Drawing of a corn husk made of wood. DIY toy. Airplanes made of plywood. Assembling our plane

Making models from plywood

Making models of airplanes from plywood with your own hands, and not just airplanes, was a popular activity for schoolchildren in Soviet times. Drawings and diagrams of models were published in the Young Technician magazines, and aircraft modeling clubs were in almost every Palace of Pioneers. Every self-respecting teenager has made at least one model airplane out of plywood with a jigsaw. We invite you to remember your childhood and make an airplane out of plywood. The model of the legendary Pe-2 dive bomber was chosen as a prototype.

We offer for assembly a project published in the supplement to the magazine “Young Technician” for 1980 (No. 2), but you, of course, can choose any project that you like. The plane is made of plywood with a thickness of 1.5 to 4 mm; the main parts of the body, ribs, and tail are made from it. Of course, it is better to have special plywood for modeling.

Chronicle of a dive bomber

Pe-2 is a formidable fighting machine from the Second World War. The development of the aircraft began back in 1938 at the NKVD design bureau. The author of the project is aviation engineer V.M. Petlyakov. Serial production of the aircraft began in 1940 at the Kazan Aviation Plant.

The Pe-2 bomber, according to the NATO Buck classification, is the most mass-produced Soviet bomber. It belongs to the low-wing type and has a two-fin tail. The car has excellent aerodynamic qualities, the potential of which was not even fully exploited during the Great Patriotic War. The photos of the planes clearly show how outstanding this machine was.

  • wingspan - 17.13 m;
  • length – 12.66 m;
  • engine power – 2x1100 hp;
  • wing area – 40.5 m²;
  • crew – 3 people: pilot, navigator, gunner;
  • maximum speed – 540 km/h;
  • high altitude ceiling – 8700 m;
  • combat load - up to 1000 kg (in the bomb bay and on external sling);

The Pe-2 aircraft was produced from 1941 to 1945. It was finally withdrawn from service in 1954.

Where to begin

Let's start making an airplane out of plywood with our own hands by constructing a working drawing of the parts. To make a drawing of an airplane from plywood, you can take graph paper. Using a 32x32 mm grid, draw out the body of the aircraft, the image of which is shown in photo 1. The drawing of the wing end rib is shown in photo 2. We draw this part using a 10x10 mm grid.

What and how to do

To make the fuselage you will need two plywood parts. Cutting out elements with a jigsaw must be done carefully. If there is no stationary jigsaw machine, then it is better to use a manual one. Between the plywood parts we will make a thick foam insert. A transparent cockpit canopy can be made from a thin sheet of plexiglass.

For stabilizers and elevators, you can take, if available, 4 mm thick linden plates or make them also from plywood. For the manufacture of spars and the leading and trailing edges of the wing, it is better to have lime slats with a thickness of 5x27, 15x15 and 5x20 mm. Cut ribs from plywood 2 mm thick. The connection of the spar and ribs is shown in photo 3. Assemble and glue the wing elements. Attach the resulting wing parts to the body by carefully sawing the grooves. After this, you can attach the motor guns. If you install engines in the motor guns, then at the end of the work you can not only admire the result, but also send the model airplane into flight on a cord. Micromotors with a volume of up to 2.5 cm³ are suitable for this.

For the landing gear, use steel wire with a diameter of 4 mm. The photo shows the design of the racks. The chassis struts and the bracket for the wheel axle can be soldered from a tube. The wheel has a collapsible hub that rotates on a hub. The wheel itself can be machined from rubber. The tail wheel has a similar design.

We process the assembled airplane model with fine sandpaper. Cover the body and wings along the ribs with paper. Mica paper is suitable for these purposes. Mica paper (BDH paper) is made from cotton and has long fibers. Then coat everything with two coats of varnish. After drying, secure the remaining parts - machine guns, gas tanks, steering rod. Taking into account the layout of the aircraft, paint it with nitro paint.


Cutting an airplane out of plywood, assembling it and setting it up for flight is a fascinating process, but it requires painstaking work. But the product will be a wonderful gift for a child, if, of course, you can give your creation to little hands that can turn a beautiful product into a pile of plywood chips in the blink of an eye.

Perhaps if you involve the boy himself in the work, then the production time will, of course, increase, but who knows, maybe you are raising a new aircraft designer?

The plane can become a toy or a blank for further painting or decoupage. The wings and propeller are made from thin planks from vegetable crates, and the fuselage is made from 6 mm plywood. It would be better if everything was made of wood, but I was afraid that the openwork cabin would be too fragile

In profile. The wings and wheel struts are inserted into tight slots in the fuselage and could be held in place by a tight fit. But for strength, PVA wood glue was also used. Small smudges of glue are cut off after drying with a sharp knife. If they are serious, it is better to wash them immediately with a damp cloth, then the varnish in this case may be stained with glue residues.

All parts are carefully sanded before assembly. The collected ones are more difficult to skin.

The axles of the propeller and wheels are studs, although this is not the best choice. It was worth rounding the cap a little and sanding it. The screw and wheels are drilled to ensure free rotation. In the fuselage and landing gear there are holes for the axles of a smaller diameter so that the nails would hold tightly, but would not split the plywood into layers.

The propeller blades are cut at an angle, like fan blades. This can be seen in the last photo, a top view of the plane. So if you blow on it, the propeller will start to rotate and it seems that the airplane is about to take off!

Here I give my drawing for cutting out an airplane. 1 square = 10mm Screw from a board 8mm thick, the rest can be made from 4-6mm plywood

Modern toy stores are simply bursting with a large assortment of all kinds of cars, bears, construction sets and much more. But remember the old days, when there was no such abundance. Then, in clubs and craft classes, we were taught to make toys ourselves, and the main material for creativity was plywood for modeling. It is precisely these crafts that we will tell you about today.

Making a rocket plane out of cardboard

To make a children's aircraft fly up, just stick a bottle of kvass into its body. But first you need to make the actual load-bearing part:

  • The top layer is removed from one sheet of corrugated cardboard, after which the section is bent into a pipe with the corrugations inward;
  • The edges of the pipe are glued to each other with a glue gun and tightened with rubber bands so that the part does not open up as the glue dries;
  • The second piece of cardboard is rolled into a tray and stuffed with a paper ball;
  • The resulting cone is glued to the pipe;
  • Next, two wings and three keels for the tail are cut out of cardboard;
  • Holes are cut out in the pipe for the wings and tail, after which the tail parts are inserted into the gaps (the fragments should only go 2-3 mm deep, since glue is responsible for the main fasteners);
  • Cardboard squares with holes are glued to the bottom of the pipe;
  • A kebab skewer is threaded into the holes, and plastic lids with holes are inserted into the skewer.

The big plane is ready to move. And in order for it to take off, you need to make a hippodrome-slide and insert a bottle of well-fermented cola or kvass deep into the pipe.

The drink is pre-shaken, after which a heated awl is brought to the tightly closed lid. For safety reasons, thematic experiment should be carried out outdoors.

Preparation of material and tools

Like any business, and making a toy for a child is a very important step, you must first prepare both the material and the tools that will be needed in constructing the model.

If you are missing something from the list above, buy these missing items urgently.

  1. A hand jigsaw for wood, an electric tool in our case is not an assistant for us, we do everything by hand.
  2. Model plywood, usually the thickness of the material is three and seven millimeters, otherwise it is also called three-layer and seven-layer, respectively.
  3. Pencil, ruler.
  4. Sandpaper and square file for processing aircraft parts.
  5. PVA glue or any other glue that is intended for gluing wood.
  6. Great patience and desire to bring joy to the child.

We need to start our design, of course, by marking out all the parts of the future airplane, namely: the fuselage, wings and stabilizer. You can first draw a drawing on paper, and then transfer it to the plywood itself, or you can immediately draw the details on the plywood, whichever is more convenient for you.

Since our model of an airplane made of plywood was invented on the fly, there are no exact dimensions and, accordingly, a template or drawing. But as an example, we will take a certain size of the wingspan, and we will build on it when assembling our aircraft.

Let's make the wingspan thirty centimeters long, this is perhaps the most optimal option; for those who find such an airplane small, they can increase the size of the wings and thereby make the airplane a little larger.

Cutting out blanks with a jigsaw

As you can see in the photo, all the components can be easily drawn by hand, there is nothing complicated here. Let's start with the fuselage, the length of which can be made ten millimeters larger than the wings. Just draw the body itself by hand as shown in the picture.

Immediately on the fuselage body, make tenon joints for attaching the wings. Due to such connections, prefabricated plywood models are quite strong and can be easily connected with glue, so be sure to use them.

Let's move on to the wings, as we have already decided, the wings will be thirty centimeters long, respectively eight to ten centimeters wide. Remember the main thing, the lower wing should be no more than ten millimeters shorter than the upper one.

All that remains is to draw the struts to support the wings, the rear flap, and the stabilizer. When everything is ready, you can start cutting out the parts with a jigsaw. Carefully cut out all the parts for the plane based on the outlines you drew. Don’t be discouraged if there are some unevenness somewhere, in any case, you try, and you will succeed.

Advice! The cut parts must be sanded with sandpaper immediately before assembling the model. Once you assemble the plane, it will be inconvenient to polish it, as the model can be damaged.

Assembling our plane

As a rule, modeling from plywood is an interesting and meticulous task, and if you have already prepared tenon joints on the fuselage, now you need to make grooves on the wings for fastening to the body and for the struts supporting the wings.

Feel free to use a file while working and adjust the connections as accurately as possible. Start assembly by installing the stabilizer, which you will glue to the tail of the toy.

At the next stage, our instructions recommend installing the wings in their place. To do this, apply glue to the joint and install the upper wing. Having turned the model over, we install racks to support the wings, and also pre-apply glue to the attachment points.

There is very little left and our homemade plane will be ready, we install the lower wing and our assembled structure. Also carefully coat all the butt joints on the assembled model with glue and place the plane on the shelf, allowing the glue to dry completely.

It’s not at all difficult to make such an airplane, of course it’s not an ideal option, and if you want, you can look for other drawings of prefabricated plywood models, because the flight of fancy and creative ideas don’t end there. Let's take a look at what other crafts can be made from wood.

We continue to make homemade products

Well, let's not stop halfway, but let's try to please the child some more, with some kind of plywood craft. If you focus on a boy, then it is possible that you want to know how to make a tank out of plywood? Quite a logical question, let's try to answer it.

As an example, we invite you to consider our small model of a plywood tank, which is easy to manufacture and, when assembled, looks no worse than tanks made from plastic construction sets.

Let's look at all the design stages in order, and start with the materials that are needed for modeling.

  • Plywood is, of course, the basis of our model; in this case, the thickness of the plywood should be two to three millimeters. With such plywood it will be very convenient to cut out parts and then assemble them.
  • Copy paper, with its help we will transfer the drawing to the workpiece.
  • A set of needle files will help in processing tenon joints when assembling the model.
  • A hand jigsaw and files for it, as for the files, prepare several of them, usually when cutting a model from plywood with your own hands, the files tend to break.
  • Glue, preferably using PVA, it interacts well with wood and becomes discolored after drying.
  • Sandpaper and clear varnish.

Advice! It is recommended that before starting to outline the details of the tank, the prepared material, plywood, should be cleaned with emery cloth and the surface made smooth. This approach will ensure more accurate copying of the drawing onto the plywood surface.

Copy the drawing and cut out the elements of the tank

The next step in constructing a tank model will be to transfer all the component parts of the model from paper to plywood. In the modeling process, namely answering the question of how to make a tank from plywood, model drawings play a very important role.

Tank model drawing. Part 1

Now that you have a ready-made template of parts in your hands, you need to transfer it to plywood using carbon paper. Outlining the details is best done with a simple pencil or using an empty ballpoint pen.

Do not forget about the numbering of parts; when copying, also transfer them to the material. In the future, when assembling, it will be easier for you to navigate the details. The rules of assembly are the joining of parts in sequence according to numbers: number one is connected to number one, number two is connected to number two, respectively.

When everything is ready and the drawing has been transferred to plywood, you can start cutting out the parts. We won’t teach you how to use a jigsaw, but we will give you a recommendation. After you cut out all the parts, be sure to sand them down, so you will smooth out all the corners left by the jigsaw and ultimately get a neat model.

Now, in order of numerical designation, we begin to assemble our model of the tank; after joining, we coat all connections with glue and let them dry a little. After assembling all the components, you should have a tank model that is almost ready.

As in any other matter, it remains to put an end to it, and our point is to treat the assembled model with colorless varnish. Believe me, the price of such a homemade toy is not comparable to the joy of your baby who will play with it, you can be sure that you did not waste your time making such a model.

What else can be made from plywood

In fact, modeling has enormous potential for creativity; plywood as a material is ideal for these purposes. Various plywood car models are very popular; as a rule, they are easy to manufacture and are in demand among children.

Here, for example, is a simple model of a truck; its manufacture will require very little material, and it will not take much time to assemble. If you take into account that you already have all the necessary tools, you can make such a craft without much effort.

In order to make such a truck, it is enough to transfer the template and all the spare parts of the car onto the material. Then collect all the parts and connect them together. These drawings of plywood car models have a common base and on this base you can assemble various versions of trucks.

If you get creative, you can make a closed van instead of a body, or cut out a fire escape, fantasize and bring your ideas to life together with your child.

Making a boomerang yourself

Another very interesting toy is the boomerang. In fact, this toy was considered a throwing weapon in the old days, but today both adults and children really enjoy the flight of this unique invention and return it to the place from which it was launched.

Let's figure out how to make a boomerang from plywood, while respecting all its aerodynamic properties. As a rule, first of all we need a material, in our case it will be plywood ten millimeters thick, and a template.

For the template, you will need a sheet of paper measuring fifty by sixty centimeters, and apply a grid with a mesh size of fifty millimeters on this sheet of paper. Then we draw the boomerang itself on the template, try to do this as shown in the figure below.

After the boomerang template is ready, we cut it along the contour and transfer it to our plywood blank and follow a simple procedure:

  1. We trace the contours of the template with a pencil on the workpiece.
  2. Using a hand jigsaw, cut out the boomerang according to the contours.
  3. The resulting boomerang must be further processed and given aerodynamic properties.
  4. We clamp the boomerang blank with a clamp and use a small plane from the center to the edges to remove the excess wooden covering.
  5. As a result of processing, we should get a uniform transition from the edge to the center. The central part should be ten millimeters thick, the edges of the boomerang six millimeters. Try to make the transition smooth and not jagged.
  6. The next step is to be thorough. The boomerang must be perfectly smooth, this directly affects the aerodynamics.
  7. Now the toy needs to be opened with varnish and, after drying, painted in a bright color. Typically, bright colors will make the toy easy to spot in flight or when searching after it lands.

Information! The boomerang by its nature belongs to the category of dangerous toys, so be careful when launching it so as not to harm yourself and the people around you. It is advisable to launch in the field, in places where there are not crowded people and no residential buildings.

Aircraft characteristics

Boys like all types of airplanes. They try to understand each of them. They often know all the characteristics of a particular aircraft. And they want to have such a design in their collection.

Therefore, the more types of aircraft a boy has, the more pleasure it gives him and helps him understand all the models.

We will tell you how to make airplanes that fly and become flight leaders, as well as how an airplane can become an assistant in saving pocket money or decorating a boy’s room.


  • To make a flying airplane, you need to take a flat piece of office paper.
  • On a flat, hard surface, fold the sheet in half lengthwise, and fold the resulting rectangle in half widthwise.
  • Now we will make the wings. Fold the corners so that the top corner of the rectangle overlaps the bottom corner. We also bend the second side.
  • The resulting angles need to be folded again and straightened to form a rhombus.
  • We bend the sheet in the center and bend the wings. Those diamonds that we got need to be bent so that they look up. This is important for airplane flight.

Now you can launch the plane while holding it in the middle.

Range Leader

An airplane made of paper with special folds flies far. You can see how to make such a plane in the drawing. It is made without a single drop of glue or weighting elements:

  • Fold a sheet of paper in half.
  • We bend the paper so that we get wings.
  • The entire structure must be bent using a ruler to give the bends a sharp shape.
  • The wings need to be tucked at the corners for the plane to fly further.

Important! The sheet for the craft should be smooth and the folds sharp. When you make a design, test it for flight range. Perhaps your imagination will allow you to make such a design that it will not only be unique, but will also differ in flight path or speed.

Airplane piggy bank

It is best to make a piggy bank airplane from a plastic bottle, but you can also use iron drink cans. Make a slot in the center of the bottle or jar the size of the coins.

If the child cannot do this on his own, he will need adult help. All other parts in the plane fit into slots on the sides and back of the bottle or can. The screw is glued to the front of the container or inserted under the lid.

The main thing in this design is capacity, but the aesthetic appearance is also important, because the piggy bank will serve for a long time. Therefore, it is advisable to make all details bright and conspicuous. The container itself can be left transparent so that you can see how many coins are collected in it.

Suspended aircraft

You can make such a model yourself, or you can buy a construction set from which to assemble the model.

For this craft, you can take wooden meat skewers. They are sold in stores and are made into wooden but lightweight products. Their weight allows them to be hung from the ceiling and the structures look great if they are coated with colorless varnish.

Use skewers to paste over a plastic bottle or tin can. Pieces are made from skewers, connecting them with glue.

An airplane craft can be useful for school, creative clubs, games, and creating a pleasant atmosphere in a boy’s room. After all, in their childhood they often dream of becoming pilots.

Making a toy is a great way to spend quality time with dad. Children and parents remember the creative process together for a long time.

You can take any material for crafts and try to make a unique aircraft out of it. Multi-colored paper airplanes can be an interesting decoration for a boy's birthday party if they are hung around the room along with balloons.

Sandbox on the playground

For children, a sandbox must be present on the playground. It can be made in several ways from inexpensive materials.

Build a sandbox from a tire from a tractor or other large machine. Cover the bottom with non-woven material that will allow moisture to pass into the soil, but will not allow the soil to mix with sand. Lay the tire on top and fill the structure with sifted river sand.

A beautiful sandbox can be made from stumps. Select the required number of stumps and treat them with an antiseptic to prevent the tree from rotting. Lay out the rope in a sandbox shape in the place where you plan to place it. You can get creative and give the sandbox the appearance of a boat, a flower with petals, an airplane, or just make curved contours. Dig the stumps along the contour that you marked with the rope.

By using thick stumps located at the same level, children will also have paths along which they can run or sit.

Build a sandbox using planks. First, dig a hole about 50 cm deep in the place where it will be located and fill it with crushed stone. In this case, after rain the sand will dry out quickly. Screw a box out of four boards and four bars. Take longer bars so that their lower ends also serve as legs. Paint the wooden edge of the sandbox with bright oil paint. On the sides you can draw cartoon characters or large berries and fruits. Dig the legs into the ground along the contour of the hole and fill it with sand for games.

Instructions on how to make a fighter plane out of cardboard

One thing that is always missing in the house is cardboard boxes. They are usually used to store various things, especially junk.

Corrugated cardboard also works well for making a fighter plane:

  • First you need to copy a photo of a military aircraft from above from the Internet;
  • Next, a sketch is drawn from the photograph and a drawing is drawn (all lines of the future figure must be straight);
  • The next stage is transferring the drawing onto a sheet of cardboard in A4 or A5 format;
  • Next, the product is cut along the contours with a stationery knife;
  • On the second sheet of cardboard you need to draw a sketch of the nose, cockpit, fuselage, tail;
  • All fragments are cut out and folded two or three times to create a plane in the section;
  • The nose, cockpit, fuselage and tail are glued sequentially to the “foot” cut off from the first sheet;
  • The remaining cardboard has two vertical keels (tails) cut off;
  • The tail is glued to the joints of the shank and the foot;
  • The fighter is being painted.

The resulting design is suitable for hanging from the ceiling. It can also be supplemented with wheels from worn-out machines or installed on a forward-bent leg. The latter is easily cut out of cardboard.

Baby swing

When building a swing, it is very important to follow safety precautions. The supports must be strong and the fasteners very reliable. Also consider the availability of free space in front of and behind the swing.

For supports, take two thick beams about three meters long. Treat it with antiseptic impregnation. Dig two holes, approximately 50 cm deep. Install the timber and fill it with concrete or cement.

After the solution has dried, attach a metal water pipe to the top of the supports. Tie a rope with a seat to the crossbar. If the seat is wooden, try to give its corners a rounded shape.

It is convenient to use a child's car seat for swings.

Learning to make an airplane out of wood

The lightest aircraft is considered to be a biplane (the first-generation corn plane). Among the wooden products that are found in everyday life, the lightest are matches and ice cream sticks.

Therefore, they are quite suitable for making an indoor biplane:

  • A hole is made in the center of the plastic cover;
  • A bolt 6-8 mm long is inserted into the hole;
  • 1/3 of a stick is attached to the end of the bolt, which will imitate a propeller;
  • The cork is wrapped at the top and bottom with two wooden sticks and tightened with rubber bands;
  • The rear “fuselage” is also tightened with rubber bands;
  • Two sticks are glued across the body from the bottom and top, which will imitate wings;
  • Matches are inserted between the wings (matches are glued for better fixation);
  • Under the bottom stick is a chassis made of two matches and cardboard circles (you can also use the wheels of old toys or plastic covers for the chassis);
  • A vertical keel is glued to the tail of the biplane.

Some enthusiasts use a rod and coupling from a rotating minimotor instead of a bolt. The latter, in turn, serves as a front end for the hull.

The bottom line is that when the motor contacts are connected to a finger-type battery, the propeller rotates independently.

Elements for outdoor games

Mount a basketball hoop on a beam or tree. Determine its height based on the child’s height. You can make a maze out of old tires. Cut them in half and dig them into the ground in a certain order. Install the horizontal bar. Make a flat badminton court.


  • Schematic model of the airframe
  • wooden airplane model

Such a task, difficult at first glance, as building a wooden airplane on your own, can be done by any aviation enthusiast, even a schoolchild who regularly attends an aircraft modeling club. Do not think that this model of aircraft is intended to carry passengers on board. For all his efforts, the inventor will be rewarded with excellent flying characteristics of the aircraft and its high strength. The creators who launch their wooden gliders gain experience in controlling and adjusting free-flying aircraft models, and also receive unforgettable, incomparable impressions from the real flight of a wooden airplane constructed with their own hands.

Let's look at what you might need for this. Most likely, the materials and tools from the following list will be sufficient:

  • pine slats;
  • jigsaw;
  • PVA glue;
  • plane;
  • aluminum wire;
  • Styrofoam;
  • lavsan film;
  • household iron with thermostat.

Let's assume that you have prepared everything you need. This means that you are ready to go and can proceed directly to the design process.

This is the initial stage of work on modeling a wooden airplane. Take your slats (5x5 mm cross-section) and glue them together using PVA glue. When the glue is completely dry, you can reinforce the frame structure with internal corners, which can be made from foam plastic. This material is excellent for aircraft modeling, as it has sufficient strength with minimal weight. Therefore, you can also cut the upper end of the keel from a small piece of foam with a knife. You can use balsa. The front and rear edges of the frame must be rounded. Mylar film will be useful for the keel, which will look much more attractive if covered with such colored film. The steering wheel needs to be glued to the trailing edge. As a rule, it is cut out of cardboard with a thickness of about 0.5 mm.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a paper airplane

Every person who lived in the USSR remembers how difficult it was to turn around given the lack of time, effort and funds. Models of “corn makers” could be purchased at a department store at a price comparable to a week’s or half-month’s salary.

Therefore, the target audience had to amuse themselves and their children with homemade paper airplanes:

  • A rectangular piece of paper is folded in half to create a long fold in the middle;
  • The fold is smoothed out, after which the sheet unfolds to its original position;
  • The two upper corners are folded toward the crease to form a triangle, occupying 1/3 of the sheet;
  • The triangle obtained from two corners is bent “into an envelope”, and the shape will have to be bent with a small 1-centimeter margin;
  • The tip and lines of the triangle applied to the central fold are smoothed;
  • The two upper corners are again bent inward, not reaching the tip, which is intended to imitate a cockpit;
  • The folds are smoothed out with your fingers, and the protruding tip is bent outward to encircle the new triangle in the middle;
  • The resulting pentagon is laid out in the opposite direction along the center line;
  • Both edges of the figure overlap the main line to form the wings;
  • All folds are smoothed out again - the plane is ready.

In order for the plane to fly, you need to wrap your fingers around its “cockpit” and release it after swinging your arm. The best paper products are made from office paper and fly 8-12 meters.

Making a stabilizer

We also assemble this part from pine slats of the same cross-section as in the case of the frame of our model. Having rounded the edges, also reinforce it with foam elements. Bend the end parts of the future stabilizer from the prepared wire. You can also use an aluminum knitting needle, a piece of wire, or other suitable material. The ending must be tightly wound to the frame with threads treated with PVA glue or epoxy resin. When you have a finished stabilizer, just like the keel, cover it with a thin layer of lavsan film.

We create a small airplane from matches

This glider fits easily in the palm of your hand and requires a minimum of consumables - one match, colored paper, PVA glue. To comb out the match and cut the paper wings with a tail, you will have to use a stationery knife and scissors, respectively.

  • In the middle and at the end of one match you need to comb off some wood fibers;
  • Two strips of the same width and different lengths are cut out of colored paper - 1 cm and 1.5-4 cm, respectively;
  • The ends of the strips are cut to round the wings and tail;
  • The paper pieces are folded in the middle to form a fold;
  • The wings and tail are laid out and slightly bent upward and glued to the match.

The finished glider is launched using the principle of throwing a dart. The sulfur on the match puts stress on the balance. There is no point in setting the flammable element on fire, so you can apply a drop of glue to it.

Trial run

To carry out a test run, it is better to use the gym premises. If you don't have this option, choose a calm day. With a gentle throw along the horizon, launch the model airplane. Try to achieve the lowest descent speed, for which use adjusting wedges made of wood. They should be placed between the fuselage and the pylon. Gain experience in "piloting" techniques so you can confidently demonstrate your design skills on your own wooden airplane. Successful launches will bring a sea of ​​positive emotions not only to you, but also to the curious public.

Aircraft modeling helps a person develop in many directions. By studying in a circle or on your own, you acquire knowledge and skills when working with accessible, environmentally friendly, familiar materials, such as wood, PVA glue, cardboard, plywood, polystyrene foam, and so on. Also, at the same time, you learn to analyze your actions and make competent decisions in the most unusual situations. A person who is interested in aircraft modeling develops needs for self-realization and self-knowledge. Interest in the design and modeling process is developing. In addition to practical skills, a culture of communication with colleagues in the circle is formed, as well as important moral and volitional qualities such as determination, will, self-discipline, a sense of mutual assistance and collectivism. Of particular importance in our time is the formation of healthy lifestyle skills and patriotism. During the classes you can learn a lot about significant personalities in the history of aircraft manufacturing and aviation in general.

Airplane made from a plastic bottle

If the creator does not pursue the goal of creating a rotating mechanism, then a plastic bottle and cardboard will be enough to make an airplane.

In this case, the finished model will be suitable for coloring:

  • Deltoid wings and a tail are cut out of cardboard;
  • Slots are made in the plastic bottle to cut into the wings and tail units;
  • At the level of the bottle's shoulder, a hole is made for the pilot's cabin;
  • A small piece of cardboard is folded into a polygonal box and placed over the opening for the cabin;
  • The plastic plug is complemented by a paper cone or propeller (for the latter you will have to pierce a hole and insert a bolt with blades);
  • The bottom of the fuselage is complemented by a chassis made of cardboard or plastic covers.

The surface of the fuselage is painted in camouflage from different sides. At the front, military vehicles are greeted by imitation shark eyes and fangs.

Exterior design

The propeller sets aircraft in motion, so it’s impossible without it. To create this spare part, a circle is cut out and eight lines are drawn on it.

Excess material can be easily removed with scissors, and the edges of the blades should be round.

It is important to mark it evenly and then the workpiece will turn out perfect. Do not delay and immediately attach the finished component to the front part of the layout.


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It's time to show your imagination; before you make an airplane out of cardboard, you need to decide whether it will be a military or a sports car. Decoration depends on the purpose of the equipment.

Models participating in combat operations are equipped with bright stars on the wings, tail and body, and high-speed models wear different numbers and decals.

Decorating the fuselage falls on the shoulders of every young designer. You can apply all your wishes and ideas; the first element that comes across will be arranged in the order that the master wants.

Quickly make an airplane model with your own hands

Aircraft modeling is an interesting hobby; it is interesting not only for children but also for adults. The only downside is the cost of aircraft models. Not the electronics, which practically do not suffer, but the aircraft model itself, which in inexperienced hands rarely flies more than 3-4 times.

In order to gain experience, you need to change 3-4 aircraft models, and this is not always affordable. I propose to make an aircraft model with your own hands for outdoor flights.

To simplify and ease manufacturing, it is best to take the manufacturing technology of Plane Planes as a basis.

A plane plane is an aircraft model made from ceiling tiles (yes, the same ones that are sold in large quantities on construction markets), made using contour technology - only the outline of a real aircraft is reproduced in the aircraft model.

First, you need to download a drawing of an aircraft model - for example, download drawings of a P40-Warhawk or Mustang P-51D aircraft model. Now we print out the drawings, stick them on the ceiling and cut them out.

These are the blanks you get:

We cut the fuselage to length and glue a wooden strip to strengthen the fuselage. It is better to make ceilings from 2 layers and glue them with Titanium ceiling tile adhesive.

We install an electric motor in the front part of the fuselage. This can be a commutator motor.

or a modern brushless aircraft model engine

For control, it is necessary to make steering planes, in our case these will be ailerons and elevator. We cut them where they are indicated in the drawing and connect them with tape - as shown in the figure below

We install hogs on the plane, rods will be attached to them

You can read how to make homemade hogs in the article Homemade hogs for a model aircraft.

We attach one servo to the wing and connect it with elastic wire rods to the aileron horns.

We place the other one halfway along the fuselage and connect it to the elevator.

You can simply cut holes for the servos and secure them with a glue gun or glue them onto Titan - in the latter case, it is advisable to first wrap the servos with paper tape.

We attach the receiver, engine speed controller and battery to the fuselage.

It must be secured in such a way that the center of gravity of the aircraft model falls at 23-25% of the wing width. Then the aircraft model will fly well.

All that remains is to install the propeller and go flying! Based on materials from the site Radio-controlled Aircraft Models

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Leo comments:

Hmm, you can make a whole squadron of radio-controlled model airplanes in an evening!

Dmitry comments:

Where can you buy electronics cheaper? I'm from Chelny.

Windtalkers comment:

I think it's interesting not only for me

SASHA comments:

Misha comments:

very interesting but I’d rather buy a Lada

Misha comments:

I once bought a similar small-sized product, due to the low power of the motors and everything else, it is carried away in a draft to distant distances, but when it falls it plans and practically does not hurt itself, it didn’t work out to hurt itself on purpose - at a distance of 20 meters it loses control and switches to autopilot))) smoothly settling into the grass. If electronics were ready to help, it would be more interesting.

Andr comments:

Go to the website RC-Aviation.ru, there are also selections of equipment. Flight range 600-800 meters (beyond visibility) Lots of drawings and photo instructions for making aircraft models

Andr comments:

Go to the website RC-Aviation.ru, there are also selections of equipment. Flight range 600-800 meters (beyond visibility) Lots of drawings and photo instructions for making aircraft models


where can I get the remote control

altgamer comments:

Buy here -> https://www.parkflyer.ru/29314/category/191/57/ cheaper only used

altgamer comments:

Take this remote control here -> https://www.parkflyer.ru/29314/product/9042/

Roman46 comments:

I'll have to try it when I retire

Mishanya Foreve comments:

people, please tell me. I don’t have a lot of money right now, so I disassembled my electric car and plan to take out its rear engine and attach it to the plane. Do you think there is enough power? Help.

Mishanya Foreve comments:

The engine is 3 cm long and 1.7 cm wide. And there is a problem - it has not three wires, but two. Please explain to me what and how

yvaprol comments:

Sanya comments:

Beautiful aircraft model, how are the flight qualities? Now I am faced with a choice: either this model or this one https://rc-aviation.ru/ultron3d, I saw it flies perfectly in 3D.

Aircraft model PMK-3

In the town of Zhukovsk near Moscow, the PMK-3 aircraft was created, which can now also be assembled independently. The aircraft differed from ordinary ones in that it had a unique structure of the nose of the fuselage, as well as a rather low landing gear. This aircraft model was designed according to the design of a strut-braced high-wing aircraft with a closed cabin. An entrance for the pilot was provided on the left side of the fuselage. In order to achieve the desired alignment, it was necessary to move the left wing a little back. This is very important to remember when assembling such a model with your own hands. The overall design of the aircraft is all wood, covered with canvas. Wing type: single-spar, with pine flanges.

The basis of the fuselage for this model was made up of three spars. Because of this design, the finished fuselage had a triangular cross-section. A 30 hp engine was chosen as the main power unit. The type of engine is an outboard motor of the “Whirlwind” type, which is liquid cooled. If the aircraft is properly designed, the radiator will protrude slightly from the starboard side of the fuselage.

It is worth saying a little about the fact that it is possible to build airplanes with a pusher type of propeller, but it is very important to remember that this will result in a loss of the thrust force of the device, as well as the lifting force of the wing. Because of these two features, it is important to consider the feasibility of installing such a propeller on a case-by-case basis, based on the builder's goal in creating the aircraft. However, it is fair to say that there were inventors who, while independently building an aircraft with such a propeller, creatively approaching the solution of this problem, were able to eliminate such shortcomings and operate the aircraft without them.

Complex and fast

In this section you will learn how to make a plane that flies far. But it will take more time.

Again we make a blank that resembles a house. Turn over and fold in half. Now you need to fold the resulting triangle along the line of the rectangle.

Place it on the reverse side and bend the edges towards the center (this can be difficult). And the simplest thing is to bend the wings.

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And this interesting model will allow you to enjoy watching a long flight:

There is also an option, for the most inventive - to attach a motor with a propeller to a support point. It is necessary to take into account the weight of the motor and its distribution over the area of ​​the toy.

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