Do-it-yourself wireless enuresis alarm clock - easy and cheap

Making an “Alarm Clock” composition from sweets and a cookie tin

I can’t wait a year to put this material “on topic”.
You can, using this master class as a basis, use a non-New Year theme in your alarm clock - make it in any style that suits you. So, let's begin! We will need:

- a tin of cookies (round);

- candies that match the shape and color (I have “Bear in the Forest”);

— candies in the form of domes 2 pcs.;

— dial printed on photo paper;

- cord or fluffy wire for decorating the edge of the dial;

— decorative elements (greenery, pine cones, decorations, etc.).

I hope I haven't forgotten anything :)

1. Cut out the printed dial in the shape of a cookie box and glue it to the inside (where the ingredients are) side of the box with double-sided tape.

2. Using hot glue, decorate the edge of the dial with decorative wire or cord:

3. Hot glue the candies around the jar (I try to glue them closer together).

Tip: start gluing the candies from the bottom, as there may be a gap between the first and last, and at the bottom it will not be noticeable :)

4. We secure our candies again with hot glue with ribbons (since the candy wrapper can unwind and the candy will fall out).

5. Now let's move on to decorating our alarm clock! Everyone’s imagination comes into play here; I won’t describe the process in detail. Let me just say that I first attached all the parts, and then glued everything with hot glue.

6. After the composition is created, we move on to the final design. Glue the “candy domes” to the top of the alarm clock. And at the bottom we glue two “Bear in the Forest” candies as legs.

7. Then we take our decorative wire, cut it into three parts: one will be the alarm clock handle, the other two

- arrows. Carefully glue them to the alarm clock.

We twist the wire handle on the sides using a pencil and bend it at the base. First we try it on (if it’s too long or short, change the wire), and then we glue it.

Secret: for better adhesion of the wire handle with the dome candies, I glue ribbon bows between them :)


Wake up in comfort - make your own alarm clock

Autumn has come... Winter looms inexorably ahead - dark in the morning, dark in the evening. Waking up to an alarm clock in complete darkness is tantamount to diving under ice. Stress in the morning is a guaranteed dull day.

There is a solution, it’s called a light alarm clock, but the price of this thing starts from 5,000 rubles. It hurts, though. In addition, the operating algorithm is hard-coded, but it is quite obvious that, based on the results of waking up, you will want to correct something or expand the functionality. What if you build something like this using improvised means? Nice DIY puzzle!

Experiment With the first ray of sun: Is there any use in a light alarm clock?

Anna Aristova

In the usual coordinate system, people are divided into two types : those who wake up more or less easily in the morning, and those who find it catastrophically difficult to get out of bed. Many of us shudder at the thought of having to get out from under a warm blanket when it’s night and cold outside. Agree, waking up early in the summer in good weather is much easier.

Gadget manufacturers decided to come to the aid of residents of northern countries and released a light alarm clock that simulates a dawn. The principle of operation of the device is simple: about half an hour before getting up, it begins to flood the room with soft natural light, creating the illusion of waking up with the first rays of the sun. At the set hour, the sounds of nature (the trill of birds, the sound of the ocean) or your favorite radio station (if, of course, you are still listening to the radio) begin to play. Some gadgets can also simulate a sunset - especially for those who find it difficult to fall asleep. Such alarm clocks have their advantages over a regular smartphone: manufacturers claim that waking up from sunlight gradually brings us out of the deep phase of sleep and reduces the level of stress when waking up, which has a positive effect on well-being and helps us to be more alert all day. We decided to try the effect on ourselves - and instructed the editor of the “News” section, Anna Aristova, to wake up for a week using a Philips device.

Posted by Wonderzine (@wonderzineteam) Nov 7, 2022 at 7:51 PST

It doesn't matter whether I've slept for two hours or thirteen, waking up in the morning is equally difficult for me, so I set ten alarms, knowing that the first nine will inevitably suffer the same fate - snooze

Science agrees with such statements: according to a study by British scientists, exposing a person to light thirty minutes before waking up helps him not only wake up faster, but also reduce to a minimum “sleep inertia” - lethargy and decline in cognitive functions after waking up. Another benefit of light alarm clocks is that researchers at the University of Groningen cite mitigation of the winter blues, which is why electronic dawn is sometimes used in the treatment of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). And although scientists do not rule out the placebo effect, research results show that the effect of an artificial dawn on a person makes it easier to wake up - and this is a big plus for those who consider waking up in the morning a feat.

Reviews of lamp alarm clocks on the Internet are mostly positive, and with only rare exceptions there are those who have not noticed any particular effect from using the device. For example, Yana Zubtsova from the Beauty Insider blog was pleased with the device - according to the journalist, although she did not become a morning person, she stopped cursing the whole world in the morning. Her colleague Yulia Grebenkina, in turn, noted that her relationship with the device did not work out: the main disadvantage of a light alarm clock is that it needs to be constantly reconfigured to the right time - a serious drawback for owners of a floating schedule. The reviews in the foreign press are mostly laudatory: The Business Insider reporter Madison Malone Kercher and The Guardian journalist Rose George were pleased with the device - both noted that they owe their vigor in the morning and good health to waking up from the electronic dawn.

After studying the rave research and reviews, it's time to try the alarm clock for yourself. I can’t say that I have difficulty sleeping: I can fall asleep anywhere and under any conditions. Problems begin in the morning; lifting your head from the pillow is sheer torture. It doesn’t matter if I slept for two hours or thirteen, waking up in the morning is equally difficult for me, so I set ten alarms, knowing that the first nine will inevitably suffer one fate: snooze. Of course, this annoys everyone who has ever lived with me, but this is the only way I can be sure that I will wake up. I managed to get out of bed after the first signal only in the summer, when I deliberately took off the curtains in my room and woke up with the first rays of the sun - it was the easiest awakening in my life.

Posted by Wonderzine (@wonderzineteam) Nov 7, 2022 at 7:51 PST

The lamp gently brought me out of sleep, rather than hitting me with a loud alarm; on the other hand, a slowly increasing alarm melody can be set on a smartphone

It would seem that what could be more pleasant than sunlight in a gloomy winter? When I finally got my hands on a beautiful light alarm clock, I was so excited that on the first morning I got up two minutes before the signal - which was also not bad. Then there were problems with the setup: to activate the device, you had to press a special button on the end - only then the lamp could perform its main function. I didn’t realize this right away, so the next day the backup alarm clock on my phone saved me.

To accompany the light, you can choose a sound signal such as a soft bird trill, a raging ocean or a piano. Through trial and error, I realized that the easiest way to wake up is to the singing of birds, but the loud cry of seagulls in the morning is not a good idea. The volume, like the brightness, is adjustable - you can experiment with them for a few days to find the optimal level. It is recommended to install the gadget at a distance of 40–50 centimeters from the head, so I gave it the bedside table and one of the sockets.

The week of my new life with the light alarm clock went the same way as with the usual one: I still didn’t become a morning person, and with the first beep I didn’t manage to get up even once. In the dark or in the light, the temptation to press the snooze, after which the melody died down for a few minutes, was as strong as usual. And although the light alone was not enough for me to actually awaken, I noticed that I began to come to my senses much faster. The lamp gently and gradually brought me out of sleep, rather than bombarding me with a loud alarm, which made waking up more pleasant; on the other hand, a slowly increasing alarm melody can be set on a smartphone.

I stopped reminding myself of Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, but I still didn’t become a Disney princess waking up with birdsong. It became clear that for night owls like me (who stay up watching Stranger Things until two in the morning), one device is not enough - we will have to resort to more radical ways to accustom ourselves to waking up early. For example, put an unstable mode in order and order yourself not to press the snooze. I am sure that after this I will be able to fully appreciate all the advantages of the ringing sun.

Cover: Ozon


11.28.18 version 1.1 : bugs fixed. Added libraries

Let's make the cheapest possible analogue of the PHILIPS Wake-Up Light alarm clock - an alarm clock that, for a specified time before it goes off, floods you with light with a smoothly increasing brightness, that is, it simulates a dawn. Your little indoor dawn, which will allow you to wake up alert and rested due to the natural mechanisms of the body. Despite its simplicity, the project received a huge bunch of settings and possibilities for implementing the “dawn” itself, not counting the clock itself + an alarm clock with time settings.

How to choose

To prevent the morning from turning into torture, you need to find an alarm clock that suits a specific person. Recommendations will help you understand what to look for when buying an alarm clock. Here are tips to help you choose the right gadget:

  • Sound signal. Usually people set something annoying on their alarm clock to make them want to turn it off and thus wake up. But it is worth remembering that this is stress for the body in the morning. Before choosing a light clock, you should familiarize yourself with the standard alarm clock melodies, whether they are to your taste or not. Of course, standard ringtones can get boring. But it's not a problem. Most alarm clocks can be loaded with your own melody, which is pleasant to wake up to.
  • Convenience of design. For each model, the on and off button is located in a different part of the housing. It can be hidden, located on top or on the side. You need the option that is familiar and sits in your head. For example, the stereotype of many is that the alarm button is always on top. Intuitively, upon awakening, a person will look for it. If there are no such thoughts, other options will do.
  • Ability to turn on a snooze alarm. If you want to sleep a little longer than planned, turn on this function. You need to study the characteristics carefully, since not all devices have it.
  • Design. What matters is how the device fits into the interior of the room. The modern and interesting design of the building decorates the minimalist apartment.
  • Price. We must admit that an alarm clock is not the most necessary thing. And it’s not worth spending your entire free budget on them. Fortunately, there are decent models in all price categories.
  • Popularity of models. Which company is better to buy a device is not an easy question. If the characteristics do not mean anything or are not so important, then you should take a closer look at popular models. They have a large number of reviews. After reading them, it is easy to understand the advantages and disadvantages.
  • LED quality. This applies to color lighting. A common problem is when the manufacturer’s photo shows the alarm clock’s lighting in pastel, delicate shades, but in real life they are bright in color, like a garland. This won't suit everyone. Therefore, it is advisable to find video reviews of the model you like. If this is an independent blogger, the review and opinion are as honest as possible, and the picture is without filters.


In the firmware settings, configure everything as desired (brightness, times, and most importantly, the type of brightness control. Also, do not forget about the two types of encoders, pictures below and everything is written in the settings). The clock has three direct settings (without flashing, installation using an encoder): on/off the alarm, setting the clock time and alarm time. All settings are saved in non-volatile memory and are not reset upon reboot (and time generally continues to count thanks to the battery in the RTC module). For the “dawn time” specified before the alarm clock in the firmware, the brightness will begin to gradually increase within the limits specified in the firmware. When the alarm clock time is reached, the beeper will start screaming; you can turn off all this disgrace by holding down the encoder button. Or wait until everything turns off automatically after the timeout specified in the firmware. Sweet dreams!

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