and dry with the door ajar for 16-20 hours.

Red rowan is usually dried in two ways - natural (indoors) and forced (in an electric dryer or oven).

When choosing the first option, remember that the room in which the red rowan will dry should be well ventilated.

With the second option, if you use a dryer, then everything is very simple. Just follow the instructions that come with it.

If you decide to dry the berries in the oven, then when drying you need to set the temperature from 40 to 60 degrees and monitor the uniformity of drying, constantly stirring the rowan fruits. Drying needs to be done in several stages. After 5-6 hours in the oven, the berries need to be allowed to cool for 12-20 hours. Then, if necessary, continue drying in the oven again, lowering the temperature by 5-10 degrees each time.

It is good to store dried red rowan berries in fabric bags, jars or boxes. From such a simple preparation for the winter you can make healthy desserts, brew tea, add to compotes or decoctions. Thus, knowing how to dry correctly, you can benefit from red rowan berries all year round.

Use the rosehip as a spout, and the mouth, of course, is made from red rowan berries using the same method as earrings, you just need to string them on a wire, and then lay them out in the correct shape and secure them to a head of cabbage. Decorate your autumn with beads made from rowan berries. These DIY autumn crafts are suitable for any children's creativity competition; moreover, they are very easy and every child can do them.

Autumn gives people a lot of material for creativity - these are a variety of vegetables that can be collected in your garden, and colorful leaves flying from tree branches, as well as cones, chestnuts, seeds, wild berries, which are traditionally used to make autumn crafts.

So, for example, from an ordinary head of cabbage you can make a symbol of autumn or even autumn itself; all that is required for this is the gifts of this wonderful time of year, such as the berries of red and chokeberry, rose hips, pumpkin seeds, watermelon, melon, ash. Also prepare additional materials that you may need to achieve the desired result, such as toothpicks, thin copper wire, plasticine, colored paper and acrylic paints.

Use the rosehip as a spout, and the mouth, of course, is made from red rowan berries using the same method as earrings, you just need to string them on a wire, and then lay them out in the correct shape and secure them to a head of cabbage. Decorate your autumn with beads made from rowan berries. These DIY autumn crafts are suitable for any children's creativity competition; moreover, they are very easy and every child can do them.

How to collect:

Before we talk about how to dry acorns for crafts, we'll talk about how to collect them. When the right period has arrived, you can start collecting. To do this, you should go to the place where this tree grows (it could be a park, forest, oak grove, etc.). When choosing a gathering place, you should pay attention to its location. It is advisable to collect acorns away from the roadway and railway tracks. Due to the short shelf life, take the fruits in a certain quantity required for the product. You can collect acorns near the foot of an oak tree. But to do this you will have to rake away the branches and leaves. Pay attention to the fruits, they must be whole and “healthy”.

There is another way to collect. To do this, you just need to shake the tree, and you can lay some fabric or, for example, polyethylene on the ground. Be careful with this method because when the acorns fall, several fruits from the tree may fall on you. Choose quality fruits. Break a few things and look inside. Good acorns are the same color both inside and outside, they are free of damage, cracks and mold/fungi. If you notice brown flour or larvae inside, then refuse to collect. Such fruits are not suitable for you. You will not be able to make beautiful products from them that will delight you for many years.

What can be made from zucchini

There were quite a lot of zucchini crops this year, so it’s not a shame to use a couple of them for crafts. Moreover, we have already prepared enough for the winter.

Here is a train carrying a carriage with the gifts of autumn.

And this cutie is simply eye-catching.

A friendly onion family rides in a zucchini car.

The craft is worthy of a prize at any exhibition. You can even feel folk motifs in it.

A sports team of pepper frogs goes to a zucchini competition.

The beloved minions began to be often found in crafts.

And Miss Elegance absolutely blows away!

Just like this little guy.

Girls will be happy to sculpt such a snail.

You can decorate crafts with anything: beads, ribbons, natural or improvised materials.

Crafting a rowan tree for kindergarten: master class with step-by-step photos

Coral rowan clusters are one of the most impressive, expressive decorations of autumn, a kind of its distinctive sign. They can be a good theme for creating autumn crafts in kindergarten or at home.

The rowan tree craft for kindergarten can be made from a wide variety of creative materials and using a variety of techniques. We suggest trying to create your own rowan branch from thin colored paper or napkins.

Rowan craft for kindergarten: 10 master classes with step-by-step photos

What you will need to create this craft: a branch of rowan (only its dried leaves, which can be prepared in the summer), thin transparent colored paper, glue, a landscape sheet, a brush and paints.

If there is no rowan branch prepared in advance, it can be replaced with another plant with a similar leaf shape.

Folk traditions

Crafts in the form of plants are one of the areas of beadwork. Maidens made of beads look quite picturesque and presentable. The most striking example of such creativity is rightfully a rowan tree made of beads. In addition, it can be presented as a gift that any person will be happy about. Previously, the Slavs had a beautiful tradition, which today, unfortunately, most have forgotten.

A sprig of rowan was hung at the head of the bed or above the entrance door. In some cases, it served as decoration. The rowan was placed in a beautiful vase, which immediately attracted attention. And today many follow this tradition.

Imitation of rowan branches made of beads will especially delight in winter, when it is not easy to find a fresh rowan branch. It is for this reason that many craftsmen set themselves the goal of learning how to weave it.

Do-it-yourself rowan: crafts from rowan. The best ideas with photos

Another beautiful and bright autumn craft - a DIY rowan tree will definitely captivate children and parents into the creative process. You can use natural material to create original flower arrangements, or you can make a twig with berries using your knowledge of beadwork.

In this case, how to make a rowan with your own hands, it is better to use silicone-based glue for the mosaic rather than PVA glue; it will fix the beads on the surface faster. You need to grease one element (berries or leaves) of the picture and sprinkle beads on top: for berries - red, for leaves - orange or green of your choice. Thus, you need to fill in all the elements without going beyond the outline. Each time, the beads must be pressed with your finger against the surface of the cardboard for a more secure fastening. When the glue sets, you can turn the sheet over and all the excess beads will fall off on their own, after which you need to manually fill in the empty spaces, if any.

Napkin work

To make such an applique, we will need a sheet of white paper or cardboard, napkins (preferably brown, red and green, if you don’t have those, you can paint them with regular white paint), scissors and PVA glue.

Napkins need to be cut into squares so that it is convenient to roll them into balls.

  1. On white cardboard we draw a rowan branch with a bunch of berries on it.
  1. Then we roll the napkin squares into balls, use a wooden stick to dip them in glue and carefully glue them onto the prepared outline. The berries should be red, the leaves should be green, and the branch should be brown.

  1. We try to glue the napkin balls tightly to each other, this will make the picture more interesting.

Article on the topic: Patent elastic band with knitting needles with diagrams and descriptions in a circle

Also, for the leaves you can use not balls, but ready-made cut out leaves with the tip curled at the bottom. This tip must be especially carefully glued to the cardboard. You can use napkins in different shades of green for the sheets.

DIY crafts from rowan. Autumn mood

Joint creativity brings parents and children closer together, awakens the imagination of both children and older children, so DIY rowan crafts will be an interesting experience for a child and will diversify family leisure time.

The child will not only learn how to make various cute things under the guidance of mom and dad, but will also receive positive emotions from contact with natural materials. Creativity develops perseverance, attentiveness, and motor skills. In addition, natural materials are environmentally friendly, which is important for many parents these days.

First of all, you will have to take care of preparing the material. The end of August, the beginning of September is the best time to collect rowan, since it is during this period that the berries become firm and their color acquires rich shades. Don’t be lazy - it’s better to harvest more, because the child should have a lot of material for creativity. In addition, a walk in the fresh air will be beneficial for the whole family.

The collected berries must be cleared of twigs, leaves and cuttings. The material is ready and now you can start making crafts from rowan with your own hands. If you also want to use rowan leaves, then you should choose those that have not yet dried out and are flexible enough. Such leaves can be easily dried under pressure or among the pages of books, and they can also be used to form various three-dimensional structural elements for crafts.

Rowan beads

The little princess will surely love beautiful beads. To do this, in addition to the rowan fruits, you will need a strong thread. When the berries dry out, the thread will become visible, so it is better to take a red one so that it does not catch the eye. The thread should be long enough - you can always cut off the excess, but if the length is not enough, you will have to tie more pieces, which will not look too neat.

The berries are strung along the cutting, being careful not to damage the berries. Working with a needle is a delicate thing; a small child should not be trusted with it. Let the girl help her mother by giving her “beads.” But an older girl can try to collect part of the beads herself.

After a few days, the berries will dry out and gaps will appear between them. To make them smaller, you need to slightly tighten the beads. This rowan decoration can become an original accessory to a costume at a children's party. Probably, in the future the girl will have a desire to make a rowan necklace for dolls.

Autumn topiary

Another great idea for making crafts from rowan berries with your own hands is topiary, or in other words, the Tree of Happiness. This product is suitable for a children's crafts competition in kindergarten or elementary school. Here you will need a variety of materials that are easy to find while walking through an autumn park or forest:

The child will not only breathe in the fresh autumn air, but will also discover an unimaginable palette of autumn colors.

It is necessary to prepare a pot where the tree will be installed and a glue gun. To begin with, take leaves of the same color, fold them like an accordion and distribute them around a small branch of rowan. Thus, bunches are formed - the basis for the future crown. Leaves of other colors can be inserted into the bunches to give the tree an interesting look. Each bundle must be secured at the base with thread. When there are about 7 or 8 such elements, you can move on to the next stage.

An unnecessary glass will serve as a pot under the Tree of Happiness. There are many ways to decorate, you just need to put in a little effort and use your imagination. As an option, the glass is carefully covered with colored cloth and decorated with rowan leaves and berries. A sheet of paper or newspaper needs to be crumpled, coated with glue and placed in a glass. The paper should lie tightly inside and occupy about half the volume.

Use scissors or a knife to make a hole in the center. A small stick is used as the trunk of the tree. The more intricate the shape, the more interesting it is. You can even make two barrels. Coat one end of the stick with glue and insert it into the hole. However, there was an empty space left in the glass. It can be filled with acorns and cones, which are also lightly coated with glue on one side so that they do not fall out of the stand in the future.

The next stage is making the crown. Roll a ball out of paper or newspaper, and secure the shape with threads. A hole is cut in the ball, smeared with glue and placed on the top of the tree trunk. For convenience, it is better to sharpen the end of the barrel. After the glue has dried, the paper ball must be decorated with previously prepared bunches of leaves. They are glued evenly over the entire surface of the ball, trying to fill the entire space. When the tree is ready, you can spray it with varnish, then the berries and acorns will become shiny. The child will be happy to see the bright, beautiful result of joint creativity.

Multi-colored garland

Bright autumn crafts - garlands can also be made from rowan berries with your child's own hands. To do this, you need to prepare threads of different lengths, multi-colored paper confetti, and also make several maple leaves or flowers using the origami technique.

There are a lot of pieces of colored paper left over from children's crafts. This is also suitable for making confetti. Using a hole punch, the task is completed very quickly. Then the berries mixed with confetti need to be strung on threads. However, threading each circle on a needle is a tedious and time-consuming task. The process will become much easier and faster if you pour confetti onto a computer mouse pad and prick the pieces of paper with a needle. At the same time, you must not forget to alternate them with rowan berries.

When the threads are ready, paper flowers or maple leaves are attached to the ends. The garland can be hung in a doorway or decorated with a window. The threads can be placed not only vertically, but also hung in arcs on the wall.

If you wish, you can come up with many more crafts using rowan berries. Surely, during the creative process, the child himself will think out the details and make his own additions.

For the first method of drying chokeberry berries, we need to dry the berries for a relatively short period of time. It will take time from picking the berries until spring. In this case, the berries are cut directly from the tree using scissors and they are cut out with a single branch (it looks like an umbrella).

Simple autumn crafts from vegetables and fruits

The simplest thing is to rummage through the pantry or refrigerator and fish out a couple of beautiful vegetable fruits.
With a little imagination you can create an incredible variety of compositions from them.

For example, a family of eggplant penguins.

Girlfriends made from beets, onions, pumpkin and cabbage.

Funny corn farmers.

Miss Charm from watermelon.

This idea simply delighted me. What a beauty! But they just painted the apples with gold paint.

Such a panel can be created from any autumn berries: cranberries, rutabaga, rowan or rose hips.

A potato bear greets guests at the door of the pumpkin house.

A hedgehog made from fruit will not please everyone for long, because it will be eaten instantly.

Ladybug made of rowan and black bird cherry.

A couple of boiled corn minions.

A real friendly family of onions.

Now let's take a closer look at pumpkin and zucchini ideas.

Do-it-yourself rowan

By the way, many needlewomen forget that you can make original jewelry from natural materials, for example, do-it-yourself rowan beads, which are perfect for a themed autumn photo shoot. Many creative brides add such elements to their finished product, and it looks more refined and delicate than those for which ordinary fresh roses are used.

You can make a rowan wreath with your own hands using not only bunches of berries, but also twigs with yellowed leaves and other autumn materials.

If you decide to make crafts from rowan with your own hands, you can find photo ideas on the Internet, and the first thing you will stumble upon on the vastness of the global web is a beaded tree. Its craftswomen perform it in two versions: autumn - with yellowed leaves, winter - with a “snow” cap over the bunches.

The berries themselves can be made using several beads, or you can take large red beads, and for the leaves twist five green beads in the same way as we did for other beaded trees.

Beads can be made into prefabricated pieces, i.e. make not only rowan branches, but also other flowers and plants, which are arranged into one beautiful flower arrangement.

For such crafts, thin wire is used, from which individual branches are created. At the end, these thin branches are combined into several thick ones, from which the finished tree is formed.

To make your creation pleasing to the eye, it must be mounted on a stand or in a decorative pot; plaster or alabaster is used for fixation. The pot also needs to be decorated; you can draw a “Khokhloma” pattern on it or simply wrap it with twine.

DIY paper rowan

Naturally, if we are talking about do-it-yourself rowan berries, then we must not forget about the most accessible material for creativity - this is, of course, paper. The quilling technique allows you to create bright, voluminous floral paintings and cards using only paper strips and glue.

First, you need to think about what a bouquet of rowan berries will look like with your own hands, perhaps even make a sketch on a sheet of thick white cardboard where the berries will be located and where the leaves will be. As a basis, you can take a picture from the Internet and modify it to suit our technique.

Ready-made strips can be bought in stores, along with other art supplies; you can also cut them out yourself by first drawing a sheet of red and green paper into strips with a pencil. The width of one strip can be 5-7 mm.

Each strip is twisted, then the resulting element must be shaped (drop, heart, eye or circle). And from many such elements the finished picture is laid out; you must glue them to the surface using PVA.

There is another available material that can be made from, for example, corrugated paper. Children like to work with corrugated paper because it easily glues, cuts and creases. And a DIY rowan tree made from paper will fill your home with bright colors and will lift your spirits on cold, rainy autumn evenings.

The master class is intended for children from 5 years old.

Purpose: group, class design.

Goal: to master the technique of working with cotton wool and cotton swabs.

Objectives: developing the ability to roll cotton wool into flagella, roll cotton balls, place cotton swabs in certain places. Develop imagination, thinking, creativity, interest in cotton wool applications.

We tint a sheet of cardboard with yellow gouache.

We paint the cotton wool brown and red. We paint cotton swabs green, red, half red and green.

We make a rowan tree trunk: from brown cotton wool we roll up a rope the length and width of which resembles a tree trunk. Tree branches: roll the flagella thinner and glue them onto a sheet of cardboard.

We continue to roll flagella from cotton wool and glue them to the trunk.

Tree with branches photo ready.

For rowan leaves, cut off the cotton swabs, leaving only the part with cotton wool.

Rowan leaves: glue the base of the cotton swabs at an angle to the branches.

Rowan berries: roll small balls out of red cotton wool and glue them into a rowan brush.

We continue gluing leaves and berries.

In autumn it is important to make crafts from natural materials. Children create figures with their own hands from chestnuts, acorns, vegetables and fruits, and by adding moss, twigs and leaves, original compositions are obtained. No less attractive crafts are made from rowan for children, since the products do not require much skill. Red berries will add freshness to future masterpieces.

The crafts are quite simple to make. They are easy to make and add a pleasant atmosphere to your home. Viburnum is used to create unusual panels, voluminous appliqués, and plant bouquets combined from rowan branches and tree leaves.

Using rowan berries in children's creativity is quite a fascinating process. Having the fruits of the tree at your disposal, you can make beautiful beads.

To work you need to prepare the following materials:

  • a needle with strong thread;
  • rowan berries.

A child can make such beads himself. And if you are afraid to trust him with a needle, replace it with wire. Picking berries and stringing them on a wire develops fine motor skills. This activity will interest not only girls, but also boys. They can give a gift to the mother, grandmother or girl they like.

The rowan berry looks very beautiful. Adults associate it with medicinal properties, but children immediately imagine what crafts they can make from rowan with their own hands. If you pick a few berries, your child will enjoy the creative process. Rowan berries can be used to make not only beads, but also arm bracelets, and even hairpins. It is enough to string the berries on a strong thread, and the original decoration is ready. To make a hairpin, tie the pendant to a bobby pin.

DIY crafts from rowan in autumn

A very beautiful ornamental tree is made from rowan berries. It will decorate a living room or children's room. It will look original in the kitchen, breathing a breath of fresh air into the room.

For work, prepare the following materials:

  • flowerpot;
  • rowan sprigs with berries;
  • beads or pebbles for filling the pot;
  • corn husks or beads;
  • tree branch;
  • wire.

A tree branch will serve as a trunk. The leaves can be replaced with corn husks or made from beads. Leaves and berries are fastened with wire. Insert the workpiece into the pot and pour pebbles or beads into it.

Figures of people and animals made of rowan

The caterpillar is created in a similar way. You need to string the fruits on a fishing line, and place the rosehip berry first in the row, since this will be the head. Attach eyes from plasticine and several legs along the entire length. If desired, you can attach the tongue using a dry sheet of wood. Beads, snakes, caterpillars and similar products are made from several fruits, which makes the craft movable. Touching it with your hands develops fine motor skills.

In addition, berries can be used as an additional material when creating crafts from the gifts of nature: chestnuts, acorns, etc. For example, when creating an animal or a person from rowan, parts of the face are made from oak and chestnut fruits: nose, eyes, ears, neck. They are fixed with a toothpick. If you make a hedgehog out of plasticine and attach a berry instead of a nose, you will get a cute craft. One fruit (apple) can be placed on the back of a hedgehog. Birds are often made from chestnut, but rowan berries are used as the head. In a person who is harvested from acorns, the ears and hands are also replaced with rowan fruit.

Bunches of rowan can add their own touch to creating a composition of leaves and flowers. Ikebana is quite simple to do.

First, prepare a large vase and place a floral sponge there, after wetting it with water. Then insert a bunch of rowan berries and dried flowers into it, periodically adding water to the vase.

Ikebana will delight you for a long time. You can decorate the composition with ears of wheat. Our ancestors considered the rowan tree to be a strong talisman against many diseases and misfortunes, so they hung a rowan branch at the front door.

Many children love to do applique. They often cut out figures from colored paper and glue them onto a landscape sheet. But this type of creativity involves more than just cutting out paper. The applique can be made from rowan berries. To do this, you need to draw a sketch of the future composition with a pencil and stick on natural material. For example, decorate the bottom with leaves, and cover the figure itself with rowan berries, as shown in our picture.

This bouquet is very easy to make. It will become a real decoration of your home. Plus it will last for several months.

Choose a beautiful vase and place a sprig of rowan in it, then apply acrylic paint to the leaves and berries.

Here is another rowan craft for children that can decorate your home. For work, prepare the following materials:

  • a tree branch with a lot of knots;
  • wire;
  • yellow wallpaper;
  • cardboard;
  • rowan berries;
  • glue;
  • gouache;
  • cotton wool

Step 1: Wrap the wire around the branch, leaving room for leaves and berries.

Step 2. Cut out leaves from wallpaper and cardboard.

Step 3. Glue them together over the wire, two at a time;

Step 4. Roll small balls of cotton wool, coat them with glue and let dry;

Step 5: Paint them red and orange;

Step 6. Thread live and homemade berries onto a wire.

The result will be a beautiful brush of rowan.

We invite you to watch a master class on how to make a rowan branch from scrap materials.

A kind of distinctive sign of hers. They can be a good theme to create in a kindergarten or at home.

The rowan tree craft for kindergarten can be made from a wide variety of creative materials and using a variety of techniques. We suggest trying to create your own rowan branch from thin colored paper or napkins.

What you will need to create this craft: a branch of rowan (only its dried leaves, which can be prepared in the summer), thin transparent colored paper, glue, a landscape sheet, a brush and paints.

If there is no rowan branch prepared in advance, it can be replaced with another plant with a similar leaf shape.

Let's get to work.

Draw the petiole of a branch on a landscape sheet using a simple pencil and paint. The craft will look more interesting if several petioles are directed in different directions. Separately, draw the base of the bunch of berries.

Using glue, we attach rowan leaves to our petiole, arranging them as they are located on a real rowan branch, that is, opposite each other, from smaller to larger, and again decreasing.

Now we need to glue the berries to our branch. But first we will make them from thin paper.

We tear off a piece of paper and roll it into an even ball - you get one berry. We try to tear off pieces of the same size so that the berries do not differ from each other. We make as many berries as we need.

Glue the berries to the drawn base of the bunch. We try to place them as naturally as possible and press them tightly against the sheet for better fixation.

Depending on the age and gender of the child, you can make crafts from rowan of different levels of complexity and type with him. Girls will love stringing rowan beads. True, the berries will soon dry out, and the beads will look different than they did immediately after assembly. After complete drying, the beads can be varnished or used for other crafts.

A rowan snake-caterpillar or centipede is made almost as easily as beads. The berries need to be strung either on a thin wire or on a strong thread. Centipede legs are made from slightly sharpened pieces of matches that are stuck into the berries. The eyes can be made either from the same match heads, or from any oblong seeds stuck into the first bead head. For the head, you can take a larger rose hip. Stringing berry beads develops fine motor skills and helps develop patience, accuracy and perseverance. Crafts made from rowan are great for such activities.

Bunches of rowan berries and autumn leaves make beautiful bouquets with which you can decorate a room. If the child is already old enough, you can try making a bouquet or wreath from rowan and flowers collected from autumn leaves. Physalis fruits, dried flowers, curved branches and wood growths are suitable as additional decorative elements. To make such crafts from rowan, you will need floral tape, wire, glue, tape, and strong threads.

Rowan beaded twigs Country of Masters

In this MK I will try to show how to make rowan leaves like this. If you do it step by step, repeating the image in the photo, then everything should work out without any problems :). There is also a continuation of this MK, “Gypsum trunk for a beaded tree,” which can be viewed here:

We take small beads, tweezers (scissors), wire, florenta (floral tape)

Let's get started. We take a wire about 70 cm long, string 3 beads and move them to the center.

For convenience, I numbered the beads and circled one of the ends of the wire in red. So, take one end of the wire (red in the picture) and thread it through bead No. 3, and then into bead No. 2. Tighten the loop.

They delayed it.

Now we put on 3 more beads

In principle, it doesn’t matter which end of the wire you put them on. I circled one of the ends just to make it clear that we put beads on one end and put the other end into the beads

So, we insert the free end of the wire into the next 3 beads.

Tighten the loop. We already have half leaves.

Again we collect 3 beads.

We stretch the free end of the wire into them.

We tighten it.

Next we put on 2 beads.

We insert the free end of the wire and tighten the loop.

Here in this photo our 2 previous beads are pulled into a loop. Next we string the last bead in this leaf. Again, we insert the free end of the wire into it, just like with the previous rows. We tighten it.

Here we have a leaf. We scroll it 5-6 times to get a cutting.

We put 12 beads on one end of the wire (let's call it the working wire). Separate 3 pieces.

We take the end of the working wire and insert it into bead No. 3, then into bead No. 2. We tighten it.

Please note that between our “germ” of the leaf and the other nine beads there is a distance of about 1 cm, it is very necessary, do not forget to leave it. In the end, it will produce a leaf cutting

Again, separate 3 beads and insert the end of the working wire in order into beads No. 6, No. 5 and No. 4. Tighten.

3 beads were separated again (7,8,9)

We insert the end of the working wire into them, starting in order from No. 9, then No. 8 and No. 7. We tighten it. Be patient, there is still a little left, this is a long read, but everything is done much faster :).

Now we take 2 beads and thread the end of the working wire through them and tighten them. Then we do the same with the last 1 bead.

Like this. Tighten and twist the wire to form a cutting (see next photo).

Here you can see our 2 leaves. Now we take the other end of the wire and make a leaf using the same pattern. We make 7 leaves on one branch.

Work on mistakes. If you didn’t calculate the length of the wire at the very beginning, then you may not have enough for the required 7 leaves. We see this in the example of leaf No. 1, leaf No. 2 is already better, but the ends of the wire are a bit short. On the third attempt, I managed to guess the length of the wire and everything turned out fine - 7 leaves and a sufficient length of wire. Do not unravel or throw away “defective” leaves; they can be woven into a tree and nothing will be visible.

We begin to make a bunch of rowan berries. To do this you need to take large red beads. Preferably matte. I didn’t have a matte one this time, so I took what I had. We put it on the wire and twist it, then do the same for the next beads. The quantity is at your discretion.

We tie our 3 branches to our bunch one by one.

We tear off a piece of floral tape and wrap it around the wire.

Here is one branch ready. How many branches to make is up to you.

After you have woven a sufficient number of branches, they are wound onto a thick flexible wire, forming branches. I made 2 pieces, but there can be at least 10 of them, the main thing is to then collect them into one tree. Continuation (gypsum trunk) in my other MK:

How to make beads from rowan

To make beads you will need rowan, thread and a thin needle. Progress:

  1. Collect berries from late August to early September. During this period, rowan is hard and has a rich red color.
  2. Clean the berries from excess twigs and cuttings.
  3. Thread the thread through the needle and carefully string the “beads” along the handle.
  4. Tie the end and beginning of the thread into a knot.

Choose rowan berries of the same size so that the beads look impressive. The length of the thread and the number of “beads” depend on the number of turns around the neck. For an impressive result, wrap the beads around your neck 8-10 times, although 3 turns look no less beautiful.

Use strong thread. For example, double nylon. Do not use fishing line as it will “tear” the berries. Experiment with the color of the thread, add beads or stones.

After a couple of days, the berries will dry out and small “gaps” will form between them. Therefore, slightly pull up the red “beads” to remove any excess gaps. When dried, rowan does not lose color and has a special texture, which distinguishes it from other ecological decorations.

Cotton wool branch

To create such a simple application as a rowan branch made from cotton wool, we will need:

  1. Cotton wool;
  2. Scissors;
  3. Glue;
  4. Cardboard for the base;
  5. Gouache.

First of all, let's prepare cardboard for the base. It can be plain white cardboard or colored. On it we draw the outline of the future rowan branch.

Lubricate the branch itself with thick glue, then lay out the cotton wool along the contour of the branch. When the cotton wool sticks, take a brush and paint it over the top with brown paint.

Next, we coat the leaves with glue, lay them out with cotton wool, wait until they are completely glued, and also cover them with green paint. We repeat the procedure with berries.

The berries can be made slightly dusted with snow - to do this, you need to paint the cotton berries not completely red, but leave a white space on top, simulating snow lying on the berries.

How to preserve rowan beads

After picking the berries, immediately begin making beads. If you do not plan to make decorations on the same day, then put the rowan in the freezer.

Spray the finished rowan beads with hairspray several times. This coating will preserve the elasticity of the berries and add shine to the product. Setting nail polish will give the same result, but you will have to spend a couple of hours painting each bead.

You can treat your jewelry using wax or paraffin. Melt wax or paraffin and dip the beads for a couple of seconds. Another way is to cover the jewelry with clear gel soap. It is sold in soap shops.

Everyone at least once in their life wants to do something with their own hands. Try your hand at beading. It's very entertaining and exciting! The activity allows you not only to create jewelry for yourself or loved ones, but also calms you down.

DIY children's crafts from rowan

If you look at DIY rowan crafts in the photo, you will definitely pay attention to the original applications, where the main material is small red berries. You can choose any picture and fill its surface along the contours with berries, gluing them with PVA glue. Working with such miniature round beads, the child will practice working with small materials and develop fine motor skills of his fingers and hands. He will become more careful and diligent, and will learn to concentrate.

This DIY craft made from rowan berries will be called “Moon Cat”, and we will create a beautiful image of a cat using appliqué (or mosaic) on paper, and also add additional elements to the picture.

  • Rowan berries
  • Wolf berries (other black berries)
  • PVA
  • Thick cardboard for the base

First, you need to draw the outline of the cat on a sheet of cardboard; it should be a simple drawing without small details; we can separately draw all the necessary details of the face using paints and a brush.

Using PVA glue, you need to glue red berries onto the base, which should fill the entire base of our drawn picture. Now we have a red cat ready, but it needs to be framed using any black berries, maybe it will be wolfberries or chokeberries. They can be fresh or already dried.

You should definitely use cardboard as a basis, since the applique itself will be quite weighty, and an ordinary sheet of paper will not withstand such a “load”, it will soften from the glue and tear.

To prevent the base from becoming covered with lumps and irregularities (from glue) during the drying process, it is advisable to place a flat board on top and place a small load on it, for example, several heavy books. Such a painting will take a long time to dry; you will need to interrupt work for two days and do other options for autumn creativity, and this could be a beautiful bouquet of leaves, which can also be decorated with rowan bunches. You definitely need to fill your DIY rowan tree crafts for school with various additional elements, experimenting with a variety of materials and decoration options.

Additionally, the composition can be decorated with an image of the moon, and the likeness of a tree can be made from dry twigs to make our composition more complete. You can also draw or glue stars cut out of paper; it’s not for nothing that the picture is called “Moon Cat”.

All that remains is to make eyes and a nose for our cat, these will be ordinary small buttons, and the whiskers can be made by cutting the string into short pieces and smearing them with glue so that the whiskers are straight and stick out in different directions.

DIY children's crafts made from rowan can be anything, but for some reason the theme of cats, recreated using red miniature beads, has gained the most popularity.

Detailed video for beginners in weaving

The closer we get to winter, the more we want to make products reminiscent of the summer that has just passed.
Therefore, today we will make rowan. We will need: – beads No. 11 green and red; – wire with a diameter of 0.2 mm for the main weaving; – a small piece (about 15-20 cm) of thick aluminum or copper wire with a diameter of 2 mm – to form a tree trunk; – brown threads for winding branches and trunk. First, we make rowan leaves from green beads. Each sheet will consist of 9 identical leaves, which we make using the parallel weaving technique. We weave each leaf on a wire 25 cm long according to the following pattern:

1st row: 1 bead; 2nd row: 2 beads; 3rd row: 2 beads; 4th row: 2 beads; 5th row: 1 bead.

As I already said, for each rowan leaf you need to make 9 such leaves.

We take another leaf and screw it to the petiole of the resulting leaf a few millimeters below the first row of leaves. We bend this leaf so that it is directed in the same direction as the leaf located above it.

Anyone can do it. Experienced craftsmen advise starting with simple crafts in order to learn all the intricacies of this type of beadwork. With the acquisition of sufficient skill, you will be able to create more complex products yourself.

There are several simple models, using which you can learn the nuances of weaving beautiful trees from beads. Often, learning this art begins with the simplest model.

Weaving rowan beads is a fairly simple and exciting activity. The main thing is to follow the sequence indicated in the diagram.

Crafts from rowan leaves

Rowan berries are often used in school work to make your work brighter and more beautiful. But you can also use rowan leaves to create autumn-themed crafts.



Beaded rowan leaves

The leaves are woven using a parallel weaving technique; each row will have a certain number of beads. The entire weaving pattern is described below.

Row 1: Take a 25 cm piece and string one bead onto it. Now we pass either end of the wire in the opposite direction through this bead and tighten it.

Row 2: take two beads and string them on one side. Now we take the wire from the other side and pass it in the opposite direction through these two beads. We tighten the ends.

  • 3rd row: 3rd row: string three beads onto either end of the wire. Now take the opposite tip and pass it in the opposite direction through these three beads. Tighten the ends well.
  • In the 4th and 5th row: do the same for three beads.

Row 6: from this row the leaf is woven in descending order. You need to make two beads in this row.

Row 7: This row is the final one. We make one bead in it. At the end of the wire we twist each other. There are 187 such leaves that need to be woven.

Now from these small leaves you need to make large leaves for rowan. To begin, take three leaves and twist them together.

Below these leaves we wrap two more and then two more. In total, the large leaf consists of 9 small leaves.


For weaving you will need the following materials:

  • Beads in two colors: green, orange-red. Size No. 10 (Czech) or No. 12 (Chinese).
  • Wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm or thicker (for forming a trunk).
  • Molar tape or thread - this will need to be wrapped around the barrel.
  • Brown acrylic paints.
  • Alabaster.

Other MKs in this technique: video tutorials

The art of quilling consists of creating three-dimensional or flat compositions from strips of colored paper twisted in different shapes. This technique is also called paper rolling. Why is quilling so popular?

This art is an activity that can unite people of different age categories. Children develop fine motor skills and imagination, while adults unleash their creativity and calm their nerves. This activity is ideal for beginner needlewomen and craftsmen.

Composition “Rowan” using the quilling technique: showing the execution of the elements

In a detailed step-by-step video about making rowan using the quilling technique with children , you will see:

- what wonderful crafts children who do quilling make - whole fairy tales! I had never seen anything like this before and had no idea that children could create such a miracle with their own hands!

— watch a very detailed step-by-step master class on making a composition with a rowan branch using the quilling technique . The master class is taught by master quilling teacher Galina Sergeevna Amelina. The master class will be interesting for both children and adults.

The video below shows in great detail all the tools, materials, and how to correctly perform each step step-by-step in making mountain ash using the quilling technique. This is a TV show from the “Mom’s School” series of the first educational television channel.

Rowan beads. What to do and how to do it correctly?

This craft is perfect for making together by mother and daughter. To make beads, in addition to rowan, you will need: thread (it is better to take a strong one, something like silk), a large needle and scissors. A few tips about the thread. Choose its color based on a shade similar to the berries. When, over time, the rowan begins to lose moisture and decrease in volume, the thread may be visible. And it won't look very nice. Immediately take a piece of thread larger than needed. It is better to cut off the excess at the end rather than tying new pieces to an unfinished product. If you are preparing a craft for the garden, and your mother’s assistant is still very young, then you should not trust the stringing process to a child. Because it happens with a needle. This means that the child may be injured. Just trust the girl to serve the berries or select the most beautiful ones. The process of collecting berries into beads is a very painstaking task. When placing it on the needle, you should try not to damage the berries. To do this, insert the needle only along the direction of the cutting.

Plant more berries right away. Then leave the rowan craft to dry for several days. After some time, the berries will become smaller due to lost moisture. Then the beads will have to be tightened, and accordingly their length will decrease. This decoration can be functional and will go perfectly with an outfit for an autumn garden party. You will see, made by joint efforts, the girl will like this craft. And soon she will want to repeat it herself for her toys.

Master class “Bunches of rowan berries” using available materials

Elena Kandakova
Master class “Bunches of mountain ash” using available materials

I offer you the opportunity to make a bunch of rowan berries from scrap materials.

In our work we used: plasticine, wire (thick and thin, scissors

1 step. Cut a piece of thick wire about 20-25 cm long

Step 2. We bend it in the form of a broken line

Step 3. Fold the wire into a crown shape

Step 4 Roll plasticine balls.

Step 5 We string the balls onto the wire.

Step 6 We cut a thin wire about 15-20 cm.

Step 7 We fix the rowan bunch with a thin wire.

Step 8 We attach the finished bunch of rowan berries to the branch.

These are the branches with bunches of rowan we got.

At one of the art classes, the kids and I made bullfinches, used a ready-made template, and decorated them using the plasticine technique.

And we decided to feed the bullfinches with our mountain ash. They settled them on branches.

Bullfinches arrived to eat mountain ash.

We placed our composition in a corner of nature.

In the evening, when the parents came to pick up their children, voices of admiration were heard at the sight of our composition. Many parents thought that we hung real bunches of rowan berries on the branches. And after seeing and examining our work, the parents were completely delighted. And during the break the children told how we made both mountain ash and bullfinches. The guys didn’t forget to remind their parents to make feeders (who haven’t done it yet) and feed the birds.

Knitted Christmas tree toys using waste material. Master class Soon we will be preparing to celebrate one of the most mysterious and wonderful holidays - the New Year. There will be a lot of joyful troubles ahead.

What autumn-themed crafts can be like?

DIY crafts on the theme “Autumn” can generally be divided into:

  • durable - those that will serve for months and years or will not lose their original appearance for a long time (this includes prints on clothes using leaves, crafts made from hard chestnuts, acorns and seeds);
  • temporary - those that are made for temporary exhibitions, kindergartens, schools. Almost always these are autumn crafts with children made from leaves, berries, and plants.

Typically, autumn-themed crafts are joint creativity between an adult and a child. Without children, adults rarely get involved in such things, unless they do it professionally.

Children with their boundless imagination love to create autumn-themed compositions, decorations, accessories and even clothing items. The bright colors of this time of year, plus a truly exciting process, turn joint creativity into a real holiday.

Children's DIY autumn crafts today have such a variety that your eyes run wild. I want to try everything at once. Flowers made of leaves, beads made of rowan, appliques made of seeds, paintings made of straw, candles made of flowers. How to choose? You should pay attention not only to the child’s preferences, but also to his age and his desire to participate in the process. If the baby is extremely independent and wants to do almost everything himself, but is young for years, you need to choose simpler crafts.

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