How to make roses from fabric - step-by-step photo instructions for a simple method of making roses

The article will tell you how to make roses from satin ribbon using various techniques, and you can also learn the nuances and features of working with satin ribbon.

The beauty of a rose is unique, but trying to create a similar flower with your own hands is easy and does not require significant expenses - flowers made from satin ribbons are at the peak of popularity. How to create a beautiful hair decoration, a bouquet for the bride, an interior detail or a brooch with amazing and sophisticated roses - you will learn by reading this article and studying the instructions on how to make flowers from ribbons step by step.

Start immediately

Any fabric or ribbon is suitable to create a masterpiece, but veil flowers have a charming appearance and attractive abilities; it is quite difficult to pass by and not stop to admire them. This type of activity will not be too expensive; on the contrary, the accumulated scraps will be recycled and at the same time will bring great benefits to the owner; with the help of the resulting products you can decorate curtains or furniture.

Tips for those who have just started doing ribbon embroidery

  • Don’t think that you will get high-quality professional work the first time. Ribbon embroidery is not the easiest way to create a masterpiece with your own hands. All comes with experience!
  • For work, you should choose only high-quality materials. This rule especially applies to the choice of tapes. If the materials are bad, then no matter how hard the craftsman tries, his work will be unpresentable.
  • When a person has already gained experience in this matter, in order to give his work a better look, he can complicate the technique and add sparkles or beads to the craft. Also, some elements can be embroidered with floss threads.

Roses made of satin fabric

They are quite practical, and their production does not require much time and effort; depending on the desired dimensions, you can easily calculate the amount of base material. With the help of a step-by-step master class, all questions about the process will not make you think long, and the preparatory work will contribute to coordinated actions. The list is approximately like this:

  1. Shreds.
  2. Colored threads.
  3. Needle.
  4. Sharp scissors.
  5. Measuring device.
  6. Steam iron.

Everyone chooses the shade independently depending on the purposes for which the figurine is created; understanding the nuances of how to sew a rose for beginners will require attentiveness and determination. One thing is for sure, the end result will not leave even the most strict connoisseurs indifferent.

Option 3

If you need a very small bud, then you can embroider it directly on the fabric using the stitches that we have already discussed. We take two small pieces of ribbon (20 cm is enough) 15 mm wide, for example, a pink ribbon for a bud and a green one for its calyx.

Use a pink ribbon to make a bud using a stitch. Loop with attachment:

And using green ribbon we make a cup for the bud using the Half-loop stitch with an attachment with fixation of the attachment:

The stitch that fixes the Half Loop can be done not just with a Straight Stitch, but with a Twisted Straight Stitch. This stitch will look more like a stem.

This is the little bud we got.

The video clearly shows the progress of the work. The author of the video is DivanNiekerk.

Getting started is easy

Most materials tear easily, so with simple, careful movements you need to prepare strips of a certain length. The width of each workpiece is 8 centimeters; if the craft is planned to be large in size and the diameter is impressive, you will need fairly oblong pieces.

After cutting out the rose petals, you need to smooth them with an iron; thanks to such manipulations, you will be able to get rid of curls and smooth out the base well.

Divide the workpiece folded in half into even folds and grab it with threads; the output will be a square. A fairly simple method that even a beginner can handle; do not forget that the fastening element must be the same shade as the main one, otherwise all the seams will be noticeable.

Having walked the needle along the raw edge, you can move on to the next stage. If you have a sewing machine at home, it will speed up the process significantly; such actions will not affect the beauty of the rose made from the material.

How to embroider a simple rose with ribbons

Option 1

The easiest way to embroider a rose with ribbons, accessible to beginner embroiderers. This is a web rose. It's very easy to do.

  1. Using either sewing thread or your ribbons, make five straight stitches in a ray pattern (Figure a). Or it can be three crossed stitches, as in the photo.
  2. Bring the ribbon to the front side and begin to weave the threads of this warp with your ribbon in a checkerboard pattern. This means that you need to pass the tape once under and once over the warp stitch (Fig.b). Continue until your warp stitches are completely covered (Figure c).

Now your rose is ready.

Option 2

  • Take the tape and fold its cut. Twist it three or four times to form the core of the flower. (Fig.1)
  • Using threads matching the color of the ribbon, secure the core of your future rose. (Fig.2)
  • Fold the edge of the ribbon at an angle to create a fold. This fold must be secured with regular stitches. (Fig.3)
  • Continue making folds and sewing them to the base. (Fig.4)
  • If you are using a wide ribbon, secure the folds with several stitches, moving from the base of the flower upward. (Fig.5)
  • You have made the core of the rose, which will need to be sewn in the center of the outer petals. Don't make this core too big. Place a needle-forward stitch along the edge of the ribbon and pull it towards the base of the flower. Secure. (Fig.6)
  • Now use ribbon stitches to stitch the outer petals of the rose. (Fig.7)
  • Using matching threads, sew the rose into the middle. (Fig. 8) Before sewing on the rose, twirl it in your hands and determine which side it looks better from. The flower looks more beautiful if the widest petal is located at the bottom.
  • Now bring the needle and ribbon under the core of the rose. Insert the needle back into the fabric to form a loop. Don't tighten it too much, let it be wavy or twisted. This will create a beautiful petal. (Fig.9)
  • Fill all the empty space at the center of your rose with these petals. (Fig. 10)

Option 3

If the task is how to embroider a small rose with ribbons, we suggest choosing the following simple technique:

1 Attach the ribbon to the needle. We draw the tape from the bottom up at the center of the future bud.

2 We retreat 7 cm, place the free edge of the tape on the needle, which is directed to the place where the tape and fabric are attached.

3. We assemble the tape into an accordion in increments of approximately 1 cm.

4 We pull the ribbon through the fabric from top to bottom as close to the center of the bud as possible. We get a small rose.

Such miniature flowers look beautiful when there are several of them at a short distance from each other.

Formation of the whole

By twisting the resulting tape into a roll, you can see how a nice appearance begins to emerge; the folds at this moment should be located on the outside. Each turn is carefully secured along the inner edge; if the production of a rose involves an open bud shape, this is corrected by the density of the roll.

By pulling the outer rows together, the structure will acquire the desired splendor. All edges must be bent inward so that the craft looks graceful and flawless. The lovely flower on a fabric dress is ready; it’s up to everyone to decide whether to use it in their new look or give it to a loved one.


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Making a rose from an untreated strip of fabric

In this case, any fabric (plain or patterned) is suitable for making a flower, but it is easiest to work with non-slip fabric of medium density. In this case, calico and chintz can not be cut, but simply torn. There is no need to process the edges of the strip, since the threads protruding from the rose and the resulting small fringe of arbitrary shape give the flower a special charm.

The easiest way is to twist the finished strip of fabric around a regular knot, which must be tied in the middle. It should not be dense, since this is the future center of the rose. Next, the two ends are folded together and, on a flat surface, wound in a spiral around the middle. In this case, the stripes should be slightly twisted both individually and among themselves. To prevent the resulting “snail” from falling apart, it can be secured with pins. From a strip 40-45 cm long and approximately 1.5 cm wide, a rosette with a diameter of about 3.5 cm is obtained.

The finished flower must be fixed on a mug made of felt or some other non-fraying fabric. It can be sewn on with thread or glued.

Spectacular rose on the head

Handmade, it will be an excellent addition to an outfit prepared for a performance on stage; such exclusive items have the ability to surprise and captivate the eye. The lightness and freshness of the stage image will give the audience unforgettable emotions and a positive attitude.

Having learned how to twist a flower from fabric, any connoisseur of such things will find proper use for them, wearing unique jewelry becomes fashionable, and production does not require large expenses.

Important! By applying the knowledge gained, you can improve an old bag and give it a second life, voluminous compositions will do their job, and when you go out into the street, passers-by will not even realize that just recently the current masterpiece was collecting dust in the closet.

Embroidery Basics

Before you start embroidering a design, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of basic rules.

  • Don't forget to make a knot in the ribbon. This will help secure it to the fabric so it won't fall off at the wrong time.
  • To prevent the ribbon flower from falling apart, you can sew the base with a thread and then attach it to the fabric. Only after this is it recommended to start creating a flower.
  • To work on a lush rose, you need a ribbon approximately 2 meters long. For a small flower, you can use less footage.
  • It's best to work with small stitches, shiny side up. This way the picture will turn out brighter and more accurate.
  • For the stem, just twist the ribbon and sew it to the fabric.
  • The leaves are cut from a “leaf” shaped piece and burned using a lighter. You can also form a flower with stitches, giving the shape of a leaf.
  • Be sure to burn the ends of the ribbon so that they do not unravel.

Satin ribbon

Fabric rose brooch

Perfect for those who like to add freshness to their look, a spring dress decorated with such a trifle will bring joy to others and delight the eyes of men passing by. Having taken advantage of your imagination of ideas, maybe as many as you like, you shouldn’t be ashamed of your deepest desires, you want to attach large plants to your favorite hat, you need to immediately take decisive action.

Sequence of work

For those who have not previously encountered ribbon embroidery, you need to start with the basics.

How to attach ribbon to a needle

First of all, let’s look at how to attach a ribbon to a needle:

  1. We thread the ribbon into the eye of the needle.
  2. Let's make a puncture with a needle, stepping back one and a half centimeters from the top edge of the tape.

Step 3: Create a small loop. Now carefully pull out the long edge of the tape.

The ribbon is securely attached to the needle and is easy to work with.

Securing the free edge of the tape

Next, you need to learn how to secure the tape from the free edge. It's not at all difficult to do this:

  1. Wrap 0.5 cm of the free edge of the tape twice.

2. Insert a needle into the center of the wrapped rectangle.
3. Pull the tape to the end. We get the desired small knot.

After you have mastered the skill of attaching a ribbon to a needle, you can proceed directly to embroidering a rose.

Other ideas

Silk flowers with the addition of beads look interesting; different sizes of the product fit perfectly into wedding or evening dresses.
Stylish compositions with many details will make formal clothes even more attractive, and beads will add uniqueness to the overall look. By embroidering an item with your own hands, you can choose the optimal location of each element and emphasize its advantageous aspects. Note!

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Benefits of roses embroidered with ribbons

There are many ways to create embroidery - they all have both pros and cons. Below are the main advantages for creating a design from ribbons.

  • Doesn't overload the picture. They create large details that are visible without additional eye strain.
  • The process will calm your nerves. Any activity has a calming effect on the master, bringing peace. The process will give you joyful emotions from the quick appearance of the result. This will definitely leave a pleasant impression on the seamstress.
  • An opportunity to show your imagination. When making bouquets from ribbons, the seamstress “grows” the flowers herself and then makes the bouquet.
  • 3D effect. Volumetric work comes to life on canvases. This is the only technique that allows you to achieve such volumes and shapes.
  • Originality. The panel will attract the attention of strangers with its uniqueness. This technique has appeared relatively recently, so the paintings attract the eye and make an impression on strangers.

Embroidery with ribbons “Roses in a basket”

  • No errors. Looking at the work, it is impossible to accurately determine an inaccuracy or error, since the size or type of stitch is not limited by any specific rules or requirements.
  • Pastime is royal leisure. In France, kings made their own ribbon embroideries by hand.
  • Easy to learn. To partially master the technique, just read this article to the end.
  • Availability of material. In 2022, you can easily find natural silk ribbons of different sizes and colors in stores.
  • Variety of colors. The presence of a large assortment of shades of different colors in the store makes the compositions more interesting.
  • Speed. To create a complete picture, a seamstress will only need a few hours.

You might be interested in Creating a pattern for cross stitch from a picture Ribbon panel

Fabric flower decoration

Hairstyles will also be a good option for a festive evening; a hair clip looks great on children. In the form of a small bracelet on the hand, it harmoniously combines with any clothing for relaxing in noisy companies. Thanks to the long-lasting perfume, it will be possible to give a beautiful accessory a pleasant smell; every movement will be accompanied by a sweet aroma.

Master classes for beginners

Various techniques are used to embroider roses with ribbons. Even with the help of simple stitches you can make beautiful flowers, decorate a blouse or bedspread. After completing one or two simple jobs, you can set your sights on a painting or tapestry. We offer a master class on embroidering roses with ribbons.

Creating buds

The technique for making these roses is simple:

  1. Take a satin ribbon 2.5-3 cm wide, cut a piece 12-15 cm long, carefully singe the edges, fold it in half. We bend the end of the strip diagonally and lay the assembly at a right angle. We secure it with two stitches and begin to “twist” the bud, not forgetting to baste it. We bend the end of the tape outward, fasten it and sew it to the base.
  2. Cut the same piece of tape. We wrap one edge in a small bag (as for sweets) and baste along the wide side. Fold the other end of the ribbon in half as in step 1, bend it diagonally and “twist” the bud. We put the bud into the “bag” and stitch it, continuing the previous seam. We pull the threads tightly and hide all the excess inside. We fix it.

On top of the bud we make a simple stitch with a green ribbon, imitating a leaf, or use it as the center for a lush rose.

Five ray rose

Mark the size and location of the rose with a pencil. From the central part, sew 5 stitches with ribbon or strong thread in different directions, like a star. Make seams, as if stretching strips of fabric between the rays.

For home

Flowers made from fabric for curtains will complement many ideas for improving rooms; long or short curtains will take on a truly charming appearance. When decorating a room, you can notice how it will become brighter and more comfortable, and relaxation will bring positive emotions. Gray winter days will be hidden behind the windows thanks to pretty plants spread across the entire wall.

To the nursery

It’s easy to diversify a child’s room and add a magical touch with a pattern for fabric flowers; it is not necessary to make the models close to reality. The combination of unusual colors will immerse children in a fairy tale and become a reason for various exciting trips without leaving the apartment.

To the kitchen

The room for eating also needs improvement; jars for storing cereals or cabinet doors can be transformed. Having a tea party with invited guests will bring more joy, thinking about how to make a rose from fabric should take into account the preferred shades of all family members and make a separate option for each. The care and attention will undoubtedly be noticed by loved ones, and words of gratitude will not take long to arrive.


The master class begins with creating a sketch. Using a marker, draw a circle on the fabric with a diameter that matches the size of the future rose.

Then we decide on the location of the rose in space - where its center will look and how the stem and leaves will be located.

If you plan to embroider a rose in a vase or bouquet, the stem will be directed downwards; when embroidering a lying rose, the stem is directed to the right or left.

For drawing on fabric, there are special pencils and markers that will either gradually disappear from prolonged contact with air, or can be wiped off with a damp cotton swab.

If the sketch is planned to be made using a simple pencil, then the lines must be made thin, barely noticeable. In this case, it is better to make the circle a little smaller in diameter, and when embroidering, puncture the outer part of the petal 2-3mm above the circle line. Then the preliminary drawing will not be noticeable on the finished work.

For a gift

Birthdays and celebrations of significant events have always provided an excellent opportunity for handicraft lovers to express themselves. From decorating rooms to souvenirs, all kinds of fabric flower patterns, templates and blanks are best used immediately to create designs.


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Various small shiny beads will also find their place on plants; thanks to specialized stores, they are easy to get, and the choice is so large that you can easily get confused at the counter.

Having small leftovers from sewing work, it is worth creating unusual plants and placing them throughout the hallway, then arriving guests will be in the mood for a good evening. If you plan a lot of designs, it is better to use stencils for flowers made of fabric; the production time will be significantly reduced.

Rose and basic postulates

On the canvas you need to create five loops that resemble a star. Through these loops we tighten the ribbon in the same color in a circle, but so that it passes either under the loop or above it. As a result, you get a rather beautiful bud, which can be complemented with elegant leaves, beads or beads, which will symbolize drops of dew.

Cobweb rose in 5 minutes in MK, instructions for making amazing roses

Accessories and materials for embroidery

  • Canvas, base fabric
  • Hoop
  • Ribbons
  • Scissors
  • Awl
  • Multi-colored threads
  • Two needles: one tapestry needle with a large eye and the second a regular sewing needle for thread

To begin with, you can use any fabric, color too. For beginners, it is better to take canvas as it is easier to learn. In the future, you can choose a base of better quality so that the composition can decorate your interior or a gift that could pleasantly surprise others. It is necessary to thread it into the stretch, into the hoop. They can be rectangular or round. We embroider a rose from satin ribbon.

This activity is quite simple, the main thing is to have patience. And things that, in your opinion, have outlived their usefulness can be decorated in the same way as in the picture.

You will find one example for beginners in our section. Schemes for creating a future painting can be found on the Internet. Photos of finished products amaze with their magnificence.

Technique for creating a bud

Embroidering roses in two steps. First, the twisted middle is made, and then the outer petals are embroidered. The tip must be threaded into the needle, and then carefully rolled into a roll. The bud of the future flower must be periodically stitched so that it does not fall apart. For this work, use red.

The next stage is fixing the bud and creating voluminous petals around it.

The number of petals affects the splendor of the flower. The more there are, the larger the rose will be.

The core and outer petals of a flower

For the twisted middle, you need a ribbon 2.5 cm wide, and you will also need a needle and thread in the same color.

We cut off a small amount, about 1 m, bend the tip - 3 centimeters with our right hand at a right angle (it doesn’t matter which side you start from - front or back), it will still spin.

Then we bend it again, then put the fingers of the left hand - the index finger lies on the top edge, and the thumb under the bottom.

We bend the top edge under the bottom, pull out the thumb, and a small triangle is formed. Now with our right hand we tightly twist it towards ourselves three times, aligning it along the top edge.

We stitch the center of the inflorescence with a needle and thread, all the turns. And so we twist it to the end of this geometric figure, which was formed on the left side when bending, that is, we turned it - we stitched it. The first one always twists tightly.

As soon as you fixed the tape to the end with a needle, you again placed your fingers correctly - the index finger on the top edge, and the thumb under it. Bend the next triangle. And now you need to twist it more freely, the petals seem to deviate from each other.

We repeat the same process of twisting and stitching with each turn. The new thread is fixed with a needle, turned again and stitched.

We lay the next one even more freely. A properly laid out ribbon is guaranteed to become an elegant creation. When many layers are wound, you can no longer pierce this bud with a needle, but only pick up a new turn to the bottom one. We twist the bud so that the diameter of the rose becomes 25 millimeters.

Detailed video lesson for needlewomen. Just five minutes and the rose is ready.

There was a small tip left where the first bend was. This is where the process needs to begin. We use an awl to pierce a hole in the middle of the fabric base. We insert the tail of our flower and send the needle and thread there to the wrong side.

From the wrong side, you need to pull the tip so that the rose fits tightly to the canvas. We secure it with thread and then cut off the excess along with the thread.

Now we thread our ribbon into a large needle with a wide eye. If you look at the bud from above, which is embroidered and inserted into the canvas, it will become clear in what order the petals need to be twisted and stitched, that is, twisted in a circle.

We twist the ribbon into a soft fold and pierce it under the petals. From the wrong side we retreat 2 millimeters, bring the needle to the front side of the fabric, and again create a soft fold.

We repeat the puncture under the coils of the flower and make sure that everything is tightly and neatly laid out. There should be no visible gaps between those already stitched. You need to be careful when installing.

Try to make them look nice, turn the twists as you like, the tape should fit as it should.

Tips from a craftswoman for handcrafting flowers

Next, after two petals, the third turn needs to be sewn differently. We advise you to pay attention to the jumpers that were created when piercing the main working material (there is a distance of 2 mm between them). They need to be covered with the third petal.

This means that we move 1.5 cm to the right from the jumper. We twist the ribbon into a soft fold and pierce it.

We sew the fourth petal further, retreating from it by 2 mm. Thus we lay them in a circle. We form the fifth turn of the rose, not forgetting to overlap the jumpers. Correct, tighten and lay them right away, then it will be difficult to do this. And we make sure that the level is the same.

In this sequence, step by step, we sew eight blanks.

Reception “from the ninth petal”

As soon as we reach the stage where they are all long, we apply our new technique. We need to pierce not 2 mm forward, but take a step back by about 1 centimeter. We determine the length ourselves and insert the needle accordingly.

We form the coil correctly so that it lays beautifully, and again we pierce it 10 millimeters back - the tenth. Our flower consists of approximately 11-12 turns. We determine the length visually. The size of the bud should already look rounded, lush and wide.

At the last stage, when finishing stitching, be sure to pull it up, straighten all the petals you embroidered, and make a knot on the wrong side. The flower is ready.


Joint activities

I always want to share the experience gained; young family members will be happy to do crafts of this kind; in order to interest the child, it is worth choosing a huge number of shades and allowing him to choose those that he really likes.

Some work will require the help of an adult, so it is better to be patient and be sure to prepare an additional tool. Large roses made of fabric will be much more convenient than small ones; on such models it is easier for children to understand all the stages of production.

For kindergarten

Arrangements for kindergarten can also be decorated using decorative buds; the parent’s task will be to assemble the blanks, and the child will design and attach all the parts with glue. By taking a little time to prepare, you can create a truly exciting evening together with fruitful communication on various topics.


Composition of satin roses

Paintings made from satin roses are very beautiful, vibrant and voluminous. Having gone through the material on the Internet, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the craftsmanship of creating this beauty.

I really liked the idea of ​​​​creating a picture of roses, let's look at the main elements of the work.

Materials and tools: Frame-hoop, fabric for the base of our picture, silk ribbons, thread, needle, PVA glue, cardboard, scissors, about 7 cm of beautiful ribbon and gold cord for finishing the vase, pins, small pillow (optional). Work progress: First make seven roses. Secure the base fabric to the frame. The photo below shows what the frame looks like from the back. Place the frame on the pillow and use pins to attach the leaves and roses to the fabric.

If you like the composition, then feel free to sew on your details! First the outer leaves, then the roses. And only last but not least - a vase. It is done like this: a square of thick cardboard is wrapped in fabric and decorated with a beautiful ribbon and gold cord. All that remains is to glue the vase, and your painting is ready.

The author of the work is Dina Nason, the original work is here >>>

Well, we'll move on.

Let's look at how to make a satin rose

Wide ribbon 50mm, cut into pieces 10.5 cm-8 pcs. 11.5-9 pcs (you can have more or less, it all depends on what kind of flower you want to make). It is better to singe the cut edges of the tape with a lighter or matches. We begin to fold the bud. MANUFACTURING A BUD. Fold the right edge of the tape and secure it with a pin.

We bend the folded edge again and secure it with double thread.

We bend the top edge of the ribbon and fold it into a bud. Fix it with thread. We bend the top edge of the ribbon and fold it into a bud. Secure with thread.

The bud is ready.

MAKING PETALS Fold the top edge 0.7 cm and pin.
Fold the corner of the ribbon under and pin it in place.

Fold the corners of the ribbon on both sides and pin.

Using a thread in two layers, lay a baste along the bottom edge. Pull the thread lightly.

Before sewing the second petal, pin it to the bud so that it does not move during sewing. Wrap the edges of the petal around the bud and sew along the bottom edge.

The second petal is ready. We make the third petal and pin it to the bud. Sew on the third petal. The third petal is sewn on. We sew the fourth and all subsequent petals in a similar way.

The rose will turn out more beautiful and natural if you use two or three shades of ribbon. The inner petals are darker. When the buds are ready, sew a few beads on top, in the place where the bud curls.

Sew leaves from green ribbon. ROSE IS READY. The author of the work is Natalya Belozerova from the site

Let's look at how leaves for work are made.

Pointed leaves with ruffles

So, let's begin.

For the leaves we will need ribbons, threads, a needle, a threader (so as not to strain your eyes), a lighter, scissors, a ruler and a simple pencil. I take satin ribbons of different shades and different widths. Ribbons can be taken as nylon (or organza), or simply satin. It's up to you to decide who you like. You can try both one and the other, and then decide which and for what colors you will need.

Let's make pointed leaves with ruffles.

For such a leaf we use a ribbon 5 cm wide and 11 cm long (for different widths of ribbons you need to take different lengths). Use a ruler to measure 11 cm and cut it off. Since the tape “crumbles”, the edges need to be processed, otherwise it will turn out ugly and not neat. I use a lighter to finish the edges. We simply burn the edges of the resulting segment.

We bend the segment in half to find the middle of our segment.

Now we bend the edges of the tape from the middle down. We sew a stitch along the bottom edge, making sure to grab both layers of tape with the needle.

When the line is laid, we tighten the assembly. We tighten it tightly, then we wrap the thread around the base of the leaf two or three times, and secure the thread.

Simple and tasteful

The popularity of using such masterpieces in everyday life is growing, and the skills can be useful in all areas of life; it’s nice to hear compliments about things decorated with your own hands. Quite simple manipulations are sometimes impossible to distinguish from factory sewing; a lot depends on imagination and determination; armed with a minimum amount of tools, you can begin grandiose plans and achieve them.

Necessary materials and equipment

For work we will need:

  1. Textile base. To comfortably pierce the fabric and pull the ribbon through it, textiles with a loose weave are used as a canvas - canvas, double-thread, gabardine, crepe-satin. It is convenient to use ready-made prints - a fabric base with a pattern printed on it.
  2. Needles. Chenille for the ribbon and regular sewing for hemming the ends of the braid to the base, fixing the twisted center.
  3. Ribbons and threads. White, green, 20 mm wide. White sewing thread No. 40.
  4. A lighter for melting the ends of the ribbon and soldering them to the base.
  5. Hoop or embroidery machine.
  6. Sharp scissors.
  7. Fabric marker or simple pencil.

You can embroider a rose on a plain white fabric, or you can pre-tint the base and apply a background, enhancing the decorativeness of the finished work. If the fabric has been tinted, then before starting embroidery it must be thoroughly dried with a hairdryer to avoid accidental coloring of the ribbon.

Beautiful roses made from fabric with your own hands

They will not only delight you with their spectacular execution, but they can also add new colors, spring mood and lightness to your life. Professional seamstresses have been using similar decorative elements in their work for a long time, and the end result reaches certain heights.

By experimenting with various components, it is necessary to highlight several of the most successful options and continue to improve your skills; perhaps the works that took first place at school exhibitions will in the future become an adornment for a handbag from a stylish brand. It’s definitely not worth stopping in your endeavors; perseverance and determination will definitely bear fruit.

Tools and materials

It is easier to embroider with ribbons than with satin stitch or cross stitch, you just need to practice a little. For beginning craftswomen, it is better to buy a ready-made kit for their first experience - it includes a minimum set of tools, a diagram, step-by-step instructions, a base, and the threads and ribbons are already selected by color. This way you can determine whether you will engage in this needlework in the future. By the way, ribbon embroidery usually starts with a rose - it is considered the easiest to perform.

Types of tapes

In order not to get lost in the variety of materials, you need to know about their features:

  • Atlas is the most popular due to its high quality and low price. It can be single-sided or double-sided and is used by both beginners and experienced embroiderers;

  • Satin is often confused with satin, but it is softer and more pliable, which creates difficulties for beginners. Such material is expensive;
  • Synthetic ribbons do not wrinkle and hold their shape well, but they look a bit rough. True, for some jobs you need just such;
  • Natural silk is the most expensive and wrinkles a lot, but products made from it are very beautiful. It is recommended to work with him when certain experience comes;
  • Organza ribbons are beautiful, but difficult to embroider with;
  • Velvet and corduroy have a distinct texture and add sophistication to the product.

On sale you can find corrugated strips, printed (colored), composed of different fabrics. Any ribbon can be used for embroidering roses, the main thing is that they are strong and flexible. The width varies from a few millimeters to 5 cm.

The tapes are stored wound on reels or pieces of cardboard in boxes or bags, which protects the fabric from dust and other negative factors. Cut pieces of fabric will not produce high-quality embroidery - the edge will become deformed and crumble.

Embroidery base and thread

The base can be any fabric. It is better to use one that will hold the tape and at the same time be easily pierced - strong and dense. But you can even embroider on pre-starched gauze or on a tarpaulin, using an awl to pierce holes and pliers to pull the needle through.

Photo examples of fabric rose crafts

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Useful tips

To conclude the topic, a few facts should be noted:

  • Pieces of tape that are too long wear out quickly when repeatedly passing through the fabric and are difficult to work with;
  • The strips of fabric must be constantly straightened and held with your hand - only then will you get a beautiful design;
  • Thick needles make it easier to work with, and the tape wears out less;
  • To obtain voluminous, beautiful seams, do not tighten them;
  • It is easier to work with the ribbon if its width is less than the length of the stitch.

At first, the strips of fabric will slip out of your hands and try to “escape” after being attached to the fabric. You can fix everything with the help of skillfully selected threads, imperceptibly sewing flaws to the base. This, of course, is not very correct, but it will help you gain self-confidence, improve your skills and enlist the support of skeptics who appreciate the beauty of the finished product.

Small twisted roses from ribbon 1.2 cm

To create small roses from ribbons, you will need the same tools and materials that were used for previous crafts, and only the ribbon for work will be taken narrow - 12 mm wide .

If you need to make roses that are slightly different in size, then to do this you need to take pieces of ribbon of different lengths. The edges of the working satin strips are melted with fire and twisted using tweezers. The center of the flower is ready.

Afterwards, the tape is folded away from itself, and the petal is placed under the base. These actions must be continued until the bud is formed. The remaining short edge of the ribbon is folded over and sewn to the back of the rose.

Bouquet of roses

A bouquet of artistic roses will look very beautiful. Roses are made separately and then arranged into a composition.

Video on how to make a bouquet of roses from satin ribbons for the bride:

Step by step execution:

  1. The bouquet in question will be round. First, a base is made for it. For a pen, several pencils glued together will do. The base of the bouquet is fixed on top of the handle with glue - a ball of foam or paper, covered with tape. Roses are glued to the ball.
  2. The rose flower should be placed on a dense round base. It is cut from starched gauze, burlap or felt. A circle with a diameter of no more than 5 cm is drawn and cut out. A triangular recess is drawn in the circle and removed. The circle is stitched. It turns out to be a low cone. If you need to get a tall flower, the cutout is made larger.
  3. The satin ribbon is folded in half, placed over the top of the cone and sewn. The tape is folded into triangles until a square is formed. Make several squares. More squares means a more magnificent flower. When the cone is completely hidden under the tape, the flower is ready.

Making a hair clip from a rose

Artificial roses are often used to create homemade hairpins.

For this craft you will need:

  • not a wide satin ribbon;
  • scissors and glue;
  • needle with thread;
  • ruler and some felt;
  • accessories: hairpins and hairpins.

One flower for its production will require 30 cm of tape.

Roses from satin ribbons used in hair clips are made according to a standard pattern.
Step-by-step production is as follows:

  1. The end of the tape is bent diagonally. The resulting right triangle is fixed. The triangle is carefully rolled into a tube and stitched at the base. The tape is folded at an angle to the inside and wound.
  2. After 1 turn, the base is stitched. The tape should be loosened before making a new fold. The right angle is always directed towards the inside.
  3. After each revolution, the completed circle is secured with firmware. The petals are folded to the end of the ribbon. The end of the ribbon is hemmed at the base of the rose.
  4. A thin strip is cut out of felt and a pin is put on it. The edges of the felt strip are glued to the back of the flower.

Small roses can be glued to the fittings with clips.

Rosette with elastic band

A rose made from a satin ribbon will look especially impressive as a hair decoration. The rose is made separately and secured with an elastic band. It is better to take a tape that is not wide.

How to do:

  1. The tape lies on a horizontal surface, the left edge is bent by 6 cm. This small piece of tape is bent at an angle of 45°; it will be perpendicular to the main tape. The fold is pinned with a safety pin.
  2. The long part of the tape is folded down and the fold is pinned. Continue these steps until a square of 4 triangles is formed.
  3. When the square is ready, its sides are stitched around the perimeter. The pins remain. The thread is carefully pulled together, the base of the flower becomes round and wavy. The flower turns over and straightens out. The first bud turned out.
  4. A small bud is made from the next ribbon. A small piece of tape is folded into a half figure eight. Intersections are pinned.
  5. Excess material is cut off, the edges are scorched with fire.
  6. The sides are stitched around the entire perimeter. The thread is tightened. The result is a small bud without a hole.
  7. The small bud enters the large bud and closes its opening.
  8. A green satin ribbon will be used for the leaves. The edge of the tape is rolled into a cone. The tape is thrown over, 1 more cone is made at the bottom.
  9. The unused tape is cut off and the edges are lightly processed over the fire. The bases of the cones are secured with a pin. The leaves are ready.
  10. The rose is sewn on top of the leaves. The rose is then attached to a small felt backing, then secured with an elastic band.
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