Crafts from cocktail straws for children. Ideas, master classes for beginners, photos

Basic set of tools

When working on any type of tube product, you need a standard set of tools:

Tools for workPrinciple of use
TubesBasic material for work. You can choose any one. Thickness, length, color and type of material.
Glue gunIt is a good option for fastening and connecting parts of crafts.
ScissorsUsed for cutting and preparing elements of the required parameters.
Super glueAn alternative to the hot version of the adhesive substance.
Thread, wire or fishing lineUsed instead of glue.

The secondary set of tools and materials is determined by the individual characteristics of the craft.

Decorative star

Crafts made from cocktail tubes can be used to decorate a Christmas tree or a party room.

A trendy decoration will be a three-dimensional star, which can be simply made from tubes using a simple algorithm:

  1. Select identical elements of the same color. Prepare a glue gun.
  2. Form a rhombus from 4 tubes, gluing the parts together with a glue gun.
  3. Form a long diagonal in the rhombus by gluing the 5th tube.
  4. Make 4 more of these pieces. Using a glue gun, glue the modules together to form a star.
  5. A loop of thread is attached to one of the ends, which will allow you to hook the star.

You can connect the tubes using wire or thread. Pull the material through the cavities of the elements, connecting the parts.

Multifunctional star for decoration

You can make a three-dimensional star from straws, which can be placed on a table or hung in a room:

  1. Prepare 20 multi-colored elements.
  2. First glue 2 straws together. Glue 2 more elements perpendicular to the base.
  3. Glue the tubes to the base in random order, creating a three-dimensional shape for the craft.

You can use super glue or a glue gun as a connector.

Beads as a gift

Simple craft instructions made from cocktail tubes will allow you to create wonderful beads with your own hands for the New Year 2022, which can be presented as a gift to children. To do this, you can decorate them using any accessories.

To do this you will need:

  • Tubes;
  • Beads;
  • Threads;
  • Scissors.


  1. The tubes must be cut into equal parts.
  2. Then you should put such parts on the thread, alternating them with beads. The decoration will look beautiful if you place one or two beads. But in any case, you can get creative and create your own combinations. The resulting beads are perfect as a gift made with your own hands from cocktail tubes for the New Year 2022. Every girl going to kindergarten or school in the 4th grade will be grateful to such a chic and simple craft.


There are many algorithms for making bracelets from cocktail straws:

  • Cut several multi-colored elements into strips of 1 cm. “beads” will form, which can be strung on a ribbon, thread or wire. The result is a simple bracelet that can be fastened by tying a ribbon.
  • Cut the straws lengthwise. Leave a length that will correspond to the circumference of your arm. Make holes along the edges using a hole punch. Thread a ribbon through them, which will serve as an additional decoration and hold the decoration in place.

  • If you cut the tubes into strips, and hold each element over the fire for several seconds. Elements are partially deformed. String the figures onto the fishing line.
  • Divide the base into several parts. Using a needle with a thread threaded through it, pierce all parts of the straws from above and below. It turns out a set of mini straws on threads.

Additionally, a simple bracelet can be decorated with ribbons, other figures and pendants.

Tube cake decorations

And finally, a great idea is to use cocktail straws to decorate a birthday cake.

Cut multi-colored cocktail tubes into equal-sized pieces and stick them on wooden skewers.

And if you string multi-colored pieces onto a decorative rope, you will get a fun and beautiful garland for the cake.

Christmas decorations

Crafts made from cocktail tubes can be an excellent decoration for the New Year tree. Such toys do not break, have volume to fill space and are easy to make. The simplest option is “diamonds” or three-dimensional geometric shapes.

You need to prepare the following materials:

  • thin straws for drinks of the same color;
  • needle with thread;
  • scissors.

The principle of making a Christmas tree toy:

  1. Thread the thread into the needle.
  2. Thread 4 straws with a needle and tie the ends of the threads into a knot.
  3. String 1 straw on one end of the thread, and on the other - the other. Connect the threads with a knot.
  4. Repeat the pattern again, and thread the thread through opposite straws. You will get half a three-dimensional figure.
  5. Form the second part of the product according to the same principle, threading the straws with a needle and thread. Connections are fixed by nodes.
  6. Bring the threads in one place and tie, forming a loop.

The result will be a three-dimensional rhombus. Using the same principle, you can create a cube, triangle and any other geometric shape.

DIY photo frame made from tubes

Cocktail straws in bright colors can make an excellent decoration for a homemade photo frame. You just need to cover the base of the photo frame with tubes.

You can use tubes of the same color and size, or you can make a combined decor.

Using the same principle, you can decorate everything that comes to your hand: a notebook, a notebook, a vase, cabinet doors, a fence, etc.


A wreath can become a frame for a photo, a mirror, or New Year's decor.

You can make the decoration according to the instructions:

  1. Cut a circle of the required diameter from cardboard. Cut out the inside of the cardboard to form a ring.
  2. Prepare straws. It is advisable to use cardboard or paper elements with a print. Use glue as fastening.
  3. Glue the straws one after another along the circle. To create additional volume, you need to glue elements on the other side of the cardboard base.

Decorate the finished product with tinsel, ribbons, artificial flowers or leaves. You can make bows from textiles, which are additionally decorated with berries and flowers. Such elements can be placed along the internal contour of the product.

Fungus for the garden

To decorate the garden with decorative wicker fungus you need to prepare:

  • newspaper tubes;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • deep bowl.

How to do:

  1. We take 8 tubes as a basis. For a stronger base, you can insert wire inside. The base is like a square that needs to be braided.
  2. To give the base a convex shape, place the base over a bowl and braid until a mushroom cap is formed.

  3. To create a leg, bend the tubes as in the photo and continue braiding. In the middle of the leg you need to make a small bulge and braid it to the end.


You can use cocktail accessories to make colorful appliqués with children.

There are several options for preparing the material:

  • You can cut the straws into thin rings.
  • Divide each element into several parts, the length of each is determined by the idea of ​​the application.
  • Cut and straighten each element from which you can cut out shapes for crafts.

The principle of preparing the material is determined by the age categories of children. To make it easier for your child to work on a drawing, you should print the drawing. The prepared material will be glued to the base along the contours of the image.


Crafts made from cocktail straws can be very functional.

If a lampshade on a sconce is damaged, it can be restored or a new one can be made using just such a material.

Elementary manufacturing principle:

  1. First, choose a frame base. You can use a plastic container or make a skeleton from the tubes themselves - glue a lattice of tubes.
  2. Cut the base material into pieces 1-2 cm long. You can make the pieces longer.
  3. Glue the cut along or perpendicular to the base of the body. You can arrange elements along clear lines or in random order.

Lamp in the style of perfectionism

If you still have a metal frame from an old sconce, you can make a completely original lamp:

  • Cut the straws into pieces of equal length. Use a felt-tip pen to mark the middle of each cut.

  • Using a needle, thread a straw onto a thread through the marked point. The longer the bundle, the more impressive the product will look.
  • You need to make about 10 of these “garlands”.
  • Tie all the “garlands” to the top circle and distribute them around the perimeter.

The product will resemble a multi-level waterfall. You can change the appearance of the lamp if you move the straw cuts in different directions.

Photo frame

To make a frame from tubes, you can use several options. The simplest thing is to decorate the finished base. Using multi-colored tubes of different lengths, cover a cardboard or wooden frame. Elements can be placed from the center to the edges or along the frame.

Crafts from tubes: step-by-step making of a photo frame

You can make a thin frame for each photo, which will be hanging. You need to cut each element lengthwise and thread the photo through the cut on 4 sides. At the same time, immediately thread a thread through the top tube, which will become a loop for hanging the photo.

If you arrange several photographs using this principle, you can create an entire composition from them. All you need to do is string the framed photo onto the rail. You can weave a fabric-frame from straws using the same principle that baskets are made. To prevent the weaving from falling apart, it is worth fixing the elements together with glue.

Newspaper tubes

Today, it is not difficult for us to purchase any home decoration we like in special stores. But despite this, every year interest in handmade products increases more and more.

And if earlier, baskets and boxes were mainly made from willow twigs, today an alternative to wood can be crafts made from newspaper tubes, which are very easy to process. In addition, wicker elements go well with almost any interior style.

Cocktail tube daisies

Crafts made from cocktail tubes are often used to decorate vases and flowerpots. You can make a bouquet of forget-me-nots from this type of material. You need to prepare thin yellow straws and thick multi-colored straws.

Manufacturing technique:

  1. Cut the colored blank lengthwise.
  2. Use scissors to cut along one edge, forming a fringe.
  3. Prepare a yellow straw. Attach the prepared element to the corrugated fold. It is advisable to fix the parts with glue.
  4. Wrap a ribbon of colored tube around this part. Glue the edge.

For greater realism, you can use the same principle to wind a green tube below the bud itself. Entire compositions can be made from such flowers, if the quantity is sufficient.

Shockproof means for transporting fragile products

Moving or mailing fragile items requires us to be careful when wrapping them. If you don't have bubble wrap, you can use cocktail straws.

You should make a plastic chain out of them and wrap the item you are sending with it. The air formed in the links of the tubes will create a certain elasticity, thereby protecting the object from impacts.

Dahlias from cocktail tubes

To properly make dahlia petals, you need to choose a material of the same color with medium thickness.

An important point is cutting tubes for flower petals:

  1. Make markings along the straw, setting divisions every 2.5 - 3 cm. This is the length of the petal itself.
  2. Step back 1-1.5 cm from each quack - this is the designation for an oblique cut. You need to cut the material at an angle of 40-45 degrees.
  3. You need to cut a lot of these tubes, since the flower is multi-level. Additionally, prepare a circle of cardboard. The size of the flower will depend on the diameter of the element.

Next, the bud is made:

  1. Use a pencil to mark the center on the cardboard circle.
  2. Glue a cut of straws in a circle relative to the mark.
  3. When the first layer has dried, you should begin forming the second. Glue the cut to the lower elements in a checkerboard pattern.

The remaining layers are made using the same principle until the straw fills the entire space. The result will be a lush bud with the space of the cardboard circle completely filled.

Sun made of colored paper and plastic tubes

To make a sun you will need the following tools and materials:

  • 2 sheets of yellow cardboard;
  • 1-2 packs of yellow straws;
  • glue gun;
  • black felt-tip pen;
  • scissors.

The principle of making crafts:

  1. Cut out 2 circles of the same diameter from colored cardboard.
  2. On the front side of one of the figures, draw eyes, a nose and a smile.
  3. Each tube can be cut exactly in half or at an angle of 45 degrees - these are rays.
  4. Glue the ray blanks from the inside of the circle along the edge. To make the elements fit easier, you can flatten the edge of the tube.
  5. When the entire perimeter is pasted over, fix the face of the sun on top, covering the inside of the craft.

Additionally, the sun can be decorated with ribbons or sparkles. This craft will be an excellent decoration for a child's room.

Curls with cocktail straws instead of curlers

Plastic tubes are a great way to curl your hair without using curling irons that can damage your hair. Take a strand of hair and wind it diagonally in several places using a cocktail straw. Finally, we fasten its two ends together by inserting one end of the tube into the other. In order to do this, you need to lightly cut one edge of the tube in advance. After that, we again take the same amount of hair and repeat the same with them. When we already have formed curls, we dry them with a hairdryer and fix the result with varnish.

Large crafts made from plastic tubes

Cocktail straws can be used to make large-scale crafts.

The simplest examples are:

  • A panel of flowers made from cocktail straws.

The product can be a full-fledged painting, which is placed in a frame or a dimensional composition along the entire wall.

  • From the device you can create an interior vertical curtain.

If you string straws on a fishing line, alternating them with beads or pebbles. Then tie each strip to a rail, which will then be fixed within the doorway or window.

  • You can make a laundry basket from tubes using the simplest weaving technique.

Small boxes and baskets for household use are formed using the same principle. There are many options for making large objects - just use your imagination and stock up on the right amount of material.

DIY tube pots

A few strong threads in bright colors and pieces of tubes and you can get a delightful flowerpot that will become an amazing decoration for any interior.

Follow the detailed photo instructions for making pots from tubes and potted indoor plants will sparkle in a new way.

Vase made of straws

A simple option for making an interesting vase that will not break:

  1. Prepare a jar, bottle or tall glass, a glue gun and a pack of straws.
  2. Glue the straws sideways to the glass walls of the container.
  3. You can cut the straws into rings and place the elements perpendicular to the base. If you use multi-colored material, you can create the effect of an abstraction pattern.

Even a child can do this manufacturing principle.

Vase in 1 minute

Even when camping, you can make a colorful vase to place a bouquet of wildflowers. You need to take half a pack of cocktail straws, a rubber band and a jar.

Place an elastic band on the glass container and insert the tubes under it so that the fold is placed on top and directed away from the container. Instead of a rubber band, you can use thread, rope, ribbon, or lace.

Dandelion from cocktail straws

You need to prepare a pack of white straws, scissors, a glue gun, and 2 green tubes.

Manufacturing Features:

  • You need to cut the tube, forming a fringe. It is better to do this from the beginning of the element to the fold. Slightly straighten the resulting workpiece.
  • First glue 2 blanks together. There are 2 more sticks perpendicular to them. Next, other elements are glued. Place each part so that a sphere is formed.

  • Next, glue a green tube to the center. Cut the second one lengthwise and finely chop on one side, forming terry.
  • Glue a green straw with terry under the white sphere, imitating a receptacle.

You can prepare a few more green elements, from which you can cut out leaves and attach them to the stem of the flower.

Mobile caterpillars for kids

You need to stock up on green and one yellow straws, cardboard, and glue. Additionally, you will need a long wooden skewer and scissors.


  • Cut out a medium-sized leaf from cardboard.
  • Glue a strip of straw to the center of the cardboard blank. From it, other elements are glued to the edges.
  • Using scissors, cut the length of the straws, aligning the product along the contour of the sheet.
  • Glue the yellow tube in the middle of the sheet, gluing only the edge.
  • In the same place, just glue the skewer to the pipe from the inside.
  • Draw eyes on the floor of the finished caterpillar; you can make antennae by cutting and bending the edges of the tube.

By moving the toothpick back and forth, the “caterpillar” itself is set in motion, which seems to move along the perimeter of the sheet.

Elementary napkin

You need to prepare a pack of straws. Flatten each element and cut off parts of the bends. Lay out the straws in a row, trimming the edges with a ruler. Coat the strip with glue and glue one strip on top perpendicular to the workpiece. Continue working on the same principle. Trim the edges or leave them as is.

You will get a unique napkin-backing on which you can place glasses, vases and other cutlery. The product can be used as a panel for other crafts.

Straws used for drinking cocktails and juices are an ideal basis for practical products. The material is strong and durable. An additional advantage is the low cost of the product and the variety of colors, shapes, and thickness.

You can make a lot of things from cocktail straws that can decorate your interior or be useful around the house. It is possible to do a variety of crafts with children, developing fine motor skills and imagination of children.

Article design: Natalie Podolskaya

Framing a photo frame with straws

The wide range of colors and designs offered by manufacturers of plastic tubes also gives them a decorative function. This can turn a simple, boring frame into a personalized and colorful gift.

How to use a drinking straw? Place your chosen image in the frame. Cut straws of different colors into small pieces and glue them to the binding, or, another option, make a frame on the frame in the form of a basket weave by gluing strips of straws crosswise.

So we have an interesting cocktail of various life hacks with a straw. I hope you liked it. Well, if you are interested in various life hacks, I advise you to look here.

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