DIY cufflinks - what could be more original?!

Necessary materials

If you chose the second option, for the base take:

  • 1 large rivet;
  • 1 short metal pin to match the color of the rivet;
  • 1 short metal pin to match the color of the rivet;
  • solder.
  1. Insert the pin into one of the rivet parts (not smooth, but with a hole), and solder it to it.
  2. Secure the second piece on top, but do not hammer it in: the top rivet can be used as a button, it snaps into place and can be removed.

The base is ready, now you need to make the top, decorative part.

Types of wood used

Various types of rocks are used in the manufacture of jewelry. Competent persons assure that each breed has its own distinctive qualities:

Oak - symbolizes prudence, unbending will, perseverance and courage.

Birch guarantees a prosperous life.

Girls should wear jewelry made from willow. It is believed that willow helps in studies, career and personal life.

If a person has poor health, it is worth wearing aspen jewelry. Aspen has the strongest energy and perfectly removes negative manifestations.

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Those who are timid and suffer from excessive shyness need to purchase jewelry made from rowan, which helps restore determination and self-confidence.

Alder protects against the evil eye and damage.

Conifers help to cleanse yourself of bad moods and set yourself up for a wave of prosperity.

Jewelry made from tropical trees looks attractive. Sandalwood beads were once worn by high priests of religious worship. Nowadays, such jewelry is used by women who need to gain self-confidence.

Cufflinks from an old CD


  • old CD;
  • 2 wide coins;
  • hammer, solder, torch, sandpaper, hacksaw;
  • glue gun with transparent glue;
  • paper blanks with a logo (if you want), or just black thick photo paper;
  1. Use a hammer and a torch to work the coin so that its edges are evenly bent inward.
  2. Peel off the top, iridescent layer from the CD.
  3. Cut out circles from it and from paper (with or without a logo), ideal for blank coins.
  4. Glue the paper inside the workpiece, and glue the circles from the disk on top.
  5. Sand the workpiece and the cufflinks are ready.

Game console controller cufflinks

For these cufflinks, take:

  • colored polymer clay;
  • 2 silver coins;
  • hacksaw, torch and solder;
  • superglue and printed images of 2 controllers of the size you are going to make cufflinks;
  • jewelry drill with ultra-fine drill bits.
  1. Glue the images of the controllers onto the coins and process the blanks with a hammer.
  2. Drill holes in the desired places, focusing on the images.
  3. Use a hacksaw to cut off any excess coins.
  4. Glue small pieces of colored polymer clay to the blanks in appropriate places (4 motion control buttons).
  5. Solder the entire structure to the base.

What can you combine wood with?

The uniqueness of wood is that it can be combined with the following materials:

  • metal;
  • leather;
  • fur;
  • semiprecious stones;
  • corals;
  • nacre;
  • horns;
  • epoxy resin.

When making wood jewelry, remember that the choice of materials should be based on the desired end result.

Cufflinks in the shape of goggles for snowboarders

For them you will need:

  • the basis;
  • hacksaw and pliers;
  • hammer and sandpaper;
  • torch and solder;
  • wire 1.3 mm thick;
  • polish;
  • a small flat piece of brass 1mm thick.
  1. Using pliers, shape a piece of wire into the shape of your snowboard goggles, then solder it together.
  2. Using a hammer, slightly bend both the workpiece and the piece of brass so that they fit each other perfectly along the bend.
  3. Solder the wire to the brass.
  4. Trim off the excess brass with a hacksaw, and sand the edges and “glasses” of the glasses with sandpaper and polish until they become shiny.
  5. Solder the entire structure to the top of the base.

Cufflinks in the shape of a basketball

For them take:

  • 2 small copper coins;
  • black varnish;
  • scotch;
  • steel paper clips;
  • metal grinding tool;
  • hammer and torch.
  1. Look at pictures of basketballs and bend some paper clips to follow their lines.
  2. Place the bent paper clips on the coins, cover the top with tape and hit them with a hammer until the paper clips press grooves into the copper.
  3. Using a torch and hammer, give the coin a slightly curved, convex shape.
  4. Solder to the base.
  5. Sand the metal with a sanding tool and then fill in the grooves with black varnish to make them more visible.

Elements of carved decorations

Decorating a wooden house with carvings radically changes the appearance of the structure. The building can be completely transformed so that it turns into a real Russian fairy-tale hut or a carved tower.

Make a gingerbread house out of the building, decorating it with openwork lace. It should be noted that carving elements look most harmonious on wooden buildings.

Today, wooden buildings made of logs or beams are erected literally in one season. Heat-treated wood, new protective agents and paints and varnishes with antiseptic properties make decorative facades durable.

Option for finishing a house made of timber with carved elements

The following elements are used to decorate the facades of houses:

  • cornices;
  • valances;
  • friezes;
  • balusters;
  • columns;
  • consoles;
  • porticos;
  • decorative balconies in the house;
  • platbands.

Even the use of carved platbands and cornices will envelop the structure with elements of magic. The beauty of wood, emphasized by the hand of a master, will serve as a wonderful decoration for many years. If all the rules were followed when processing wooden parts, then they will outlive their creators.

A carved wooden cornice decorates the building. With its help, the roof is formed and the house is divided horizontally. In the old days, patterns could be made exclusively by hand.

An example of decorating a cornice in a timber house

Today, modern technologies create fantastic openwork designs. It’s easy to make the desired openwork pattern on the computer. Carved details are an integral part of unique wood construction projects. Thanks to their use, buildings come to life.

Carved trims are used to make the decorative finish of windows and doors more attractive. They can be made independently, which allows you to save a lot of money for the home owner.

If you prepare the wood correctly and know the manufacturing technology, then you can make wonderful homemade products to decorate your home with your own hands. A novice craftsman should get acquainted with what types of platbands are. He must decide which products are suitable for him.

Cufflinks in the shape of a mineral water bottle


  • 9.5 mm bolt;
  • a printed image of a mineral water label;
  • Super glue;
  • the basis;
  • grinder, hacksaw, gas torch and solder.
  1. Machine the bolt so that it is shaped like a bottle. Saw off the excess and shape it into a “cork.”
  2. Using a hacksaw, cut two small lines that will mark the “border” for the label.
  3. Glue the label with superglue.
  4. Solder the “bottles” to the base.
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