DIY bottle decor: 80 photos of ideas for decorating a bottle

What you need for decoration

So where to start? You should choose accessories for decoration based on the size, shape and presence of inscriptions on the “experimental”. First, treat the bottle with alcohol or nail polish remover.

Afterwards you will need acrylic paints, napkins with beautiful patterns and various ribbons, beads, even cereals will do. Stock up on PVA glue in advance. To fix the work, you need acrylic varnish.

Varieties of decoupage

The decoupage technique involves cutting out decorative elements and then gluing them onto various surfaces.

In relation to bottles, several design methods can be distinguished.

  • Classically decorate objects by gluing paper napkins, decoupage cards and rice paper onto them.
  • The smoky method involves a combined design by painting the glued parts and creating smooth color transitions.
  • The reverse gluing technique got its name from pasting decorative elements onto the inner surface of objects.
  • The volumetric decoupage method involves the formation of a unique decor using putty, special plastic paste and other unusual elements.
  • Decopatch gets its name from the special decorative paper that is used for it.

Decor of bottles with salt

You will need fine salt and crayons (you can use paints) of different colors. Salt is repainted in a certain color using crayons. In this way a mixture of different colors is obtained. Next, salt is poured into the bottle one by one.

It is important not to move the bottle or allow the colors to mix. It turns out to be a rainbow-colored piece of the room’s interior.

Eggshell decor

The shell is often used in decoration; it creates irregularities and adds sophistication to a seemingly ordinary shell. You can glue it with PVA glue, but you shouldn’t be sorry, otherwise the whole picture will deteriorate and the shells will fall off. It is better to use hot glue or construction adhesive. Unusual shimmers are created with a brush and pearlescent paint.

Decoupage bottles with leather

It’s easy to use scraps of genuine leather to decorate the bottle.

The work is carried out using Moment glue. The advantage of leather is its relative elasticity. Therefore, by stretching and folding it, you can create an unusual relief surface.

The parts coated with glue are immediately glued onto the glass and pressed slightly.

You can complement the decor with other details, beads, metal or wooden elements.

The final touch will be a varnish coating, before applying which you can apply a few strokes of contrasting paint.

Unusual items at work

A metal pendant will create an interesting pattern. After dipping the pendant in paint, lay out a spiral on the bottle. Then they slowly pull out the iron and get a pattern that resembles a tree. You can do this twice, for example, white and pink, and then draw tree branches, draw a bullfinch or another bird.

They use old wires, electrical tape, and broken balloons. All this is decorated. Mini-pictures are made from wire, electrical tape is used as recycled material, and bottles are covered with rubber from balls, creating amazing surfaces.


The main feature here is the acrylic coating. This must be done carefully, fixing with varnish. Then the works will become beautiful, regardless of what they are made of.

Satin ribbon basket

The last master class is devoted to making a unique basket or bag for a wedding using soap and satin ribbons.
At first glance, this process may seem relatively complicated to you, but in fact, based on the photo, you can repeat this process step by step with your own hands.

You will need the following in your work:

  • soap (oval or round);
  • satin ribbons (0.5 centimeters wide);
  • special pins, which are also called safety pins.

As you probably already guessed, the basis for our wedding basket or bag will be soap, around which the entire decor will be built. We take pins and begin to insert them into our base, as in the photo. Stepping back 0.5 centimeters, you need to stick four pins on opposite sides. Among them, we fix the remaining ones at an equal distance. Don't push the pins in too deep. The photo shows what the soap with pins should look like at the intermediate stage. Please note that along the bottom the deviation from the edge will be more than 0.5 cm.

It's time for satin ribbons. To fasten them, one of the pins is pulled out and inserted back, simultaneously fixing the tape. To form the basket, carefully run the ribbon from the bottom to the top among the pins. This weaving is done in the shape of figure eights. This way we get the side of the basket. After that, we begin to make its edge. Having finished weaving the side part, the ribbon is not cut, but the weaving of the next pins continues.

You can wrap it in several layers, so the basket will have a more attractive appearance. Please note that during the weaving process, the satin ribbons should cover the pins to hide them. To give the basket a more natural look, place the pins at equal intervals in the central part on the sides. After this, continue weaving along these additional elements in the same way as described above. Pins can be stuck in waves rather than straight.

After finishing the process of weaving a basket or bag for a wedding, you can make a decoration for it. The handle is made of wire, which is wrapped with tape. Next, it bends and is attached to the base. The middle of the base is decorated with ribbons, bows or any other decorative details at your request.

Decoration with ribbons and beads

Apply acrylic paints (with a sponge or brush) to the prepared glass and wait until dry. Bows, flowers, etc. are made from ribbons. Beads are painted and glued. If you want to add an antique look, you should paint the entire beaded bottle a dark color and make an accent with white, silver or gold.

Another way is to wrap ribbons around the bottle and sprinkle beads on the glued areas. You can teach your child how to decorate bottles with ribbons; it’s a simple and quick way that doesn’t require much effort.

DIY boutonniere

These delightful boutonnieres can decorate wedding dresses, dresses or bridesmaids' bags.

To create such a boutonniere with your own hands, prepare square pieces of five by five centimeters. From these elements, cut out parts in the form of droplets. For one kanzashi flower, prepare eighteen similar petals. These petals need to be burned with a lighter or candle and stretched.

One flower for a boutonniere for a wedding consists of four levels, three of which consist of five petals made of satin ribbons and one of three. Assembly of the first level begins with threading the first petal onto a needle and thread. Now you need to tighten the work and fix the thread. Another petal is strung next. Again we perform tightening and fixation. And so on we repeat these steps. Secure the petals in the lower tier with glue, so the flower will be well fixed inside the boutonniere.

Let's look at the intermediate stage. In the photo we see that our flower looks quite attractive. Nevertheless, let's continue the master class and create several more levels, simultaneously attaching them to the flower. The fourth level is assembled from three parts, as well as stamens, and is fixed on the flower. As a result, we get a flower shaped like a cup. We make three flowers in total for the boutonniere.

Having made all the necessary elements, we begin assembling the boutonniere. We take one flower, put a drop of glue on the side and attach the second one to it. Try on the flowers before the gluing process to understand how they will look best in the overall appearance of the boutonniere. Next we fix the third flower and connect it with the initial one. Place the flowers face down on a flat surface and glue them together while hanging slightly. Try to do this quickly enough, without letting the glue dry out.

Next, put a drop of glue in the center of the boutonniere and coat the cavities among the flowers with cotton wool. The boutonniere is almost ready. At this stage, you can add leaves, beads, rhinestones or other decor. After this, prepare a round base, for example, from a plastic box, cover it with material of a suitable shade and glue the flowers. In the photo, we see what a gorgeous boutonniere you can get using kanzashi technology.

Cereals on a bottle

Are you used to storing cereals in containers, but what about storing them outside? For example, peas are glued onto hot glue using a stencil (it can be a shell, a spiral, or clear lines).

Then they tear up napkins and glue them, creating unevenness. All this is covered with acrylic paints and the process is completed with acrylic varnish. This is important, if you do not varnish, after a while the paint will fade and the grain will begin to fall off.

Decoupage bottles with napkins

To become familiar with all the intricacies of the decoupage technique, beginners are recommended to start working by gluing bottles with ordinary napkins. This is a great way to do, for example, decoupage of New Year's bottles.

Operating procedure.

  1. Treat the bottle: remove labels, wash, degrease the glass.
  2. Paint the bottle with clear varnish as a primer.
  3. Paint the glass white or light color. It is convenient to apply paint in spray form.
  4. Carefully stick on the decorative elements. After drying, if necessary, level the surface by treating it with sandpaper.
  5. Coat the product with varnish.

  • Master class on decoupage: step-by-step do-it-yourself decoupage schemes. Master classes on creating products for beginners (130 photos)
  • Bouquet of candies: TOP-170 instructions for creating a bouquet of candies + DIY design ideas
  • Bouquet of Raffaello: the best instructions for creating a bouquet of Raffaello with your own hands + simple diagrams with photo reviews

In a similar way, it’s easy to decorate a bottle as a gift or decorate a holiday table.

Gift for a friend for the New Year

Giving a decorated bottle is a good move if you don’t want to spend money on gifts. Last year you drank champagne together, and this year the bottle pleases with its beauty on the shelf. The bottle needs to be painted with acrylic paints.

The necessary parts are cut out from the napkins (or carefully torn off with your hands): Santa, Christmas tree, etc. Glue the parts cut from the napkin using PVA glue with a brush (you can add a little water if the glue is thick). The finished decoration of a champagne bottle will evoke positive feelings in a friend.

How to decorate a bottle: 10 ideas and master classes

How to decorate a bottle with glitter / sparkles

One of the most spectacular ways to decorate a bottle of champagne with your own hands is to decorate it with sparkles or glitter. You will need spray adhesive and glitter itself. Protect your work surface with paper and your hands with gloves. Spray the bottle with glue and immediately add glitter. All you have to do is wait for the glue to dry completely and shake off the excess.


You have a letter: DIY gift wrapping in the form of an envelope

How to Decorate a Bottle with Spray Paint and Ribbon

Another way to beautifully decorate a bottle is to use spray paint. Like the previous method, this one is perfect for decorating bottles for a wedding. For a champagne bottle with gold or silver foil, metallic paint in the appropriate color works well. You can cover the bottle with one type of paint, or you can, as in this case, create an ombre effect by taking one smooth paint and the second with a glitter effect. Paint as shown in the diagram below. Once the paint is dry, add a ribbon decoration and/or bow.


Lavender charm: simple DIY gift wrap decor

How to decorate a bottle with paper, labels and ribbons: master class

This decoration method requires thin wrapping paper. It is primarily suitable for decorating wine bottles. Wrap the bottle in paper as shown in the photo. The label can be drawn or printed and cut out. Cut two holes on the sides of the label and insert ribbon or braid into them. Wrap the ribbon around the bottle and glue the ends together. Wrap the neck over the paper with braid or ribbon, and cut the ends of the paper into fringes.


How to wrap a gift beautifully: 22 ideas

Bottle decoration made from napkin and ribbon

How to beautifully and quickly decorate a bottle with your own hands? Use a cloth and tape. Lay out the napkin, place the bottle in the middle, lift the edges of the napkin and tie with ribbon. The method is suitable for decorating a bottle of any shape - a bottle of wine, champagne, cognac, and so on.


How to decorate a gift bag with embroidery

How to decorate a bottle with fabric

The good thing about this method is that by choosing the right fabric, you can achieve different effects. Delicate fabric or lace is suitable for decorating bottles for a wedding, something more cheerful, as in this example, for decorating a bottle for a birthday. If you choose a checkered or strict striped material, you can decorate a bottle intended as a gift for a man (for example, for February 23, birthday, and so on). It is better to take fabric that does not fray. Cut out enough pieces to wrap around the bottle. Wrap the bottle and glue the fabric. Tie the neck with cords, adding a label.

Photo: northstory. ca

DIY gift bag

Bottle decorated with candies

This delicious decoration is suitable for a bottle of champagne, cognac, liqueur, and so on. You will need a sufficient number of round candies in foil, a glue gun, paper for the pineapple sheets and material for the bow. Starting from the bottom, glue the candies to the bottle, following a checkerboard pattern. Decorate the neck with leaves cut out of paper. Tie a bow on top. If necessary, add more candy.


How to decorate a gift box with your own hands

How to decorate bottles with homemade labels and bows

This idea is about how to decorate bottles for a wedding. But the same method can also be used to decorate bottles of wine for other celebrations or for gifts. Download label templates here. If you are familiar with graphic editors, add the necessary labels using them (or make labels yourself). You can simply print the labels and add signatures manually. Complex bows made from several parts are used here; you can also cut out a bow of your own design from colored paper. Paste the finished labels onto the bottles, sealing the original labels. Gather bows, add rhinestones and glue them to the necks of the bottles.


DIY fabric gift bag

How to decorate a bottle: gift bag

A method that gives room for imagination. Sew a simple bag of the desired size. You can decorate it with inscriptions, embroidery, stencil painting, and so on. Add string, braid or ribbon ties.


Original gift packaging made of fabric

How to decorate a bottle of champagne with ribbons and straws

The method is suitable for small bottles of sparkling wine. Tie a ribbon bow around their necks and add a pretty straw.


Maxi bow for a gift

How to decorate a bottle with paper and flowers

A simple, but beautiful and cute way to decorate a bottle of wine with your own hands. Wrap the bottle in craft paper (see photo from idea 3). Secure the paper with small pieces of tape, and use them to secure one or more flowers. Use fresh or artificial flowers. Instead of flowers, you can decorate such a bottle with ready-made ribbon bows.


Decor of bottles with inscriptions

The question immediately arises: what and how to make inscriptions from? The same fantasy still helps out. Cut the napkins along the entire length, 2 cm wide, using a wet towel, twist them into a spiral and put the inscription on the bottle. Other options are beads, matches, threads. Instead of a regular, boring postcard, use a bottle and “write” a congratulation on it.

After the work has been done, the decor of the bottle with the inscription “New Year” and a gadget in the form of a miniature bottle (which can be made from putty), a Santa doll or a spruce twig will really surprise you.

How to pack a bottle into a man's shirt sleeve

In the same way, you can use not only knitted sweater sleeves, but also men's shirts with cuffs!
In combination with a tie or bow tie, such an extravagant packaging of the bottle will definitely remain in the memory for a long time. An ideal solution for a gift to your beloved man or colleagues, and a bow tie or tie can also be an additional (or main) gift. And it’s even easier to make such packaging than from a sweater, since in this case you don’t need to worry about the knitting not unraveling. The process is exactly the same. Find an unwanted shirt that is clean and has sleeves intact. Place the bottle in the sleeve, preferably so that the cuff completely covers the neck of the bottle. Cut the sleeve just below the bottom line, sew a fabric bottom or simply sew the edges. You can simply cut the cuff with a button and fasten it around the bottle.

Vase made from a decorated bottle

An ordinary photo of the decor of a dead bottle is not impressive, but an unusual vase with fresh flowers is. And the whole secret is that the bottle is a vase. The main thing is to find a bottle with a wide neck.

If you don’t like ordinary vases from the store, then start decorating yourself. What inspires you? Maybe you won’t have any ideas, but once you start working, the process will begin and inspiration will appear, the main thing is to start.

If you are a seasoned designer, but have run out of ideas for a long time, take a closer look at ordinary pasta. They really do hide a secret. Come up with your own ornaments and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Masters look for old things no one needs, trinkets, and find such uses for them, why are you worse?

Now you can not only give your master classes, but also record a video of decorating bottles.

Decorating a wedding glass

The next master class will look at creating a kanzashi flower that can be used to decorate wedding glasses.
This unusual element is sure to attract admiring glances, because decorating a glass with ribbons with your own hands looks quite original. Having mastered the kanzashi technology, you can easily make a similar flower with your own hands. If you are a beginner needlewoman, pay attention to the photos that complement the master class, as well as the video, which can be freely found on our website.

Nowadays, wedding events are often based on certain color combinations. Based on this, for example, you can choose the color of the ribbons for your glasses.

Making a glass begins with preparing a certain set of materials and tools. Prepare:

  • satin ribbons of several shades (two five centimeters wide and two four centimeters wide);
  • soldering iron;
  • glue;
  • rhinestones;
  • glasses.

As usual, in the beginning, to create elements using the kanzashi technique, you need to prepare square pieces of satin ribbons five by five centimeters with your own hands. Next, we take two blanks and make round petals from them. This is one of the basic types of kanzashi petals. You can see how to do it correctly by viewing a photo or video master class. It is necessary to bend the resulting triangular parts and place these elements one on top of the other at a distance of one millimeter. Then the corners are bent closer to the middle of the base. After which the work is turned over and the edges are folded.

Now you need to bend the workpiece and remove unnecessary parts using a soldering iron. The result is a rounded petal. In this way we make eight petals and collect them into a flower. For these purposes, you can use a needle and thread or glue.

We move on to the next stage and begin making small kanzashi petals using the same technology. Such elements are not folded at the back, as in the previous case, but are glued among the petals of a large flower.

From two ribbons of the following shades, four by four centimeters, we make large round petals and connect them into a flower.

We are finishing the master class and decorating the glass. To do this, we tie a bow of satin ribbons on the glass itself, fixing it with glue, and glue the resulting kanzashi flower on top of it. As an additional decor, such wedding glasses can be decorated with rhinestones.

Photos of bottle decor

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