Crafts (February 23) for kindergarten +420 DIY ideas

crafts for kindergarten on February 23
iKids on Defender of the Fatherland Day are happy to congratulate the most authoritative people for them - dads and grandfathers. Older brothers or uncles also become suitable candidates for congratulations and gift giving. -yourself crafts for February 23rd in kindergarten Whether it’s a tank made of plasticine or an applique for February 23 , with them a child gives the whole world to a loved one. Usually on Defender of the Fatherland Day, craft competitions are held for kindergarten , including senior and junior groups. Help your preschooler make a February 23rd gift for dad with one of the simple February 23rd kindergarten craft ideas presented in this article. Here you will find many examples of holiday crafts for kindergarten with master classes and simple instructions, ranging from cute cards and appliqués to formidable military equipment made from plasticine and scrap materials. Don’t forget that for young children in the junior group of kindergarten, the craft for February 23 can even be a hand-drawn postcard with the first scribbles, but made with love. Therefore, do not attach too much importance to the appearance of the craft and its variety. A gift doesn't have to be complicated to be special!

Original pot made of shells

You can also make beautiful crafts from shells at home. One of them will be a flower pot. Let's figure out how to make this unique thing suitable for everyday use.

  1. Broken shells should be wrapped in a cloth and crushed into small pieces using a hammer. The craft should be done by an adult, not a child.
  2. The pre-selected stand must be coated with glue, then sprinkled with ready-made shell crumbs.
  3. Whole shells should be fixed to the outside of the pot with glue.
  4. After time has passed, when both parts of the craft are dry, you should connect them to each other.

A beautiful flower pot is ready! To strengthen the layer of shells, it is allowed to apply varnish or golden paint to them.

Creativity in everyday things

Routine worries and affairs are an integral part of our lives. For the housewife and good owner, “The Master’s Diary” offers 1000 and 1 practical tips for solving daily household problems.

  • Washing, cleaning and other household chores can be enjoyable if done with the advice of professionals. The “Cleaning” block presents the basic rules for organizing and conducting cleaning.
  • Housework, repairs and construction are just a small part of what the “For the Owner” section covers. Everyone will find something useful and interesting in it.
  • Non-standard use of familiar things, as well as reuse of used items and materials, is a topic for the “Crafts” section, which will be relevant for practical and thrifty people.

“The Diary of a Master” is advice and guidance on mastering various handicraft techniques, as well as housekeeping. Little tricks and practical skills will be useful for both beginning amateurs and craftsmen with extensive experience.

Do-it-yourself educational games: Tatiana Aleksandrovna Barchan’s toy library

In April, I added to my collection of ideas for educational games made by myself. I was lucky enough to attend an amazing event organized by the “Native Path” website: a game meeting with Tatyana Aleksandrovna Barchan.

She has an unusual story: a biochemist by profession, she worked at a research institute and did not think that she would come up with and create educational games for children with her own hands. But everything turned out differently: Tatyana was asked to work with gifted children 6-7 years old, and this is where her career as a teacher and inventor of educational games began.

Now Tatyana runs the Rebus Center for Education and Creative Development, and is the author of many games that have been recognized by experts as one of the best (quality mark “Child Psychologists Recommend”).

Tatyana Aleksandrovna captivated me with her creativity and elegance of solutions for children’s development in play. I listened to her and realized that 90% of all the ideas I had read on the Internet in recent years were different variations of her games, invented back in the 90s. I wrote several sheets of paper, sketched diagrams and ideas. Now I have found the time and am ready to share some sketches with you.

DIY educational games

1) Box with tracks for a magnet . The point is that for the game you need two magnets: one larger, it is hidden under the boxes (on the other side), the second is smaller, it will walk across the playing field. We move the small magnet with the help of a large one, which is not visible. Wonderful miracle for kids.

We take a small candy box as a “playing field” (so that it is comfortable for the child to hold in his hands), add a path, obstacles, and other elements. As a variant of the game situation: the car is driving on business, you need to stop at a gas station (which element), then across the bridge to a car wash (next element), etc.

2) A bone for the dog. You need several boxes, different in size, covered with different colored paper. There is a dog who is looking for a bone (we can easily change it to a character that you have at home).

We hide the bone in one of the boxes and give a hint: “the bone is in the box between blue and red” or “in the box above the yellow one.” For older children, it can be more difficult: “not in red, but above blue.”

Aerobatics - let the child hide the bone and ask such a puzzle for you.

3) A simple thermometer model . Everything ingenious is simple! A rectangle cut out of cardboard, numbers signed, a regular elastic band inserted, part of the elastic band painted over. If you pull the rubber band on the other side, the temperature on the thermometer rises; if you pull it in the other direction, it drops.

4) Another look at puzzles for kids: cut not a rectangular picture, but a circle into sectors. It is more difficult to assemble such a mosaic on one side, but easier on the other. In any case, a useful variety for training attention and thinking.

5) Children's library . We take 12 identical boxes, make them the same color, stick a number on the spine and a picture on the cover. By the way, the old calendar can be used as a source of numbers for this and other benefits. All books are stored in a large box for 12 books. There are a lot of options for games with such a library. You can develop speech by guessing from the picture on the cover what this book is about, what the plot is, what the story is. You can train the number series: collect books in order, find which book is missing, put it in reverse order, ask for the “next to the fifth” book, etc. As soon as I find suitable boxes, I will definitely make such a “library” for us.

6) Lotto for the difference between flat and three-dimensional figures. To do this, you will need sheets for filling and the actual volumetric figures. Tatyana made them herself from a special modeling mass.

The players’ task is to determine what shape the object pulled out of the bag resembles (a button is a circle, a ball is a ball, etc.).

It is very useful to pass all geometric concepts through your hands, to feel them in the literal sense of the word.

7) Comparison problems. Tatyana suggests interpreting the “more” and “less” signs as an arrow, which always points to the little one, to the baby, and recommends starting with pairs: mother and baby.

I really like this positive “arrow” because it is usually supposed to represent a crocodile that eats those who are smaller. First we play with a full-fledged arrow: from mother-baby we move on to the number of objects, then to numbers.

Then the arrow “loses” the stick and the “more”/”less” sign remains in its familiar form. Then we continue to play with cards with the usual sign.

8)Game "Capricious buyer" . We officially allow kids to be naughty???? To play you need many different figures of different colors. These are goods in a store where a capricious buyer comes.

On his card it is indicated what he wants to buy, but something like this: not red, not round, but square. It is necessary to remove those cards that the buyer does not like and leave only those that meet the criteria.

In this way, kids learn the basics of set theory without noticing it themselves.

I showed you only a small part of the games that we discussed at the game library (only those where I have photos). It is clear with what care and love for children all the benefits are made.

In addition to ideas for developmental aids, Tatyana generously shared her gaming experience, tips on organizing games, making durable toys (her own creations passed through the hands of many children over several years), features of mastering mathematics, reading, and pedagogical tricks.

Tatyana is an amazingly enthusiastic person; after the game library, all the participants came out with sparkling eyes and full shopping bags, because In addition to homemade games, there are already many “ready-to-play” games. I am absolutely delighted with some of the acquisitions, Pasha too ????

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