TOP 20 recipes for slime and lizun with sodium tetraborate

Sodium tetraborate (solution) used in making slimes is the sodium salt of boric acid, which is a medicine. You can buy it without a prescription at a pharmacy for 15-25 rubles. bottle. The same substance, but in powder form, is used to feed plants and kill insect pests. It is called borax or borax, sold in hardware stores for 100 rubles. for 50 g.

Sodium tetraborate is an excellent stabilizer; it produces the highest quality slimes. You should not abuse it so that the toy does not come out too tight. And you need to understand that this substance is slightly toxic, although it is also used in the food industry.

Fluffy without shaving foam

This slime should turn out fluffy and light, like a classic fluffy. It also crunches loudly and stretches far. It contains shaving gel, which can also thicken the composition, so the main activator should be added carefully, in small portions.


  • 3 tbsp. l. PVA glue,
  • 1 tsp. shaving gel,
  • 0.5 tsp. fat cream,
  • 0.5 tsp. shampoo,
  • 1 pea of ​​toothpaste,
  • a few drops of sodium tetraborate,
  • liquid dye, decor - optional.

Cooking method

  1. Place glue in a bowl and add shaving gel.

  2. Add a little cream and the same amount of shampoo.

  3. Add toothpaste to the mixture and make it homogeneous using a spoon.

  4. Drop sodium tetraborate into the mixture and stir well until compacted.
  5. Mash the slime with your hands until ready.

  6. Apply paint to the surface of the toy and stir it.

Watch this video on how to make fluffy slime without shaving foam:

Use shaving gel

To increase the slime using this method, you will need baby powder and shaving gel. Take the gel, because it is easier to work with than foam. She gets her hands very dirty. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of powder onto the slime and knead it. Be careful, the powder will constantly crumble on the table, so it’s better to knead it in a plastic bag.

Now add shaving gel to the growing slime (2 sprays are enough) and start stretching it in your hands. In 4-5 minutes you will have a fluffy elastic lump.

Instead of powder, you can use wheat flour or potato starch.

Mountain slime

This slime is made up of three different colored halves. Its preparation takes quite a lot of time, but the result will be a plastic toy with beautiful tints of shades. Everything will work out if the mass settles tightly in the container.


  • 4 tbsp. l. PVA glue,
  • 3 doses of liquid soap,
  • 1 tsp. water,
  • 0.4 tsp. hand or body cream
  • a few drops of sodium tetraborate.

For the second half of the slime take:

  • 30 ml transparent glue,
  • 0.5 tsp. water,
  • sodium tetraborate,
  • 2 different dyes.

How to make slime

  1. PVA glue is placed in a bowl and soap is added.

  2. Water is poured there, then cream.
  3. After stirring, add sodium tetraborate and again work with a spoon, and then with your hands.
  4. Place the finished half of the slime in a container with a lid and set aside.

  5. Office glue is poured into another bowl and water is added to it.

  6. Mix immediately, pour in the thickener, work with a spoon until the mass thickens, and then with your hands.
  7. The resulting transparent base is divided into 2 parts and painted in different colors.
  8. Both halves are placed in an empty container next to each other.

  9. White slime is placed on top, the container is closed and left alone for 1 day.

Watch this video on how to make mountain slime:

Rules for use and storage at home

Like other types of slime, magnetic slime does not tolerate dirt, dust, or increased dryness and humidity. To store the jelly-like toy, use an airtight container, which must be placed in the refrigerator overnight.

If lint is stuck to the slime, you should carefully remove it with tweezers or a needle, and then wipe the mass with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.

You need to play with the slime at least every 3-4 days, otherwise it will become moldy and will have to be thrown away prematurely.

From office glue

This slime immediately turns out to be a thick white color. And when stretched, it becomes transparent, and air bubbles are visible inside. If you want to get a completely “glass” toy, after making it, you should put it in a closed container for 2-3 days. It will become completely transparent.

Proven slime recipe

  • 2 tubes of transparent glue,
  • 0.5 tsp. water,
  • 4 pumps of clear liquid soap,
  • a few drops of sodium tetraborate,
  • decorative elements.

Cooking method

  1. The glue is placed in a container and water is poured into it.

  2. Soap is also added there.
  3. Mix the transparent mass well.
  4. Pour in sodium tetraborate and shake the contents of the container again.
  5. The thickened and sticky mass is crushed by hand.
  6. At the end, add beads and mix them into the slime.

Watch this video on how to make transparent slime:

Useful tips

To ensure that your slime does not spoil for a long time and retains its properties, read the tips below:

  1. Any slime should be stored in an airtight, resealable container. Store-bought slimes are already sold in jars like these; If your slime is homemade, packaging made from soy sauce, cream or balm is suitable for storage.
  2. The temperature at the storage location should not be lower than +2 degrees and not higher than +4. This range is maintained in the refrigerator, so the slime can be stored there.
  3. Do not leave the toy in the heat - it will quickly turn sour.
  4. Do not store slime in the freezer - it will freeze and lose its shape.
  5. Wash your hands before playing with slime, and after playing, do not put it in dirty or dusty places. If small debris gets into the slime, you can only get it out with tweezers.
  6. Don't play with the slime too often - it may dry out due to loss of moisture.
  7. To prevent mold from growing in your slime, play with it at least once every three days.
  8. Periodically add a thickener to the toy to make it softer: tetraborate or eye drops will do. Then knead the slime in your hands for about five minutes. This advice does not apply to butter slimes; adding a thickener to them is not recommended.
  9. If the consistency of the slime has become watery, add a few grains of salt to the container where it is stored. It will dry out excess moisture and return the slime to its original structure.
  10. Periodically, the toy needs to be “fed” with water and salt. Once a week, add warm water mixed with salt to the bottom of the slime container.
  11. Due to prolonged play or overfeeding, the mass may harden. You can fix this by adding a couple of drops of water to the slime and leaving it alone for a few days.
  12. If a purchased toy becomes too sticky, add a couple of drops of thickener and put it in the refrigerator for several hours.
  13. Before purchasing slime, pay attention to the storage conditions in the store and the date of manufacture of the product.
  14. To prevent homemade slime from sticking to your hands, add a couple of drops of vegetable oil to it.
  15. Do not heat the slime on a radiator, in the microwave or in other ways - this can lead to stickiness and damage to the toy.
  16. Let children under 6 years old play with slime only under adult supervision. Explain in advance that it should not be eaten or applied to the eyes.
  17. When adding a large amount of activator, the slime may begin to tear. To fix this, soften the toy with baby oil or hand cream containing glycerin.

The shelf life of purchased slime is from 6 to 12 months, depending on from two days to three months. If there is mold in the slime, it will have to be thrown away.

With artificial snow

This method makes it possible to make snow or cloud slime. When stretched, cobwebs will be visible in its thickness. The toy should stick a little to your hands and have a delicate texture.

What to make from

  • a bag of artificial snow,
  • 2 tsp. water,
  • 65 ml stationery glue,
  • 3 doses of shower gel,
  • a little gold dye
  • 3 different paints and the same shades of glitter,
  • 2-4 drops of sodium tetraborate.

How to cook

  1. Combine “snow” with water and stir.

  2. Pour glue into another bowl and add shower gel to it, shake too.
  3. Add paint.
  4. Add a little thickener.

  5. Work with the mixture with a spoon until rolling, then with your hands.

  6. While the mixture sticks a little to the skin, stir in artificial snow.
  7. Divide into several segments, add bright dye and glitter to each.

  8. Mix different colored pieces into one whole.

Watch this video on how to make snow slime:

From glue and borax

Slime made using this method is elastic. When it hits a hard surface, it springs like a ball. The mass has less stretch than the original slime, but it is very pleasant to the touch and has a loud “click” sound.


  • 5 tbsp. l. PVA glue,
  • 60-70 ml of borax solution,
  • nail polish.

Cooking method

  1. Mix borax with water in a ratio of 1:4.

  2. Add glue to the solution.
  3. After a few seconds it will thicken, and then you need to collect it from the liquid with a spatula or stick.
  4. Knead the mixture with your hands for a short time.
  5. Paint with varnish, distributing it in the slime with your fingers.

We recommend reading about how to make slime without sodium tetraborate. From the article you will learn about proven recipes for slimes without tetraborate with the addition of shampoo, glue, lens fluid, freshener, soda and air plasticine. And here is more information about what slime is and what it is needed for.

6: Made from clear borax glue

The toy is similar to the one obtained using the previous method, but it is softer and stretches better. And the decorating element turns the slime into iridescent. You can also make a ball from this slime that will fly off the table surface when you hit it.

What you need to make slime

  • 30 ml stationery glue (transparent),
  • 30 ml colorless liquid soap,
  • 10 ml borax,
  • 40 ml water,
  • 3-5 g of powder highlighter.

How to make at home

  1. Send the glue into a container, and pour soap into it.
  2. Mix the slime ingredients.
  3. In another container, make a solution of borax and water, and pour a mixture of glue and soap into it.
  4. Immediately begin to collect the thickening mass with a spatula.

  5. Knead it a little with your fingers and, holding it in your hands, mix the highlighter into it.

Watch this video on how to make slime from clear glue with Borax:

Interesting games

Playing with magnetic slime is interesting for both children and adults. The action of the magnet causes the elastic mass to take on the most varied and bizarre shapes.

There are several ways to use magnetic slime:

  1. Place a small round magnet on the table. Place the elastic mass nearby, at a distance of 1-2 centimeters, and watch how it begins to move.
  2. Place the slime on the table. Without letting go of your hands, move the magnet in different directions over the slime so that it takes the desired shape.
  3. Roll magnetic slime into a ball. It is made of beads or small buttons. This allows you to literally bring the toy to life.
  4. Place the slime on the table and place a magnet in its center. Observe how the mass begins to be attracted to the magnet until it completely absorbs it.

See also

Are slimes harmful to health and why are they dangerous for children?

With sparkling water

This slime should come out large, fluffy, shiny and transparent when stretched. At the same time, it does not leave marks on the skin or surfaces. Another feature of it is loud sounds when squeezed with fingers.


  • 30 ml PVA glue,
  • the same amount of transparent glue,
  • 30 ml of sparkling water, preferably having a bright color,
  • 7 tbsp. l. thick shampoo,
  • a little dye,
  • 1 tsp. baby cream,
  • a pinch of soda,
  • 0.5 tsp. boric acid solution.

How to cook it yourself

  1. Squeeze PVA into a cup and add transparent glue.
  2. Pour soda into the liquid, stir so that there are no clots.

  3. Shampoo is added.

  4. After stirring, tint the mass.
  5. Pour cream into it and work in the liquid with a spoon.
  6. Add soda and stir.
  7. Thickener is added.

  8. Mix until creamy with a spoon, then knead the slime in your hands.

Watch this video on how to make crispy slime:

From lens fluid

For this method, a lens solution must be chosen that contains a borate buffer or boric acid. The soda is prepared as regular baking soda, used for baking.

Proven recipe

  • 255 ml silicate glue,
  • 25 ml water,
  • 50 ml contact lens solution,
  • 13 tsp. metal powder,
  • 2 tbsp. l. chilled soda solution (5 g of substance per 300 ml of boiling water).

How to make magnetic slime with your own hands

  1. The glue is poured into a cup.
  2. In another container, water and lens liquid are combined.
  3. This solution is poured into a cup of glue.

  4. The liquid from the three components needs to be mixed a little.

  5. Metal powder is added to it.

  6. Stir the base well again.
  7. The next step is to add the soda solution.
  8. Stir the mixture with a spatula until thickened.
  9. Now you need to knead it with your hands until it stops sticking to them.

With corn starch

This recipe makes a thick, matte slime. And yet it is soft, easily stretched, and does not retain its shape for long.


  • 4 tbsp. l. PVA glue,
  • any dye,
  • 2 tsp. with a heap of cornstarch,
  • 2 tbsp. l. shaving foam,
  • 3-5 drops of sodium tetraborate.

Cooking method

The slime is made as follows:

  1. You need to mix glue and paint.

  2. Add starch and try to dissolve it in the mixture using a spoon.
  3. Add shaving foam and stir.
  4. Thicken the mass by adding sodium tetraborate.
  5. Knead it until done.

Watch this video on how to make slime from cornstarch:

With toothpaste

This slime should turn out fluffy and voluminous, despite the small amount of glue. It gets your hands a little dirty, but it stretches well, crunches and doesn’t lose its fluffiness when squeezed.


  • 2 tbsp. l. white toothpaste,
  • the same amount of shampoo
  • 3 tbsp. l. PVA glue,
  • 0.5 tsp. sodium tetraborate,
  • 2 different dyes.

Cook at home

  1. Place toothpaste and shampoo in one bowl.
  2. Whisk for 3 minutes.
  3. Add glue to the mixture and stir it.

  4. Pour in sodium tetraborate.
  5. Help him stabilize the mass using a stirrer.
  6. Divide the slime into two parts and color both.

  7. Mix the multi-colored segments into one.

Watch this video on how to make slimes from toothpaste:

From a film mask, without glue

This is one of the easiest ways to make crunchy slime. It doesn't turn out to be very big, but it stretches without tears and inflates like chewing gum.

Simple recipe

  • 3 tbsp. l. film masks,
  • 1 tsp. hand cream,
  • 4 tbsp. l. shaving foam,
  • a few drops of sodium tetraborate.

Preparation method

  1. Mix the film mask and hand cream.
  2. Make the mass more voluminous using shaving foam.
  3. Mix the components again.
  4. Thicken the mass with sodium tetraborate.
  5. Mix with a spoon and fingers.

Watch this video on how to make slime from shampoo and toothpaste:

Made from two types of glue

This toy is essentially made of two components: glue and thickener. That's why it always works out. You can make a lot of slimes using this recipe using different decor.

What do you need for slime?

  • 65 ml PVA glue,
  • 30 ml stationery glue,
  • aqueous solution of sodium tetraborate,
  • dye, glitter.

How to cook it yourself

  1. You need to mix both types of glue.
  2. Add sodium tetraborate a little at a time several times, constantly stirring the mixture with a spoon.
  3. When it looks like semolina porridge with lumps, you need to take it in your hands and actively knead it.

  4. Color the almost finished slime and add decoration by kneading the toy.

Watch this video on how to make slime from glue and sodium tetraborate:

How can you soften and increase in size?

Let's look at how to make a slime bigger at home, how to make a toy big with or without a thickener, and in a very short time, no more than 5 or 10 minutes. There are many ways: below we will look at the most effective of them.

Soaking and stretching

  1. Take the toy in your hand and knead it: stretch the slime in different directions, crumple it into a ball and stretch again for 5 minutes.
  2. Take a shallow container, such as a food container, and pour half a glass of warm, boiled water into it.
  3. Dip the slime into the water and stir for about 30 seconds with a wooden stick. A popsicle stick or the base of a paint brush will work.
  4. Then take out the slime and knead again.

To increase the size of the slime, the procedure must be repeated 3-4 times until the structure of the slime becomes elastic and soft.

Using shaving gel or foam

You can also increase the slime using shaving gel or foam. If possible, use gel, since foam is more difficult to work with: it sticks and gets your hands very dirty. What should be done:

  1. If you are using gel, spray it onto the slime twice; if you are using foam, squeeze it out a little less than the size of the slime itself.
  2. Now stretch the toy in your hands. As you knead, the slime will begin to foam a little.
  3. Continue kneading the slime: after 3-4 minutes it will become soft and increase in size.

If your slime starts to stick to your hands, add a couple drops of activator.

Sodium tetraborate or eye drops are suitable, the main thing is that the composition contains boric acid derivatives. Shaving foam and potato starch can also save slime.

  1. First, pour 2 tablespoons of starch onto the slime and knead it carefully: it is best to do this in a plastic bag so as not to stain the surface.
  2. Then add a little foam and actively knead the toy with your fingers for several minutes.

This method will help not only increase the size of the slime, but also make it more viscous and pleasant to the touch.

How to make a toy softer and bigger using water?

The toy can also be enlarged without any additives, using only water:

  1. Open the faucet in the bathroom.
  2. Take the slime.
  3. Hold it under a stream of water, kneading it in your hands.

Do not carry out this procedure for more than two minutes: the slime will continue to increase, but will begin to stick to your hands and will not stretch.

Slime may smell unpleasant after tap water; it is recommended to use a fragrance or fragrance.

Envelope with salt

Filling the slime with water and salt will also increase its volume. For this method, you will need a shallow container of warm water and half a teaspoon of salt. Instructions:

  1. Place the slime in water for a few minutes.
  2. Then pour salt on its surface and fold the slime so that it looks like an “envelope”.
  3. In this state, gently knead it for a couple of minutes so that the water and salt are absorbed.

Also, this method will help restore the structure of the slime if you have kept it under running tap water for too long.

Salt injections

Another way you can increase your slime is by injecting salt. Such injections will help restore the original size of both purchased and homemade slime, as well as make it softer and more elastic. You will need:

  • syringe with needle;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • dry wipes.

How to prepare saline solution:

  1. Pour a couple of glasses of warm, boiled water into a small container and add three pinches of salt.
  2. Dip the slime into the solution for five minutes, then remove and knead well.
  3. If the slime starts to stick to your hands, sprinkle a pinch of salt on it and knead again.

Excess liquid from the surface of the toy should be removed with paper napkins. Then the slime needs to be given a salt injection. How to give an injection:

  1. In a container, mix 20 milliliters of warm water and half a teaspoon of salt.
  2. Pour the resulting solution into the syringe.
  3. Insert the needle into the slime and slowly inject the solution into it.
  4. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every 2-3 hours until the slime returns to its original volume.

For injections, use warm boiled water, but not boiling water, otherwise you risk ruining the toy.

Kinetic sand

Kinetic sand will also help return the slime to its original size: it is sold at any stationery store. The consistency of it resembles slightly damp ordinary sand, which is why it does not crumble in your hands.

You can increase slime in this way only if your slime initially contains kinetic sand.

What should be done:

  1. Add one tablespoon of kinetic sand to the slime.
  2. Then knead the toy until it becomes a homogeneous mass.
  3. Then add the same amount of sand and knead again.

As a result, the slime will increase in volume and will stretch better. Any kinetic sand is suitable for this method, regardless of price category.

Adding plasticine

For this method you will need air plasticine: it is sold in jars with multi-colored lids. This plasticine is softer than regular plasticine and does not stick to your hands.

The growing method is only suitable for slimes made from plasticine and gelatin:

  1. Mix the slime with a small piece of plasticine.
  2. Then knead the mixture in your hands so that there are no lumps.

The result should be a large, oily slime that does not stick to your hands. If this is not the case, repeat the procedure again.

PVA glue

If your slime is not made from gelatin and plasticine, PVA glue is suitable for growing. This method is suitable for both purchased slimes and homemade ones. Instructions:

  1. Place the slime in a plastic bag.
  2. Add a little PVA glue to it and tie the bag.
  3. Stir the mixture until it has a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Take the slime out of the bag and knead for another five minutes.

After this, your slime will return to its original size.

Recipe for enlargement using snow spray

For this method you will need decorative artificial snow spray and mousse foam. You can buy decorative snow in any supermarket in winter, and in summer you can order it in an online store. The work must be carried out in the house at room temperature.

  1. First, knead the slime well and warm it up in your hands.
  2. Then mix the slime with mousse foam in approximately the same amount as the size of the slime itself.
  3. Continue stirring the mixture until smooth.
  4. Now add the snow spray and mix again.

Adding decorative snow and mousse will make your slime bigger and more elastic.

It is recommended to increase the white color of the slime, or use dye, as spray snow will make the slime paler.

With glycerin

Even a novice slimer can make a slime using this recipe if the glue is chosen correctly. The toy will be an original type, it can be decorated with sparkles or any pigment.

Easy recipe

  • 2 tsp. water,
  • 1 tsp. shampoo,
  • 0.5 tsp. cream or 1 tsp. glycerin,
  • 5 tsp. PVA glue,
  • a little sodium tetraborate or Naphthyzin with soda.

Cooking method

  1. Pour water and shampoo into the bowl and mix with a spoon.
  2. Add cream, mix.

  3. Pour glue into the foamy liquid and make it homogeneous using a spoon.

  4. Add sodium tetraborate in portions, stir until the mixture coagulates.
  5. Make the slime cooler by squishing it in your hands.

Watch this video on how to make slime with glycerin:

Neon with plasticine

This toy is especially fun to make and play with in a dimly lit room. Thanks to the neon components, it glows. At the same time, there is nothing complicated in the recipe; even a beginner slimer can handle it.

What can it be made from?

  • 50 ml neon glue,
  • 1-2 g neon sparkles,
  • a small piece of plasticine with foam balls,
  • a few drops of borax solution (125 ml of water per 10 g of powder).

Cooking method

  1. The glue is poured into the dishes.
  2. Add glitter.

  3. Place plasticine and stir everything.
  4. Stabilizer is added.
  5. Stir with a spoon and hands until done.

Watch this video on how to make neon slime:

With hair foam

This recipe allows you to save on some components, because shaving cream is cheaper than foam. Nevertheless, the result is a lush fluffy slime, thanks to the hair product and whipping the mass during the manufacturing process.

Fluffy Sloughm Recipe

  • 2 tsp. shower gel,
  • 0.5 tsp. shaving cream,
  • 2 tsp. with a foam top for the care of weakened hair,
  • 4 tsp. transparent glue (it can be tinted with any pigment),
  • glitter,
  • borax solution, which is made from 125 ml of water and 10 g of the main component.

How to do

  1. Place shower gel and shaving cream in one bowl and mix.
  2. Add hair foam.

  3. After mixing the previous components, pour in the glue and shake the liquid with a spoon until fluffy.

  4. Add glitter.

  5. Pour in the borax solution and stir until it curls.
  6. Then knead the mass with your hands.

Watch this video on how to make fluffy slime without glue and without shaving foam:

Storage rules

The rules for storing glass slime are the same as for other types of slime:

  1. Store in a closed container, away from air.
  2. Do not store at too high or low temperatures. It is better to keep it in a dry, cool place.
  3. From time to time you can add a little water to the bottom of the container and put the slime there.
  4. Don't play with dirty hands. Small specks, fat, and hairs spoil glass slime.
  5. If you play for a long time, air bubbles may appear in the slime, which makes it cloudy. To get rid of them, just leave the slime alone for 2-3 days.

Following these simple rules will significantly extend the life of the toy and preserve its properties for a long time.

Crystal slime is so called due to its transparency. Creating this exciting toy can also be a fun experiment. This slime can be decorated with sparkles, painted in different colors and even made to glow. To make it, you only need a few ingredients, which can often be found at home. It should be remembered that all components must be as transparent as possible. Therefore, PVA glue and shaving foam are not suitable for crystal slime .

With starch and body lotion

This recipe produces fluffy, textured fluffy slime. It is also elastic and soft, with a noticeable shine thanks to the body lotion.

What to make from

  • 5 tbsp. l. PVA glue,
  • 2 tsp. cold water,
  • 0.5 tsp. body lotion,
  • 2-3 tsp. starch,
  • 6 tbsp. l. shaving foam,
  • dye,
  • borax.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. You need to pour glue and water into one bowl.
  1. Add creamy body lotion, make the liquid homogeneous.
  2. Add starch and mix again.

  3. Add shaving foam and distribute it evenly throughout the mixture.
  4. Color the slime.

  5. Pour in a few drops of borax, working continuously with a spatula.

  6. If the mass has thickened but remains sticky, knead it with your hands.

Watch this video on how to make airy slime:

Without sodium tetraborate

For this method of making a toy, you need thick transparent glue, in no case silicate. When buying a solution for lenses, you need to look at its composition and look for a borate buffer in it.

Easy recipe

  • 130 ml+100 ml water,
  • 60 ml stationery glue,
  • 3-4 pinches + 1 tsp. baking soda,
  • 2-3 tsp. liquids for lenses.

How to make clear slime at home

  1. You need to pour most of the water into the empty cup, followed by the glue.
  2. Now you need to mix everything so that there are no lumps in the mass.

  3. Next, add small pinches of soda into the liquid.
  4. After each addition of powder, mix the composition well.
  5. The next component is a solution for lenses, which is poured in while working the mixture with a spoon.
  6. It must be stirred until it stabilizes, and then let stand for 10 minutes.

  7. During this time, you need to prepare a solution of soda and water from the remaining amount of ingredients.

  8. Next, pour a few drops of soda solution into the slime and wet your fingers in the liquid.
  9. The last stage is kneading the mass with your hands until it stops sticking to them.

Glossy with oil for baby skin

This slime has a glossy shine and shimmer. It is also very soft, so it has a flowing texture, but it can also be assembled into rosettes.

Ingredients for glossy slime

  • 2 tubes of transparent Brauberg glue,
  • 1 tube of Luch glue,
  • 1 tsp. oils for baby skin care,
  • 1 tsp. rich hand or body cream,
  • a drop of dye,
  • aqueous solution of sodium tetraborate (2 tsp per 1 glass of liquid).

Cooking method

  1. Mix both types of glue well in a cup.

  2. Add butter and cream, mix too.
  3. Tint the mass with liquid pigment.

  4. Pour in a few drops of thickener.
  5. Mix the slime well.

Watch this video on how to make glossy slime:

What is this substance, why is it added to slime?

Sodium tetraborate is popularly called borax or borax . The substance has an antiseptic effect. Thanks to this property, it can be used as a preservative in the cosmetics industry and in the production of medicines. It is an important ingredient in the production of boric acid, which can also be used in making slime.

When producing slimes, tetraborate is used as a thickener. It is added at the final stage, when the mass is ready and painted in the desired color. A few drops of the substance help turn the mixture into a toy. With such a small amount of money, it will last a long time.

From raw egg white

Slime made using the proposed method is light and small. But you can stretch it until it becomes transparent and blow out bubbles. It’s better to store it in a cool place so that it doesn’t spoil longer.

Ingredients for slime

  • 1 chicken egg,
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. film masks,
  • a little paint,
  • sodium tetraborate or Teymurov foot spray.

How to make it at home

  1. Remove the white from the egg, that is, punch a hole in the shell through which the desired component is shaken out into a cup.

  2. Beat it until fluffy, using a whisk or mixer.
  3. Add the film mask and mix.
  4. Add color to the liquid.
  5. Pour sodium tetraborate into it, knead until thick.

Watch this video on how to make slime from an egg:

With light plasticine

This is one of the easy ways to make butter slime. It spreads like butter, but also stretches and clicks well.

What to make butter slime from

  • 60 ml PVA glue,
  • 0.5 tsp. water,
  • 1-2 tsp. liquid soap,
  • 0.5 tsp borax,
  • a bag of light plasticine.

How to make

  1. Pour water into the glue in the cup.

  2. Add liquid soap to the mixture and shake everything with a stick.
  3. Pour in borax, stir until curdled.

  4. When the slime stops leaving marks on your hands, you need to mix it with light plasticine until smooth.

Watch this video on how to make butter slime:

From Vaseline and glue

This recipe is used to make jelly slime, which also has a shiny surface. So this toy can be considered both a jiggly and a glossy. The slime stretches well and makes a loud click when touched.


  • 200 ml hot water,
  • a jar of Vaseline (10 g),
  • dye,
  • 3 tubes of transparent glue,
  • 0.5 tsp. sodium tetraborate.

Do it yourself

  1. Place Vaseline in the water and use a spoon to help it dissolve.
  2. Add some paint.
  3. Pour glue into the liquid and stir.

  4. Add sodium tetraborate drop by drop and work the mixture with a spoon until it thickens.

Watch this video on how to make slime from water and Vaseline:

From shower gel and hand cream

This method can be used to make large rainbow slime. Its texture is so delicate that the shades of the colors used imperceptibly flow into one another. And the abundance of oil components makes the slime also glossy.


  • 100 ml transparent glue,
  • 50 ml PVA glue,
  • 1 tsp water,
  • 1 tsp body milk,
  • 2 tsp. shower gel,
  • 1 tsp. hand cream,
  • 0.5 tsp. aqueous solution of sodium teraborate,
  • 4 different dyes.

How to make slime

  1. Mix both glues.
  2. Pour water into the same cup and spread it with a spatula.

  3. Add body milk, then shower gel, stirring the liquid after each ingredient.

  4. Supplement the mixture with hand cream.
  5. After thoroughly stirring, pour in the sodium tetraborate.
  6. Knead until thick with a spoon, then with your hands (if this does not help, you should add more activator).

  7. Divide the slime into 4 parts, paint each one a different color by dropping pigment and squeezing the mass with your fingers.

  8. Place the segments in a container next to each other, tightly, close the lid and do not touch for 2 days.

We recommend reading about how to make slime without a thickener. From the article you will learn about options for making slime with and without glue. And here is more information on how to remove slime from clothes.

Sodium tetraborate makes creating slime very simple, this thickener works flawlessly. The main thing is not to put too much of it, do not waste time kneading the mass. And if there is an excess of thickener in it, you can save the toy with water, shower gel or fatty cream.

Useful video

Watch this video on how to make glossy slime:

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Where to find ingredients

There are several recipes for making slime with your own hands. Each of them states that first you need to make a base for the slime. In order for the toffee to react to a magnet, it must contain metallic sand, but it cannot be found in stores.

Solution: you can take any metal object and rub it with a file . However, this is time-consuming and can be dangerous if metal dust gets into your eyes. You must wear a protective mask and gloves.

Iron oxide powder is also suitable for making slime. But it is also not sold in stores. The product can only be obtained in production. The easiest way is to take developer (developer) to refill the printer - a powder sold in the computer parts department.

If you add phosphorus paint to the blank, the toy will glow. It can be used to make other slimes. Read more in the article: “How to make butter slime: 4 recipes.”

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