How to make a mini-PC with your own hands? Mini computers

How to make a toy laptop?

The laptop that will be folded out is made from the following materials:

  • Thick cardboard
  • Black background (paper)
  • Glue
  • Pencil and ruler
  • Scissors

You need to cut out two squares from cardboard, which are connected to each other with adhesive tape. You can take a solid piece of cardboard, which you just need to bend in half. You also need to cut out the keyboard, screen bezel and mouse from cardboard. The keys are also cut out of cardboard and glued to the keyboard.

Black paper is glued in place of the screen; you can use slate paper, on which you can draw with crayons and erase them. The top cover of the laptop can be covered with stickers or the child’s signature can be made.

Create a home NAS server

NAS (Network Attached Storage) is a server for a home or small business network, used to store files that you share with all the computers on the network (or externally via the Internet) - it's a cool thing, you'll love it. If you have an old computer with plenty of disk space, there's no need to buy a NAS: build it yourself.

To do this, use FreeNAS - special open source software. It is available for any OS on the web - Windows, macOS or Linux. This is the ideal way to make a general backup of your many devices. FreeNAS will also stream media to mobile OSes such as iOS and Android. You need at least 8 GB of RAM and a 64-bit chip in your PC to run this software. Other software you can use include Rockstor, Tonido and XigmaNAS.

Making a personal computer for a child with your own hands

Well, what child doesn’t dream of his own laptop, like his mom and dad? All children want to have access to a personal computer, but we parents don't like to let them near it because it's not very useful. Children have no use for real computers; they only damage their eyesight. But why not make the kids their own little laptops? Make them together and the children will be happy! This craft will be very interesting for them.

To make a laptop that will even fold and unfold, just like a real one, you will need:

  • large piece of thick cardboard
  • scissors
  • black paint with a chalkboard effect (you can use this paint with crayons, but if you couldn’t find such paint, you can also use gouache)
  • tassel
  • crayons
  • ruler
  • pencil

First, measure out a piece of cardboard from which the laptop base will be made. Cut out this part. Then mark the center so you can bend the laptop. Cut a little with a stationery knife to make it easier to fold. You can do it another way: completely cut this piece of cardboard into two parts, and then join it with adhesive tape so that these parts also bend freely.

Now cut out three more small parts from cardboard: for the keyboard, screen and mouse. Even smaller parts will be needed for individual keys. Cover these parts with black red and let dry. Later we glue all this to the main part of the laptop.

Now we begin to decorate the laptop. For example, you can make a name plate with the child's name.

The computer is ready. Now your child will be able to carry it with him everywhere, and also write something new with crayons every day (provided that you used chalkboard-effect paint).

Based on materials from the site:

Cooling system

There are many fanless mini PCs available in the market. It all depends on the system you decide to assemble, and on the components that are already inside.

What are the options? Firstly, you can install a small cooler on the processor, which will easily cope with cooling not only the chip, but also the motherboard as a whole. This will not be easy to do since space is limited. But in online stores there are horizontal type coolers of compact sizes.

Secondly, you can install a full-size power supply that will circulate air in the system and help cope with minor heating. The fact is that the mini-PC system as a whole does not consume a lot of electricity. All components are compact, so they do not require much power.

Thirdly, you can use case fans. Of course, there are few such options, since everything depends on the case itself. But you can always find a couple of places for fans.

Fourthly, if we are talking about a gaming PC, then you cannot do without a thorough cooling system. You will most likely have to make a choice towards water cooling. But it is worth remembering that it is expensive.

Cardboard computer

Cardboard is a very versatile material from which you can make a lot of interesting crafts. If you don’t know how to make a computer out of cardboard with your own hands, then detailed instructions will help you cope with this task.

Try making a desktop version of the computer. First you need to decide on the size of the monitor, for which you need to make a durable stand from thick cardboard. Making a desktop computer is as easy as making a laptop; the materials used are the same.


Why do you need to assemble a mini-PC with your own hands? Of course, in universal systems there are no problems with capacity, but there are many other inconveniences. The mini-PC attracts with its compact size, low noise level and excellent power reserves.

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Of course, the performance of such a system directly depends on how much money you are willing to invest in it. Fortunately, many manufacturers have taken care of users: everyone can build a mini-PC for both work and play.

Cardboard laptop

Self-isolation is truly a “hype” topic for today. What to do while at home? I’m sharing my achievement - my daughter and I built a toy laptop from an old cardboard box

for her favorite plush cat Basik. Moreover, the laptop is “almost like a real one” - with a folding screen.

Anyone can repeat our feat - no scarce materials are required to make a paper gadget. All you need is corrugated cardboard, a sharp knife (I have a craft knife, but a regular stationery knife will do), glue and toothpicks. Plus about an hour and a half of time.

First, from an old corrugated cardboard box you need to cut rectangles measuring 18x23 cm

. The dimensions may be different, but in my case it was the optimal size in terms of using the available cardboard.

You need to cut holes in two pieces.

One will be the “screen”, and the second will house the keys. Both halves of the laptop are glued together from three layers of cardboard. It turned out quite strong and dense.

The folding mechanism of the “laptop” is made in the form of L-shaped cardboard loops glued to the “screen” and additionally secured with toothpicks. The rotation axis is also made of a toothpick. It is stuck into the “base” of the cardboard gadget. The photo shows a close-up of the loop. Up close, of course, it doesn’t look very neat, but it works fine - the laptop folds and unfolds “for real.”

It is convenient to bite off the toothpicks themselves with small nippers. I have side cutters, but you can use nail clippers - a few toothpicks won't make them dull.

The keys are also made of cardboard

. Of course, it would be possible to cut out all the keys, but a couple of dozen were enough for the game.

The result is a completely “functional” folding cardboard model of a laptop. It would be necessary to supplement the screen with a corresponding picture, but this is a matter of taste.

Basik, as the main “customer”, was pleased with the result of the project

. My daughter confirmed this.

What are you doing in self-isolation? Give me some ideas.

On my channel you can watch a video about the laptop manufacturing process and find out some of the “technical” parameters of the device.



It will be easiest here. We look at the motherboard socket and select the processor. You can do the opposite if you like. The main thing is to achieve compatibility and correct operation of both devices.

The processor itself is quite compact, so you won’t have to look for any smaller versions of it. You can choose any one that you like and that will fit on the chosen platform.

What should you pay attention to? In order not to lose compatibility, you will have to study the socket - connector on the board, and then select a chip for it. Also make sure that it is not very “hot”, since the cooling system in the mini-PC is tight.

You should also immediately think about whether you will buy a video card and whether it will fit in the case. If you are planning to build a basic system, then you can choose a processor with an integrated video card. For gaming systems you will have to choose an adapter.

Computer for dolls

Every child who plays with dolls loves to add different elements to the play process. A computer will be a pleasant surprise for a child, and you can make a simple version for dolls yourself.

Almost all toy equipment is made of cardboard and paper; in this case, it is necessary to select the size of the computer that matches the size of the doll.

You can decorate your finished computer with colorful paper, appliqués, stickers, or simply paint it. You can draw the keyboard on cardboard or make small blanks for it, which are glued to the bottom of the laptop.

Useful video lessons on how to make a computer for dolls with your own hands can be an excellent help in this matter.


So, as mentioned earlier, you will have to start with the body. Typically, mini-PCs are referred to as the mini-ITX form factor. But there is no such concept regarding buildings. The chassis are:

  • big-tower;
  • midi-tower;
  • mini-tower.

These options apply to vertical enclosures. In addition to them, there are also horizontal models - “desktops”. For a mini-PC you need a mini-tower. The dimensions of these enclosures may vary. On average, their dimensions are 15 x 36 cm. But even more compact models can be found on the market.

Larger mini-PC models can easily accommodate even a universal power supply. But you will need to find the largest mini-tower option. If the case is very small, then the power supply in it will be external and built-in. It should be borne in mind that usually such options are designed for 60 W.

Crafts for children

Crafts made from computer disks, made with your own hands together with children, can be an excellent decoration for a child’s room or apartment interior:

Smeshariki. The CD has a round shape, and to make popular cartoon characters out of it, you just need to cut out the details from thick colored paper - arms, legs, eyes, ears and others.

You can find ready-made templates on the Internet and simply print them. Use strong glue or a glue gun to attach the parts to the disc.

A clock is another simple children's craft. The disk is the clock face. All you need to do is make arrows from cardboard and draw numbers. Decorate the craft in any way you wish.

We recommend reading:
  • Can compulsory motor liability insurance be issued by someone other than the owner?
  • Stencils for crafts - beautiful stencils and a master class on making beautiful crafts (125 photos + video)
  • Crafts with a jigsaw - 85 photos and videos on how to cut beautiful jewelry and crafts with a jigsaw

CDs are used to make Christmas tree decorations, wall panels, garlands and even curtains.


So, if you decide to assemble a mini-PC with your own hands, you need to think about the tasks that it will perform. From here it will be easier to start from what components to purchase.

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When it comes to mini-PCs, it is very important to initially choose the right case. After all, if it is a compact system, the chassis must also be compact. Next, select the motherboard. It should fit perfectly into the selected housing.

The processor is considered the “brain” of the system, so you will need to select it next. A PC will not be able to work without RAM and storage. Therefore, you need to choose the appropriate size modules that would fit into a small “box”.

In theory, you can fit a video card into a mini-PC. But if you decide to make the smallest system, you will have to make do with an integrated one. Also, don't forget about the power supply.

Useful tips for making

  1. Before you start, prepare all the necessary materials that you will use for the craft.
  2. You need to choose the type of computer, decide on its logo and depict it as accurately as possible on the case.
  3. You can recreate all the necessary icons on a paper desktop, stick them on, or simply draw them on the screen using colored markers or pencils.
  4. You can print a photo in advance that will serve as a background for your computer screen.
  5. When making a keyboard, you can prepare the keys in advance and draw each of them by hand, so the computer will turn out to be more realistic.
  6. For a desktop computer or laptop, you need to make a durable stand from thick cardboard.
  7. You can use any decorative elements for the toy that your child likes.

Various photos of a computer made with your own hands will help you create such a toy yourself and delight your child with an excellent craft that will become an indispensable part of his game.

Don’t rush to throw away outdated equipment, we have several ideas here!


When your old computer starts acting up and acting up, you may be tempted to take the easy route and just throw it away. But don't do this. If this laptop or PC was made any time in the last decade, you'll be surprised at how much use you (or others) can get from it.

To do this, you may have to make some light updates here and there; More RAM and a bigger new hard drive could benefit some (okay, probably all) of these projects. In many cases, the PC will require separate access to the Internet and/or the ability to get software stored on a USB drive for the new life of this “old man”. But don't be afraid - nothing too complicated.

Take a look at these options—you'll be glad you kept that old computer.

Additional items

Making a simple cardboard computer requires few materials and is an extremely simple job. Sometimes you can get broken parts of a real device, this could be an old mouse or a non-working keyboard.

In this case, it will be a little more interesting for the child to press the keys during the game, because the computer will become more realistic. Use prints of brightly colored desktop wallpapers with pre-made icons to create a more realistic look for your computer.

Video card

This is an optional element of the system, especially if you prefer a processor with integrated graphics. A gaming system needs at least one video card. You can take a closer look at single-slot options.

By the way, there are ready-made systems in which you can see several video cards. But here you will have to carefully think through the cooling system, which you cannot do without.

Paper model of computer

A paper computer is made according to the same principle as the cardboard version. You can make such a craft together with your child; he will certainly enjoy this activity. You can make a computer out of paper that will be as similar as possible to real equipment.

To do this, you need to pay attention to the smallest details, recreating each key separately, including the touchpad and cable connectors.

By making a paper computer, you can teach your child how this unit works. If you don’t know how to make a computer out of paper with your own hands, then detailed instructions will be your best adviser in this matter.


Another important point: to assemble a mini-PC with your own hands, you need to control everything that gets into the system case. Many people think that it is much easier to purchase a ready-made PC. Of course, to some extent this is true. But if we talk about savings and further upgrades, then doubts will arise whether this is so.

Self-assembly is advantageous because you can find components at a discount or promotion in the store. It will be possible to vary the elements and supplement them in the future. For an upgrade, this is the most profitable option. This way you will know what is inside you, understand what you can improve and replace with in the future.

How to make a laptop out of paper

This article proposes to consider the question of how to make a laptop out of paper. Each of you can make various animals, airplanes, snowflakes, origami and other interesting crafts from paper. Making a paper laptop is easy and simple, but it brings a lot of fun to children.

Below is an example of how to make a laptop out of paper with four interchangeable screens. If you wish, you can come up with and draw more interchangeable screens. Use your imagination and start acting.

A paper laptop is quite compact. When unfolded, its size is the same as that of an A4 sheet. The computer keyboard is small, but it has all the buttons in exactly the same order as on a real laptop.

Thanks to the interchangeable screens of a paper laptop, its user can view photographs, pictures, and choose a car model or exercise bike for home. In addition, you can monitor the dynamics of world prices on stock markets or other events printed on replaceable paper screens.

Stages of creating a notebook from paper:

1. We make the paper laptop itself. Do you have a question, how to make a laptop out of paper? Very simple. Take the blank below and print the outer and inner sides using a printer on A4 paper. Then you need to make cuts along the edges of the screen, strictly following the dotted line. Important! Both sides of the future paper laptop must be printed on different sheets.

After this, the sides of our craft must be glued together so that the space behind the dotted lines along the edges of the monitor remains empty. This is necessary so that you can insert and pin other pictures and photographs.

To make the laptop rigid and not tear quickly, glue one of its sides to cardboard.

Assembly problems

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Questions about how to make a mini-PC are no different from those asked by a user with a universal system. Problems can also be very similar and occur in almost every buyer.

So, the first thing you will have to face is the variety of platforms. It is very difficult to understand them, and especially in the future compatibility. At the time of assembling the PC, you will have to understand the form factors of the elements, understand what a socket is and how to choose a processor for it. After this, you will need to think about RAM and the capabilities that the motherboard provides.

There are a lot of such details. They must be taken into account, otherwise after assembly the system may produce errors or not turn on at all. But when assembling a mini-PC, the capacity of all the elements in the case remains important.

detailed instructions

  • Prepare two sheets of thick paper or cardboard of the same size. This will be the base and the lid, which are connected to each other with tape; you can also use threads and sew these two parts together;
  • Then you need to move on to making the keyboard. Use a real keyboard as an example, drawing the characters in the order they should appear. The keyboard and keys can be made in any color that the child likes;
  • The screen can be drawn or printed on a printer. You can make a replaceable screen, it will be much more interesting to play. Make it as realistic as possible, because even a toy computer should look like a real unit;
  • For the screen you need to use a frame made from two strips of cardboard. You only need to secure the frame at the edges; only in this case will it be possible to use replaceable work tables;

You can also use a ready-made cardboard box for sweets or shoes as a base, and everything else can be made with your own hands, taking into account the wishes of the future owner.

Storage device

If you have a desktop mini-PC in front of you, then most likely you can easily fit even a laptop hard drive there. But if we are talking about a fast and silent PC, then you will have to pay attention to solid-state drives.

The advantage of SSDs is not only their fast and silent operation, but also their compact size, which is very important in our case. You just have to think carefully about the volume.

The fact is that a 1 TB hard drive costs about the same as a 240 MB SSD. Given the difference in the cost of devices, you will have to think about whether you are willing to shell out a pretty penny for a capacious SSD or sacrifice speed and buy a hard drive.

How to make a toy computer with your own hands from cardboard

Delta printers are extremely demanding on the precision of manufacturing components (frame geometry, length of diagonals, backlash in the connection of diagonals, effector and carriages) and the entire geometry of the printer. Also, if the limit switches (EndStop) are located at different heights (or different actuation moments in the case of contact limit switches), then the height along each of the axes turns out to be different and we get an inclined plane that does not coincide with the plane of the working table (glass). These inaccuracies can be corrected either mechanically (by adjusting the height limit switches) or software. We use a software calibration method. Next we will look at the basic settings of the delta printer. To control and configure the printer we use the Pronterface program

. Printer calibration is divided into three stages:

Stage 1. Adjusting the plane using three points

Alignment of three points in one plane - A, B, C (located next to three guides). Essentially, it is necessary to clarify the height from the plane to the limit switches for each of the axes. Most (if not all) boards for controlling a three-dimensional printer (In our case, RAMPS 1.4) operate in a Cartesian coordinate system, in other words, there is a drive on the axis: X, Y, Z.

In a delta printer, you need to switch from Cartesian coordinates to polar ones. Therefore, let us agree that those connected to the engines

X, Y, Z

corresponds to axes

A, B, C

.(Counterclockwise starting from any engine, in our case looking at the logo on the left - XA, on the right YB, far ZC) Further, when slicing, printing and controlling the printer in manual mode, we will operate with a classical Cartesian coordinate system, the printer electronics itself will recalculate the data into the system it needs. We need this convention to understand the operating principle and direct calibration of the printer.

The points by which we will calibrate will be called similarly (A, B, C) and the position of these points is A= X-52 Y-30


B= X+52 Y-30


C= X0 Y60


Setting algorithm:

  1. We connect to the printer. (In case of “crazy” on the command line, you need to change the speed of the COM port. In our case, from 115200 to 250000 and reconnect) After which we will see all the printer settings.
  2. Reset the heights of the X, Y, Z axes with the command M666 x0 y0 z0
    . And save the changes with the command


    . After each change of settings, you must press home (or the command


    ), so that the printer knows where to take the reading from.

  3. The printer is calibrated “hot”, that is, the table heating (if available) and the printing head heating (HotEnd) must be turned on (Table 60 degrees, nozzle 185 degrees). We also need a probe, preferably metal, of known dimensions. A hex wrench is quite suitable for these tasks (the largest one, in our case 8mm, is provided with Prizm Pro printers

    Prizm Mini


  4. We lower the print head to a height (conditionally) 9 mm (from the table, so that the nozzle barely touches our probe, since the height has not yet been precisely set.) Command: G1 Z9
  5. Now let's proceed directly to setting up our three points.
    For convenience, instead of g-commands, you can create four buttons in Pronterface to move the print head to points A, B, C, 0-zero.
  • Consistently moving between three points (previously created by buttons or commands), we find out which of them is the lowest (visually) and takes this axis as zero, relative to it we will change the height of the remaining two points.
  • Let's assume that point A is lower than the others. We move the head to point B(Y) and use the height control keys in Pronterface to lower the nozzle until it touches our probe, counting the amount by which we lowered the nozzle (we count the number of presses on the +1 and +0.1 buttons) Next, use the command to change the axis height parameters Y: M666 Y M666 Y0.75 M500 G28
  • We perform the same operation with the remaining axes. After which you should check the height of all points again; it may turn out that the spread of heights after the first calibration will decrease, but the height will still be different, and the lowest point may change. In this case, repeat steps 6-7.

Experiment with the new, lighter OS


Do you like trying new things? Nothing will feel newer than a freshly installed operating system on your old PC—even a completely old computer will feel brand new.

Most alternative operating systems (translation: not Windows or macOS) are based on Linux, which comes in various flavors called "distributions." Popular examples include Ubuntu, Mint, PinguyOS and Manjaro. You can find interfaces similar to Windows, and they come with software packages such as LibreOfficeFree in LibreOffice (the open source equivalent of Microsoft Office). Most of them work fine on a PC with 4GB of RAM or more, but check the required specifications beforehand.

If you want to repurpose your old man into a gaming rig, give SteamOS a try. This is a version of Linux designed solely to run games purchased and downloaded from Steam. Keep in mind that since it is based on Linux, not every Steam game will run on it. In addition, the computer must have a 64-bit Intel or AMD processor, 4 GB of RAM, a 200 GB hard drive, and at least the Intel, Nvidia, or AMD graphics required to run SteamOS.

Some background information:

Key codes in a minimally configured computer:

Key "0" - #10 Key "1" - #01 ... Key "F" - #0F Key "ШН" - #80 No key is pressed - #00 is read from the port

Ports KR580VV5 (extended keyboard):

Port A - #07 Port B - #06 Port C - #05 RUS - #04

Keyboard port (in a minimally configured computer) - #A0 (input) Reading from tape - #B0 (input, bit 0) Writing to tape - #B0 (output, bit 0) Port for turning on the quasi-disk - #40 (output)

Innovation - sound synthesizer on KR580VI53. The principle of operation is the same as on the Byte computer - frequency division (in this case 1.77 MHz) and three-channel audio output. At the moment, the sound synthesizer is not supported in any of the monitors (0 and F), but there is a demo program called Decode, which from under Monitor-0 plays a melody on the KR580VI53. You can download the program (or watch and listen to how it works) here. Ports of three channels VI53 - #50, #51, #52 Control register VI53 - #53

Do not forget that, as in the case of the VI53 in the Byte computer, in the YUT-88, when the power is turned on, unpleasant sounds will be heard from the speaker. To eliminate this, it is necessary to turn off VI53 when starting the computer in the same way as was done in Byte. Adjusted for the UT-88 ports, this can be done as follows:

LD A,#3A OUT (#53),A ADD A,#40 OUT (#53),A ADD A,#40 OUT (#53),A

This code must be embedded at the very beginning of Monitor-0. In my homemade UT-88, this code is built into the bootloader.


The printer is designed for printing text and graphic information on paper. There are matrix, inkjet and laser printers, and in terms of print color - black and white (monochrome) and color.

The printing process is called printing , and the resulting document is a printout or hard copy.

Dot matrix printers are veterans of printing, as they appeared much earlier than inkjet and laser printers. Just as all old films are black and white due to the technology of their time, dot matrix printers are black and white. Many consider them outdated.

Matrix printer

However, dot matrix printers are still actively used for printing where continuous paper supply (in rolls) is used, namely in banks, accounting departments, laboratories, libraries for printing on cards, etc.

Inkjet printers can be color or black and white. They print on paper using ink taken from cartridges.

Jet printer

The disadvantage of inkjet printers is that they are expensive to print; ink from paper is usually washed off with water. When the ink in a cartridge runs out, you need to buy a new cartridge or give the old one for refilling.

Laser printers also come in color and black and white. They print using a laser beam. The laser beam bakes the toner onto the paper, which falls from the cartridge onto the paper.

Laser printer

These cartridges are filled with toner (powder). Laser printers have high printing speed and inexpensive printed sheets.

Read more: What is a 3D printer?

Experiments with computer networks

Having two computers at hand, you can connect them into a network. All versions of Windows since Windows 95 have built-in networking capabilities, so no additional software is needed. On the hardware side, you will need a network card for your old computer, and for the new one, if it does not have a network card, a network cable and a switch or router.

You won't be able to get much useful information on this topic from the Windows Help files. This is where guides can come to the rescue, many of which can be found on the Internet.

Give to charity

Give me your old computer. It would be nice to do something good for a family member, friend, school or charity, and if you choose one of the later options, you may get a small tax write-off. But before you give your computer away, make sure you completely erase all personal data from it.

First, you should back up any files you want to keep, as well as deauthorize any software connected to the machine. As for wiping your PC, you can find this option under Settings > Update & Security > Recovery in Windows 10. Windows 8.1 also has a built-in option to reset your PC in System Settings. This OS level tool can update your PC and delete all the files on it in one go. The same can be easily accessed in Windows 7 by inserting the OS installation disk and formatting the disk.

Cleaning disks is not always enough if there was confidential data on them. For cleaning hard drives (important: not SSDs), the third-party option we suggest is Darik's Boot and Nuke. For SSDs, you'll want to download and use Parted Magic, which leaves the drive in an unrecoverable state and reverts to its factory default state.


A scanner is designed to enter information from paper into a computer. Performs functions opposite to a printer, which outputs, that is, prints information onto paper.


If a printer prints a picture from a computer onto paper, then a scanner, on the contrary, transfers the image from paper to the screen.

Often a printer and scanner are combined in one device, which is colloquially called a printer, although the more correct name would be MFP - short for "Multi-Functional Device".

Find out more: What is a scanner and how to use it

Cordless DECT phone becomes a "baby monitor"

An existing cordless phone can be used as a “babyphone” without much effort and additional costs, and thus monitor your baby’s sleep with great convenience. All you need is a used DECT phone.

Most models, regardless of manufacturer, support GAP technology. All you need to do is register your old cordless handset to the DECT base station. How this function works in each specific case is described in the relevant operating instructions. In most cases, the PIN code required to connect to the database is “0000”.

After registering the handset, find the “Baby Monitor / Direct Call” mode in the menu, which is supported by most devices. Once the function is enabled, the handset can be placed in close proximity to the child. If the sound volume exceeds a certain level, the call will be transferred to another device.

Labor intensity: low; costs: no

Operating system "OS UT-88"

An entire issue of the magazine was devoted to a description of operating systems for UT-88 (No. 2/1990)

“YUT-88” had its own simple OS called “OS YUT-88”. It consisted of its own monitor, debugger, editor and assembler. The native monitor worked instead of Monitor-F, so the ROM with Monitor-F had to be disabled. In reality, it looked like this - the OS was a boot module, which, after launch, offered to disable all ROMs and enable the continuous RAM address space #0000-#FFFF. Naturally, this had to be done with toggle switches. After this, the bootloader “shoved” the OS components into their places in memory and started the monitor. The monitor had more advanced capabilities compared to Monitor-F.

"OS YUT-88" is not a full-fledged operating system, because there is no file organization of programs and data.

Upgrading your computer - where to start?

The selection of components for a computer starts with the processor. It is he who pulls everything else along with him. A motherboard is made for a specific processor socket (socket). On which the processor itself, the processor cooler, RAM strips are located, the video card and other peripherals are connected.

One of my good friends wanted (and another good friend of mine ordered and selected the best for the money) the following components:

  • AMD Ryzen 5 2600 processor . Socket AM4 (accordingly, we choose a mother with the same one). Number of cores 6, frequency 3.4 - 3.9 GHz. Supported DDR4 memory;
  • RAM capacity 8 GB (accordingly, select DDR4 for the processor)
  • The motherboard for the processor was selected with socket AM4 Gygabit B450 M DS3H (you can install a compatible processor with the same socket on it, for example, choose a cheaper one or, conversely, the most powerful one). A list of compatible processors is available on the motherboard manufacturers website. fees; A gaming computer requires a video card. The video card turned out to be Asus Radeon RX580 8GB. Nvidia video cards are now usually more expensive than those of the same class and characteristics from Radeon. Accordingly, there is an 8-pin separate power connector on the power supply.

Turn an old computer into a media center

An old gaming PC is the perfect idea to turn it into a home theater. You won't need to buy a new wireless keyboard and mouse to use it; Kodi (formerly XBMC) has been redesigned into a simple, polished media center app that organizes all your movies, videos, and music into a remote library. It's a seamless app that runs on Windows, Linux, or OS X. Users won't have to search for video codecs—software that allows you to view types of videos—as the latest version 17.6 "Krypton" downloads everything on its own.

Plex Media Center is a younger, but even more popular, home theater solution. Plex is another free multi-OS option with a clean living room interface and a library system that downloads all the metadata for your TV shows and movies and organizes it for you.

Anything you can't watch with Kodi or Plex (though they can handle just about anything), Zoom Player, VLC, and Media Player Classic Home Theater are all very reliable video players.

You can also turn your old PC into a makeshift Steam Machine by running it in Big Picture Mode, and even if it's a few years old, it will be able to play some of our favorite living room games. Stream In-Home streaming .

Flash drive

A flash drive is a device for storing information that can be rewritten multiple times.

Flash drive

It is sometimes called a USB flash drive because it connects to your computer via a USB port.

A very convenient thing: now you don’t have to carry a bunch of floppy disks or CDs with you, for example, to transfer information from one computer to another. The capacity of the flash drive can reach up to 256 gigabytes. I think that this is not the limit, over time there will be even more capacious flash drives!

Note: About safely removing flash drives

Digital photo frame

If you have an old laptop or tablet, or you have a small flat screen monitor and a small PC or Mac that you can put somewhere nearby, these items can easily be turned into a digital photo frame that can simply continuously display family photos or other the images you want to display. Many flat panel monitors can be easily wall mounted by running cords through a small hole in drywall, for example, or a tablet can be mounted on a desk with a cord running to a power source.

Almost all operating systems have some kind of application that will continuously display photos from a folder in an endless loop. Just fill this folder with the images you want to see, launch the application and maximize it to fill your entire display. One great strategy is to point your photo display program to a shared cloud storage folder so you can continually update your photos without making any changes to the device at all.

This is a great option for an old tablet, a small old PC, or an old Mac Mini. They are able to run such a simple program for a very long time without interruption, and it consumes very little power.

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