15 ideas on how you can use plastic bottles in your garden

Plastic is all around us, but most of it ends up in landfill. Give this material a second life!

From plastic bottles you can make beautiful and practical things for the garden that will save the family budget, allow you to show your imagination and make your site truly unique. It is not at all necessary to implement all the proposed ideas; choose a few that are most suitable.

Idea 1. Plastic bottles for growing seedlings

Let's start with the simplest thing - containers for seedlings. Cut the bottle halfway or cut a hole in the side, then fill with soil and sow.

Before use, thoroughly wash and dry containers. Do not use plastic chemical bottles for sowing.

You can complicate the task by making a full-fledged pot with automatic watering for seedlings out of a plastic bottle. To do this, cut the bottle in half horizontally. The upper part will become a container for the plant, and the lower part will become a tray. Step back about 7-9 cm from the edge of the neck and pierce several holes. Then take two strips of fabric (10 cm long, 2.5 cm wide) that absorb water well, and stretch them through the neck of the bottle so that their ends are in the water and the tops are in the soil. Thanks to the fabric, the soil will be constantly moist. The main thing is to regularly check whether there is enough water in the pan.

It’s easy to make mini-greenhouses for seedlings from a plastic bottle. Simply cut off the bottom of the product and dig it into the soil. At the same time, this design will protect the plants from slugs.

Pig: a simple master class

Another simple master class on decorating your garden using recycled plastic bottles. The pig looks original if you organize a small flower bed inside for summer flowers. To make a pig, you will need one five-liter bottle, as well as a knife, a can of paint, a brush, a pencil, wire, a black marker, cardboard and plastic glue. You need to do the following:

  1. Cut out piglet ears from cardboard and paint them with pink paint.
  2. Leg blanks can be made from the cut off upper parts of plastic half-liter bottles.
  3. In a five-liter bottle, cuts are made with a knife: for the ears, for attaching the legs and for the tail.
  4. The wire is twisted in a convenient way and inserted into the hole.
  5. Finally, the pig is spray painted in the chosen color.

You can place soil inside the pig and grow small flowers: to do this, you need to cut a hole below the ears, making an oval.

Idea 2. Drip irrigation from plastic bottles

You can use it both in a greenhouse and in open ground. Using an awl, make holes 2 cm above the bottom and dig the bottles into the beds. A more complex option is to make a structure from bottles with tubes and plugs (as shown in the diagram below) or combine bottles with droppers.

Consider the soil structure. The looser the soil in the area, the smaller the holes need to be made, otherwise the water will quickly drain away. It is more difficult to carry out such irrigation on clay soils, because holes may become clogged. It is better to use it in small beds and in no case replace it with full watering.


Idea 5. Pots made from plastic bottles

Grow garden and indoor plants in different sized bottles. You can place these pots in the garden or hang them on the porch. Additional decor will transform even the most inconspicuous bottles.


Plastic figures

Amazing garden animals are made from ordinary plastic. You just need to be patient and do all the work carefully.

All parts are cut strictly according to the template and then assembled into the product. The plastic is painted in the desired color or left transparent if the craft requires it.

A funny family of frogs, a wolf and a hare, Kesha the parrot and other funny characters from fairy tales and cartoons may appear in the garden.

Thin plastic for crafts will help you create flower pots with an original design. The simple material is used to create boxes for gift wrapping and pencil holders.

  • How to sew a decorative mini bag with your own hands
  • Crafts from cotton pads - beautiful ideas and tips on how to make decorations and toys with your own hands (70 photos)
  • DIY New Year's crafts: 70 photo ideas and a master class on making crafts for the holiday

Idea 6. Plastic bottles for plant protection

Bottles can be used to make excellent protection against rodents. To do this, take two bottles, cut off the bottom and tops, and cut the base lengthwise. Wrap plastic around the trunks and secure the structure with tape and rope. For stability, dig in the bottom part a little.

Cut the bottle into several fragments and bury them near the plants. Now slugs and mole crickets are not a threat to the crop!

Plastic bottles can be used to make traps. Cut off the bottom of the bottle and pour beer into it - an excellent bait for slugs is ready. Or make a fly trap. To do this, cut the bottle by a third, as shown in the diagram below, turn the top over and place it in the base, after first removing the cap. Secure the pieces with a stapler, tape, or superglue along the edges. Pour sugar syrup, fermented juice, meat broth, etc. through the neck.

Milk carton wallet

First, we’ll tell you about the most original idea, how to make a wallet out of a milk carton in which you can store various small items or even money.

There are two parts of the bag on the pattern; you can glue one to the other, preferably with tape, and then bend it according to the instructions.

Idea 7. Do-it-yourself gardening tools from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles make excellent brooms, which are convenient for sweeping away leaves and debris and cleaning garden paths. One panicle requires six bottles. Wash them, remove the labels. Then cut off the necks and bottoms of four bottles and cut each into 5mm strips, starting from the bottom to the neck. Cut off the bottom of the fifth bottle, leave the neck, cut into strips, as in the previous point. Place the prepared four bottles on the fifth bottle, you should get something like a pyramid. Cut off the top part of the sixth bottle and place it on the entire resulting structure. Secure everything with wire and install the stick.

A small spatula or scoop is always useful around the house. You can cut them out of plastic bottles. See ideas below.




Peacock - an unusual solution for the site

Another colorful, but no less easy to make bird is the peacock. Its beautiful and colorful feathers will amaze guests of the country house, because the peacock will become the center of the composition. In order to make it yourself, you need to take pieces of foam plastic - they will be the base and body. The remaining elements are made from plastic bottles:

  1. Feathers are cut out from containers of different sizes, after which they are painted with acrylic and glued along the perimeter of the tail.
  2. Feathers in the form of a fringe can be made with thin scissors on a green bottle.
  3. The beak is made from the top of the container by cutting out a triangle and secured to the head with nails.
  4. The legs are made from the tops of small bottles with necks and wire.

At the final stage, the bird needs to be assembled: the legs are attached to the body, after which it is covered with feathers. Next, attach the wings and tail - the peacock is ready!

Idea 8. Greenhouse made from plastic bottles

You can build an entire greenhouse from a large number of plastic bottles! Its main advantages are lightness, strength and excellent thermal insulation.


Read more about creating a greenhouse in our material.

  • How to assemble a greenhouse from plastic bottles with your own hands

    Plastic bottles can be turned from useless recyclables into building material and used to build an excellent greenhouse.

Lush pompom

You can make a fluffy pompom from thin strips cut from bags of the same or different colors. Such crafts from cellophane bags are used to create toys, connecting products of different sizes with a glue gun. Thus, the bunny figure consists of one large pompom for the body, a medium one for the head, and two small ones for the front legs. The remaining small details are added from other materials.

Let's take a closer look at how to make such a craft from cellophane bags with your own hands. You will need a cardboard template. It can be made from corrugated packaging cardboard in a rectangular shape or in the form of two rings. The polyethylene thread is then wound in many turns around the warp. If winding was done on a rectangular template, then you need to tie all layers of thread in the center, carefully removing the paper. The loops are cut with scissors.

If rings were used, as when making a pompom from yarn, then the principle of operation is the same. The thread is wound around the rings. Then the scissors are inserted with the tip between the cardboard templates and cut them along the edge of the circle. Then a strong nylon thread is inserted there and a knot is tied. All you have to do is take out the cardboard and trim the pompom on all sides with scissors so that it looks neat.

Idea 9. Furniture made from plastic bottles

Furniture made from plastic bottles is easy to clean and looks unusual. But you will have to work hard to make it durable and beautiful. It is best to use some kind of frame on which it will be convenient to secure the bottles.



This is the most labor-intensive, but also the most ambitious way to use plastic bottles. To do everything correctly, follow the step-by-step instructions exactly.

This craft will take hundreds of bottles, so start collecting them in advance. Moreover, they must be the same size.

Cut off the bottom of the bottles and lightly sand the edges. Now we construct a frame from slats for the stability of the entire structure. We attach our plastic blank bricks tightly to each other into these frames.

To prevent the wind from blowing across the surface, you can tape it along each row. Now we can assemble the walls of our house and build a door using the same principle.

But it’s better to make the roof from polycarbonate sheets - they will better withstand the weight of snow in winter.

Idea 11. Washstand made of plastic bottles

Several of these washbasins can be placed throughout the area, and you will always have the opportunity to quickly rinse your hands. A bottle of 2 liters or more is suitable for the product. Simply pour water inside it and secure it to the tree using ropes or wire. To wash your hands, unscrew the cap slightly. Or you can build a more cunning design: from a cap and a syringe tube, as shown in the photo below. Then you don't even need to unscrew the lid.

The bottom can be made removable to quickly fill the bottles with water.

Life hack: trash also adds to the aesthetics!

What would he say if he learned that these same women and their preschool children make crafts or toys from garbage bags?! Since I didn’t say so, let’s comment ourselves:

Firstly, the crafts/toys are really interesting and quite aesthetic, pleasing to the eyes of both adults and children.

Just look at the photos of original crafts made from bags to be convinced of this.

Secondly, they are not garbage because, having thrown household waste out of them into a container or garbage chute of a high-rise building, they are used to make crafts. These bags are from new packaging, brought home from the supermarket.

Thirdly, for these purposes you need to buy them in several colors.

In modern slang, all these are life hacks, that is, “wisdom of life” or “folklore tricks.” Or rather, useful advice for eliminating everyday problems. Let's continue with interesting ideas for crafts made from bags.

Idea 12. Storage containers made from plastic bottles

To implement this idea, you will need many bottles of the same size, preferably large ones - from 5 liters. You can also take used, washed cans or containers of washing powder. Make wide holes in them, fasten them together and place inside all sorts of little things that should be at hand: gardening gloves, bags of seeds, ropes, markers for beds, etc. Label your containers to make it even easier to find what you need.

Decorative ball - an original figure in the garden

In order to make a dense and openwork ball with your own hands, you will need to prepare several dozen plastic containers from under water. It is advisable to take bottles with a volume of at least 1 liter. The basis for gluing the bottles will be a ball of cement; it is not difficult to make. To do this, you need to mix water and cement with sand in a ratio of 1:3. The process then looks like this:

  1. The bottoms of all bottles are cut off.
  2. Each bottom is painted a certain color; you can use several shades and make a rainbow ball.
  3. When the bottoms are ready, they are attached to the cement base.
  4. You can secure the products with strong glue or insert them into the cement while it is still wet.

The result is an original and unusual ball that will decorate the space near the house. The sphere can be placed near the gate, and can also be made the center of the composition in the garden.

Idea 13. Decorations made from plastic bottles for a summer cottage

There is a wide scope for imagination here! Experienced craftsmen create entire compositions from plastic, with palm trees and swans. But novice craftsmen should not give up the idea of ​​transforming their site in this way. The easiest way to make flowers is from plastic bottles; you will need a sharp knife or hacksaw.

Before use, thoroughly rinse and dry the bottles. Depending on the idea, you can use material of a variety of colors. Get inspired!


You can also decorate your summer cottage with other crafts made from plastic bottles. Try making funny little frogs or funny pigs.

Pros and cons of plastic

The undoubted positive qualities of plastic include its lightness, retention of shape for a long time, and ability to transmit moisture. Plastic products are also easy to clean.

The downside is that plastic products often have an unattractive appearance. However, here everything depends on the taste of the master, his ability to choose the appropriate color scheme and correctly color his work.

Idea 14. Scarecrow made from plastic bottles

A stuffed animal made from plastic bottles will do its job perfectly: rustle, rustle and thereby scare away birds, cats and other animals from your harvest. Making such a product is quite a difficult task, because you have to try to ensure that all the parts move easily from the wind. Therefore, it is best to connect bottles and other parts of the stuffed animal with rubber bands or wire. You will need several containers: the largest one is for the body, the smaller one is for the head. Take 2-3 bottles for each arm or leg. Additionally, you can attach beads made from plastic caps, bells, etc. to the garden scarecrow.

Idea 15. Bird feeder made from a plastic bottle

A budget option for a feeder that is easy to hang on a tree and fill. The contents will not be afraid of wind, rain and snow. It is best to take five-liter bottles for the feeder, but two-liter bottles are also suitable. The main thing is not to make the side hole too narrow and do not place it too far from the bottom of the bottle.

What to make from plastic bottle caps

We looked at what to make from plastic bottles. But sometimes a bottle is used, but the cap turns out to be unnecessary. Craftsmen have found use for this material. For example, from a variety of covers you can lay out a nice garden path.

Here’s another idea - bright curtains made from plastic lids. They are very easy to do and look impressive!


A nondescript fence or wall of a house, a gazebo, a bathhouse and, in general, any country house building can be decorated with a mosaic of lids. They need to be secured with nails, cement or strong glue, depending on the base material.

Of course, we have only looked at a small part of what can be made from plastic bottles. The imagination of summer residents is almost limitless and, perhaps, right now someone is creating something new and original. We'd love for you to share your ideas in the comments!

Panel on the wall made of lids

Thanks to the ideas of manufacturers, today you can find bottle caps in a variety of colors: with or without a pattern. Small plastic parts can become material for creating real story compositions. To work, you will need an assembly diagram, strong glue and, of course, covers.

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