Crochet baby sling beads. DIY diagrams and descriptions for kids

Baby sling beads are very easy to make; the main materials are beads, threads, and a hook. A detailed description of the process and a diagram for creating such an accessory will help even a novice craftswoman make it.

A bright decoration made from natural materials performs several functions at once, helping both the child, the mother, and even the father when carrying the baby in a sling or in his arms. And if such a decoration is made with your own hands, it can become a kind of talisman for the little one, and will be preserved for many years as a memory.

Why are baby sling beads needed?

Sling beads, as the name suggests, are mainly hung on baby slings - devices for carrying babies. They perform not only a decorative function, but also help to cope with the child during walks or trips.

Main functions of the baby sling bus:

  • distracting the baby's attention from the mother during walks, feeding, and home activities;
  • preventing the child from pinching, biting and pulling the mother’s hair;
  • development of fine motor skills, spatial thinking.

Instead of grabbing mom's hair or scratching her, demanding attention during a walk or important activity, the baby is distracted by bright beads of different sizes. This accessory is often worn by dads, fully appreciating its usefulness.

Since baby sling beads are made only from natural materials, biting and tugging at such beads will not cause harm. They can be used separately from the sling, hung on a stroller, or placed in the baby’s crib. Some beads may contain rattling or rustling filling, and then the accessory also becomes a soothing rattle.

Ideas for inspiration

Photo of a wonderful version of a baby sling, as a themed toy, made in a marine style:


"Berry scattering":

"Sweet couple":

Making baby sling beads has long gone beyond the scope of an ordinary hobby. For many, this activity has become a successful business project that will suit different categories of people. For example:

  • housewives;
  • young mothers on maternity leave;
  • students who do not yet have the opportunity to find a job;
  • and simply creative people who enjoy the creative process.

Article on the topic: Felt boots: do-it-yourself crafts with patterns made of wool and paper

Approximate cost:

  • the price of consumables for making one baby sling ranges from approximately 200 to 300 rubles;
  • the price for a finished handmade product will be from 700 to 800 rubles;
  • The time it takes to make one bead by an experienced craftsman is about 3-4 hours.

The profit from the sale of one product will be about 500 rubles. with the possibility of increasing it. A serious approach to business and a clear business plan can turn additional income into good earnings.

Every young mother wants the best for her child. And what could be better than a handmade toy, into which all the love and care for your baby has been invested. Sling beads are not just fun for a little person. These bright beads are mother’s little helpers that will calm, entertain and teach the baby something new.

Preparation of materials

Crocheted sling beads (diagrams and descriptions of which are presented below) are made from simple, but always safe for the child materials. And safety lies not only in non-toxicity, but also in strength. You should not use glass, ceramics, metal fittings, beads or very small beads, polymer clay, felt.

What you will need to make a baby sling:

  • beads of different sizes made of wood;

  • cotton threads for knitting;

  • ribbon or waxed cord as a base;

  • various decorative elements - wooden beads in the form of animal figures, buttons, shells, knitted bags with various fillings.

It is important to use wooden elements in babywearing beads - the material is safe for the child and will not cause allergies if it gets into the mouth. Of course, the use of varnish or coloring on the surface of the beads is prohibited. The elements themselves must be large enough so that the child does not accidentally swallow them.

If, for example, shells are used in beads, they must be boiled and disinfected several times. It is also better to use buttons from natural materials. It is also worth remembering that the beads will have to be washed often - the threads must be of high quality, 100% cotton, and not fade when wet. Items and fillers that may swell or dissolve in water should not be used.

What yarn is suitable for baby slings?
Yarn "Chamomile"Spinning and thread mill named after S. M. Kirov, production - St. Petersburg. The price per skein starts from 500 rubles. in specialized stores. An excellent option in terms of price and quality ratio.
Yarn “Pekhorka successful”The Pekhorskaya factory is located in the Moscow region. The threads are distinguished by their color fastness and ease of use. Price – from 1000 rub. per skein from partner stores.
Yarn "Lily"Manufactured in China. Convenient for working on complex patterns. You can order it at any craft store. Price – from 1500 rub.

The best option is to use mercerized cotton thread for knitting a baby sling. Tightly twisted, high-quality dyed threads will be easy to work with and will not lose their appearance with frequent washing and baby playing. Iris threads or ordinary floss should not be used for knitting. This is due to the low wear resistance of the material and inconvenience in operation - the threads are too thin, often twist, and inexpensive material can fade.

What is important to remember when choosing material for a baby sling?

When creating baby slings, it is important to remember that we are making them for a child, so all materials must be environmentally friendly and safe. Under no circumstances should you use beads coated with varnish or paint. The ideal option is juniper beads with a pleasant aroma. It is prohibited to use metal or plastic parts for decoration, as well as sequins, beads and other small items. The best option is knitted jewelry of various shapes and colors.

The choice of threads is no less important - they must be durable, non-fading (after all, the beads will have to be washed), without lint or lurex, and, of course, natural. If you use beads only as decoration, then durable and wear-resistant acrylic is better (besides, not everyone recognizes it as synthetic). To string beads, you can take a ready-made silk thread or tie it yourself with air loops.

In fact, there are a great many options for designing and decorating baby slings. But we'll talk about them a little later. In the meantime, let's get acquainted with the method of making beads.

Required Tools

Sling beads are most often crocheted. The work is easy, quick, and convenient patterns and descriptions of the knitting process can be quickly found in master classes from experienced craftswomen. To choose a crochet hook, you need to pay attention to the density of the yarn. For example, with a density of 200 m/50 g or 300 m/70 g, a hook with a diameter of 1.5 mm will do. For thinner threads, such as Iris, you can use a tool with a diameter of 1.25 mm.

Tying beads will be more accurate if you use several hooks of different sizes. When starting to knit, use the hook that fits the yarn, and when tying narrow parts and decreasing loops, use a hook of a smaller diameter. For example, if the main rows are cast on with a 1.5 mm hook, then when decreasing the loops it is better to take a tool with a diameter of 1.25 mm.

It is also important to look at the length of the tool, whether it has a plastic or rubberized handle, and the sharpness or smoothness of the hook itself. Here, each craftswoman chooses the most convenient option.

Master class No. 2: Sling beads from pieces of fabric

Necessary materials:

  • Textile
  • Beads
  • A thread
  • Pins
  • Measuring tape
  • Scissors

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Sew a strip of fabric

When creating these beads, we combined different fabric samples that were on hand. Thus, I didn’t have to buy anything, and the beads turned out brighter. You can, of course, make it easier for yourself and just use one strip of fabric (as in the previous option).

  1. So, you will need a piece of fabric approximately 13 cm wide and 147 cm long.
  2. When the pieces of fabric were collected here, they were cut to 13 cm wide and sewn together.
  3. Pieces were added until the desired length was achieved. If you are using one piece of fabric, you will obviously skip this step.

Step 2: Sew the fabric tube

Now you can fold the fabric face inward and sew the edges along. To prevent the fabric from slipping, you can secure it with pins.

If the pieces ended up at slightly different levels, you can trim off the excess fabric by leveling the edges.

Turn the fabric right side out and this is what you get:

Step 3: Add Beads

  • Measure approximately 25cm from the edge of the fabric tube and tie it into a knot.
  • Thread one bead into the tube (through the other end) and tie another knot after the bead.

  • Continue adding beads and knots.
  • There are a total of 7 beads in these beads, you can make more if you wish.

Step 4: Sew the Edges

Once you are done adding beads, cut some fabric from each end to get the desired length and make the necklace even. Fold the ends of the fabric and sew them together. Ready!

The child is simply delighted with this decoration:

Product options

Crochet sling beads (diagrams and descriptions may suggest a basic version of the product) can be transformed to suit your own style or needs.

What kind of baby slings you can make with your own hands:

  1. Classic version – with wooden beads tied with cotton thread. Knitted and wooden beads can be alternated. The beads can be tightly strung on a cord or placed far apart from each other and held in knots.

    Crochet baby sling beads. Schemes and descriptions are further in the article.

  2. Baby sling beads with a rattle - elements with rattling filling inside are strung between the classic beads.
  3. Beads with various decorative elements - knitted fruits and vegetables, cute wooden animals, shells, buttons. This decor will help the baby expand his horizons.
  4. A pacifier strung on a cord between beads is another great option to soothe the baby on a long journey or while the mother is working. In this version of the product, it is important to constantly monitor the cleanliness of the nipple.
  5. Babywearing beads with soft knitted beads that can be kneaded by hand. Such elements develop fine motor skills well, but are suitable for older children who have already learned to put inedible objects in their mouths.

Any additional elements can be combined with each other. For example, using a small plastic carabiner, you can attach a pacifier to the product, and alternate rattle beads with soft elements.

Filling options for baby slings:

  • rice, buckwheat or other rustling cereals;
  • small pebbles;
  • candy wrappers;
  • small bells;
  • wooden rings or other pendants;
  • beeping keychains;
  • soft filler for toys;

  • music button from an old toy.

Bulk elements are well suited for sewing into canvas bags as soft, wrinkled beads. This also includes beads with soft filling for toys and various dense but rustling wrappers. To make a rattle, rattling elements can be placed in a Kinder Surprise container. The plastic used in these containers is food grade and is completely safe. Moreover, such a container will be difficult for the baby to open to get the contents.

A bell or music button can be sewn into a bead with soft filling. The main thing is that the knitting on such beads was quite dense, and the filling did not come out of it after washing. Baby slings with elements such as cereals, music buttons, and paper fillings cannot be washed. They can be used to decorate a baby’s stroller or playpen so that the product does not get dirty so quickly, or for older children.

How to crochet a flower: diagrams, explanation

Creating a crocheted flower is quite simple to do if you read the diagram correctly. In principle, it is based on simple combinations repeated one by one. And it always starts from a circle of air loops. But still, start small, don’t chase complex schemes - in the future this will help you achieve incredible results. It is also worth noting that such a creation does not take much time - on average, one flower takes about 10-15 minutes.

Basic crochet flower

Flower with 6 petals

  • There are actually a lot of basic schemes. After all, the original number of v.p. will set the core, where you begin your knitting. And remember - the more there are, the wider the center hole will be. But it’s easier to just type columns on them.
  • Now the columns themselves - it looks more beautiful if this is the initial ring of v.p. tie st. b/n. This way you can overlap that center circle. Moreover, their number should be 2-3 times greater than the number of vp itself. With this you already set the number of petals.
  • Next comes their formation. To do this, do 3 vp for the first time. for lifting and 3-5 ch. to connect with the next column (depending on the pattern and width of the petal), then 1 tbsp. s/n and continue until completion.
  • Then you knit the petals themselves. But there must be a smooth formation, therefore Art. b/n, semi-st. s/n and 3-5 tbsp. s/n. We offer you several options at once. So that you understand that the basis is based on one motive, just this number v.p. and Art. affects the number and size of the petals and the core itself.

Schemes But pay attention to the diagram when there is a larger set when creating petals. That is, the scheme that is taken as a basis does not change

But due to the large number of columns, the flower turned out to be more voluminous and wavy.

You can adjust the width of the petals

Another simple diagram, but a slightly different flower shape

Flower with pointed petals

Simplified crochet flower pattern

  • If you need a large number of small flowers, then this quick method is exactly suitable for these purposes. After all, knitting one element takes about 5 minutes. The set according to the first example starts from 8 vp, and from the second - from 6.
  • You also knit a ring from st. b/n. And then immediately make protrusions of the petals from Art. s/n. The second scheme, as you can see, is very simple - a rise and 3 columns.
  • The first scheme will give more magnificent and dense leaves. But, although the diagram is shown without half-columns, it is still better to use them before lifting. That is, skip the first and last column in each petal by making a replacement. This will make for a smoother turn.

Small flower according to a simplified scheme

How to tie a bead for a baby sling

Crochet sling beads (diagrams and descriptions are presented in more detail below) are assembled in stages. The most labor-intensive process is tying the beads and choosing the filling for the rattle beads, as well as various soft elements.

How to tie a wooden bead:

  1. The first row is made up of 5-6 air loops closed into a ring;
  2. The second row is knitted like this - single crochet, two loops are knitted into each chain stitch;
  3. At the first stages, the knitted element is applied to the bead and the size matches are checked;
  4. The next few rows are knitted according to the same principle, but 1-2 more loops are added in accordance with the increase in the diameter of the bead;
  5. There is no need to place loops closer to the widest part of the bead;
  6. After the equator, the loop beads, on the contrary, decrease - so until the end. When decreasing the loops, you should not skip them, but knit them through two loops at once, so the product will be more neat and the knitting will be tighter.

The starting and ending threads must be hidden. This can be done using a needle and thread that matches the color of the yarn. If the bead should be soft, then before the middle of knitting you can take the same wooden bead as a base, and after the equator, start filling the knitted element with padding polyester or other filler.

Option for openwork bead binding:

  1. The thread is wrapped 2 times around the index finger and pulled up over the winding.
  2. A hook is threaded into the resulting ring, capturing three layers of thread, the working thread is picked up by the beard again, and the first knot is tied with its help.
  3. 8 single crochets are knitted into the resulting ring. This is done like this: the hook is placed under the ring, the barb catches the working thread and brings it out from below, the thread is hooked again and pulled through two loops at once.
  4. Knitting this row is done on the index finger - this is convenient, since the thread is held and does not interfere with the process; the last loop can be easily pulled up so that the knitting does not unravel.
  5. When 8 loops are ready, the resulting ring is removed from the finger, held tightly, and the short tail is brought forward.
  6. Now the first knitted ring is tightened - you need to carefully pull the short tail, holding the knitting until both ends are connected. There is no need to cut off the tail.
  7. Now the hook is again inserted into the last loop of the previous row. The next single crochet is knitted in the first loop of the resulting ring. The ring is thus tightened to the end.
  8. At the base of each loop of the ring you need to knit air chains. The chain should have 3 loops. A thread with a chain is knitted into each subsequent loop of the first ring using a single crochet. There should be a total of 8 “petals” around the “core”.
  9. In the following rows, the “petals” are knitted in exactly the same way, but the entire “petal” of the bottom row is taken as the basis of the loop, and not its individual loops. You need to “dive” with the hook in the direction away from you.
  10. Knitting according to this principle continues until the binding is just above the equator of the bead.
  11. Next, the knitted element is turned inside out, a bead is inserted into it, and knitting continues along it.
  12. To reduce the diameter of the row, you need to reduce the number of air loops in the “petals” - instead of three loops, two are knitted.
  13. Knitting continues almost to the top of the bead. Towards the end, the size of the “petal” needs to be reduced to one air loop, and “dive” no longer under the adjacent “petal”, but through one.
  14. In this way, you need to get to the point where the bead is completely tied, and a very small hole remains at its top. In this case, it is important that the bead itself is located with holes for the thread exactly at the beginning of knitting and at the end.
  15. One of the remaining tails must be passed through the entire weave to the other, then both tails must be hidden inside the hole of the bead. When threading a bead onto a cord of beads, it is important to remember the direction of the ends of the tie so that they do not come out of the hole again.

This binding is suitable for thin yarn - just if the craftswoman decided to use any floss or “Iris”. In this case, it is better to take a smaller hook size, for example, with a diameter of 1-1.25 mm.

For a bead measuring 20 mm, the first row consists of just 8 single crochet stitches. To tie beads of other sizes, the number of loops must be reduced or increased. This is an important point, since the usual plain binding is adjusted on the bead by decreasing and adding loops, but here you need to “adjust” the size immediately.

Lesson No. 1: Sling beads from a single piece of fabric

Necessary materials:

  • A piece of fabric 13 cm wide and 137 cm long
  • Large round wooden or plastic beads (these will not be visible under the fabric, so only the size is important)
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine (you can do it by hand, but it will take longer)

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Sew the fabric tube

Cut a strip of fabric 13 cm wide and approximately 137 cm long. Now you need to sew the edges of the fabric lengthwise (right side in) to create a long tube. Turn the tube right side out, hiding the seam inside.

Step 2: Making a Knot

Measure approximately 33cm from one end and tie the fabric tube in a knot at this point.

Step 3: Add Beads

  • Thread the first bead through the tube, and then tie a second knot right after the bead.
  • Continue adding beads and knots until you have the same length on the other side of the fabric tube as on the first side (so 13cm in this case).
  • At the end, tie the last knot.

Step 4: Braiding your hair Cut both remaining ends of the tube into three equal strips. You can make cuts on the edges and then tear them apart, don’t worry, the stripes don’t have to be perfectly straight.

Now braid both ends into braids, securing them at the end with a knot or a sewing machine. The safe decoration is ready!

Algorithm for making crocheted sling beads

Crochet sling beads (it is recommended to study the diagrams and descriptions before starting work) do not just need to be crocheted. It is important to understand the algorithm for their creation in order to avoid mistakes at any stage.

Baby sling beads are made in the following order:

  1. Choosing a baby sling design - using examples from the Internet and imagination.
  2. Selection of harmonious color scheme of the product.
  3. Search and study of the strapping diagram.
  4. Selection of various functional and decorative beads.
  5. Purchase of necessary materials and tools - cord for beads, yarn for tying, base of beads, decorative elements and fillers, needles, threads, scissors, crochet hooks.
  6. Making beads, rattles, soft elements.
  7. Assembling a baby sling from ready-made parts.

It is important to take a responsible approach even to the choice of design and color scheme of baby slings. This useful accessory should please not only the child, but also the mother if she is going to wear beads around her neck while walking. Baby slings can be made in a specific theme (sea motifs, floral, abstract), made in one color or several bright shades, to match the mother’s clothes or the design of the sling or stroller.

Crochet flowers for decoration

Crochet flowers are a universal way to decorate or even create a completely new unique product. They can be used as decor on both factory-made and hand-made things and objects. You can make a gift in the form of a bouquet or a pot of flowers that will please the eye and not fade. Another option is motives. If you try to tie them together, you will get a warm blanket or an unusual outfit.

You can diversify using color combinations. This gives a more realistic look. It is possible to combine textures and yarn thicknesses. Beads and beads are suitable for creating unique jewelry.

Product assembly

The last stage in the manufacture of baby slings is the assembly of the product. It is better to think through this stage in advance so as not to encounter a shortage of materials or unpleasant flaws.

You need to collect baby sling beads in this order:

  1. Beads and additional elements are laid out on the table in the order in which they should be according to the design of the accessory.
  2. A pre-prepared lace is taken and cut to the required length with a margin.
  3. The cord is threaded into the holes of the beads using a hook (if the binding threads were hidden in the holes, the cord must be threaded in the direction of these threads).
  4. If necessary, you can tie knots on both sides of the bead, or you can string elements in a row.
  5. If the product has a central element, it is better to start with it, stringing the remaining “spare parts” on both sides of it.
  6. It is better to place the largest elements as pendants; beads look best from large to small in the direction from the center to the edges of the cord.
  7. It is better to place a small bead at the ends of the lace - this will simplify the task when untying the ends of the decoration if necessary.

It is important that the finished babywearing beads are designed to please the parents who will wear them around their necks or in their hands. Crocheted from high-quality yarn, they can become a real designer decoration, the purpose of which ignorant people will not even guess. The main thing is to use clear diagrams and detailed descriptions of the bead making process to make the accessory neat and stylish.

Important parts and assembly of the baby sling

The large part of the toy is ready - both the head and the torso. Start shaping the kitten's lower legs. Work 28 single crochets, count 6 threads back and connect to the seventh loop. Make a couple of rows on six stitches, then a couple of single crochets, decrease from the “face” of the part, repeat a couple of stitches. Cut the thread, thread it through the half-loops at the back and pull it off. Hide the “tail” in the canvas. Make the second cat's paw according to the model.

Upper limbs of the toy: ring made of thread; 15 single crochets; decrease and final column. Make the second part, cut the threads with enough space for sewing the paws to the body.

Attach a thread along the side edge of the top of the head and tie 3 links of the air chain. Then make a couple of yarn overs on the hook shaft, knit the first one separately, and the remaining 3 thread bows together. One ear of the sling toy is ready. Knit the second one in the same way. Please note: the ear is knitted from the base of the first chain stitch.

For the cat's tail, make an air chain of two dozen loops, tie with single crochets. When cutting the thread, provide a tail for sewing. Fill the body with holofiber and make a connecting seam. Sew the components to the toy and decorate the face with embroidery. Do not use beads, sequins or other details that are dangerous for the child.

Make decorative elements for beads to your taste. Detailed photos and videos on the Internet with step-by-step master classes will help you. String beads and toys onto the cord and make strong knots at the beginning and end of the decoration. All that remains is for the young mother to put on the baby wraps, tie the string around her neck with a bow and please the baby.

How to crochet a flower for beginners?

It is very simple to knit a beautiful flower based on diagrams with pictures. You can not only choose the desired color, but also the flower itself: lilies, roses, chamomile. Such products can not only act as a separate composition, they can be used as a decorative element. By the way, when knitting, you can use beads for decoration or beads to create unique designer jewelry.

Crochet flowers video

In this master class you will learn how to knit the simplest flower for beginners in this type of needlework. We will need two colors of yarn: yellow for the center and white for the leaves. Of course, you can do the work in one color - then the middle will not be visible. So, we will need very little yarn, you can use the leftovers. And also – hook number 3.

  • 1 R.: 5 S.B.N. into an amigurumi ring.
  • 2 R.: (2 V.P., P.R. from S.S.N., 2 V.P., S.S. to the same P.)*5.

Thus, the initially collected number of S.B.N. corresponds to the resulting number of petals. If you want not five, but 6 petals, dial 6 S.B.N. Thus, we have a beautiful flower that can be sewn on top of a children's Panama hat, made into a brooch for clothes, decorated with a children's hat or a small knitted amigurumi figurine as in the video tutorial below. You choose what to decorate yourself, but our video will show you how to properly tie such a flower:

Crochet flowers step by step

In the master class above you have already learned how to knit flowers from 5 petals. And now we bring to your attention a cute flower of eight petals. This is a very practical option; it can be used to decorate hats, in the form of a brooch, or to decorate gift wrapping.

We chose a rich green shade from which to knit 10 V.P. and closed into a ring with the help of S.S.

  • 1 R.: 3 V.P.P., 23 S.S.N., S.S. in 3 P.P.
  • 2 R.: V.P.P., 8 arches from 3 V.P. (AR.), each AR. Fix S.B.N.
  • 3 R.: 3 V.P.P., in each AR. – 2 S.S.N., V.P., 2 S.S.N., S.S.
  • 4 R.: Let's start with the petals. Under V.P. m/u S.S.N. – 7 S.S.N. Start the very first column with 2 V.P.P.
  • Our beautiful element is ready!

Flower pot pendant


  • cord (10 m),
  • large beads – 36 pcs.,
  • scissors, wooden ring.

Creation instructions:

  • Cut 4 threads 2.5 m long. Fold them in half and loop them into the ring. Tighten with a knot, passing all the threads through the loop. Now there are 8 of them.
  • For convenience, you need to hang the product and weave it in weight.
  • Each pair of threads is decorated with three beads, one after another. To prevent them from rolling down, you need to tie a knot under the last one.
  • This is how all 12 beads are strung. They are located strictly on the same level. Further along the threads, already at the intended one, the edges of the pot are strung with 2 more beads (8 in total).
  • There is no need to tie a knot under the last one, since the two threads will spread apart and be connected by a bead to the neighboring ones. This is how a basket of flowerpots is woven. In the next row, the beads are already in a checkerboard pattern. This way you will get a honeycomb string bag, fastened with beads.

How to close the weave? The threads under the bottom are gathered together and can be tied in a knot or wrapped like a tourniquet with a separate piece of cord, masking the ends, and making a tassel from the free ends.

Offered range of baby sling buses for sale

It is important to remember that buyers should be attracted not only by the quality, but also by the variety of goods. This is especially important when selling via the Internet or social networks. Along with traditional ones, you can offer, for example, juniper sling beads

If presented in a worthy manner, they will arouse great interest among many young mothers

Along with traditional ones, you can offer, for example, juniper sling beads. If presented in a worthy manner, they will arouse great interest among many young mothers.

A few more ways to diversify your assortment:

  • Beads for girls and boys.
  • For different ages.
  • For young mothers.
  • Soft beads.
  • Name beads.

Many young parents are worried about their child, so they can be offered soft knitted baby slings. They are stuffed with soft padding polyester or other filler, so you don’t have to worry about your baby getting injured.

Personalized baby slings for children to order have become increasingly popular lately. Young mothers are very delighted with such a toy for their baby. Plus, it makes a great gift for new parents, so the potential audience expands. To make such things, you should purchase beads with letters to compose popular names.

Advice for needlewomen: don’t be afraid to expand your range. Try to make new types of beads, create your own original design, because variety always attracts people. They can buy such a toy for themselves and tell their friends where to buy babywearing beads for their child.

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The necklace is crocheted from Kirov yarn Sparkling snowflake. Work by Inna Palchun. Yarn composition: cotton, methanite. The length of the decoration is 55 cm. Suitable for any outfit. Decorate a woman of any age. A great gift for any occasion. Knitting pattern:

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Knitted decoration - necklace with flowers

The necklace is crocheted from Semenovskaya yarn Irina and Tenderness. Yarn composition: cotton with viscose. Decoration length 55 cm. Author's handmade. Will decorate a woman of any age. How to knit a necklace:

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Openwork collar - crochet decoration

The openwork collar is crocheted from Kirov yarn Rose. Yarn composition: 100% cotton. Collar neck length 44 cm, width 12 cm. An excellent gift for a teacher, mother, or girlfriend. Collar knitting pattern:

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Decoration: knitted beads

To make these beads you will need: 50 grams of thick beige yarn, a hook of suitable thickness and 30 large light beads. Description of work: knit one motif A, one motif B, one C, three E, two G and three

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DIY baby sling beads - 10 options

Baby slings were invented by mothers who put their baby in a sling (in our opinion, a sling), and carry it at their chest, it is very convenient: both the baby is with the mother and the mother’s hands are free. But the baby’s hands also need to be occupied with something, because he wants to touch everything, pull everything into his mouth, and scratch his teething teeth. And at the same time, the object of attention should be safe, pleasant to the touch, colorful, and preferably also make some sounds. For example, I managed to knit such baby sling beads. You can also send your photos.

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