Wonderful inventions invented by children! (14 photos)

Author: Scarlet Flower

07 September 2015 16:46

Tags: children inventions DIY patents facts  



It is a mistake to believe that all inventions were invented and designed by adults. History knows many examples of useful things that were invented by children. Some of them are serious, making people’s lives easier, others are funny, and others are truly childish. Below are some of the most interesting children's inventions.


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Robot BTI

A twelve-year-old schoolboy from Lvov (Ukraine), Maxim Lema, came up with a robot to help employees of the BTI - technical inventory bureau. There is a government structure whose employees have long been known for corruption. Manual measurement of the area of ​​premises allows, for a certain amount of “remuneration,” to indicate in the document not entirely accurate figures. To eliminate this type of corruption, Maxim came up with a special robot. The robot weighs very little, its dimensions together with the battery are: 20 centimeters in height and 10 centimeters in width. It is carried in a regular shopping bag. He takes measurements indoors using ultrasound. At the same time, furniture does not interfere with the robot at all. He performs the work several times faster than a conventional measurer and much more accurately. The finished result is stored in the robot's memory and can be printed. Certainly a very useful invention. But the BTI did not need a measuring robot. The situation is easily explained: no one will voluntarily chop off the branch on which they are sitting, receiving free “bonuses”.

Controlling a computer with your mind

Photo: synchron.com

Is it possible to search the Internet, check email, and type messages without touching keys or speaking words? Answer: yes. Stentrode technology has been developed for people with paralysis, which allows them to control a computer with the power of thought. The system reads signals generated by the part of the brain responsible for movement. They are then translated into commands that can be executed by a computer equipped with the appropriate software.


And this is an example of true childish ingenuity. Cleo McVicker was a famous manufacturer of coal dust wallpaper cleaner. His granddaughter made a few changes to this unique cleaning product... Namely, she suggested removing the cleaning component from the composition and including almond oil and colored dyes. This is how plasticine turned out! The desire to play prompted the girl to make an invention.

First malaria vaccine

The first ever malaria vaccine has been in development since the late 1980s and finally received WHO approval in October 2022. The trials took place in Ghana, Kenya and Malawi and involved 800,000 children. The Mosquirix vaccine does not provide 100% protection, but four doses reduce the risk of infection by 40% and the risk of severe infection by 30%. But this is also considered an achievement, because millions of lives saved are hidden behind the interest. Every year, more than 200 million people become infected with malaria through the bites of female Anopheles mosquitoes. About 500,000 die, half of them children under five.

Toothbrush for astronauts

On the International Space Station, cosmonauts and astronauts use a toothbrush, the design of which was invented by Moscow schoolboy Dmitry Reznikov. At the time he came up with the idea, he was in the 7th grade at school No. 1415 and was then 12 years old. Specialists from the Moscow Medical and Dental University recognized the design as an invention. The brush has three buttons on the handle. The first to turn on is the supply of toothpaste between the bristles. The second is supplied by a miniature air compressor. The third one removes the “waste” paste into the “garbage” container using the reverse suction method.

Crafts for elementary school students

Of course, every craft competition has age categories, because comparing the capabilities of a first-grader and a 7th-grade student is completely pointless.

To make crafts in elementary school with your own hands, you will need the following materials: colored paper, plasticine, cardboard, scissors, toilet paper rolls, natural materials (cones, chestnuts, acorns, maple or ash seeds).

A wide variety of animals and birds can be made from a sleeve using colored paper. The sleeve is the body of an animal or bird. Wings, paws, tails, ears are cut out of colored paper and glued to the sleeve. All that remains is to draw the eyes, nose or beak. The imagination cannot be stopped here: a bear cub, an ostrich, a peacock, a hare, a mouse, a fox and so on.

By combining plasticine and natural materials, you can make an entire forest clearing. The cones make excellent owls, bears, mice, and hedgehogs. You can make insects and mushrooms from acorns. Maple or ash seeds will be used to make flowers, trees, tails or wings.

Device for the hearing impaired

And here is another creation of a teenager who tried to color the lives of special people. This invention came unexpectedly, like an apple falling on Newton. One day, 14-year-old Jonah Cohn leaned his teeth against a guitar... After experiencing the sensations, he created a device that converts sound waves into tactile sensations. Now all hearing impaired people can enjoy music!

A television

Zvorykin with an iconoscope
Inventor: Rosing Boris Lvovich and his students Zvorykin Vladimir Konstantinovich and Kataev Semyon Isidorovich (not recognized as the discoverer), as well as Philo Farnsworth

Although the invention of television cannot be attributed to one person, most people agree that the invention of modern television was the work of two people: Vladimir Kosma Zvorykin (1923) and Philo Farnsworth (1927). It should be noted here that in the USSR, the development of television using parallel technology was carried out by Semyon Isidorovich Kataev, and the first experiments and operating principles of electric television were described by Rosing at the beginning of the 20th century. Television was also one of the greatest inventions, which was developed from mechanical to electronic, from black and white to color, from analogue to digital, from primitive models without a remote control to intelligent ones, and now to 3D versions and small home theaters. People usually spend about 4-8 hours a day watching TV and this has greatly affected family and social life and has also changed our culture beyond recognition.

Read a detailed article that examines the question of who invented the television.

Means for painless removal of bandages

This invention was created as a protest against pain. Alanna Myers, at age 8, has been to the hospital. After discharge, the girl was prescribed dressings, which were not painless. Each time removing the bandages was accompanied by pain. By mixing soap, water and lavender oil, young Myers created a product that helps remove bandages, minimizing the pain effect.

A device that blocks a car with a drunk driver

Vadim Khamich, an eleventh-grader from Zhitomir, is already known to almost every city resident; Vadim has more than once become the winner of various competitions for young inventors. The schoolboy's latest invention is a device that blocks the ignition of a car if the driver is drunk. According to Vadim, this tool is much more effective than a traffic police inspector, because many accidents can be prevented.

Crafts from bottles

A plastic bottle is an inexhaustible source of unusual and creative products.
The easiest way to make a bottle craft with your own hands for school is to paint the bottle with acrylic paints, turning it into any animal or even Santa Claus.

It won't be any more difficult to make an airplane. You can take a bottle of any size - this is the basis of the aircraft. Cut out the wings, tail and propeller from cardboard. Make 2 cuts in the side of the eggplant and insert the wings into them. Glue the tail onto the glue. Place the screw on the neck and screw on the cap.

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