Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of a car alarm simulator


Protecting real estate is an important task for every owner of a summer cottage. The remoteness of country houses is a factor that constantly attracts robbers. To prevent theft of valuables from his dacha, the owner installs various alarm systems. But sometimes it happens that the necessary financial resources are not enough to install a full-fledged security complex. In this case, a dummy alarm system for a dacha can help.

Imitation of alarm system for a summer residence

Why do you need an imitation of a car alarm?

When the alarm is in security mode (the car is locked with the alarm key fob), the LED indicator informs about this. The LED is usually installed on a stand on the inside of the windshield so that it is visible from the street. Thus, criminals see that the car is protected from burglary and theft and will think several times before trying to open it. This is the basis of the operating principle of the car alarm simulation.

Pros and cons of an alarm simulator in the country and for other purposes

The advantages of dummy equipment are obvious

  • Financial inclusion. Purchasing such equipment will require no more than 5–10 dollars.
  • Guaranteed results. If we consider the risks of intrusion in the absence of any signs of alarm, then they are much higher than the possibility of an attack on a home with connected, even fake, cameras.
  • Can serve as a good addition to an actual security system located inside the home, such as a cell phone alarm system or a "howler" system.
  • Easy to install. Any adult man can install and secure a camera on his own home.

Disadvantages of simulation equipment.

Of course, the main disadvantage is also clear. It consists in the fact that this design will not be able to provide serious resistance to theft. If a really seasoned criminal decides to break into the house, he will do it sooner or later.

How it works: design and principle of operation

The device consists of the following components:

  • power source (battery compartment, built-in battery, cigarette lighter plug or 12V socket);
  • control board;
  • indicator LED.

The board sends an intermittent signal to the LED, causing it to blink and simulate the operation of a car security system.

If you decide to install such a dummy signaling system, here are some tips for choosing it:

  1. Power supply . Choose a device that runs on batteries or has its own battery. In an LED powered from a cigarette lighter, despite the lower price, it is easier to recognize a dummy alarm . The wire from the cigarette lighter to the indicator LED will be conspicuous. Plus, battery-powered devices are autonomous and can operate on a single charge for about a month.
  2. Wire length . Approximately calculate how long the wire from the LED to the housing with the control board will be enough for you to install it hidden. (for example, if you want to place the decoy body in the glove compartment, and the LED on the left front pillar of the windshield, then choose a device with wires of at least two meters).
  3. LED color . For maximum plausibility of the alarm dummy, choose the color of the operating LED correctly. Most often, indicator LEDs of blue and red colors are used in automobile security systems, less often - green. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase simulators with a red or blue LED.

Another unusual dummy can be found in the AliExpress online store. A single compact case contains an LED, a microcircuit, and a battery, but the most interesting thing is a solar battery, which makes this dummy completely autonomous and does not require recharging. Just place it in the area of ​​the A-pillars on the dashboard and turn it on.

Purpose of a dummy security alarm

A dummy security alarm is a device that is identical in appearance to a real alarm system. The components of the device are an LED, batteries and a housing.

In a security system, CCTV cameras play one of the most significant roles. This type of equipment is designed to protect objects from unauthorized entry. Materials recorded by video cameras make it possible to track events occurring in the monitored areas of the territory. Thus, the surveillance cameras have a visual control function.

Dummy CCTV camera

Quite often, security systems include several types of sensors. Some of them are triggered by opening/closing windows and doors. Capacitive varieties react to movement in order to track it. Modern devices successfully cope with the task of recording movement both during the day and at night. In the latter case, photography using the infrared spectrum is used.

When comparing new and older models, an improvement trend is clearly visible, which is confirmed by an increase in resolution while simultaneously reducing the size of the cameras. Installing expensive units in dachas located outside the city limits seems impractical. This statement is also true for garages/garage cooperatives. As a rule, there are no particularly valuable things and objects in such objects. And it’s mostly small-scale thieves who are trying to get inside, lured by an “accidentally” broken window or “broken” lock.

On video: Imitation of a flashing security alarm beacon.

Scheme for assembling a dummy car alarm with your own hands

There are a large number of diagrams on the Internet for self-assembly of this device. Let's consider the simplest scheme. Required components:

  • resistor 10 KOhm and power 0.5 W;
  • transistor brand KT 315 B;
  • 470uF capacitor. at 16V;
  • LED (blue or red) 3V by 5mm;
  • two wires 2 m each

As a power source for the assembly, you can use, for example, a 9V crown. Or connect it to the car's on-board network (12V). Don't worry that a DIY trick will drain your car's battery ahead of time. Its energy consumption is negligible. By the value of the resistor you can change the blinking frequency of the LED: the smaller the capacitance, the more often the LED will blink (the frequency equivalent to the operation of a real alarm will be achieved just by a resistor with a nominal value of 5-19 Kom)

Advantages and disadvantages

An alarm simulator, like any other real estate security device, has its positive and negative sides. To make it easier to decide whether a dummy alarm system is needed at your dacha, you should consider the pros and cons of these pseudo-security systems.

  1. Minimum cost. Even the simplest alarm system installed in a country house is quite expensive, and also requires specialized configuration and maintenance. A dummy security alarm system costs several times less, is easy to install and does not require specialized maintenance.
  2. Sufficient level of security. Although the home alarm simulator does not have the functions that modern multifunctional home alarms are equipped with, it is capable of providing a sufficient level of security for the facility. The presence of a dummy is better than the complete absence of any security devices at the dacha. If an attacker does not know that dummy security systems are used at a summer cottage, he will be afraid to enter such a house.
  3. Easy to install. A distinctive feature of dummies is their ease of installation - anyone can install such devices on their own.
  4. Autonomy of work. A decoy alarm can operate from an independent power source, a battery or an accumulator, which supplies power to an LED beacon indicating the operation of the security system.
  1. The security alarm simulator has one significant disadvantage - low functionality. If an experienced criminal who knows how to counteract security alarms decides to enter a dacha, he will quickly determine that the facility is using a simulator of a burglar alarm system, and not a real security system. In this case, simulating an alarm will not help resist the robber.

Where can I get a dummy alarm?

An imitation of a burglar alarm system is provided using special devices that are sold in specialized stores that sell real security equipment. Such devices are also offered on radio markets or in online stores.

In addition, you can try to make a fake security alarm yourself - an LED, a simple electronic circuit and a soldering iron will allow you to get an almost free fake security system simulator.

How to make a dummy alarm with your own hands?

The main thing you should pay attention to when making a dummy security alarm for your dacha is its realism. The safety of the facility largely depends on this. After all, if an attacker recognizes that an imitation security alarm is used at an object of interest to him, he will definitely try to break into this house.

Let's look at how to make an LED alarm beacon. To make such a dummy security system yourself you will need:

  • two AA batteries;
  • red LED indicator;
  • old electronic alarm clock;
  • soldering iron

The old alarm clock is used so as not to have to worry about how to make the LED blink. To do this, a step-by-step miniature motor of an electronic alarm clock is used, to which the conductors leading to the LED indicator and batteries are soldered.

A lit light for a home alarm is intended to demonstrate that the property is protected. If a flashing burglar alarm indicator is installed, the dummy will look more realistic and believable, effectively deterring thieves.

The resulting structure is placed in a box, which is the main unit that is included in the simplest dummy alarm system for an apartment or country house.

The assembled device can be installed in the housing of an old external surveillance video camera, securing it with a bracket on the wall of the building. Paste the appropriate sticker on the building about the protection of the facility, and that’s it - the imitation alarm system for the house is ready.”

Duration of service of dummies

Dummies of security systems in a country house do not require special maintenance and can last for quite a long time. Considering that alarm simulator devices for an apartment or cottage must be located in the external environment, it is necessary to ensure reliable protection of electronic components from precipitation - this will prevent damage to the devices and increase their service life. In addition, at low temperatures, the battery life is significantly reduced. Therefore, you should choose AA batteries that operate at low temperatures. This will ensure trouble-free simulation of a security alarm for an apartment or country house for a long time (several months).

What is a dummy?

Signaling devices are a great help. However, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase such expensive products. Therefore, an imitation of a burglar alarm system is used.

Its implementation does not force the owner to lose a large sum of money. However, it increases the chances of avoiding the visit of uninvited guests.

A dummy alarm system for a summer residence is a device that looks like a real alarm system and includes a light indicator.

If you are still deciding what to install: a dummy alarm for your dacha or the alarm itself, the positive and negative properties of the fake device will help you decide.


  1. Cheapness.
    Even the simplest alarm system requires costs to purchase and install. A dummy is much cheaper, even if you purchase a specialized simulating device in a store.
  2. Increased security.
    If we compare the absence of signs of any signaling and their presence, the advantage of the latter is obvious. A curious neighbor, an idle onlooker, juvenile hooligans or inexperienced robbers will no longer poke their noses into your home. They will be deterred by the risk of being caught and punished for trespassing.
  3. Easy to attach.
    There is no need to call a specialist; you can install the dummy yourself.


Low functionality

. The disadvantages include one, the most significant one - if an experienced criminal decides to break into a private house, the imitation of a home alarm will not be able to contact you and prevent the crime.

However, a fake product is just an imitation, which is inferior in effectiveness to a real signaling device.

It is better to purchase devices from a specialized store.

For a small amount you can buy dummies of street systems and motion sensors, simulators of a switched-on TV, video cameras and red flashing LEDs powered by batteries.


If you decide to make a dummy with your own hands, you should know that the imitation alarm system for your dacha should look realistic.

After all, such is the psychological structure that a person who notices that they want to deceive him will definitely do something out of spite. He will see through the clumsily executed fake and rush into the forbidden territory to demonstrate to the owner that he has figured out his attempt to deceive.

To make a dummy you will need:

  • Two AA batteries (“finger-type”);
  • Red LED;
  • Alarm;
  • Soldering iron.

A lit LED is intended to demonstrate that the object is armed

. It can be removed from devices that have become inoperative, such as: disk drive, remote control, TV, etc.

The price of the cheapest alarm clock does not exceed thirty rubles

, you can use an old, broken watch.

Disassembling the mechanism, we get to the coil with contacts for connecting the stepper motor of the mechanism. Solder the contact

soldering iron to the power terminals “-” and “+”,
add an LED
We insert the batteries
and the device starts blinking red.

We place the structure in a box and install it in a country house.

Adding a sticker

with a sign about security on the door of the building.

You can place a dummy alarm system for your dacha in the body of an old video camera and screw it to the wall using a bracket.

The presence of a video camera with a flashing LED in a summer cottage will certainly scare off those who like easy money.

Since the electricity in the country is often turned off in winter, the operation of the LED depends on the life of the batteries

. It is advisable to purchase frost-resistant batteries, then their service life will be longer.

This device works for at least six months

. If possible, it is better to check your home alarm simulator periodically.

Unfortunately, an imitation alarm system for a home is a device that is ineffective against professional thieves.

Therefore, if you have neighbors who live in a country house all year round, give them your phone number and install an inexpensive howler on your property


The psychological impact of the sound signal is such that a person will not be able to calmly operate in your dacha under the roar of a siren.

An imitation of a burglar alarm for a summer cottage is a good alternative to a dog left in a summer cottage. The imitation does not need to be fed daily, worry about its life and health, or give it special attention and care.

It can scare away vandals, but it also will not provide one hundred percent protection from professional robbers.

Cunning is the key to success

Illusion is a great thing. An inexperienced thief has no idea about the surprises awaiting him inside the building. At the same time, thieves do not forget about the punishment that follows burglary and theft. As a result, they prefer to carefully study and inspect the object they like. The presence of a camera with a flashing indicator light often forces attackers to abandon their original plans and think about the need to choose a more suitable target.

However, it should be understood that in some situations the presence of a camera is considered as indirect confirmation of the presence of valuables. Attackers will spend additional time and effort checking this guess. The threat of an attack on the object in this case will shift indefinitely. It is quite possible that after reflection and clarification of the level of well-being of the owners, the property will remain untouched.

Other signs of serious protection contribute to increasing the efficiency of the dummy. You can get company signs warning that the object is under guard. The placement of the howler symbols and the flickering indicator, the beam of which clearly breaks through the curtains at night, have proven themselves to be excellent. You can be sure of only one thing: the time spent on creating such effects will not be wasted. With this approach, the chances of the object being inviolable increase significantly.

Price issue

As a rule, there are no problems with technical support. The large capacity inherent in modern rechargeable batteries will allow the dummy to work effectively for a long period. The cost of a dummy security camera is characterized as affordable, which is explained by the simplicity of the design. The latter essentially accurately reproduces the body of a real device, while inside there is a red LED and a AA battery.

In the interior of the house, you can place a similar red or purple LED that produces a pulsating signal. It is advisable to give preference to samples that consume a minimum amount of electricity. As practice shows, the service life of such specimens is much longer. The case for the homemade device can be taken from a broken Chinese table clock.

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