DIY boat for catching grayling - drawings

As soon as spring comes and the first insects appear, they immediately become the main food for fish. These are grasshoppers, spiders, flies, gadflies, moths and others. But in order to catch fish with such bait, you still need to present it correctly. Since the fish feeds in the upper layers of the water, you cannot get close to it, as it immediately notices the fisherman and hides.

When fishing on a river with a good current, gear such as a boat could not be better suited for these purposes. It allows you to deliver bait to almost any distance from the shore without the slightest noise. At the same time, it is possible to catch even such cautious fish as ide, asp and chub.

A few words about how this gear works. Many fishermen wonder how this gear can so skillfully move away from the shore. In fact, everything is simple here and this is a common physical phenomenon. First of all, the tackle must be buoyant, so it is made of wood or foam. And the secret why the boat floats lies in its geometry. Due to the angles on the sides of the boat (or it could be the rudder), the current creates water pressure, which pushes the boat away from the shore. If the boat is turned 180 degrees, then on the contrary it will float towards the shore.

You can also fish with a boat from a boat. The important point here is the presence of flow. And the stronger the current, the further the boat can swim. Also, such a boat can sail in the presence of waves.

Materials and tools: - two planks, 12 and 14 cm (preferably beech or oak); - ruler; — two studs with nuts with a diameter of 6 mm; — construction bracket; - drill; - screws; - two lead plates for loading.

Manufacturing process Step one. Cutting out the base of the boat

The basis of the boat will be two boards; as a result, they will form two sides of the boat. The boards must be cut in such a way that two identical trapezoids are formed. The side edges of the sides must necessarily have cuts. It is thanks to this cut that a difference in pressure will form, and the boat will sail away from the shore.

Step two. Side connection

The next step is to drill two holes in both boards. It is best to place one board on top of another and drill holes in this way. In this case, they will be symmetrical and the boat will be level. The author used pins to connect the sides. It is important that the diameter of the studs clearly matches the diameter of the drill or that the drill is even slightly smaller. In this case, there will be no play in the connection, and the structure will be strong.

Next, a pin is inserted into both boards and nuts are screwed on both sides. When connecting boards, it is important that the cuts on their end parts face the same direction. These are the rudders of the ship.

Also at this stage you need to drill another hole and attach the bracket. It will be secured with a bolt and nut. It is for this that the boat will subsequently be attached.

Step three. Loading the boat

The ship must be loaded, otherwise it will not work properly. It is necessary to ensure that no more than 2-3 cm of the boat is visible from the water. Lead plates can be used for loading. They are attached to the end of the sides using self-tapping screws, nails, screws or glue.

Step four. Launching a boat

It is best to send the boat on its way using an old duralumin spinning rod, and the Nevskaya reel is excellent. The fishing line used is monofilament with a diameter of 0.3 cm, and the length can be about 150 meters. The fishing line is tied to a bracket; a carabiner with a swivel is perfect for this purpose.

Next, at a distance of about 5-6 meters from the boat, you can knit leashes, their discreteness should be 2.5 m. The length of the first leash should be within 35 cm, and the second 50 cm. The length of the leashes is adjusted depending on the height of the shore in the place catching As for the hooks, it depends on the fish, on average it is number 7-8.

How to fish with a boat

The hooks should be baited with flies, beetles, or the bait can be replaced with artificial flies. Next you need to go to the river and lower the boat into the water. Immediately after a slight pull, the ship will begin to sail away. Now all that remains is to unwind the fishing line until the boat sails to the required distance from the shore.

The bite is determined visually, and it is also felt like a blow on a spinning rod. Having made the hook, you can begin to gradually fish. To attract the attention of fish, the bait must be periodically raised from the water and then lowered.

For successful fishing, all that remains is to correctly determine where the fish is staying and present it with bait.

Fishing with a boat - what is the gear

The design of the gear is similar to a sleigh or a small boat.

The following material is suitable for manufacturing:

  • wood;
  • Styrofoam;
  • plywood sheet;
  • plastic bottles.

The structure consists of two planks connected to each other by metal rods. One plank is made smaller than the second by 15-40 mm. A fishing line is attached to the smaller board, in which special holes are made for this purpose. For those who do not know how to make tackle themselves, it is better to find drawings with detailed descriptions of manufacturing.

If wood is used, the best results are shown by structures made from hardwood such as oak and beech.

“Boat” tackle: how to make and use it with your own hands?

For a long time, the peret tackle has been popular among amateur fishermen, allowing it to catch wary near-surface fish using natural and artificial flies. But the line allows you to fish only on narrow rivers, and for fishing you definitely need to have a partner.

Fishermen are resourceful people, so they quickly realized that leashes with flies can be delivered long distances from the shore using the force of the river current. After many experiments, a gear design was born, called the “boat”.

Let me make a reservation right away: in this article I will not talk about the bait boat. We will talk about independent gear for catching cautious fish in the near-surface layer.

Fishing places

The tackle is mainly used on a large and spacious body of water.

To determine the habitat of grayling and properly carry out the gear, it is recommended to adhere to the following instructions:

  1. The water in the so-called riffles in reservoirs is more saturated with oxygen, which undoubtedly attracts predators.
  2. Grayling can be in a whole flock on rocky areas, waiting on the surface for insects.
  3. A school of grayling may be located in front of a riffle, in shallow water, waiting for prey.

The bait on the boat works great both for and against the current. Characterized by a strong throw, grayling quite often hooks itself. For reliable fastening, it is better to use 2 or 3 hooks.

Grayling fishing is widespread on Lake Baikal. Fish are mainly caught from the shore, due to the presence of strong hurricane winds that can blow away a motor or inflatable boat. On the shores of Lake Baikal, in addition to grayling, pike, catfish, perch, ide and many other species of fish are also caught.

Tips for use

When transported to the fishing site, boats can deteriorate due to improper transportation or storage conditions.

Therefore, there are certain rules that guarantee a good catch:

  1. When transporting, all flies must be stuck into a protective strip of foam rubber or foam, which will prevent the possibility of tangling the leashes and damaging the hooks.
  2. When starting, the spinning rod should be placed close to the water's edge.
  3. The line from the spinning reel must be secured to the tug line. For this purpose, a special fastener is used or the elements are simply tied together.
  4. The ship should gently fall into the water and then float freely with the flow. As the structure sails away, you need to gradually straighten the flies so that they straighten and do not get tangled with each other.

This gear is extremely rare on sale, so fishermen create designs with their own hands. Making a boat is simple and does not require special skills.

Care must be taken to ensure that the hooks do not pop out of the protective strip. Loose elements can injure a person.

An easy way to make a boat

To catch grayling, you can make a simple but very effective fishing mechanism.

You need to prepare the following components:

  • planks - parameters 12-14 mm;
  • drying oil;
  • waterproof oil paints, dim colors;
  • M6 nuts - 4 pcs., studs with 6mm thread - 2 pcs.;
  • bracket, screw and nut M4;
  • lead plate;
  • nails and screws;
  • glue.

You also need to take a drill of the same diameter as the fasteners.

The richest food supply on Lake Baikal is characterized by the presence of mollusks, caddis flies, and amphipods, which grayling feed on.

The boat is assembled based on the following diagram:

  1. First of all, the boards need to be treated with drying oil and after drying, apply oil paint.
  2. The elements used must be machined in the shape of a trapezoid. The side edges must have oblique cuts.
  3. Holes are cut into the boards, thanks to which the elements are connected into a single structure.
  4. The parts are fastened with nuts and studs.
  5. Holes are made for the bracket. To rearrange the part if necessary, based on the direction of the flow, it is better to do them on opposite sides.
  6. Lead plates are secured at the bottom with glue and self-tapping screws.

The completed boat is completely ready, after which the structure needs to be equipped.

In summer and autumn, fishing on Lake Baikal is especially interesting because the fish are located in the coastal strip. Accumulations of grayling are observed near the shore in places where piles of large stones break off and go steeply into the depths.

At the end of August, flowering is observed on Lake Baikal, the water warms up greatly, and grayling moves away from the shores. Warm water makes the fish sluggish and inactive; fishermen call such grayling “boiled.” During this period it is especially difficult to catch fish.

Experienced fishermen have slightly improved the design, based on their own observations while fishing. For their boats they use springs that are attached to the board and serve to cushion them when biting.

Carrying out preparatory work

To make a hunting kit, you need to stock up on wood in the form of a linden or alder board 12 mm thick and no more than 20 cm wide.

Important! Ordinary and common lining made from these types of wood is suitable for finishing.

This material will form the basis of the working fluid of the structure. To connect the elements and fasten the cord, purchase a metal pin with a diameter of 6 mm, complete with hardware in the form of washers and nuts corresponding to the thread pitch and diameter of the pin used. To load the wooden base of the catamaran, in particular its keel part, weights in the form of lead plates are used, which are attached to the workpieces with self-tapping screws. To process parts of a product from wooden blanks, you will need to purchase products that prevent moisture absorption. The most famous component is ordinary drying oil. The drying oil will also serve as the basis for further painting the catamaran with oil paint.

Important! The paint is white, which is used to paint the boat above the waterline, and blue, for painting the lower, underwater part of the catamaran, which makes the fishing tool less noticeable to fish in the water.

Drawings developed in advance will simplify installation and assembly work. A boat for delivering bait with your own hands, unlike a fishing catamaran, will require the purchase of an electric mechanism, which, together with the blade, will act as the engine of an auxiliary boat, which greatly increases the cost of the homemade product.

A useful tool is a jigsaw for cutting wooden surfaces according to templates. A small cutting machine for rounding shapes and sanding wood, as well as cutting and trimming metal studs. A screwdriver is used for drilling holes and tightening screws when securing loads. Metal drills are selected based on the diameter of the metal pin used, in our case 6 mm. Open-end wrenches for tightening nuts and fastening hooks are selected according to the size of the nut used. A tape measure and a drawing tool are prepared for carrying out work on marking the material.

Fishing using a boat - the essence of the method

When fishing using structure, various baits are used, such as grasshoppers, flies, saran and the like. The tackle is launched into the water and upon departure the line gradually unwinds. To avoid tangling, the distance between wires must be at least 1 m.

In places where fish accumulate, lines are made with bait in the air. When the bait barely touches the water, the fish attacks the likely prey and is hooked. Next, you should carefully pull up the catch and catch it with a landing net.

Pros and cons of the gear:

  • lightness, ease of transportation;
  • Can be used for any fish;
  • provide excellent fishing in all bodies of water where there is a current;
  • Fishing on a boat is considered an almost fail-safe option. The only drawback is the high probability of falling in strong currents. However, this problem can be resolved by using special stabilizers attached to the board.

In the warm season on Lake Baikal they fish with riding gear using dry flies. The gear is selected a little larger than for the river and cast further.

It is best to go fishing with a boat in the early morning or late evening. Favorable weather is considered to be light winds creating ripples on the water, or cloudy conditions with moderate rain.

Fishing boat: how to catch, principle of operation and who can be caught

Let's talk today about a fascinating and spectacular way of fishing - on a boat. If you apply the most competent approach and have enough knowledge, you can catch truly trophy fish with this tackle.

Why does the boat make such a good catch?

Fishing boat - operating principle

The operating principle of a fishing boat is the same as that of a kite. When you lower the boat into the water, releasing the fishing line from the reel, it will sail to the desired distance thanks to the wind, current, and your movement along the shore.

Then, if a bite happens, you will immediately feel a push with your hand and begin to smoothly pull the boat towards the shore. You can find other names for this gear - kite, catamaran, sleigh or torpedo.

This method of fishing has existed for many years. Our fathers and grandfathers also invented a boat and began to fish far from the shore in order to be able to catch shy, but very large fish.

The most important thing that you need to pay attention to when fishing like this is that the boat floats perfectly on the water and is well controlled both in the current and in windy conditions in still water.

A fisherman can launch a boat device into the water both from the shore and from a boat, there is no difference. The boat sails away from the fisherman using the current or waves if the water is still. The boat is equipped with leashes with bait.

The baits look very natural when there is a current, and the fish does not perceive any danger to itself. When the boat sails to the required distance, or reaches the desired location, the rig will float downstream. And the fisherman’s task is to see if there is a bite.

The main advantage of this extraordinary tackle is that it will certainly help you catch an amazing trophy. For example, the most cautious fish, such as asp. And a bonus - fishing from a boat is as interesting and exciting as possible.

Where is the best place to use a boat for fishing?

You can fish with a boat in absolutely any body of water in which there is even the slightest movement of water, with the help of current or wind.

It's no secret that in the summer many rivers become overgrown with algae, and fishing becomes much more difficult. The ship will come to the rescue, and things will be more fun.

With enough dexterity, you can learn how to fish on a boat even from a boat. The main thing here is to choose the right speed.

The boat will serve you well if you need to take spinning baits as far as possible from the watercraft. A wonderful fish, the chub, lives in the thickets of water lilies.

It gives an instant reaction to insects passing by and creates a small whirlpool around the bait.

Fishing boat: what kind of fish can be caught on it

Most often these fish are caught on a boat:

  • Pike,
  • Asp,
  • Yazya,
  • Perch,
  • Chub

It is a well-known fact that the best catch on a boat occurs when there is a massive flight of insects. And the richest catch is if butterflies and dragonflies start flying.

It is allowed to attach a wide variety of insects, as well as any bait and lures, to the hook. Artificial ones are also suitable.

Interesting and useful: very catchy, but at the same time simple gear, with which you can fish in any weather.

Fishing boat: fishing technique

Let's assume you have already assembled a fishing boat. And you can’t wait to go fishing as soon as possible to try out new gear. But don’t rush – first find out in more detail exactly what is the best way to fish with it:

  1. Traditionally, you need to find a higher shore.
  2. Afterwards, be sure to remove about five meters of fishing line by unwinding it from the reel. And only then send the boat on a free voyage, releasing it into the water.
  3. The line must be pulled tight and released smoothly and slowly.
  4. When the boat is at the required distance, let it move with the flow.
  5. The fisherman can only periodically raise and lower the bait to lure the fish. You need to watch the bite closely and carefully. As soon as it happens, immediately lift the spinning rod up. The fish will get caught on the hook.
  6. Without hesitation, lead it to the shore and fish it out using a net.
  7. Unhook your caught fish from the hook, re-attach the bait and float the boat into the water to meet the next fish.
  8. In order to fish with a boat, you should choose a flat area that is as open as possible. Fishing in thickets of bushes or among trees may not be effective. Sometimes, in search of a better place, you have to walk several kilometers along the coast - and this is a normal situation.

I advise you to watch: Parking and traffic in a protected water zone

DIY fishing boat

Each handmade product is durable, high quality and correct.

Follow the subtleties below and you can easily make your own boat:

  • The boat is usually made from dry wood. A strong tree such as oak or beech is best. The ideal width of the planks is from 17 to 22 centimeters, and the length is no more than 75 centimeters.
  • Before building the boat, treat them with a primer or coat them with simple paint. Dry the boards well, otherwise they may crack during subsequent installation. The thickness of the boards should be approximately 2 centimeters. These dimensions will help the finished boat to firmly float on the surface of the water.
  • It goes without saying that all wooden parts must first be coated with waterproof impregnation or varnish. Materials for the boat are publicly available; they can be bought at any construction stores and at construction materials fairs.
  • First of all, you need to cut out the parts in the shape of a trapezoid.
  • In this case, one of them should be larger than the second. The smaller trapezoid is usually called a floater. It will be located closer to the fisherman. The second - a large trapezoid - will act as a replacement one. Its use directly depends on the flow of water.
  • If the current is weak, or the water is standing still, then an increased surface area is needed. If, on the contrary, the current is strong, then it is reduced.
  • When fishing on the rifts, the boat can easily capsize. In this case, the lower part is made in the form of a semicircle. The trapezoidal parts are fastened to each other with metal pins.
  • Rings or staples are mounted on the near part, and the main fishing line is tied to them. Leashes are attached to this fishing line using snap hooks or knots. As a rule, the first leash is installed at a distance of 1-2 meters from the boat.
  • The second leash after another 0.5 - 1 meter, and also all subsequent ones. You can install no more than four leashes. Their length will be from 0.35 to 1 meter.
  • As for the fishing line, use a diameter of 0.5-0.8 mm. Choose the strongest line possible because the water resistance will be very powerful. The length of the fishing line will be at least 50 meters. But here it will be important for you to analyze the place you choose for fishing.
  • Attach lead or metal plates to the lower parts of the boat. They are required to load it. In addition, you will need to walk along the lower surface with a plane - this increases buoyancy.
  • Choose a strong rod and attach the main line to it. Also take a powerful inertial coil. Ideal reels for fishing with a boat are “Neva”, and powerful forms “Crocodile” and “Alligator”.
  • To make fishing with a boat easy and enjoyable in different directions, choose a device with a reversible mechanism.

Advice from experienced fishermen - make another leash behind the boat, on which there will be 1-2 spoons. The best length for it is about two meters. It will give you an additional opportunity to catch the biggest fish.

To fully understand how to build and assemble a simple boat, watch the video.

Video: DIY fishing boat

And this way you can make a reversible boat.

Video: do-it-yourself reversible boat for fishing

General description and application

The operating principle of the boat is the same as that of a water kite. The appropriate shape and specific arrangement of the cord allow this design to cover long distances under the influence of the current or the shore. At the same time, modern fishermen actively use reversible models, which can be set to a specific route of movement.

And although fishing equipment stores are overflowing with all kinds of gear and advanced developments, the classic fishing boat continues to be in demand and is of interest to both experienced fishing fans and beginners. Fishing with such a device is not only interesting, but also exciting. In addition, many men compare the action to a sports competition with special adrenaline and unforgettable emotions.

Currently, the boat can be used for the following purposes :

  1. If fishing occurs at a long distance using surface baits.
  2. If fishing is carried out in places with tree branches hanging over the shore.
  3. If the reservoir is covered with all kinds of algae, and there is no opportunity to use classic spinning baits.

Ships that do not have an engine are effective for bodies of water with current, since there they will be affected by the force of the water flow.

Most homemade designs work like the oldest invention. To understand the principle of operation, it is necessary to take as an example a piece of log 40 cm long and 10 cm in diameter, the ends of which are sharpened, and then two ropes of different lengths are attached to them. In turn, the ropes are tied to each other at one point, perhaps on a ring, after which a working cord with a garland of thin leashes is attached to them. Due to such design features, the mechanism was exposed to the current, and through the efforts of the fisherman it was possible to change course and maneuver.

After successfully hooking the fish, the boat was pulled back to shore using a cord.

Today's fishing fans successfully catch both peaceful and predatory fish with this device. In this case, various baits of artificial or natural origin are used. The main thing is that they are superficial.

Making your own tackle

You can learn more about the instructions for making a homemade boat on fishing forums, where various diagrams and drawings are offered. Indeed, despite the abundance of store-bought products, many craftsmen refuse to buy them, trying to make the design on their own. To perform this task, you can take any available material that is characterized by good buoyancy.

As a rule, this is a piece of wood or foam with a certain weight that gives it stability on the water. Instructions, diagrams and drawings can be found freely available on fishing forums, although you can borrow them from experienced colleagues.

It makes no sense for a beginner to spend a lot of time and effort on building a complex structure. Instead, it is better to try to invent the simplest boat using:

  1. Several boards of arbitrary length and thickness up to 15 mm.
  2. Drying oil and waterproof paint with a soft shade (an oil composition can be used).
  3. Several M6 threaded studs and four stud nuts.
  4. A conventional bracket with an M4 nut and a screw for fixing the structure and equipment.
  5. Lead weights, nails or any other fixing elements.
  6. Waterproof glue and drill bits.

After preparing such available tools and materials, you can begin assembling the structure itself, following a certain step-by-step guide.

The first step is to cover the finished boards with drying oil, dry them and treat them with a soft paint that can remain resistant to water. During the painting process, it is necessary to make the structure visible to the fisherman, but practically invisible to the inhabitants of the depths.

Using cutting tools, it is necessary to cut several elements resembling trapezoids from wooden planks. Oblique cuts are made on their side faces. The first step is to prepare boards of different shapes, and then cover them with drying oil or a coloring compound. After performing such actions, holes are made in the workpiece to attach both structures to each other. The fixing elements are studs with nuts. The next step is to attach the bracket. As a result, a lead weight is attached to the bottom of the product, providing the necessary stability.

That's all, the simplest boat design can be considered ready for use. All that remains is to test it for performance and launch it into the reservoir.

Reversible model

Trying to improve the ancient gear, craftsmen began to change the design features of the boat, adding new elements and developments. As a result, they invented something more functional, powerful and efficient. The modern modernized version includes:

  1. Lead board.
  2. Main float.
  3. Plastic springs.
  4. A special mechanism for switching and limiting speed.
  5. Towing line.
  6. Front sights.

The presence of springs provides a kind of shock absorption, smoothing out strong jerks of aggressive prey during intense bites. The role of the float is to notify the fisherman about a bite that has occurred, as well as to improve the stability of the product. The safety bracket is used to prevent frequent tangling of the fishing line with the control elements. Changing the course of movement of the tackle is carried out by a special switching element.

A modernized boat is being created using the following technology:

  1. Well-dried wood is used as the main raw material, which is given the appropriate shape. A redan is fixed at the lower end of the product, which prevents the gear from floating to the surface.
  2. Then the workpiece is carefully treated with drying oil and waterproof oil-based paint. The part that is under water should have a blue tint, and the part that is above water should have a white tint.
  3. To fix the lead weights, 8 mm holes are made in the middle of the board, and a cork strip is fixed in the upper end part between the springs.
  4. Stainless steel strips can be used to make springs.
  5. A foam blank is used as a float. The element itself is placed on a wooden base near the switches and springs.
  6. The safety bracket is created on the basis of copper wire. Its thickness is 2 mm.

Homemade springs must be bent in such a way that during operation the direction switch rises above the waterline to the height of the underwater part of the float.

This option can move both from the shore and in the opposite direction, which makes it more functional. In turn, simple models move only to one point without changing course.

Design requirements

Regardless of the modification chosen, the fishing boat must demonstrate excellent buoyancy capabilities. Based on the intensity of the flow in a particular place, the structure must be given a special geometry.

As already mentioned, the homemade mechanism works like a “kite”, only the driving factor is not air, but the influence of water. The use of such a device allows the fisherman to deliver bait to the right place, luring prey distant from the shore. The main requirement is the presence of a current or a strong wave that will move the product to the selected point.

If you want to fish with a boat, you need to prepare in advance a powerful spinning rod with a test load of 100 to 200. In some cases, trophy prey needs to be dragged not with tackle, but with your hands.

In such conditions, having a good old inertial reel with an open drum will not hurt. The “Nevskaya” model is used, which holds a large amount of fishing line on its drum.

On what principle does the boat operate?

The main purpose of a fishing boat is to deliver bait further from the shore, where larger fish live. It is important that such tackle has good buoyancy, which means that in its manufacture one should use materials that are light, buoyant and do not get wet.

In addition to using the right materials, one thing to keep in mind is that there is usually a current in the river. And so that it does not interfere with the boat, its design must be given special geometric parameters. If they are chosen correctly, the flow will have a directional effect on the structure.

The ship should, in its actions, approximately copy the flight of a kite . This way it will swim with maximum efficiency and thanks to this effect, hooks with bait will fall into the places where they are needed.

Secrets of successful fishing

Boat fishing is an exciting activity that brings excitement and pleasure to modern men. Depending on the fishing conditions, the size of the catch and the depth, the fisherman needs to implement special techniques. If we are talking about fishing at a meter depth near a shore overgrown with bushes and trees, then it will be useful to apply:

  1. Ship.
  2. Spinning tackle with dough from 40 to 100 g and a length of 3.3 m.
  3. Two meter leash.
  4. Hooks or small tees.
  5. Bait in the form of all kinds of butterflies, grasshoppers, dragonflies and other fairly large insects.

It is no secret that most bottom dwellers are timid and afraid of any movement along the shore, so you need to be extremely careful, avoid noise and bright colors in your equipment.

When fishing with a boat, you need to calculate the probability of a bite in the surface layers. In order for the fish to react to the bait in such a horizon, it is better to give preference to floating artificial products in the form of flies that create an imitation of the movements of various insects.

After identifying the bite, all that remains is to make an accurate but soft hook and start fishing.

The main thing is to be patient and diligent, carefully considering the key rules of the upcoming action. You cannot make mistakes at any stage of operation. Very often they become the cause of failure, bad mood and negative memories.

Fishing technique

Let's look at the basic algorithm for fishing with a boat:

  1. The fishing line is released to the required length and the “boat” is fixed on it;
  2. The rod is inserted into a special holder, the clutch is loosened;
  3. We do the same with the rest of the fishing rods. The distance between the “ships” should be 5 – 10 meters .

prevent annoying tangles and overlaps :

  • With each more distant rod, the release of the bait should increase by about 5 meters
  • The closer the boat is to the boat, the greater the depth should be. This not only prevents tangling, but also allows you to fish different layers of water.
  • The inner coil needs to be reeled in during sharp turns.

When using large gliders, you need to carefully study the place : in calm and clear water, the fish are usually more cautious and afraid of the boat. Therefore, you should release the gliders further than during waves. This will reduce the timidity of the fish, since the bait will not follow the projection of the wake stream.

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