How to make a bouquet of soap - master class with step-by-step photos

Today, giving gifts is a pleasure; you can come up with so many interesting and beautiful things that your eyes and desires run wild. We would like to draw your attention to this type of gift, a soap bouquet. Who could have ever imagined that banal soap can be used to create incredible beauty that is captivating and very impressive. The most important thing here is that anyone can make such a bouquet, because there is nothing complicated in the manufacturing technology. We will introduce you to several master classes so that on the eve of March 8 and not only you can make beautiful gifts to your dear and loved ones. Who knows, maybe you will be so fascinated by this process that you will want to build your own scented business.

Soap bouquets photos

Real craftswomen can make such beautiful bouquets from soap and special shapes that at first you can’t tell that this is not a real bouquet of fresh flowers, but that it’s all fashioned from soap and some other ingredients, which, by the way, are quite likely to be found in every home .

Ready-made soap flower buds can be placed in a basket or simply packed in floral paper. If you want to give something else besides soap, then you can arrange a bouquet in a cup, and the cup will also be a gift.

It is very popular today to pack everything in gift boxes. Soap flowers are no exception. Such a cute bouquet, as shown in the photo below, can stun your chosen one or beloved mother.

Soap remnants, what can you do with the leftovers?

There is another very quick way to make new soap from leftovers.

Soap remnants, what can be done with the leftovers:

  • For these purposes, you need to put the soap into a mold and fill it with very hot water. The substance is placed in the microwave for 15 seconds. After this, you need to stir the mixture and put it in the microwave again for a quarter of a minute.
  • After each such manipulation it is necessary to average the paste. When it becomes thick and homogeneous, you can leave the resulting soap in the molds to dry. You can experiment and make rainbow soap.
  • To do this, you need to select remnants of different colors and cut them into small cubes. After this, fill with water and white laundry soap and leave for about 12 hours. Be sure to add cream and water to this mixture.
  • When the paste becomes homogeneous, you need to add glycerin and oil into it. You can add additional dyes. Now, all the resulting cubes must be filled with the main soap mixture and left to harden. Try to store these pieces in plastic containers, away from moisture.


Bouquet of soap roses in a box, photo

Why do many people today prefer soap bouquets when choosing gifts?

There are several main reasons here:

  1. A soap bouquet will never fade or lose its beauty (of course, until the person who uses such soap uses everything). But most of the recipients of such a gift simply use the soap bouquet as decoration for the bathroom or bedroom. After all, soap also smells great, creating a unique aroma in the rooms where it is located.
  2. When you get tired of the soap decor in your home and want to replace it with something, you won’t have to get rid of it, you can simply use it for its intended purpose.
  3. Soap can be given as a gift for any occasion, and you won’t have to spend much on finances, since soap has an affordable price.

If you decide to give such a beautiful box with soap flowers, then keep in mind that along with the soap, you can place another surprise gift at the bottom of the box. You can also think carefully about the composition so that between the soap flowers there are also fresh flowers, as well as various sweets and candies.

How to fill a box or basket for a bouquet

The options are different. I tried many and settled on polystyrene foam. It is available - they throw away a lot of packaging from equipment. It is not difficult to cut out the desired shape around the perimeter of the basket.

Construction foam has also proven itself well, but it takes time to dry.

If you don’t have anything described above at hand, then use crumpled newspapers , “grabbing them in several places with tape. Do not cover it completely with tape - it will be very difficult to pierce it later!

I sometimes use corrugated cardboard It is difficult to pierce, so it is harder to work with than with foam or polystyrene foam.

So, let's start creating a bouquet.

How to make a soap bouquet, step by step with photos

Now, using specific examples, let's figure out how to make these chic soap bouquets. Let's start with a not-so-complicated option, which we will conventionally call “Flower Meadow”:

  • First you need to make the largest and most beautiful flower in this composition - the poppy. How to make it: melt the clear soap base in the microwave, then add the sea buckthorn soap base to it and mix everything well. Divide the resulting workpiece into 3 parts, paint each in the required color - red for the petals, black for the core and green for the leaves. Pour the soap blank into a special “Poppy” mold. The soap will harden very quickly.

  • Next we make violets and pansies - charming flowers that can often be found in our meadows. They are also very easy to make - a soap blank with glycerin is poured onto a flat surface, after hardening, you can cut out the blanks for the petals according to the shape you need:
  • To make the flower look more realistic and beautiful, use a serrated knife to make a pattern on the soap, as if scratching each petal with this knife:
  • You can add yellow to purple flowers, and purple to yellow ones, as shown in the photographs below:

  • This is roughly what your basic preparation for the future bouquet will look like. The only thing missing is a green tint, which we will add by making a lawn out of green soap. It's very simple - take some beautiful cakeware and fill it with soap. To make weed, you can simply cut up the green soap base beautifully:

You can dilute this composition with other colors that you like. The main thing is that everything looks harmonious and bright; this is a bouquet that should make a real splash on its recipient.

Ingredients required

To make your own soap, you need to purchase the necessary components:

  • Soap base (special transparent or regular baby soap).
  • Any basic vegetable oil (olive, apricot, sunflower, almond or others).

To make soap you will need a soap base (special transparent or regular baby soap)

Any basic vegetable oil (olive, apricot, sunflower, almond or others) Essential oil depending on the characteristics of the skin type (ylang-ylang is suitable for sensitive skin, tea tree, aloe for problematic skin, orange, grapefruit for cellulite

  • Essential oil depending on the characteristics of your skin type (ylang-ylang is suitable for sensitive skin, tea tree, aloe for problematic skin, orange, grapefruit for cellulite).
  • Dyes (food, special and natural, which are obtained from cocoa or vegetable juice, are suitable).
  • Dishes for dissolving soap and molds for hardening.
  • Alcohol for bonding layers and lubricating the surface of the mold.

After preparing all the components, you need to start making soap.

Dyes (food, special and natural, which are obtained from cocoa or vegetable juice, are suitable) Prepare dishes for dissolving the soap and molds for hardening. Alcohol is necessary for bonding the layers and lubricating the surface of the mold

How to make bouquets of soap roses, master class with photos

Roses are flowers that are impossible not to love; they seem to be created to make women’s hearts melt and souls to rejoice with tenderness, aroma and beauty. Imagine that you can make roses from soap that will look quite natural.

Before we get into how to create an entire soap flower arrangement, we'll tell you how to make the flower itself:

  • Take any soap base and put it in the microwave to melt (to make this quick and even, cut the soap base into small, identical pieces). Do not allow this base to boil under any circumstances:
  • Separately, we prepare titanium dioxide based on glycerin. It is used in cooking, when producing, for example, mastic. This substance is also necessary for soap:
  • Next, add literally 5 drops of dye for color and the same amount of flavoring to the workpiece. If you want the smell to be very intense, then drip as much as you see fit:
  • The resulting liquid should be poured onto some flat surface, for example, onto a baking sheet. The mass will harden almost immediately, so you can make circles using a simple glass, which are blanks for the rose:
  • Next, take a wooden skewer and glue the petals onto it, pressing each soap blank from below. Form all the curves with your hands to make the flower as natural as possible:
  • Next we make the stems for the roses, they are also made from soap. To do this, you need to insert each skewer into a regular cocktail tube and fill the entire empty space with soap base. After it hardens, the tube must be carefully cut with a stationery knife:

As a result, when you prepare all the necessary elements to make roses, you will end up with these beautiful blanks for a soap bouquet:

Knowing how to make such charming roses, you can create a beautiful bouquet.

We suggest you make a bouquet of tea roses, they look very beautiful and are not difficult to make:

  • First, make roses; they are made using special molds. To keep the roses well, at the stage when the soap hardens, insert bamboo sticks into the buds:
  • You should end up with 3 beautiful roses like these (you can make not tea roses, but regular ones, using the technology you described above):
  • Prepare everything you need to make a bouquet. We will need a small basket, foam plastic into which you can insert roses, artificial greenery and twigs with buds, scissors and tape:

  • You need to attach artificial greens to the skewers. This is done using tape. As soon as you do this, you will see that your roses have played completely differently, they look as if they were real:
  • We insert the foam into the basket so that it fits tightly into it. It is also very important that it is not visible from the basket, otherwise the whole look of the bouquet will simply be ruined:
  • We place our roses in the basket so that they look harmonious. You can place them at different levels or do it as shown in our photos below:

  • Add branches to the bouquet. To keep them securely in it, tape each branch to a small wooden skewer using tape:

Materials for production

The list of materials for soap making is very small; it will depend on your final wishes. We will describe the main accessories that a beginning craftsman will need:

Soap base

In craft stores you can find ready-made soap base. It is sold in the form of rectangular bars or shavings. It consists of alkali, water, and vegetable oil. The color can be transparent or matte, this must be taken into account initially if you want a shiny or matte soap.

In addition, in the store you can find a base with swirls, which are presented in the form of beautiful curls. They are used if the master wants to create a craft with separate layers that will beautifully intertwine with each other or make up a specific pattern.

Instead of a ready-made component, you can use regular baby soap; this is an easier method. It can be cut into pieces and melted. But here it is worth considering that the product will turn out matte; in addition, it will harden much longer. In addition, the soap base is odorless, has a pleasant texture, and does not cause irritation to the skin.

Starting oils

These are the most common oils that act as a base. They do not have a pronounced odor, but are used to ensure that the future product moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Most often, craftsmen use these types of marc: sea buckthorn, coconut, almond or olive tree. You can also use traditional sunflower oil. It is added in the amount of two teaspoons per 100 grams of base.

Essential oils

They are added to give a certain aroma to your craft. In addition, certain types can be used to obtain the desired effects on the body. Let's say tea or rose tree oils have a calming effect, but orange oil activates brain activity.

It is very important not to overdo it with essential components, as they can provoke an allergic reaction or even cause skin burns. Do not add more than 2 drops per 100 grams of soap base.


To make your DIY soap crafts bright and attractive, be sure to add dyes. Just use an exclusively natural product with mineral components so as not to cause irritation to the skin.

Experienced craftsmen also use products during soap making: fruit or vegetable juices, herbal decoctions, etc. Here you can use your imagination, but it is important to monitor the natural composition of the components used.

Additional decor and additives

In addition to dyes, you can decorate soap with additional decor, these can be dried flowers, nuts, coffee beans, dried fruits, and much more.

Also, to ensure that your soap has beneficial properties, you can add several natural ingredients: honey, milk, cream, chocolate, etc.

Forms and more

During soap making, attention must be paid to the choice of forms. They can be purchased at craft stores. They allow you to make your soap in any configuration: in the form of flowers, animals, objects.

For this work, use silicone, rubber and plastic products. Avoid using glass or ceramics, as the finished product will be difficult to obtain. But it is strictly forbidden to interact with metal utensils, since the base and metal can cause an undesirable chemical reaction.

In addition, be sure to buy medical alcohol and pour it into a small spray bottle. Use it to treat the shape and surface of the already poured soap, then you will not form unattractive bubbles.

These were the main supplies that you will need, but in addition to them you will also need to purchase:

  • disposable cups - they will be needed to create liquid preparations;
  • wooden skewers - to stir the mixture;
  • measuring spoons - for base oil;
  • pipette – for essential oils;
  • toothpicks - needed to separate the edges of the soap from the molds;
  • rubber gloves - only wear them when making soap. And if you bought shavings, we also recommend using a respirator.

Soap bouquet master class

We present to you a very beautiful version of a soap bouquet. It looks solemn, very gentle and beautiful, but it is quite simply made. We bring to your attention photo instructions on how to make such a chic bouquet for a sophisticated nature:

Using leftover soap to make bubble bath

If you like to take bubble baths, you don't have to buy one. For these purposes, you can use leftover soap.

Using leftover soap to make bubble bath:

  • Grind the waste with a grater to form fine chips. Take her into the bathroom and pour a small amount of hot water.
  • When the product dissolves, you need to add liquid to make the water temperature comfortable. You can add a few more drops of your favorite essential oil.

Bouquets of roses on a soap base, photo with explanation

Roses can be varied; in soap bouquets they can be combined with each other or combined with other flowers. In any case, a bouquet of soap roses will be a wonderful holiday gift. Here are a few options for what a bouquet of soap roses might look like:

Option 1

This soapy bouquet of tea roses, which can also be made in different colors and sizes. Berries, greens, artificial twigs, and artificial flowers are combined with such buds of tea roses. You don’t even need to pack such a bouquet in special paper; you can place it in a small transparent box, the interior of which can be filled with various decorative tinsel.

Option 2

You can make a bouquet of soap roses, in which not all the buds have yet fully opened. In this case, each bud can be wrapped in a beautiful packaging net. All this is wrapped in artificial greenery and diluted with artificial branches with small flowers. As the base where the flowers will be placed, you can take any pot or decorative element, decorated with satin ribbons and bows.

Option 3

These are classic roses that can be made simply using a standard soap mold. You can decorate a classic bouquet with wrapping paper for flowers, as well as artificial leaves. This bouquet can be made by any person who has never even engaged in any type of creativity.

Use available tools

An interesting option using a cookie cutter will look like a Christmas cake or an elegant snowflake. Perhaps the most appetizing are all kinds of sandwiches with red or black caviar. Making it yourself opens up a lot of possibilities for creativity, your fantasies can be anything you want, soap as a gift for the New Year implies a special approach.

And the main thing is that with the help of such soap making, children are instilled with useful habits, hygiene is one of the primary rules in order to be healthy. Fighting bacteria has never brought such positive emotions as every person can get now.

The costs for all components will not hit your wallet hard, and your efforts will be rewarded with a satisfied smile and words of gratitude.

You shouldn’t work according to a template; you should add something of your own to each item, all kinds of sparkles, a beautiful presentation, a special box.
In order for both the giver and the recipient to enjoy the souvenir, it is necessary to approach the creation seriously, it is better not to make mistakes. All kinds of master classes will be useful for beginners in this business; New Year's soap will seem difficult to make, but if you follow all the advice and adhere to consistency, everything will definitely work out. You can diversify family leisure time by inviting everyone living in the house to take part in an exciting activity; such moments will be very memorable.

Soap bouquets in a tureen, photo

Be careful, there are sharks in the bath

The original design of soap with shark fins was produced by the famous company Lush. The soap, called Shark Fin Soap, was created to raise public awareness of the threat of shark extinction. The soap is formulated with moisturizing seaweed, exfoliating sea salt and cooling lime oil. Each soap bar is decorated with a paper fin.

Obviously, inspired by this example, other soap makers went further - and stuck a whole shark into a bar of soap. Or rather, a plastic figurine of a shark. Soap in such an unusual design is presented in the store of the American needlewoman OoohLaLaTheSoapBar. The blue shark inside the transparent bar looks very impressive.

Timeless bouquets on a soap base, photo with explanation

The greatest advantage of soap bouquets is that they will never fade. You can admire the beauty of flower soap for a very long time. The main thing is to keep such bouquets away from water and too high a temperature, otherwise they will simply melt and lose their original appearance.

Option 1

You can make such a delicate bouquet of different flowers in light shades for your mother or grandmother for her birthday. You can take a beautiful pot and place all the prepared soap flowers in it. When composing the composition, take into account either personal preferences in the flowers that the person you want to give the bouquet has, or the time of year so that they are seasonal flowers.

Option 2

A great gift for a teacher on Knowledge Day or Teacher's Day made from soap peonies and chrysanthemums. For this purpose, it is better to make soap not very bright; choose soft pastel colors, dilute them with artificial greenery and other decorative tinsel.

Option 3

You can give this charming bouquet of soap roses with Christmas tree branches and cones to anyone for Christmas or as a New Year's present. This will be a non-standard, but durable gift that the recipient will be able to use all year long if he wants to spoil the beauty of the bouquet.

What to make from leftover soap?

There are several disposal options for this product. The most common is to wet each piece of soap with water and stick it to the other. Thus, you attach the old residue to the new piece.

What to make from leftover soap:

  • You need to leave this soap in the soap dish and use it. You can also use another method. Nowadays there are not many housewives who practice boiling laundry in pots and buckets, as our mothers used to do.
  • There are washing modes at a temperature of 90-95 degrees, which fully corresponds to boiling. That is why we advise you to dispose of any remaining detergent when washing at high temperatures. Grind the product on a grater or in a blender to make shavings. Pour in a small amount of warm water and leave for a few minutes.
  • Stir the mixture constantly until it looks like jelly. After this, mix thoroughly and you can safely pour it into the detergent compartment. Such a substance will be most effective if prepared from the remains of laundry soap. It contains a large amount of alkali, which helps clean laundry from dirt.


What forms are used for soap bouquets?

Beautiful and graceful figures for creating soap are made using special molds that can be bought at any craft store.

You can choose several options for these forms:

  1. Made from silicone. They can make soap with a flat pattern, and there are also models that can help you create a 3D shape. These molds are very easy to work with because you only need to press lightly on the mold for the soap to separate from it. Such forms are not very cheap, but the convenience and beauty of the products that can be made with their help are worth it.
  2. There are also plastic forms. It is more difficult to work with them, because every time you have to work hard to get the product out of the mold without damaging it. By the way, almost no one uses such forms now and you rarely see them in a store or market.

How to make liquid soap from leftover soap?

You can use these leftovers to make liquid soap.

How to make liquid soap from leftover soap:

  • Be sure to grate the leftovers until you get shavings. Add a small amount of hot water and let it sit for a while. Place on low heat in a water bath and stir.
  • When you get the mixture of the required consistency, you can turn off the heat and pour in a few drops of your favorite aromatic additives and pour into containers with a dispenser.
  • Essential oils, or even herbal extracts, as well as glycerin can be used as a flavoring agent. These components help make the soap useful and of high quality. This way, you can not only wash your hands, but also moisturize their surface.

Homemade soap

How to pack a soap bouquet, ideas

Soap bouquets can be packaged in the following ways:

  • to the basket;
  • in a pot;
  • in wrapping paper;
  • in a box.

Try your hand at soap making and create beauty yourself. Some, having once tested their strength, today create beautiful compositions from soap - not only flowers, but various animals, birds, and other things that attract human attention. Remember, everything we do with our own hands always brings real pleasure to the person who receives this gift from us.


Homemade soap is a beautiful and much needed gift. It will appeal not only to your loved ones, but also to your work colleagues. The advantages of such a present include the following features.

  • Uniqueness. New Year's soap figures made by hand are of high value and differ from factory products. Each product is unique and has no analogues.
  • Versatility. Soap is used in everyday life. Therefore, such a gift will not only decorate the restroom, but will also be used for its intended purpose. In addition, enjoying a beautiful soap in the shape of a Christmas tree or a snowman is much more pleasant than a standard rectangular product.
  • Environmental friendliness. Household chemicals used in manufacturing may contain harmful components. Handmade soap is created entirely from natural ingredients.
  • Individuality. When creating a New Year's gift from soap, you take into account all the preferences of the person who will receive it.

You will have the opportunity to create a “soap” figurine with a specific aroma and shade.

Picnic in the bathroom

Triangular soap shapes are common in the market, but FarmHouse Fresh has given this simple shape an aesthetic twist. This is how the gift set of milk soap turned out. The set contains six triangles of soap, the design of which resembles pieces of cheese. Lavender, honey, oatmeal, goat milk, blueberry with chia seeds and pistachio cream soap. To support the theme, the gift set is designed to resemble farm products and is packaged in a wooden box.

To complement this delicious set, wine soap from RusticJoySoap is perfect. It looks like a regular bar, but is made with red wine. As the manufacturer explains, red wine soap is ideal for the body, cleanses, has a powerful antioxidant effect and is suitable for sensitive skin.

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Well, for those who understand alcoholic beverages, soap in the form of a Hennessy bottle is suitable. This soap is produced by SoapFantasybyNatalie.

Hello from the 90s

Nostalgia for the 90s inspired the British store Firebox to make soap in the shape of game cartridges for the console. Now you can wash yourself using your favorite video games, such as Super Mario Kart, The Legend of Zelda, Tetris. The packaging is appropriate: a plastic box that can fool even an avid gamer.

The soap itself is made from natural plant ingredients and smells like “citrus energy.” Well, extra energy can't hurt when playing video games.

By the way, the store has another soap option to please gamers - soap with the self-explanatory name Gamer Soaps. It is made in the form of game joysticks from consoles. The creators of the soap believe that such a design will interest gamers - and they will be more willing to look up from their consoles to take a swim. Perhaps the next step is soap in the shape of sports weights to motivate people to exercise without leaving the shower.

Gift from Hogwarts

The soap makers also thought about Harry Potter fans. There is so much you can’t find on the Etsy marketplace on this topic. See for yourself!

Sometimes soap is sold in whole sets. One gift set may include:

  • bombs in the shape of dragon eggs;
  • a bath bomb that functions as the Sorting Hat and colors the water one of the four houses;
  • a jar of potion (but in fact, it is a skin care oil);
  • a bag of green bath salts;
  • miniature candles;
  • cotton towel;
  • a letter from Hogwarts with the name of the person receiving the gift.

In short, this is a great idea to diversify the handmade soap market. Such sets can be sold much more expensive than just soap. And there will be many who want to get their hands on the magic box.

You can read about how to open your own business producing handmade soap here.

Soap for archaeologists

A new bait has been invented for children who do not like bath procedures. The Archaeology Soap turns your hygiene routine into a fun water experience.

The bar of soap looks like a layer of the Earth and hides a dinosaur toy inside. The three different layers symbolize layers from different eras. In the center of the middle layer is a small figurine with a dinosaur. The young archaeologist is asked to find a toy - and this can only be done with constant use of soap. Each layer washes away at a different rate, slowly revealing what's hidden inside.

It turned out something like a soapy “kinder surprise”. By the way, if you place different dinosaur figurines and offer to build a collection, you can further excite young archaeologists (and at the same time increase sales!). By the way, it would be correct to call the soap paleontological. But the producers realized this too late and did not change the name.

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