Crafts from kinder surprises: an easy master class for children, with a full description of how to make an unusual craft

How to make a bee from a kinder surprise

The plastic case for the toy, which is located inside the chocolate eggs, can become the basis for various crafts.
For example, it makes funny bees that can be hung over a newborn’s crib instead of mobiles. The simplest option will require a minimum of effort, and to make it you will only need fishing line, several containers, black adhesive tape approximately 0.5 cm wide (it can be replaced with electrical tape of the desired color, cut into strips), glue, beads for eyes, tracing paper, black felt-tip pen and wire for antennae. A laughing face is drawn on the case and eyes are glued on. Wrap containers with duct tape to create striped bees. Wings are cut out from tracing paper, decorated with a felt-tip pen and secured to the cases. Antennae are made from wire.

Using a needle heated over a fire, I pierce the containers and insert the antennae, tying the ends of the antennae from the inside into knots. Make a hole for the fishing line and hang the bee. If you want the craft to be more expressive, you can make the insect’s legs from a thin black ribbon.

Rattles in the style of Montessori pedagogy

Excellent rattles are made from colored chocolate egg containers.

It is necessary to take an even number of boxes into which semolina, peas, millet, etc. are poured. The child must find two identical toys by sound. The little one will love this exciting game.

Making an unusual and fluffy bee from pompoms

We offer you another option for making an original bee from balls in the form of pompoms with your own hands. For work you should prepare threads of two colors: black and yellow. Also, to make a bee, you should stock up on thick wire for weaving with beads, brown adhesive tape, PVA glue, thick cardboard, also scissors and two pieces of fabric measuring ten by five centimeters.

Make your insect's belly first. Form two rings from sheets of cardboard and wrap threads around them. When creating the bee's abdomen, use thread in both yellow and black shades. shape into an oval pompom. After finishing winding the threads, cut them with scissors and tie them with thread.

You need to form the head of your bee from black threads. On the head you can make antennae and eyes from felt or paper.

A bee has six legs. Cut two pieces of eleven centimeters, two pieces of ten centimeters and two pieces of twelve centimeters from thick copper wire. Wrap each piece of wire with black fluffy thread on one side only. Now stick all the legs in pairs into the chest of your bee.

Wings should be formed on the surface of your bee's chest. To do this, you can use pieces of fabric or make them using the kanzashi technique.

Also, use pieces of thick wire to make antennae and a stinger for your insect. Fix these structures on the surface of the head using PVA glue. That's it, now your unusual and funny bee is ready!

Bees from Kinder Surprise

and cardboard honeycombs. To create your own bee house, you will need toilet paper rolls, scissors, yellow paint and glue. For bees - eggs from Kinder surprises, fluffy wire or thick black woolen threads, a marker.

We bend the paper rollers six times along the entire length to form a hexagon.

Cut into pieces of equal thickness.

We glue the paper parts together with adjacent walls and paint them with yellow paint.

Wrap the Kinder eggs three times around with fluffy wire or thick woolen thread. You can use regular wire, after wrapping it with black thread. Draw the muzzle with a marker.

The bees can be placed inside the honeycombs or suspended from the honeycombs by a string.

Making rattles, baby slings

From capsules it is easy to make small rattles , sling beads and small containers for storing beads and seed beads . There are many photos of such examples on the Internet. It will not be difficult to repeat them carefully by examining the samples. You can also make an abacus for playing shop or learning to count.

For this you will need:

  1. Frame for fastening.
  2. Three twigs or thick wire.
  3. Capsules 24 pieces of light color and 6 pieces of dark color.
  4. Colored cord.
  5. Glue or nuts for attaching rods.

Pierce the capsules and string 10 of them onto slats in this order: 4 light, 2 dark and again 4 light. Secure all three slats to the frame in a horizontal position at an equal distance from each other. Wrap the frame with colored cord, covering the attachment points.

How to make a funny bee with your own hands from a kinder surprise: master class

From such a simple material as kinder packaging you can make funny and unusual bees that can be used as decoration. So, prepare all the necessary materials to create bees:

  • Empty container from a kinder surprise;
  • Black insulating tape;
  • Wooden toothpick with a sharp tip;
  • Sheets of white paper;
  • Reliable glue;
  • Sharp scissors;
  • Thin sharp knitting needle or awl;
  • Thick thread or twine.

After preparing all the necessary tools and materials, start making bees. Take a thin knitting needle or an awl and use it to make two small holes in the egg container. They need to be made in the end sides of the kinder, and another hole should be made in the place where all the parts are fixed.

Thread a thick thread into the hole on the side, forming a small knot at the end. This thread will allow you to hang your bee in the air in the future. Insert a wooden toothpick into the holes located at the ends of the container so that the sharp end sticks out. This design will be your bee's sting.

Now take black insulating tape into strips two to three millimeters wide. For the body of the bee you will need three or four blanks. If you couldn't find tape, you can use white construction tape. Stick it on and paint it black. You need to cover the surface of the entire body of the bee with such black blanks, maintaining the same distance between them.

From white paper you need to cut out paired wings for your funny bee. They can be double or single - as your creative imagination tells you. Using glue, carefully and securely fix them on the back of the insect.

Now you need to start making the face of your bee. Cut out two circles with a diameter of four or five millimeters from white paper. Glue them to the end part of the structure on top of the sting. You need to cut out small circles from black insulating tape and stick them on white blanks. If you wish, you can simply draw the pupils of your bee using a black marker. If you wish, you can also make your bee's eyes from polymer clay or even mastic.

You need to cut out a triangular mouth from the same insulating tape and glue it underneath under the toothpick sting. Add a couple of white teeth and your DIY or crocheted bee is complete.


An original and inexpensive souvenir is a keychain. It can be made in the form of a cheerful bee. To work, you need to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • a plastic egg from a kinder (it is important to choose a container from a yellow toy, since sometimes they are white, blue and even green, and this does not suit our character);
  • an awl for making holes (you can also use a thick darning needle);
  • scissors;
  • thin satin ribbons in black and yellow (for legs and loops);
  • adhesive paper (for strips);
  • plastic eyes (if you don’t have these, you can make them yourself: put black beads into the empty pill slots and seal them with a piece of cardboard on top);
  • a transparent plastic bottle (wings will be cut out of it later);
  • plastic or wooden beads;
  • glue gun

When the necessary materials have been prepared, you can proceed directly to work:

  1. Use an awl to make a hole at the top. We insert a piece of yellow tape into it, making a loop. We tie several knots at the ends so that the ribbon does not jump out.
  2. We make the legs in the same way. To do this, we pierce holes in pairs on one side of the plastic egg. We stretch the black ribbons and secure them with a knot from the inside. We string beads onto the outer ends of the ribbons and also tie a knot. This way we make 4 legs.
  3. Cut out thin strips of adhesive paper and glue them in a circle. If you don’t have such paper, you can use a black marker or thin rubber strips from a bicycle inner tube to apply the stripes.
  4. Cut out 2 wings (in the shape of a drop) from a transparent plastic bottle.
  5. Using a glue gun, attach the wings to the back of the resulting insect.
  6. Glue the eyes and mouth on top. Glue a sting and antennae from glass beads or mosaic parts.

The keychain is ready!

What you will need

Kinder cake is quite easy to prepare - you don’t need to bake cakes, whip cream, or make decorations. Even if you are not a master in the art of confectionery, the cake will turn out anyway. Depending on the complexity, you will spend no more than half an hour on the entire process; if you follow the master class exactly, the finished cake can be presented immediately.

So take:

  1. Kinder chocolate – 51 sticks for the lower tier, 40 for the upper;
  2. Kinder surprise egg - at least one, but more is possible;
  3. “Kinder” chocolate candies in wrapper – 12 pieces;
  4. The base is a circle of polystyrene foam, a cardboard box - one with a diameter of 28.4 cm, for the second tier - with a diameter of 21 cm;
  5. Crepe paper in pink (if for a girl) or white (for a boy) color;
  6. Glue gun;
  7. One glue stick;
  8. Double-sided tape;
  9. Satin ribbon at least 4 cm wide;
  10. Transparent organza ribbon;
  11. PVA glue;
  12. Another optional decor is a wax candle with a number (child’s age), sparkles, sequins, and so on.

When thinking about a kinder cake, take into account the gender and age of the birthday person. For a girl, a cake decorated with sparkles, stones, and rhinestones would be more appropriate. For boys, one red satin ribbon (matching the shade of Kinder Surprise) and a candle will be enough.

Use the master class as a basis, adding your own ideas. It’s easy to make and decorate such a gift with your own hands, and you can also make it original with the help of decor. For example, when preparing a cake for the New Year, you can diversify it with a Christmas tree rain, a Santa Claus figurine made of chocolate in foil, or the same figurine of a hare. A March 8th cake for a girl can be made with a big figure eight made of thick red grosgrain ribbon on top.

A few rattles as an idea for an interesting game

If you make several rattles with different substances poured inside, you can play with children and develop their hearing. Depending on the substance poured inside the container, each rattle will produce its own sound, unique only to this substance.

Thus, gradually developing hearing, the child will be able to accurately determine which substance is in which rattle.


We will need:

  • capsules;
  • awl;
  • battery operated LEDs;
  • toy eyes;
  • foil;
  • tree branch;
  • fishing line;
  • “fluffy” wire.”

Use an awl to make a hole in the top of the capsule. We insert the LED into the cap with the hole so that the light bulb looks into the hole.

We cut out the wings from foil and glue them to the workpiece.

We make firefly antennae from “fluffy” wire. If there is none, then wrap regular wire with colored threads. Glue or draw eyes with felt-tip pens.

Let's hang our fireflies from the rim on a fishing line.

This glowing headband with fireflies will be a wonderful night light for a child’s room.

How to make a Kinder Surprise cake

Almost all children, as well as most adults, love it. If your kids love chocolate eggs with a toy inside, then you can please them with a colorful cake.

Before making a big “Kinder surprise”, you must first bake 5-6 round cakes with sour cream, as usual. Then prepare the cream from 1 cup of cream, 250 g of cottage cheese, 3-4 tbsp. l. powdered sugar, 1 tbsp. l. maple syrup. To do this, beat the cream with powdered sugar until the mass thickens, grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, add the curd mass and add it to the cream.

Circles of different diameters are cut out from pre-baked cakes. After coating with cream, the “parts” are laid out on top of each other, and the top layers are formed from some of the scraps, rolled in the shape of a spiral (the result should be a structure resembling a pyramid on a tapering base). The remaining pieces of cake are ground, mixed with cream and this “cement” is smeared on top of the cake, giving the shape of an egg.

Mastic is prepared from powdered sugar with the addition of gelatin, water and lemon juice, as well as a small amount of butter (to prevent rapid drying), rolled out and pulled onto the “egg”, cutting off the excess at the base. Letters are cut out from the same material in the desired colors, as well as decor for the base. If desired, add a mastic “label” with the name of the child for whom the cake was prepared.

The process of making bees

First, you need to use an awl to make holes in the container on one side and the other. We pass toothpicks through these holes. A small part of the toothpick should stick out on one side, and a large part on the other. This creates a preparation for the future bee. Cut out several strips from self-adhesive black paper. Glue the cut strips in a circle to the workpiece. Cut out wings from white paper. Then, using a glue gun, glue the wings to the bee. Make a mouth out of the remaining black paper. Use acrylic paints to add additional elements: eyes and teeth. Secure the bee with a thin elastic band or thread. The bee is ready to fly!

In this simple way you can make not just one bee, but a whole swarm. Or instead of bees, you can make beautiful butterflies in the same way. Replacing white and black paper with colored ones.

Strive to create beautiful things out of nothing with your own hands for yourself and your children. Delight others with your creativity. And the whole world around you will be filled with bright colors.

Elena Vladimova

Master class “Funny bees” for children of senior preschool age

Vladimova Elena Stanislavovna

Description of work:

The master class is designed for children of senior preschool age together with a teacher, as well as for parents and creative people.


From capsules from Kinder surprises you can make original crafts, for example, beautiful bees. They will help decorate the natural corner in the group and the kindergarten area.


Make a funny bee together with your child


arouse interest in this type of activity, develop fine motor skills, creative imagination, cultivate perseverance, and develop aesthetic taste.


plastic milk bottle, red and black electrical tape, scissors, kinder capsules, plasticine, matches.

Preliminary work:

The teacher makes holes in the capsule for wings and horns, and makes a beehive.

1. Introduction to the material

2. Using black electrical tape scissors, cut thin strips

3. Take the capsule and cover it with black stripes

4. Cut out eyes and a nose from black electrical tape, and a mouth from red tape, then glue it to the capsule.

5. Cut out wings for the bee from a plastic bottle

6. Insert the cut wings into the holes

7. Decorate the wings using strips of black electrical tape

8. Take matches and insert them into the holes one at a time

9. Take black plasticine, make balls, then attach them to the tip of a match

10. Our work is ready.

Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

This development will be of interest to teachers of senior and preparatory groups; giraffes can be used as decoration for the reception area.

Master class “How we prepared for Easter” with children of middle preschool age. In the life of Orthodox citizens there is a significant day - Pure.

You will need: 1. Large box. 2. Small box 3. Scissors 4. Scotch tape 5. Green self-adhesive paper. 6. Stationery knife. 7. Glue.

The Standard states that one of the basic principles of preschool education is “the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions.

Everyone loves surprises, so most kids are simply crazy about chocolate eggs, inside of which there is a mini-container with a bright toy. Many craftsmen even know how to make a Kinder Surprise surprise. If you are also interested in this topic, then below are several ways to make crafts from the chocolate eggs themselves and their containers, as well as a recipe for a delicious and beautiful cake with the same name.

Sweet gift with toys

If you are interested in how to make a Kinder Surprise surprise in the form of a bouquet, then we can also recommend the option of containing the contents of containers. To make it, the “egg” needs to be wrapped in transparent floral film and secured on a skewer. You should do the same with 5 miniature stuffed toys. Then you should collect all the “flowers” ​​into a bouquet, with a “Kinder Surprise” in the center and surround it with large leaves cut from corrugated paper. At the end, you can decorate the bouquet with a ribbon tied in a bow at the base.

Now you know how to make “Kinder Surprise” the basis for an original craft and will be able to please your family with an extraordinary gift.

Doing handicrafts from scrap materials is a very simple and enjoyable activity. You can easily find materials and equipment for making such an element as bees. In our article you can find a description of the most interesting options for decorating this decorative element with your own hands.

Crafts of kinder chickens

This simple and very cute craft can be done even by novice craftsmen. Therefore, you can entrust some of the work to the child.

To create a funny chicken from a kinder case, follow these steps:

• Prepare pale yellow knitting yarn, 1 container of red plasticine, black buttons or beads, glue, eggshells.

• Fold the yarn in several rows and twist into a loose rope. Tie the ends of this rope to make a voluminous ring.

• Place half an eggshell in this ring, like an egg in a nest. If desired, the shell and yarn can be fixed with glue.

• Place a container in the shell. Take 3 balls of red plasticine and attach them to the top of the case - this will be a comb.

• Then form a beak from the same plasticine. And use black beads or plasticine balls to make eyes.

A beautiful souvenir is ready! If the child wishes, you can create several chickens and even a mother chicken.

Kinder garden pendant with garlic

This pendant will come in handy during epidemics of viral infections. It is known that many microorganisms do not tolerate garlic, so when sending your child to the garden, hang a funny garlic pendant around his neck.

To work you will need:

  • kinder egg;
  • scissors, awl, needle and thread for work;
  • cord, it can be colored, if this is not the case, then a thin ribbon will do;
  • accessories for decorating pendants.

Use an awl to pierce the Kinder Surprise box in different places. Thread a colored lace or ribbon through the holes at the top. A clove of garlic is placed inside the box.

Every morning before going to the garden, do not forget to change the garlic in the container.

Crafts from Kinder egg capsules

You can create many more beautiful crafts from bright cases, for example, juicy berries, beautiful animals, rattles for the little ones, etc.

Master class on creating a strawberry bush:

• Paint the containers red. • Wrap the wire in cut strips from the bottles, warming them with a candle. • Cut leaves from the bottle. • Once the berries are dry, mark them with a black marker. • Secure the berries to the stems by threading a wire through the hole and securing it with plasticine from the inside. Ready!

The girl will be happy to create a beautiful goldfish together with her mother to decorate her room:

• Twist the golden ribbon with scissors and fold it to form 4 ends. Make a hole in the center of one end.

• From inside the container, pass a fishing line through the hole, string a ribbon and beads onto it, then pass it through the hole again into the egg, string another bead, and tie it tightly inside. This will make the tail.

• Cover the case with braid made of golden sequins, fixing it with glue.

• Then glue the eyes, nose and decoration on top. Attach a fishing line to the decoration on the fish's head. Ready!

Parents can create a rattle out of cases for their baby. True, for this you need to know how to crochet. To make a beautiful toy, containers are filled with various cereals, nuts, and sand. A cord is pulled through the holes at the top and bottom; if desired, beads can be placed on the thread between the containers. Now all that remains is to crochet each case.

As you can see, Kinder Surprise containers are a very useful thing. Show your child how many beautiful and funny crafts you can create with your own hands from these bright boxes. To make the toy look like in the picture, strictly follow the instructions and study the photo. Make an appointment with a doctor in your city

Crafts from Kinder eggs: what can be made from a container. Making unusual toys with your own hands.

Kinder eggs are one of the most favorite materials for creating crafts. Children love to use capsules from which they can create unusual things. Of course, the child must first enjoy the incredibly delicious chocolate, and then he must see his toy.

If you have a large number of plastic containers for Kinder eggs, then there is no need to throw them away. These capsules can be used in a variety of ways. Photos of crafts made from Kinder eggs allow you to create all kinds of products that can become a real memory of a person.

To save money, we make crafts from Kinder eggs with our own hands.

Brief contents of the article:

Craft “Bird”

There can be many answers to the question of how to make a Kinder Surprise surprise. For example, if you have a few white feathers, watercolor paints, craft eyes, or two black beads on hand, you can make a funny chicken in a few minutes. You will also need a piece of red velvet paper or cardboard from which to cut out the beak. Using watercolor paints, feathers or bird fluff should be painted yellow and glued to the container as wings. Then you need to add the eyes and beak. That's it, the chicken is ready. It can be given as a gift, used for decoration, or hung on the wall in your baby's room or above his crib.

How to make a bee from Kinder Surprise

The plastic case for the toy, which is located inside the chocolate eggs, can become the basis for various crafts. For example, it makes funny bees that can be hung over a newborn’s crib instead of mobiles. The simplest option will require a minimum of effort, and to make it you will only need fishing line, several containers, black adhesive tape approximately 0.5 cm wide (it can be replaced with electrical tape of the desired color, cut into strips), glue, beads for eyes, tracing paper, black felt-tip pen and wire for antennae.

A laughing face is drawn on the case and eyes are glued on. Wrap containers with duct tape to create striped bees. Wings are cut out from tracing paper, decorated with a felt-tip pen and secured to the cases. Antennae are made from wire. Using a needle heated over a fire, I pierce the containers and insert the antennae, tying the ends of the antennae from the inside into knots. Make a hole for the fishing line and hang the bee. If you want the craft to be more expressive, you can make the insect’s legs from a thin black ribbon. To do this, the container is pierced in the right places, pieces of tape 5 cm long are threaded through them and tied into tight knots at both ends.

Gifts and souvenirs

The capsule base is also suitable for creating exquisite artistic crafts that can become interior decoration.

A plastic blank can be covered with miniature painting, beads and rhinestones.

Crafts from large and small kinders can be turned into decorative opening containers - a stylish replacement for traditional boxes.

As easy as shelling pears for needlewomen: how to make bees from kinder eggs

It is worth knowing that Kinder surprise containers can serve not only as funny decorations for your home or garden, but also as a special box where a child can hide his “treasures” in the form of small toys, pebbles, and so on. Making bee boxes will also not be difficult, so get down to business and everything will definitely work out. True, such a craft is more suitable for girls, since they are the ones who tend to embroider or knit, but it all depends on the child’s inclinations, so it’s up to you to choose.

What you will need for work: a bee from Kinder

  • First of all, we need a skein of black and also yellow thread. You can choose any thread, for example, a very funny result is obtained with natural wool, because it fluffs up and sticks out funny in different directions.
  • A crochet hook, as well as scissors and a fairly large needle.
  • A piece of wire that is usually used to fasten new wires on a variety of household electrical appliances. If it’s not clear, this is a wire with insulation on top, and it should be black.
  • Small shred
  • It is clear that you need a container for kinders, you can take two or three, as many as you want.
  • You will also need glue, you can choose absolutely any one, the main thing is that it is quick-drying and universal.

Treasure box: how to make bees from kinder

First of all, it is necessary that the parent has basic crocheting skills, with a simple stitch; if desired, you can learn it in five minutes. Knit a black base for the kinder surprise, then a row of yellow stitches, and then black again, until you reach the middle where the halves join. You need to knit a “cap” in exactly the same way, but only in black. For reliability, you can secure the knitted covers with glue on the surface of a plastic kinder box.

Black wire ties need to be pulled through the kinder, in the area of ​​the bee's head, these will be its antennae. Moreover, the holes can be made with a simple needle. Tie knots at the ends, it will be even cuter. Next, you need to cut out the bee’s eyes from white fabric; it turns out funny if you do not one, but different sizes. By gluing them in place, you can add black dots-pupils. All that remains is to fold the halves of the kinders together and grab the knitted covers with a thread to each other, but only on one side. This way they won’t get lost, and you’ll get a funny box in the shape of a bee.

Garland made of plastic containers

It’s not difficult to create such a garland, and it will be a good addition to the decor of a child’s room. It requires approximately sixteen or more plastic capsules, which must be connected to each other.

To do this, you need to open one capsule and place its lid on another. The length of the garland can be any and depends on the number of egg containers.

Using imagination and inventive skills, containers can be painted and given a unique look. An undecorated garland is considered a good option for flights of fancy and development of abilities in children.

For the little ones

It is known that all kids are attracted to bright toys. This is exactly the kind of rattle that loving mother craftsmen can make for their little ones themselves.

  • cotton yarn and crochet hook;
  • rice cereal or peas for filling;
  • braid or lace.
  1. Pour cereal (peas, beans, etc.) inside the kinder egg.
  2. We tie it on top, alternating yellow and black stripes.
  3. We embroider the eyes, nose and mouth.
  4. We tie a bow on top, imitating wings, and tie it to the crib or stroller.

Your baby will undoubtedly be delighted with the new toy, which is made with love and tenderness by mother’s skillful hands.

Little striped worker bees: do-it-yourself kinder crafts, photo

Another fun option for creating crafts from kinder eggs is funny bees. Moreover, these striped honey miners can be made as a toy for a child, or they can be used as decoration for a home, garden, playground, and so on. There can be many options for creating such toys, but we will focus on just one, as an example. It is clear that the work may require a variety of materials and tools.

  • Several Kinder Surprise containers for the desired number of bees.
  • Thin fishing line or craft wire.
  • Medium density cardboard.
  • You also need to purchase so-called fluffy wire, preferably black or dark brown, which is also available in departments for children's creativity.
  • PVA glue for assembling honeycombs.
  • Marker or suitable felt-tip pen.

The container from the kinder needs to be wrapped in fleecy wire, and you need to make three rings. From the two outer ones you need to bend small paws downwards, and from the central one you need to bend fairly long antennae. Using a marker, you need to draw eyes, a nose and a smile, and tie them to the fishing line behind the back. The honeycomb needs to be made from cardboard; to do this, you need to glue the cardboard in the form of a tube, and then make ribs on it, in the manner of a hexagonal honeycomb. By cutting the tube into rings, we get honeycombs that can simply be glued together. Bees can be attached to a fishing line or inserted into honeycombs, it turns out beautiful and interesting.

Toys for children

You can make useful toys from yellow boxes. Crafts made from Kinder eggs are beautiful, bright and safe. Children enjoy handling small toy eggs in their hands and love to roll them.


If you want to make a much more beautiful craft from Kinder capsules, you can try making a minion - a favorite character of many children.

To do this you will need:

  • plastic containers;
  • preferably thin wire;
  • blister for tablets;
  • dark beads;
  • plasticine;
  • paints;
  • glue ;
  • brush;


A small hole is made in the center of the egg container in order to pass a wire through it, which will serve as hair for the minion.

Eyes are made from a blister; if there are no eyes, they are made from plasticine. The mouth is drawn with felt-tip pens or paints.

Clothes are molded from plasticine. Arms and legs are attached.

New Year's crafts

The New Year's celebration is a great occasion to create your own Christmas tree toy, a New Year's craft from kinders, which is not available anywhere else. Creating it is a little more difficult, but with a good attitude everything will work out!

We recommend reading:
  • DIY crafts from Kinder surprise eggs - 125 photos of exclusive options with step-by-step instructions, master class and video
  • Crafts made from twine - an overview of original design solutions. More than 100 photos of new products + step-by-step instructions for creating crafts with your own hands
  • DIY crafts from candy wrappers: 150 photos of the best ideas from craftswomen. Simple instructions, master class, diagrams and video tutorials on creating crafts from candy wrappers

To make crafts for the New Year from kinder you will need:

  • Plastic container;
  • paints;
  • decorations: beads, rhinestones, ribbons, etc.;
  • glue;

Creation scheme:

A hole is made at one end of the box. A ribbon is threaded through the hole at both ends and tied from the inside.

Decorate crafts in any way you like.

What you need to create a bee from Kinder eggs: prepare everything you need

Such a funny craft as a bee will definitely appeal to everyone without exception, from tiny kids to elderly grandparents, but those who will be directly involved in their creation will be especially happy with them. However, before you start work, you need to collect everything you need, without which you won’t be able to do anything.

There is nothing expensive or inaccessible for everyone here, so a bee from a kinder will be a real find for those who cannot afford expensive construction sets and kits. Moreover, such joint creativity will bring parents and baby even closer together, will allow them to quickly develop fine motor skills, creative thinking, and cultivate hard work, patience and perseverance.

Second craft option: do-it-yourself bee from a kinder surprise

To begin with, you also need to collect all the necessary materials, and only then begin to create the “masterpiece” itself. There are no big differences between the first work and the second, but there are nuances, and for some they may seem quite significant, so as not to forget to voice them here. Again, there is nothing complicated, and you and your baby will be interested and excited all the time, and the result of your joint work will definitely please you.

While you're making one Kinder Surprise bee, let your baby or toddler make another. You should not scold or, especially, shout at your child if something doesn’t work out for him. He will definitely learn over time, and your hurtful words may discourage him from doing anything at all. Be patient and friendly, guide, suggest, but do not scold, and then you will have something to be proud of.

Necessary materials: we figure out how to make bees from kinders

  • Those same egg containers from Kinder Surprises in the quantities you need.
  • One plastic bottle of any drink, preferably transparent.
  • Thick wire that bends easily, for example, aluminum is perfect.
  • Electrical tape, however, is not blue, but black.
  • Sets of eyes and noses for children's creativity or regular buttons, larger and smaller
  • Sharp scissors, as well as glue called “Titanium”.

Do-it-yourself kinder bee: step-by-step instructions

First you need to create stripes on the kinders, which in the previous version we made from self-adhesive paper or plasticine. Here everything is even simpler, you just need to cut the electrical tape lengthwise into three, approximately equal parts. Stick thin strips of electrical tape on the future abdomen of your bees and help your child do the same.

Next you need to make the bees' noses and eyes. If you have a special set, then there will be no problems at all, just put the parts on Titan glue or something similar,” and that’s it. If you only have buttons in your arsenal, then choose two larger ones and one small one for the nose. You can then paint pupils and eyelashes on the eyes with acrylic paints, for greater authenticity, but this is optional.

All that remains is to cut the plastic transparent bottle to make wings for the bee. Moreover, you need to make a kind of figure eight without cutting out the middle of it. Thanks to the shape of the bottle, the wings are voluminous and concave, and they need to be attached to the back of your craft. This is also done with glue, but can also be attached to wire. In the same way, having made a hole with a needle, you need to insert a wire on which the bee will “sit”, and the other end can be firmly stuck, for example, into a flower pot. It will turn out funny and original.

For those who are confident in their abilities

With skill, you can create amazing crafts from Kinder capsules.

Loop by loop

The most obvious thing is that a plastic egg can be crocheted. This simple operation transforms containers into knitted rattles or baby sling beads for little ones.

Knitted with bright yarn and gathered together on one thread, the capsules turn into designer beads for young fashionistas. Or into a motley caterpillar.

Knowing how to crochet allows you to create voluminous knitted toys from kinders, including those that can open their “mouth.” Such a toy can captivate a child for a long time or become a designer container for storing small items.

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Animals from different countries

You can combine a pleasant pastime with useful activities. By creating animal crafts from Kinder surprise capsules with your own hands, you can tell kids where they live.

Watching films on this topic together will help supplement your knowledge. You can look at an encyclopedia or other bright books about animals from different continents.

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