Highway, road, garage, do-it-yourself car wash for children

DIY track made of foam plastic (cardboard) for children's cars

A track for cars that can be made with children and for children. Fast, clean, easy and economical. All we need is:

We paint the wooden cubes with acrylic paint. The colors can be any, we have pastel colors of yellow, carrot, and blue. We mark the route with a simple pencil, then cover it with decorative tape. That's all, the track is ready. You can play with it at home or on the street. Easy to store because It's flat, so you can hide it under the bed or behind the closet.

Race track for children's cars.

A racing track for four cars at once. It’s easy to make with your own hands, and children will really like it, because four cars can slide down it at the same time. Both boys and girls will be able to figure out which car (car) goes faster.

To make the route we need:

  • cardboard box;
  • knife;
  • hot glue;
  • paint, brushes.

Just lift the cardboard and the cars will quickly rush down.
This is a great toy to keep indoors when the weather is bad outside. Older children will especially like it, as they love speed and movement. Source

Below is a slide made of wooden boards, more durable and larger. You can't do it without dad. Stock up on materials and call dad.

Detailed instructions with many photographs in the source.

Children's fun for creative children and parents. Everything is very simple, but incredibly interesting. For this kind of entertainment, it is advisable to take water-based paints to make it easier to wash soiled clothes.

DIY track for cars made of cardboard and more

Boys love to play with cars, sometimes the number of cars reaches several dozen, and possibly hundreds of pieces. There is often not enough space to store toys, and children have to look for a place to play.

There are many options for making a track for cars out of cardboard. The material used is bushings connected with tape, resulting in a long tunnel.

An interesting option is to combine boxes of different sizes and bushings. You can strengthen the structure with polyurethane foam. It is advisable to decorate a homemade toy with drawings of a corresponding theme.

A selection of cool ideas on how to make a track or a track for cars for a boy.

First the track is on the street. We need to scrape off the turf with a spatula according to the pattern of our future route.

This is a track on sand, something like this could be built at sea.

Here, dinosaurs also walk along the track for cars. Straight out of Jurassic Park. :-)

This is such a simple but short-lived track for cars in the apartment.

A track for cars with all the markings on the floor in the room.

The track is magnetic on the wall.

Aerodrome out of the box

Garage parking made from a box and cardboard tubes

A simple but interesting option on how to make a parking lot for cars out of cardboard with your own hands

This track is made of cardboard and foam. A little effort and the result will be a nice track.

This is a street made of cardboard. Lots of cardboard houses.

Cardboard town. Cardboard houses, tracks, bridge.

Swedaria - a craftswoman: Rug "Road"

For my beloved little man, my son, I decided to sew a rug for the road to Defenders of the Fatherland Day. We have a lot of cars in our house, both big and small, and now we have a track to play with.

But first things first:
This rug measures one meter by one meter. The upper part is made of Oxford raincoat fabric in green and dark gray. The bottom part is cotton (I used scraps of calico). The river is also made of cotton rag. A flowerbed is a piece of green terry napkin and a flower button. The road markings are painted with acrylic paint. “Bridges” are highlighted with buttons.

There are four “stationary” traffic lights on the mat. The traffic light bases are sewn to the mat. These are parts from inflatable balls. The traffic lights and seven road signs are made of cardboard. The bases of the signs are paint caps.

When the rug was completely sewn and even filmed, my son asked to sew a pocket on it, where road signs could be put away after the game, and during the game it would be a garage for cars. I fulfilled this request (although at first I intended to sew a separate handbag for the rug). This is what happened: And this is my son during the game:


What will you need?

To make a toy plywood garage, you will need to stock up on certain materials and tools. The craftsman also needs to have drawings according to which the parts will be made. You should think in advance about the size of the product so that there is enough space in it to accommodate children's cars of all sizes and shapes.

So, you need to prepare the following tools and materials in advance.

Plywood. In this case, it is advisable to take a sheet 0.3 cm wide. This size will make the product durable, while working with such material is not so difficult.

You should also prepare a sheet of paper or whatman paper to make a drawing, take a pencil and a ruler. You can make a drawing for a toy plywood garage yourself or take ready-made models from the Internet. According to users, the PRO100 program will help create a drawing for a future garage.

How to make?

To make a toy garage with your own hands, you should select drawings based on the size and number of cars that will be placed in it. A prerequisite is the choice of good material. The plywood sheet must be kept in a room with optimal temperature and humidity. Thanks to this, the material will stop crumbling, and cutting the plywood will be easier.

The manufacturing process is as follows.

Using the selected drawing, blanks should be cut out of paper and applied to a plywood sheet. To cut out the parts, you need to use a jigsaw for woodworking. It's best to start cutting out the larger pieces and then move on to the smaller ones. In the cut-out products, you need to make holes at the joints - where the parts will be connected. After all the parts are cut out, their edges need to be processed

Considering that the product is intended for children, it is very important to carefully trim the edges using a file. If the edges are processed poorly, there is a chance of getting a splinter or scratching your hand while playing.

It is also worth using sandpaper for a finer sanding. This will make it possible to verify the quality of the work done. The final stage of work is the assembly of the structure. The work is performed sequentially, based on a drawing or photograph of the finished product.

PVA glue is used to fix the parts. It is used to coat gaps for gluing pre-connected parts. If a garage is made for several cars, it is advisable to arrange several dividing partitions that will serve as walls. They are attached to the base of the structure. After this you need to fix the side parts.

If the garage is multi-story, begin assembling the second floor and the elevator. At the final stage, you should install the roof and lower bridge, carefully coating the parts with glue and holding until fixed.

After the glue has dried, you need to check the reliability of the structure. If the garage is strong, secure and stable, there are no sharp corners or jagged edges, then the product is ready for use.

Options for building a garage

Before you build a garage for cars with your own hands, you should imagine what the future structure will look like. There are several basic options for its design:

  • The simplest garage is a cubic-shaped object. It can store one or two cars. This is a fairly simple structure that can be created in just a few minutes.
  • The second option is a garage in the form of a house. In terms of its main characteristics, it does not differ from the previous version, but has a slightly improved appearance.
  • The most favorite option for boys is a multi-level structure, with parking, various slides and lifting mechanisms. This is an interesting design, but you will have to work hard to create it.
  • A garage for cars (toys), consisting of several similar designs, will surely not leave any boy indifferent. In this case, you can create a whole complex for cars with your own hands.
  • Another interesting option is a parking storage for cars, which can simultaneously accommodate up to ten or more road vehicles.

It is also worth considering the color and size of the future object.

  • https:///poleznye-materialy/garazh/
  • https:///article/305088/detskiy-garaj-dlya-mashinok-svoimi-rukami


I finally finished a large play mat for my boys. I sewed for a total of almost a month, exclusively at night, accompanied by the singing of nightingales and the rustling of moths (if not for another illness of my sons, I would have finished a week earlier).

Well, now I look at the photo of the rug and think - why did I bother with it for so long? There’s nothing special here; others can handle similar rugs in a few evenings...

The size of the mat is 1.5 m by 1.5 m. It is not compacted with anything. The reverse side is quite dense calico. I'll show some elements closer. But first I’ll show my assistant.

Serezhik is a miniature parody of her husband (sewn entirely by hand and given to him as a birthday present quite recently):

It is small. About 8cm tall with hair.

This funny little man will help me show the zones on the mat.

Let's start from the top left corner. Residential building (type, high-rise).

It has buttons, opens, and inside is an apartment with an entrance hall, kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedroom and playroom:

Near the house there is a playground with swings, a sandbox, a slide and a school:

The school opens (buckle fastening), and inside there are pockets for assignments, there is also a notepad and pencil:

Tunnel and store:

The store will close for fastex. Inside there are shelves with goods and a cash register:

There is money in the cash register:

Forest and village. In the forest you can hide many people behind trees and stumps.

There is a double with an owl:

And the squirrel on the Christmas tree:

You can accommodate heroes in a village house. There is a dog kennel nearby, and in it there is a dog on a leash.

She is guarding the garden (there are vegetables and a watermelon on Velcro behind the fence):

Behind the forest there is a cafe. You can sit there and drink a cocktail and eat dessert from the refrigerator:

The cafe is called "Parus". I just needed to accommodate some unnecessary tiny embroidery. And the river is close:

Behind the river is an island. You can cross it over the bridge:

A monkey is hiding on a palm tree. I just now remembered that I wanted to sew on more beads - coconuts. Eh, I forgot... There is also a path there that leads to a cave (you can hide treasures there):

Another hiding place is on a lace. A pocket lion sits there and guards wealth.

There is another bridge across the river, only this time it’s a throw bridge, with Velcro:

And a crocodile lurked behind the bridge:

Camping for tourists - the tent is very roomy, with a zipper:

There is a place for a fire. You can take a bucket out of your backpack and prepare soup:


With a doctor and medications, as expected:

Police building and garages. They look small, but they are roomy. You can fit cars of different sizes.

To the right and left of the garages I left free spaces for games. Maybe the boys will want to build something voluminous there from a construction set or cubes. Or let's say, make a helipad.

In the center of the rug is a car wash:

And a car service with gas station:

For this rug, I planned to sew more different little people, like Serezhik, but I haven’t had time yet.

And for the first time, for Fede’s game, I made these cardboard characters from the cartoon “Little Einsteins” and laminated them with tape.

Here they are in the house:

Oh, yes, the road - the ribbon on the rug is sewn so that the intersecting parts are as if on the fly and a toy car can drive under them (these are stationary bridges). And to make them look good and not like a sagging rag, before the game I came up with the idea of ​​inserting a cardboard strip in the following places:

You can also strengthen the tunnel:

The idea for my rug was based on this drawing + all sorts of ideas from the Internet:

And a little bit of the process:

Well, there was a lot of fuss with this rug. It’s very inconvenient to sew all this on a typewriter. Moreover, on gabardine - oh, and floating fabric. I don't think I'll sew anything like this for a long time.

The easiest way to make a garage

This method is suitable for people who have never worked with cardboard. In addition, thanks to the efforts of the child, you can make two parking lots at the same time. The boy will be happy to perform the same actions as his parents, thereby he will be able to create a toy with his own hands. Before you begin the creative process, familiarize yourself with the work plan:

The first thing to do is find a suitable box. A pizza box is ideal for this garage model. Divide it into two parts. Give one to your child and keep the other for yourself. The inside of the package can be decorated with colored paper or painted with paints.

For the gate, you need to make a cut along the bottom of the edge that connects the side and the bottom of the box. Use scissors to cut in the middle and bend the gate in different directions. The width of the gate must be calculated based on the size of the machine for which the garage is being made.

It should be noted that the child will be able to do these manipulations on his own only under the strict supervision of his parents, because scissors are very sharp things and you need to work with them very carefully.

Markings are made on the bottom of the workpiece for each car. Depending on your imagination and desire, it can be oblique or straight. To determine the width of the parking space, you need to park the car and, retreating 1 cm on each side, draw a line. Having measured the width, make similar markings throughout the garage. Place masking tape on the drawn lines to mark each location for the machine.

Attention! People make good money growing berries during a crisis. All information is here. This is what the simplest garage for cars will look like

Well, if there is a need to study the rules of the road, then you need to make road signs, barriers and road markings

This is what the simplest garage for cars will look like. Well, if there is a need to study the rules of the road, then you need to make road signs, barriers and road markings.


Route (track), do-it-yourself road

13 cool ways to make a track, track, parking, slides, car wash, garage, road for children with your own hands. All this can be made from ordinary materials that almost everyone has at home. Let's take a look at these creations.

DIY track made of foam plastic (cardboard) for children's cars.

A track for cars that can be made with children and for children. Fast, clean, easy and economical. All we need is:

  • white polystyrene foam, if you don’t have it, you can use large cardboard, pre-painting it;
  • decorative tape;
  • scissors;
  • wooden cubes, if you don’t have them, you can use any building blocks that you have at home;
  • brushes

We paint the wooden cubes with acrylic paint. The colors can be any, we have pastel colors of yellow, carrot, and blue. We mark the route with a simple pencil, then cover it with decorative tape. That's all, the track is ready. You can play with it at home or on the street. Easy to store because It's flat, so you can hide it under the bed or behind the closet.

DIY car wash made from a cardboard box.

Cool idea for summer time. You can play with such a car wash on the street, in your dacha, as you can actually wash children’s cars there. Children simply love to play with water. And here you can spray cars with a spray bottle.

To make a children's toy we will need:

  • cardboard box;
  • cellophane to cover the walls and floor of the car wash;
  • felt;
  • wooden rolls, and two toilet paper rolls;
  • scissors, hot glue.

We start work by cutting off the roof and one side of a cardboard box, and on the opposite side we make something like a door. Next we start painting. We need to paint all the outer walls and the bottom of the box, this way we will protect it from moisture.

After the box is dry, glue cellophane to the inside. You probably guessed that this will save the box from moisture and it will last longer.

We cut the felt and glue it to wooden bushings (you can also sticks), to toilet paper bushings. We attach everything to our car wash. Children can play with this toy for hours.

DIY children's road.

A very simple road made from a cardboard box. All you need is time, desire and creativity. But seriously, cardboard, pencil, scissors, paint, brush.

From the box we cut out the road itself with trees, houses, and then paint it all. Children will be happy to color everything, and at the same time we stimulate the development of creativity and fine motor skills in our little ones.

Race track for children's cars.

A racing track for four cars at once. It’s easy to make with your own hands, and children will really like it, because four cars can slide down it at the same time. Both boys and girls will be able to figure out which car (car) goes faster.

To make the route we need:

  • cardboard box;
  • knife;
  • hot glue;
  • paint, brushes.

Just lift the cardboard and the cars will quickly rush down.
This is a great toy to keep indoors when the weather is bad outside. Older children will especially like it, as they love speed and movement. Below is a slide made of wooden boards, more durable and larger. You can't do it without dad. Stock up on materials and call dad.

Detailed instructions with many photographs in the source.

Children's fun for creative children and parents. Everything is very simple, but incredibly interesting. For this kind of entertainment, it is advisable to take water-based paints to make it easier to wash soiled clothes.

Do-it-yourself parking for children's cars from shoe boxes.

A simple parking lot (garage) made from shoebox lids, toilet paper rolls and cardboard.

Large multi-level parking with a city made of cardboard.

Such a structure will require a little puffing. The work is painstaking, but what a wonderful city it turns out to be for cars. There are tracks, slides, and multi-level parking. In a word, super!

Another very interesting option for crafts made from cardboard is a parking garage. You can make these kind of houses for cars yourself, and you can also play with them. For those who decide to make such parking garages - a link to the source site with a description and photographs.

Other parking lots and garages made of cardboard, ideas for inspiration.

Do-it-yourself wooden parking for children's cars.

Cool parking for small children's cars. It is made of wood, so it will last a long time. The safety of the child is also thought out - there are no sharp corners, they are all beveled. For those who decide to make such a parking lot, see the instructions and description here.

DIY road for cars.

This is perhaps the easiest way to make a children's track for small cars. All you need is special tape and scissors. If you wish, you can add plastic figures of a traffic light, a house, trees, in general, whatever you have at home.

A children's track, even a whole city. You can see a detailed description here. Here, a children's road made of tape is glued to cardboard, thanks to which it can be moved around the house and even taken outside.

And here they glued tape in the form of a road directly to the floor.

And here we went even further by gluing the tape directly to the sofa and carpet. I wonder how many parents would agree to this. But how fun and comfortable it is for children. If you do not have special tape with the image of an asphalt road, you can use colored tape or regular electrical tape. If desired, markings can be applied to it.

Road for cars on an old wooden table.

If you have an unnecessary or old wooden table, then it can be turned into a track for children's cars. Mark the table with paper tape before painting. After painting, wait until it dries completely. The road is ready for the children.

Slide, parking, refueling on a wooden table with your own hands.

Large and wonderful table with play areas. See how to make such a toy for children yourself here.

This version of the road for children's cars is convenient because it can be drawn as you like and as much as you like. To do this you need a piece of chalk and your or your child’s imagination. To make such a gaming table for cars, you need to cover the top of the old table with special paint for chalkboards, on which you can draw with chalk. That's it, the table for children's cars is ready!

Height meter in the form of a racing track.

For little car lovers, parents can make this bright stadiometer in the shape of a race track. We mark the child’s growth with a machine that is attached using Velcro. The road can be made of any width, with the number of lanes equal to the number of children. The photo shows that there are two children in the family. If you are interested in a stadiometer, a full description of its manufacture can be found here.

Road for children's cars on the wall.

You can make a road for cars right on the wall in the children's room. This way we get an interesting design and play space for the child. The road itself can be made magnetic or made of felt, and magnets or Velcro can be attached to the cars, respectively.

DIY carpet for cars made of fabric.

Felt road mat with a surprise. He has a garage for three cars, these are pockets at the bottom. It’s great that this rug can be folded and won’t take up much space. It can be made of any size with any applications - mountains, trees, houses, hospitals, towers, skyscrapers, roads, slides, parking lots, various markings and all possible road signs. See this website for ideas and instructions with lots of photos.

Below are rugs not only for boys, but also for girls. Yes, yes, they also play with cars and love to roll them along small paths.

Children's street track for small cars.

When making these children's tracks for cars, you will need cement. You dig a shallow trench in the ground, fill it with cement, paint it with black paint, and decorate the entire site. This is an ideal playground for private houses and cottages.

Here are a few more options for outdoor play areas for boys made from scrap materials.

Children's town on the sand with a road for cars.

In conclusion, I would like to suggest the most fun and entertaining way for a children's road for small cars. The children won't be bored, but dad or mom will get a wonderful massage and a dose of relaxation.

Thank you for reading our article to the end! Have a fun and happy day to you and your children!

The best manufacturers of parking lots for children's cars

Toys are made by many companies. Buyers of children's garages note that models from the following manufacturers are popular:


This Belarusian company is considered the largest in the CIS for the production of gaming products. Its toy parking complexes are of good quality, and the material from which the toys are made meets sanitary and hygienic requirements, confirming its safety.


Russian manufacturer of children's environmentally friendly wooden toys. Despite the fact that the products of this brand have been on the market since 2014, today this company occupies a leading position among companies that use wood as the main material for making toys.

Early Learning Center (ELC)

A world-class British company specializing in the production of educational toys. It should be noted that during the manufacturing process of products, interaction is carried out with designers and child psychologists. In the Russian Federation, toys of this brand have been popular for more than 10 years.


Spanish brand. The company specializes in the production of safe, high-quality plastic toys, which is confirmed by relevant certificates.


A company that has been creating toys since 1977. Production is carried out in China with sales in many countries around the world. Product quality meets international standards. Hypoallergenic materials and safe paints are used in production.


The company was founded in Germany in 1956. Currently it is considered one of the largest companies producing plastic toys. A long history confirms the high quality and safety of toys produced by WADER.

Halsall Toys International (HTI)

A world-famous British manufacturer whose products have been known for over 50 years. The products of this company are distinguished by their interesting design, safe materials and high quality.


One of the leading Russian manufacturers specializing in transport topics. The sets produced, including garages and parking lots, are usually equipped with metal cars. Interestingly, the brand cooperates with many automobile brands in the development and production of collections of car models.

Unogiochi (Faro)

An Italian brand that occupies one of the leading positions in the world in the production of toys for children. Like most leading manufacturers, Faro guarantees the safety of the materials used in the manufacture of its products. It should be noted that this company carries out quality control of both raw materials and finished products.


French toy manufacturing company founded in 1961. The main focus is transportation. Today Majorette is one of the main manufacturers of licensed car models, as well as play sets and components for them.


American brand founded in the first half of the 20th century. Currently considered the largest manufacturer of toys and games for children of high quality and meeting all safety standards. It was this company that released the world famous Barbie doll.


Turkish toy manufacturing company. The products of this company are aimed at the development of the child, the manifestation of activity and the disclosure of his creative potential.

DIY garage for cars made of cardboard. Make a garage with your own hands - a task for a child

As mentioned earlier, the easiest way to instill neatness in a child is in a game format. Invite him to do real construction and build himself a great toy - do it yourself garage! You can help him and make sure that all stages of the work are completed correctly and accurately. Draw your child's attention to the fact that in his collection of cars, all vehicles are of different sizes. There are small cars, large KAMAZ trucks, tanks, and even helicopters. For each machine you can build your own compartment. For example, a large truck needs a larger box than a small car. Before you get started, don’t forget to stock up on paints, wide tape, glue and, of course, cardboard. We will reserve one side of the future garage for large “equipment”. We take all the largest boxes and place one on top of the other. You can experiment by combining one large one with several small ones, in accordance with the number of machines available in stock. We glue this “turret” together with any glue that is at hand and wait until it dries. Now let's take care of the compartment for small machines. A do-it-yourself toy garage needs to be divided into sections. We take a shoe (or any other) box and cut out partitions for it from cardboard. Carefully measure the distance between them in advance, otherwise there is a high probability that you will have to redo everything. Ready? We place the partitions at the desired distance and glue them so that we get small boxes. All that remains is to connect the two compartments with glue or tape and, if desired (and it most likely will arise), paint the finished garage in bright colors and cover it with funny designs.

DIY roads made from paper tape

Sometimes we have to push our children outside of their comfort zones to help them see new perspectives, face and overcome challenges, and confront their prejudices.

I have a growing collection of die-cast cars that I keep in a nice, attractive basket. Do you know who plays with these cars, trucks and planes? The boys who visit us.

Despite my best efforts to diversify children's clothes and games, I've become zen about having two tutu + tiara loving girls who don't play with mini cars. If you want to see what I mean , take a look at this post.

It's nice to have something that our friends like, but I was wondering if I could make these cute mini roadsters more appealing to my fairy princesses.


After my kids went to bed, I removed the plastic tablecloth from their art table and lined a series of roads, parking spots, and cul-de-sacs with orange paper tape. I love this set of 10 rolls of 1/2″ colored masking tape from Discount School Supply.

I used paper tape because it is not sticky and can be easily removed from the table without damaging the surface. You shouldn't leave it on for days on end, but it will help for a couple of days.

I then placed some cars, figures and roads around the table as an invitation to play.

Did you bite?

Hellz yeah!

You can see them still dressed and undressed, eager to play the new game. The beauty is that this new game was priced at $0.00.

After a few minutes, 4-year-old Nutmeg wanted to remove some of the tape to pave new roads and build better parking spots. She insisted that the plane remain at that location until her younger sister had a strong opinion.

They enjoyed speeding cars on the roads, crashing into cars and stop signs, and were some of the worst drivers I have ever seen.

But they still seem to be fairies at heart, and the show ended after about fifteen minutes. Nutmeg wanted me to remove the tape completely, but I convinced her to let me leave it to her sister.

The next day I turned it into a backyard driveway for their dollhouse. You can see it as a background in yesterday's post: Dollhouse Games.

Do your children love to play with cars? What games do they play? Do you have any tips on how to make them more interesting for kids who aren't natural vehicle fans?


Hands on: As we Grow has a full list of 35 events for Things that Go! It's great and will keep active car enthusiasts happy for hours to come.

Do-it-yourself springboard for cars. How to make a children's racing track

The cartoon “Cars”, programs about “pumping up”... All this awakens in the child an irrepressible passion and desire to take part in races. You can buy a toy track, or you can make a speed track with your own hands.

How to make a children's track? Yes, very simple! For our “handicraft” you will need thick cardboard, paints and a little desire.

A complete list of materials and tools with which you can make an excellent children's toy racing track includes: thick cardboard (preferably five-layer) - a good box will do, paints of your choice and imagination, as well as brushes, glue, clamps and a knife .

Look on the Internet what a car track looks like so that your child won’t notice the difference. Probably tracks from cartoons, like Cars, would be perfect.

On cardboard we draw the outlines of the future toy racing track.

The drawing must be painted with gouache, acrylic paints or others and allowed to dry.

Separately from the main route, draw and color the connecting element - the rectangle in the photo in the upper left corner of the cardboard sheet. The size should correspond to the part that will be cut at the intersection of the track plus the place for gluing.

After the paint has dried, you need to carefully cut out the race track.

We cut the intersection and glue a piece of the connection.

Secure with clips (clothespins) and let dry.

After the structure has completely dried, we bend the track in the right places, attach racks and other parts and “decorations” that seem necessary to you.

These support stands for the toy track need to be reinforced with transverse elements.

After all this wonderful work, the track... is ready!

All that remains is to call the child and proudly show him a new toy, a racing track for his cars.


Great idea!!!

Master class on how not to go broke while satisfying children's needs +) Our child loved the cartoon “Cars”, we have some of the characters, but where can we take our racers for a spin? Buy another toy that takes up a lot of space and is expensive, because... cartoon on the wave, I was reluctant, besides, my nerves had enough of Chuggingtons (whoever knows the topic will understand), in the end I decided to get out of it with whatever I had. We will need: - Thick cardboard, ideally five-layer. The density of cardboard primarily affects structural strength, wear resistance and appearance. Therefore, even if you do not have five-layer new cardboard =) look for a very thick box. — Paints (colors corresponding to your track) — brushes — instant glue — clips (clothespins) — knife — patience =) First, let’s choose a reference picture on the Internet, i.e. what are we focusing on, what are we actually doing? I chose on the Internet, because... I made a track specifically for the cartoon “Cars” i.e. racing, that's all. You can come up with your own fantasy one, especially if you are making crafts together with your child, this is welcome!) Now we take cardboard and draw our entire track with a pencil. Color it with paints. I painted with acrylics, because... I simply don’t have any others, but if anything gouache will work too. To get a beautiful anthracite color, I mixed dark brown with dark blue. At the very beginning, you might not have noticed, but now, in colorized form, you can see that there is still a small detail of the track in the corner of the sheet. This is a piece. Which will connect our track below so that the road is not interrupted. So its width should be the same as that of the entire road, and its length should be the same as the upper part, which we will cut off (plus at least another 5-6 cm to glue). Cut out the track. Carefully and also make cuts as in the photo

It turned out that the lower road was open, we glued an additional part there. When the glue dries, we carefully bend the cardboard in the right places, making it more “elastic”, well, i.e. softer. But don’t overdo it, don’t crumple it and bend it everywhere you miss, it’s enough in those places where there will be a bend, and also knead it for softness in places where their bend turns into a flat surface. Next we make supports. In the photo above you can already see that the track is on supports; now we are simply “improving” their durability. In principle, this is not necessary; anything can serve as a stand, a pillow, toys, a construction set. We put in whatever we want at the moment, we made the stands anyway =) We put up the stands and... the track in action


DIY track for cars made of cardboard and more

Boys love to play with cars, sometimes the number of cars reaches several dozen, and possibly hundreds of pieces. There is often not enough space to store toys, and children have to look for a place to play.

There are many options for making a track for cars out of cardboard. The material used is bushings connected with tape, resulting in a long tunnel.

An interesting option is to combine boxes of different sizes and bushings. You can strengthen the structure with polyurethane foam. It is advisable to decorate a homemade toy with drawings of a corresponding theme.

A selection of cool ideas on how to make a track or a track for cars for a boy.

First the track is on the street. We need to scrape off the turf with a spatula according to the pattern of our future route.

This is a track on sand, something like this could be built at sea.

Here, dinosaurs also walk along the track for cars. Straight out of Jurassic Park. :-)

This is such a simple but short-lived track for cars in the apartment.

A track for cars with all the markings on the floor in the room.

The track is magnetic on the wall.

Aerodrome out of the box

Garage parking made from a box and cardboard tubes

A simple but interesting option on how to make a parking lot for cars out of cardboard with your own hands

This track is made of cardboard and foam. A little effort and the result will be a nice track.

This is a street made of cardboard. Lots of cardboard houses.

Cardboard town. Cardboard houses, tracks, bridge.

Parking, car wash and gas station made of cardboard

The most interesting play complex, which in addition to parking, also includes a car wash and gas station, will be of interest to children over two years old. After all, by this age children have accumulated a huge number of cars. To prepare the complex you will need:

  • a large box, for example, for eggs or some household appliances;
  • glue "Moment";
  • a smaller box - it will serve as a car wash;
  • box of milk or kefir;
  • cocktail straws;
  • self-adhesive film or acrylic paints.

Next we create a car wash. To do this, we make slots for gates in a smaller box. We paste the workpiece with self-adhesive tape or paint it in your favorite colors and glue it to the base of the craft.

The lawns, schematically marked on the base, are drawn in green. You can also make and install road signs and traffic lights.

To make the filling complex you will need a cardboard milk bag. We cover the box with film and cut out a window for the refiller, which can be any small doll.

On the other side of the dressing you need to make several holes and insert cocktail straws into them. They will serve as refueling nozzles. The tubes must be well secured inside the box so that children cannot pull them out. And glue the finished dressing to the base.

Well, the very last part of the complex is a parking lot with a drive-in. To make it you will need the remaining part of the large box. From it you need to cut a square or rectangle, the size of which will be slightly larger than the size of the car wash. It is necessary to remember about the allowances that need to be marked and cuts made along them. We bend the allowances and glue them with glue. We cut out a small section of the side wall to construct the entrance.

To enter, you will need a strip of cardboard, the length of which will be enough from the parking lot to the base. And glue it from below to the base and from above to the parking lot.

You can diversify your child's play in various ways. But what could be better than a handmade toy! There are many options for how to make a garage for cars with your own hands out of a box; this article describes only the most popular of them.

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