DIY Dremel from an immersion blender

Large powerful drill blender

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We make a simple and very powerful homemade blender from a drill.
We decided to make squash caviar. The question arose: how to chop zucchini?


too small and weak for such tasks, and the meat grinder is not able to grind into a homogeneous paste.

Small lumps remain, and the caviar turns out to be grainy. Therefore, I decided to make a large and powerful blender from a drill, which every homemade person has.

The design turned out to be so simple that it does not require any drawings and is literally done “on the knee”.

Materials and tools

  • Drill. (every DIYer has one);
  • PVC pipe 50 mm (plumbing store);
  • PVC pipe plug 50 mm. (ibid.)
  • Metal chrome tube with a diameter of 16 mm (furniture fittings store);
  • Plastic dowels 14 and 8 mm. (building materials store);
  • Self-tapping screws 16 mm with a wide head (ibid.);
  • Screws M8 and M6. (ibid.);
  • Blades for mounting knife (household goods);
  • 50 mm clamp (ibid.);
  • Empty tin can (trash can)

Making a blender

The blender consists of 3 nodes.

1 - drive, 2 - housing, 3 - blade shaft.

Since the drive is an ordinary drill, we will consider the remaining 2 nodes.

Making a knife shaft

Since the knife shaft is the most labor-intensive, we’ll start with it.

The most optimal solution is to cut an M6 internal thread at one end of a rod with a diameter of 9 mm to a depth of 20 mm. Unfortunately, not everyone has access to a lathe (it can be done without a lathe, but it’s troublesome), so there is a second, very technologically advanced option. At the end of a steel tube with a diameter of 10 mm. hammer in a plastic dowel with a diameter of 8 mm. And screw an M6 screw with knives into it. But I have never seen steel tubes with a diameter of 10 mm on sale anywhere. Therefore, those for whom the first and second options are unacceptable choose the third. This is using a 16 mm tube, which can be purchased at any furniture hardware store. You should buy the one with the thickest walls. Because they are different.

A 14 mm dowel is driven into one end of this tube. and the next dowel is hammered into this dowel 8 mm and into the dowel 8 mm. The M6 ​​screw is screwed in. Since it is impossible to clamp a 16 mm tube directly into the chuck of an ordinary drill, we also hammer a 14 mm dowel into which an M8 screw is screwed into the opposite end. Leave 30 mm of protruding screw for clamping in the drill chuck, cut off the rest. Only in this option, you need to take into account that the optimal length of the knife shaft (without knives and the part that is clamped in the chuck) is 100 mm, and the length of the 14 mm dowel is 80 mm.

it makes sense to shorten the dowels to 50 mm.

We've sorted out the tube, now we've got to attach the knives. On an M6 screw with a wide flat head, we put 4 blades for the mounting knife, broken off to the required length, through washers (I used 2 washers between each knives). We arrange the knives crosswise and tighten them with a nut. We screw this screw with knives into the 8 mm dowel. It screws in quite tightly, but holds securely. So, the knife shaft is ready.

Case manufacturing

The body is made from a PVC pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, a plug for this pipe, and a tin can. And another clamp.

We cut off the thickening for the rubber cuff from the pipe socket, since it will not be needed.

Next, take a suitable shallow empty tin can and drill a 1-2 mm hole in the center of the bottom. greater than the diameter of the knife shaft. We drill the same hole in the center of the plug. Along the perimeter of the can we drill several holes with a diameter of 10 - 12 mm to allow the ground mass to exit (It is much more convenient to drill holes in a can using feather drills for wood). We combine the tin can with the plug and secure it with self-tapping screws.

We place a pipe on the plug and also secure it with self-tapping screws. To ensure that the pipe fits tightly onto the plug, several turns of electrical tape should be wound around the plug.

We measure the length of the knife shaft fixed in the chuck and adjust the body to this size. In the upper part we make 2 slots 30 mm deep.

Since the internal diameter of the pipe is slightly larger than the diameter of the drill neck, we need a gasket, which we will make from the remainder of the same pipe. We cut a ring 20 mm high and cut out a 15 mm section from this ring. We glue the ring on the inside of the extension so that it does not get lost.

We glue it to one point so that it can be compressed. Next, we attach the extension to the neck of the drill (or simply measure it with a ruler, which is somewhat more accurate:), mark the location of the key hole on it, and drill it with a 20 mm drill.

By the way, I forgot to write. If you do not have a suitable empty tin can at home, you can replace it with any suitable lid, or use a plug for a 100 mm pipe. Which will look much more “branded” :)

We put the body on the drill, without securing it completely yet, insert the knife shaft into the previously spread cams, turn the body until the hole for the key on the body coincides with the socket on the chuck, tighten the shaft with a key, and finally secure the body with a clamp.

All. As they say, the design does not require adjustment and starts working immediately when turned on.


Second option - Self-assembly + (2 videos)

If the task is to make a miniature instrument with your own hands, then you must initially select an electric drive. A motor from various devices - a printer, an old cassette recorder, or from an ordinary children's electrified toy - can be used as an electric drive.

Depending on the power of the electric motor, you can build a mini grinder in two directions. The first direction is to use a network power source. For example, from an old mobile phone. The second direction provides for a completely autonomous model consisting of a motor that will be powered by batteries or accumulators.

The difference between the two directions is in the design of the case. In the first case, space will only be required for the electric motor, and in the second, a battery compartment will need to be installed.

It is very convenient to use a piece of PVC pipe for the body. If its diameter is slightly larger than the diameter of the electric motor, then electrical tape can be wound onto the motor. You can secure the engine using a glue gun.

As plugs, you can use plugs that are placed on PVC pipes during transportation and storage. It is necessary to make a hole in the front plug for the motor shaft, and in the rear plug for the power wire. The power connector and switch must be secured to the housing.

The ideal option would be to attach some kind of collet clamp to the shaft. This will allow you to use standard burs, drills and non-standard mini cutters and discs. If installing a collet clamp does not work, you can connect the shaft and cutting tool using a double contact from an electrical block.

In a similar way, you can make a case for a mini angle grinder with autonomous power supply. Only after installing the engine in it, it is necessary to install the battery pack. The battery wires will be connected through a switch mounted on the case.

In both cases, on mini grinders you can use both homemade tools and standard industrial ones - burs and drills.

What you will need

In fact, the simplest hand (immersion) blender is not as complicated as it seems. In fact, it is just a motor with a button, speed switches and various attachments for chopping food. That's all! Making such a device with your own hands is not at all difficult, provided you have the appropriate parts and a minimum set of tools.

For this we need:

  • Small electric motor.
  • Container with a plastic lid.
  • Plastic bottle 0.5 l.
  • Switch with wires.
  • Connector for power supply.
  • Ball pen.
  • Power unit.

Set of tools and materials:

  • Stationery knife.
  • Soldering iron.
  • Super glue.
  • File.
  • Metal scissors.
  • Tin plate.
  • Solder.
  • Aluminum wire.
  • Marker or felt-tip pen.

Types of blenders and their design

This is a necessary technique that allows you to replace many devices. A mixer, meat grinder, shaker will no longer take up space in your home, because this invention has all the required attachments. Each housewife can choose any convenient variation for herself: stationary or submersible. Each of them has its own individual design and advantages.


Visually, this model resembles a cane to which an attachment is attached. Most often, manufacturers include several functional components that allow you to quickly beat, mix or grind products. The peculiarity of this model is the need for constant monitoring, since it will not be able to work without your help.

The submersible view has a simple design:

  • engine;
  • spindle;
  • Control block.

With their help, products crushed in a bowl can turn into a puree or emulsion with small pieces in just a couple of minutes. It will also be convenient to whip egg whites or mix ingredients using special attachments.


Unlike a manual one, a stationary one can work independently. You can load the products you need for chopping into it, press the “Start” button and continue doing other things. The classic model of this type consists of a main body and a bowl, which is attached to the top. If necessary, you can independently install the required attachments, which are included in the basic package by the manufacturer.

Stationary consists of the following parts:

  • bowls, which are hermetically sealed with a lid;
  • engine;
  • spindle;
  • knife;
  • drive shaft;
  • blocker;
  • switch;
  • wires.

Since the structure is more bulky and multi-component, it will be more difficult to repair.

Free hands are the main advantage of stationary models, but using them for chopping, mixing or whipping small amounts of food is irrational. This technique does not perform its duties well if it is not fully loaded.

Step-by-step instruction

Of all of the above, the most difficult thing is to get an electric motor and an AC adapter with suitable current and voltage characteristics. A battery-powered motor from children's toys will not work here, as it does not have enough power. But an electric motor from an old cassette recorder or a broken music center is quite suitable.

The body of the blender, in which all the parts will be attached, will be a plastic bottle, which we will cut off from the bottom so that the motor fits completely into it. Next, we solder two wires to the electric motor terminals and pass them into the neck of the bottle through the hole in its lid made to install the switch.

We cut the motor wires so that they fit into the free space of the bottle after installing the switch in the hole in the cork, and solder their ends to the switch. We also connect the terminals of the switch and the power supply connector with wires. Then we make a small hole in the bottle for the power supply connector and insert the connector into it. We screw the plug with the switch onto the neck.

Method number 3 – Antiperspirant idea

Well, the last version of a homemade mini drill, which we would like to provide to the readers of Sam Electric - using a cassette motor and an antiperspirant container. The advantage of this model is that it is controlled by a separate on/off button and has a convenient housing. Such a homemade product will be powered by a conventional power supply, which must be selected based on the characteristics of the motor.

So, first you will need to prepare the following materials:

  • motor from a tape recorder;
  • suitable collet with drill;
  • used antiperspirant;
  • RCA socket for connecting power and a mating part for it;
  • power unit;
  • switch from an old carrier.

The first step is to make a mini drill according to the instructions provided at the very beginning: place the collet on the shaft and secure it with bolts. Next, the motor housing is installed in the antiperspirant. As you can see from the photo, the dimensions are ideal for installing the part. If the motor has free movement inside the housing, secure it with electrical tape and hot glue.

After this, you need to drill a hole in the top cover for the exit of the collet or the drill itself. At the same time, you need to make a hole in the bottom for the power connector. Using a utility knife, you also need to cut out a window for the switch, then solder all the elements of the circuit in series and install them in a place convenient for you.

The advantage of this version of a homemade mini drill is its convenient operation, small size and stylish appearance. We recommend doing this particular option at home, because it is the most convenient, safe and at the same time affordable.

Review of various creation ideas

DIY hand blender. Large powerful drill blender

In this video you will see how an old blender can make a decent engraver, drill or hand drill machine. As shown, the motor is powerful enough to handle wood, plastic and soft metal. RPM figures are nothing short of good... Budilov

The blender is a motor equipped with an attachment. Nothing complicated. The bowl with the knife is placed on the output shaft of the electric motor, and the engine lock is switched off. The assembled device is started by the power button in cruising or pulse mode. The process is helped by a speed regulator, a cord with a plug, and less often a fuse. It is not difficult to disassemble the blender, the main thing is to reassemble it later. Can you handle it? Those who doubt it, read on to learn how to repair a blender with your own hands. We recommend avoiding jumping through sections.

Blender speed controller

Frequent problems with blenders are related to the speed switch. Only a master can fully check the functionality. If you have the knowledge of a radio technician, try ringing the part first. Surely it will be immediately clear whether this is the reason for the strange behavior of the blender. The switch is removed from the device (soldered off), and the positions are checked in full. Naturally, during normal operation, the contacts must alternately produce a short circuit, switching the corresponding windings of the electrical heart of the device.

At the same time, try the method described above. Turn on the device, listen to how the engine behaves while working at fixed speeds. There is a pattern: the blender blade moves faster, the buzzing is stronger. Advanced models have a lock against turning on without a bowl.

The locking mechanism is the reason why the blender has stopped. What else are they doing...

Why do you need a speed controller and soft start?

When power is supplied to the grinder motor, the speed increases abruptly

from zero to ten thousand no more. Those who have worked with an angle grinder know well that it is sometimes difficult to hold it in the palm of your hand when starting, especially if it is installed.

It is precisely because of such abrupt increases in engine speed that the mechanics of the device burn out.

Also, during startup, a huge load is applied to the rotor winding and not the stator winding of the electric motor. Since a commutator motor is installed in the grinder, it starts working in the mode: the electromagnetic field is already “trying” to turn the rotor, but it remains motionless for a couple of months, since the force of inertia does not allow this to be done. As a result, the starting current in the motor coils sharply increases. Despite the fact that the manufacturer has invested a certain safety margin for the coils, taking into account overloads at start, sooner or later the insulation cannot withstand it, which leads to an interturn short circuit.

In addition to problems with starting, the absence causes some discomfort. Nettle, grinder speed regulator can be useful for certain types of work

  • when grinding, as it is also called, polishing any surfaces;
  • for installing large diameter tools;
  • for cutting certain materials.

Today, with brushes, there is a high probability of the wire jamming in any gap. If the spindle speed was high, then the angle grinder may simply be torn out of your hands.

If you connect a power (speed) regulator with a soft start module to the angle grinder, then the problems described above will disappear, the size of the device will not increase, and the safety of its use will not increase.

Types of devices and their differences

Existing types of blenders:

A stationary blender is a device that consists of a technical unit and a mixing glass with knives at the bottom.

The advantage of this type of device is that, unlike an immersion blender, you do not need to constantly hold the device in your hands to grind food.

The disadvantage of a stationary blender is that you can only mix the ingredients in the bowl supplied. But it is great for making various cocktails and smoothies.

An immersion blender differs from a stationary blender in having wider functionality. The device consists of two parts: a hardware unit and an attachment, while the number and functionality of attachments may vary.

Pros of an immersion blender:

  • You can grind products in any container that is resistant to mechanical stress, which allows you to work with any volume of ingredients
  • A large number of attachments that expand functionality (whisk, chopper, etc.)
  • It doesn't take up much space in the kitchen


  • You must always hold the device in your hands
  • Not suitable for preparing liquid foods

Blender bowls and containers can be made of plastic, glass and metal. At the same time, glass, if handled carefully, is the most durable and environmentally friendly. Nozzles are made of stainless steel or plastic.

Professional blenders are a special type of device. They have large bowl capacity, power and high reliability, but their price is much higher. Also, as you can already understand from the name, such devices can be not only for home use, but also for commercial use.

As a result, the difference between devices for grinding products lies in their different purposes. The stationary one is better at mixing and whipping liquid mixtures, and the submersible one is better at slicing and grinding harder products.

Types of blenders

The units vary in design and methods of application. Blenders in the form of a handle with a long “leg” and attachments are of the submersible type, devices with a container installed on the surface are of the stationary type.


Structurally they consist of the following elements:

  1. Plastic or steel base. Equipped with legs, there is a motor inside that drives the chopper. A control panel with buttons is usually placed on the stand.
  2. Removable bowl made of glass or plastic with a special chopper.

Bowl volume - from 400 ml to 2 liters. Glass containers are preferable, as plastic can darken over time and absorb odors

The disadvantage of glass is that it is easy to break if handled carelessly. Blenders from well-known brands use high-quality plastic for the bowl, which does not darken and is durable.

But the cost of such devices is noticeably higher.

The stationary machine is used for chopping, grinding, whipping, mixing products and their components.


Externally, it is an elongated lever with a thin “leg” and an attachment. The “leg” is lowered into the container, hence the name of the unit – submersible type.


  • Handle with buttons and switches. Made from high-strength plastic and stainless steel. For ease of use, rubber inserts are provided. Equipped with a cord for connecting to the network. Some models have a battery built into the handle.
  • The submersible part is the “leg” of the blender, which does the main job. It is made of steel, plastic, and has latches for attaching various attachments.

A steel submersible “leg” is more reliable in operation than a plastic one. Chrome-plated steel is used for knives.

The standard configuration of submersible devices does not include additional attachments. Therefore, there is only one function - chopping products (greens, vegetables, fruits), as well as mixing.

How to make a BLENDER with your own hands

The processes described above occur in periods that become shorter each time. Therefore, the voltage supplied to the motor windings does not increase abruptly, but slowly, resulting in a smooth start of the angle grinder.

The time it takes for the electric motor to reach full speed depends on the capacitance of capacitor C2. The capacitor capacity of forty seven microfarads allows you to start the engine in two seconds.

When the angle grinder is turned off, capacitor C1 is discharged using sixty kOhm resistor R1 for three seconds, after which this electronic module is again ready to start.

If resistor R1 is replaced with a variable one, then you will get a speed controller that will allow you to reduce engine speed.

It is important that triac VS1 has the following characteristics:

  • the minimum current for which it is designed should be twenty five A;
  • The triac must be designed for a maximum voltage of four hundred V.

This circuit and the regulators made according to it have been repeatedly tested by many craftsmen using grinders with a power of up to two thousand watts

. It is worth noting that this device, thanks to the KR118PM1 microcircuit, is designed for power up to five thousand W. So he has a considerable margin of safety.

Homemade kitchen mixer

Quite by ourselves. For this you will need:

  • First of all, you need to get a motor. It should be powerful enough to cope with egg whites; we won’t talk about products with a harder consistency for now. A suitable motor can be obtained from an old cassette player, for example.
  • Tin. Everything is simpler here, you can cut a piece from a can of any drink.
  • Plastic lid from a jar.
  • A pair of plastic cups.
  • You will also need a switch.
  • The power supply is selected depending on the power of the motor.
  • And of course, all this will be done using a regular screwdriver.

One of the motor options

Capacity and drive

It's time to take action. We start with a glass in which we need to make a small hole. To do this, heat the metal end of the screwdriver using matches or a lighter, then use the heated tip to make a hole right in the center of the bottom of the cup.

Next, place the motor in the center of the glass and trace its edges with a marker, thus marking where it will be located. While the engine is moved to the side and manipulations with the glass continue. That is, it is clear that the mixer body is assembled first.

Now you need to cut a hole using a stationery knife at the bottom of the glass along the lines marked with a marker, into which the motor will be placed. The motor should fit snugly in the hole and not fall out of it, so the size of the hole should be slightly smaller than the motor.

This motor will be more than enough

Power and communications

Now you need to prepare a place for the switch and wiring. If the power supply has two wires, then one is attached to the switch and the other to the motor. Then the switch and gearbox are connected to each other using a piece of copper wire.

This creates a kind of mixer body. In order not to worry that the structure will fall apart, you can secure the motor and switch with superglue.

Let's move on to the second step. A tin can is needed to make a screw. To do this, fold a thin piece cut from a jar into a ring, and wrap a second similar piece in the middle of the resulting ring, so that you end up with a figure resembling a butterfly. We received the screw, now we attach a silicone nozzle to it with glue, which will be put on the pin.

For now, set the tin aside until the glue dries. Let's return again to the body with the motor. Place the glass cut side down. Here you will need a second glass, in which a hole has already been made in advance using a screwdriver. It needs to be installed on top of the motor. The result is a design in the form of a cup on a stand. In the center of the cup there is a pin, about a centimeter long, pre-glued to the motor.

During this time, the glue on the screw should have completely dried. We attach it to the pin. Done, now you can try. Place the required ingredients in a glass with a screw, cover with a plastic lid for mixing without splashing, and turn on the mixer.

Manufacturing process

When you have prepared the body and core, you can begin directly assembling the drill with your own hands:

  • Place the cartridge with the motor connected to each other in the jar. This must be done so that the wires that stick out from the socket are then placed in the lid of the jar.
  • When the cartridge fits completely into the jar, lock it. To do this, fill the voids on the sides with hot glue and wait until it sets completely.
  • Attach the switch to the cover and connect the power wires to it. It can also be placed on glue.
  • We connect all the wires to the switch; the connection diagram is standard. You can use an ammeter for accuracy.
  • After connecting the wires, they need to be insulated using electrical tape or hot melt adhesive.
  • Screw the lid onto the jar and attach the drill to the other side.

The good thing about a ready-made mini-drill is that it can run on both batteries and electric power. We considered the option of assembling a universal model.

Naturally, without having the skills to work with electricity, it will be extremely difficult to assemble such a drill with your own hands. Below we suggest you consider options for assembling simpler drills for small household needs.

How to assemble a drill with your own hands based on the handle body

To make it you will need the following materials: ballpoint pen; drill with the required diameter; hot glue; a durable stick with handles at the end that can be used to rotate it.

Pay special attention to the choice of handle for the manufacture of a future drill, and specifically to its body, since during operation the main load will fall on the body. The requirements for the handle body are:

The requirements for the handle body are:

  • it must be as strong as possible to withstand loads;
  • the best option is a body made of high-quality metals;
  • If there is no pen with a metal body, choose a pen with a thick plastic base.

The build process looks like this:

  • Disassemble the handle until only one body remains.
  • The lower part of the body, where the writing rod usually sticks out, needs to be unscrewed.
  • Instead of this part, insert a drill into the body in such a way that its working part sticks out from under the lower part, and the second part is inserted into the hole that is in the stick.
  • The stick is inserted into the body at the same time as the drill.
  • To ensure that the structure of the drill is complete, it is fixed to the wall of the housing using hot-melt adhesive.
  • When you twist the mechanism using the special handles, the drill will rotate, providing the desired work by pressing the handle body.

How to use the attachments

Attachments allow you to diversify the number of functions of the blender. To change the attachment, you must first turn off the blender. Then remove the previous nozzle. And finally, just install a new one. Attachments that are common among housewives:

  • whisk This assistant perfectly beats milk and eggs until fluffy. It requires careful handling. Although the whisk is metal, its rotating tip can easily be damaged if used for other purposes;
  • attachment for making puree. It has very durable and sharp blades. However, you can puree foods only by boiling them first;
  • chopper This attachment copes with very hard products (cheese, nuts, chocolate, onions, etc.);
  • hook attachments. They are designed for kneading dough. But, as a rule, manufacturers warn that a blender will not be able to handle excessively stiff dough.

Homemade doll mixer

Every child enters the age when he wants to be like an adult, necessary, responsible, to do the same things as adults; girls during this period more often copy the behavior of their mothers, and boys of their fathers. The child shows interest in household chores, including trying to help parents in the kitchen. However, not all household appliances can be used by children. For example, a mixer is not a safe toy at all and improper use can lead to tragic consequences.

You can get out of this situation so that the child remains happy and the parents calm. Namely, build your own mixer for him. For this you will need:

  • Plastic tube.
  • Electric motor.
  • Any two wires.
  • Batteries or portable power supply.
  • USB cable
  • Small switch.

Making such a simple device will not be difficult, and the child will be satisfied not only with the result, but also with the assembly process itself. And an adult will enjoy creating something with his own hands from available materials; you can feel like the host of the “Crazy Hands” program.

So, we start by gluing the switch using a silicone gun or superglue to the motor. Next, take a USB cable, cut off one side of it to free the wiring, and remove the rubberized base from the wiring by about two centimeters. There should be two wires. We connect one to the motor, the other to the switch. After which, the switch and the motor are connected to each other with copper wire. It is better to secure the wires with a soldering iron, but if you don’t have one at hand, you can simply tighten them properly.

Children love it when something is made especially for them; they will appreciate this more than the most expensive toy.

Now it’s time for the drinking straw, cut it into two pieces 6 centimeters long. Glue them together well lengthwise. A motor is attached to the lower part of the connected tubes. While the glue dries, take hold of the stirring element. To do this you will need a simple lollipop stick. A quarter of the stick needs to be bent in such a way that the letter “G” is formed from the stick. Using the straight tip, attach the stick to the pin at the base of the mixer. Ready. We connect the USB cable to a portable battery or any other energy source and press the switch. This miniature mixer will cope with mixing tea or eggs, and the child’s delight will know no bounds.

Drill with fishing reel

This do-it-yourself manual micro-drill can be called the simplest and most effective. If you do it, then you won't have any problems making a hole. A do-it-yourself drill of this type can easily be called the best; if something goes wrong, you can easily fix it.

What do we need:

  • The reel is inertialess.
  • A collet or an old drill chuck.
  • Hot melt adhesive.
  • Small drill.

The process of assembling a homemade drill from a coil can be divided into two main stages?

  1. First of all, we must dismantle the spool with fishing line, and cut off the axis that we do not need. This is what it looks like in the photo.

  2. Glue the cartridge or scurvy onto the remaining rod. You can use hot glue, but it will be more effective to do everything using cold welding.

When everything dries, we check how our mini drill works with our own hands.
We found this video for you on the Internet, here each stage is described in more detail. DIY mini drill examples and videos

DIY construction mixer

The repair process is very labor-intensive and sometimes you can’t keep track of everything. For example, you need to mix a concrete solution, everything has already been purchased and ready, when suddenly it turns out that the construction mixer is out of order or is not there at all. What to do in such a situation? Run to the store? But extra expenses cannot always be foreseen and there may simply not be funds for such a purchase. You can get out of this situation by making a concrete mixer yourself. For this mixer you will need:

  • Drill.
  • Hairpin 8, 40 cm long.
  • Four metal plates.
  • Nuts and washers.

So, the work begins with the hairpin. It needs to be sharpened in such a way that it is convenient to screw on the nut. On the other hand, you need to grind down the pin for the triangle. This is necessary in order to properly attach it to the drill.

Next we get to work on the plates. Using an 8 mm drill, you need to make one more hole from the edge on each. Now you can proceed to assembling the mixer. A nut, a washer, and then a plate are installed along the length of the stud. The distance should be at least three centimeters. The top and bottom plates need to be bent according to the principle of blades.

It should look something like this

The second end of the pin is attached to the drill, that's it, the construction mixer is ready. However, this type of homemade construction mixers will only handle small volumes of mortar.

Such a mixer will not cope with large volumes of work.

For mixing more liquid substances, for example, paint, this option is also suitable

For a large amount of mortar, you will need a concrete mixer, which you can also make yourself, but this will require much more time and materials, so it will be easier to borrow from friends or use rental services. Moreover, such a device brings more benefits when it is completely independent than when it requires constant supervision. In this case, it is better to choose the gravitational method of mixing the solution.

An example of a self-made concrete mixer

The main thing to remember is that when assembling any mixer, you must follow safety precautions, and if you do not have confidence in your abilities, then it is better not to take on such painstaking work, but to go to the store and buy a decent product.

We decided to make squash caviar. The question arose: how to chop zucchini?

too small and weak for such tasks, and the meat grinder is not able to grind into a homogeneous paste.

Small lumps remain, and the caviar turns out to be grainy. Therefore, I decided to make a large and powerful blender from a drill, which every homemade person has.

The design turned out to be so simple that it does not require any drawings and is literally done “on the knee”.

What can you grind in a blender?

You can grind many ingredients in a blender.

The most popular of them are:

  • Vegetables, fruits and berries - cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, eggplants, zucchini, onions, pumpkin, apples, bananas, pears, etc. Almost any berries can be chopped. It is important to mention that when mashing boiled potatoes with a blender, it becomes more viscous and dense due to starch and this consistency will not be to everyone’s taste. You should also refrain from blending apples with metal attachments, since when it comes into contact with metal, the apple oxidizes and changes its taste.
  • Various greens - parsley, dill, green onions.
  • Nuts - peanuts, walnuts, cashews, almonds and others. At the same time, they can be ground into a paste.
  • Meat - beef, pork, veal, lamb. The resulting minced meat has a slightly different, denser consistency, which makes the cooked meat more uniform, but less juicy.
  • The blender can also be used as a coffee grinder - grind coffee and crush ice if you have a special grinder.

For better processing, it is recommended to pre-cut all products into pieces, and boil especially hard ones.

What is a blender for?

So let's start with what this notorious blender does. This device combines a mixer, food processor and puree masher at the same time. It is very compact and mobile. So you made puree in one operation, and in another you are already whipping the whites for meringue. It can be assembled and disassembled very quickly.

He is practically irreplaceable. If you have one blender, then you won’t need anything else from equipment. It perfectly grinds food, helps prepare various emulsions, mousses, purees, whip drinks, and also crush ice.

Do you have a whisk attachment included with the unit? Forget about the existence of a mixer. You won't need it. In addition, as a rule, mixers are quite heavy. But there is no blender. It's very light. Of course, not as fluffy, but still lighter than a mixer.

You can also use it to make a wonderful, homogeneous pate from any liver. Just press a button and in a couple of minutes you already have a wonderful mass. They are indispensable for making sauces. The most varied: from mayonnaise to pesto.

And if you decide to switch to proper nutrition or just like various smoothies, then, except for a blender, no one can cope with the task of preparing a gentle and tasty drink.

Still don't understand why it is needed? Well, then read on. Let's start with the history of the device and end with modern types of devices.

Materials and tools

  • Drill. (every DIYer has one);
  • PVC pipe 50 mm (plumbing store);
  • PVC pipe plug 50 mm. (ibid.)
  • Metal chrome tube with a diameter of 16 mm (furniture fittings store);
  • Plastic dowels 14 and 8 mm. (building materials store);
  • Self-tapping screws 16 mm with a wide head (ibid.);
  • Screws M8 and M6. (ibid.);
  • Blades for mounting knife (household goods);
  • 50 mm clamp (ibid.);
  • Empty tin can (trash can)

Making a blender

The blender consists of 3 nodes. 1 - drive, 2 - housing, 3 - blade shaft.

Since the drive is an ordinary drill, we will consider the remaining 2 nodes.

Making a knife shaft

Since the knife shaft is the most labor-intensive, we’ll start with it. The most optimal solution is to cut an M6 internal thread at one end of a rod with a diameter of 9 mm to a depth of 20 mm. Unfortunately, not everyone has access to a lathe (it can be done without a lathe, but it’s troublesome), so there is a second, very technologically advanced option. At the end of a steel tube with a diameter of 10 mm. hammer in a plastic dowel with a diameter of 8 mm. And screw an M6 screw with knives into it. But I have never seen steel tubes with a diameter of 10 mm on sale anywhere. Therefore, those for whom the first and second options are unacceptable choose the third. This is using a 16 mm tube, which can be purchased at any furniture hardware store. You should buy the one with the thickest walls. Because they are different... A 14 mm dowel is driven into one end of this tube. and the next dowel is hammered into this dowel 8 mm and into the dowel 8 mm. The M6 ​​screw is screwed in. Since it is impossible to clamp a 16 mm tube directly into the chuck of an ordinary drill, we also hammer a 14 mm dowel into which an M8 screw is screwed into the opposite end. Leave 30 mm of protruding screw for clamping in the drill chuck, cut off the rest. Only in this option, you need to take into account that the optimal length of the knife shaft (without knives and the part that is clamped in the chuck) is 100 mm, and the length of the 14 mm dowel is 80 mm. it makes sense to shorten the dowels to 50 mm.

We've sorted out the tube, now we've got to attach the knives. On an M6 screw with a wide flat head, we put 4 blades for the mounting knife, broken off to the required length, through washers (I used 2 washers between each knives). We arrange the knives crosswise and tighten them with a nut. We screw this screw with knives into the 8 mm dowel. It screws in quite tightly, but holds securely. So, the knife shaft is ready.


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