DIY foamiran boutonniere for the groom for a wedding

Any wedding accessory is an important part of the celebration. Therefore, the couple begins to choose them long before the event itself. Jewelry should fit perfectly not only with the image of the bride, but also with the groom. As you know, the main accessory for a man is a boutonniere.

In the modern world, this decoration can be made not only from fresh flowers, but also from many other materials. Recently, foamiran boutonnieres have become popular. The main advantage of such an accessory is that it retains its original appearance for a long time.

What is foamiran?

Foamiran is a decorative material that can easily be given any shape. You can actually find it in the store in the form of ordinary colored sheets.

Foamiran is classified as one of the varieties of suede. It makes beautiful fakes and boutonnieres.

Working with such material is not difficult at all. All you need is to prepare materials that will serve as assistants in the process of creating a boutonniere.

Another advantage of foamiran is that even a beginner in this matter can work with it.

An easy way to create a rose for beginners

A charming flower can be created in many ways. Beginning craftsmen can form a rose from several individual petals or prepared petal parts. The second method is simpler. The next master class will be devoted to exactly this method of collecting flowers.

To work you will need pink or red foamiran and a small green piece for the leaves. You also need a set of standard tools and several suitable paper templates. We prepare patterns for the petals - we cut out three different circles from paper, divide them into five parts, and form a rounded petal from each sector.

We apply the templates to the foamiran and outline the contours with a toothpick. Cut out one piece of each size. If desired, the edges of the petals can be tinted. Heat the iron and apply the pieces one at a time, using stretching movements to create a bulge, and curl the edges in the opposite direction.

We make a bud from several petals. Roll a ball out of food foil, put it on a toothpick and begin gluing the petals. We put the smallest petal part on a stick and glue it at the base. Now we fix the petals to the central bud in a checkerboard pattern. When one row is completed, we proceed to the next detail and proceed by analogy with the previous petals.

Boutonniere for the groom from foamiran: master class on how to create it yourself

First you need to learn how to deal with this material. Therefore, it is recommended to practice for several days and only then start creating the final version of the accessory.

Most plants are made using the same method.

The first step will be to create a template that will allow you to make blanks. And from them you can collect roses, peonies or tulips.

Next you need to create a boutonniere design. To do this, you should make a sketch of the composition.

DIY foamiran boutonniere.

The process of creating it will look like this:

  1. You need to prepare plant templates from cardboard. It will have six petals.
  2. The cardboard blanks must be attached to the foamiran and a part of the flower must be cut out from it.
  3. Each petal should be curved to give it a natural appearance.
  4. The role of the leg will be played by a piece of wire. But the core will need to be made from the tip of the stem.
  5. Now you need to pierce all the petals with an awl and thread a wire through them. Then you need to apply glue to the loop and squeeze the leaves.
  6. Similar manipulations should be done with all workpieces.

This is interesting: Choosing the groom's boutonniere together: advice from professionals
As a result, you will receive a small flower. If desired, you can make several of these plants. Then just collect all the flowers in a bouquet and wrap it with ribbon. Thus, you can make absolutely any type of plant.

Material selection

Original wedding decorations for the groom, bridesmaid and guests can be made with your own hands from various materials. To make a choice, it is worth considering the most popular ones.


As a rule, the choice stops at fresh flowers. In this case, the accessory is complemented by other decorative elements:

  • leaves and plants;
  • berries;
  • ribbons;
  • beads;
  • scraps of fabric;
  • decorative wire and mesh.

When creating wedding boutonnieres with your own hands, the first step is to decide on the type of plant:

  • rose. It is considered a classic option, symbolizing sincere, tender feelings. For men, wedding boutonnieres are usually created using small buds;
  • freesia. Quite a bright, attention-grabbing flower. It will look great on the groom's suit. This boutonniere would also be suitable for the bride’s hand;
  • peony. A delicate, extraordinary flower that is associated with spiritual purity and restraint. Typically, it is used for women's accessories;
  • iris. Symbolizes courage and for this reason is used in making jewelry for men;
  • tulip. It is best to make an accessory using an unopened or only slightly blossomed bud. A green leaf would be an excellent addition;
  • orchid. Associated with grace and luxury. It is not surprising that such flowers are often used at wedding celebrations. As a rule, decor is not used when using orchids.

Calla lilies are also suitable for creating boutonnieres. These are delicate, graceful flowers that are ideal for a traditional celebration using discreet shades. You can also resort to using artificial flowers.


It is a foam material ideal for creating various decorative elements. It is quite often used in needlework. In its structure, foamiran is similar to a sponge. That is why it is easily given the desired shape.

Before using this material, it must be warmed up. When exposed to high temperatures, it begins to stretch easily. When foamiran cools, it retains its created shape.

The material has many advantages, is inexpensive and that is why it is widely used in creating wedding decor. It is ideal for small size accessories.


You can make your own wedding decorations using satin ribbons. This can be an independent composition, but it is often complemented with flowers. The material is inexpensive and easy to work with. It is quite simple to create an original accessory from it.

As a rule, such boutonnieres are preferred in winter, when flowers can quickly lose their original appearance under the influence of low temperatures. Before starting the basic manipulations, in this case you just need to think through the original design and select a suitable palette of shades.

Mesh and organza

Using these materials it is possible to create incredibly beautiful wedding decorations. As a rule, artificial flowers are created from them. The composition is complemented by ribbons and other decorative elements.

It won’t be difficult to make several buds from organza and mesh. To do this, you just need to cut out circles of various diameters and burn the edges. After this, all that remains is to place these blanks one on top of the other and secure the resulting structure with a regular pin or beads.


When using silk, this fabric is the main material. It is from this that most of the overall composition is made. True, when working with it you need to be as careful as possible and have certain skills. There is a risk of accidental damage.

Flowers made from silk look incredibly delicate and elegant. To achieve contrast, nets, ribbons and other decor are additionally used. Boutonnieres made in pastel shades are incredibly beautiful. They are perfect for a bridesmaid.

Polymer clay

This material is used not only for the manufacture of miniature accessories. It is increasingly used for bouquets. Flowers made from polymer clay look natural; if the work is done correctly, it is quite difficult to distinguish them from natural ones. In addition, such an attribute will last a long time. It is perfect for those who suffer from pollen allergies.

Extraordinary solutions

Feathers, buttons, pine cones and even ears of wheat can be used to make such accessories. You just need to follow these simple recommendations:

  • the decoration must correspond to the chosen theme of the celebration;
  • shades are selected to match the clothing;
  • original ideas should reflect the tastes and interests of the person for whom the attribute is intended.

Craftswomen who are not afraid of experiments manage to create products from very unusual materials. For example, from sweets. In this case, you should only make sure that the extraordinary decoration does not leave stains on the outfit.

How to choose jewelry for the groom

Any detail of the image of the groom or guests should be harmoniously combined with the color scheme of the celebration. The same requirement applies to boutonnieres. The easiest option would be to purchase an accessory of the same type as the bride’s bouquet.

But do not forget that the decorations cannot be the same. The same flower can be used in the boutonniere, but the design method should be slightly different.

A good option would be boutonnieres and a bride's bouquet made of foamiran . You can make them yourself or order them from a specialist. Moreover, this accessory option is perfect for both guests and the groom.

History of the accessory

This accessory came to us from France and is translated into Russian as “flower in the buttonhole.” It was first worn in the 19th century during the French Revolution as a symbol of determination. Then it was a live red carnation. And in its present form, the boutonniere began to be worn at the beginning of the 20th century, as part of a men's dandy suit. But over time, it was left only for festive occasions. At the wedding, this detail became a reflection of the bride’s bouquet, in a miniature version.

Where is the best place to attach a boutonniere?

Boutonniere: master class from foamiran.
If you order such an accessory from a specialist, he will think about this issue in advance. Most often, each piece of jewelry has a special fastener or pin at the back.

The newlywed should attach his boutonniere next to his heart. This suggests that he is faithful to only one woman, his bride.

If we talk about how and where it is better to attach the accessory to the couple’s friends, then there are a lot of options. Men can arrange the decoration in the same way as the groom.

But bridesmaids have more options. You can use an accessory that fits on your hand or attach it to your clothing.

What looks is it suitable for?

In a modern look, the boutonniere looks appropriate with almost all variations, as it is made from various materials and colors.

  1. A tuxedo flower is the most classic and strict option. A white or beige accessory looks impressive on black clothes.
  2. A classic suit with a jacket can always be complemented with a bright small detail. The main thing is that it matches the bride’s bouquet.
  3. For an outdoor wedding, people often don’t wear a jacket, but leave only a vest. And in this case, the flower boutonniere looks as harmonious and stylish as possible.
  4. The freest option is to hook a bright piece onto suspenders or a shirt. An original and easy way to decorate a men's outfit.

Attention! Perhaps your look would be better suited not to a boutonniere, but a butterfly. She can look very fashionable too.


Previously, only fresh flowers were used for boutonnieres, but now the situation has changed. Most of the options can be kept as memories from your holiday. There are several types:

  1. From fresh flowers. The classic detail is usually made up of the same flowers that are used in the bouquet. It is enough to choose just one or three buds and a little greenery, which are fastened into a buttonhole. Roses, wildflowers, anemones, peonies and any other variations look beautiful.
  2. Made from artificial flowers. Some species cannot be distinguished from real plants. It all depends on the choice of material from which the products are made.
  3. Unusual boutonnieres. They may look completely unexpected. It all depends on your imagination. For example, from satin ribbons, in the form of a composition of watches and mechanisms in the steampunk style or some kind of figure. This option should emphasize some of the man’s interests, things that are significant to him.

Useful tips

Foamiran is used in many areas. Each time, needlewomen try to expand the range of its capabilities by carrying out additional manipulations with multi-colored sheets. When working with this material, you must follow a number of simple rules - they will help you create a high-quality product:

  1. Application of paints. Despite the rich color palette, sometimes there is a need for an additional shade. It is best to use pastel, acrylic paints. Foamiran can be painted with gouache, watercolors, crayons, and glitter. It should be remembered that after changing the color, the craft becomes disposable. It is impossible to wash it from dust - the colors will run.
  2. Connecting parts. You cannot secure a foamiran product with regular PVA or an adhesive pencil. For this purpose, they purchase a “Moment”, a special pistol.
  3. Glue drying. The bonded parts must be given time to dry. After using the glue, you should leave the product for approximately 24 hours. Only then continue working.
  4. A similar option for fastening appliqués is to sew them together with a needle and thread. Neat stitches are in no way inferior in strength to glue.

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