How to make a warm toilet seat with your own hands

Toilet Seat Materials

Wooden seat
The convenience and reliability of the design depend on what material the seat is made of. The main structural materials can be identified.

The most common lids are made of plastic (PVC, polypropylene, polyethylene). Advantages: low price, ease of maintenance, ease of assembly, universal use, light weight. Disadvantages: rigidity, low mechanical strength, susceptibility to scratches.

A modern material for seats is duroplast: its characteristics are close to ceramics, but it is based on plastic. It has increased mechanical strength, has antibacterial additives, and is chemically resistant to different environments.

Requirements for seats in a country toilet

A homemade toilet seat in a country house must meet the following requirements:

  • Convenience comes first. A person sitting on such a seat should not feel discomfort; for this, several parameters need to be taken into account - the height of the pedestal and its shape. Floor-standing toilet for a country toilet
  • Durability and reliability of the design. To make a pedestal with your own hands, you need to take into account the weight, or more precisely, such a structure should easily withstand the weight of not only a child, but also an adult. Therefore, when choosing materials for the construction of a pedestal, you need to take into account not only aesthetic qualities, but also practical ones.
  • Hygiene. If the podium is made of wooden beams, then they definitely need wood impregnation and varnishing. Both internal and external surfaces need to be treated; this will greatly simplify the process of cleaning and treating the podium. In addition, the structure must be treated with antimicrobial and antifungal agents.

Warm homemade seats

Summer residents are usually skilled people.
They love to create various household items with their own hands. Why not make a warm seat for a country outdoor toilet? One of the most common options here are seats trimmed with animal fur. In villages, rabbit skins are most often used for this. To make a warm seat, you need to take an ordinary plastic seat, which is unpleasant to use in winter, and tightly cover it with rabbit skin. In recent years, peat outdoor toilets have become very popular among domestic summer residents. They allow you not only to conveniently cope with small and large needs, but also to produce compost, which is successfully used to increase the fertility of garden plants. For some models of such toilets, special seats have been created that allow liquid and solid waste from the human body to be collected separately.

How are such devices constructed? There is a special funnel attached to it at the bottom of the seat. A special corrugated tube leads from it to a container for collecting urine. Solid waste is collected in another container. These seats are designed for use in outdoor toilet buildings. Therefore, the seats themselves are made of polypropylene, making them quite comfortable to use even in the cold season.

Thus, today there is a significant selection of means and devices for comfortable use of a country toilet in any season. If you carefully monitor the cleanliness of the toilet seat, as well as other interior elements, you can achieve a high level of comfort in using a toilet located on the street. In addition, there is now a huge amount of household chemicals that make it possible to get rid of unpleasant odors in such buildings, as well as keep them in an acceptable sanitary and hygienic condition.

The toilet seat is an important element of the plumbing fixture, providing comfort and aesthetic perception of the entire structure. Historically, this item has evolved from a simple wooden stand to a multifunctional electronic device, which is associated with different capabilities and needs of people.

Nowadays, toilet seats come in different designs, shapes and designs. Choosing it became a big problem due to the huge assortment. In this regard, the choice of this element should be approached seriously and thoroughly.

Sewing a toilet cover with your own hands, pattern

How to sew a soft and practical toilet seat cover?

The toilet room should also be beautiful and comfortable. To do this, you can sew various soft covers for the toilet seat.

For the top layer, you can use various soft and pleasant materials: plush, fleece, quilted fabrics, terry.

For the bottom layer, you need to choose a fabric that will not slip on the toilet. Usually this is artificial leather, oilcloth fabrics.

You will also need a zipper with small teeth with a length equal to the length of the outer circle of the seat.

First we sew the lock on the outer circle, then sew the inner circle.

Although there are already ready-made toilet seat covers on sale, you can sew them yourself with your own hands. First you need to make a pattern. There is no universal pattern, since the seats come in a wide variety.

In order to make a pattern, you will have to remove the seat and trace it on paper, do not forget to add a little on the seams.

I also found a pretty cute cover for the toilet lid.

Sew several covers at once so you can change them more often.

You should start sewing with measurements, which must be taken from the toilet frill, since they are not universal. To do this, take a sheet of paper (for example, A3), place it on the seat and trace the frill of the toilet seat along the bottom edge, and do not forget to note the size of the seat hole.

Next, from a pleasant-to-touch elastic fabric, we sew a cover like a ring with two elastic bands on both edges, which will give the product a fixation. Using the pattern, you can navigate the size of the product so that it does not stretch too much. I propose to see the final result in more detail in the photo below.

Although there are now a large number of toilet seat covers available to help you sit on them comfortably, you should sew several of these yourself, as rag covers will have to be washed frequently. Since the toilets are all different in size, you will have to take your own measurements, choose the fabric and sew the cover according to the measurements taken. It may have an elastic band. The cover can be sewn not only on the seat, but also on the lid.

Everything will depend on the design of your toilet. Choose the fabric to match the color of the tile.

You can add some imagination and sew a wonderful toy. Such a toilet will look very fun and funny.

Do-it-yourself toilet lid cover: step-by-step instructions

Basic rules for choosing a seat

Different types of seats

The toilet seat has different properties depending on the design and material. To decide how to choose it, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules:

The main condition for making the right choice is taking into account the required dimensions. Before purchasing a device, you must measure the following dimensions of the toilet:

Warm homemade seats

Summer residents are usually skilled people. They love to create various household items with their own hands. Why not make a warm seat for a country outdoor toilet? One of the most common options here are seats trimmed with animal fur. In villages, rabbit skins are most often used for this. To make a warm seat, you need to take an ordinary plastic seat, which is unpleasant to use in winter, and tightly cover it with rabbit skin.

In recent years, peat outdoor toilets have become very popular among domestic summer residents. They allow you not only to conveniently cope with small and large needs, but also to produce compost, which is successfully used to increase the fertility of garden plants. For some models of such toilets, special seats have been created that allow liquid and solid waste from the human body to be collected separately.

How are such devices constructed? There is a special funnel attached to it at the bottom of the seat. A special corrugated tube leads from it to a container for collecting urine. Solid waste is collected in another container. These seats are designed for use in outdoor toilet buildings. Therefore, the seats themselves are made of polypropylene, making them quite comfortable to use even in the cold season.

Thus, today there is a significant selection of means and devices for comfortable use of a country toilet in any season. If you carefully monitor the cleanliness of the toilet seat, as well as other interior elements, you can achieve a high level of comfort in using a toilet located on the street. In addition, there is now a huge amount of household chemicals that make it possible to get rid of unpleasant odors in such buildings, as well as keep them in an acceptable sanitary and hygienic condition.

Installing a seat on a wall-hung toilet

For many owners of suburban areas and houses, the problem of installing a warm seat for an outdoor toilet remains urgent. Despite the fact that today there are many technological possibilities for arranging a bathroom inside a country house, a large number of people still continue to use external toilets. This is due to various reasons. A dacha village may not have a centralized water supply and drainage system, and installing your own well and local sewage system is technically or financially difficult. In such cases, you can purchase a compact dry closet. However, this option will not work if the country house does not have a room in which it could be installed. In addition, such a device is expensive in itself, and its maintenance and operation requires constant financial costs. This is why many summer cottages still have outdoor toilets. This is where a seat for a country toilet becomes necessary, which would be convenient to use not only in warm but also in cold weather. How can you arrange a seat for maximum convenience in using an outdoor toilet?

The simplest and cheapest, but at the same time acceptable and quite convenient solution are foam seats. They are made of foamed polypropylene, which has a sufficient degree of rigidity so as not to deform under the weight of the human body. In addition, this material has a high level of durability. This toilet seat can last for several years, and its approximate cost is about 300 rubles. This is a really symbolic price for not experiencing wild discomfort every time from visiting an outdoor toilet in the autumn-winter season.

The low level of thermal conductivity of foamed polypropylene does not allow the product to freeze strongly. If you sit on it even in frosty weather, the feeling of discomfort will not be very strong. Finally, an important advantage of this option is its hygiene. Such products are easy to wash and clean. At the same time, their outer layer is not damaged. Its integrity ensures that bacteria, mold and mildew will not grow in cracks, scratches and recesses.

Thus, foam seats have a number of advantages that ensure their popularity and demand. Their comparative disadvantage is that foam products can burst, break or become deformed if they are used by people who are very overweight. If a person who regularly uses the toilet weighs more than 100 kg, a polypropylene foam seat can quickly fail.

Selection criteria in case of replacement

If it so happens that the question of replacing the toilet seat has arisen, it is necessary to match the existing plumbing. It is recommended to take measurements of the plumbing fixture in terms of dimensions and shape. You should also clarify the location of the mounting holes under the seat.

The width size is measured at the points of greatest “run-up” of the structure. The length dimension is taken from the edge of the front part of the curb to the point of the center line passing between the centers of the holes intended for attaching the toilet seat.

Standard dimensions of plumbing fixtures for different designs. Based on these parameters, a toilet seat is selected in case of a new installation to replace the old toilet seat. If you know these dimensions, choosing a seat of a suitable configuration is easy.

Often, toilet owners who have had to change the toilet seat prefer to choose more advanced models instead of the standard design. This choice is explained by their desire for novelty.

Meanwhile, new products “with heating”, “with backlighting”, “with motion sensors” in practice turn into even bigger problems. A serious manufacturer of plumbing fixtures is not yet in a hurry to offer such an “exclusive” to the buyer. Such proposals usually come from Chinese companies.

Shape of toilet seats and its types

Most often, the toilet lid follows the shape of the seat - a semi-oval. This is a familiar, safe and convenient form. But for admirers of everything unusual, stores offer products of other configurations: rectangular or chopped, in the shape of a frog or duck, musical instruments, hearts.

Sharp corners are slightly rounded for safety reasons, so as not to cause injury or tear clothing. There are also seats for children that are equipped with an intermediate insert with a small hole, or equipped with a lowering seat. This additional accessory will help teach your child to be neat and tidy.

It is advisable to purchase a child seat complete with a stand, thanks to which it will be easier for the baby to sit on the toilet; the legs will be supported and not dangling in the air. Children's seat models come in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes. For those who like to travel, a portable folding seat will be useful on the road, because you will have to use a public toilet. When folded, the toilet seat takes up very little space and, if necessary, it can be quickly unfolded and installed on the toilet using special clamps that firmly secure the seat and prevent it from moving from side to side.

For people with disabilities, there are covers with soft seats and folding armrests in the form of supports. Armrests help disabled or elderly people sit and stand comfortably. Some toilets are equipped with height adjustment.

In addition to differences in design, size, and material, all toilet seats have rubber or plastic shock absorbers. Usually there are at least 4 of them. Plastic shock absorbers are mainly made as one piece with the toilet seat.

Toilet Seat Materials

The convenience and reliability of the design depend on what material the seat is made of. The main structural materials can be identified.

The most common lids are made of plastic (PVC, polypropylene, polyethylene). Advantages: low price, ease of maintenance, ease of assembly, universal use, light weight. Disadvantages: rigidity, low mechanical strength, susceptibility to scratches.

A modern material for seats is duroplast: its characteristics are close to ceramics, but it is based on plastic. It has increased mechanical strength, has antibacterial additives, and is chemically resistant to different environments. The disadvantage is the increased price.

The wooden seat is used quite rarely, but has an attractive design. Disadvantages - increased weight and the possibility of noise when closing. Covers made of plywood and chipboard are also used. Such seats can be made by yourself.

Various types of fabric are used as decorative trim for the seat. It creates a unique design and comfort. The disadvantages of woven coverings are fragility and contamination. Disposable toilet seats are usually made from pressed paper.

Problems when replacing a seat

Some problems when replacing a toilet seat or lid may occur on plumbing fixtures that have served the owners for several years. Removing fasteners on an old toilet seat is especially difficult if metal bolts and nuts that are susceptible to corrosion were used.

The high level of humidity in the toilet area is created by the water present in the flush cistern. This is the main reason for the appearance of rust and oxides on threads.

In this condition, it is extremely difficult to unscrew the nuts from the mounting bolts, and sometimes impossible using traditional methods. We have to resort to radical measures.

Metal fastenings of toilet plumbing fixtures, which do not have protection against oxides and corrosion, tend to “boil”. In such cases, only non-standard approaches help to unscrew the nuts

So, if the thread of a bolt or stud is damaged by corrosion and twisting the nut is not possible even with a wrench, the problem can still be solved.

Why do the following:

Sometimes a similar situation occurs on plastic fittings. It happens that during installation (during cleaning) the threaded part of the stud is accidentally damaged. A defect in the plastic thread will also prevent the seat mount from being removed in the usual way.

If you cannot twist the nuts using a tool, you can cut them off with a sharp thin knife, after heating the knife blade to the melting temperature of the plastic (120-130º C).

Part of the fastening fittings for seats with covers is made of brass and bronze. This metal does not corrode, but has the ability to quickly oxidize in the presence of moisture. The oxides, in turn, form “growths” on the threads, which over time become comparable in hardness to the same metal.

It helps to unscrew such connections by pre-wetting them (and holding them for a while) with machine oil. Apply lubricant to the connection easily and conveniently with a plastic disposable syringe.

Exclusive toilet seats

Plumbing fixtures for the toilet, equipped with electronics, have not been surprising for a long time. Recently, toilets have also come close to the electronic fraternity. Regulators for drainage, water intake, disinfection, filtration - these functions become integral parts of bidets and urinals.

Some of these functions are also used on toilet seats. So, heated seats are quickly gaining popularity.

The installation of the electric model is basically the same as the standard version. The only addition is cable laying and installation of an electrical outlet.

The toilet is from the group of “exclusive” products. In addition to the usual functions, the device is equipped with an additional feature - a seat heating system. Installation of such plumbing requires an additional supply of electrical communications.

The design of models with illuminated bowls is not entirely clear - what benefit do they bring to the toilet visitor? However, these solutions remain relevant due to the stability of their demand in the market.

The installation of a backlit seat must include the installation of an electrical network in the toilet area. At the same time, there are models of seat covers, where the backlight lamps are powered by batteries.

The batteries are built directly inside the seat structure. You cannot do without installing electrical communications in the case of using toilets with a motion control function.

Selection criteria in case of replacement

If it so happens that the question of replacing the toilet seat has arisen, it is necessary to match the existing plumbing. It is recommended to take measurements of the plumbing fixture in terms of dimensions and shape. You should also clarify the location of the mounting holes under the seat.

The width size is measured at the points of greatest “run-up” of the structure. The length dimension is taken from the edge of the front part of the curb to the point of the center line passing between the centers of the holes intended for attaching the toilet seat.

Standard dimensions of plumbing fixtures for different designs. Based on these parameters, a toilet seat is selected in case of a new installation to replace the old toilet seat. If you know these dimensions, choosing a seat of a suitable configuration is easy.

Often, toilet owners who have had to change the toilet seat prefer to choose more advanced models instead of the standard design. This choice is explained by their desire for novelty.

Meanwhile, new products “with heating”, “with backlighting”, “with motion sensors” in practice turn into even bigger problems. A serious manufacturer of plumbing fixtures is not yet in a hurry to offer such an “exclusive” to the buyer. Such proposals usually come from Chinese companies.

Types of warm seats

Modern developments in plumbing technology enable consumers to choose seats based on their capabilities and needs. “Warm” toilet seats are divided into the following categories:

  1. Soft, upholstered in fabric or dermantine. An excellent option for home use is a soft seat for an individual toilet. It is quite unpretentious to use and has a pleasant texture to the touch. I would especially like to note the pleasant sensations during contact with the skin. But all types of fabrics wear out over time.

In addition, the issue of hygiene is especially acute; the fabric must be washed from time to time, and this does not add to its service life. The service life of such a coating is quite short, as it often breaks. At best, such a product will last a maximum of a year. But they usually need to be replaced after three to five months of use.

  1. With heating function. Both regular seats and toilet seats equipped with a microlift and a bidet can be equipped with heated covers. An automatic or smart seat is equipped with a motion sensor. When approaching him, the lid opens, and after the person leaves, it closes automatically.

The cost of a warm seat directly depends on the functionality. This type is one of the components for seats equipped with a bidet or microlift. The user who cares about practicality, hygiene, comfort and quality chooses this type of warm toilet seat.

  1. With hygienic pads. Hygienic toilet seats are a replaceable item. They are used at work, in public toilets and in hotel rooms. Some large hotels or business centers use individual disposable toilet seats, which are equipped with automatic replacement with clean linings and removal of already used ones.

These devices show the status and prestige of the organization. The cost of toilet seat covers is not particularly high, but the convenience is great. One of the disadvantages of such products is the lack of fastenings on disposable seats. This creates some discomfort during use.

In addition, these products have the shortest possible lifespan. If we consider the material from which these products are made, it can be either paper or a special polymer. These seats do not cause problems during installation. After all, in order to prepare it for use, it only takes a few seconds.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a warm seat, you need to pay attention to the material, design, and level of rigidity. All these parameters directly affect the ease of use of toilets and the service life of the product.

Problems when replacing a seat

Some problems when replacing a toilet seat or lid may occur on plumbing fixtures that have served the owners for several years. Removing fasteners on an old toilet seat is especially difficult if metal bolts and nuts that are susceptible to corrosion were used.

The high level of humidity in the toilet area is created by the water present in the flush cistern. This is the main reason for the appearance of rust and oxides on threads.

In this condition, it is extremely difficult to unscrew the nuts from the mounting bolts, and sometimes impossible using traditional methods. We have to resort to radical measures.

Metal fastenings of toilet plumbing fixtures, which do not have protection against oxides and corrosion, tend to “boil”. In such cases, only non-standard approaches help to unscrew the nuts

So, if the thread of a bolt or stud is damaged by corrosion and twisting the nut is not possible even with a wrench, the problem can still be solved.

Why do the following:

  1. Use an electric drill.
  2. Place a drill bit with a diameter slightly smaller than the wall thickness of the nut into the drill chuck.
  3. Carefully drill the nut from its bottom edge to the top.
  4. Insert a suitable metal rod into the hole.
  5. Try to “break” the nut using the pumping forces of the rod.

Sometimes a similar situation occurs on plastic fittings. It happens that during installation (during cleaning) the threaded part of the stud is accidentally damaged. A defect in the plastic thread will also prevent the seat mount from being removed in the usual way.

If you cannot twist the nuts using a tool, you can cut them off with a sharp thin knife, after heating the knife blade to the melting temperature of the plastic (120-130º C).

Part of the fastening fittings for seats with covers is made of brass and bronze. This metal does not corrode, but has the ability to quickly oxidize in the presence of moisture. The oxides, in turn, form “growths” on the threads, which over time become comparable in hardness to the same metal.

It helps to unscrew such connections by pre-wetting them (and holding them for a while) with machine oil. Apply lubricant to the connection easily and conveniently with a plastic disposable syringe.

Making a heated seat yourself

You can construct a warm toilet yourself using available materials. Of course, this will not be a full-fledged multifunctional model, but the device will definitely fulfill its main task.

Heating cable

This method is rightfully considered the most effective and practical, but it will require some effort from the owner. To make a heated seat you will need:

  • Seat.
  • Heating cable - will act as a heat source. You can buy it in a specialized store. At this stage, you can save money by disassembling an ordinary electric heating pad.
  • Thermal fuse, thermal relay and thermostat are devices that will ensure the safety of the future heated toilet lid.

The heating manufacturing process looks like this:

  • A through hole for the power cable is drilled in the side of the seat.
  • The inside is covered with aluminum foil tape, which will prevent the plastic from melting.
  • The heating cable is laid out on the foil like an accordion (snake), and each bend is fixed with thin strips of tape.
  • The elements responsible for temperature control, as well as the power cord, are connected to the cable.
  • The inside of the seat is filled with pipe sealant over the heater, which will increase the reliability of the structure.
  • The seat is mounted on the bowl and connected to a household electrical outlet.

To increase the efficiency of this heating method at low temperatures, insulating material is additionally attached to the bottom of the seat. This will reduce heat transfer to the bowl itself, concentrating it on the surface that will be in contact with the skin.

Electric heater

In rarely visited country houses or summer cottages with an outdoor toilet, it is better to use a heated toilet seat based on an electric heating pad. The whole point of such a seat is that a heating pad is placed on it and turned on, which is covered with a lid.

Step-by-step instruction

In order to change the lid on the toilet according to all the rules, you need to adhere to the following action plan:

The first step is to remove the old lid from the toilet. You may need a special tool for this. Plastic bolts can simply be cut with a sharp knife, while brass bolts can be easily unscrewed. If the cover is secured with steel bolts, then they will need to be cut with a grinder. In this case, it is recommended to cover the floor with some kind of rag, in this case there will be no very sharp metal filings under your feet while working. Take the new lid along with the seat and, placing it against the toilet, check whether they have the correct shape and size

Then pay attention to the correspondence of the placement of the bolts and the holes intended for them on the cover. If everything fits, all that remains is to install the bolts, having previously aligned the fastening locations.

A few important rules:

  1. When installing the seat, it must be moved forward as much as possible.
  2. If the bolts are fastened tightly enough, the installed cover will not move at all. Otherwise, if it moves in different directions as soon as you sit on it, this may not only cause the lid or toilet to break, but you may also get injured.
  3. When all work is completed, sit on the seat and evaluate how securely it is fixed.

Materials for making seats

Having decided to build such a structure at the dacha, you need to decide on the following questions:

  • What materials should I use to make a toilet seat in a country house?
  • What shape should it be?

Folding toilet seat with a plastic seat
The construction of these structures can be made of several types of material. Based on your preferences and financial capabilities, you can make them yourself from the following materials:

  • Styrofoam. Lining for toilet construction
  • Cink Steel.
  • Plastic.
  • Wooden boards.
  • Lining.
  • Moisture resistant plywood.

Most summer residents prefer pure wood. This choice is not accidental, since wood has such properties as strength, comfort and practicality.

Moisture-resistant plywood is suitable for interior decoration of the toilet, as well as for covering the toilet seat

Plastic structures are easy to maintain during operation, and due to their low weight they are easy to install. But as far as impact resistance is concerned, here they are inferior to structures made from other materials. Poor resistance to mechanical stress leads to the formation of cracks and scratches.

As for moisture-resistant plywood, its use is justified by the following properties:

  • High strength.
  • Affordable price.
  • Easy installation.

The installation of a structure made of moisture-resistant plywood occurs with the use of rubber pads, which prevent the cover from moving during operation, since the pads are attached to the base of the seat.

Galvanized steel seat

A high chair made of galvanized steel is considered the most affordable option, but it has several big advantages:

  • Low costs.
  • Strength.
  • Flexibility.
  • Long service life.
  • Easy installation.

The remaining materials, foam plastic and lining, are used to cover the wooden frame of the podium.

Covering the toilet with clapboard

The shape of the podium can be rectangular or angular. This criterion is selected based on the preferences of the dacha owner or the size of the toilet.

How calm is it?

A toilet seat cover for children is a special device that is similar to a standard high chair, but only slightly smaller. As a rule, manufacturers offer products of this look in bright colors and with attractive designs.

In this way, you can attract the child’s attention, which will speed up the process of getting used to the adult toilet.

It is very important that the baby’s first “acquaintance” with this subject is comfortable. To do this, you should choose a pad with a soft surface that will be warm and pleasant to the body.

The child will definitely like this option, unlike nondescript cold plastic. Some people use disposable toilet seat covers, but they are quite expensive and are mostly used in public places.

Read also our article How to adjust a toilet seat for children and adults.

Children's toilet seat covers are not only comfortable, but also safer than a regular high chair. They are recommended by experts for this wine and have received a lot of positive feedback from parents and children themselves.

Such a device is easily installed on the toilet and can be removed instantly. There is no need to perform complex manipulations to make the toilet accessible to an adult. The pads are a universal device that is perfect for boys and girls. It can be used by children from 1.5 years old. It is advisable that the child master the potty first. This will make it easier for him to get used to the adult toilet.

Materials for making a toilet seat

The material used to make the toilet seat largely influences the quality and functionality. There are some types of materials from which toilet seats are made:

  1. Duroplast. Products made from this material have a high level of mechanical strength. The lid made of this material is much easier to clean, and the composition of this material already includes antibacterial substances. Resistance to ultraviolet radiation and acids is also one of the advantages of this material. The cost of products made from this material is much higher compared to plastic counterparts.
  2. Plastic. The most popular material for making toilet lids. This is due to the price-quality ratio. The plastic seat is light and removable. But it is very short-lived and is also susceptible to cracks and chips.
  3. Wood from MDF and wood have a rich appearance and attract with their naturalness. They have one serious drawback - they are quite heavy. For this reason, there is a high probability that the lid itself may damage the surface of the toilet itself.
  4. Plywood. Such products are extremely rare these days. As a rule, they are made independently. These products do not have a lid.
  5. Styrofoam. In garden supply stores you can often see similar products for country toilets. They are intended for outdoor toilets. Foam toilet lids are a cheap option with a nice texture.
  6. Textile. This texture is usually used for decorative purposes and to provide additional comfort. This creates the effect of a warm toilet seat.
  7. Paper or plastic film. This material is intended for the manufacture of disposable toilet seats intended for visiting public toilets. There are also special hygienic seats, which are pads. These can be found in business centers or hotels.

Seat fastener

Choosing the right quality seat is only half the task. You also need to secure it, for which you will need seat fasteners. Although at first glance this may seem like a trifle, it is they who will make the operation of the seats reliable and durable.

The mounting kit includes:

  • a brass or plastic screw designed to secure the sleeve. The price of the latter will always be lower, but its reliability will also be lower;
  • nut - most often plastic or nylon for easier tightening. Sometimes it is made of stainless steel;
  • decorative cap (not always used).

The photo shows plastic screws and a nut for attaching the seat to the toilet

Fasteners for toilet seats are made from different materials. The most popular are systems made of stainless steel; this material is intended for long-term use.

Installation is quick and easy; there are special holes on the toilet for this purpose. Most often, only the strength of your hands is enough; sometimes you can tighten the nut with a wrench.

How to choose a toilet lid

Before you replace the seat, you must select the correct cover shape.

Currently, their range is huge, so you should pay attention not to the fact that it is soft, very expensive or, for example, in the form of an aquarium, but that it is exactly the same size as the previous one.

  1. The seat must match the dimensions of the toilet rim
    . Otherwise, the latter may be wide, and you buy a narrow model, then dirt will begin to accumulate. In addition, the seat itself will become unstable.

Removing the old seat and installing a new one

Let's consider the simplest option:

  1. Look under the toilet where you should see 2 screws with nuts.
  2. If they are plastic, unscrew them yourself, otherwise you may need wrenches.

Installation of a seat with microlift

There is no need to worry in advance about the unclear name of this product. The installation method does not change from loud words. You also need to install the lid in 2 holes on the toilet, which is still considered the most optimal option for attaching it.

After removing the old lid, put special rubber rings on the new fastener for a softer fit to the toilet, and secure it from below with nuts.

Unlike the previous option, sometimes they require some adjustment. This usually concerns the tightness of the seat to the toilet.

This is necessary in order not to damage the expensive product during operation. To do this, make adjustments using adjusting cups that are screwed onto the mounting bolt. You should get a tight and even fit of the seat over the entire surface of the plumbing fixture.

  1. For inexpensive seats, plastic screws are usually used.
    When twisting them, do not overdo it. In addition, if the nuts are tightened too tightly, the stability of the seat may be impaired. If this happens, loosen one or two nuts.

  1. If the seat is combined with a cover, do not rush to tighten it completely until the cover is inserted
    . There are times when it’s not clear the first time, and the instructions don’t really explain anything. Otherwise, the cover will not be installed smoothly or will not be able to be secured at all. Therefore, you will have to unscrew everything again.
  2. The principle of installing the seat is approximately the same for everyone; they may differ only in nuances.

Which seat shape should I choose?

The classic shape of the toilet lid is a semi-oval.

But recently, plumbing fixtures of various shapes have been produced, which has led to the appearance of seats of other shapes: round, rectangular, square, etc. For lovers of exclusivity and originality, covers in the form of musical instruments, toys, animals, etc. are offered. The main thing The condition is this: the corners must be rounded to prevent scratches and tearing of clothing.

If there are small children in the family, you should purchase a universal seat that has an intermediate ring of a smaller diameter.

Exclusive toilet seats

Plumbing fixtures for the toilet, equipped with electronics, have not been surprising for a long time. Recently, toilets have also come close to the electronic fraternity. Regulators for drainage, water intake, disinfection, filtration - these functions become integral parts of bidets and urinals.

Some of these functions are also used on toilet seats. So, heated seats are quickly gaining popularity.

The installation of the electric model is basically the same as the standard version. The only addition is cable laying and installation of an electrical outlet.

The toilet is from the group of “exclusive” products. In addition to the usual functions, the device is equipped with an additional feature - a seat heating system. Installation of such plumbing requires an additional supply of electrical communications.

The design of models with illuminated bowls is not entirely clear - what benefit do they bring to the toilet visitor? However, these solutions remain relevant due to the stability of their demand in the market.

The installation of a backlit seat must include the installation of an electrical network in the toilet area. At the same time, there are models of seat covers, where the backlight lamps are powered by batteries.

The batteries are built directly inside the seat structure. You cannot do without installing electrical communications in the case of using toilets with a motion control function.

How to make a warm seat for a country (outdoor) toilet

For many owners of suburban areas and houses, the problem of installing a warm seat for an outdoor toilet remains urgent. Despite the fact that today there are many technological possibilities for arranging a bathroom inside a country house, a large number of people still continue to use external toilets. This is due to various reasons. A dacha village may not have a centralized water supply and drainage system, and installing your own well and local sewerage system is technically or financially difficult. In such cases, you can purchase a compact dry closet. However, this option will not work if the country house does not have a room in which it could be installed. In addition, such a device is expensive in itself, and its maintenance and operation requires constant financial costs. This is why many summer cottages still have outdoor toilets. This is where a seat for a country toilet becomes necessary, which would be convenient to use not only in warm but also in cold weather. How can you arrange a seat for maximum convenience in using an outdoor toilet?

Brief overview of manufacturers

The variety of products on the Russian market is explained by the presence of a large number of foreign manufacturers, since there are quite a few well-known and proven domestic brands. Among Russian companies producing toilet accessories, we can highlight such brands as:

  • Santek;
  • Keramin;
  • IDDIS.

Seat cover Sanita Luxe CLASSIC white thermoplastic. The cost of a set with a toilet is 5,750 rubles. A model with a microlift costs 150 rubles. more expensive than without it

Real high-quality products are presented to the Russian market by well-known foreign brands:

  • Geberit (Switzerland);
  • Cersanit (Poland);
  • Laufen (Switzerland);
  • Roca (Spain);
  • Ifo (Sweden);
  • IDO (Finland);
  • Jacob Delafon (France);
  • Villeroy & Boch (France);
  • Vitra (Türkiye);
  • Jika (Czech Republic).

The Laufen company is focused on producing luxury sanitary ware and accessories, and is also concerned about the problem of water conservation, so the products surprise with both their perfect design and technicality. The assortment includes many designer models for floor-standing and wall-hung toilets.

Model in pink color Laufen Mimo for a wall-hung toilet with a micro-lift, the color of the fittings is chrome, there is the possibility of quick dismantling. The lid is treated with an antibacterial coating. Cost – 8,600 rubles.

The Geberit company aims to produce the most comfortable products and every year surprises with new modern models with electronic support. Of course, the cost of seat covers is quite high and reaches 160 thousand rubles, but there are models for 25-30 thousand rubles.

Geberit bidet lid from the AquaClean collection with automatic rinsing, heating, infrared sensor, spray setting, hairdryer and remote control. Cost – 159 thousand rubles.

The Spanish company Roca specializes in the production of mid-level plumbing fixtures, but from high-quality materials. The assortment is varied - from inexpensive models for 3-5 thousand rubles. to electronically controlled seats for 50 thousand rubles.

Roca America seat cover in cherry wood-look Thermodure. Microlift, metal fastenings, convenient quick removal system. Cost – 11,500 rubles.

If you want to purchase an inexpensive and safe model, pay attention to the products of the Czech brand Jika. The cost of most models is 1.5 thousand

rub. – 5 thousand rubles. Products of a classic type, environmentally friendly, easy to use.

The Jika Vega seat cover is white in a modern style, with an antibacterial coating, without a microlift. Material: duroplast, chrome-plated fasteners. Cost – 2,300 rubles.

Some useful tips for choosing:

As you can see, the choice is quite large and largely depends on financial capabilities. If funds allow, you can purchase more comfortable models with additional options, but there are also convenient, inexpensive models in a classic style with a microlift. When purchasing, do not forget about the size, quality of the material and the suitability of the style of the product to the environment.

From time to time you still have to change the toilet seat along with the lid. The process is actually simple and easy to do yourself. Even if you have never done this, the work will not be difficult.

Today our task comes down to telling you in clear language how to properly remove the old seat, what needs to be unscrewed and where, and then showing with your fingers how to assemble and screw on the new one.

Known types of failures

Here are the most common breakdowns that you can repair yourself.

The lid is cracked

The duroplast from which these components are made gives the material rigidity and resistance to yellowing. The downside is that these covers are very fragile .

Photo 1. Installation of new fastenings for the lid and toilet seat occurs in the same way as their removal.

The toilet seat cracked

The plastic product can withstand a lot of weight. But at the same time, such material is very short-lived, because... subject to mechanical damage . However, a plastic toilet seat is cheaper than its analogues.

The lid falls and slams

A breakdown may require either light intervention or a complete replacement of the part.

The toilet seat mount is broken

This part is often sold complete with the main parts. Separately, you can search for the mount on the Internet.

Photo 2. Mounts for the toilet lid are plastic, metal and complementary. Metal ones are the most common because they are more durable.

The microlift is broken

The ceramics of the toilet bowl can withstand a lot of weight, but are easily destroyed by impact forces . Often this force is the frequent fall of the toilet lid. The microlift ensures smooth closing of the lid, but sometimes the system fails.

What types of country toilets are there?

Not long ago, the only solution for a clapboard-built wooden booth was either a hole in the wood deck or a slightly more comfortable wooden seat: a raised platform with a hole in it, sometimes called a counter. Practice has shown that from the point of view of comfort, both of these options are not very practical.

Note! Plastic dry closets are much more convenient and there is no hassle with them: you just need to choose and pay for the appropriate model, and the supplier can take care of the installation and maintenance. However, such pleasure is not cheap, and you will have to say goodbye to the opportunity to get nutritious compost.

The compact plastic toilet for the dacha, which is included with bio-toilets, is very convenient, but site owners will have to reckon with constant additional costs for its maintenance

An excellent solution to their situation could be a regular toilet, which is mounted directly above the cesspool. Another option, when a septic tank is installed instead of a cesspool, is also quite popular. In a house equipped with a water supply and sewerage system, making such a toilet is not so difficult. You need to buy a toilet with a tank and connect it. But, as a rule, water is not supplied to free-standing country toilets.

It should be noted that an ordinary floor-standing earthenware toilet has significant physical weight. The wooden plank floor may simply collapse under it. This option is more appropriate in permanent structures with a concrete floor.

Fortunately, neat toilet bowls for country toilets made of plastic have appeared on sale. They come in different colors, with models in dark shades being popular. The plastic is strong enough to support the weight of a sitting person, and the product does not weigh that much. More and more country toilets are equipped with such beautiful and comfortable garden toilets.

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