Radio microphone Filin-3. A bug with a range of 1 km. Diagram of a simple VHF radio transmitter.

How to make a bug with your own hands: diagram and detailed description

In order to organize wiretapping, you can resort to several ways to implement your plans. Electronic tracking devices can be purchased in stores or ordered online. However, a high-quality industrial design will cost the consumer a pretty penny. As a rule, cheap Chinese devices quickly break down, and they don’t particularly stand out for their practicality. There is only one thing left - to make a bug with your own hands, especially since this is quite feasible, and the cost of components (in order to manufacture this or that audio surveillance device) is essentially symbolic. Anyway, let's get down to business.

Multi-colored beetle made from paper and napkins

Interesting DIY beetles are made from plasticine, white napkins and paper. Materials and tools:

  • thick white paper - 1 sheet;
  • watercolor paints;
  • napkins;
  • glitter;
  • markers;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • wax sticks;
  • brush.

Manufacturing process

  1. You need to print out the finished beetle template or draw it yourself.

  2. The beetle is cut out of thick paper and all parts of the body are painted with beautiful patterns. To do this, use colored pencils, paints or felt-tip pens.
  3. To color the napkins, you need to use watercolors and wait until they dry.

  4. After drying, cut out the wings from the napkins and glue the beetle onto the back. Then you need to paint the white paper with watercolors.
  5. Make 2 top wings.

  6. You need to draw patterns on the wings with a felt-tip pen. You can apply glitter on top.
  7. The wings need to be glued to the back.
  8. Wax sticks are suitable for making mustaches.

The beetle craft is ready!

Legal grounds

Of course, you need to understand that special means for wiretapping are the prerogative of the intelligence services. In case of violation of the constitutional rights of the individual and proven guilt in violating the secret of private life, administrative punishment will follow. There are often cases when it comes to criminal liability. Therefore, you should not “abuse” the manufactured product. It is much wiser to use such a device as an additional means of security or to use it to implement acoustic control over the territory of your own home. For example, a home-made wiretapping bug will be an excellent “informant” if you are not sure of the integrity of the nanny you hired or want to know what is happening in class at school. There are many situations in life when the use of listening devices becomes a necessity.

Cost of tracking bugs

The price of a wiretapping bug depends on its functionality and purpose: the simplest listening devices can be purchased for literally a couple of dollars. Devices with geolocation functions, communication with violators, video recording and other options will cost a large amount.

The price of a wiretapping bug depends on the following criteria:

  • dimensions of the device;
  • microphone sensitivity;
  • number of built-in microphones;
  • standby, recording and listening time.

Mobile “GSM bug”: an incredibly simple solution

In order to make a listening device from a cell phone, you need a device that supports the “Auto-hook up” function, and you also need a headset (headphones). The Nokia 1280 can be considered the most suitable device for such purposes, since the simplicity and reliability of the phone allow us to count on the success of the implemented project. By the way, a black and white screen is a sign of efficiency; the device’s energy consumption is significantly reduced. Believe me, such a phone bug, configured with your own hands, is an excellent substitute for expensive listening equipment. Moreover, literally everyone can perform the simple actions described below. Let's get started.

  • Go to the phone menu and enter the “Call Mode” section.
  • Create your own personal regime. All items related to light indication, vibration, volume of the signal melody, screen saver, sound of button presses and notification of an incoming SMS message must be deactivated.
  • Give the new mode a name.
  • Through the main menu, find the “Setting up accessories” section, which usually has two sub-items “headset” and “hearing aid”. In each of them, it is necessary to edit the operating parameters and the question of how to make a bug will be practically resolved.
  • All “accessory” items must be included. Assign the newly created mode as active and exit the settings.
  • Cut the cord from the headphones and insert the plug into the headset jack.
  • The display should show the activated mode.

Making legs

To work, you will need special durable needles with balls at the ends. Step-by-step instructions for the master:

  • Sequentially place large elements of beads of any color onto the needles. A prerequisite is that the ball at the end of the pin must be larger than the rest of the parts on the foot.
  • It is necessary to make six legs and bend them into the shape of an open corner.
  • Next, you should thread a needle and thread through the edge of the fabric base of the body, and immediately thread the upper tip of the pin.
  • The paws are hemmed with strong threads in six positions: behind the head, in the middle of the body and in the back third of the body.

Beginning craftsmen are helped in their work by step-by-step instructions on how to make a beetle at home from beads.

Using a smartphone for purposes other than its intended purpose

When you go on a business trip or vacation, you can leave a kind of watchman at home, a mobile “security guard,” so to speak. Moreover, you don’t need to solder anything, and the cellular bug is a converted smartphone with your own hands. Everything else is simply primitive.

  • Almost all smartphones are equipped with the “Auto-receive calls” function.
  • Relatively new cellular units implement energy-saving mode technology. Therefore, if you take into account the known good condition of the device, you can count on 5-7 days of battery life.
  • An option is possible when the phone is connected to the charger, and a special device with a time relay acts as an intermediary between the outlet and the charger. An hour a day is a completely acceptable energy supply mode (taking into account the situation described above).
  • Turn off the sound notification, light indication and vibration mode on your phone.
  • It would not be superfluous to take such an action as installing headphones into the headset jack, since the sound background around the caller will be an unfavorable signal that will predetermine the location of the spy device.
  • Place the device in the middle area of ​​the living space. Don’t forget: the device should not be in a visible place, but a wardrobe is not a solution either. Place your phone on the mezzanine or attach it to the back of a hanging picture.

Bug in the car. What kind of wiretapping is most often installed in a car?

  • Audio control in the car can be carried out by a GSM bug. Its miniature size and the ability to disguise its appearance as familiar objects (for example, a flash card) make it completely invisible. All the eavesdropper needs to do is install a bug, purchase a SIM card, insert it into the device and make the first call. The wiretapping is automatically turned on, and the car becomes a surveillance site. An attacker can not only record conversations over a long period of time, but even track the location of the car.
  • Hidden voice recorders require the intervention of an eavesdropper twice - to install the equipment and to remove it. The voice recorder records all the necessary information for a certain time, after which this recording must be taken away along with the device. The voice recorder can also be hidden in any inconspicuous place in the car. The presence of such a recording device is more difficult to find - it practically does not produce any radio waves.
  • Video cameras are a method of not only auditory surveillance, but also visual surveillance. The video camera is not always equipped with a microphone to pick up sounds, but it will always be able to show who the subject of surveillance is giving a ride to or meeting with.

Wiretap bug: do-it-yourself using “improvised means”

As a rule, old phones are not thrown away. Find your long-forgotten “electronic companion”, because it is from this that you will make an effective sound-catching device. It is worth noting that almost any phone can be converted into a listening device. However, size plays an important role in the “life of a spy.” Therefore, in such a delicate matter as wiretapping, it is more advisable to use small phone models.

The smallest bug for wiretapping. How to choose the right device?

Before choosing a listening device, you need to ensure your own safety. This is due to the fact that such products are prohibited for use. You should be as careful as possible. Installing wiretapping bugs on clothing or other similar devices is fraught with unpleasant consequences. That is why today utilities that allow you to bug your phone are more popular. Due to the fact that the range of such a listening device depends on the operator’s coverage area, you can listen to conversations anywhere in the world.

General sequence of actions

  • You are disassembling the phone.
  • Remove the screen and remove all LEDs (keyboard backlight - leave one for visual control).
  • Solder in the power button.
  • Install the device - “Automatic call answering”, because the bug must pick up the handset with its “hands”.
  • Replace the microphone with a more sensitive one (electret).
  • Extend the antenna (regular copper wire 15-20 cm).
  • Solder the battery and fix it on top of the keyboard pad (rubber band, tape).
  • Check the functionality.

The optocoupler shown in the diagram can be replaced with a transistor like KT315 or Western analogues S9018, S9014. In this case, the capacitor is removed and a resistor is installed with a resistance value of 2.2 k.

Miniature bug

You can make an FM transmitter with your own hands. A fairly simple circuit will allow you to receive a signal in the radio frequency range 88-92 MHz. You shouldn’t immediately run to the store and buy parts; perhaps you have faulty electrical equipment, from the board of which you can remove the necessary components.

  • Bipolar transistor - 2N3904 or its equivalent.
  • Resistors - 4.7 and 330 kOhm.
  • Capacitors - 4.7 pF, 1 and 22 nF.
  • Trimmer capacitor, rated 30 pF.
  • Contour coil - winding diameter 6 mm, eight-turn, wire 0.5 mm.
  • The material for the board is foil fiberglass.
  • 9 W "Krona" type battery.
  • Electret microphone (the most sensitive is used in tape recorders).

May beetle made of plasticine

The cockchafer seems to be showing off its mother-of-pearl shell, iridescent and sparkling in the rays of the sun. Despite their large dimensions, insects can fly, creating noise. Some guys who are not afraid of cockchafers catch them and put them in matchboxes. But they will not live there - they will definitely fly away at the first opportunity. To ensure that the beetle always remains in the house, it can be made from plasticine. Materials and tools:

  • a strip of green plasticine;
  • a strip of black plasticine;
  • wire;
  • toothpick or stack.

Manufacturing process The body of the insect should be made from green plasticine. The head and shell will be painted the same color. You can experiment and make the beetles brown, black, gray. But I would like it to be a true cockchafer.

Important point! The surface of the shell and head should not be monochromatic, it should shimmer. To obtain this effect, it is recommended to mix several strips of green plasticine. In this case, the texture will turn out to be unusual, heterogeneous, marble-like.

  1. For the beetle you need to roll 2 balls - larger for the back, smaller for the head. The back should be oblong, the head should be round. If we imagine it in size terms, then the head is 4 times smaller than the body.

  2. In order to fasten the two parts together - the head and the body, you will have to lightly press them together. Manipulation can be done using a stack or a toothpick.
  3. Using a thin stick, you need to draw a groove on the back that will imitate the wings of a cockchafer.
  4. For the head you need to make another ball of green plasticine, for the mustache take black beads from plasticine of a similar color.

  5. Each insect has eyes and whiskers, so you need to make eyes from black circles on the head, and whiskers in front. Beetles have 6 legs. To make them, you need to roll 6 small black balls.

  6. You will have to roll out the prepared balls into strips so that they look like beetle legs. Attach the paws to the belly.

Attention! To make the craft durable, you can hide a wire inside each paw. Using a toothpick, it is recommended to draw a slight roughness on the shell. You can imitate it with arbitrary stripes.

The beetle is ready! A simple craft can be done with children who attend kindergarten, that is, with preschool children. Kids will create with great interest. To diversify the composition, it is recommended to make hyacinths from paper and plant a bug on the petal. Working with various materials, children develop fine motor skills, coordination of movements, eye, and aesthetic taste. In the process of creativity, children learn teamwork, overcome difficulties and enjoy the successes of other children. You can play with handmade crafts and decorate your interior with them.

Assembling an FM bug for wiretapping

  • First of all, the trimmer capacitor is soldered in (middle of the board). The transistor is mounted on the left.
  • Moving to the bottom, we install (from left to right) capacitors: the first - 4.7 pF, the second - 1 nF.
  • Now we solder in the resistors.
  • After that - a 22 nF capacitor and a frameless coil.
  • The design is completed by the wire - antenna, installation of a microphone and soldering of the battery.

In conclusion

Now it’s no secret to you how to make a bug out of a phone and what is needed for this. The options for GSM and radio products presented in this information review are only a part of the many available electronic samples through which you can establish high-quality acoustic monitoring. However, it should be noted that practicality and quality are achieved through the application of the above recommendations. However, perhaps there will be a “folk craftsman” who will come up with a more rational way to realize the excellent performance characteristics of his listening-type inventions. Well, for now we will use what we have. Listen carefully!

Creating the Torso

To create the body, you need to prepare the following materials:

  1. A piece of felt.
  2. Glue.
  3. Large stone of any shape and color.
  4. Small, rounded types of beads that can be used to decorate the back of a beetle.
  5. Metal cut (if provided in the selected model).

In your work, you should use step-by-step instructions on how to make the body of a beetle:

We recommend reading:

  • DIY paper orchid - a review of the best ideas and tips from craftswomen. Step-by-step instructions + master class (photo + video lessons)

  • DIY paper hyacinth: the best master class for beginners with step-by-step instructions and diagrams from A to Z (130 photos)

  • Paper stars - instructions on how to quickly and easily learn how to make beautiful stars with your own hands (100 photos of finished works)

  • Glue a large stone onto a piece of felt and gently press it down with a coin.
  • Next, you need to make a cut for the back: stretch a thread or wire, string small beads onto the base.
  • Wrap the central stone with thread or wire, and sew the end of the thread to the felt fabric.

Very often, a scattering of smaller stones or rhinestones is glued on top of the central carnelian or other decorative stone.

Simple DIY radio bug

On the Internet you can find a huge number of radio bug circuits. Some circuits are too complex and require configuration, others include scarce radio components, and still others don’t work at all!

I bring to your attention a diagram of a bug that can be assembled by both an experienced radio amateur and a beginner in this matter.

Let's look at this diagram:

Ignore the dotted line for now.

To make a bug we will need the following parts:

  • VT1 - kt315 with any letter index (if you want to increase the range of the bug, it is better to use a microwave transistor, for example kt325 or kt368, the imported transistor s9018 is perfect);
  • C1, C4 – 47...68nf;
  • C2, C3 – 10pf;
  • R1 – 33 kOhm;
  • R2 – 100 Ohm;
  • Oscillatory circuit L1 - 8 turns of copper wire with a diameter of 0.3...0.5 mm on a rod from a helium pen, wind carefully, turn to turn (I unsoldered the finished coil from a broken radio).
  • M1 – electret or condenser microphone.

To save space, I used the right microphone (I found it in an old cell phone). Despite its size, it turned out to be very sensitive.

All parts except the L2 choke and microphone are shown in the following picture:

To make L2 we need a match and very thin wire:

We measure one and a half centimeters of matches, bite them off - this piece will serve as the core of the choke. Next, take the wire and wind one hundred turns. We fix the terminals of the resulting coil, clean it of varnish, and tin it. That's it, throttle L2 is ready!

When all the parts are assembled, you can start making the printed circuit board.

To do this, we need a 35x15mm piece of PCB and the solution itself in which we will etch the board (I used hydrogen peroxide + citric acid). Making a drawing of the printed circuit board (I drew it for the s9018 transistor)

Place the board in the solution and wait until the excess copper disappears.

After the board is etched, we take it out, rinse it with running water, remove the varnish and tin it:

Next, solder the parts in accordance with the diagram. Attention, when installing parts on the board, do not overheat them, otherwise they will fail! Be especially careful when installing VT1.

I would like to say a few words about connecting the antenna; the signal is supplied to it from the emitter of the transistor, which makes the operating frequency of the bug more stable.

The bug can be powered in the range from 1.5 to 9 volts.

Any of these batteries will be suitable to power the circuit. I used a AAA AA battery to make the bug more compact. You can also use a 3-volt “pill”.

If you will power the circuit from the crown (9 volts), then you should include a 100 Ohm resistor R3 in the circuit.

Carefully solder the battery to the bug. An insulated wire 30 cm long can be used as an antenna, but practice has shown that its absence will not greatly affect the reception range of the circuit. That's it, the bug is ready!

Now turn on the radio and look for the frequency of our bug. The signal from it can be caught at a frequency in the range of 88-108 MHz. For me this frequency was 92.2 MHz. If the bug “does not communicate,” then try moving apart the turns of coil L1 - this should help solve the problem.

With a supply voltage of 1.5 volts, the reception range is 30 meters; if you increase the voltage to 3 volts, the reception range will increase to 100 meters.

This circuit also has another application - an audio transmitter. Let's say you need to output sound from your phone to a tape recorder, but the latter does not have an audio input function. No problem! In this situation, this scheme is very useful. Almost all tape recorders have a radio reception function (FM radio), which is what we will use. Remember the dotted line on the bug diagram? We exclude microphone M1 from the circuit, connect capacitor C5 to a capacity of 10 μF, connect a 3.5 mm mini-jack plug to the minus of the capacitor and the minus of the power supply (minus of the jack to the common one, left/right to the minus of the capacitor) and transmit sound from the phone to any radio receiver located within the range of the transmitter! If the parts are installed correctly, the circuit begins to work immediately.

These products can be used for a variety of purposes: from indoor listening to wireless sound transmission. But do not forget that listening to third parties without their consent is criminally punishable! Actually, as well as the manufacture of this device precisely in the role of a secret “bug”.

And this is where my article comes to an end, good luck to everyone in repeating!


Simple radio bug

In the practice of creating radio bugs, we often encounter the problem of the minimum possible size of a bug. Sometimes for targeted wiretapping you need a high-quality, fairly long-range and small bug. Today we will talk about just such a bug: NEMESIS-2, as it was named.

Nemesis was assembled on SMD components, due to which it became possible to significantly reduce the size of the bug several times; the radio bug is so small that it will fit, for example, in one cigarette, lighter or mobile phone.

A little about the parameters: frequency range is within 88-108 megahertz, microphone sensitivity is about 5 meters, in a quiet room you can hear the ticking of a wall clock.

The circuit was originally a wireless audio signal extender, it was repeated more than once and showed excellent parameters; due to modifications it can be used as a radio bug. If desired, you can add a microphone amplifier using one transistor, then the sensitivity of the microphone will increase to 10 meters.

The current consumption from a battery without a microphone amplifier is 3-5 milliamps; to increase the operating time of the bug, you can use a lithium-ion battery from a mobile phone. The size will of course increase, but our simple radio bug will work for weeks.

The antenna is a piece of insulated wire with a length of 15 centimeters; if you do not install the antenna, the distance of the beetle will be about 15 meters. The antenna can be hidden inside the case, but this is not advisable. We will replace the transistor with KT368, S9018 or similar ultra-high-frequency ones.

The generator coil contains 6 turns of 0.4 mm wire, wound on the paste of an ordinary ballpoint pen.

A variable capacitor is needed only during testing, then the capacitance can be replaced by selection; with a capacitance of 15 picofarads, the frequency of the radio bug will be in the range of 94-98 megahertz, but when using a variable capacitor it is very convenient to tune the bug to a certain frequency, if the dimensions are not very important for you, then I still recommend using a variable capacitor.

Wiretapping at a distance

There are quite a lot of ways to remotely record an acoustic signal (listening at a distance). If something like this is used against you, you will probably not know anything and will feel completely safe until the information you receive is put to good use. At the same time, you may not understand at all what is happening and where the losses come from. You should not say too much for fear of such consequences.

Below is the most complete description of possible options for remote wiretapping. Some of the methods are available to everyone. Others are only for special authorities and professional “detectives”. What to fear and what not should be decided by everyone for themselves, based on the scale of the significance of the information that could be stolen.

Simple eavesdropping

It is clear that just by being nearby you have the opportunity to hear something that was not intended for you. However, if they don’t want to talk too much in front of you, then sometimes you can, for example, hide or go around a corner. If the question is serious, then you can try to listen from behind the door or from the next room if there is a hole in the wall. For example, in panel houses, sockets are often made double-sided, which sometimes allows wiretapping through the wall without any special devices. Put your ear to the socket and feel like a spy... And sometimes you can make a hole in the wall in advance, into which you can then listen or stick a microphone.

Movable bug on a string

A funny toy is made from paper, which is set in motion by an ordinary thread. Materials and tools:

  • red square, side 15 cm;
  • glue;
  • thread.

Manufacturing process

  1. The square should be folded in such a way as to make diagonal folds. Then you need to fold it into a triangle.
  2. Bend the left corner up, similar to the right one. After this, both corners are bent back at a slight angle. This action is necessary for the formation of the wings of the future insect.

  3. If you look up at the resulting figure, you will notice a two-layer corner. It should be folded down.

  4. The workpiece must be turned over.

  5. On the other hand, you will need to take the sides and bend them towards the middle at a slight angle. The folds must be made symmetrically.

  6. The next step is to thread a thread 1.5 m long under the finished folds. The procedure should be performed so that a small loop is formed on top. After this, all folds must be fixed with glue. The composition must be applied along the edges of the product in a thin layer.

A bug craft would be incomplete without eyes.

A homemade toy can be used for play. The beetle is hung by a loop from the leg of a chair or table. Then you need to pull the thread towards yourself - first one end, then the other. The craft will begin to move forward.

Microphones - classic wiretapping at a distance

Classic wiretapping is carried out using various bookmarks (or bugs for wiretapping), which are played by all kinds of microphones, differing in the method of connection, access to power and, of course, the method of signal transmission.

Wired microphone

The simplest method, which has been used for centuries, is a regular wired microphone placed in the room in advance. There are a lot of installation options - from a simple hole in the wall in a hurry, to calling an installation team, which, under the brand of renovation, will equip the room with everything necessary. It all depends on the scale of the operation and the availability of time.

However, even such a simple technology today has a continuation - instead of a regular wire, which is easy to detect, ultra-thin conductors can be used. They have learned to replace microphones with vibration readers of volumetric surfaces. Therefore, you may not recognize the bug even when looking at it point-blank. It’s good that such a technique is complex and not accessible to everyone.

High-tech varieties of such bugs are devices that use existing utility lines to transmit signals. For example, there is a fire alarm, so why not connect a microphone to it? This shouldn't be a problem for engineers. And special services are also able to use metal structures coming out of a building (for example, heating pipes), live power lines, television antennas, etc.

A device that listens remotely over telephone lines

Remote wiretapping through telephone wires (not to be confused with wiretapping) is a relatively new trend in espionage. Let's take the TELE-MONITOR system as an example. To make it work, a bookmark itself is installed inside the telephone, which intercepts incoming calls first. Next, a call is made to this phone and a special signal is sent to the handset, activating wiretapping. The bookmark does not allow this call to proceed further (to the phone), and the call in this case does not go through. There are no signs of wiretapping in the room. Meanwhile, TELE-MONITOR begins to transmit all sounds occurring in the room, including conversations, onto the line.

Radio bugs are a time-tested classic of espionage

Radio bookmarks have replaced wired microphones. They confidently occupied a leading position among all methods of wiretapping at a distance until recently. Today it is difficult to say what is more important – radio bookmarks or video bugs. And there are also spy programs for cell phones, with which all other methods of wiretapping fade into the background...

But let's get back to radio bugs. The simplest device contains a microphone, a power source and a module (circuit) for transmitting a signal over a distance. There are a lot of varieties of this equipment.

The following parameters are typical for such bookmarks:

  • range: 30…1300 MHz
  • power: 0.2…500mW
  • current: 0.5…100 mA
  • range: 10…1500m (without repeater)
  • period of active existence: 4 hours...20 years.
  • Dimensions: from a few millimeters to tens of centimeters

To receive a signal, you can use a number of receivers - from household appliances (tape recorder, radio, walkie-talkie, etc.) to specialized equipment. Here everything depends on the signal from the bug, on its power. For example, for household appliances it is necessary for the bug to transmit in the range of 62-74 MHz (for domestic receivers), 88-108 MHz (for imported ones). And so that the signal is strong enough in the recording area. An example of a professional reader is LST-P-3, operating in the range of 110...160 MHz and capable of picking up very weak signals.

Characteristics of the LST-1 radio bug, widespread in the CIS:

  • frequency in the range 106…170 MHz;
  • speech reception up to 12 meters;
  • dimensions 34x16x12 mm;
  • information transmission range up to 150 m;
  • continuous operation time is at least 50 hours.

It is clear that wiretapping at a distance using a radio bug should work as long as possible. It's too difficult to install and then have to do the job all over again. Therefore, whenever possible, they try to connect such equipment to a power source, for example, to a 220V network. Outlets, lamps, and even light bulbs can pose potential hazards. Not to mention the simple connection to the wiring in the wall or box.

And there are also solar panels. Professional manufacturers even manage to disguise such products as household items. So the fancy ornament on the bottom of a whiskey glass could very well turn out to be a miniature solar panel.

To complete the picture, we note that a device that listens at a distance can be equipped with an intermediate transmitter - a repeater. The system is extremely simple - a miniature bug is placed in the right place, transmitting a weak signal over a short distance. The receiving and transmitting devices are installed in the adjacent room. The transmission range of such a system ceases to be a limitation. And the type of signal itself may change (say, from radio to GSM).

GSM bugs - where would we be without them?

In general, we will not go into detail, since a whole section of our website is devoted to this topic. The basis of the technology is the use of a module for data transmission over the channel of cellular operator networks. You insert the SIM card into the device and information is sent to the website on the Internet or to your phone. It is noteworthy that communication with such devices is two-way. Those. you can activate them not only by time or schedule, but also by calling the SIM card number.

As you understand, the technology is completely superior to radio bugs, providing everything at once and conveniently and simply, etc. But GSM bugs for wiretapping, as quickly as they appeared, were supplanted by GSM cameras for viewing with simultaneous wiretapping. In general, we have reached a new level.

Now, when people talk about bugs, they most often mean hidden miniature spy cameras that operate over GSM networks and provide not only sound but also video to the other side.

Tips for setting up and trial run of a bug for wiretapping

For the first start you will need a milliammeter. To control the current consumption, it is connected to the break of one of the supply wires. We connect the crown and watch the readings of the device - the current should be in the range of 10–30 mA. If it is normal, you can turn on the radio and try to find the signal of the transmitter being tested.

Most often, the signal is already in the range of 80–110 MHz. If it “creeps” beyond this range and the receiver cannot catch it, you should adjust the L1 coil by squeezing and unclenching its turns. The transmission frequency depends on the inductance of this coil. When the signal is found, the coil can be filled with dielectric varnish or epoxy resin so that the tuning is not lost.

It is very important to ensure that the broadcast frequency of the assembled transmitter does not overlap with the frequency of any radio station. If they intersect, then you need to change the frequency by adjusting the L1 coil. The bug does not require any further configuration; you just need to adjust the broadcast frequency. Now you can test it for signal transmission range, moving with the pocket receiver further and further from the transmitter itself. A properly assembled and configured transmitter can provide a transmission range of up to 500 m in open areas. It should be taken into account that the reception range also depends on the sensitivity of the receiver. Happy building!

Directional microphones are the most effective way to listen at a distance

Please note that spectacular does not mean effective (read why here).
The purpose of such devices is to cut off unnecessary sounds and amplify signals from the desired direction. This can be achieved in several ways - through interference and through the collection of weak signals from a large area. It is clear that in this case it is still necessary to cut off unnecessary waves. Conventional microphones are able to “adequately” perceive a person’s voice at normal volume at a distance of approximately 15 meters. In a quiet environment without extraneous noise, the distance increases by an order of magnitude. But this was not enough for espionage purposes. In addition, the solution has already been found by physicists and tested (for example, in the space industry).

Modifications of directional microphones:

Tubular directional microphones - listening at a distance is caused by the effect of superposition (interference) of acoustic waves inside a tube with holes. To realize the effect, the holes along the entire length of the tube are designed taking into account the wavelength, thanks to which each hole receives a full set of sounds, but only those that go along the tube are amplified.

Directional microphones with a parabolic reflector, on the one hand, shield the receiver from signals “from behind the reflector” (the receiver is also structurally closed from side signals); on the other, a parabolic antenna collects signals from the target direction to the receiver’s location point. Everyone has seen this technique many times in movies.

An organ-type directional microphone is an assembly of a dozen thin tubes of different lengths directed in one direction. Signals from the axial direction pass into the tubes and are then summed up naturally due to co-phase. This does not happen with side sounds. There is a physical justification for such microphones, but they were not widespread because they were much inferior in convenience, cost and other parameters to the other two technologies.

Laser wiretapping and devices that work through the wall

Laser devices resemble parabolic microphones, but they pick up information from windows. The principle is this: When a person talks indoors, the sound is reflected from the window and creates certain vibrations. A laser receiver reads these vibrations and transcribes them into speech. The operating range of such devices is up to half a kilometer.

Devices that receive a signal through a wall have exactly the same principle, only instead of a window, the wall acts as a transmitter. In this case, the listening device is applied to the wall and reads vibration signals.

Semi-active acoustic reconnaissance systems

The most inconspicuous, original, but not harmless is considered to be a semi-active microphone operating at a frequency of 330 MHz, which cannot be detected using special search tools if it is not active at the time of the detection attempt.

This is an original development of Soviet engineers back in the mid-40s. The principle of use is to create frequency radiation that modulates sounds in the room in response to external radiation at the same frequency. There are no power supplies or microphones inside.

Inside a cylindrical cavity resonator, with oil at the bottom and a hole at the top, external acoustic waves (i.e. sounds) enter. On the other hand, it receives forced external radiation of the required frequency, to which an internal resonator made in the form of a metal sleeve with a quarter-wave vibrator tuned to a frequency of 330 MHz is tuned. The dimensions of the resonator and the liquid level are selected so that the entire system resonates to external radiation at a frequency of 330 MHz. In this case, its own quarter-wave vibrator inside the resonator creates an external re-emission field under the influence of an acoustic wave, which becomes modulated in amplitude and phase by the wave itself.

Thus, having thoroughly irradiated a room with a resonator and the desired surveillance objects with high-frequency radiation, you can eavesdrop on them. True, this will be harmful, including for the eavesdropper. Well, who cared during the Cold War.

Step-by-step making of a beetle brooch

The simplest model is a beetle, embroidered in the form of a brooch. Having prepared the necessary materials and templates for work, you can begin creating crafts. The whole process can be divided into several stages:

  • Creation of the torso.
  • Making the head.
  • Weaving beetle legs.
  • Decorative frame for a brooch.

Beginning craftsmen should carry out each stage strictly according to the instructions, and if necessary, additionally study detailed diagrams and video tutorials on creating a decorative brooch.

Stethoscope - a device for listening through the wall

This is not a medical tube, but the principle of operation is the same. First of all, this method eliminates the need to drill into the wall. You are on the other side of the speaker, placing the vibration sensor close to the wall. Next, the device amplifies the read signals several tens of thousands of times and you can clearly hear a conversation on the opposite side of a wall less than a meter thick... This is a simplified operation scheme. It is clear that the matriel of the wall plays an important role. It’s clear that you don’t have to sit in your room, but place a repeater there and calmly record the results at home in your slippers using the Internet.

A Brief History of Bugs

Eavesdropping has been practiced since time immemorial. Even during the times of the Roman Empire, spies eavesdropped on the conversations of opponents, making their way into palace chambers and imperial palaces. However, it quickly became clear that ears alone were not enough. One of the first methods of eavesdropping was special acoustic channels built into walls, which made it possible to receive information even from distant rooms.

More advanced listening methods only appeared during WWII. They were used by the Third Reich and the USA. Due to the large size of the listening devices and the cabling required, it was very difficult to hide the equipment from prying eyes. For this purpose, chandeliers were most often chosen, which in most cases did not attract the attention of interested parties visiting the offices.


It is clear that not all methods of wiretapping at a distance are listed. The sample did not include unpromising and insignificant approaches to the issue, for example, hydroacoustic sensors and similar systems. We also deliberately avoided the simplest and most effective way of wiretapping - spyware for mobile phones. We did this because the question is comprehensively covered in a special section of the site, where you can not only figure out the question, but also download such a program to your phone.


Mini bugs for wiretapping your wife. Software wiretapping for mobile phones.

Mini bugs for wiretapping a mobile phone are a thing of the past. When considering the issue of using radio bugs for mobile phones, one cannot ignore the issue of modern, technologically simpler and more functional software bugs, which can easily turn functional smartphones for Android, with half-axis and other popular OS into full-fledged tracking devices for the owner.

Software wiretapping for a mobile phone, which can be purchased via the Internet on official websites, i.e. without leaving your home, is a program that runs secretly on the monitored smartphone. This type of spyware collects information about calls from a smartphone, or uses its microphone to eavesdrop on its surroundings. It easily tracks subscriber movements and manages the address book. And this is only the basic functionality of the spy program. They are capable of much more interesting things, while a regular phone bug in the form of a printed circuit board can only transmit a signal from a microphone over a short distance via a radio channel.

So, the spy program collects information from the smartphone and sends it to the server where your personal account is located. Thus, you can not listen to the phone’s surroundings from a distance of 150 meters, as you have to do with radio bugs, but from anywhere in the world you can track and control the owner, always knowing who he was talking to and what he was talking about, and where he was. Here is another one of these programs.

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