How to make a wishing tree with your own hands? Wishing tree options

Craft “Easter tree of goodness and fulfillment of wishes.” Master Class

Lyudmila Chernenko
Craft “Easter tree of goodness and fulfillment of wishes.” Master Class

Craft: “Easter tree of goodness and fulfillment of wishes.”

The custom of decorating your home with an elegant Easter tree has existed in Russia since ancient times. Before Easter, the most beautiful and largest tree was installed on Lobnoye Mesto on Red Square. An ordinary spring tree , symbolizing the beginning of a new life, was decorated with sweets, dried fruits, colorful ribbons and toys, and wooden eggs . In his work “Joy”

, Dmitry Korzin described in great detail the ancient folk custom of creating
an Easter tree .
This very exciting activity interested the children and became a tradition in our Center. The children began to call it the tree of Goodness and the Fulfillment of Desires . They believe that the fruits of the tree , given with love, will bring good luck.

part in creating a tree , choosing an available activity. It’s like in a family: some cut the ribbons, some tie the bows, some glue them, some untangle the strands, and the more dexterous ones glue the workpiece. Who does what better. It’s a common and responsible matter: It’s happiness to cook for everyone.

This year we decided to decorate the main decorations with multi-colored strands. For the craft you will need :

- egg preparations (I used from Fix-price );

- adhesive material (double-sided tape or glue)


- decorative elements: ribbons, braid, felt flowers and Easter stickers .

After thinking lovingly about those we love, we can get to work. First you need to glue the loop on which the product will be held.

For convenience, the workpiece is wrapped with double-sided tape.

The coiled rope is fixed on the workpiece. Make sure the harness is securely fastened.

Important note! It is more convenient to start gluing the harness from the bottom of the workpiece, then the work will look neater. Children may need help finding the starting point to tape. Do not allow the harness to be distorted or tightened when gluing!

The entire workpiece is decorated in this way.

After making sure that the ends of the rope are securely hidden, you can begin decorating. For this, satin ribbons , braid, ready-made felt flowers and Easter stickers .

This is what we have at this stage.

Willow branches consecrated in the temple and other decorations are added. The spring tree is ready , now it will greet all guests and employees of the Cent. No one will leave without a gift!

Look, all Easter preparations have been completed and we are already waiting for you to visit!

Summary of a master class on the formation of environmental ideas of preschool children “Tree of Wishes” Progress of activity Relevance Environmental education includes a creative search, in which one can highlight such a direction as.

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Scenario for the prom “Tree of Wishes” Scenario for the prom “Tree of Wishes” The hall is festively decorated. Fanfares sound and two teachers come out into the middle of the hall. 1 Presenter:.


Paper crafts on the theme of summer, happiness, kindness, for Children's Day - posters, applications: photos

Paper is the simplest and most accessible material for work that children love. Paper can be easily purchased at a stationery store, where the variety of choices is simply impressive: colored, holographic, glitter, velvet, matte glossy, corrugated, cardboard and much more.

Before you start work, you should clearly understand in your head what exactly you will do with your child: a postcard, a painting, a wall decoration, a three-dimensional image, a toy. You should stock up not only with an abundance of paper colors, but also with scissors, glue, and decorative materials (if required).

Here, for example, is a simple and easy decoration for your home, wall, or street. You can hang it anywhere, the bright colors are pleasing to the eye, and you can place not just a smiley face, but any picture, as well as your photograph. The craft is based on a cardboard circle, which should be covered with folded strips of colored paper or quilling paper.

"Chamomile" made of colored paper

A sun drawn in an unusual way is a popular creative idea for Children's Day. The secret of this craft is that the rays are made from the children’s circled fingers, and therefore we can safely say that a piece of the child himself is “hiding” in such a craft.

DIY paper craft: sun

A poster is another creative idea. Such a poster can be hung to decorate the walls and give a special festive mood to those around you. The sun is a symbol of “Children's Day”, and the words from the song “let there always be sun” are suitable in this case like nothing better.

Children's Day Poster

Older children can make a more complex poster; here’s an option for the craft - a poster with three-dimensional figures of a boy and a girl. These characters symbolically hold the planet in their hands, as if hinting that “the world is in the hands of children.”

Children's Day Poster

Another version of the poster for Children's Day

Unusual picture for the wall: paper craft for Children's Day

INTERESTING: “Children are the flowers of life.” Almost everyone knows this expression and therefore it is not at all surprising that a child is associated with flowers. You can decorate everything around with paper flowers: trees, walls, rooms, and the “heroes” of the holiday themselves.

Tree of Good lesson plan (senior group) on the topic

Topic: “Tree of Goodness”

Goal: creating conditions for the development of creative abilities in the process of making the “Tree of Good”.


1. create conditions for the development of creative thinking and imagination in the process of making the “Tree of Goodness” (artistic and aesthetic development);

2. promote the development of fine motor skills of the fingers in the process of making sisal balls (cognitive development);

3. promote the formation of spiritual and moral qualities in children during a conversation about goodness (social and communicative development);

4. create conditions to encourage children to engage in speech activity (speech development);

5. promote the development of communication and interaction of the child with peers and adults (socio-communicative development);

6. support children's initiative and independence (socio-communicative development);

7. provide conditions for children’s physical activity (physical development).

Types of children's activities:

1. productive activity;

2. cognitive activity;

3. communication activities;

4. motor activity.

Methodological development of a class hour on the topic “Do good”

This class hour will help each participant look into their heart so that it becomes open and kind. Kindness can be shown into the world in different ways: doing a kind deed, smiling a kind smile, saying a kind word.

Goals and objectives: (1 slide)

  1. Discuss with students the concepts of “goodness” and “kindness”.
  2. To form in students goodwill, responsiveness, kindness and mercy, tolerance.
  3. Instill the basics of moral behavior.

Form of conduct: conversation.

Progress of the class hour:

Good afternoon. When we say these words, we sincerely wish those we meet goodness, peace and joy. And our heart opens to sincere and kind people.

I want to start today's class hour with an epigraph: (2 slide)

Do Good

“Regardless of whether they expect good from you or not, do good. Regardless of whether your goodness is noticed or not, do good. Do good and don’t ask anyone’s permission, For no one has power over your good.”

Shalva Amonashvili

This class hour will help each participant look into their heart so that it becomes open and kind.

Kindness can be shown into the world in different ways: doing a kind deed, smiling a kind smile, saying a kind word.

Let's try to answer two important questions for us:

1. What is kindness

2. Why is it so important for a person to learn to do Good?

The word "kindness". It seems like a very common word. Let's try to define it


Kindness is the expression of sincere, good feelings towards someone or something.

Kindness is when you do something to people that makes them happy and you do it sincerely and from the bottom of your heart!

Kindness is the ability to sympathize and have compassion for people, to see only the good and bright side in a person’s personality.

(3rd slide) Kindness - responsiveness, sympathy, friendly disposition towards people, everything positive, good and useful.

What does it mean to be kind? What kind of person is called kind?

- To be kind means to sacrifice one's interests for the well-being of another.

“Being kind means sharing the last thing you have.”

A good person is one who:

  • loves people nature
  • ready to help them in difficult times
  • Polite in communication, respectful towards adults and younger people
  • who thinks not only about himself, but also about others.

(4 Slides):

A kind person means one who treats people with goodwill, is imbued with sympathy for them, and is ready to help. A good person notices first of all the good in others, an evil person notices the bad.

I'll read the parable.

Think about what the sage could answer to his student. Why?

A sage and a disciple are sitting at the gates of their city. A traveler comes up and asks: “What kind of people live in this city?” “Who lives where you came from?” - asks the sage. “Oh, rude, evil, unkind people,” the traveler replies. “You will see the same thing here,” answered the sage. After some time, another traveler came up and also asked what kind of people were in this city. “Who lives where you came from?” - asked the sage. “Wonderful people, kind and sympathetic,” answered the traveler. “Here you will find the same ones,” said the sage. “Why did you tell one that bad people live here, and the other - good people?” - the student asked the sage. The sage replied: “There are good people and bad people everywhere. It’s just that everyone finds only what they know how to look for.”

What kind of person does kindness make?


- Charming, handsome. A person who has kindness in his soul looks pleasant, has an expression of joy and peace on his face and a smile on his lips.

What kindness rules do you think you need to follow to be kind?

  • Be kind to your neighbor and goodness will return to you.
  • Help the weak.
  • Know how to forgive.
  • Learn not only to speak, but also to listen. Be attentive to those around you: maybe someone needs your help, support, sympathy.
  • Live and act in such a way that those around you feel pleasant and joyful around you.

How does kindness manifest itself in a person?

- by his actions.

Cl. leader: Indeed, according to the statement of Wladyslaw Grzeszczyk, “Good exists where it is constantly created,” one of the slogans of the scouting movement was “Not a single day without a good deed!”

Name the simplest, in your opinion, good deeds.

— Hold the door for someone, give up your seat on public transport.

- Give compliments, treat someone, let a person pass in line if he is in a hurry.

(5 slide) - Try to do pleasant little things for others as often as possible and you will see how the world around you and your mood will improve.

Here are some examples of good deeds for every day:

  1. Feed a homeless animal.
  2. Give good advice to someone who needs it.
  3. Send your friend a postcard with kind words.
  4. Give your neighbor an indoor flower.

(6 slide) This is the parting word given by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov: “Don’t calm down, don’t let yourself be lulled to sleep! While you are young, strong, vigorous, do not get tired of doing good.”

— I suggest you listen to a parable about kindness and mercy and answer the question: can this action be called good?

We were in the hospital in the same ward. Two seriously ill people. One lay by the window, and the other by the door, where there was no light. One was constantly looking out the window, The other was just looking at the paint on the door, And the one at the door wanted to know About the other life outside the window. The first patient readily told what he could see from the window: “There is a quiet river, a boardwalk pier, and a cat walks along the bank. Clouds float across the blue sky, whimsical, like little animals. There are two fishermen sitting on the pier, and an old woman is walking with her grandson.” And so every day. Sometimes he talked about a fairytale forest, sometimes about lovers. Another neighbor stopped even eating, Considering himself deprived. He was tormented by anger, and envy grew, gradually eating him up. He could not understand why there was such injustice here. One day, a neighbor at the window fell ill, so he didn’t have the strength to straighten up. He began to choke and couldn’t even reach his button. At the door, the neighbor could have pressed the button and called the sister of mercy, but he did not press and remained lying, closing his eyes diligently. In the morning, the sister of mercy came to change the bed for the deceased. The neighbor asked, and she helped, to occupy this very bed. When he finally looked out the window, a vein twitched in his neck. Instead of what he wanted, he saw a blank high wall. He was shocked and told his sister about the quiet, clean river, about the fairy-tale forest, about the plank pier and the sky in curly sheep. “Oh, if only he could see! - said the sister. “He remained blind all his life.” “Why then?..” - here the patient whispered... “Yes, he tried to console you.


- What is a good deed?

— Should consolation be treated as kindness, why?

- Could you do this?

(7 slide) — Kindness, mercy, joy and concern for others create the basis of human happiness.

Remember that kindness and mercy have been developed by humanity over the centuries in order to make it easier for everyone to live, to communicate with each other, so that this communication brings joy. Each of us needs to live like this.

“Doing good for people means making yourself look good” L. Tatyanitseva

— How do you understand the phrase “become good yourself?” Does this mean that you have to be a good person, do what people like?

(8 slide) Do good - There is no greater joy, And sacrifice your life And hurry

Not for the sake of fame or sweets, but at the behest of the soul.

What proverbs and sayings about goodness do you know?

• A good word heals, an evil word cripples.

• The evil one does not believe that there is a good one.

• Good fame lies, but bad fame flees.

• The good are honored, and the evil are favored.

What does folk wisdom say about kindness?

Who loves good deeds, life is sweet to him.

A good person lives in goodness forever.

What you cannot do by force, you will achieve with kindness.

A hundred hands for a good man.

The good die, but their deeds live.

How do you understand the words: “Goodness must come with fists”?

Goodness must be with fists, Goodness must be stern, So that wool flies in clumps From everyone who interferes with goodness. Good is not pity or weakness, Good breaks the locks of shackles.

Good must be strong and active. Kindness is a sign of strength, not weakness. A strong person shows generosity, he is truly kind, but a weak person is kind only in words and inactive in actions. (9 slide)

Great writers have always spoken about kindness. (Slide 10) Which statement do you consider important for yourself, explain your choice.

Nothing costs us so little or is valued so dearly as politeness and kindness. (Miguel Cervantes)

True kindness lies in treating people kindly. (Jean Jacques Rousseau)

To appreciate kindness in a person, you need to have a certain amount of this quality in yourself. (William Shakespeare)

The smarter and kinder a person is, the more he notices goodness in people. (Blaise Pascal)

Kindness is something that the deaf can hear and the blind can see. (Mark Twain)

A lot of poems have been written about kindness. Maybe someone will read these verses, and we will listen with pleasure.

(students read poetry)….


Kindness will certainly save the whole world Helps everyone in the world to grow In order for people to find harmony and peace You warm your heart in kindness Mercy suddenly kindled in your heart And it spread without a doubt Everyone will know it if it even lit up in your heart for a moment A lot of strength and diligence is needed invest So that Goodness and Patience are preserved The only Truth is to preserve Truth, Kindness and Patience in your heart.

Design of the folder “Piggy Bank of Good Deeds”

Veronica Parfenova
Design of the folder “Piggy Bank of Good Deeds”

There are many ways “ Treasury of Good Deeds folder . Typically, the folder contains gratitude for parents’ participation in various activities in kindergarten or in a group. I publish this information on my website in the “Thank you” section, so we didn’t want to repeat ourselves. We decided to go a different route.

Since our group is called “Polyanka,” we chose a green folder and decorated it with flowers .

The same flowers were cut out of white and yellow paper.

The names of our students' families were printed on colored sheets of paper. For each task we paste in a flower. It is important to sign for what cause. For example: for ribbons, the “Autumn Basket” competition, etc.

— each family accumulates its own clearing of good deeds ;

- children are very happy when we praise their parents;

— parents are encouraged to be no worse than others;

-The activity of each family is very well traced.

And two more positive points.

Such a folder can be made quickly, spending a minimum of money.

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My pedagogical piggy bank To provide the necessary material for planning. preparation and conduct of game activities, classes and routine moments was always at hand.

Music in the lives of children (pedagogical piggy bank) Video It has long been known that music is the nutrition of the brain. Music captures forms of being, forms of existence, forms of harmony. All these forms.

GCD “Moneybox of Values” Topic: “Moneybox of Values” (together with parents) Objectives: 1. Summarize children’s ideas about collecting; Continue to develop.


Drawing for children in 4th grade, option No. 1

The picture shows a person who has planted a tree and is caring for it. To create such a picture you will need gouache, as well as a set of art brushes.

Drawing “Good deeds”

How to draw:

  • Use a simple pencil to mark the boundary between heaven and earth.
  • Draw the trunk and branches of the tree.
  • At the roots of the plant, draw the dug up soil in the form of an oval.
  • To the right of the tree draw a person. Design his face, draw elements of clothing.
  • Draw a watering can in your left hand.
  • Paint the background with blue gouache mixed with a few drops of water.
  • Paint blades of grass using green paint and a hard bristle brush. Strokes should be applied from bottom to top.

  • Paint the tree and the ground underneath it brown.
  • Dip a soft-bristled brush into green paint and paint the leaves, pressing the tool against the paper.
  • Mix blue gouache with white in a 2:1 ratio. Using a thin brush, draw a stream of water flowing out of the watering can, as well as the water inside it.
  • The remaining elements of the picture can be painted in any colors.

Dip a thin brush with soft bristles in black gouache. Select the pattern on the person’s shoes, and also draw the features of his face.

Drawing for first graders, option No. 2

The theme “Good deeds” when creating a drawing can be summarized by depicting the planet Earth with a happy face, a dove and a bright sun in the picture. Such a drawing must be supplemented with a slogan on the topic.


  • “Good rules the world!”;
  • “All people should treat each other kindly!”;
  • “Good deeds are the key to the happiness of all mankind!”

To create such a drawing you will need a set of colored pencils (at least 6 colors), as well as a blue, red and black felt-tip pen.

How to draw:

  • Place a sheet of A4 paper horizontally in front of you.
  • Using a simple pencil, draw a semicircle at the bottom of the sheet, placing it in the center of the edge.
  • Draw another semicircle on top, a smaller one.

Drawing “Good deeds”

  • Planet to finish drawing hands.
  • Draw continents.
  • Paint on the sun's rays.
  • Above the planet, draw the silhouette of a flying dove with a branch in its beak.
  • Write a slogan.
  • Use an eraser to erase extra lines.
  • Use a blue pencil to shade the water on Earth.
  • Color the continents using a yellow, green and brown pencil. In some places you can draw large lakes and seas in blue.

  • Color the hands of the planet with a blue pencil.
  • Color the sun bright yellow.
  • Apply short strokes along the contour of the bird's silhouette with a brown pencil. Trace the dove, pressing the pencil firmly onto the paper to create a bright, bold line.
  • Use a blue felt-tip pen to outline the planet and continents.
  • Circle the letters of the slogan.

Using a black felt-tip pen, draw 2 large, round eyes on the Earth. Use a red felt-tip pen to draw a smiling mouth.

Drawing for children in 2nd grade, option No. 1

Feeding birds experiencing severe winter frosts is a good deed. It is difficult for them to find food under the snow, so people make feeders and treat the birds with grain or bread crumbs. The picture shows the feeding process.

To work, you will need a set of colored pencils (at least 12 colors), as well as a black felt-tip pen.

How to draw:

  • Place a sheet of A4 paper vertically on the table.
  • Using a simple pencil, on the left side of the sheet, draw a tree trunk.
  • Draw the branches.
  • Draw a person on the right side of the sheet. This picture shows a girl. First you need to draw an oval head.
  • Use lines to outline the position of the torso, arms and legs.
  • Draw a hat with a large pompom on the head.
  • Draw in the eye and eyebrow.

Drawing “Good deeds”

  • Draw the nose and lips.
  • Draw a large hood with fur.
  • Add wide sleeves and draw the shape of the jacket. Draw a pocket on the side.
  • Draw pants and felt boots.
  • Use an eraser to erase extra lines.
  • Draw a mitten on the left hand, and fingers on the right hand.
  • In the hand that is wearing a mitten, draw a bag of food.
  • Draw a feeder on the tree.

  • Draw several flying birds between the branches.
  • On the branches, draw lard or bread tied to ropes.
  • All that remains is to color the picture. Paint the snowdrifts blue.
  • Color the girl's clothes in pink and purple colors.
  • Birds can be painted so that they differ in appearance. Let some of them be sparrows (color with a brown pencil), and others - tits (color the backs with gray, and the breasts with yellow or light green pencil).
  • Paint the feeder brown and yellow. Paint the food in the bag.

Use a felt-tip pen to trace the outline of the picture. Draw lines on the tree trunk that will imitate spots on birch bark. Select the girl's eyelashes.

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