How to make a felt mask in the shape of a ninja turtle

The charming, cheerful and brave Ninja Turtles are rightfully considered one of the most popular heroes of animated films and comics. This extraordinary quartet of turtles has deeply settled in children's hearts, winning their love and admiration.

With the New Year holidays approaching, many parents are faced with the desire of their child to be at a children's New Year's party dressed as none other than the Ninja Turtles. And then the question arises, where can I get this very suit?

We decided to prepare a special article to help parents whose children are ardent fans of the brave four reptiles - the Ninja Turtles.
In this article, we have put together an excellent selection of photo-master classes on making a Ninja Turtle costume from scrap materials, as well as a headband mask.

Making a Ninja Turtle Mask from Felt

Ninja turtle masks made from felt are bright and cheerful. They are as easy to make as paper ninja masks. Materials for creation are affordable.

To make a felt mask you will need:

  • The colored felt sheets are green, as well as one of the following - blue, orange, red and purple.
  • Duct tape.
  • Glue gun.
  • Scissors.

Stages of work:

  1. First, draw a diagram of a ninja turtle mask onto a sheet of paper and cut it out. The pattern is not complicated, so you can do without a paper pattern by drawing the future contours of the mask directly on sheets of felt.

  2. Cut out the necessary parts from felt.

  3. We glue all the parts together using a glue gun.

  4. We sew Velcro onto the strips; the locations for the Velcro are determined after trying on the mask.

    A wonderful mask for the game is ready!

It is not necessary to use the above diagram to make a ninja turtle mask - there are alternative options that will look very interesting.

If you don't have a large selection of felt and are too lazy to spend time cutting and gluing parts, you can simply cut out a blindfold from any color of felt or fabric.

It’s great if it’s a long piece of felt, which will immediately make masks with long ties. Otherwise, you will have to sew the ties to the glasses or glue them with reliable glue.

How to make a ninja turtle

The joint creative process with children is both a useful and exciting activity. You can give your child the opportunity to choose the type of craft, and then prepare the necessary materials.

Required materials and tools

To avoid wasting time searching around the house for the necessary supplies, you can use a small life hack. Divide the shoebox into sections of different sizes using cardboard partitions and put the necessary tools for working with paper in it. This box is easy to place on a shelf and be taken out during creative activities.

To work with paper and cardboard you need the simplest tools and materials:

  • paper and cardboard of various textures, thicknesses and colors;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • large and small scissors;
  • different types of glue for paper and cardboard (PVA, stationery, hot glue);
  • stationery and double-sided tape;
  • decorative elements and stickers
  • felt-tip pens, markers, pencils, glitter glue;
  • wet wipes for hands.

Step-by-step assembly of a three-dimensional craft

You can make an entire team of turtles from scrap materials. To do this, you will need to take 2 cardboard toilet paper rolls, scissors, glue and paint for each character.

  1. Fold the cardboard sleeve and smooth out the resulting side folds.
  2. Cut off the top and bottom corners.
  3. Paint the workpiece on both sides yellow and green.
  4. Cut the second sleeve lengthwise and glue it so that it has a smaller diameter than the first part.
  5. Paint the inner tube green and glue it inside the first piece.
  6. Glue the elements of the face, belt and weapon on top of the craft.

Video master class

Origami with a simple diagram

All friends from the Ninja Turtles team can be made according to the same pattern. They will differ only in the color of the scarf.

To work, you need to take square pieces of paper that are used for notes, felt-tip pens of different colors and a black pen.

  1. Fold the square in half, then fold the outer sides towards the middle twice.
  2. Unfold the workpiece and mark the resulting strips with numbers, as shown in the figure.
  3. Carefully iron the folds on both sides of strip No. 4.
  4. Fold the paper so that the top edge of strip 4 is in contact with the bottom edge of strip 1, and the bottom edge of strip #4 is in contact with the top edge of strip #7.
  5. Turn the piece over, fold it in half and unfold it again.
  6. Bend the sides to the resulting center line.
  7. Bend the top corner on the back side as shown in the photo.
  8. Fold the top and bottom corners of the workpiece back.
  9. Color the headband and draw the character's face.

Origami bookmarks

You can decorate the pages of books with funny characters by making bright corner bookmarks.

To work, you need squares of green paper and small colored pieces to match the characters' headbands.

The procedure for making a bookmark:

  1. From a standard rectangular sheet of paper, create a square and fold it diagonally.
  2. We bend the side corners, aligning them with the top corner, and open the part again.
  3. Lower the top corner until it touches the bottom edge of the triangle.
  4. We bend the side corners up again and tuck them inside the resulting pocket.
  5. We cut out bandages from colored strips and strengthen them with glue.
  6. Glue the eyes and draw a smile.

How to make origami ninja turtles from modules can be seen in the following master class:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Weapons

All Ninja Turtles wield different types of combat weapons. Making a Bo pole is not difficult. To do this, you just need to roll the paper into a tube and decorate it with a colored stripe.

To create a nearly life-size sword that can be used during games and theatrical performances, you need to do the following:

  1. Take 3 sheets of A4 paper, black and red squares measuring 15x21 cm, scissors and stationery tape.
  2. Fold one white sheet according to the indicated pattern and seal the open edge with tape along the entire length.
  3. Turn the paper strip with the glued edge up, press on it and straighten the part so that the seam is in the middle.
  4. Use scissors to cut the corners to create a point. Seal the cut edges with tape.
  5. Roll into tight tubes from 2 other A4 sheets of paper. Insert them inside the ball blade. They will serve as an internal frame that holds the structure and gives the necessary rigidity.
  6. Make a guard from a red leaf. This is the part that separates the blade from the handle. To do this, bend the sheet as shown in the diagram.
  7. To make the handle, you need to wrap a piece of black paper around the blade. The diameter of the handle should be slightly larger than the blade. This will be required for further gluing.
  8. Smooth out the side folds of the resulting part and seal the edge with tape.
  9. Cover the upper end of the handle with a red stripe. Secure the end of the tape with tape.
  10. Assemble the sword elements by gluing them with PVA glue. First put on the handle, then strengthen the guard.

Beginning of work

For those who know how to hold a thread and a needle in their hands, making a ninja mask will not be difficult.

As we know from the cartoon, the turtles are dressed in green clothes. Therefore, first the suit itself is sewn. The pattern for trousers and shirts (turtlenecks) can be found in special books on cutting and sewing. The main thing is to use green fabric. The size of clothing must correspond to the parameters of the future hero. To simplify, you can simply buy a ready-made turtleneck and trousers in the desired color.

Sewing materials

Of course, you can rent a ninja turtle costume. But a creative activity can turn into an interesting pastime for children and their parents. So, a ninja suit consists of:

  • green bases;
  • shell;
  • additional accessories in the form of bandages, knee pads, weapons and other things.

To sew masquerade clothes for children with your own hands you will need:

  • A green turtleneck or jacket, as well as trousers. It could be old green pajamas. It is desirable that the shade of green be darker. But light green will also work. After all, this is your version of a turtle. The main thing is that it is recognizable.
  • Yellow fabric. It is convenient to use flannel. It is more pliable and dense. We'll tell you what you'll make from it a little later.
  • Acrylic paint and fabric dye will come in handy.
  • The brown ribbon will act as a belt.
  • You will need Velcro to connect the parts.
  • A piece of red fabric for additional accessories.
  • Holofiber or synthetic winterizer. You only need a little bit. Perhaps you have some old sofa cushions left at home. You can borrow some stuffing from them.
  • Baking form. As you may have guessed, this is for the shell. The uniform must be large enough to be recognizable as a child's costume.

Arm yourself with threads and needles. And don't put off work until the last day. The result will exceed expectations if you start the task in a good mood.

Image details

The first step is to determine what elements the outfit should consist of. A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume must include a base (overalls or a jacket and pants), a shell, bandages on the arms and legs, and a mask. Any boy will tell you how the four turtles from the cartoon differ from each other and name their names. We are talking about the color of the bandages and eye mask, which can be red, orange, blue or lilac. As for the color of the base of the suit, it can be any shade of green. The shell and chest can be made yellow or brown.

Another important detail is the weapon. Of course, you won’t give your child a sharp plastic sword or nunchucks for a matinee, with which he can hit one of the children, but if the weapon is made of fabric and filled with synthetic padding, then it will not pose any danger, but at the same time it will ideally complement image. Making a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume with your own hands is not easy, but the effort will be justified by the result, because the outfit will be exclusive.

Sewing materials

Of course, you can rent a ninja turtle costume. But a creative activity can turn into an interesting pastime for children and their parents. So, the ninja costume consists of:

  • green bases;
  • shell;
  • additional accessories in the form of bandages, knee pads, weapons and other things.

To sew masquerade clothes for children you will need:

  • A green turtleneck or jacket, as well as trousers. It could be old green pajamas. It is desirable that the shade of green be darker. But light green will also work. After all, this is your version of a turtle. The main thing is that it is recognizable.
  • Yellow fabric. It is convenient to use flannel. It is more pliable and dense. We'll tell you what you'll make from it a little later.
  • Acrylic paint and fabric dye will come in handy.
  • The brown ribbon will act as a belt.
  • You will need Velcro to connect the parts.
  • A piece of red fabric for additional accessories.
  • Holofiber or synthetic winterizer. You only need a little bit. Perhaps you have some old sofa cushions left at home. You can borrow some stuffing from them.
  • Baking form. As you may have guessed, this is for the shell. The uniform must be large enough to be recognizable as a child's costume.

Arm yourself with threads and needles. And don't put off work until the last day. The result will exceed expectations if you start the task in a good mood.

Several ways to make a ninja mask from a T-shirt with your own hands

More than twenty years have passed since films about ninjas first appeared on the television screens of our country. At the peak of their popularity, feature, animated and journalistic films were shown about the ghosts of the night. They were imitated not only by children, but also by many adults. Clubs were created in this area. However, even now, interest in secret martial art has not faded away. This article is precisely for such small and adult enthusiasts. It will be interesting not only for children, but also for adult fans of historical reconstructions and samurai fights. We will talk about how to sew a ninja mask and look like your favorite characters. Completely making a fighter’s costume and equipment is the job of professionals, but anyone can make a mask with their own hands. For some it will help in training, and for others in games. This product will be useful for New Year's masquerade in kindergartens and schools; it turns out to be much cheaper than buying ready-made ones in a store. And simply making a ninja mask with your own hands and playing your favorite character from “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” will give your child a lot of positive emotions. In general, elements of the equipment of ancient night fighters are very popular in the world, especially in law enforcement agencies. Anti-terrorism units and their opponents, such as terrorists, thieves, and robbers, also use masks. In other words, the thing is extremely popular.

It is very important to involve children in the process of creating a mask, since no one knows better than a child about the characteristics of each of the famous four turtles. Cutting and sewing skills in this business are desirable, but not required. The mask is suitable for anyone who knows how to handle needles and scissors.

Simplified version

If you categorically refuse to sew a suit or are not trained in this type of needlework, do it easier.
Take your child's green tracksuit that you don't mind throwing away
. Draw a light brown rectangle on the front of the T-shirt. Divide it with dark paint into about six parts. Let the child put a piece of cardboard under the T-shirt so that the “muscles” look more clearly. It is advisable to strengthen, as we described above, the muscles on the forearms and thighs.

All that remains is to go to the toy store and choose a weapon worthy of a Ninja Turtle so that the image is finally formed. If your child finds it uncomfortable to walk around with a mask over his eyes, you can simply draw it on your son’s face.

You will have to tinker with such a costume for more than one evening. But the result will be stunning, and the child will be happy, because he has been in the shoes of his favorite cartoon character.

Ask any boy who he would like to be for the New Year's masquerade. In response, you will definitely hear the name of one of the cartoon or fairy-tale characters.

Boys love to be heroes. There is nothing wrong with this, but mom will have to try hard to sew a suitable children's costume with her own hands. Stories about the Ninja Turtles have been around for many years, but boys are still delighted with its main characters. Let's try to make a ninja costume ourselves from scrap materials.

Feel like a ninja turtle in a new mask!

With the help of the Ninja Turtle mask, you can easily transform into one of the popular comic book characters about four sewer residents - mutant turtles. Protecting the weak and fighting evil is not an easy task. And thanks to the mask, you can feel it in your own skin. The product will delight fans of the Mutant Ninja Turtles and will be an excellent addition to your outfit. It's perfect for a costume party, Halloween or other holiday event. To fully get used to the image of the turtle hero and conquer others with your outfit, learn several combat moves. Be sure that you will have no equal at the holiday.

Paper version

The easiest way to make ninja turtle masks is from paper. But before following the instructions on how to make a ninja turtle mask, everyone must decide what kind of hero they want to make, because the color of the cardboard or other available materials depends on this. In the cartoon, Raphael's mask is red, Leonardo's is blue, Michelangelo's is yellow, and Donatello's is purple.

To get started, you should have the following materials and tools on hand:

  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • paper or cardboard (the base color should be green, and the second color is chosen based on what character it will be made of);
  • protection payment.
  • scissors;

By performing the steps step by step, no difficulties should arise in the process:

You need to take the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle mask template as shown in the picture and transfer it onto a piece of green paper.

The outline of the future mask must be cut out.

In the middle of the workpiece, two ovals are drawn, which will serve as holes for the eyes.

We also cut out a scarf over the eyes from cardboard.

you need to cut out the long and short parts of the paper bandage of the corresponding color (in our case red), as shown in the picture.

Glue the long piece to the green base.

A small part of the bandage is glued to the back of the workpiece.

The holes for the eyes will be covered, so you need to turn the piece upside down and carefully cut out the holes.

All that remains is to attach the laces to hold the product on your head.

It is not difficult to create such a product at home. This is done not only simply, but also very quickly. You can also make a shield out of paper. There are master classes that will show you how to make a shield from plastic plates. You can make many of these turtle masks so that your child has all the ninja heroes.

Shurikens - a murder weapon

In fact, shurikens were a secondary weapon, used to confuse the enemy rather than kill them. Shuriken-jutsu (the art of using shuriken) included hitting the unprotected parts of the samurai's body: the face, eyes, hands and feet. Sometimes they were buried in the ground to cause damage to the lower limbs, or held in the hands in close combat. But the fatal blow had already been dealt with a sword (ninja) or kusarigama (ninja's scythe or scythe).

Shurikens were not prohibited weapons. They were worn in a pocket and even on the head, used as hairpins. Ancient shurikens have practically not reached us, since they were considered disposable weapons and were made of low-quality metal.

DIY ninja costume for a boy: kimono

The main clothing of a ninja is a jacket and trousers. You can make the jacket in two versions: in the form of a kimono or an ordinary jacket with a hood.

Option 1

In this version, the jacket will be sewn like a kimono (a wrap-around jacket with a special cut). There are ties on the front of the sweater.

Stage 1

In order to sew a sweater, you need to take measurements. The following values ​​will be required: jacket height (distance from the collar to the bottom of the jacket), chest circumference, sleeve length (distance from shoulder to hand or elbow).

Felt product

A ninja mask can be made from felt. You can use the same template, but use felt material as a basis. Ideally, it is advisable to machine stitch the edges of each part. You can attach a cord to the sides or create a Velcro fastening.

The Ninja Turtle mask can be created from foam rubber. A great idea is to make a separate green mask from foam rubber and sew a scarf from fabric separately, then tie it over your eyes. This is both the fastening of the mask and its important element.

A modern original way is to create a mask from a T-shirt, sweater or T-shirt. This method involves specially tying T-shirts on the head. Of course, this cannot be called a carnival version of the costume, but for games and fun at home or in the yard, this option is quite suitable.

These are simple ways to make a ninja mask with your own hands; at the same time, you can sew it from fabric using a pattern, and create voluminous masks.


In this section we will tell you how to make a children's ninja turtle costume from available materials.

  • Let's start by working on the trousers and jacket. If you don't have any green clothes at home, take a white flannel pajama and dye it with fabric dye.
  • When the green base is ready, we continue working on the torso of the turtle. To do this, cut out an oval from yellow material.
  • Sew it to the green jacket as follows. We sew a line vertically across the entire area of ​​the oval. Then two more lines horizontally. It is desirable that there be the same distance between them. We do not sew the yellow oval around the circle yet.
  • When you sew three stitches, you will have six yellow pockets. We fill them with padding polyester or holofiber for volume. Then it's time to sew on the oval. The hero's torso is ready.
  • We cut the colored fabric into strips, which we sew onto the sleeves of the sweater at the elbows and cuffs. On pants, colored stripes will appear in the knee area. If you don't have time to sew them on, you can simply tie them on. We make a blindfold from a colored strip.
  • Let's start making the most complex and important part. I'm making a shell. It should be voluminous and light so that the ninja suit does not create discomfort when worn. To do this, use a baking dish of the appropriate size. First, paint the mold brown using acrylic paint. Ask the children to do this. They will enjoy the activity.
  • A light shell just needs to be attached to your belt. To do this, we make holes along the edges of our form into which the brown ribbon will be threaded. Another secret to attaching the shell is Velcro tape. One end of it is attached to the upper part of the shell inside, and the other to the clothing on the back.
  • When both the shell and the belt are ready, we begin making the belt buckle. If you remember, each hero had the first letter of their name depicted on it. Ask your children what they would like to be. Let us remind parents that the names of the turtles are Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, Leonardo.
  • The buckle can be made from cardboard. We cut out a circle onto which we glue in advance the first letter of the name, also made of cardboard.
  • Our ninja costume is almost ready. There are not enough weapons. You can make it yourself by cutting it out of thick cardboard or buy it separately at a children's goods store.

  • If you don't have colored fabric and don't want to buy a new piece, use colored socks.
  • If your son roller skates, feel free to bring knee pads and arm guards. This way you won’t have to make them yourself and they will look more impressive.
  • If you paint fabric or a separate part, for example, a shell, wait until everything is completely dry.
  • Attach accessories securely to prevent them from falling off. We are sure that your child will want to show off the costume to his friends and classmates in all its glory, and to do this he will have to get used to the role, jump, run, and wave a weapon.

If something doesn't work out for you, don't despair. Put your work aside for a while and come back to it when you feel inspired. We are sure that while sewing a children's costume with your own hands, you will have many more interesting ideas.

There are no boys who wouldn’t watch the cartoon “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” and wouldn’t want to be in the shoes of their heroes, who are distinguished by dedication, masculinity and strength. Moreover, everyone has their own favorite from the famous four, who appeals to him more in terms of actions and character.

Everyone loves Ninja Turtles. And creating a carnival costume for one of these heroes is an excellent opportunity to make your child’s dream come true. You can do it either independently or together with your children, because it is a fascinating process filled with creativity and positivity.

The child will be able to feel part of the creative process and bring his personal feelings and emotions into his costume, which will become especially dear to him. Basic skills are not necessary here, because ninja turtle masks are easy to make, and there are many ways to do this.

Each parent can also make additional elements of the costume, for example, weapons: shield, nunchucks. Nunchakus can also be purchased in stores.

The basis of the outfit

Children's Ninja Turtle costumes are usually made with overalls, but if you have no experience sewing on a hidden zipper, then it is better to choose the option with pants and a blouse, which will not require working with difficult fasteners.

To cut out these elements of the outfit, you need to copy the cut details from the finished garment. To do this, you will need a long-sleeved knitted T-shirt and sweatpants that fit the child in size. Things are laid out on a table or on the floor and a piece of ordinary thick construction film is placed on top, after which all the contours and seams of the clothing are redrawn, straightening out all the folds. The pants need to be drawn on the front and back sides separately, but it will be enough to trace the jacket once, and you need to determine the depths of the necks for the front and back.

In order for the Ninja Turtle costume to be completely without fasteners, you should choose a knitted fabric that both stretches well and holds its shape. Diving or duval are ideal for this purpose. But if you plan to make an economical, but at the same time spectacular suit, it is better to give preference to crepe-satin. In this case, it will be necessary to make a button closure at the neck, since this material does not stretch.

It should also be taken into account that for dress (not stretch) fabric you will need to make allowances for a loose fit of the products. Simply put, things should be wide and not restrict movement.


In this section we will tell you how to make a children's ninja turtle costume from available materials.

Our ninja costume is almost ready. There are not enough weapons. It can be made by cutting it out of thick cardboard or purchased separately at a children's store.

  • If you don't have colored fabric and don't want to buy a new piece, use colored socks.
  • If your son roller skates, feel free to bring knee pads and arm guards. Then you won’t have to do them, and they will look more impressive.
  • If you paint fabric or a separate part, for example, a shell, wait until everything is completely dry.
  • Attach accessories securely to prevent them from falling off. We are sure that your child will want to show off the costume to his friends and classmates in all its glory, and to do this he will have to get used to the role, jump, run, and wave a weapon.

If something doesn't work out for you, don't despair. Put your work aside for a while and come back to it when you feel inspired. We are sure that while sewing a children's costume, you will have many more interesting ideas.

Your child gets to be a ninja turtle at a New Year's party in kindergarten or school. Or maybe your child is simply delighted with the image of this cartoon character and asks you to make him this unusual costume? Then this master class is just what you need.

With a little effort, you can sew an original Ninja Turtle costume for a boy of any age with your own hands. Thus, you will help your child transform into the image of Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo or Donatello and imagine himself as part of a team of turtles on New Year's Eve. Well, let's not procrastinate and start sewing the suit right now.

Cake "Rafael"

Now let's imagine a different kind of Ninja Turtle. His wide smile will not leave anyone indifferent! It's so cute that you just want to eat it, and there's nothing you can do about it. Let's make a cake.

We will need

The master class will require materials such as 2 round sponge cakes, mastic in white, green, black and red, starch, butter cream, and black food paint. Stock up on a long sharp knife, iron, spatula, brush, rolling pin, mat, heart-shaped and round mold.

Cooking and collecting

  1. Place the cakes on top of each other. Using a sharp long knife, cut off semicircular pieces on four sides, giving the product the shape of a square with rounded corners. Cut off the sharp edge of the top cake along the entire circumference.
  2. Combine the cakes, generously coating them with cream. Then cover the cake with a layer of cream and level the surface.
  3. Thinly roll out a large piece of green mastic. Sprinkle the mat and rolling pin with starch. Roll the rolled out layer onto a rolling pin and cover the cream-smeared cake with it.
  4. Gently press a layer of fondant onto the surface of the cake. Try to prevent bubbles from forming and ensure a tight seal.

  1. Use an iron to smooth the top of the cake.
  2. As you begin finishing, rotate the cake so that the corners are facing left, right, up and down.
  3. Using the edge of a small plate, use a rolling motion to mark outward arches at the top and bottom of the cake. The round shape of the plate will help you make impeccably even markings for the mouth and nose of the Ninja Turtle.
  4. Shape the lower arc in the shape of a smiling mouth. It is larger in diameter than the top one. Using a stack, deepen the groove - the mouth. To the left and right of the mouth, close to it, mark small fragments in the form of drops in a stack.
  5. Lightly press the cake over the entire area of ​​the pieces to create two indentations.
  6. Cut out white flat pieces according to the shape of these recesses and glue on top.
  7. Squeeze out a heart from a white layer and cut it in half vertically. Cut a circle from a black layer and divide it into 4 wedges.

  1. The top arc represents the Ninja Turtle's nose. Having found its middle, symmetrically fasten the white parts - the eyes - to the left and right. On each of them, strengthen the pupils in the form of black wedges.
  2. Form a long wide ribbon - a bandage from a piece of red color. Using a heart-shaped mold, make 2 indentations in it. Place the bandage on the cake so that the shape of the indentations exactly matches the shape of the eyes.
  3. Wrinkle the bandage well. Trim the ends and place the rest under the cake. Use pieces of red color to decorate each eye from the bottom so that the bandage looks natural.
  4. Secure the remaining pieces of the bandage to the base of the cake. Give them the shape of fluttering ribbons. Make a knot, place it on top and press well with the stack.
  5. Thinly draw the mouth with black paint and outline the fragments glued to its sides. Draw teeth on them.

The cake is ready, store it in the refrigerator, or better yet, serve it right away and delight your little traitor.

Turtle figurines made of mastic

Let's look at the step-by-step technology for making a funny figurine. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles differ from each other only in the color of their headbands and types of weapons. Let's conduct our master class using Raphael as an example.

We will need the following materials: green, brown, red, gray and ivory mastic, black food paint.

What do you need?

Prepare the following tools: a knife, toothpicks, a turntable, a stack with a sharp tip and a spatula, a thin brush. So:

  1. Make an egg-shaped body out of green mastic and cut off a little material from the front and back so that the workpiece becomes flat. You will attach the shell parts to the cut points. Cover the side surface with transverse notches using a toothpick.
  2. Roll out the leg blanks. On each piece you need to make notches that create muscle relief. In the knee area, push indentations throughout the entire volume. You will secure the bandages in them.
  3. Make feet out of small pieces, flatten them slightly and make 1 cut each. Attach the feet to the legs, carefully rubbing the seam so that the seam is invisible. Our master class advises to carefully press all connections with a stack so that the fastening is reliable.
  4. Roll out a piece of red mastic thinly and cut strips out of it. Loop around the knees, securing the ends to the back of each leg. Attach the legs to the body.

Cheerful family

Sometimes there are situations when not only children like to create different costumes and wear them to different events. Sometimes mom and dad and their children want to dress up as turtle characters. And for this there are many different options for making costumes, in addition, in this series there are many characters that are also suitable for adults.

For example, you can dress up your dad in a Shredder costume; for this you need to make beautiful armor. And mom can embody the image of the fearless reporter April O'Neil, and here you don't even have to bother with a costume, since this girl's outfit is quite casual. And children will be able to embody the image of any of the green warriors: Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo or Raphael


How to make a ninja turtle

The joint creative process with children is both a useful and exciting activity. You can give your child the opportunity to choose the type of craft, and then prepare the necessary materials.

Required materials and tools

To avoid wasting time searching around the house for the necessary supplies, you can use a small life hack. Divide the shoebox into sections of different sizes using cardboard partitions and put the necessary tools for working with paper in it. This box is easy to place on a shelf and be taken out during creative activities.

Step-by-step photo lesson:

Take a green sheet of paper and draw the silhouette of our mask in the form of a ninja.

Let's draw two silhouettes for the eye holes in the middle of the mask.

Delicious recipe! Tagine meat with vegetables

Now, as it should be for every ninja, we will cut out a strip for the eyes from red paper. In our case, it will consist of two parts.

Glue the long part of the bandage directly onto the green mask. By the way, before doing this you should turn it over so that the drawn holes for the eyes remain intact.

Now on the back side, where the silhouettes of the eyes are drawn, we will glue a small part of the bandage.

We turn it over and carefully and slowly cut out the holes for the eyes, which we drew in the third stage.

Take a black rope or lace and glue both ends to the sides of the mask from the back. For small children, you can use satin ribbons as a tie. They will tie better and stay on the little fidget.

This completes the paper ninja mask. This option is perfect for any Ninja Turtles themed costume party or birthday party.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are the difficult heroes of another cartoon. This is a team of four mutant turtles who learn the art of ninjutsu with their underground mentors.

The Ninja Turtles face difficult challenges. However, they overcome everything and defeat even the most incredible villains.

Thanks to colored paper and many tools you can make such heroes. Make a stripe for everyone's eyes in a special color and be sure to give the crafts the same names as in the cartoon.

  • one sheet of paper each in red, yellow and green;
  • a pair of plastic eyes;
  • scissors;
  • black felt-tip pen;
  • stapler with staples;
  • office glue;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

Stages of making ninja turtles:

1. Let's make not just one ninja, but several at once. Because the cartoon shows several at once. So take green paper and cut out two rectangles 11 x 8 cm.

2. Roll each cut section into a tube.

3. Now we will fasten the ends with a special and convenient device - a stapler with staples.

4. Then we will give each ninja a blindfold. Each one will have a special color. So we take two sheets of colored paper and cut out two strips of 12 x 2 cm from it.

5. Using a pencil, mark the corners on one of the ends of the strips.

6. Cut out the corners along the marked lines.

7. Wrap the green tubes in strips. The edges can be secured with glue or a stapler.

8. Glue plastic eyes in the middle of each headband.

9. Using a black felt-tip pen, draw a nose and a smile for everyone.

10. Now the colored paper ninja turtles are ready. As you can see, everything is simple!

Ninja Turtles are the favorite cartoon characters of modern boys and teenagers. This team of amazing reptiles includes four turtles who have incredible abilities and master the art of ninjas.

Features of heroic paper characters

Mutant turtles are heroes of popular cartoons, comics and films that children and teenagers love. Four loyal friends are distinguished by their courage and master the martial art of ninja.

In addition, each is endowed with its own character:

  • Leonardo is the bravest and most decisive, and has strong leadership qualities. He wears a blue blindfold and fights with 2 swords.
  • Raphael is a philosopher among turtles. At the same time, he has a good sense of humor. His headband is red. The weapons are 2 Sai daggers.
  • Michelangelo wears an orange headband. He is kind, cheerful and can easily handle a pair of nunchucks.
  • Donatello is the smartest of the team. His weapon is a Bo pole and he wears a purple bandage over his face.

Where can crafts on this topic come in handy?

All children and teenagers love to play, imitate their favorite heroes and be like them. Therefore, most often, the image of good-natured turtles and their weapons is used in children's play stories, theatrical performances and matinees.

In addition to figurines of heroes, you can make masks, shells, weapons from colored paper and arrange a themed party or birthday party in the style of mutant turtles. Ninja turtle squares in the form of inflatable balloons will help decorate the interior.

Examples of ready-made crafts made from paper and cardboard

The turtle team is always inseparable. Therefore, paper crafts are often made for all four at once.

Paper hero options:

  • Origami-style bookmarks depicting the faces of all your friends.
  • Crafts from modules. Each Ninja has their own weapon.
  • Origami ninja turtles made of paper.
  • Applications for children on painted paper plates.
  • Ninja turtle masks made of paper.

To recreate the heroes, you can make ninja turtle weapons out of paper for masks: Leonardo's swords, Sai Raphael's daggers, Donatello's Bo pole and Michelangelo's nunchucks.

  • Minecraft made of paper ninja turtles in the form of heroes glued together from cubes.
  • Piggy banks decorated in the style of mutant turtles.

Ninja turtle mask

Another popular option for paper masks is the ninja turtle. This is the boys' favorite character. Making a ninja turtle mask is easy. For production you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • a simple pencil;
  • lace or elastic band.

To create a mask you need to follow these steps:

  • On a sheet of green colored paper we draw images of a ninja turtle mask. The size should approximately correspond to the head of the child for whom the accessory is being created. We immediately determine the shape of the eyes and draw the contours.

  • Cut out the mask and slits for the eyes.

  • From colored paper of a different color, cut out a strip for the eyes along the width of the finished green part. The eye holes on the strip should also be located in the same place as on the green mask. We glue the strip onto the green blank. The color of the part can be any - each character had his own color stripe for the eyes, which determined the personality of the turtle. Therefore, the child can also choose the option that is most preferable to him.

  • From the same color paper as the strip for the eyes, cut out a small piece that will be the edge of the bandage. Glue it to the back of the mask on the side.

  • On the reverse side, glue the ends of the rope, which will be used to attach the mask to the head. Instead of rope, you can use an elastic band or satin ribbons.

The mask is ready. A child will definitely like this option and will be a relevant accessory for a costume party, a themed birthday celebration, or just for play. After all, children always dream of feeling, at least for a moment, in the shoes of their favorite heroes. And costumes and masks are an easy way to provide your child with this opportunity.

Features of heroic paper characters

Mutant turtles are heroes of popular cartoons, comics and films that children and teenagers love. Four loyal friends are distinguished by their courage and master the martial art of ninja.

In addition, each is endowed with its own character:

  • Leonardo is the bravest and most decisive, and has strong leadership qualities. He wears a blue blindfold and fights with 2 swords.
  • Raphael is a philosopher among turtles. At the same time, he has a good sense of humor. His headband is red. The weapons are 2 Sai daggers.
  • Michelangelo wears an orange headband. He is kind, cheerful and can easily handle a pair of nunchucks.
  • Donatello is the smartest of the team. His weapon is a Bo pole and he wears a purple bandage over his face.

Where can crafts on this topic come in handy?

All children and teenagers love to play, imitate their favorite heroes and be like them. Therefore, most often, the image of good-natured turtles and their weapons is used in children's play stories, theatrical performances and matinees.

In addition to figurines of heroes, you can make masks, shells, weapons from colored paper and arrange a themed party or birthday party in the style of mutant turtles. Ninja turtle squares in the form of inflatable balloons will help decorate the interior.

Examples of ready-made crafts made from paper and cardboard

The turtle team is always inseparable. Therefore, paper crafts are often made for all four at once.

Paper hero options:

  • Origami-style bookmarks depicting the faces of all your friends.
  • Crafts from modules. Each Ninja has their own weapon.
  • Origami ninja turtles made of paper.
  • Applications for children on painted paper plates.
  • Ninja turtle masks made of paper.

To recreate the heroes, you can make ninja turtle weapons out of paper for masks: Leonardo's swords, Sai Raphael's daggers, Donatello's Bo pole and Michelangelo's nunchucks.

  • Minecraft made of paper ninja turtles in the form of heroes glued together from cubes.
  • Piggy banks decorated in the style of mutant turtles.

We sew toys from socks. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

When sewing turtles from socks, do not forget that each of them has its own bandana color: only Raphael had a red bandana, Leonardo had a blue one, Donatello had a purple one, and Michelangelo had an orange one. It is important!)))

So, for work we will need:

  • scissors;
  • black buttons for the turtle's eye;
  • felt or fleece: red, brown, yellow and white;
  • marker to color the fabric.
  • filler: synthetic down or holofiber;
  • wires;
  • green camouflage socks;
  • needles;

Print the templates and transfer them to felt or fleece

To make a new toy for your child, you don’t have to go to the store. You can do this yourself, following simple diagrams. Paper Ninja Turtles are made in the form of appliqués and 3D models.

Make it at home like the Ninja Turtles

We sew toys from socks. NINJA TURTLES. Well, which boy doesn’t love the famous Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello - the names of the mutant turtles with which children have been familiar since childhood) Four guardians of justice with bulky armor, with nunchucks, in full war paint, fight in numerous fights with the most evil enemies... Kids love to watch with great interest for all the techniques of the turtle fighting style) Would you like to make a gift for the kids - sew ninja turtles with your own hands from socks?

Original solutions

A paper mask has many advantages compared to the option made from cloth or a T-shirt, which are also popular.

First, the fabric can be difficult to breathe through. And a paper mask allows air to pass through perfectly.

Secondly, the paper product is very affordable in price, since you need materials that are easy to find in any home. When it comes to fabric or a T-shirt, these raw materials are not always available. Not everyone has a T-shirt that can be donated to create a mask or the necessary piece of fabric.

Thirdly, a paper ninja mask allows you to show your imagination. It is easy to decorate the product in your favorite colors, draw any image on it, or come up with an interesting design. There is no standard paper mask, because everyone uses their own imagination when creating it.

Fourthly, you can create a mask from any paper, which will also emphasize its originality. The simplest option is standard A4 sheets. You can also use construction paper in your preferred colors or newsprint. You can make a mask from the pages of a glossy magazine or from corrugated paper.

Mask made from hands

You will need: colored cardboard, a simple pencil, scissors.

Master Class

  1. Choose your hand position.
  2. Trace their hands on cardboard.
  3. Cut out the mask.

  4. Place the mask on your face, mark the holes for the eyes, then cut them out.
  5. Cut out the nails and ring from cardboard, then glue them onto the mask.
  6. Fold the cardboard in half and cut a “double” thick stick.
  7. Glue a stick to the side of the mask as a holder.

The handmade mask is ready! I recommend watching this video!

DIY Angry Birds King Pig Mask

Homemade costume options

If you go online and study photographs of homemade Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles costumes, you will understand that the parts are not difficult to make at home, but you need to try a little. You can buy a lot of green fabric and padding polyester, which will be stuffed inside the outfit

. To create such a costume you will need some sewing skills.

But don’t be upset if you don’t know how to hold a needle in your hand or set up a sewing machine. For such cases, there are simpler options: you can simply put on a green T-shirt and tight shorts, and paint your legs green with special body paint.

Turtle outfit for a boy

To make an inexpensive and comfortable costume for a child, in which he can not only go to a party, but also play in the yard with friends, you can take note of the following option.

For manufacturing you will need the following parts:

Assembling the costume:

If your child is a big fan of the Ninja Turtles, then it is not at all necessary to make just such a costume, because you can only wear it to some event. For everyday wear, you can buy a green sweatshirt and decorate it using the same principle, but using yellow felt, which is simply sewn to the front of the suit. This will be the belly. And you can attach a conditional shell to the back, which will not be voluminous, but will still look like the original from the cartoon.

Making a costume for an adult

If you do some simple calculations

, then you can understand that those children who watched the first cartoons about turtles in the nineties are now almost thirty years old. And such people may well still love this series and characters. You can also make a costume for adults yourself. It can have different levels of complexity depending on the purpose for which it is made.

You can wear this look all day long if you combine clothes of the appropriate color and also use large glasses of a certain shade (blue, purple, orange, red) instead of a mask over your eyes. Such a costume would look interesting at Comic-Con, which takes place annually in Moscow.

If you have to attend a small themed party, you can make a very simple version of the outfit. All you need is a green T-shirt

, shorts and leggings, and also paint the abdomen and abs with special fabric paints. Using watercolors, we make a mask on the face and put on green knee socks, and from fabric of the required color we create bandages for the elbows and knees. If you don’t want to waste time making a costume, you can order a special T-shirt with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles print. It will, of course, be more expensive, but less labor-intensive.

You can approach the task more carefully; to do this, you should find very tight green clothes, cut a bib out of cardboard, and make a shell out of foil. Now you only need to find plastic weapons, and the image is ready. Making blindfolds is not at all difficult.

If the event takes place in the summer, you can simply purchase special leather paints, which are sold in many hobby stores. Green paint is applied to the exposed parts of the body, and yellow paint is used to paint the shell. Of course, if a guy has developed muscles, then this will only be a plus for the image.

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