I made a cute soap dispenser out of a jar, jewelry and an artificial flower: it became much more pleasant for children to wash their hands

Infinite detergent dispenser

I will express the idea in words because...
everything has already been collected, but not photographed. And I'm too lazy to take it apart. For those who use Fairy, etc. and at the same time does not hesitate to drill into the countertop.

We take a dispenser for liquid soap, like this one. From stainless steel or plastic - because we need to make holes in the bottom, and of course you can drill glass, but it’s dumb. We drill three holes: a large one in the middle, and two smaller ones in diameter at the edges. We take a vinyl tube of a suitable diameter and replace the original soap pump tube with a long one that reaches the floor. We drill the tabletop for this tube so that it can move freely. We screw the dispenser container to the tabletop through two small holes from the inside (I did it with a long screwdriver through the neck) with self-tapping screws. Don't forget to put silicone so it doesn't leak. Clean the silicone from the central hole. We insert a long tube through the container and through the tabletop, fix the pump in its regular place. We put a bottle with Fairy on the floor and put the pipe in it. The only negative is that you have to pump for a long time until the liquid comes out. it is thick and rises reluctantly. But if you buy a 5-liter bottle of fairy. What is there and how it works will have to be remembered in two years. You can also simply refill a large bottle of Fairy once every six months.

Sand and crushed stone dispensers from the manufacturer

Our specialists can produce a dosing device for sand and crushed stone with a volume of 1 to 1.8 cubic meters. meters. The dimensions, configuration and shape of the equipment are negotiated with the customer on an individual basis. Each dispenser has a factory quality guarantee, which increases its service life and improves production profitability.

You can submit an application for the manufacture of a unit with a certain set of technical characteristics. In other words, the purchased inert material dispenser hopper will meet specific technological tasks. Production time does not exceed 14 calendar days, delivery to any region of the Russian Federation or CIS countries is possible.

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Making a soap dispenser with your own hands

We all have unwanted screw top glass jars in our house - so why not put them to good use and make an inexpensive and simple soap dispenser? This vintage inspired dispenser will brighten up any kitchen or bathroom. Just an hour of work and a few simple materials - and your room will have another useful functional detail.


  • 1 glass jar with a screw cap (and a narrow neck) with a capacity of 0.5 liters;
  • 1 Liquid soap dispenser. In our case, we used a dispenser from an old soap dispenser, but in fact, any one will do - even the simplest and cheapest plastic one;
  • White spray paint;
  • Tin cutting knife;
  • Universal adhesive with strong hold;
  • Fine-grit sandpaper.

Work process:

1. Paint the inside of a glass jar with spray paint and let the paint dry (this will take about 20 minutes).

2. Using a tin knife, cut a hole in the lid with a diameter that matches the diameter of the dispenser tubes. Don't worry if the edges of the hole are uneven - they won't be visible.

3.Place the dispenser through the hole in the lid.

4. Apply multi-purpose adhesive to the underside of the lid to securely attach the dispenser to it. Let the glue dry (about 30 minutes).

5. Close the jar with a lid, properly screwing the lid to the jar.

6. If your can has a raised mark on it like ours, lightly sand it with short, gentle strokes to remove just a little bit of the paint.

Attach the dispenser cap

Push the bottom of the metering pump through a piece of paper. Trace its outlines with a pen and then cut it out. You will have a paper template with a hole in the middle.

Attach the resulting stencil to the lid of the jar. Position it so that the hole is strictly in the center. Outline its contours with a pen. Then cut a hole in the lid using an X-Acto knife.

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Coat the edges of the hole with superglue.

Glue the dispenser cap to the lid of the jar. Let the glue dry.

A simple alternative to a liquid soap bottle

A very simple homemade product from a plastic bottle with a stopper, which can easily replace a not very reliable bottle with a dispenser for liquid soap.

Greetings to all homemade people, as well as those who are interested in the topic of homemade products!

Today I want to share the idea of ​​a very simple homemade product that can be useful in everyday life. Although, in fact, it’s difficult to even call it homemade, it’s so simple. We are talking about a very simple device that is quite capable of replacing a bottle of liquid soap with a dispenser.

Here, in general, it must be said that at present, the use of various liquid soaps in everyday life has become very popular. This soap is now sold in almost all hardware stores, as well as in super- and hypermarkets.

And it should be noted that such soap is really very convenient (it lathers quickly, foams well), and is also very diverse in its composition. There is soap exclusively for washing hands and body, and there is one that (according to the manufacturer) can be used to wash dishes, various kitchen utensils and even wash clothes. But, be that as it may, liquid soap is now used in almost every family.

In most cases, liquid soap is purchased already packaged in plastic bottles with special dispensers.

Here is an example of such a bottle.

It is really convenient to use such bottles, but the price of such soap is much higher, since a fair portion of the cost is borne by the bottle.

However, you can take a different route and save a lot. The fact is that many hypermarkets now sell liquid soap poured into large containers.

Here, for example, is a two-liter bottle of liquid soap.

The cost of such soap is much lower. That’s why we have been buying this soap in large containers for our family for several years now. And I periodically pour it into bottles with dispensers left over from old liquid soap. Thus, these bottles are used several times.

However, as practice has shown, these bottles are not very reliable and not so durable. True, they can withstand an average of four or five “refills” with liquid soap, but then problems begin with the dispenser, which is made of plastic parts and therefore often breaks and is generally very unreliable.

Therefore, I decided to make a very simple alternative to dispenser bottles using small plastic bottles from soda or other drinks.


To do this, we just need small plastic bottles (from 0.3 to 0.6 liters) with lids, and the tools we need are a drill with a drill bit with a diameter of 2-3.5 mm.

In the lids of these bottles, you need to drill small holes. Although you don’t have to drill them, but simply melt them with a nail heated over a fire.

After this, pour the liquid soap into bottles and close them with lids with holes.

As a result, we get containers with a very simple liquid soap dispenser that can be used both in the kitchen and in the bathroom. For example, I prepared several of these bottles at once.

In order to squeeze out a portion of liquid soap, you just need to lightly squeeze the plastic bottle in your hand.

True, you have to dose it, as they say, “by eye,” but it’s quite easy and you get used to it very quickly and start squeezing out the right amount of soap.

It should be noted that despite the incredible simplicity of this device, it turned out to be very convenient and effective.

Well, indeed, firstly, such a bottle with a hole in the lid does not have any mechanisms, which means there is nothing in it to break. That is, it is practically eternal. At least until the bottle bursts.

Secondly, a plastic drink bottle has very thin walls and therefore shrinks easily, making liquid soap very easy to squeeze out.

Well, and thirdly, we can ourselves regulate the volume of the squeezed-out portion of liquid soap by making holes of different diameters in the lids.

So, for a bottle used in the kitchen, I made a hole in the lid with a diameter of 2 mm. The stream of liquid soap coming from such a hole is quite thin and the portion is quite small. But this is just enough, because in this case, the soap is squeezed onto a dishwashing sponge and it foams very well on it. Thus, a small dose of soap is quite enough, and in addition, this approach significantly saves the consumption of liquid soap in the kitchen.

But for the bathroom I use a lid with a hole with a diameter of 3.5 mm. In this case, the stream of soap from the bottle is thicker and the portion is larger, which is just good for thoroughly washing your hands.

Well, that's all for me! Bye everyone, good health and more useful and effective homemade products!

Bulk material dispensers: types, advantages of use and maintenance features

A bulk material weigher is a device that dispenses substances according to specified parameters on the control panel. In the production process, this equipment provides a cyclic supply of dry products with fractions of any size. It is most widespread in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

Design features of dispensers

A bulk product dispenser is a control and measuring device whose operation is fully automated. The equipment consists of the following elements:

  • devices that are responsible for transporting products (auger, conveyor, etc.);
  • control systems that control the dosing procedure itself, incl. weight of the material being measured, flow rate, feed speed, etc.;
  • a supply hopper that supplies the dosed product in certain portions.

The dosing apparatus operates without human intervention. The device is simply configured in accordance with the specified parameters, and the results are subsequently monitored at control points.

Benefits of using dosing systems

A weigh feeder for measuring bulk products has a number of advantages. The use of classical weight measures (grams, kilograms, etc.) significantly expands the range of dispensed materials. Thanks to this, it is universal.

It can measure different products, regardless of their fractions. Such equipment is highly accurate. Due to the minimal error, the quality of the dosage increases, which in the future will lead to product savings. The dispensers have a wide range of adjustments.

You can set the desired weight and carry out packaging or production in accordance with all the necessary technological criteria.

Most weighing dispensers are equipped with vibrating elements (for example, vibrating trays), due to which they can be used to measure not only bulk goods, but also those that can simply stick to the walls of the bucket.

Rules for choosing dispensers for bulk products

The choice of dispenser must be made taking into account their future use, as well as the approximate intensity of use. It is necessary to take into account the type of device design, electricity consumption, the possibility of automated dosing according to specified programs, productivity, dosage accuracy, etc.

You also need to consider the cost of the equipment. It is better not to buy too cheap devices, as they can quickly become unusable due to low-quality components. But you should not purchase overly expensive devices, since they will not be able to pay for themselves. Ideally, you should focus on middle-class equipment.

When purchasing such dispensers, you will not have to overpay for the brand.

Dosing devices can provide high measurement accuracy, but much depends on the speed of the process and the characteristics of the material. On a number of devices, maximum accuracy can only be achieved with a low dosing speed.

Due to low speed, equipment productivity decreases, which negatively affects the entire technological process. Those. Before choosing devices, you should evaluate the conditions under which they will operate.

Otherwise, they will not be able to provide the desired functionality.

When to Use a Bulk Materials Weigher

Weighing universal dispensers are in most cases used in cases where:

  • measurement accuracy may be less than 5%;
  • the bulk density of the material is measured;
  • Product dosing occurs periodically;
  • you need to keep records of material consumption.

In standard weigh batching in production, the material is unloaded from a hopper and immediately weighed. The system, controlled by the controller, takes into account the heterogeneity and changes in the density of the products under study, and therefore produces the final result with a certain error.


All dosing systems require periodic maintenance. To ensure high measurement accuracy, it is necessary to calibrate the scales. Before calibration, you can check the accuracy of the weight measurement by measuring a reference weight.

If the electronic display shows a weight that clearly does not correspond to known indicators (even taking into account the error), the device will need to be adjusted. Also, when measuring different materials, it is necessary to reset the performance characteristics depending on the properties of the product being studied.

Without periodic (or better yet, regular) calibration, the error can exceed 10%, which is unacceptable for control and measuring equipment. The list of maintenance work for dispensers includes:

  • external inspection of the device;
  • checking the compliance of operating conditions with the specified characteristics;
  • checking equipment installation level;
  • software update and equipment re-flashing;
  • checking the compliance of the actual metrological characteristics with those stated in the accompanying documentation for the industrial dispenser;
  • calibration, etc.

A more precise content of work for each type of maintenance, inspection methodology, required material support and the frequency of scheduled maintenance are indicated in the accompanying documentation of the dispenser. Before checking the equipment, it is recommended to read the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations.

Maintenance is necessary to ensure consistent and accurate dosing of products throughout the process. It is also produced to prevent operational failures. If you notice or correct a small problem in a timely manner, the equipment will not stop working.

Moreover, the advantage of bulk solids dispensers by weight is that there is no need to invite third-party specialists for maintenance. All procedures for setting up and calibrating weighing dosing devices can be performed by an operator who works with them daily.

He can conduct a visual inspection of the device, as well as promptly detect external damage and power supply faults. This reduces the cost of using this equipment and reduces downtime.


A dispenser for powder and other bulk materials is a universal control and measuring equipment that ensures high quality packaging and production. But this equipment requires careful operation and periodic maintenance to ensure trouble-free operation and high measurement accuracy.


A soap dish is an essential attribute of any bathroom. Nowadays, people are increasingly moving away from classic soap bars in favor of more convenient liquid soap that can be poured into a dispenser. However, progress does not stand still, and now you can find on sale such a miracle of technology as a contactless soap dish. Just imagine - you put your hand up, and soap and magic immediately pour on it, and that’s all, isn’t it?

Magic is magic, and a contactless soap dish is a very real device that you can assemble yourself without much difficulty. By decorating such a soap dish in a beautiful case and replacing the previous manual dispenser, you can make the process of washing your hands fun and enjoyable even for the most dirty person. So, go ahead, get to work, or rather, get your soldering iron!

First, let's look at the diagram and try to understand how it all works. The entire circuit consists of two pieces - an IR signal transmitter and a receiver of the same IR signal. More precisely, these are two different schemes that are designed to work together. Those. then, when nothing prevents the transmitter from illuminating the receiver with a signal, the relay is turned off, the soap does not flow.

As soon as we bring our hand, which needs to be washed, the visible connection between them is broken, the receiver loses the signal, the relay opens, the pump starts, the soap flows. This is the magic. Regarding the pump - I used a simple diaphragm pump bought on Aliexpress, you can use any one that is capable of pumping thick soap and is suitable in size.

Transmitter circuit

A few words about the IR signal transmitter. It is based on the NE556 chip, which is essentially a milked 555 timer. If a regular timer continuously generates pulses, this one creates bursts of pulses. For some time there are impulses, for some time they are not, and all this happens very, very quickly, you won’t have time to blink an eye. The frequency of the pulses themselves is 36 kHz. Electric current is converted into infrared light thanks to IR LEDs HL1 and HL2, which can easily be found in remote controls. For our purposes, one LED is enough, so the second one can be safely removed, but resistor R2 should definitely be changed to a higher resistance one, for example, 1 kOhm. The power of the emitted signal will depend on its rating. Because The distance from the receiver to the transmitter in our case is not at all great, excess power will only do harm.

Receiver circuit

So, we've sorted out the transmitter, now let's move on to the receiver. Its key link is the TSOP 1736 IR receiver. You can use any other similar receivers, the main thing is that they are designed for a signal frequency of 36 or 38 kHz; the easiest way to pick them out is from a dead TV. When the LED transmitting the signal shines on this same TSOP receiver, the voltage at its output is zero (log. 0), accordingly, the field-effect transistor VT1 is closed, the relay is de-energized, the pump is de-energized, and the soap dish is in standby mode. As soon as someone's palm gets in the way of the light transmitted by the transmitter, the TSOP receiver stops receiving bursts of pulses, the voltage at its output rises (logic 1), the transistor opens, supplies voltage to the relay, which, in turn, starts the pump. To stop the flow of soap, simply remove your hand. The HL1 LED signals the supply of soap. The operating principle is clearly shown in the following picture:

The supply voltage for both the receiver and transmitter is 12 volts. The good thing about the scheme is that it operates clearly, without any delays. You can substitute and then remove your hand without fear that a stray drop of soap will fall past. Photo of the device I assembled:

Advantages of purchasing bulk solids dispensers from us

ready to manufacture a weighing dispenser for bulk products according to an individual project. Just fill out an application on the website, select a package and attach it if you have a sketch with dimensions. Our engineers will contact you shortly to clarify the details. The company's production is based in the Republic of Tatarstan, delivery is carried out throughout Russia and the CIS countries.

We produce various types of dispensers . The main competitive advantages are provided by universal dispensers for any inert materials, as well as equipment with a narrower specialization: screw dispensers for small additives (SHDMD series) and cement dispensers.

Do-it-yourself automatic soap and antiseptic dispenser.

The dispenser is powered by a 9v Krona battery, which ensures autonomy and safe operation, but there are also disadvantages. But first things first.

What you need to make a homemade dispenser.

I did not use an ultrasonic distance sensor, which is used in most cases to implement such projects. To measure the distance I decided to use an infrared obstacle module. Its advantages are its small size and ease of use in Arduino projects.

In order to assemble an automatic soap dispenser you will need:

    ; ; ; ;
  • Battery crown 9v;
  • Wire for connecting the crown to Arduino;
  • Bottle of liquid soap;
  • Threads.

Wiring diagram for a homemade automatic soap dispenser.

To program and debug the touch soap dispenser, we assemble all the elements on the breadboard according to the diagram.

When assembling the circuit for autonomous operation from the crown battery, we will change the connection diagram. We will connect the positive Servo contact to the vin pin, since this pin is connected directly to the power source, in our case it is a 9v Krona battery. Accordingly, the power supply to Servo will be 9 V.

Program for controlling an automatic dispenser.

Due to the fact that the infrared obstacle module is designed so that when an obstacle appears, the output of the sensor will be 5 V. If there is no obstacle, then 0. Therefore, the code will be similar to the operation of changing the position of the servo when pressing a button. The lesson can be viewed here: Connects the servo drive to the arduino. Servo + button

Therefore, we will not dwell in detail on disassembling the code.

Assembling a homemade dispenser.

After checking the functionality of the circuit and code, you can begin assembling all the elements on our bottle with a dispenser.

First we install the servo, I glued it with double-sided tape and secured it with thread. But at the same time there was not enough rigidity, so I also attached it using narrow transparent tape, making several turns around the bottle.

Then I glued the remaining elements onto double-sided tape: Arduino, sensor and battery.

Using connecting wires, I connected all the elements as shown in the diagram above.

I secured one side of the thread under the lid, threw it over the spout of the dispenser, and attached the other edge to the servo lever.

Review of automatic touch dispenser for liquid soap.

Homemade automatic liquid soap dispenser on Arduino is ready. When we bring our hands to the dispenser, the servo drive is activated and liquid soap is supplied to our hands. Everything works, and autonomously. A bottle of soap can be placed anywhere. Or make a bottle of antiseptic and place it in the hallway near the front door, which will allow you to wash your hands when returning from the street without touching anything. Quite a convenient and necessary homemade product in the current situation.

In addition to the pros, there are also cons. Due to the fact that the servo drive is not rigidly fixed, after a certain time of operation it moves slightly and the dosage becomes very small. The servo drive is quite weak, which also affects the quality of the dispenser.

You also need to take into account that it is not advisable to glue tape to the sensor contacts, since false positives are possible when the Arduino is turned on. Which is exactly what happened to me.

The following conclusion can be drawn.

The dispenser works and can be used, but it is advisable to install a more powerful servo drive. And also consider an implementation with elements printed on a 3D printer for more reliable fixation of electronic components.

If you have questions, problems, suggestions and wishes, write them in the comments. You can write a comment without registering on the site.

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Dosing of bulk products (dosing methods and types of dispensers)

Dosing is the measuring (dispensing) of a portion (dose) of any substance (product). Depending on the type of product, different dosing methods and, accordingly, different types and designs of dispensers can be used, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Dosing methods

There are the following dosing methods: weight, mass and volume.

The weight dosing method is based on measuring the weight of the product and measuring it according to this criterion using standard weight measures - kilogram and gram.

The weight method is applicable to almost any type of product (substances) and is the most common.

The only exception is liquids and pastes, which are more commonly measured in liters or cm3 and dosed by volume or mass.

The mass dosing method uses the principle of measuring the amount of product passed (supplied) through a certain space and is used primarily for dosing liquids, pastes and gases. Doses in the mass method are measured using cm3 or liters. The most classic application of the mass dosing method is petroleum product loading/unloading terminals.

The volumetric dosing method is based on the principle of filling a certain free space with a product and uses standard volume measures - cm3 or liters - for measurement.

Mainly used for dosing liquids, pastes and gases, but can also be used for dosing various bulk materials.

At the same time, volumetric dosing of bulk products involves further conversion of volumetric measures into more conventional weight measures.

In this article we will consider only 2 of the above methods - the first and last. A separate material will be devoted to the mass method, due to the complexity of the dispenser design and its emphasis on dispensing liquids and pastes.


A dispenser is a device designed to measure (dispense) portions (doses) of various products (substances).

As already mentioned, dispensers come in various types and designs, but taking into account the scope of application of the equipment, as well as our non-use of the mass dosing method, we will focus only on those dispensers that are capable of effectively dispensing bulk products on an industrial scale by volume or weight.

Such dispensers are exclusively automatic and come in the following types: volumetric, electronic weight and screw.

The volumetric dispenser is designed for volumetric dispensing of solid, free-flowing products, such as cereals, rice, nuts, seeds, grains, salt. Structurally, it consists of a set of containers (“glasses”), by filling which dosing occurs. Accordingly, the dose size is equal to the internal volume of the “glass”.

As a rule, for raising, they are placed on a horizontal drum, and the drum itself is rotated using an electric drive. During the rotation process, the “glass” passes under the neck of the hopper, where the dosed product, waking up under its own weight, fills the volume of the glass.

Next, the “glass” moves in the direction of the tube, tray or watering can, upon reaching which the bottom of the “glass” opens and the product is poured into the specified devices.

By changing the size of the drum, its rotation speed and the number of “glasses”, it is possible to change the productivity of the volumetric dispenser within certain limits.

The use of a volumetric dispenser imposes certain restrictions on the dosing process.

Firstly, for bulk products, volumetric measures have to be converted into more conventional weight measures. Moreover, such a recalculation is required for each type of dosed product, since products with different densities, with the same volume of the “glass”, will have different weight indicators.

Secondly, dosing limits are limited by the size of the “glass”. And although dispenser manufacturers are trying to make “glasses” with an adjustable internal volume, there are still certain limits, related to the initial size of the “glass,” beyond which the dispenser is not able to go.

Thirdly, not every bulk product is capable of quickly waking up and efficiently filling the volume of the “glass”, especially at a high rate in automatic mode. Sticky, oily or light products, such as raisins, figs, dried apricots, corn sticks, are almost impossible to dose with this dispenser, since their difficult-to-flow nature leads to significant deviations in the size and weight of the doses.

Used in equipment:

Separately, it should be noted powdery dusty products, which can be dosed in bulk, but it is not advisable.

And although in everyday life almost everyone measures flour or starch in glasses, in an industrial dispenser this leads to increased dust, which negatively affects both the equipment and the quality of the packaging.

Especially if polymer films are used as packaging - the presence of dust on the film makes high-quality welding of seams impossible. For dusty products it is necessary to use a screw doser.

The electronic weighing dispenser is designed for dosing by weight any bulk products with the exception of dusty powders. The problem with dusty products is the same as with a volumetric dispenser - the appearance of dust interferes with the normal operation of the equipment and contaminates the packaging material. Otherwise, the weighing dispenser is capable of dispensing even difficult-to-flow products.

This type of dispenser consists of a vibrating chute, a weighing bucket suspended on a strain gauge and a control unit. Dosing occurs by pouring the product into a weighing bucket with a vibrating tray until the weight value set by the operator on the control unit is reached. When the required weight is reached, the vibrating chute stops and the bucket pours its contents into a tube or watering can.

Used in equipment:

Unlike a volumetric dispenser, a weighing dispenser initially dispenses products in measures familiar to the consumer and does not involve any recalculations.

In addition, the weigh dispenser does not have strict restrictions on dose sizes, suggesting a fairly wide dosage range.

However, a more complex design leads to a decrease in productivity, and therefore sometimes it makes more sense to use a volumetric dispenser than a weight dispenser.

The screw doser is used primarily in cases where it is necessary to dose powdery dusty products (flour, starch, cement, gypsum), but can also be used for other bulk products. Depending on the design, dosing can occur either by volume or by weight. In the second case, an electronic weighing element (scales) is added to the dispenser design.

An auger dispenser consists of a metal pipe (tube) with an auger inside, an electric auger drive and a control unit. When the screw rotates, the dosed product moves through the pipe from the hopper directly into the packaging or container.

Stopping the screw leads to the cessation of product supply; accordingly, the dose of the product is determined by the number of rotations of the screw.

In this case, the dose is set and controlled by indicating on the control unit either the number of screw revolutions (for the volumetric method) or the required weight (for the weight method).

Used in equipment:

Express DIY: whiskey bottle soap dispenser

“Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!” - bottles of noble alcoholic drinks can serve a good purpose in everyday life. Today we decided to demonstrate how you can decorate your kitchen using Jack Daniel's&Cola. However, the bottle can be anything - the main thing is that it is small.

DIY soap dispenser

You will need:

  • medium bottle of Jack Daniel's&Cola (340 ml);
  • soap dispenser;
  • tube (if the one that comes with the dispenser is too short).

Step 1

It's simple: you just need to screw the dispenser to the bottle. If the tube through which the liquid flows to the top is too small for the bottle, it must be replaced with a longer one. This can be done by attaching a regular cocktail straw to the dispenser.

You can use a plastic dispenser, but it is better to paint it with black spray paint.

Step 2

Fill the bottle with liquid soap or dishwashing liquid. Ready! By the way, if you have small bottles (those sold at airports), then you can use them to make a pepper shaker and a salt shaker by simply making two and three holes in the caps, respectively. A large bottle will work perfectly as a base for a lamp.

How to make a pastry bag with your own hands?

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Baking lovers are always thinking about how to decorate their creation to turn it into a masterpiece. For these purposes, as a rule, powdered sugar, grated chocolate, various sprinkles, fruits, dragees, etc. are used. But what to do if you want to decorate baked goods with roses, stars and other figures, but there are no suitable tools for this? Let's look at how to make a cream bag at home in this article.

How to make a reusable soap dispenser

How to make a reusable spare block with your own hands

How to install a refill neck in a soap dispenser
The essence of the invention is simple. To refill the block, we will not follow the principle of refilling printer cartridges, but will install the neck of a plastic PET bottle on the block.

1. Turn off the power to the dispenser.

2. Remove the empty container.

3. Cut off the neck of the PET bottle with your own hands. The plastic in the neck area is very thick and it is better to cut off the neck with a saw with a fine tooth, such as a metal saw.

4. Try on the neck on top of the container and mark the inner hole with a sharp object.

5. The plastic of the container is strong and it was not possible to make a hole with a knife. The hole was drilled. First, a hole with a diameter of 2-3 mm was drilled, and then a large diameter hole was drilled with a feather drill.

6. Remove any debris that has fallen inside the container.

7. Clean the place where the plastic of the neck touches the spare block with a sharp object for better gluing.

8. Apply hot glue to the cut of the neck and immediately press it onto the cleaned area without delay. Let the glue cool.

9. Insert the empty container into the dispenser and pour inside the liquid soap you like in terms of smell and color.

10. Close the neck tightly with the lid with your hands. Turn on the power and check the operation of the “No Touch” dispenser. After 1-2 activations, a portion of soap will come out of the dispenser nozzle. After running out of soap or when there is only a little left, now you just need to open the lid and add more product.

How to make attachments?

You can make them yourself and use them instead of store-bought ones. Surely everyone has a couple, or even more, ordinary plastic bottles at home that will save you time and money. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make spouts for a pastry bag yourself. You will need materials such as:

  • plastic bottle;
  • marker or felt-tip pen;
  • plastic bag;
  • knife (preferably stationery);
  • scissors.

You should start by measuring 5 centimeters down from the edge of the neck of the plastic bottle.

It’s better to make several lines at once with a marker to cut exactly according to the marks. You can cut the bottle with a stationery knife, and then cut along the contour with scissors. Now unscrew the cap from the bottle, remove the membrane from the inside of the cap and mark the pattern you want to use on it. In the lid itself you need to make a round hole of the same diameter as you want to create a pattern.

How to make a liquid soap dispenser: or a simple solution to save money

Liquid soap is becoming increasingly popular; its use is economical, provides an adequate level of hygiene and other advantages. This is also why special containers and reservoirs for it appear in offices, various public places and even in ordinary apartments. Some people prefer to buy them, which can be done on our website, while others, with skillful hands, can do it themselves. Moreover, if there are several sinks in the house, then you can make a compromise - purchase one device and design a second one. We will tell you how to make a liquid soap dispenser right now.

What tools and raw materials will be needed?

To make a liquid soap dispenser, you need a utility knife and clip, scissors, and an empty plastic detergent container with a spray gun. As the latter, you can use a bottle of window cleaner or any other plastic vessel that you like in shape and satisfies in capacity.

Types and characteristics of weighing dispensers

Weight dispensers are devices that are designed for automatic dosing of liquids, gases, pastes, and bulk materials.

Such equipment is used for dosing and packaging materials that cannot be sold individually, for example, cereals, construction mixtures, liquids.

The weigher can be part of various industries or filling and packaging processes. Product dosage is carried out by weighing it, estimating the quantity or volume of material.

The operating features of the weighing dispenser include high speed of dosing and measurement accuracy. This reduces production costs and improves product quality. Depending on the purpose of the device, you can select a dispenser that will dispense one or more products.

Types of dispensers for bulk materials

Among the variety of types of dispensers, devices are primarily classified according to their operating principle. According to this characteristic, they are divided into screw, volumetric, mass, weight, and multicomponent. Each type has a number of advantages for performing certain tasks.

Screw dispensers

Used for dosing granules, powders, pastes and other bulk materials. The accuracy of operation of screw dispensers is not among the highest. However, in modern models this figure can reach up to 0.5% at doses of 1-10 grams.

For screw feeders, it is recommended to use a weight dosing controller with built-in relay outputs. This guarantees high dosing accuracy and automatic shutdown.

The main advantages of screw feeders for bulk materials include ease of design, maintenance and repair.

Volume dispensers

They are used for dosing gases and liquids, but can also be used for bulk materials. Such devices are characterized by high performance. In this case, the accuracy of the dispensers will depend not only on the specific model, but also on the supplied material.

The advantages of volumetric dispensers include simplicity of design and reliable operation. Among the disadvantages is the dependence of dosage accuracy on temperature and pressure levels.

Bulk feeders

Mass models are used for dosing not only bulk materials, but also pastes, liquids and gases. Depending on the model, doses can range from several grams to several tons. Mass feeders are characterized by high productivity and low accuracy. The main disadvantage of this type of weighing dispenser is its high cost.

Weighing feeders

Standard weighfeeders are automatic devices for dosing solid bulk materials. In some cases they are also used for liquids. They are characterized by high productivity and accuracy. In addition, using such a dispenser requires a minimal amount of additional equipment.

Multi-component dispenser

The operating principle of a multicomponent dispenser is based on achieving a given weight using automatic selection of combinations, which consist of several bins of different capacities. Such models of weighing feeders for bulk materials allow the use of from 1 to 8 components, depending on specific needs.

Classification of dosing equipment depending on the operating mechanism

Weighing feeders for bulk materials are divided into batch and continuous models. Continuous feeders automatically feed materials according to the system setting. They are used in various technological processes.

Batch dispensers are used when an inconsistent supply of bulk material is required. It turns on and off automatically. They are used in production processes with high-altitude placement of equipment.

Features and purpose of dispensers

The main task of weighing dispensers is to ensure the supply of a certain amount of a particular product. Depending on the amount of food supplied, devices are divided into single-channel and multi-channel.

A weighing system is used to dispense the required amount of product, which allows such devices to be used for various materials.

To dispense a substance in a given time or logical sequence, software dispensers are used.

Modern weighing dispensers are equipped with a control unit, which is responsible for the operation of the entire system. This allows for minimal operator intervention in the product dosing process. When a mini-computer is integrated into the weighing batcher system, high functionality of the equipment is ensured:

  • dosing of material according to the programmed program without operator participation;
  • minimizing the influence of external factors, adjusting the program to take them into account;
  • transfer of the obtained work results;
  • providing information about the operation of the device in a convenient and understandable form.

Therefore, modern weighing feeders are able to provide high functionality and ease of operation of the production line.

Selection rules

When choosing weighfeeders, there are many factors to consider, including:

  • consistency and type of substance used in the work;
  • shape and material of the container used;
  • equipment operating conditions;
  • frequency of use of the device and maximum load;
  • availability of functions necessary for operation;
  • performance level;
  • material feed speed;
  • scope of application.

Depending on the type of device and the dosed substance, the error ranges from 0.1 to 0.5%. At the same time, the mechanical model has a greater error than electronic devices.

RadioKot :: Water dispenser

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Water dispenser

Often there is such a picture in some place...

A tap, a bucket is placed, water pours over the edge onto the floor, but the one who put it is not there, or, remembering all his close relatives, he rushes to the bucket, jumping over the puddles that he himself made...(NOT ONLY CATS MAKE PUDDLES! Note . HIPPOPOTAMUS.)

In the usual version, there are a bunch of counters, decoders, and, most importantly, “bag-bags-...” with 10 positions - I don’t know about you, but here in the Voronezh region - it’s very problematic... But if on a microcontroller...

The design is an IP-54 box (sealed distribution boxes work well, price 37-75 rubles) on which there are three buttons and an indicator with two numbers. 1st button – reset (call “reset” for all mortals), the second – preset, the third – start/stop.

The sensor for water is a factory one with a non-contact inductive sensor, or a homemade one, or something else that generates pulses in proportion to the amount of water flowing through this “other”... The circuit is primitive in essence, like the program for it, but it does everything necessary.

An electric valve for water (to the dry contacts of the relay) and the above-mentioned sensor are connected to the box.

When turned on, the number 01 lights up on the display. This is the minimum dose of water in liters. We set the required number of liters with the “preset” button (you can change the settings for the button in the program, so as not to press the button many times, by increasing the delay “delay” by 10 times and eliminating the wait for it to open.)

When you press the “start” button, the relay, ess, solenoid valve is turned on, water flows, pulses are counted, recalculated and displayed on the indicator. After the zeros are displayed, an extra liter is dispensed :((and the supply stops... To remove it :)), a correction of 1 liter is introduced, when you press “start” 1 liter is subtracted from the display...

What if we press the “stop” button during the process? That's right... The water will stop running and the count will increase by 1 liter (... So as not to violate reporting... see K. MATROSKIN, P.S.S., Cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”).

If you press “Start” again, the count will again decrease by 1 and the water will reach the set point... During the pouring process, you cannot increase the counter - it’s blocked, sir. During a temporary stop - at least a hundred times!

  • Accuracy - depends on the number of pulses per liter - the counter and the number of stops along the road - since the recalculation starts from the beginning of the liter :-((
  • So the accuracy at several stops is + 1 liter (not -1) (IF YOU GET BEER FOR YOURSELF - GOOD!)
  • Well, that seems to be all...

Oh, yes, if you want to look at the inside of the device, take a magnifying glass and go to page 5 of the KOTOgallery! I’m sitting there with an oscilloscope and a hastily put together device next to me.

Source and firmware included:

  • Source - watermeter.asm
  • Firmware - watermeter.hex

Questions - in the forum (although everything here, in my opinion, is clear...)

What do you think of this article?Did this device work for you?

Source: https://www.radiokot.ru/circuit/digital/measure/04/

Alcoholic beverage dispenser

Author of the idea: Nelly Fedosenko

I walk around the supermarket and am happy. You can take whatever you want from the shelves without asking the seller to cut off so many grams of butter (unlike the stores that existed before) and so many grams of sausage. Or hang more red apples and not listen to the answer “Who will I sell the green ones to then?”

Accessibility and the ability to decide for yourself what to cut off from what and how much - this feeling is akin to finding freedom after school.

But there are still places where a person cannot be replaced - for example, a bar counter. Today, only the bartender has the right to mix your drink. What if he skimps on something or overdoes something (as in one Moscow canteen they stubbornly put butter in my porridge, although I loudly asked “I’ll have my porridge without butter, please”).

Canadian student Chris Proulx decided to help all those who like to drink properly hand-made cocktails and came up with a dispenser for mixing alcoholic drinks:

9 specific cocktails are programmed into it - so that the buyer only needs to press one button - and the machine itself measures out how much is needed from one and from another bottle - accurate to the drop.

He spotted his idea near a beer tap in a bar, probably something like this:

Seeing that anyone could walk up to such a tap and pour as much beer as he wanted, he thought: why not do the same for stronger drinks? Moreover, with the possibility of mixing them. Thus obtaining the desired alcoholic cocktail.

In such a dispenser, bottles are placed upside down, connected by a system of tubes and controlled via a microcontroller. The touch screen allows a person to select the desired drink, and the bill acceptor allows them to pay for it.

This machine even has a special document reader so that alcohol cannot be mixed by a person who is not yet allowed to do so due to his age.

(The bill acceptor and document reader will only be in the industrial version, when the inventor finds investors for his idea)

The inventor of the dispenser says his invention will help bars and restaurants save thousands of dollars overnight on unscrupulous bartenders (who are very difficult to control how much they mix).

In addition, it will help increase profits due to the fact that a person who wants a cocktail does not need to persuade the bartender to mix it for him (as we used to ask the saleswoman at the grocery store to cut off 400 grams of butter for us, but today we just go to the shelf and take as much as we need ).

By the way, remember the Soviet soda vending machines. There, too, you could mix drinks, namely water with syrup and get a sweet carbonated drink. It was even possible to make it in two versions: with single syrup (3 kopecks) and double syrup (5 kopecks).

This means that we can come up with a similar device and supply it to all bars and restaurants in Russia (the audience is huge). I’m sure people will order drinks more often, if only because it’s interesting to watch how this executive machine, without its own opinion, makes a royal drink just for you.

Source: https://homebusiness.ru/dispenser-dlya-alkogolnyh-napitkov/

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