How to create a flower refrigerator display that works for store sales

Dmitry Bizyukov Founder of the chain of flower salons "Foliage"

Dmitry Bizyukov

Founder of the chain of flower salons "Foliage"
The design of the window display and the arrangement of bouquets on it directly affects the sales of the street point. This is the first detail that a client pays attention to when he enters a flower shop. With the right approach, the refrigeration chamber can be made the main competitive advantage of the store.

We will talk with the owner of the Listva chain of stores, Dmitry Bizyukov, on how to improve a refrigerated display case.

Replace a small refrigerator with a walk-in cooler

The refrigerator itself can be of any size. As a rule, small structures up to two meters high and wide are installed. Such a refrigerator can be ordered ready-made from a company that sells plastic windows.

The main problem of a two-meter refrigerator is that it is difficult to make an attractive display case out of it. There is not enough free space: expensive bouquets are mixed together with cheap or cut flowers, which are sold individually. If you put freshly delivered roses in packaging for sealing, the display case will completely lose its presentation.

Therefore, in the Listva chain of stores we use open display cases of up to 20 m², where anyone can enter. This distinguishes us from traditional stores, where at the entrance to the refrigerator there is a sign: “Do not go inside.” Our principle inspires trust among customers: they see that we are not hiding anything and are not trying to sell a weak product. Anyone can come inside and choose their own flower.

Anyone can enter the flower display and choose a bouquet.

Refrigerator for a flower shop: materials, features, errors

Founder of Posiflora and co-owner of Buketnaya

Evgeniy Kashcheev

The appearance of a flower shop affects how comfortable customers are and how free they feel. In some places you want to stay longer, and in others you want to leave quickly. And the refrigeration chamber plays a big role in this.

You don’t want to stay in a store with a small refrigerator in which flowers have been hastily arranged in iron buckets for a long time. If a person urgently needs a bouquet, then he will most likely buy it, but will not return here again. On the contrary, a carefully designed display window can become the main feature of the store, which will be remembered by the buyer for a long time.

In our articles, we figure out how to create the perfect flower refrigerator that will last a long time and attract the largest number of customers. In this part we’ll talk about where to start building a refrigerator. Evgeny Kashcheev, co-owner of Buketnaya and founder of Posiflora, tells the story.

Hide refrigeration equipment above the ceiling

Refrigeration equipment looks bulky and spoils the appearance. It feels like you are inside a warehouse rather than a premium store. Therefore, it is advisable to disguise all technical details of the refrigerator from customers.

Installation of a suspended ceiling. Between the suspended and regular ceiling there is space under which you can hide all the technical parts of the refrigerator

An air cooler with a fan can be covered with a suspended ceiling - grilyato. This is a cellular ceiling with holes of 5-10 cm; it does not prevent the passage of cold air, but hides the technical details of the store.

Installation of vapor barrier and insulation

For the outer side (on which the foam rests) we used the simplest vapor and waterproofing - Isopropene B, but for the inner part (which is closer to the chamber) we used a foil backing, which is also used for “warm” floors:

We get a homemade sandwich panel from the following layers:

In the next step of assembling the beer refrigerator, we cut the foam into pieces and install it in sections made of timber. Apply foam glue to all outer edges of the piece of foam using a gun.

The foam should stick at the edges to the timber or vapor barrier and prevent heat loss. We also fill the remaining cracks with foam glue.

It is best to fasten the external vapor barrier to the OSB with a stapler, but the internal one will not work, since the staples do not stick to the foam. At first we just tried to attach it using dies and a stapler, but then we ended up with aluminum tape. It not only seals the joints hermetically, but also perfectly holds pieces of vapor barrier.

That's all for now, but in the next article I will continue to describe the process of installing the ceiling, doors and sealing cracks in the doorway. I will describe our costs for building materials in more detail and show the final result.

PS : Looking ahead a little, I would like to say that during operation such a camera showed that it is difficult for it to maintain +3 °C. Yes, a lot still depends on the refrigeration unit, but, nevertheless, in the conditions of our Crimean heat, +3 °C takes a very long time to reach and the refrigeration unit almost does not stop. We set the operating mode to +4.5 °C and everything works great, the camera keeps the cold. In the fall, I may return it back to +3 °C to check.


Use stepped shelving

If you do not maintain different levels in the refrigerator, then with a large assortment, the flowers will block each other. For this reason, we use stepped racks in the refrigerator, which can be set at different heights and removed when not needed. Thanks to this, the refrigerator space is always optimally used.

Thanks to stepped shelving, the buyer immediately sees the entire assortment of the store

We order metal racks - it’s more reliable, and then we put wooden shelves on them, treated with antifungal and moisture-repellent agents. Under the iron base we make small rubberized feet that protect the tiles on the floor from traces of rust.

The cost of professional painting: a brief overview of prices

On average, the cost of professional painting varies slightly across Russian regions. As of May 2022, prices were fixed at the following levels:

  • painting a small refrigerator – 5,000 rubles;
  • medium – 7,000 rubles;
  • large – 9,000 rub.

Painting (airbrushing) the door of a refrigeration unit will cost approximately 8,000 rubles. High-quality stickers can be purchased at prices ranging from 800 to 1,500 rubles. Now, knowing the approximate prices, the home craftsman should think about how much cheaper it will be to do this work with his own hands.

Professional airbrush on the door costs about 8,000 rubles.

Instead of a lamp, install LED lamps

To illuminate flowers in the refrigerator, it is better to use spotlights with LED lamps. Unlike conventional lamps, they last a very long time - during the entire operation of the refrigerator, they may never have to be changed.

Ceiling spotlight

The main advantage of LEDs is that they illuminate only what we need. You can experiment with light: turn off some of the lamps or change the direction of the light. For example, lights can be turned off above shelves where goods have already been sold out, and only the compositions we need can be illuminated. It is not only economical, but also beautiful.

If you install lights in the refrigerator with a dimmer - a device that regulates the power of electricity, you can control the brightness of the light bulbs, for example, make them dimmer after the store closes.

Install automatic doors

If you are going to make a display case that is open to everyone, then install an automatic sliding door that opens when you press a button. This way, you won’t end up with the door accidentally left open and warm air entering the chamber. This negatively affects the flowers and puts extra strain on the equipment.

With a sliding door, it will be more convenient for florists to leave the refrigerator with an armful of flowers or carry buckets of water for replacement. For buyers this will be an additional pleasant detail.

Other decoration methods

  • Magnetic board. This is a direct relative of the well-known souvenir magnet, only much larger. Made from flexible material. You can do it yourself if you find magnetic paint or sheets of magnetic plastic on sale. On a magnetic board glued to the refrigerator, you can draw with a marker or chalk - for example, leave notes for family or just cool drawings.
  • Using magnetic photo frames.
  • The use of fabrics, fur and other materials for decoration is also found, but this can hardly be considered a rational solution. The refrigerator needs to be kept clean, and this will become difficult or completely impossible if you drape it in frills or cover it with fur appliqués. The same can be said about the use of quilling and origami elements for decoration: complex relief cannot be kept clean.
  • Author: Natalya
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Consider how to drain condensate

In one of the stores, we made a mistake in the design and brought the condensate pipe directly inside the refrigerator. Now florists have to collect the moisture that forms in the refrigerator in a bucket.

This is an additional headache for employees: every day they must remember to drain the condensate. If this is not done, water may spill onto the floor and this will have a detrimental effect on the flowers. Plus, it spoils the aesthetics of the store: no one wants to look at a pipe with flowing water.

To avoid these problems, consider a condensate drain in advance. It is advisable to place the refrigerator next to the room where the sewage system is located, for example, near the toilet or technical room. If the sewerage system is located far away, you will have to lay a separate pipe to remove moisture and install an additional compressor. In any case, it will be better than if the water collects inside the refrigerator.

Use only glass vases

When a buyer enters a salon and sees white plastic flowerpots or galvanized buckets, he immediately gets the impression of a second-class salon. It is not clear what kind of water the flowers are in - maybe it hasn’t been changed for several days.

When flowers are in plastic buckets, it is not clear to customers when the water was last changed here

We use only glass vases. From them, the client immediately sees that the water is perfectly clean and the flowers are being taken care of. The disadvantages of vases are that they are expensive, they need to be washed constantly, they often break, and florists get cut by splinters. But all this does not matter for those who want to build long-term relationships with the client.

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Typical mistakes when painting and methods for solving problems

Difficulties that arise when using KUDO ® aerosol paints arise, as a rule, from inattentively reading the instructions for use or ignoring basic painting rules. The typical errors discussed below and methods for eliminating them allow even a not very prepared user to avoid problems and enjoy the painting process.

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Changing Hue

When an aerosol can is stored for a long time, the pigments that give the paint its color tend to settle at the bottom. The mistake consists of shaking the container insufficiently or for a short time. The contents are not mixed to a uniform emulsion, which is why the above problems occur.

Solution to the problem:

try, according to the instructions, to shake the container vigorously for 2–3 minutes.

Valve clogged

After previous use, the aerosol can was not turned over to clear the spray head, resulting in the paint drying out in the spray head channel.

Solution to the problem:

try to find a new spray head (it is not possible to dissolve paint that has dried in the head), but it is better not to forget about purging.

The contents of the cylinder do not splash out

The can may be spraying upside down or the deviation from vertical is more than 45°. In this case, the gas - the propellant - escapes from the cylinder without displacing the paint.

Solution to the problem:

return the aerosol can to a vertical position or rotate it at a slight angle along the longitudinal axis of the can.

The storage time is too long and exceeds the shelf life of aerosol packaging.

Unfortunately, there is no solution to this problem.

Spray paint does not cover the surface being painted well

The distance to the surface to be painted is incorrect. Most of the paint becomes dusty and does not settle on the surface to be painted.

Solution to the problem:

try to choose the optimal distance to the surface under given painting conditions.

Low ambient temperature.

Solution to the problem:

Avoid painting at low temperatures, in rainy and humid weather.

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When painting, the surface becomes covered with a layer of small grains of sand and other foreign inclusions.

Painting occurs outdoors in windy weather or the content of suspended dust in the air is too high.

Solution to the problem:

try to find a well-ventilated but not drafty area to paint in, or try to paint in calm weather.

The surface to be painted has been poorly cleaned of dust or retains significant static tension, attracting dust.

Solution to the problem:

try to more thoroughly clean the surface from dust and remove static voltage by grounding the product being painted.

When painted, the surface becomes covered with defects similar to craters

The surface is not well cleaned of individual stains of wax, fats, silicones, and polishing agents.

Solution to the problem:

Thoroughly degrease the surface using KUDO ® Silicone Remover, after testing it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the part to be painted, especially if painting will be done over old paintwork. The fact is that some types of enamels can dissolve under the influence of Silicone Remover.

The surface to be painted has an uneven shine, with glossy areas interspersed with matte areas

The paint is applied to an overly porous surface and is instantly absorbed.

Solution to the problem:

Porous surfaces must be primed in several (2-3) layers. Use KUDO ® aerosol universal primer for priming.

The painted surface becomes covered with pronounced swellings and wrinkles.

Painting occurs with enamel that is incompatible with previously applied paints and varnishes.

Solution to the problem:

completely remove the old paintwork mechanically or by removing the old KUDO ® paint.

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Smudges form on the surface to be painted

This defect forms mainly on vertical planes.

Too thick a layer of paint is applied.

Solution to the problem:

try to avoid overfilling, follow the instructions, try to paint in two or three layers with the recommended drying time between layers.

Coloring occurs too close.

Solution to the problem:

try to paint from the distance recommended by the instructions - 25-30 cm from the surface to be painted.

Coloring occurs at ambient temperatures below those recommended by the instructions.

Solution to the problem:

follow the instructions, do not attempt to paint at ambient temperatures below +10 °C

Small bubbles form on the horizontal surface to be painted

Too thick a layer of paint is applied.

Solution to the problem:

try to avoid overfilling, follow the instructions, try to paint in two or three layers with the recommended drying time between layers.

The surface to be painted is too hot.

Solution to the problem:

try to ensure that the temperature of the surface to be painted matches the ambient temperature (it is advisable to paint in the shade). Remember that painting objects that are too hot can cause the paint to catch fire.

Shagreen and cracking appear on the surface to be painted.

This defect most often appears on horizontal planes.

Too thick a layer of paint is applied to a surface that is too hot.

Solution to the problem:

try to avoid overfilling, follow the instructions, try to paint in two or three layers with the recommended drying time between layers. Make sure that the temperature of the surface to be painted matches the ambient temperature (it is advisable to paint in the shade). Remember that painting objects that are too hot can cause the paint to catch fire.

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Numerous smudges and unpainted spots are visible on the surface after painting.

Painting occurs on a wet or condensate-containing surface.

Solution to the problem:

Paint only dry surfaces. Follow the instructions, do not try to paint at ambient temperatures below +10°C, as a warm part taken out into the cold begins to become covered with condensation.

No matter how hard we try to preserve the original appearance of plastic panels, over time they not only become dirty, but also develop various mechanical damages.

How to clean the plastic panel

Regardless of which room the plastic panels are installed in, they are exposed to various types of contamination. If we compare rooms, the plastic panels in the kitchen are the most contaminated. Such contaminants include fatty deposits and dust that remain on the surface. In order to remove them you need to work hard. The following products are mainly used for cleaning plastic panels from dust and grease:

  • Cleaning powders;
  • Dishwashing detergents;
  • Soap solution

The only condition when cleaning the panels is that any product should not contain hydrochloric or sulfuric acid. It is also not recommended to use various paper clips and hard abrasives for cleaning, which will undoubtedly lead to scratches.

The process of removing dirt involves applying a cleaning agent to a sponge and using warm water to remove the dirt. Thus, you can effortlessly restore plastic panels to their original appearance.

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In addition, using regular dishwashing detergent, you can also wash off grease and dirt from the panels. If there is severe contamination, you can first apply detergent to it and leave it for about half an hour, then rinse the contaminated area with warm water.

How to wash plastic wall panels

Depending on where the plastic panels are installed, you have to deal with dirt in different ways. The most problematic rooms are the kitchen and bathroom. This is where stronger pollution of various origins is found. In order to remove grease from the panels, it is best to use dishwashing detergent. In addition, you can use specialized solutions to clean panels from heavy dirt. When special cleaning compounds are used, they must be applied with a spray bottle to the contaminated surface. If the dirt is minor, simply wipe the panels with a sponge soaked in plain water.

Very often, plastic wall panels are preferred when decorating a bathroom. In this case, the following contaminants are formed during operation:

  • Rust;
  • Fungus;
  • Splash marks;
  • Dirt and dust

The most problematic contamination of all of these is considered to be fungus. It appears on the surface in the form of black spots or dots and can appear absolutely anywhere. To remove such contaminants, it is best to use special means, since ordinary water will not help here.

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Another problem is the appearance of rust stains, which are also problematic to get rid of. First of all, it is necessary to remove the cause of their occurrence, which in most cases occurs due to the use of low-quality and old plumbing fixtures. To remove these drips, it is also best to use special cleaning products for plastic panels.

Painting plastic panels

Many people constantly like to change the decor in their home. Paintable coatings have been created especially for this category of citizens. If you get tired of a certain color, you can change it by painting the coating. Plastic panels can also be painted. The only thing you need to know is that the paint needs to be selected individually, so any one you like may simply not be suitable. For example, in no case should you paint plastic panels with water-based paint, since it is very liquid for such coatings and will drain immediately.

Acrylic paint is best suited for painting plastic panels, as it is completely safe and does not have an unpleasant odor. In addition to acrylic paint, you can also use any other paint that has a similar composition to plastic panels. The most reliable, simple and affordable way to paint plastic panels is considered to be oil paint, which has fairly good resistance. The only downside of oil paint is that it takes a very long time to dry and has a specific smell that takes a long time to dissipate.

Summing up

Undoubtedly, all finishing materials lose their original appearance during use. This happens not only due to various contaminants, but also during exposure to ultraviolet radiation. In order to update wall panels, you need to use two methods. First of all, wash them, and if the result is not satisfactory, then paint them. As for painting, the choice of paint for plastic wall panels must be approached with full responsibility. It is best to use acrylic or oil paint. Not all products are suitable for washing panels, so you must use only those specifically designed for this purpose.

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